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Operations Research in Metro

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Anil Surendra Modi School of Commerce, NMIMS Mumbai

Operations Research in Metro

Admin Group 6
Karamveer Arora C016
Kinnari Shah C017
Kushal Kothari C018
Madhav Nambiar C019
Maitri Yagnik C020


Urban rail transit operations have changed from a single line to a

multiline network. The network operations have experienced
quantitative and qualitative changes, and operations management is
facing rapid internal and external changes. In this Research paper we
have aimed at determining the maximum profit using the given
constraints of resources in Metro Transit system making use of the
simplex method. The resources that we have taken into account include,
the unit costs of carrying tools, achieving infrastructure and achieving
operation management. We have reviewed five research papers to
provide a clear picture of scenario of urban metro transit systems in
India and other emerging countries.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 3
Overview of rapid transit industry ................................................................................. 5
LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 6
SIGNIFICANCE .............................................................................................. 10
METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................... 11
Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 11
Constraints ................................................................................................................. 11
LPP Model................................................................................................................... 12
Solution ...................................................................................................................... 12
Limitations .................................................................................................................. 13
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 14
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 15
Researchers and practitioners alike have applied many techniques in Transportation sector, for
strategic and operational issues. There is still incredible scope for application of OR techniques
to optimize the Railway Operations. The broad areas identified by OR professionals are;

1. Line capacity estimation

2. Strategic problems
3. Capacity planning (infrastructure)
4. Tactical problems
1. Timetabling
2. Fleet planning
3. Crew scheduling
5. Operational problems
1. Train control
2. Dynamic scheduling
3. Dynamic pricing (revenue management)

Rail systems are progressively becoming the most desirable form of transportation
infrastructure around the world. This is mainly due to the development which has taken place
in commercial transportation. Also, because they are becoming more environmentally friendly
as compared to airplanes and automobiles, are more convenient, are cost effective, there is no
delay due to traffic, etcetera. There has been an increasing interest among policymakers about
the significance of rail-based systems in India, to address the mobility requirements of the
escalating population in the cities while considering the different public transportation options
for Indian cities.

It is believed that optimization of rail transport system will not only reduce carbon emission
but also bring about economic development which is required for the eradication of prevalent
poverty in emerging countries.

Rail is one of the most effective and efficient way to deliver mass transit of large number of
people. It provides fast, safe and comfortable transportation from suburbs into city centres or
city centres to another city centre. The cost of rail projects, both the upfront land acquisition
and construction, as well as the ongoing operations and maintenance, is significant. Thus,
governments and institutions must carefully plan, structure and device rail and road projects to
ensure that they deliver value for money, save time and make sure that transport policy
objectives are met in an optimal manner.

Application of operational research technique to urban rail transportation projects will help to
maximize value for money and meeting policy aims. Linear programming and other
transporting models are operational research tools which have been used to optimize the urban
rail transportation projects.
Metro systems are often given preference due to the belief that road-based bus systems cannot
cater to capacity needs as much as metro systems. In addition to this, metro rails are supposed
to have higher levels of comfort, speed and efficiency, than bus systems, making them more
attractive to both policymakers and potential users of the system. Promoters also believe that
metro systems reduce congestion and in turn results in reduction of air pollution and road

Specifically, in Delhi, number of two wheelers and cars continue to grow. In spite of
construction of flyovers and roads, the roads continue to face congestion at peak hours. In spite
of the roads taking up 21 per cent of the total city area, this huge number of motor vehicles
causes dangerous congestion on roads, ever slowing speed, fuel wastage, environmental
pollution and a deplorable level of road accidents. Delhi metro has been premeditated to reduce
congestion on Delhi roads and supplement the current public transport, which is primarily

