Exodus Part 1

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[Meaning “Departure”]


EXODUS Chapter 1

Those who Originally went to Egypt as Alien Residents

Exodus 1:1 Now, these are the names of the sons of Israel, who came into Egypt with Jacob; every
one of which came along with his entire household. 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, 3
Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, 4 Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher. 5 And all the souls who
were descendants of Jacob (Israel) were seventy souls, in addition to Joseph who was in Egypt

Israel Blossoms as a Nation Within a Nation

6 In time, Joseph and all his brothers died, ending that generation. 7 However, the descendants of
Israel (Jacob) were fruitful and increased greatly. In fact, they multiplied so quickly that they
soon filled the land of Goshen.

8 Many years later a new king came to power. He did not recognize what Joseph had done for
Egypt. 9 He said to his people, "These Israelites are so numerous and strong that they are
becoming a threat to us. 10 We must make plans to stop them from growing stronger. If there is a
war, they might join our enemies, to defeat us, and escape from the land!"

Egyptian Oppression sets In

11 The Egyptians decided to make life hard for the Israelites, so they put slave masters over the
people. These masters forced the Israelites to build the cities of Pithom and Rameses for the king.
The king used these cities to store grain and other things.

12 But the more the Egyptians oppressed the Israelites, the more they multiplied and expanded,
so that the Egyptians were further vexed and alarmed because of the Israelites. 13 So, the
Egyptians made their lives miserable by forcing them into cruel slavery. They made them work on
their building projects and in their fields, and they had no pity on them. 14 They made their lives
bitter with hard service in mortar, bricks, and all kinds of work in the field. All their service was
with harshness and severity.

Egyptian Infanticide

15 There were two Hebrew mid-wives who helped the Israelite women give birth. They were
named Shiphrah and Puah. The king of Egypt said to them, 16 "When you help the Hebrew
women in childbirth and observe them on the delivery stool, if it is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl,
let her live.” 17 But the two mid-wives were faithful to GOD and did not kill the boys, despite the
king telling them to.

18 The king called them in again and asked, "Why are you letting those baby boys live?" 19 They
answered, "Hebrew women are quicker in birthing than Egyptian women. By the time we arrive,
their babies are already born."

20 GOD was good to the two women because they truly respected him, he blessed them with
children of their own 21 and the Hebrews kept increasing as a unified people within the nation of
Egypt. 22 So, Pharaoh gave this command to his own people: "If the Hebrew women give birth to
a baby girl, let it live. But if they have a baby boy, you must throw it into the Nile River."

EXODUS Chapter 2

Moses Born to Israeli Parents

Exodus 2:1 During this time, a man and woman from the tribe of Levi were married. 2 And the
woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid
him for three months. 3 But when she couldn’t hide him any longer, she got him a wicker basket
and covered it over with tar and pitch. She put the child into it and set it in the tall grass alongside
the bank of the Nile river.

4 The baby’s sister Miriam stood some distance away to see what would be happen to him. 5 Just
then, Pharaoh's daughter came down to the river to bathe. She saw a basket in the tall grass while
walking with her maidens along by the river's side, so, she sent her maid to bring it to her.

6 When the king's daughter opened the basket, she saw the baby and felt sorry for the baby who
was crying. She said, "This must be one of the Hebrew babies."

7 At once Miriam, the boy’s sister came up and asked, "Do you want me to get a Hebrew woman to
take care of the baby for you?" 8 "Yes," the king's daughter answered. So, Miriam brought the
baby's mother to her, 9 and the king's daughter told her, I will pay you to take care of this child”.
Then the baby's mother carried him home and took care of him.

Pharoah’s Daughter adopts Moses as her own

10 When the child was old enough, she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her
son. Pharaoh's daughter named him Moses meaning “Pulled Out”, because, she said, "I pulled
him out of the water."

Moses Grows into Manhood

11 Moses grew up and became a man, seeing that his own people, the Hebrews, were forced to
work very hard. One day he saw an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew worker. 12 Moses looked
around to see if anyone was watching, then he killed the Egyptian and buried his body in the sand.

13 The next day when he went back out among the workers, he saw two Hebrew men fighting. He
said to the one who was in the wrong, "Why are you beating up a fellow Hebrew?" 14 The man
answered, "Who made you my ruler and judge? Are you going to kill me too like you killed that
Egyptian?" Then Moses became afraid saying to himself, "People have found out what I have

Moses flees Egypt

15 When Pharaoh heard about what Moses did, he had decided to have him killed. But Moses ran
away from Pharaoh’s jurisdiction and went to the land of Midian where he stopped at well on his

16 Now there was a priest of Midian named Jethro with seven daughters. They used to come to
draw water from that well and fill the troughs to water their father's flock. 17 But other shepherds
would often come and chase the girls and their flocks away, causing them delay till they had left.
That day, however, Moses came to their aid, rescuing the girls from the shepherds. Then he
helped them draw water for their flocks.

