Performance Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

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AZOJETE March 2020. Vol. 16(1):179-187

Published by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Print ISSN: 1596-2490, Electronic ISSN: 2545-5818



M. Shuwa*, G. M. Ngala and A. M. El- jummah

(Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria)
*Corresponding author’s email address: [email protected]


Submitted 23 August, 2018 This work investigates the performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine
Revised 29 July, 2019 (HAWT) with variable blade pitch control mechanism. The control
mechanism is a simple mechanical Watt governor design, which was
Accepted 08 August, 2019
developed to regulate the blade pitch angle of the HAWT depending
on wind speed magnitude. The HAWT model with the control
mechanism was tested for performance in a wind tunnel. Response of
Keywords: the control mechanism in terms of blade pitch angle, rotor speed and
HAWT generator power output were analyzed based on regulated
blade pitch control predetermined wind speeds. The result shows a gradual increase in
wind speed rotor speed and a proportional increase in generator power output
rotor speed between cut-in wind speed of 2.5m/s and rated wind speed of 6 m/s.
generator power output. These parameters were kept constant at 100 RPM and 50 Watts as
observed due to the steady response of the control mechanism. The
steadiness lasted up to a cut-out wind speed of 9 m/s. The control
mechanism subsequently shutdown the turbine at the cut-out wind
speed to protect the turbine against wind speeds higher than 9 m/s.
The performance test predicts that the variable blade pitch control
mechanism was able to regulate and bring about the require control of
HAWT model. The mechanism allows the turbine to only operate
between 2.5 and 9 m/s at blade pitch angle between 82 and 90 degrees
from the axis of wind flow and change in governor height between 0 to
8 mm.

© 2020 Faculty of Engineering, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. All rights reserved.

1.0 Introduction
Wind is a form free-flowing green energy caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by
the sun. Wind possesses kinetic energy which can be captured and converted into other useful
means especially electrical energy through the use of wind turbines (Ngo and Natowitz, 2009) .
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) is the most common type of wind turbines used for
extracting kinetic energy from wind because of its low cut-in wind speed, easy furling and
relatively high power coefficient. It is a type of wind turbine that has wind flowing along the axis
of rotation of its rotor (Daminia and Petal, 2013) . In capturing part of the kinetic energy (KE) in
the wind and convert same to other forms of useful energy (electricity), the HAWT is subjected
to stochastic high wind speed phenomena. This is disastrous to the wind turbine causing
generator burnout, rotor and tower failure (Shuwa et al. 2016).

While power is being captured from the wind by the HAWT, it is desired that the wind turbine
be design to a wind speed that will not exceeds it critical limit and develop a control system that
Corresponding author’s e-mail address: [email protected] 179
Shuwa et al: Performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine using variable blade pitch control mechanism.
AZOJETE,16(1):179-187. ISSN 1596-2490; e-ISSN 2545-5818,

will make it operate within a safe wind speed range. This is in order to avoid unforeseeable
damages to the machine structure and highly fluctuating power output under high wind speeds
(Soriano et al, 2013) . The aerodynamic forces on the rotor can be controlled to limit the speed
of the HAWT by employing blade pitch control mechanisms as shown in Figure 1. It involves the
use of centrifugal force to regulate and control the blade pitch angle depending on wind speed
magnitude (Chen et al, 2014).

Figure 1: The HAWT with a simple mechanical blade pitch control Mechanism

The blade pitch control mechanism could be the Active Pitch Control (APC) or Passive or Stall
Pitch Control (PPC or SPC). In the active pitch control the rotor blades turn around their
longitudinal axis to the pitch by a speed controlled system that is usually computer type. Even
though this type of control provide good pitch control, but its equipment are too expensive to
afford. Hence the need for an alternative type of control system especially in small HAWT as
used in low wind speed region. While the Passive or Stall Pitch Control (PPC or SPC) the blade
does not rotate around its longitudinal axis, rather the blade is designed to naturally create a
stall and lower rotational speed of the rotor. This requires structurally strong towers and that
the blade is precise in its design and this is an additional expense on the total cost of the
turbine (Maheswari and Tamilvendhan, 2012).

