Late Vinca Culture Settlement at Crkvine in Stubline

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ADAM CRNOBRNJA, Belgrade City Museum, Belgrade

ZORAN SIMI], Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade, Belgrade

MARKO JANKOVI], University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Archaeology, Belgrade


(household organization and urbanization in the Late Vin~a culture period)

UDC: 903.4"634"(497.11) e-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.2298/STA0959009C Received: January 25, 2009
Preliminary communication Accepted: May 4, 2009

Abstract. – The site Crkvine is situated in the vicinity of the village Stubline in the borough of Obrenovac around 40 km to
the southwest of Belgrade (Serbia). In the first section of this work we present the comprehensive report about the investigations
carried out so far. The geomagnetic prospection undertaken from 2006 to 2008 covered an area of 32,400 square meters
and the obtained results indicate the existence of around 100 houses built in rows around the rather large open areas as well as
the trenches surrounding the settlement. The investigations of the house 1/2008 dating from the Vin~a culture D–2 period yielded
in addition to the data concerning its interior organization also a unique find of the group of 46 figurines with 11 models
of miniature tools. In the second section of this work we discuss the prospects, which future investigations of this site
and its environment could provide concerning the study of the social organization in the very end of the Vin~a culture.

Key words. – Neolithic, Vin~a culture, settlement, house, geomagnetic investigations, group of figurines, altar,
Stubline, Obrenovac.

he site Crkvine is situated in the vicinity of the deluvial-proluvial deposits. Along the edge of this very
village Stubline, borough of Obrenovac, around plateau have been recorded, besides Crkvine, four more
40 km to the southwest of Belgrade (Serbia). It sites with the latest horizon dating from the Late Vin~a
is located on a small elevation around 500 meters long culture period: the site Jasenje is located 8 km to the
and 380 meters wide in the west and to 130 meters in west,2 site [arena ^esma is 2 km to the northeast,3 around
the east (44033.765’N; 2007.703’E, elev. 112 m) (Fig. 4 km to the north is Novo Selo4 and the site Djuri}a Vi-
1) The elevation is surrounded from the north and south nogradi is 5 km to the northwest5 (Fig. 2). Until few deca-
by the brooks, which meet under its southeast end while des ago the mentioned plateau was surrounded from the
the depression of elliptical shape (80 x 30 m) makes the north and the northwest by the swamps connected with
western boundary of the site. When this site has been
previously mentioned in literature it was estimated that
it covers an area around 60 ha,1 while it actually covers 1 Risti}-Opa~i} 2005, 84.
an area of around 16.5 ha. The terrain where the settle- 2 Todorovi} 1967b.
ment is situated belongs geologically to the category of 3 Crnobrwa 2005, 77.
the highest river terrace and it as at the very edge of 4 Todorovi} 1970.
somewhat higher plateau of the Drenski Vis consisting of 5 Todorovi} 1969.

* The article results from the project: Archaeological material – the basis for research of cultural continuity in prehistoric and Roman period
in Serbia (no 147041) funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 1. Location of the site (segment of topographic map, 1:50,000)

Sl. 1. Pozicija lokaliteta (ise~ak sa topografske sekcije 1:50 000)

the Sava River while its eastern boundary was the Tam- The Archaeological Collection of the Faculty of Philo-
nava River, i.e. the swamps resulting from the flooding sophy in Belgrade, the Institute and the Museum. The
of the river and its smaller tributaries. character of the surface finds and the situation encoun-
tered during the site survey indicated the existence of
large and well-preserved Late Vin~a settlement, so the
HISTORY OF INVESTIGATIONS geophysical investigations of the western periphery of
the settlement have started in December 2007. The area
The Belgrade City Museum conducted small-scale of 16400 square meters has been investigated by geomag-
test trench excavations at Crkvine in 1967 and already netic survey and the map of investigated zones has been
then it has been concluded that this site offers unique obtained indicating possible features.8
opportunities for the study of architecture and urbani-
zation of the Vin~a culture settlements.6
The Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Bel- INVESTIGATIONS IN 2008
grade (hereafter Institute) and the Belgrade City Museum
(hereafter Museum) had undertaken the test trench The geomagnetic investigations continued in the
archaeological excavations in the end of summer 2006 autumn of 2008 and on that occasion another 16,400
in order to verify the information concerning the existen- square meters have been surveyed thus reaching 32800
ce of the medieval church and to identify the character square meters in total, which is around 20% of the entire
of already recorded Late Vin~a culture settlement.7 The site (Fig. 3).9
area of around 50 square meters has been investigated, the
remains of medieval church have not been encountered
but the sections of two well-preserved Late Vin~a struc-
tures have been discovered. Considering that financial 6 Todorovi} 1967a, 18.
resources did not make possible the investigation of the Simi}, Crnobrwa 2008.
8 Crnobrnja, Simi}, in print.
complete structures we gave up the destructive methods
9 The geomagnetic prospection was carried out by the geolo-
of investigations and started planning the detailed pros-
gists Vladimir and Jelena Mileti} from the Center for New Techno-
pection of the entire site. logies Viminacium. The magnetometer-gradiometer GSM 19gw (of
The detailed surface survey of the site Crkvine has Canadian manufacture) and GPS total station TRIMBLE 5800 (of
been carried out in November 2006 in cooperation with American manufacture) have been used.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 2. Location of Late Vin~a culture sites at Drenski Vis: 1) Crkvine; 2) Jasenje; 3) [arena ^esma;
4) Novo Selo; 5) Djuri}a Vinogradi (geological map 1:100,000)
Sl. 2. Pozicije poznovin~anskih lokaliteta na Drenskom visu: 1) Crkvine; 2) Jasewe; 3) [arena ~esma;
4) Novo selo; 5) \uri}a vinogradi (dato na geolo{koj podlozi 1:100 000)