18 When Jethro's daughters returned home, their father asked, "How did you get the flocks
watered so quickly today?" 19 And they said, An Egyptian came to our help against the shepherds
and got water for us and gave it to the flock.

20 So he said to his daughters, "And where is this man? Why is it that you have left him there?
Call him, that he may come and dine with us."

Moses Marries and Raises a Family

21 Moses was agreeable to staying on there with Jethro, who later allowed his daughter Zipporah
to marry Moses. 22 She bore him a son, who he named Gershom; saying, "I am a stranger in a
foreign land." And she bore another, whom he called Eliezer, saying: For the god of my father, my
helper, has saved me from the hand of Pharaoh.

23 However, after nearly forty years the king of Egypt died; and the Israelites were still sighing
and groaning because of their bondage. They kept crying out, and their cries over their slavery
ascended to GOD. 24 He heard their groaning, and remembered his promise to Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob. 25 GOD saw the Israelites being oppressed and felt deep concern for their welfare.

EXODUS Chapter 3

An Angel of Elohim Emerging from a Burning Bush Appears to Moses

Exodus 3:1 One day while Moses was taking care of the sheep and goats of his father-in-law
Jethro, the priest of Midian, he led the flock across the desert and came to a Sinai, (Horeb), the
mountain of Elohim 2. There, an angel of YHWH appeared to him emerging from a burning bush.
Moses saw that the bush was on fire, but it was not burning up. 3 "This is strange!" he thought to
himself. "I'll go over and see why the bush isn't burning up." 4 And when YHWH saw that Moses
turned aside to see, Elohim called to him out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses! To
which he replied, “Here I am!”

5 "Do not come any closer," Elohim said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are
standing is holy ground." 6 Also He said, I am the god of your father, the god of Abraham, the god
of Isaac, and the god of Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at GOD.
7 And YHWH said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard
their cry because of their taskmasters and oppressors; for I know their sorrows and sufferings and

8 So I have come to rescue my people from the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into a good
and spacious land of their own. It is a land flowing with milk and honey -- the land where the
Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites now live.

9 I have heard the cries of the Israelites, and I have seen the way the Egyptians have made life
hard for them. 10 "Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may take my
people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt."

11 But Moses said to Elohim; "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of
Israel out of Egypt?"

12 Elohim replied, "You can do it because I will be with you. This will be the proof that I am
sending you: After you lead the people out of Egypt, you will come and worship me on this

13 Moses answered, "I will tell the people of Israel that the Elohim your ancestors worshiped has
sent me to you. But what should I tell them if they ask me your name?"

GOD Reveals His Personal Name

14 And Elohim said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said;
you shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you! 15 GOD also told Moses, “Say to the
Israelites, ‘YHWH, the god of your fathers—the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac, and the god of
Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered in
every generation.

16 Go, gather the elders of Israel together (the mature teachers and tribal leaders), and say to
them, YHWH, god of your fathers, the god of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared to me,
saying, I have surely visited my people and seen that which is done to them in Egypt; 17 And I
have declared that I will bring them up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanite,
the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, to a land flowing with milk and
honey. 18 And their elders shall believe and obey your voice; and you shall go, you and the elders
of Israel, to the king of Egypt and you shall say to him, YHWH, the god of the Hebrews, has met
with us; and now let us go, we implore you, three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may
sacrifice to GOD.

19 But I know that the Pharaoh, the king of Egypt won't let you go unless something forces him to.
20 So, I will use my boundless power against Egypt. I will cause amazing things to happen there.
After I do this, he will let you go.

21 After I have punished the Egyptians, they will be so afraid that they will give you anything you
want. You are my people, and I will let you take many things with you when you leave the land of
Egypt. 22 For every Israelite woman will get from her Egyptian neighbour and from the women
living in her house, ornaments of silver and gold, and clothing; and you will put them on your
sons and your daughters; you will take the best of their goods from the Egyptians.
Sinai = The individual high place or mountain on which Moses was later to receive
the ten commandments, a part of a mountainous region called Horeb.

EXODUS Chapter 4

GOD Endows Moses with Special Powers

Exodus 4:1 Then Moses said to YHWH, "But the Israelites will not believe me when I tell them
that you sent me. They will say, ‘ YHWH’ did not appear to you."

