Exercise Class 2

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exercise 1: Capture the year from the election column

exercise 2: Use a text formula to get rid of the * in front of the president's name
exercise 3: Create a sentence that looks like this "Bill Clinton won the 1996 election with 49.
(Answers below the fold)

President Vote % Election Exercise 1 Exercise 2

* James K. Polk 49.3% 1844 election 1844 James K. Polk
* Zachary Taylor 47.3% 1848 election 1848 Zachary Taylor
* James Buchanan 45.3% 1856 election 1856 James Buchanan
* Abraham Lincoln 39.9% 1860 election 1860 Abraham Lincoln
* James Garfield 48.3% 1880 election 1880 James Garfield
* Grover Cleveland 48.8% 1884 election 1884 Grover Cleveland
* Grover Cleveland 46.0% 1892 election 1892 Grover Cleveland
* Woodrow Wilson 41.8% 1912 election 1912 Woodrow Wilson
* Woodrow Wilson 49.3% 1916 election 1916 Woodrow Wilson
* Harry S. Truman 49.7% 1948 election 1948 Harry S. Truman
* John F. Kennedy 49.7% 1960 election 1960 John F. Kennedy
* Richard Nixon 43.2% 1968 election 1968 Richard Nixon
* Bill Clinton 42.9% 1992 election 1992 Bill Clinton
* Bill Clinton 49.2% 1996 election 1996 Bill Clinton

president's name
on the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote"

Exercise 3
* James K. Polk Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * James K. Polkwon the 1844
* Zachary Taylor Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Zachary Taylorwon the 184
* James Buchanan Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * James Buchananwon the 1
* Abraham Lincoln Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Abraham Lincolnwon the 1
* James Garfield Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * James Garfieldwon the 188
* Grover Cleveland Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Grover Clevelandwon the 1
* Grover Cleveland Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Grover Clevelandwon the 1
* Woodrow Wilson Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Woodrow Wilsonwon the 1
* Woodrow Wilson Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Woodrow Wilsonwon the 1
* Harry S. Truman Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Harry S. Trumanwon the 19
* John F. Kennedy Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * John F. Kennedywon the 19
* Richard Nixon Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Richard Nixonwon the 1968
* Bill Clinton Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Bill Clintonwon the 1992 el
* Bill Clinton Won the 1996 election with 49.2% of the popular vote * Bill Clintonwon the 1996 el
Exercise 4
mes K. Polkwon the 1844 election with 49.3%of popular votes 14
achary Taylorwon the 1848 election with 47.3%of popular votes 15
mes Buchananwon the 1856 election with 45.3%of popular votes 15
braham Lincolnwon the 1860 election with 39.9%of popular votes 16
mes Garfieldwon the 1880 election with 48.3%of popular votes 15
rover Clevelandwon the 1884 election with 48.8%of popular votes 17
rover Clevelandwon the 1892 election with 46.0%of popular votes 17
Woodrow Wilsonwon the 1912 election with 41.8%of popular votes 15
Woodrow Wilsonwon the 1916 election with 49.3%of popular votes 15
arry S. Trumanwon the 1948 election with 49.7%of popular votes 16
hn F. Kennedywon the 1960 election with 49.7%of popular votes 16
chard Nixonwon the 1968 election with 43.2%of popular votes 14
ll Clintonwon the 1992 election with 42.9%of popular votes 13
ll Clintonwon the 1996 election with 49.2%of popular votes 13
Exercise 5
James K. Polk
Zachary Taylor
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
James Garfield
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
Harry S. Truman
John F. Kennedy
Richard Nixon
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Text Manipulation
(Answers to the right)

exercise 1: create a column containing the full name:

First Name Last Name Name

Tammy Smith
Ashley Hall
Brandon Johnson
Jeremy Halverson

exercise 2: Split the name into 2 different columns:

Name First Name Last Name

Tammy Smith
Ashley Hall
Brandon Johnson
Jeremy Halverson

exercise 3: Split the name into 2 different columns:

Name First Name Last Name

Smith, Tammy
Hall, Ashley
Johnson, Brandon
Halverson, Jeremy

exercise 4: Create a column that contains the initials of the given names

Name Initials
Tammy Smith
Ashley Hall
Brandon Johnson
Jeremy Halverson
f the given names:

=B5&" "&C5

=LEFT(B14,FIN=MID(B14,FIND(" ",B14)+1,20)


=LEFT(B32,1)&MID(B32,FIND(" ",B32)+1,1)

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