Passover-: Pessach

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Eduarda Couto, Isadora Escobar e Ísis Ayres

❥ What is it? totally shit

▸”Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, is one of the Jewish religion’s most

sacred and widely observed holidays.”

▸ It celebrates the departure of the Israelites from ancient Egypt.

▸❝Jews observe the festival with a number of important rituals, wich

includes the Passover meals known as a seder.❞

Seder: ceremonial dinner for the first two nights of Passover.

❴ Story ❵
♥ According to the Hebrew Bible, first occurs when Joseph, a son of
the patriarch Jacob and founder of one of the 12 tribes of Israel,
moves his family there during a severe famine in their homeland of
video ▴
The story of Pesach/Passover

song ▴
Passover Song | English subs

Next, we’ll se
Moses' Birth plagues

Moses Is Appointed The

Leader Exodus
Moses’ Birth
Jocheved, the wife of the Levite Amram, gives birth to a son.

Because he is born three months early, she is able to conceal him

for that amount of time. When she can no longer hide him, she

builds a small water-proof cradle and puts her child on the

brink of the Nile. The child's sister, Miriam, hides among the

brush to watch the child. Pharaoh's daughter comes to bathe in

the river when she sees the floating cradle. When she opens it

and sees the weeping baby, she realizes that this is a Jewish

child, but her compassion is aroused and she resolves to take the

baby home. She names him Moses "he who was drawn from the water."

Miriam approaches the princess and offers to find a wet-nurse

for the baby. When Pharaoh's daughter accepts, Miriam brings her

Jocheved, whom Pharaoh's daughter hires to nurse and care for

the child. When Moses grows older, he is returned to the palace,

where Pharaoh's daughter raises him like a son.

Moses’ is appointed
As a young man, Moses leaves the palace and discovers the
hardship of his brethren. He sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew
and kills the Egyptian.
In the meantime, the plight of the Children of Israel in Egypt
worsens, "and their cry rose up to G‑d."
G‑d appears to him and instructs him to go to Pharaoh and demand:
"Let My people go, so that they may serve Me." Moses objects,
citing a speech defect he acquired while in the palace, and so
Moses' brother, Aaron, is appointed to serve as his spokesman. In
Egypt, Moses and Aaron assemble the elders of Israel to tell them
that the time of their redemption has come. The people believe;
but Pharaoh refuses to let them go and even intensifies the
suffering of Israel. He increases the burden of labor on his
Hebrew slaves, commanding their taskmasters to cease bringing
the Israelites straw to make the bricks. Now, they must go to the
fields to collect the straw themselves, but maintain the same
quota of brick production.
G‑d then reveals Himself to Moses. Employing the "four
expressions of redemption," He promises to take out the Children
of Israel from Egypt, deliver them from their enslavement,
redeem them and acquire them as His own chosen people at Mount
Sinai; He will then bring them to the Land He promised to the
Patriarchs as their eternal heritage.
⇝10 plagues
▸God unleashes 10 plagues on the Egyptians, including turning the Nile
River red with blood, diseased livestock, boils, hailstorms and three days
of darkness, culminating in the slaying of every firstborn son by an
avenging angel;

the israelites, however, mark the doorframes of their houses with lambs
blood so that the ‘angel of death’ will recognize and ‘’pass over’’ each

jewish household.
⇀ Traditions
The search of chemêtz

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