2 Then YHWH asked him, "What's that in your hand?" Moses answered, "A shepherd's staff." 3
GOD said, "Throw it on the ground." When Moses threw it on the ground, it became a snake, and
he ran away from it. 4 Then GOD said to Moses, "Reach out and grab the snake by its tail." He
reached out and grabbed it, and it turned back into a staff as he held it.

5 GOD explained, "This is to convince the people that YHWH, the god of their ancestors, the god
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, appeared to you."

6 Then GOD said to Moses, "I will give you another proof. Put your hand under your robe." So,
Moses opened his robe and put his hand inside. When he brought his hand out of the robe and it
was changed. His hand was covered with spots that were white like snow. 7 "Now put your hand
back inside your shirt," GOD told him. Moses did so, and when he took it out again, it was as
healthy as the rest of his body. 8 Then GOD said, "If the people don't believe you when you use
your walking stick, then they will believe you when you show them this sign.

9 If they still refuse to believe after you show them both signs, then take some water from the Nile
River. Pour the water on the ground, and as soon as it touches the ground, it will become blood."

Aaron Appointed as Moses Aide

10 Then Moses said to YHWH, "My lord, I am telling you, I am not a good speaker. I have never
been able to articulate well. And that has not changed since you started talking to me. I am still
not a good speaker. You know that I speak slowly and don't use the best words." 11 But YHWH
answered, "Who is it that makes people able to speak or makes them deaf or unable to speak?
Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Don't you know that I am the one who does these
things? 12 Now therefore go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you will say.

13 But Moses said, "My lord, I beg you to send someone else, not me." 14 Then YHWH became
angry with Moses and said, "All right! I'll give you someone to help you. Aaron the Levite is your
brother, isn't he? He is a good speaker. In fact, Aaron is already coming to meet you, and he will
be happy to see you.

15 I will tell you what to say. Then you will tell Aaron, and I will help him say it well. I will tell
both of you what to do. 16 It will be, that he speaks for you to the people, and he will be a mouth
to you. And you shall be to him a god.
17 And this rod that was turned into a serpent you must take with you in hand. With it you shall
work miracles.

18 And Moses went away returning to Jethro his father-in-law, and said to him, I shall go now to
my family in Egypt and see whether they are yet alive. And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace. 19
But even before this, YHWH had told Moses, "Leave the land of Midian and return to Egypt.
Everyone who wanted to kill you is now dead."

Moses Heads Back to Egypt

20 So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on donkeys and headed for Egypt, taking the
walking stick that had the power of GOD along with him.

21 On the way YHWH said to Moses; When you get to Egypt, go to the pharaoh, and work the
miracles I have shown you. But I will cause Pharaoh to be so stubborn that he will refuse to let my
people go.

22 Then tell Pharaoh this is what YHWH says, "Israel is like my first-born son, 23 and I
commanded you to release him, so he could worship me. But you refused, and now I will bring
about the death of your first-born son.”

24 Along the way at a resting place, YHWH encountered Moses and he became acutely and almost
fatally ill.

24 Apparently, he had failed to circumcise one of his sons, due to his wife being opposed to it; but
seeing his life in such danger Zipporah took a flint knife and cut off the foreskin of her son and
cast it to touch Moses' feet, and said; Surely as a husband exonerated by blood you are to me!

26 When YHWH allowed Moses to recover, Zipporah said, A husband of guiltless blood are you
because of the circumcision.

27 Meanwhile, YHWH had told Aaron to meet Moses in the desert. So, Aaron met Moses at the
foot of Mount Sinai and greeted him with a kiss. 28 There, Moses told Aaron what GOD had sent
him to say; he also told him about the miracles GOD had given him the power to perform.

The People Believe Moses and Aaron

29 They continued on to Egypt where they brought together the leaders of Israel, 30 and Aaron
told them what YHWH had sent Moses to say. Then Moses worked miracles for the people, 31 and
everyone believed. When they heard YHWH had seen their suffering and was concerned, they
knelt, bowing with their faces touching the ground because they knew YHWH was going to help

EXODUS Chapter 5

Pharoah Refuses Moses Demands

Exodus 5:1. After Moses and Aaron talked to the people, they went to Pharaoh and said, "YHWH,
the god of Israel, says, 'Let my people go into the desert so that they can have a festival to honor

2 Then, Pharaoh said; Who is YHWH, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know
YHWH, neither will I let Israel go.

3 They replied, "The Elohim of the Hebrews has met with us. Please let us travel three days into
the desert to offer sacrifices to YHWH our Elohim. If we don't go, he may afflict us with a plague
or a war."

4 Pharaoh said to "Moses and Aaron; why are you keeping these people from working? Look how
many you are keeping from doing their work. Now everyone must get back to work!" 5 Look, how
many of your people there are here in Egypt, and you want to stop them from doing their work."