The principle of a simple mechanical Watt governor is applied in order to regulate the blade
pitch angle of the HAWT which depends on the magnitude of the wind speed the turbine is
subjected to. A Watt governor (typically centrifugal governor) is a device that will be used to
measure and regulates the speed of a machine (Rana et al, 2012) . Date back to 17th century;
watt governors have been used to regulate the distance and pressure between millstones in
windmills. Although, the early steam engines employed a purely reciprocating motion and were
used for pumping water, an application that could tolerate variations in the working speed of
machines (Navathale et al, 2017) . Presently, the watt governor type is used to control the rotor
speed of a three blades HAWT model, the blades was designed and developed by Shuwa et al
(2016). The aim of this work is carry out a performance analysis of a horizontal axis wind turbine
using variable blade pitch control mechanism. Response of the control mechanism measured in
terms of blade pitch angle, rotor speed and generator power output with respect to change in
wind speed, these parameters are analysis to determine if the desired HAWT control is achieved.

2.0 Methodology
A horizontal axis wind turbine blade geometry developed by Shuwa et al (2016) was scaled
down to 1:10 based on the principle of dimensional analysis and similitude and used in this

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Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment, March, 2020; Vol. 16(1) 179-187. ISSN 1596-2490;
e-ISSN 2545-5818;

work. A watt governor was used to regulate the blade pitch angle of the HAWT model
depending on wind speed magnitude. The model was tested for performance in a wind tunnel
at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maiduguri. Response of the control
mechanism was determined at regulated predetermined wind speeds in terms of rotor speed,
blade pitch angle and generator power output. Cut-in, rated and cut-out wind speeds of the
HAWT model were also established.

2.1 The HAWT Blade

The blade geometry developed by Shuwa et al (2016) for a micro HAWT was modified and used
for the HAWT model analysis in this work. The modified blade parameters and its specification
are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Modified HAWT Blade Parameters and its Specifications

Parameter Specification Scaled Down Specification
Chord Length (C), m 0.26 0.024
Blade Span (L), m 1.5 0.15
Rotor Diameter (D), m 3 0.3
Number of Blades (n) 3 3
Swept Area (A), m2 7.55 0.755
Tip Speed Ratio ( ) 5 5
Angle of Attack (θ), degrees 8 8
Wind Relative Angle ( ), degrees 48 48
Reynolds Number 3 ×106 3 × 106
Solidity Ratio ( ) 0.08 0.08

2.2 Operational Principle of the HAWT Blade Pitch Control Mechanism

The HAWT blade pitch control mechanism is a simple mechanical control system that works on
the principle of centrifugal governor also known as Watt governor. A centrifugal governor is
based on the balancing of centrifugal force on the rotating balls by an equal and opposite radial
force. It consists of three balls of equal weights, which are attached to the arms called linkages
as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Centrifugal Governor on the HAWT rotor shaft

The balls revolve with the rotor depending on wind speed magnitude. The upper ends of the
arms are pivoted to the blade shaft in the hub, so that the balls may pull outward or inward as
they revolve about the rotor axis. The arms connect the sliding and fixed flange or sleeve. The
fixed flange is keyed to the rotor shaft and the sliding flange moves to and fro against a spring
according to the speed of the rotor. The movement of the sliding flange determines the change
in governor height (∆h) of the control system. The balls pull out due centrifugal force when the
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Shuwa et al: Performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine using variable blade pitch control mechanism.
AZOJETE,16(1):179-187. ISSN 1596-2490; e-ISSN 2545-5818,

rotor speed increases due increase in wind speed. When this occurs the balls move the sliding
flange against the spring (governor height) to reduce the blade pitch angle (wind to blade angle
of attack) which reduces the speed of the rotor. The balls (weights) push inwards due to the
spring action when wind speed decreases. This increases the blade pitch angle and reduces the
angle of attach to maintain safe rotor speed. The travel of the sliding flange is limited by the
maximum compression limit of the coil spring and as wind speed exceed critical limits the
sliding flange luck up to short down the turbine.