The north and south boundary of the settlement has

been established on the basis of the geomagnetic ano-
malies. At the northeastern side where the terrain is
sloping less the settlement boundary is suggested by the
anomaly indicating double trench, while at the steeper
southwestern side the boundary is indicated by the ano-
maly suggesting the existence of one trench. The greatest
width of the settlement between the trenches is 265
meters but according to the direction of the trenches
somewhat larger width could be expected towards the
east, i.e. the central zone of the settlement. Just 120
meters of the 500 meters of the complete length of the
settlement established on the basis of the surface finds
of the artifact and daub have been investigated by the
geomagnetic prospection.
By comparing the intensity of the geomagnetic ano-
malies (verified by the excavations in three situations) and
their dimensions it is possible to assume the existence of
the remains of 103 houses within the investigated area.10
The most of the structures were longitudinally oriented
in the north-northeast – south-southwest direction. The
supposed houses are arranged in many regular rows
extending in the northwest-southeast direction.

Fig. 3. Geomagnetic reading of the site western

periphery (280 m x 120 m)
10 When defining the anomalous zones as houses the structures
Sl. 3. Geomagnetni snimak zapadne periferije with anomalous values over 8 nT and over 6 meters long have been
lokaliteta (280 h 120 m) taken into consideration.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 4. Structure ground plan during excavations, from the north

Sl. 4. Osnova objekta u toku iskopavawa, snimqeno sa severa

The rows consists of groups of 5 to 12 structures identical or approximate values at this site. We have
with longer sides parallel to each other and the distance excavated only to the surface of the collapsed wall daub
between them is rather small (space between the houses of the structure (110,70), but without disturbing it.
in a row is mostly narrower then the width of the given We have encountered the remains of the structure,
houses). The existence of many open areas surrounded which did not suffer the high intensity of burning
on all four sides with structures of which the largest one (house 2/2008) and one pithos for storing the cereals
is 50 m x 24 m in size. was recorded within the structure. The trench has then
In order to test the meanings of certain values of the been filled in.
geomagnetic anomalies the Institute and the Museum
have conducted archeological excavation in the period Trench 05/2008
between October 22nd and December 10th 2008. The The trench 05/2008 has been located above the
trenches have been laid in such a way that according to entire area of the structure whose values were between
the georeferenced geomagnetic images the precise co- 10 nT in its southwestern section and 25 nT in the north-
ordinates of the to-be-investigated structures were eastern section. We have decided on the investigation of
determined, the positions of the trench corners were de- this very structure (house 1/2008) for couple of reasons:
fined and then they were determined on the site by GPS the results of the geomagnetic prospection indicated that
total station. this is one of the smallest structures and that it belongs to
the group of around 20% of the worst preserved houses.
Trench 06/2008 We also thought that difference in the magnetic values
The trench-sondage, 8 m x 1 m in size, was opened within one structure offers good opportunity for investi-
at the location where the geomagnetic prospection sug- gation of the reason of this phenomenon in order to be
gested the existence of structure whose values were 10 nT able to make better plans for our future investigations.
on its entire surface. The objective was to determine in The excavations of the entire area of the trench
the control trench the character of structural remains in 05/08, 9 m x 9 m in size, revealed the dwelling structure
order to obtain the key for reading the anomalies of with almost completely preserved ground plan (house

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 5. Ground plan of the house 01/2008:

1) oven 2; 2) platform with figurines;
3) altar; 4) quern; 5) zone with pottery
(pottery group 6); 6) oven 1; 7) pottery group 1;
8) bucranium; 9) beam impression; 10) pithos
Sl. 5. Osnova ku}e 01/2008:
1) pe} 2; 2) platforma sa figurinama;
3) `rtvenik; 4) `rvaw; 5) zona sa keramikom
(grupa keramike 6); 6) pe} 1; 7) grupa keramike 1;
8) bukranion; 9) otisak grede; 10) pitos