Israelites Forced to Work Harder, Obtain their own Straw

6 That same day the king gave new orders to his slave managers and to the men directly in charge
of the Israelite slaves. He told them; 7 "You have always provided the people with straw to use in
making bricks. But now, tell them they will have to go and find their own straw to make bricks. 8
But they must still make the same number of bricks as they did before. They have become lazy
and that’s why they are asking me to let them go. They are not busy with enough work to do. That
is why they asked me to let them make sacrifices to their god.

9 So make these people work harder. Keep them so busy that they will not have enough time to
listen to the lies of Moses."

10 So the Egyptian slave masters and the Hebrew foremen went to the Israelites and said,
"Pharaoh has decreed that he will not provide you with straw for your bricks. 11 You must go and
procure the straw for yourselves. Therefore, go and find your own straw, but you must still make
as many bricks as you made before."

12 So people went everywhere in Egypt looking for straw. 13 Meanwhile, the slave masters forced
them to work even harder, forcing the workers to make as many bricks as before.

14 Pharaoh's slave drivers had placed Israelite foremen in charge of the people. The slave drivers
beat the foremen and said, "You didn't finish all the bricks you were ordered to make yesterday or
today. Why didn't you make as many as you used to?"

The Israelites Complain, Pharoah Rejects their Complaints

15 Then the Hebrew foremen went to Pharaoh to complain, saying; "We are your servants. Why
are you treating us like this? 16 You give us no straw, but you tell us to make as many bricks as
before. And now our masters are beating us. Your people are wrong for doing this."

17 Pharaoh answered, "You are lazy, and you don't want to work! That is why you ask me to let
you go. And that is why you want to leave here and make sacrifices to YHWH. 18 Now, go back to
work! We will not give you any straw. And you must still make as many bricks as you did before."
19 The Hebrew foremen knew they were in trouble, because the Pharaoh had told them, "You
must still make as many bricks as you made before."
20 After leaving the meeting with Pharaoh they approached Moses and Aaron who were waiting
for them. 21 So they said to Moses and Aaron, "May YHWH judge and punish you for what you
have done! You made Pharaoh and his rulers hate us. You have given them an excuse to kill us."

22 Then Moses prayed to YHWH and said, "LORD, why have you done this terrible thing to your
people? Why did you send me here? 23 I went to Pharaoh and said what you told me to say. But
since that time, he has made the people suffer more and you have done nothing to help them!"

EXODUS Chapter 6

GOD Promises to Deliver Them from Oppression

Exodus 6:1 Then YHWH said to Moses, " you are about to see what I will do to Pharaoh. I will use
my great power against him, and he will let my people go. Not only that but he will be so ready for
them to leave that he will force them to go."

2 And GOD spoke to Moses, and said to him, a I am YHWH. 3 And I appeared to Abraham, to
Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty. But I was not known to them by the name YHWH. 4 And I
have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their
travels, wherein they stopped. 5 Also, I have heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom
the Egyptians keep in bondage. It has reached my heart and I have remembered my covenant.

6 So, tell the Israelites that I say to them, 'I am YHWH! who will save you. You will no longer be
slaves of the Egyptians. I will use my great power to make you free, while I bring terrible
punishment to the Egyptians.

7 And I will take you to myself for my people, I will be your god: and you shall know that I am
YHWH your god, who brought you out from the slave system of the Egyptians: 8 And I will bring
you into the land concerning which I lifted up My hand and swore that I would give it to
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I will give it to you for a heritage. a “I am YHWH!”9 So Moses
told the people what YHWH had said, but they refused to listen, for they had become too
discouraged by the increasing burden of their slavery. 10 Then YHWH spoke to Moses again
saying, 11 'Go to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and tell him to allow the Israelites to leave his country.'12
But Moses replied, "If the Israelites will not listen to me, why should the king? I am such a poor
speaker."13 Then, YHWH commanded Moses and Aaron: "Tell the Israelites and the king of
Egypt that it is I who have ordered you to lead the Israelites out of Egypt."