Discussing India’s first elevated rail transit system in Chennai. This system has escalators to
platforms, lifts for the aged and the handicapped, and up-to-date stations. This should be the
most attractive travel option in a metropolitan city that has about 20 lakh vehicles on the road,
infinite hold-ups, intensifying pollution and a terrible safety record. Yet, there are very few
travellers in a three-car train and the stations are deserted – the city virtually denies its
existence. Despite the huge investment of Rs.269 crores, there are no returns. Commuter
support refuses to pick up, though the city buses are stuffed. The time has come to review the
entire approach to urban transport and come up with an cohesive approach to rail and road
systems. Many reasons are credited for the Chennai MRTS remaining a non-starter. Two key
reasons seem to the higher fare structure and the absence of inter modal transport facility at the
stations in the first phase.
Overview of rapid transit industry
Metro rails are rail-based, mass rapid transit systems that operate on an exclusive right-of-way,
which is separated from all modes of transport in an urban area. Most often, the pavement is
either underground or elevated above street level. These systems generally operate at an
average speed of 20–35 km/h, and can accommodate around 50,000-75,000 passengers per
hour per direction and are categorized by their high frequency of operation.

In India, there are 11 MRT system that are operating currently in ten cities. As of November
2017, India has 425 km of operational metro lines and 369 stations.
Kolkata Metro is the first rapid transit n India which started operations in 1984. Currently the
Delhi Metro has the largest network in the entire country. The newest metro is opened in
Hyderabad on 29 November 2017.
Some of the prominent cities’ metros are as followings-
 With only 8% land available in Kolkata for road transport compared to average 25%-
30%, establishment of metro transport system became significantly important. Thus an
underground route was visualized with five rapid transit lines having a length of around
97.5 km. Services for phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 commenced in 1995, 2009, 2010
 Mumbai metro has 10 lakhs plus commuters travelled on the city’s first Metro train, it
covers the 11.4 km-long journey from Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar corridor.
 Delhi Metro has 6 lines of 189.63 km with 142 railway stations.
 Jaipur got its first metro line of 9.2 km from Mansarovar to Chand pole Bazaar in
November 2010.
 Hyderabad Metro is under construction with 3 lines and covering a distance of around
71 km from Miyapur to Ameer pet for the city.
There are many cities who have their plans lined up with urban development ministry. Those
cities include Pune, Nagpur, Indore, Bhopal, Patna, Kanpur and Varanasi and many more.
In the year 2014-2017, the urban development ministry allowed Rs30,653.78 crore, from which
around Rs12,345.33 crores were utilized for MRTS projects. In the current financial year, the
ministry allocated around Rs17,960 crores for metro rail companies out of which Rs4,650
crores were spent. MRTS helped drastically to decongest traffic. However, a number of
considerations like security, emergency, disaster management etc. should be kept in mind in
order to run a successful MRTS
1) Optimization of Urban Rail Transportation in Emerging Countries Using
Operational Research Techniques

M. C. Agarana, T. A. Anake, H. I. Okagbue

Going around in railroad Systems are slowly getting to be a standout amongst the most
attractive type of transportation around the globe, this is partly because of rail lines being more
environmentally friendly compared to that of vehicles and airplanes. Many emerging countries
such as India, Brazil, Fiji, China, South Africa, etc. have urban rail transport projects largely
due to the increase in commercial transportation activities brought in by development of these
emerging nations. This paper looks at the place of developing nations in this move of executing
present day rail framework that will eventually enhance the realization of a low-carbon society.
Network model, transportation model and linear programming algorithms are utilized to show
the present urban rail transport framework in Nigeria, as a developing nation, keeping in mind
the end goal to optimize it. Operational research techniques, including the simplex method and
MODI, with the help of computer software (excel solver and LIP solver) were adopted to solve
the subsequent models. The result shows that in any of the emerging counties ,3 factors that
are Safety monitoring, Tractive Power Supply, and Transportation Organization Model
classified under Carrying tools, Infrastructure and operational Management respectfully, are
very critical in optimization of the urban rail transport system in the emerging counties. The
outcomes demonstrated that optimization of rail transport systems won't just lessen carbon
emission but also bring about economic development which is required for the eradication of
prevalent poverty in these developing nations.
2) Evaluation of Public Transport Systems: Case Study of Delhi Metro
Mukti Advani, Geetam Tiwari
Majority of Indian cities are facing the crisis of urban transport. Despite high level of
investments made in road infrastructure and plans for land use and transport development, all
face the problem of congestion traffic accidents and air pollution and the problems continue to
grow. In Delhi despite the construction of Flyovers and roads occupying 21 per cent of the total
city area, the number of vehicles on road cause extreme air Pollution, Fuel wastage and
unacceptable number of car and bike accidents. Since Public transport service must meet the
needs of commuters, Investments in high capacity rail-based mass transit systems are being
promoted to satisfy the need of the society. In the last two decades Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi
have put their resources into metro rail transit systems. In Delhi, to make the system more
convenient and faster for the commuters Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) provided
facilities such as parking space which was provided for both the metro users and the non-metro
users, Integrated Ticket system was implemented which was coordinated and well-organized
increasing metro’s accessibility. This paper examines the strategy and arguments used to justify
these frameworks. The paper presents an assessment of Delhi metro in terms of capacity, travel
time and accessibility to the system and evaluation indices reflecting commuter’s point of view
and also assessment of variables such as other alternatives available to the commuters for
travelling and how different they are from that of metro in terms convenience, accessibility,