1/2008).11 The structure is oriented in the north-northeast on the outside of the quern discovered inside the struc-
– south-southeast direction with slight deviation of 10° ture and one segment of that wall after the interruption of
to the east (Fig. 4). The orientation of this house corres- around 1 meter could be noticed in the south section of the
ponds to the orientations of most of other structures re- house. The postholes of circular shape and 0.15–0.20 m
corded by the geomagnetic prospection. The collapsed wide have been encountered in the north and east wall
remains of the wall appear already at the relative depth and in the northeastern corner. The walls have been
of 0.30 m (111,47). The total investigated length of coated on the inside with a layer of fine clay without
the house is 9.15 m while its width varies between 4.70 traces of chaff and on the same side the traces of finger
and 4.85 m (Fig. 5). The walls in the north, east and trailing were also apparent. The outer surface of the
west section of the house are preserved to the height of fragments of the collapsed wall discovered on top of the
0.20–0.40 m. The north wall is almost completely pre- most of the structure was almost totally flat and there was
served to the height of 0.20 m except in the northwestern also encountered an additional clay coating between 2
corner where also part of the west wall is missing. The to 5 cm thick, most probably added in the course of
remains of daub and other architectural elements have
not been recorded in this corner of the house. The west
wall is only partially preserved up to the length of 2.40 m. 11 Three graves from the 17th–18th centuries damaged the
The east wall of the structure is best preserved, up to the structure and elements of the interior and they belong to the larger
length of 3.00 m and its height is 0.40 m. This wall ends necropolis recorded during earlier excavations conducted in 2006.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 7. Beam impression in the south section of the structure

1/2008 with discovered vessels in situ, from the west
Sl. 7. Otisak grede u ju`nom delu objekta 1/2008
sa otkrivenim posudama in situ, snimqeno sa zapada

Fig. 6. Bucranium after removing from its finding place

Sl. 6. Bukranion, nakon podizawa sa mesta nalaza

house renovation. Similar method of treatment of the levelling between two rooms has been recorded also in
outer wall surfaces has been recorded also at the settle- house 4 at Gomolava.13 Although at Gomolava the side
ment of the Tisza culture at Matejski Brod.12 The trace room was lower than the central one, in both instances
of a beam, which probably fell during the fire, which the room with oven is around 0.15–0.20 m higher. The
destroyed the house, was recorded in the south section pottery material discovered in house 01/08 at Crkvine is
of the structure (Fig. 5/9). The length of this impression of contemporary with the material discovered during exca-
the beam is 3.10 m and the width is 0.15–0.15 m and on vations and site surveying in 2006 and it could be attri-
both its sides were collapsed walls turned with external buted to the phase D–2 of the Vin~a culture.14 Inside the
face upwards while under the walls were discovered house are preserved the elements of built-in interior
completely preserved vessels covered with the fallen features and we will pay special attention to them in this
walls (Fig. 7). The impression of the beam was 6.50 me-
ters to the south of the north wall and was not parallel to
it. The floor of the structure was made of packed earth
and there were not encountered the remains of small Ra{ajski 1952, 110.
13 Petrovi} 1992, 25.
posts in situ to suggest the wooden substructure. The
14 The analysis of the pottery material discovered during
area in the north section of the structure where oven 2
excavations in 2006 and gathered during the site surveying has been
and large pottery receptacle (altar?) were discovered was performed by Dr. Dubravka Nikoli}, director of the Archaeological
for around 0.20 m higher than the remaining section of Collection at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and we express
the structure in the south. Similar situation, i.e. the de- here our deepest gratitude for her help.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

work and present them going from the north towards the the east house wall. The oven was standing on a platform
south because it is the easiest way to comprehend the 0.15 m above the floor level and the massive around
situation within the structure. 0.20 m long segment of the horseshoe-shaped ash pit
was preserved in front of it. Its interior was filled with
Oven 2 (Figure 5/1) pottery fragments while next to its northeastern corner,
The domed oven (Fig. 8) has been encountered in between the oven and east wall, have been found few
the northeastern corner of the house around 1 meter far complete vessels, which had probably been used for
from the north wall and 0.20 meter far from the east preparation and consumption of food (bowls and small
wall. The top of the dome is damaged so its preserved beakers – Fig. 9).
height is 0.47 m. The preserved oven length is 1.30 m
and the width is 1.40 m, it is oriented in the eats-west Platform with the figurines (Figure 5/2)
direction and the opening is facing west while its longer Rather small »platform« of irregular shape and 0.50
sides are parallel to the north wall. Because of the da- x 0.60 m in size, made of baked clay has been encoun-
mages inflicted by later diggings the preserved opening tered in the area in front of the opening of the oven 2 (its
of the oven is only 0.20 m wide and its floor is pre- southwestern corner) right next to the ledge of the ash pit.
served only along the backside of the dome adjacent to The north section of the platform is damaged because of

Fig. 9. Vessels in situ between oven 2 and east wall of

structure 01/2008.
Fig. 8. Oven 2, from the west
Sl. 9. Nalazi posuda in situ izme|u pe}i 2 i isto~nog
Sl. 8. Pe} 2, snimqeno sa zapada zida objekta 01/2008