The Ancestry of Moses and Aaron

14 Reuben, Jacob's first-born, had four sons: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi; they were the
ancestors of the families that bear their names. 15 Simeon had six sons: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad,
Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul, the son of a Canaanite woman; they were the ancestors of the families
that bear their names. 16 Levi had three sons: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari; they were the
ancestors of the families that bear their names. Levi lived 137 years. 17 Gershon had two sons:
Libni and Shimei, and they had many descendants. 18 Kohath had four sons: Amram, Izhar,
Hebron, and Uzziel. Kohath lived 133 years. 19 Merari had two sons: Mahli and Mushi. These are
the families of Levi with their descendants. 20 Amram married his father's sister Jochebed, who
bore him Aaron and Moses. Amram lived 137 years. 21 Izhar had three sons: Korah, Nepheg, and
Zichri. 22 Uzziel also had three sons: Mishael, Elzaphan, and Sithri. 23 Aaron married Elisheba,
the daughter of Amminadab and sister of Nahshon; she bore him Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and
Ithamar. 24 Korah had three sons: Assir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph; they were the ancestors of the
divisions of the family of Korah.25 Eleazar, Aaron's son, married one of Putiel's daughters, who
bore him Phinehas. These were the heads of the families and the clans of the tribe of Levi. 26
Aaron and Moses were the ones to whom YHWH said, "Lead the tribes of Israel out of Egypt." 27
They were the men who told the king of Egypt to free the Israelites.

28 When YHWH spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt, 29 he said, "I am YHWH. Tell the king of
Egypt everything I tell you." 30 But Moses answered, "You know that I am such a poor speaker;
why should the king listen to me?"


I am YHWH or other versions; “I am the Lord”- This expression which is found in
most Bibles should read ‘I am YHWH’, or ‘I am GOD’ with the underlying meaning of;
‘you have the pledge of My changeless omnipotence and faithfulness’.

EXODUS Chapter 7

YHWH Gives Moses Instructions

Exodus 7:1 Then YHWH addressed Moses saying, "Pay close attention to this. I will make you
seem like a god to Pharaoh. Your brother, Aaron, will be your prophet and he will speak for you. 2
You tell your brother Aaron everything I command you to say, and he must tell Pharaoh to let the
Israelites leave the country. 3 But I will allow the king to become so stubborn that he will not
listen to you, 4. even when I do many terrible things to him and his nation. After that, I will bring
a final punishment on Egypt, and the king will let Israel's families and tribes go. 5 Then the
Egyptians will know that I am YHWH, when I take action against them and bring the Israelites
out of their country."

6 So Moses and Aaron did just as YHWH had commanded them. 7 At that time Moses was 80
years old and Aaron was 83.

Aarons Staff becomes a Miraculous Sign

8 YHWH said to Moses and Aaron, 9 "Pharaoh is going to ask you to prove your power. He will
ask you to do a miracle. When he does, tell Aaron to throw his walking stick on the ground. While
Pharaoh is watching, the stick will become a snake."

10 So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and obeyed YHWH. Aaron threw his walking stick down
while Pharaoh and his officers watched, and the stick became a snake.

11 Then Pharaoh sent for his wise men and sorcerers. These Egyptian magicians all had staffs of
their own and did the same thing using their magic spells. 12 Each of them threw his staff down,
and they all became large snakes. But Aaron's walking stick swallowed theirs. 13 Still, Pharaoh
continued to be stubborn and would not listen to them, just as YHWH had predicted.

14 YHWH said to Moses: Pharaoh stubbornly refuses to change his mind and let the people go.
YHWH Triggers the First Plague on Egypt; Blood

15 Tomorrow morning take the walking stick that turned into a snake and wait beside the Nile
River for the king.16 When he comes tell him, "YHWH Elohim of the Hebrews sent me to tell you
to release his people, so they can worship him in the desert. But so far, you have not listened.

17 Now "YHWH is going to do something to show you that he really is GOD. I will strike the Nile
with this stick, and the water will turn into blood. 18 The fish will die, the river will stink, and
none of you Egyptians will be able to drink the water."

19 YHWH also told Moses: "Tell Aaron to take his stick and hold it out over all the rivers, canals,
and pools in Egypt. The water will become blood, and all over the land there will be blood, even in
the water in wooden tubs and stone jars."

20 Moses and Aaron did just as YHWH had commanded. In the presence of Pharaoh and his
officials, Aaron raised his staff and struck the Nile. All the water in the river turned into blood. 21
The fish in the river died, and the river began to stink. So, the Egyptians could not drink water
from the river. The bloody water was everywhere in Egypt. 22 Pharaoh’s magicians used their
magic and did the same thing. So, Pharaoh continued to refuse to listen to Moses and Aaron. This
happened just as YHWH said.

23 Pharaoh ignored what Moses and Aaron had done. He turned and went into his house. 24 The
Egyptians could not drink the water from the river, so they dug wells around the river for water to

25 Seven days passed after YHWH changed the Nile River.

EXODUS Chapter 8

YHWH Triggers the Second Plague on Egypt; Frogs

Exodus 8:1 Then YHWH said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh, and tell him, 'This is what YHWH says:
Let my people go to worship me. 2 If you refuse to let them go, I will bring a plague of frogs on
your whole country. 3 The Nile will swarm with frogs. Frogs will come into your palace, into your
own bedroom, on your bed, into the houses of your officials, on your people, into your ovens and
into your mixing bowls. 4 The frogs will jump on you, on your people, and on all your officials.'"