2.3 Design of the Blade Pitch Angle Control Mechanism

The HAWT control system is a mechanical control process designed based on a nonlinear
closed-loop (feedback) control action govern by a second order nonlinear differential equation
given by Equation 1.
d2 h dh
Fac = M 2 + Bc + Ks h (1)
dv dv
The applied centrifugal force (Fac ) is generated by the fly masses (M) due to the rotational speed
of the rotor (ωr ) as a result of increase in wind speed (v). The applied centrifugal force generate
a displacement (h) against an opposing force due spring elasticity with a spring constant (Ks ).
The speed of the rotor which is the input signal to the control system determines the change in
the displacement of the sliding flange which regulates the blade pitch angle. Change in
displacement of the sliding flange or sleeve ((∆h)) from its rest or initial (minimum) position to
its maximum position due the applied centrifugal force was obtained using Equation 2. The
minimum and maximum displacement of the sliding flange also indicates limits of the control
∆h = BB1 ∙ cos ∆θ (2)
Where: BB1 is the maximum travel of the slider flange in mm and is equal to the radius of the
blade pitch circle BK, while α the blade pitch angle and θ is the blade angle of attack as in Figure
2 given by Equation 3 and ∆h is the sleeve travel from point B to B1.
θ = tan−1 (3)
v is the wind speed, N is the speed of the rotor and r is the radius of the rotor.

Figure 3: Section of the blade pitch angle control mechanism

As the sliding flange travel increases from point B to B1 due to increase in wind speed so will
the blade pitch angle, thus reducing the blade angle of attack. The change in blade pitch angle
α due change in wind speed is determined from Equation 4.
∆α = ∆(90 − θ) (4)
The slider flange travel due to generated centrifugal force is against a spring. The spring used
on the control system was a coiled compression spring. The function of the spring was to
restores back the blade to its original angle of attack gradually as the wind speed decreases.
The spring constant (Ks ) determines the ability of the spring to store and release back the stored

Corresponding author’s e-mail address: [email protected] 182

Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment, March, 2020; Vol. 16(1) 179-187. ISSN 1596-2490;
e-ISSN 2545-5818;

energy as the magnitude of the applied centrifugal force decreases. The spring constant (Ks ) is
determined from Equation 5.
Ks = (5)
Where: G is the spring’s material modulus of elasticity, Ds is the spring coil diameter, ds is the
wire diameter, Ns is the number of spring active turns and C is the spring index given by s d .

Moreover, determined experimentally in a wind tunnel test is the response of the control system
in terms of rotor speed, blade pitch angle and generator power output based regulated
predetermined wind speed. Determined also are cut-in, rated and cut-out wind speed of HAWT
model with transient and steady response of the control mechanism under the changing wind

2.4 Experiment Performed on the Developed HAWT in a Wind Tunnel

The Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) model developed with the scale down blade and the
blade pitch control mechanism was tested in a wind tunnel (Figure 4). The wind turbine was
subjected to variable wind speeds profile generated in the tunnel (from 1 to 10 m/s).
Performance of the turbine in terms of rotor speed, blade pitch angle and generator power
output speed were examined under a wind tunnel predetermined different wind speed
conditions. Detail of the wind tunnel in terms of size and capacity alongside the types of
instrument used are in Table 2.

Figure 4: The HAWT model in an experimental wind tunnel assembly

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Shuwa et al: Performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine using variable blade pitch control mechanism.
AZOJETE,16(1):179-187. ISSN 1596-2490; e-ISSN 2545-5818,

Table 2: Descriptive parts of the wind tunnel and its associated instrument
S/No. Name of Instrument Make Model
1 Wind Tunnel Type UM-ME Open Ends Type
2 Wind Tunnel Size - 600 × 600 × 3000 mm
3 Wind Tunnel Motor Drive Atlas MT Atlas 0054 4.4 kW 2900 rpm WT Fan Drive
4 Wind Tunnel Drive Control Easy Drive CVR 106 Regulates WT Air Flow/Velocity
5 Multimeter Fluke RMS 117 TRUE RMS Voltage
6 Hot Wire Anemometer Ctlutron YK YK-2004 AH Air Velocity, Temperature
7 Optical Tachometer COMPACT C. CP No 003201 Revolution over Time

3.0 Results and Discussion

Performance analysis of the HAWT model with the blade pitch control mechanism developed
based on the design parameters in Table 3.

Table 3: Design Parameters of the HAWT model and blade pitch control mechanism
Parameter Value
Tower Height (TH), mm 200
Rotor Radius (r), mm 300
Blade Angle of Attack (θ), ° 8
Blade Chord Length (C), mm 25
Drag Force (FD), N 0.023
Coefficient of Drag (CD), 0.0125
Lift Force (FL), N 0.19
Coefficient of Lift (CL) 1.007
Reynolds Number 3x106
Solidity Ratio ( ) 0.08
Power Coefficient (CP) 0.189
Turbine Theoretical Efficiency ( ) % 32
Ultimate Wind Speed (vulti.) 9
Extractable Power from the Wind (P), Watts 27.22
Change in Governor Height (∆h), mm 0 to 8
Mass of the Centrifugal Weight (m), kg 0.09
Deflection of the Governor Spring (δ), mm 4.32
Spring Rate (K), N/mm 0.232

Figure 5 shows the response of the blade pitch control mechanism in terms of blade pitch angle
and rotor speed with respect to wind speed range between 0 to 10 m/s at intervals of 0.5 m/s.