Fig. 10. Figurines in situ, from the north Fig. 11. Figurines
Sl. 10. Nalaz figurina in situ, snimqeno sa severa Sl. 11. Figurine

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 12. Altar (?), from the east and the northeast
Sl. 12. @rtvenik (?), snimqeno sa istoka, odnosno severoistoka

already mentioned later diggings. Thirty-eight figurines an axe,16 but both objects are unfortunately chance finds
of identical shape (Fig. 10 and 11) that do not have any without context. The miniature tool models have been
closer analogies have been found on the platform. found also at Kormadin near Jakovo17 but their photo-
Another 8 identical figurines have been unearthed in the graphs have never been published. Besides the figurines,
surrounding area covering around 1m x 1 m. All the 15 loom weights of identical shape and size (8 cm in
figurines are of cylindrical shape with summarily mo- diameter) were found right next to the oven. The loom
deled head shaped as bird’s beak but without protomes. weights were discovered on a pile so we could not draw
Their lower segment is of the bell-shape creating thus any conclusions about the location of the possible loom
circular foot for better stability. All the figurines except on the basis of the weights distribution.
the central one are between 4 cm and 5.5 cm tall. The
more elaborately modeled figurine standing in the Altar (?) (Figure 5/3)
center of the composition is 7 cm tall and it is the only In the northwestern corner of the structure, opposite
specimen with the indication of the shoulders. This the oven 2 and around 2 meters far from the clay recep-
figurine has been found in the center of the group con- tacle with visible traces of many restorations that we pre-
sisting of nine smaller uniform figurines surrounding it. liminary identified as altar was discovered on the house
In addition to so far unrecorded type of modeling and floor (Fig. 12). This feature, 0.85 m long and 0.65 m
composition they constitute, this find is also unique be- wide, is of slightly trapezoid almost rectangular shape
cause all the figurines have a perforation each at an angle with elliptical receptacle. The original depth of the
of approximately 45° on the right side (in the shoulder receptacle was just 8–10 cm having in mind that its base
zone). The purpose of these perforations is much more is separated from the rest of the receptacle and had
comprehensible if we take into account that 11 clay sunken into the cultural layer. The alter terminates in
models of miniature tools with shaft-holes have been the west with thin raised wall, 0.38 m high and 5 cm
discovered next to the figurines. Among these tool thick and slightly inverting towards the interior of the
models were identified few hammer-axes, object of the receptacle. In this section is clearly discernible also the
pickaxe shape and one mace (or scepter?). Immediately technique of construction, i.e. the building of the sides
upon the discovery we came to conclusion that perfora- by adding clay lumps. Rather small shallow bowl with
tions on the figurines were used for inserting the hafts
(straws) of the tools. One specimen, which vaguely re-
sembles the figurines from Stubline was discovered at the 15 Petrovi} et al. 2009, 161, cat. 231.
site Medjulu`je but without perforations for the tools15 16 Petrovi} et al. 2009, 164, cat. 227.
and from the same site also comes a miniature model of 17 Jovanovi}, Gli{i} 1961, 125.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 13. »Jug-stopper/omphalos« in situ

Sl. 13. Nalaz »poklopca-zapu{a~a/omfalosa« in situ

a spout was found right next to the southwestern corner and just at the spot where it disappears (3 m from the
of the altar and just in front of it the »cult bread« of north wall) (Fig. 14). It is made of clay, the receptacle is
circular shape, 0.20 m in diameter, made of clay was of trough shape 0.80 m in diameter and with raised
also discovered. The group of pottery no. 8 consisting platform in the middle on top of which was affixed a flat
of two rather large fragmented vessels and one bowl stone. The receptacle walls are 5 cm thick and are almost
was encountered to the south of the altar and with them completely preserved. Inside the receptacle has been
has also been found another object of approximately discovered rather small vessel with thick walls and very
conical shape. This object had been wrapped in a cloth narrow mouth. The quern platform is completely con-
before drying/firing and the impression of the cloth is nected with the receptacle making a single entity. The
visible on its surface (Fig. 13). This kind of object is grinding process was performed on the working surface
known from the excavations of M. Vasi} at Vin~a and he (stone) and the ground cereals gathered in the recep-
initially explained it as the »jug-stopper«,18 but in the tacle and then were retrieved by some vessel (possibly
next publication he identified it as the »omphalos«.19 the one found in situ).23 The sole parallel from the
Our altar differs in shape from the find discovered at territory of Serbia is the quern structure found at the site
Kormadin near Jakovo20 but it could be compared to the Belo Brdo in Vin~a although its greatest part has been
finds of earlier date from Tumba near Mad`ari on the reconstructed.24
basis of the technique of manufacture and the find of the
»cult bread«.21 The altar similar to our specimen but of
somewhat smaller size (45 cm x 25 cm) is housed in the
National Museum in Valjevo and comes from the site Vasi} 1936, 44–45, T. CX.
^u~uge–Ili}a Brdo.22 This specimen is, however, greatly Vasi} 1950, 10–11.
20 Jovanovi}, Gli{i} 1961, 131, 135.
damaged and most of it is nowadays the reconstruction,
21 Sanev 1988, 19–23.
so the comparison with it is uncertain. 22 An|elkovi}-Despotovi}, Rexi} 1992, 94.
23 The quern was during the excavations completely preserved,
Quern (Figure 5/4) removed in the block of earth and prepared for further conservation
The quern structure for grinding cereals has been treatment.
discovered inside the house, right next to the east wall 24 Tasi} et al. 2007.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 14. Quern in situ, from the south and from the north
Sl. 14. @rvaw in situ, snimqeno sa juga, odnosno sa severa