5 Then YHWH said to Moses, "Tell Aaron, 'Hold your staff over the rivers, canals, and ponds. It
will bring frogs all over the land.'"

6 So Aaron waved his staff over the waters of Egypt and the frogs came up and inundated the land
of Egypt. 7 But the Egyptian magicians did the same thing using their magic spells and also
brought frogs onto the land.

8 Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron and said, "Pray that your god will take the frogs away from
me and my people. Then I will let your people go to offer sacrifices to him."
9 Moses answered Pharaoh, "I will be glad to pray for you. Just set the time when you would have
me pray for you, your officers, and your people. Then you will be rid of the frogs, and there will be
none left except in the Nile”. 10 Pharaoh answered, "Pray for me tomorrow." Moses said, "I will
do as you ask, and then you will know that there is no other god like YHWH, our god. 11 You, your
officials, and your people will be rid of the frogs, and there will be none left except in the Nile."

12 Then Moses and Aaron left Pharaoh, and Moses prayed to YHWH to take away the plague of
frogs which he had brought on Pharaoh and the Egyptian nation. 13 YHWH did as Moses asked,
and the frogs in the houses, the courtyards, and the fields died. 14 The Egyptians piled them up in
great heaps, until the land stank with them.

15 But when Pharaoh saw that there was temporary relief, he hardened his heart and he became
stubborn and would not listen or heed them, just as YHWH had said.

YHWH Triggers the Third Plague on Egypt; Gnats

16 YHWH said to Moses, "Command Aaron to strike the ground with his walking stick, and
everywhere in Egypt the dust will turn into gnats." 17 They obeyed, and when Aaron struck the
ground with the stick, gnats started swarming on people and animals. It seemed that every speck
of dust in Egypt had turned into a gnat.

18 This time when the Egyptian magicians tried to use their secret powers to do this, they failed,
and gnats stayed on people and animals. 19 Then the magicians told Pharaoh, this is the finger of
God! But Pharaoh's heart was hardened further, and he would not listen to them, just as YHWH
had said.

YHWH Triggers the Fourth Plague on Egypt

20 Then YHWH said to Moses, Rise up early in the morning and stand in Pharaoh’s way as he
comes forth to the water; and say to him, Thus, says YHWH, Let My people go, that they may
serve Me. 21 And if you will not let My people go, behold, I will send swarms of (bloodsucking)
mosquitos upon you, your servants, and your people, and into your houses. And the houses of the
Egyptians shall be full of bloodsucking mosquitos, and also the ground on which they stand.

22 But I will not treat the Israelites the same as the Egyptians. There will not be any mosquitos in
Goshen, where my people live. In this way you will know that I, YHWH God am active in this
land. 23 And I will put a difference between my people and your people, and on tomorrow shall
this happen to your land.

24 YHWH did what he said. Dense swarms of mosquitos came into Pharaoh's palace and into the
houses of his officials. All over Egypt the flies were ruining everything.

Pharoah Concedes Temporarily

25 Then Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron and told them, "Go sacrifice to your god, but you must
stay here in Egypt."

26 And Moses said: It cannot be so: for we shall sacrifice the abominations of the Egyptians to
YHWH our god: now if we kill those things which the Egyptians worship, in their presence, they
will stone us. 27 We will go into the desert wilderness, a journey of three days, to sacrifice to
YHWH our god, as He may direct us.

28 So Pharaoh said, "I will let you go and offer sacrifices to YHWH your god in the desert, but you
must not go that far. Now, go and pray for me."

29 Moses answered, "As soon as I leave, I will pray to YHWH that tomorrow the mosquitos will
leave you, your officials, and your people. But you must not deceive us again and prevent the
people from going to sacrifice to YHWH."

30 After leaving the palace, Moses prayed, 31 and YHWH answered his prayer. Not a mosquito
was left to pester the king, his officials, or anyone else in Egypt. 32 But then, Pharaoh turned
stubborn again and would not let the people go.

EXODUS Chapter 9

YHWH Triggers the Fifth Plague Egyptian Livestock Die:

Exodus 9:1 Then YHWH told Moses to go to Pharaoh and tell him: "YHWH, the god of the
Hebrews, says, 'Let my people go to worship me!' 2 If you refuse to let them go and continue to
hold them in slavery, 3 YHWH will bring a terrible disease on your horses and donkeys, your
camels and cattle, and your sheep and goats. 4 But he will protect the animals that belong to the
people of Israel, and none of theirs will die. 5 YHWH has set the time for this to happen. He said,
'Tomorrow he will make this happen in Egypt.