Corresponding author’s e-mail address: [email protected] 184

Arid Zone Journal of Engineering, Technology and Environment, March, 2020; Vol. 16(1) 179-187. ISSN 1596-2490;
e-ISSN 2545-5818;

Figure 5: Response of the control mechanism in terms of blade pitch angle and rotor speed

The blade pitch angle and rotor speed indicate that, below cut-in wind speed of 2.5 m/s the
system is in rest position. This result shows that from 0 to 2.5 m/s the blade pitch angle (82°)
and rotor speed (0 RPM) remain constant, thus indicating that the turbine is at rest. The
transient response of the control mechanism in terms of wind speed is between 2.5 m/s (cut-in
wind speed) and 6 m/s (rated wind speed). The control mechanism stabilizes the blade pitch
angle and rotor speed above wind speeds of 6 m/s and shutdown the turbine as wind speed
reaches 9 m/s. Chan and Shiah (2016) revealed that an effective control mechanism shall be able
regulate the blade pitch angle based on their rotational speed at the rotor and wind speed
magnitude. Similarly, the current test results showed that the control mechanism increases the
blade pitch angle as rotor speed increases with increase in wind speed. Moreover, change in
governor height (∆h) from 0 to 8 mm of the blades pitch control mechanism due to increase in
rotor speed, the mechanism gradually rotates the blade about a pivot increasing the blade pitch
angle and decreasing angle of attack of the blade airfoil to the wind steam. Maheswari and
Tamilvendhan (2012) in their work showed that it is not always possible, to obtain rated
conditions for a wind turbine. Therefore, it becomes necessary to control the wind turbine in
order to increase energy production and realize a long lifetime. The control should be such that
it can instantly convert the energy in the wind between, the rated wind speed (cut-in and cut-
out) in proportion to speed of the rotor. Generator power output depends on rotational speed
of the rotor between cut-in and rated wind speed of the turbine as in Figure 6. Due to response
of the control mechanism, rotor speed and generator power output were kept constant at 100
RPM and 50 Watts respectively up to cut-out or ultimate wind speed of 8.9 m/s. At 9 m/s there
exists a subsequent shutdown of the turbine by the control mechanism. The turbine starts up
again with drop in wind speed. Here, the response indicates that the control mechanism was

Corresponding author’s e-mail address: [email protected] 185

Shuwa et al: Performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine using variable blade pitch control mechanism.
AZOJETE,16(1):179-187. ISSN 1596-2490; e-ISSN 2545-5818,

Figure 6: Generator responses to increase in wind and rotor speeds

According to Maheswari and Tamilvendhan (2012) and Soriano et al (2013) a control can only
be effective if it can respond quickly and effectively for any changes in the wind speeds, so as to
keep the turbine operation within its safe rated range. The result in Figure 6 shows that the
control system only allows the turbine to operate between 2.5 m/s and 9 m/s cut-in and cut-out
wind speeds respectively.

4. Conclusion
In conclusion the result shows that 2.5 m/s was the cut-in wind speed of the HAWT model and
at 3 m/s rotor speed has reached 35 RPM with generator power output of 15 Watts. The HAWT
blade pitch control mechanism has propitiously controlled the turbine to steadiness between
rated wind speed of 6 m/s and cut-out wind speed of 9 m/s. Rotor speed and generator power
output between these wind speeds are steady at 100 RPM and 50 Watts respectively. The cut-
out wind speed of the turbine has been established to be 9 m/s at a change in governor height
of 8 mm, at this wind speed the control mechanism shutdown the turbine to protect it from
wind speed above 9 m/s considered high for this model design. This has been achieved because
of the ability of the control mechanism to gradually change the blade pitch angle from 82 to 90
degrees deflecting the blade from the wind in other to control the turbine rotor speed. However,
cut-out wind speed could be increased in further designs of prototype models for better
performance under real environmental conditions.

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Corresponding author’s e-mail address: [email protected] 187

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