Fig. 15. Aerial view of pottery group 6 in situ (to the left are visible remains of the west wall and the altar)
Sl. 15. Grupa keramike 6 in situ, snimqeno iz vazduha (sa leve strane vide se ostaci zapadnog zida i `rtvenik)

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 16. Floor of oven 1, from the west

Sl. 16. Podnica pe}i 1, snimqeno sa zapada

Zone with pottery (pottery group 6) (Figure 5/5) Bucranium (Figure 5/8)
An irregular zone with pottery, 3.00 m x 2.20 m in The bucranium, 0.20 m x 040 m in size, made
size, has been encountered to the south of the altar and entirely of clay without animal bones in the construction
within this zone could be distinguished many rows of has been discovered near the south end of the preserved
vessels. At least three rows of vessels were found at dif- section of the west wall (Fig. 6). The specimens analo-
ferent levels, difference in height being approximately gous according to the technique of manufacture but not
0.15 between the rows (Fig. 15). Large amount of the the appearance have been found at Gomolava25 and at
pottery fragments has been recorded within this zone and Vin~a at the depth of 2.89 m.26 The bucranium from Stub-
as the fragments rarely overlapped the first impression line has on the backside, like those from Gomolava, a flat
upon the discovery was that it was a sort of paving, i.e. panel indicating without doubt that it had been attached
the substructure of the floor. Nevertheless, at the eastern- to the wall. The bucranium with the nose pointing down-
most end of this zone were encountered the remains of wards was found inside the house, around 0.50 m far
burnt thin boards piled on top of each other between the from the west wall. Such position speaks in favor of the
three layers of pottery thus creating a heap around 0.40 assumptions that bucrania were also placed in the house
m high. It is, therefore, possible to assume the existence interiors,27 particularly those made of unbaked clay.28
of wooden shelf, which collapsed in the fire together
with the vessels. In favor of this assumption speaks the
mentioned delevelling of the rows of pottery and the
fact that similar remains had not been discovered in the 25 Petrovi} 1992, 21–22, sl. 4, 5.
other parts of the house. The preliminary analysis of the 26 Vasi} 1936, 50, sl. 85, 86.
pottery from this zone confirmed that this group 27 Jovanovi}, Gli{i} 1961, 138.
consisted of 10 different vessels at the most. 28 Vasi} 1936, 51.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Oven 1 (Figure 5/6) a few new data. The method of building and the basic
The floor of much damaged oven, 0.50 m x 0.50 m spatial organization of the structure are within the
in size, has been discovered one meter to the west from expected limits. The division of space into two (or
the beam impression in the south section of the trench possibly three rooms) is common for the given period.
(Fig. 16). Judging by the assumed direction of the west Rather interesting for the study of the building method
house wall, which is not preserved in that section, the are indications that there was the upper storey structure
oven was located right next to the wall. In the vicinity above one house section. Namely, the zone above the
of this oven was discovered the fragmented pithos (Fig. altar as well as above the area between the altar and the
5/10) half-buried into the floor ( base 111.03 m). The oven 2 was covered with extremely burnt layer of earth
diameter of the pithos belly is 0.50 m. Inside the pithos containing the carbonized cereal remains and with the
was discovered the burned compact mass of earth with daub with impressions of small wooden boards mixed
the remains of grains and cereal seeds. with wall daub with the impressions of wattle. Just in
this area, according to the geomagnetic results, have
Pottery group 1 (Figure 5/7) been identified the traces of the greatest fire, greater
This pottery group was discovered outside the house, even than the fire produced by the oven 2. Such high
around 1.50 meters to the northwest, above the original temperature could have been the result of burning cereals
ground level and actually looked like the heap of the piled but also other high-calorie organic materials (dried fruits,
up pottery sherds. Rather small heap of the unworked no- nuts). All this perhaps suggests the existence of the upper
dules of various stones (around 500 g) was encountered storey above this part of the house that was used as the
right next to it. Two flat stones (pounders) with the traces additional storage place. Similar board impressions in
of use on the surface have been found within the pottery the daub have been explained in the exactly same way
group 1. Taking into account that many pottery vessels in the interpretation of one house from Uivar.29
from this site were made of clay with admixtures of The oven discovered in the north house section also
ground pottery and stones it could be assumed that this does not differ from the standard shapes. Something
area was the section of the pottery workshop, i.e. the new is the quern structure because the only previously
place for preparation of the necessary raw materials. discovered quern with clay structure in our territory got
its final shape as a result of the restoration process.30 On
the other hand, the house 01/2008 at Crkvine near Stub-
POSSIBILITIES OF INVESTIGATION line yielded also two unusual finds. The altar (?) already
OF HOUSEHOLD ORGANIZATION described in this text has no direct parallels. The fine
AND URBANIZATION IN THE coatings on the surface suggest the prolonged use but
LATE VIN^A CULTURE PERIOD also the attention paid to it considering that no visible
damages as a result of prolonged use have been noticed.
The investigations conducted between 2006 and 2008 The careful handling of this feature is also indicated by
at the site Crkvine near the village Stubline indicated the thin wall at its west end side. The purpose of this
great importance of this site and multifold possibilities feature is not clear but it is indicative that in front of it
offered in the course of future investigations. We think was the clay »cult bread«, 20 cm in diameter, next to its
first of all about the possibilities to study social organi- southwestern corner was a vessel with spout and around
zation in the period of the very end of Vin~a culture in 0.5 m to the south were the so-called »omphalos« and
this area and also at many levels: three more vessels.
– individual houses Another exceptional find is a composition of 38
– households figurines on a platform in front of the oven and eight
– groups of houses more identical figurines in the immediate vicinity as
– settlements well as 11 miniature tool clay models accompanying
– interrelations between various settlements this group. The detailed study of this group of figurines
will be the topic of another treatise but it should be
Individual house level mentioned that regardless if this was the cult group or
The basic level is the study of an individual house
and that was the objective of the 2008 excavations. The
obtained results besides already known data about indi- 29 Schier 2006, 326, 333, fig. 2.
vidual structures (houses) from that period also brought 30 Tasi} et al. 2007.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