6 The next day YHWH did just as he said. While much of the Egyptian’s livestock died, none of
the Israelites' animals died. 7 Even when Pharaoh heard that not one of the Israelites' animals had
died, he continued to be stubborn and would not let the people go.

YHWH Triggers the Sixth Plague on Egypt; Boils

8 Then YHWH said to Moses and Aaron, "Take a handful of ashes from a kiln, and have Moses
throw them up in the air while Pharaoh watches. 9 The ashes will become a fine dust all
throughout Egypt. It will cause boils to break into open sores on people and animals throughout
the whole of Egypt."

10 They took ashes from a kiln and stood in front of Pharaoh. Moses threw the ashes up in the air,
and they caused boils to break into open sores on people and animals.

11 The Egyptian magicians couldn't compete with Moses because they were afflicted with boils
like all the other Egyptians.

12 But YHWH allowed Pharaoh to remain stubborn, and he wouldn't listen to Moses and Aaron,
as YHWH had predicted to Moses.

Pharoah Remains Stubborn and YHWH Triggers the Seventh Plague on Egypt;
13 Then YHWH said to Moses, "Get up in the morning and go to Pharaoh. Tell him that YHWH,
the god of the Hebrews, says, 'Let my people go to worship me!

14 Tell him; thus far, I have been restrained. It is time, I may use my full power against you, your
officials, and your people. Then you will know that there is no god in the world like me. 15 I could
use my power and cause a disease that would wipe you and your people off the face of earth. 16
But, I have put you here for a reason. I have put you here so that I could show you my power.
Then people all over the world will learn about me!

17 Since you are still exalting yourself in haughty defiance against my people by not letting them
go, 18 at this time tomorrow I will send the worst hailstorm that has ever happened in Egypt since
the beginning of its history. 19 You had better give orders for every person and every animal in
Egypt to take shelter. If they don't, they will die.

20 Those members of Pharaoh's court who listened to YHWH’s warning brought their servants
and animals indoors quickly. 21 Others, however, paid no attention to YHWH's warning and left
their slaves and animals out in the open.

22 Then YHWH told Moses, "Stretch your staff toward the sky, and hailstones will fall on people,
animals, and crops in the land of Egypt."

23 When Moses pointed his walking stick toward the sky, hailstones started falling everywhere.
Thunder roared, and lightning flashed back and forth, striking the ground. 24 This was the worst
storm in the history of Egypt. 25 All over Egypt intense hail knocked down everything that was
out in the open. It struck down people, animals, and every plant in the fields and destroyed every
tree in the fields. 26 The only place it didn't hail was the region of Goshen, where the Israelites

Pharoah Relents, but Only Temporarily

27 Then Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron. "This time I admit to having sinned," he told them.
YHWH, your god is right, and my people and I are wrong. 28 Pray to YHWH. We have had
enough of his thunder and hail. I'll let you go; you don't have to stay here any longer."

29 Moses answered, "As soon as I leave the city, I will lift my arms in prayer. When the thunder
and hail stop, you will know that the whole earth belongs to YHWH. 30 But, I know that neither
you or your officials really fear and respect YHWH yet."

31 The flax and the barley were ruined by the hail because the barley had formed heads and the
flax was in bloom. 32 Neither the wheat nor the wild grain was damaged, because they ripen later.

33 As soon as he left Pharaoh and went out of the city, Moses spread out his hands to YHWH in
prayer. The thunder and the hail ceased, and no more pouring rain came down on the ground.

34 When Pharaoh saw that the rain, the hail, and the thunder had stopped, he reverted to sinning
against YHWH. He and his officials continued to be disobedient. 35 His stubbornness emerged
again, and he would not let the Israelites go, as YHWH had predicted earlier through Moses.

EXODUS Chapter 10
YHWH Triggers the Eighth Plague on Egypt; Locusts

Exodus 10:1 And YHWH spoke to Moses, saying, go in, to Pharaoh: for I have hardened his heart
and the heart of his servants, that these signs may come upon them; in order 2 that you may
relate in the ears of your children, and to your children's children, in how many things I have
derided the Egyptians, and my wonders which I performed among them; and you shall know that
I am YHWH.

3 So, Moses and Aaron went back to Pharaoh and said to him, "This is what YHWH, the god of the
Hebrews says; How long will you refuse to humble yourself in my presence? Let my people go to
worship me.

4 If you refuse to let my people go, tomorrow I will bring locusts into your country. 5 They will
swarm over the land so badly that the ground cannot be seen. They will eat everything left by the
hail, including every planting still standing in the fields. 6 They will fill your houses and the
houses of all your officials and those of all the Egyptians. Neither your parents or your ancestors
ever saw anything like this from the time they first came here until now." Then, Moses turned and
left Pharaoh.