3) Metro Service Delay Recovery: Comparison of Strategies and Constraints

Across Systems
Jan-Dirk Schmocker, Shoshana Cooper, Willian Adeney
This study was conducted to recognize the strategies utilized by the operators to provide a high
level of service. The research distinguishes between punctuality and regularity of service and
informs us that metro passengers primarily value regularity over any other variable. The focus
of this research paper is not on incident prevention, but on strategies that can be implemented
after an incident to bring back service swiftly and to minimize delay. This study identifies and
distinguishes the recovery strategies used by six metros and summarizes the pros and cons of
these strategies. The impact of delay on the choice of strategy is described. Additionally, the
impact of constraints effecting each strategy such as line length, service frequency, and the
crowding of passengers is also discussed in this paper. It was discovered that it was generally
sufficient to understand the difference between minor incidents, slow-moving delays, and
major incidents. In this Case study, metros with higher inbuilt flexibility were shown to
recovery easily back to the planned-out Schedule. This finding will be used to manage metros.
The research was carried out by the Railway Technology Strategy Centre at Imperial College
London in collaboration with the Community of Metros benchmarking group. The
performances and service qualities of six metros (three European, two American, and one
Asian) have been assessed and compared. The study consists of a quantitative assessment of
the performance of two lines from each metro, together with a more qualitative assessment of
the strategies implemented to optimize performance, through structured interviews with the
help of operational and managerial staff.
4) Urban Rail Transit System Operation Optimization: A Game Theoretical