the game set this exceptional find clearly indicates at prospection and the excavations confirmed their locati-
least two things: ons. The interrelationship between these structures is
– the transposition of distinct system of thinking or unknown to us but the possibility that few such structures
belief from the level of community to the level of could have constituted one functional household must
cult practice or game preceded the act of produ- not be excluded. The situations like these should be pro-
ction of this composition bably sought in the areas where next to the structures of
– the existence of 45 figurines of identical shape and usual orientation there are also structures deviating from
one larger and more elaborately modeled specimen that orientation and few such situations have already
that was in the center of the composition suggests been recorded by the geomagnetic prospection.
the possible existence of the evident hierarchy in
the community or the religious system of that Group of houses level
community. The geomagnetic prospection of this site revealed
The purpose and disposition of the built-in interior the existence of several groups of houses concentrated
elements, the group of figurines and the bucranium also around the so-called open areas covering from 5 to 9.5
pose the question of the purpose of this house. When the ares. The evident repeating of these structures suggests
authors discovered many artifacts of assumed cult cha- the precise planning, which could but need not be
racter within the Neolithic houses they often tended to influenced by certain social factors. The construction of
identify such houses as shrines or cult structures. Despite the houses in rows and at small distance is known from
the fact that in the house at Crkvine there is an apparent many Late Vin~a sites: Opovo,34 Gomolava,35 Banjica36
zone, which could be identified as of the cult character and Vin~a.37 But, at Crkvine we can notice for the first
(room next to the north wall – oven with figurines and time that these rows of houses do not repeat one after
the »altar« with accompanying objects opposite it) it must the other but they create many rather large open areas
not be neglected that there was also an evidently profane (squares?). Just these open areas indicate the zones where
area in the central room (quern structure, assumed shelf communal activities (profane or sacred) could have been
with pottery, pithos with the remains of cereals, another taking place but which are also the only available places
oven). It is also necessary to point to even physical mer- for daily gathering of the community because the space
ging of the profane and sacred elements within these between the houses was not large enough.38
two rooms. Above the north room could be assumed the
existence of the storage space in the attic and quite Settlement level
profane use of the oven, while on the west wall of the The geomagnetic investigations conducted so far
central room was the bucranium and another figurine allow the assumption about some kind of urbanization
differing from the others found near the oven has also of this settlement. It becomes clear on the basis of the
been found. All this agrees with the conclusions of J. obtained results that the basic module creating the
Chapman concerning the mutual overlapping of every- settlement texture is neither the individual house nor the
day and religious activities that actually relates to the extensive household but clearly distinguished groups of
phases C and D of the Vin~a culture.31 Also distinctive 5–12 houses surrounding communal open area (square?)
is relatively small number of stone tools and just few up to 9.5 ares in size. Something else that we encounte-
discovered fragments of animal bones but that could be red is the possible existence of the trenches surrounding
ascribed to the characteristics of the soil but also to the the settlement. The trenches in the Late Neolithic settle-
regular cleaning of the houses.32 ments have been recorded at Kormadin near Jakovo,39

