Carding With Dumps Tutorial

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Carding with dumps tutorial https://hustlebank.


Carding with dumps TUTORIAL

What do I need for real carding?
This is a very good question you will need some cash. And the following will be helpful but not required
at �rst. You should get these items at some point, but you don’t need them right away. And I will tell
you why in next section.
Computer-laptop is best, as you can carry it with you on your laptop if you desire. If you don’t have a
laptop you can use your home P.C. till you can afford to get one. Of course with home PC you cant take
it with you on your ops
Encoder – If you look around most every has or talks about an MSR206 this seems to be the preferred
encoder, but you can also use an AMC722. The AMC722 is usually cheaper and does the same thing.
Look on the net and you can �nd these for pretty decent prices. There is a internet company that will
ship overnight and you can send payment by Western Union. The have a special for $550.00 you get
MSR206 + Exeba Encoding Software + 50 loco or hico cards. Also UBUYWERUSH has pretty good
deals on them also and is a reviewed vendor. You can use Exeba Comm software or TheJerm has a
software program for the MSR206.
Laptop Bag – You can put your laptop and encoder in this also. Nice to have if you want to take your
laptop and encoder on laptop.
Power Inverter – Needed to run your encoder and nice to have if out for long period of time and laptop
is dying. You can get these just about anywhere even wallyworld.
Novelty Id – This should be at the top of your list as one of the �rst thing’s you should get. You will need
this at some point you do not want to use your real info. I repeat do not even for 1 time use your real
information. There are some good vendors that are quick also. Just look under the reviewed vendor
section for more details.
Dumps – Get them from Last Carding Service. You can get classic, gold, platinum, world, business,
signature etc. If this is your �rst time you may want to get classic and start by shopping for low end
items. IE anything under $200-$500. Now classics working not good and will go for 1 or 3 times that
but the general rule of thumb is under $300 and you should be okay. Gold and Platinum for items
above $500 but say to $1,000 and Business, Signature $1,000 and above. These are just suggestions
and not hard rules.
Track 1 and 2 or just Track2 – you can get from Last Carding Service both. If you just have track2 only
you can generate track 1 with PCKit-track1 generator. You will want to encode both tracks to your card.
Making sure to change the name on the dump. Some stores only use track2 but it’s best to stay safe
and encode both.
Dump Example : 
Track1 B410000000000000000000^REGAN/DONALD^0409XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Track2 41000000000000000000=04091XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

You of course change the name on track1 to your Novelty last name and �rst name.
Plastic cards to put dumps on: Okay again never use your own card to encode onto, just not the best
idea. You can get cards from just about anywhere, some drugstores sell prepaid cc’s, you can try that or
get a Visa or MasterCard branded gift card. Most malls carry this type of GiftCard. Simon Cards have
been used a lot in the past so I would suggest staying clear of those. The best way Buy from plastic
Wallet - You will need extra wallet to store you novelty items. You don’t want to use your own wallet
and keep having to take you real cards and id out and replacing them with your novelty.
Anon Phone - Don’t really need but if you have a phone merchant you can call from anon cell before
going to use your card.
You don’t need everything I have but they all are helpful.
Quick Start Up: Okay so you don’t have the time to wait to get all your tools or maybe your cash �ow is

not �owing. You may ponder how can I get up and going as quickly and cheaply as possible.
Answer: You can buy dumps from reviewed vendor of course and buy plastic from plastic vendor. Most
plastic vendors will encode your cards for you. This may be the cheapest way to go. Sayadmin
Hustle you buy 5
dumps for $50.00 = $250.00 and 5 plastic for $75.00 =$375.00 total for both $625.00.
Hi bro!Add a drop to
that $50.00 and for $675.00 you will be ready to go. Another advantage with going thishelp
If i can route is you
u with look right stuff write me
will have matching plastic. The plastic vendor will emboss your plastic with your novelty
here! information. If
you don’t have a lot of funds try taking a cash advance on your own card. You will be able to repay it
Click to write
rather quickly.
Okay I �nally got everything, I’m Ready to go Right?
Answer: Okay hang on there Skippy, you may think you are ready but are you??
Get into The Correct Frame Of Mind: Remember you are the Cardholder this is your card and you will

1 of 2 10/7/2019, 8:17 PM
Carding with dumps tutorial

Hi bro!
If i can help u with look

Click to write

2 of 2 10/7/2019, 8:17 PM

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