Jiao Ma, Changle Li1, Weiwei Dong, Zhe Liu, Tom H. Luan, Lina Zhu, and Lei Xiong

The Urban Rail Transit (URT) has been one of the significant modes of travel in urban
communities worldwide. Rapid improvement can be seen in many aspects such as safety,
comfort, vast capacity, convenience and high energy efficiency. As the passengers arrive at
variable rates in different time slots, for example, rush and non-rush hours, the departure
frequency at a location directly relate to the perceived service quality of passengers; the high
departure frequency, however, puts more burden on UTR as the operation cost is high. To limit
the cost of operation, the operators prefer to a low departure frequency and shorter line routes.
Therefore, Service operators and the passengers have conflicting objectives. Hence, a trade-off
between the interest of the railway operator and the service quality of passengers needs to be
made. In this paper, we make a model on the operation method of train operation scheduling
using a Stackelberg game model. In this game, the 2 involved parties influence each other
involved with their own interests and strategies: Therefore, making one of the parties adjust its
own strategies making use of the other part’s strategy to achieve the goal. The input of the
game model is to create a win-win situation and benefit expressions of both the parties and the
output is to have an optimal departure frequency with the interests of both the parties addressed.
The railway operator is taken as the game leader and the passengers are taken as the game
followers, and an optimal departure frequency determines the trade-off between passengers’
service quality and the operation cost. This Paper present several numerical examples based on
the operation data from the Nanjing transit subway in China. The results show that the proposed
model proved to be feasible and highly efficient improving resource utilization, traffic
efficiency and the quality of experience of passengers during rush hours and non-rush hours
5) . Timetable Design for Minimizing Passenger Travel Time and Congestion
for a Single Metro Line
Shen Y, Ren G, Liu Y
In this paper, we see how the technique of Operations Research can be applied to minimize the
travel time for the passengers in metros. This paper also suggests ways to avoid overcrowding
in metros during peak hours. This paper uses an integer programming model which takes into
consideration various factors like travel time, train capacity, platform capacity etc. The problem
uses a multi-objective function and a repetitive optimization method to solve the optimization
problem. The variables used on this problem consists of- 1) The departure time of each train at
the origin station. 2) Stoppage time at the various stations. 3) Running time between two
successive stations. This helps us in planning a well-organized time table and avoiding
instances of overcrowding on the platforms. According to the study, increasing the number of
trains can help to reduce the congestion. This will also help in preparing a time table that is
highly efficient. This model also helped in reducing the cost of operations as it helped in
reaching the consensus that less trains should be dispatched during the lean periods and more
trains should be dispatched during the peak hours. The model’s efficiency has been tested
through the use of a live example, where two timetables are compared. The first-time table was
fixed intervals during the trains, whereas the second time table consists of different intervals.
Assumptions used – 1) Single Metro Line 2) The passengers follow the First in First Out
Principle, meaning the alight first on the arriving train. 3) The study period is divided equally
into many small-time intervals.

6) Railway Timetabling from an Operations Research Perspective

Leo Kroon, Dennis Huisman, G´abor Mar´oti
This paper studies the application of Operations Research in determining the most efficient and
effective timetables. It focuses on two important factors of preparing a time table – 1) Deciding
the arrival and departure timings of trains at the stations, bridges etc. 2) How the platform are
being assigned to the trains in relation to the incoming and outgoing routes at every destination.
Under this method, the timetable is planned and then the route through various stations for this
time table is prepared. This paper treats both these aspects separately. In this model, they
created a robust time table which could deal with any external difficulties with ease. Earlier,
the problems faced in the metros/railways were solved based on the experience of the experts
indulged in the planning process. In the nineties, people realized that the use of Operations
Research could be used to arrive solutions to problems of various dimensions. This paper talk
about how the use of Operations Research not only results in a better solution to problems but
also reduces the overall time taken in the process of planning. This acceptance of Operations
Research was stimulated by the commercial pressure faced by many companies for operational
efficiency and effectiveness. It also talks about a Stochastic Optimization Model which can
make the cyclic timetable even more robust than before by doing minor changes in the time
supplements and buffer time. Resulting in a small change in the departure and arrival of trains.
Initially, this model requires a basic time table and it uses this time table to make a new and
more robust one.
With the ever-increasing population and vehicle congestion on the roads, the need for an
efficient and effective public transport is of utmost importance. One of these modes of public
transport is metros, which is one of the fastest developing mode of public transport in the world.
Metros are particularly important in cities with a large population and have a larger area. Metros
enable large masses of people to cover longer distances in a shorter duration of time as
compared to the time taken, had they travelled via road. Hence, it is very essential for the
government to make this mode of transport as efficient as possible.
Operations Research is one such technique with which we can optimize the metros in urban
cities. With the help of various models, constraints and variables, we can come up with the
most optimal solutions to a particular problem using operational research.
In this paper, we are focusing on the use of Operation Research in metros’ three particular
aspects, which are of prime importance.
1) Safety of People - Maintaining public safety is one of the most basic aspects of any
social service. With the help of Operations Research, we can take care of certain factors
which might cause a threat to the public’s safety like, track maintenance, Repairs,
ensuring proper working of the automated doors, proper ventilation, emergency exits,
evacuation measures etc. Using Operations Research will allow us to keep track of these
issues through the use of various models and hence helping in the objective of ensuring
public safety.