Household level
The next level would be the study of one household,
31 Chapman 1981, 62–68.
which could comprise one or more above ground struc- 32 Tripkovi} 2007, 9.
tures with accompanying features (hearths, pits, waste 33 Tripkovi} 2007, 10–11.
deposits).33 We would like to mention here the pottery 34 Tringham et al. 1992, 366.
group 1 for which it could be assumed that it was the 35 Petrovi} 1982, T. VIII.
storage area for the pottery workshop raw materials. We 36 Todorovi}, Cermanovi} 1961, 10–16.
must also mention that two more structures were recor- 37 Tasi} 2008, 28–29.
ded 1meter and 2.5 meters from the house towards east. 38 Crnobrwa 2009, 8–9.
They were encountered in the process of geomagnetic 39 Jovanovi}, Gli{i} 1961, 115.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Fig. 17. Location of sites with the Late Vin~a

culture horizon within 15 km zone in diameter
from Crkvine in Stubline: 1) Crkvine, Stubline;
2) Jasenje; 3) [arena ^esma; 4) Novo Selo;
5) Djuri}a Vinogradi; 6) Nur~a 2; 7) Radljevo;
8) [arbane; 9) Crkvine near Mali Borak;
10) Ili}a Brdo, ^u~uge
Sl. 17. Pozicije lokaliteta sa
poznovin~anskim horizontom u pre~niku od
15 km od Crkvina u Stublinama: 1) Crkvine,
Stubline; 2) Jasewe; 3) [arena ~esma;
4) Novo selo; 5) \uri}a vinogradi; 6) Nur~a 2;
7) Radqevo; 8) [arbane; 9) Crkvine kod
Malog Borka; 10) Ili}a brdo, ^u~uge

Okoli{te,40 Uivar.41 It could be concluded on the basis sites with the Late Vin~a culture horizon being the final
of high geomagnetic values compared to the excavated phase of their life include Nur~a 2, Radljevo, [arbane,
finds that most of the houses at Crkvine perished in big Crkvine near Mali Borak, ^u~uge – Fig. 17). The results
conflagration what is also characteristic of the settle- of investigations carried at these sites do not allow for
ments in this period and it has been already discussed in the precise chronological determination of the cessation
detail.42 Also worth of our attention is the depression lo- of life at all sites but it is quite certain that life was going
cated at the western settlement boundary. J. Todorovi} on simultaneously at many of them in the certain periods.
assumed that this was the zone where the earth used for The extensive site surveying have not been carried out
the house construction had been excavated and the same in the mentioned area in order to definitely confirm the
situation was recorded at nearby Late Vin~a settlement existence or nonexistence of one or more Vin~a culture
at Vuki}evica43 and this complies with the assumptions settlements. Bearing in mind the discussion concerning
of M. Stevanovi} about the spatial organization of the the population density in the Late Neolithic period in the
Late Neolithic settlements.44 The expected continuation territory of Visoko in Bosnia and Herzegovina45 and the
of the geomagnetic prospection will certainly contribute existence of many large settlements within relatively
to further comprehension of the settlement entity. small area between the rivers Sava, Tamnava and Kolu-
bara many questions about the organization, which made
Level of interrelationship possible their coexistence could be posed.
between various settlements
We have already stated in the introduction of this
work that there are another four sites with the Late Vin~a 40 Kujund`i}-Vejzagi} et al. 2004.
culture horizons on the fringes of the same elevation (see 41 Schier 2006, 332.
Fig. 2). If we consider somewhat wider surrounding it 42 Stevanovi} 1997; Tringham 2005.
could be noticed that in addition to those four settlements 43 Todorovi} 1967b.
already mentioned there are five more sites within 15 44 Stevanovi} 1997, 354–355.
kilometers distance from Crkvine near Stubline. These 45 Müller 2007.

CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009


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CRNOBRNJA, SIMI], JANKOVI], Late Vin~a culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline (9–25) STARINAR LIX/2009

Rezime: ADAM CRNOBRWA, Muzej grada Beograda, Beograd

ZORAN SIMI], Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture grada Beograda, Beograd
MARKO JANKOVI], Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, Odeqewe za arheologiju, Beograd

(organizacija doma}instva i urbanizacija u poznovin~anskom periodu)

Kqu~ne re~i. – neolit, vin~anska kultura, naseqe, ku}a, geomagnetna istra`ivawa, grupa figurina,
`rtvenik, Stubline, Obrenovac.

