Understanding Clocking Needs For High-Speed 56G PAM-4 Serial Links

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Application Report

SNAA325A – December 2018 – Revised February 2019

Understanding clocking needs for high-speed 56G PAM-4

serial links

Madhu Balasubramanian

This application report outlines the advantages of using ultra-high performance clock synchronizers from
Texas Instruments to generate reference clocks needed for high-speed serial links using 56G PAM-4
signaling, and even meets early requirements of 112G PAM-4 links. A methodology for deriving reference
clock jitter requirements is described, and the advantages of clocking such a system with the LMK05318
are outlined.

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
2 56G PAM-4 Standards for 400G Ethernet ................................................................................ 2
3 56G PAM-4 SerDes Clocking With LMK05318 ......................................................................... 3
4 Summary ...................................................................................................................... 5

List of Figures
1 .......................................................................
SerDes Interconnects of Varying Trace Lengths 2
2 156.25-MHz LVPECL Phase Noise of LMK05318 ...................................................................... 4

List of Tables
1 Reference Clock Requirements for 56G PAM-4 Standards ............................................................ 3
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1 Introduction
Ethernet has been the standard, dominant way to connect computers, phones, routers, switches, and
other internet devices on a network over a wired connection. This permits the creation of local area
networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN), expansion of data centers to support increased needs for
cloud computing, and innovative software services with high bandwidth levels and quality performance
and reliability which allow connected devices to communicate with each other. With Ethernet networks
growing over the years, service providers have been significantly enhancing and improving their network
capacity to meet the soaring demand for next-generation video and additional multimedia applications.
This application-focused need is driving the migration to 100-Gbps and 400-Gbps network speeds in order
accommodate for faster data transmission with reduced latency. 100G and 400G Ethernet links support
rapid expansion of cloud services, telecommunications, and high-bandwidth applications to unseen,
futuristic efficiencies.
In a typical high-speed serial link, data transmission is through a pathological channel, typically a very
short-reach PCB trace in a backplane or a long-reach fiber optic cable. Such channels impact signal
integrity due to non-idealities like crosstalk, insertion loss, return loss, inter-symbol interference, and jitter.
There are different ways of modulating the transmitted data.

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1.1 NRZ Modulation

The traditional method of modulation is called Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) that has two different voltage
levels to represent a zero and a one. The voltage level remains constant through the bit interval. The
symbol is equal to the bit, and there is one eye in each unit interval.

1.2 PAM-4
Pulse Amplitude Modulation-4 (PAM-4) is a four-level modulation scheme used for data transmission
greater than 28 Gbps. PAM-4 encodes two bits into 1 symbol. There are, therefore, four signal levels, as
two bits have four unique combinations. Compared to the traditional NRZ, PAM-4 achieves the double the
data rate for a given bandwidth. There are three eyes in each unit interval with an equivalent height that is
1/3 of NRZ at a reduced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 9.5 dB. As a result, PAM-4 data transmission is
more susceptible to system noise including reference clock jitter.

2 56G PAM-4 Standards for 400G Ethernet

IEEE 802.3bs describes eight lanes of 50 Gbps per lane for 400G Ethernet using a PAM-4 encoding
scheme. Several transmission media are supported for delivering 400 Gbps based on the distance.
Similarly, OIF-CEI-56G-PAM4 describes data transmission of 56 Gbps in optical networks over different
trace and cable lengths.
Figure 1 shows a Long Range (LR) connection between two chips, Very Short Range (VSR) connection
between a Chip and a Module, and a Medium Range (MR) connection between two chips.

Figure 1. SerDes Interconnects of Varying Trace Lengths

2.1 Clocking Requirements for 56G PAM-4 Links

Table 1 lists the reference clock needs in 56G PAM-4 links for the different trace and cable lengths. It is to
be noted that multiple switch ASIC vendors with 56G PAM-4 SerDes require a maximum reference clock
jitter of 150 fs RMS over a frequency band of 12 kHz to 20 MHz.

2 Understanding clocking needs for high-speed 56G PAM-4 serial links SNAA325A – December 2018 – Revised February 2019
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Table 1. Reference Clock Requirements for 56G PAM-4 Standards

Offset Frequencies (MHz)
Max Ref Clock Jitter (fs
Standard Data Rate (Gbps) Specification RX – Minimum CDR TX – Maximum PLL
bandwidth bandwidth
57.8 250
CEI-56G- 0.023*UI (TX
57.8 250
53.125 270 4 20 (> Fref/2)
CEI-56G- 0.265*UI (Eye
57.8 240
VSR-PAM4 Width)
400GAUI-8 0.22*UI (Eye
53.125 220
C2M Width)

The overall allowable jitter in a serial link is dictated by IEEE or CEI. For example, IEEE 802.3bs states in
the 400GAUI-8 that for chip-to-chip (C2C) data transmission, the maximum transmit jitter (RMS) should be
no more than 0.023 * UI where 1 UI is the inverse of 26.5625G. This equates to 865 fs RMS for the overall
allowable transmit jitter. The jitter contributing elements are made up of the reference clock, driven from a
device like LMK05318, the transmit medium, transmit driver etc. Only a portion of the overall allowable
transmit jitter is allocated to the reference clock that could be as low as 10% for PAM-4 systems where
SNR is typically lower. Therefore, the allowable reference clock jitter, for a 10% clock jitter budget, is 270
fs RMS.
Another example could be from the OIF-CEI-56G standard which states for very short range (VSR) data
transmission that the minimum eye width should be 0.265 × UI where 1 UI is the inverse of 28.9G. This
equates to 9.17 ps pp for the overall allowable transmit jitter. For both the CEI-56G-VSR-PAM4 and
400GAUI-8 C2M standards, it is assumed that the reference clock contributes up to 20% of the overall
jitter and the target BER is 2.4 × 10-4. Therefore, the allowable reference clock jitter for the former is 240
fs RMS and the latter is 220 fs RMS.

