The ESP Task 4-2019

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Direction: Here are a numbers of questions and or statements by context and draw,
describe your point of views, and or explain and give examples or detail if

1) Study the following chart: and describe who it works briefly and accurately!
Linguistics.................Applied Linguistics....................Psychology

ESP research

Approaches to ESBP

2) There are a numbers of point of views and perspective how ESP is initially
divided. Ones draw ESP branch in line with the characteristics of the learners,
the other ones see from where it is used, the rests may see the branch (es) of ESP
in accordance to the level s of education such as vocational or university level.
(Draw your understandingsabout the above description)!
3) The study of ESP is actually a matter of breakthrough of English Language
teaching which brings new approach to teaching and learning English. That’s
why, expert argues that the ESP must be viewed as a multi-disciplinary approach
to teaching and learning English. Draw your reasons why ESP is called a multi-
disciplinary approach (Draw your understandings about the above description)!

4) On the other hand, Robinson tries to define the ESP with the key criteria-‘goal
directed’ and that the ESP should be developed from a needs analysis which
aims to specify as closely medium of English (draw your responses and or point
of views of the above statement in which you may agree or disagree?)

Answer: We agree with Robinson's opinion about "goal directed" and must be
developed from a needs analysis. The teacher needs to do a needs analysis to
find out what is needed to actually achieve the goal in learning process. It is
important to determines which language skills are most needed by the students,
and the syllabus is designed accordingly. An ESP program, might, for example,
emphasize the development of reading skills in students who are preparing for
graduate work in business administration; or it might promote the development
of spoken skills in students who are studying English in order to become tourist
guides.But the fact many ESP teachers have become slaves of the published
textbooks available, unable to evaluate their suitability based on personal
experience, and unwilling to do the necessary analysis of difficult specialist texts
to verify their contents.

5) One argues that ESP is not relevant to be taught and learned for the beginner
students (give your reply and or comments and details).

Answer; ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to

content and method are based on the learner's reason for learning". ESP is likely
to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institution or in a
professional work situation. It could, however, be for learners at secondary
school level.


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The Variables and Features of ESP

Direction : Here are a numbers of questions and or statements by context and draw,
describe your point of views, and or explain and give examples or detail if

6)Even and John describe that the ESP has two characteristics- absolute
characteristics (specific needs of the learners) and variable characteristics
( specific discipline ( draw your understanding how they are different or
similar to each other!)

7) One of the distinctive features of he study of ESP, is actually the

study register in a certain field of discipline and or professional ( Define
the term of register and draw your responses and or point of views of the
above statement in which you may agree or disagree , finalluygive a
certain register in which it is different from one another)

8) One argues that ESP is not relevant to be taught and learned for the beginner
students(give your reply and or comments and details).

9) The terms of language use and language learning are distinctive one another. Do you
agree or disgaree with the two terms ( give your reasons and examples or details!).

10) In Singapore, English is then called Singlish standing for Singaporean English
with its typical feature s (draw your position whether you are pro or against it and give
some features of its linguistics distinctive features showing its uniqueness!). (Then,
do you agree if it is categorized as ESP? if so why and if not why?


Copy paste and plagiarisme are regarded the scandalous and corrupted act

Absolute Characteristics
1. ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners
2. ESP makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it
3. ESP is centered on the language appropriate to these activities in terms of
grammar, lexis, register, study skills, discourse and genre.

Variable Characteristics
1. ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines
2. ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that
of General English
3. ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institution
or in a professional work situation. It could, however, be for learners at secondary
school level
4. ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students.
5. Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language systems

The definition Dudley-Evans offers is clearly influenced by that of Strevens

(1988), although he has improved it substantially by removing the absolute
characteristic that ESP is "in contrast with 'General English'" (Johns et al., 1991:
298), and has included more variable characteristics. The division of ESP into
absolute and variable characteristics, in particular, is very helpful in resolving
arguments about what is and is not ESP. From the definition, we can see that ESP
can but is not necessarily concerned with a specific discipline, nor does it have to
be aimed at a certain age group or ability range. ESP should be seen simple as an
'approach' to teaching, or what Dudley-Evans describes as an 'attitude of mind'.
This is a similar conclusion to that made by Hutchinson et al. (1987:19) who state,
"ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and
method are based on the learner's reason for learning".

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