7. Then his officials came to Pharaoh and said, "How long is this man going to give us trouble? Let
the Israelite men go, so that they can worship their god. Don't you realize that Egypt is being

8. Pharaoh had Moses and Aaron brought back, and he said, "All right, you may go and worship
YHWH Elohim. But first tell me who will be going with you.

9 "Everyone, men and women, young and old," Moses answered. "We will even take our sheep,
goats, and cattle, because we want to hold a celebration in honor of YHWH”.

10 Pharaoh replied, "YHWH really will have to be with you before I let you and all of your children
leave Egypt. Look, you are plotting revolt and up to no good. 11 If it’s only to worship YHWH? All
right, take only the men and go." Then Moses and Aaron were escorted out of the palace.

12 After that YHWH said to Moses; Stretch out your hand against the land of Egypt so that the
locusts, may come up on the land of Egypt and eat all the vegetation that the hail has left.

13 So Moses raised his walking stick over the land of Egypt, and YHWH caused a strong east wind
to blow. The wind blew all that day and night. When morning came, the wind had brought
swarms of locusts to the land of Egypt. 14 They were swarming everywhere. Never had there been
so many locusts in Egypt, and never again will there be so many. 15 The ground was black with
locusts, and they ate everything left on the trees and in the fields. Nothing green remained
unaffected in all Egypt--not a single tree or plant.

16 Then Pharaoh hurriedly called Moses and Aaron and said, "I have sinned against YHWH your
god and against you. 17 He pleaded; Please forgive my sin one more time. Pray to YHWH your
god to take this deadly plague away from me."

18 Moses left Pharaoh and prayed to YHWH. 19 and YHWH changed the wind to a very strong
west wind. It picked up the locusts and blew them into the Red Sea. Not one locust was left
anywhere in Egypt. 20 But YHWH hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he did not let the sons of Israel

YHWH Triggers the Ninth Plague on Egypt: Darkness

21 And YHWH said to Moses; Stretch out your hand toward the heavens, that there may be
darkness over all of Egypt, such darkness so that one may even feel the darkness.

22 Moses stretched his arm toward the sky, and Egypt was covered with darkness for three days.
23 During that time, the Egyptians could not see each other or leave their homes, yet where the
Israelites lived, there was light.

24 Pharaoh sent for Moses and told him, "Go worship YHWH! And take your families with you.
Just leave your sheep, goats, and cattle behind."

25 "No!" Moses replied. "You must let us offer sacrifices to YHWH, our god. 26 and we won't
know which animals we will need until we get there. That's why we can't leave even one of them

27 But YHWH made Pharaoh's heart more set in his stubbornness, and he would not let them go.
28 And he said to Moses, "Get away from me and stay away! If you ever come back, you're dead!"

29 Moses answered. "You are right about one thing. I will not come back here to see you again.

EXODUS Chapter 11

One More Disaster Announced, to Break Pharoah’s Resistance

Exodus 11:1 Then YHWH revealed to Moses, "I will bring one more disaster against Pharaoh and
Egypt. After this, he will be the one to ask you to leave Egypt. In fact, he will force you to leave this

2 "Speak now to your people, and let every man ask from his neighbor and every woman from her
neighbor, articles of silver and articles of gold."3 And YHWH made the Egyptians favorably
disposed to the people, while Moses himself remained a man of great importance in Egypt in the
opinion of Pharaoh's officials and the people.

Firstborn Sons to Die

4 Then Moses said, in earshot of some Egyptian officials; 'YHWH says this, "At midnight he will
pass through Egypt, 5 and wherever he goes, the first-born son in every family will die. Pharaoh’s
own son will die, and so will the son of the lowest slave woman. Even the first-born males of
Egyptian livestock will die. 6 Everywhere in Egypt there will be loud crying. Nothing like this has
ever happened before or will ever happen again. 7 But there will not be any need for any Israelites
to cry. Things will be so quiet that not even a dog will be heard barking.

Then you Egyptians and your Pharaoh will know that YHWH is good to the Israelites, even when
he punishes you.
8. All the officials of Egypt will come running to me, bowing low. 'Please leave!' they will beg.
'Hurry! And take all your followers with you.' Only then will I go!"

Then, burning with anger, Moses left Pharaoh's palace.

9 What YHWH had said earlier to Moses all came true. He had said, "The king of Egypt won't
listen so, I will perform even more miracles." 10 So the king of Egypt saw Moses and Aaron work
miracle after miracle, but YHWH made him stubborn and still refusing to let the Israelites leave
his country.

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