Poznovin~ansko naseqe na lokalitetu Crkvine nalazi se ji je otkriven u severozapadnom uglu ku}e, pored koga su se
oko 40 km jugozapadno od Beograda (Srbija), u blizini se- nalazili »poga~a« od gline pre~nika 20 cm, posuda sa iz-
la Stubline, op{tina Obrenovac. Situirano je na blagom livnikom i tzv. »omfalos« (sl. 12 i 15). Posebno treba is-
uzvi{ewu, sa severa i juga ome|enom potocima koji se spa- ta}i nalaz kompozicije od ukupno 46 figurina (38 prona-
jaju ispod wegovog jugoisto~nog kraja, i zauzima povr{inu |enih ispred samog otvora pe}i, kraj wenog jugozapadnog
od oko 16 ha (sl. 1). Tokom 2007. i 2008. godine obavqena su ugla, i jo{ osam identi~nih u neposrednoj blizini), kao i
geomagnetna istra`iva na povr{ini od 32400 m2 (25% ukup- wima pripadaju}ih 11 minijaturnih modela alatki od gli-
ne povr{ine poznovin~anskog naseqa), na samoj zapadnoj ne (sl. 10 i 11). Ovaj izuzetni nalaz ukazuje barem na dve
periferiji naseqa. Analiza dobijenih rezultati ukazuje stvari: transponovawe odre|enog sistema razmi{qawa ili
na postojawe oko 100 ku}a izgra|enih u redovima oko ve}ih verovawa, sa nivoa zajednice na nivo kultne radwe ili igre,
praznih povr{ina, a konstatovani su i rovovi koji su sa prethodio je izradi kompozicije; postojawe 45 oblikom
severne i ju`ne strane okru`ivali naseqe (sl. 3). identi~nih figurina i jedne ve}e i razu|enije (nalazila
U jesen 2008. godine Zavod za za{titu spomenika kul- se u sredini grupe od 9 mawih figurina) ukazuje na mogu}-
ture grada Beograda i Muzej grada Beograda, preduzeli su nost postojawa jasne hijerarhije u zajednici ili religij-
arheolo{ka iskopavawa sa ciqem provere zna~ewa odre|e- skom sistemu.
nih vrednosti geomagnetnih anomalija. Sonda 06/2008, di- Dosada{wa geomagnetna istra`ivawa dozvoqavaju pret-
menzija 8 h 1 m postavqena je na mestu gde je geomagnetnom postavku o izvesnoj urbanizaciji ovoga naseqa. Na ovome
prospekcijom konstatovana anomalija ~ije vrednosti su lokalitetu uo~eno je da postoji vi{e grupa ku}a koje su
iznosile 10 nT. Iskopom vr{enim samo do povr{ine obru- skoncentrisane oko ve}ih slobodnih povr{ina (trgova?).
{enog zidnog lepa konstatovano je postojawe objekta (ku}a Evidentno ponavqawe ovakvih struktura ukazuje na jasno
2/2008) koji nije goreo visokim intenzitetom. U sondi planirawe, koje mo`e, ali i ne mora, da bude uslovqeno od-
05/2008, 9 h 9 m, pozicioniranoj iznad anomalije sa vred- re|enim socijalnim faktorima. Upravo te slobodne povr-
nostima izme|u 10 nT i 25 nT, otkriven je stambeni objekat {ine mo`da ukazuju i na postojawe prostora na kojima su
(ku}a 1/2008), ~ija je osnova bila skoro u celosti o~uvana. mogle biti obavqane neke zajedni~ke aktivnosti (profa-
Orijentacija istra`enog objekta, sever-severoistok – jug- nog ili sakralnog karaktera), ali i koje su mogle slu`iti
jugoistok (sl. 4), podudara se sa orijentacijama ve}ine osta- kao mesta svakodnevnog okupqawa, budu}i da je prostor iz-
lih objekata konstatovanih geomagnetnim snimawem. Sam me|u samih ku}a isuvi{e mali. Na rastojawu od 15 km od
na~in gradwe, kao i prostorna organizacija ku}e, u okvi- poznovin~anskog naseqa Crkvine kod Stublina nalazi se
rima su o~ekivanog za ovaj period. Ukupna istra`ena du- jo{ 10 lokaliteta sa poznovin~anskim horizontom kao po-
`ina ku}e iznosi 9.15 m, dok {irina varira izme|u 4.70 i sledwom fazom `ivqewa na wima (sl. 17). Stepen wihove
4.85 m (sl. 5). Osim pokretnih nalaza uobi~ajenih za ovaj istra`enosti ne dozvoqava precizno hronolo{ko opredeqe-
period (Vin~a D) prona|eni si i fiksini delovi poku}- we prekida `ivqewa na svim lokalitetima, ali je neospor-
stva: pe} sa kaltotom u severoisto~nom uglu ku}e (sl. 8) i no da se na vi{e wih u odre|enim periodima istovremeno
podnica uni{tene pe}i u jugozapadnom delu, koje tako|e `ivelo. Imaju}i u vidu dosada{wa razmatrawa o gustini na-
pripadaju uobi~ajenim nalazima Novinu donose konstruk- seqenosti u vreme poznog neolita, prisutvo vi{e velikih
cija `rvwa, izgra|enog od gline u obliku korita sa izdig- naseqa u me|ure~ju Save, Tamnave i Kolubare, na relativ-
nutom platformom na sredini na ~ijem vrhu je bio utisnut no maloj povr{ini, otvara i niz pitawa o ustrojstvu koje
ravan kamen (sl. 14) i glineni recipijent (`rtvenik?) ko- je omogu}avalo wihovu koegzistenciju.


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