3 56G PAM-4 SerDes Clocking With LMK05318

TI’s LMK05318 device is an ultra-high performance clock generator, jitter cleaner, and clock synchronizer
with advanced reference clock selection and hitless switching feature to meet the stringent requirements
of communications infrastructure applications. The ultra-low jitter performance of this device minimizes bit
error rates (BER) in applications involving high-speed serial links and is TI’s recommended clocking
solution for 56G PAM-4 SerDes. The device features a single channel synchronizer that can synchronize
to one of two differential or single-ended reference clock inputs. The synchronizer is accompanied by one
PLL domain that features TI’s proprietary Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) resonator as a VCO and generates
58 fs rms typical jitter in the frequency band of 12 kHz to 20 MHz and 35 fs rms typical jitter in the
frequency band of 4 MHz to 20 MHz for a 156.25 MHz output, both of which exceed the 56G PAM-4
reference clock needs as specified in the standards and for the switch ASICs. Figure 2 shows the phase
noise plot of 156.25 MHz LVPECL output from the PLL featuring BAW VCO. There is an additional PLL
domain that can be used to generate unrelated frequencies either locked to the reference clock input or
the free-run XO input and generates 120 fs, rms jitter. The LMK05318 can generate up to eight high
performance output clocks with up to six different frequencies.
With careful frequency planning and PLL optimization using clock design tools, such as TI’s WEBENCH
Clock Architect Tool, and on-chip LDOs to suppress supply noise, the LMK05318 is able to generate clock
outputs that exceed the 56G PAM-4 requirements. This level of clock performance enables the serial link
system to operate with fewer bit errors by providing the most margin among all available clocking solutions
in the industry.

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Figure 2. 156.25-MHz LVPECL Phase Noise of LMK05318

3.1 Advantages of LMK05318

LMK05318 offers the following advantages over competing solutions when used as a reference clock for
56G PAM-4 SerDes.
• Jitter and associated component cost: Competing solutions utilize LC VCOs with low quality factor
(less than 20) and thus rely on an extremely low noise and high frequency external oscillator, that is
fairly expensive and not commonly available, or a high frequency crystal, that is very unreliable, prone
to failures and highly susceptible to shock and vibration events. In contrast, the LMK05318 utilizes a
BAW VCO with a very high quality factor (greater than 1000) and thus has no dependency on the
phase noise or frequency of the external oscillator. This minimizes the overall solution cost and makes
use of commonly available components. With even the best available external components like the
oscillator or crystal, competing solutions still offer inferior jitter performance against LMK05318.
• Reliability: Some clocking vendors are attempting to integrate a crystal and the clocking IC into a single
package. While this offers a higher level of integration, the biggest drawback of such approaches is
that the overall solution becomes highly unreliable and more prone to failures compared to external
crystals placed on PCBs. When integrated with a higher power IC in a plastic package, crystals tend to
experience large thermal gradients making them more vulnerable to failures as opposed to an
oscillator to being on a PCB where proper precaution can be taken during PCB design.
• Hitless Switching: If Synchronous Ethernet is adopted, the LMK05318 offers the ability to support input
switchover with industry leading phase transient of ±50 ps using phase cancellation. The LMK05318 is
also fully compliant to ITU-T G.8262.
• PSRR: The LMK05318 integrates multiple LDOs for all blocks that have a good level of dropout from
the PCB supply that is provided to the supply pins. This in turn provides lower than -80 dBc PSRR on
all supply domains in the device in the presence of 50 mV noise ripple that can be applied to any of its
supply pins without degrading the jitter performance. The LMK05318 can meet the requirements for
400G Ethernet even when its power is supplied from a DC-DC converter and doesn’t need an LDO for
any of its supply pins.
• Non Volatile Memory: The LMK05318 has an integrated EEPROM that is 100 times re-writeable. The
EEPROM can be written either in the factory or in the field on the end-application’s PCB without the
need to apply a high voltage to program it. Competing solutions offer at best an OPT or two-time
programmable that can only be written in the factory.

4 Understanding clocking needs for high-speed 56G PAM-4 serial links SNAA325A – December 2018 – Revised February 2019
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4 Summary
Ultra-high performance clock synchronizers from TI, like the LMK05318, can outperform competing
solutions, which suffer from various drawbacks that affect the overall performance of high-speed serial link
systems as outlined in this report. The ultra-low-jitter of the LMK05318, combined with its plethora of
features like support for synchronization, frequency margining, simplify the overall system development,
including design, prototyping and standards compliance. TI also offers WEBENCH Clock Architect Tool
that helps the hardware engineers to select the appropriate settings for the LMK05318 that meet their

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Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.

Changes from Original (December 2018) to A Revision ................................................................................................ Page

• Changed document title from: Clocking High-Speed 56G PAM-4 Serial Links With LMK05318 to: Understanding clocking
needs for high-speed 56G PAM-4 serial links ......................................................................................... 1

6 Revision History SNAA325A – December 2018 – Revised February 2019

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