2) Optimal Scheduling of Trains – Through the various methods/models of Operations

Research, we can devise the most optimal train schedule which will help in the mobility
of people from one place to another. Identifying the rush hours and ensuring increased
dispatch of metros will help in moving the increased people without much congestion
in the trains and platforms. Also decreasing the dispatch of metros during lean hours
will help in reducing unnecessary running of metros, resulting in less wastage of
resources and will eventually help in lowering the operating costs.

3) Lowering Costs – Operations Research will help in lowering the operating cost of
metros as it will provide the optimal measures of various factors used in the running for
metros. Using this technique, the whole process of managing the metro transport facility
can be done with great efficiency, which will in turn result in a lot of cost reduction.
Various aspects of metros like, running schedule, staffing, repairs and maintenance etc
can be determined in the most optimal manner and will result in the least cost.

Using Operations Research in managing Metros will benefit the all the parties which
are related to it. The managing body will benefit from reduced costs and shorter
duration to reach breakeven point. The general public will benefit from a smooth
functioning, public transport system enabling them to travel to different parts of cities
with convenience.
An analysis was made based on secondary data from various research papers adopting the LIPS
(Linear Programming Solver) software. In this research paper Simplex method of algorithm is
used to solve the particular Linear Programming Problem (LPP).

In order to solve the problems relating metro, we need to optimise these 3 decision variables;
 X1 = Carrying Tools (Safety measures, maintenance and protection).
 X2 = Infrastructure (Power supply, connectivity and engineering system).
 X3 = Operation Management (Passenger flow, demand analysis, train and station
Decision Variable Percentage of contribution
X1 25
X2 20
X3 55
Let ai be the amount of resources used to achieve one unit of variable X1.
 a1 = Unit cost of achieving carrying tools
 a2 = Unit cost of achieving infrastructure
 a3 = Unit cost of achieving operation management

 a1 X1 ≤ 25% of T
 a2X2 ≤ 20% of T
 a3 X3 ≤ 55% of T
 a1 X1 + a2X2 + a3 X3 ≤ T
Where T= Total amount available; T is taken as $20million for the purpose of this paper.

Resources Values
a1 75
a2 50
a3 55
LPP Model
Max Z= 25X1 + 20X2 + 50X3
Subject to;
75X1 ≤ $5Million
50X2 ≤ $4Million
55X3 ≤ $11Million
75X1 + 50X2 + 55X3 ≤ $20Million

Resources X1 X2 X3 Total Funds available
A1 75 0 0 0 ₹ 50,00,000.00
A2 50 0 0 363636.3636 ₹ 40,00,000.00
A3 55 0 0 0 ₹ 1,10,00,000.00
A4 75 50 55 20000000 ₹ 2,00,00,000.00

X1 X2 X3 Total

Decision variable 0 0 363636.3636

Max z 25 20 50 18181818.18

Product Mix Values

X1 0
X2 0
X3 363636.3636
Z 18181818.18
1. The major drawback in using operations research for Indian metros is finding the actual
figures that will help in analysing the problem.
2. As the topic is vast, it is very difficult to find all the constraints and hence, it is difficult
to calculate maximum safety.
3. Decision variables and constraints might change due to external factors like Passenger
flow demand forecasting, Demand rules analysis, facilities of maintenance and
protection etc.
4. Simplex method of LPP can be applied to problems with more than two variables in the
objective function, the method used is quite long and complex. Computation of multiple
simplex tables may be required which can act as a patience tester of the problem solver.
For the above mentioned reason, software like SPSS is used.
5. All the variables increase or decrease in a linear manner. This assumption does not hold
good in all cases. In many cases, the objective function may assume the form of a
quadratic equation.
6. At times, simplex solutions might give impractical answers.
Due to successively increasing use of urban rail transit in India, the use of operation research
has increased on quantitative as well as qualitative basis. Metro system has been planned to
reduce congestion on the roads and hence there should be optimal utilization of cost for getting
maximum benefits of the resources available. In this research paper, optimization of metros is
considered on the basis of three variables; carrying tools, infrastructure and operation
management. This study systematically proposes an effective management for the operations
of the urban rail transits based on secondary data collected from various sources.
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