Pharma Worry Free Gas Supply

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Worry-Free Gas Supply

and Solutions for the

Pharmaceutical Industry

When you’re responsible for discovering and producing drugs,

you shouldn’t have to worry about your supply of medical and
industrial grade gases. We understand your commitment to the
healthcare professionals and patients who use your products.
And we understand many of the issues you face, including tighter
budgets, stricter FDA regulations, and intense competition,
whether you’re producing proprietary drugs, generics, biological
materials or specialty chemicals.
With a global on-time delivery record of over 99.9%,
outstanding safety performance and medical gas
compliance, and a total solutions approach to doing
business, Air Products provides worry-free supply
of products and services that can help reduce your
risk of noncompliance or downtime and lower your
overall operating costs. So you can focus on making
the world healthier.

Put your confidence in our Specifications for Air Products’ NF, EP, and USP grade gases
commitment to quality—
and compliance NF Nitrogen EP Nitrogen USP Oxygen
Total purity ≥ 99.0% ≥ 99.5% ≥ 99.0%
At Air Products, we know that Oxygen ≤ 1.0% ≤ 50 ppm
medical grade gases are not an Carbon monoxide ≤ 0.001% ≤ 5 ppm Exempt*
industrial commodity or utility. Lack
Carbon dioxide ≤ 300 ppm Exempt*
of compliance with manufacturing,
Water ≤ 67 ppm
distribution, storage, and usage
Odor None None None
requirements could put your
company at risk. *Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide exempt due to production by air liquefaction.

We have developed a comprehensive

program designed to provide reliable,
cost-effective, worry-free service to Relax knowing we have an • North American deliveries are
you. We manufacture our medical excellent delivery record scheduled from our world-class
gases to meet all regulatory standards logistics center, where we forecast
for production and transport: Whether you require medical or deliveries using our proprietary
industrial grade gases, you can relax software and remote TELALERT®
• Our purity specifications comply when it comes to dependable product telemetry systems. Ordinarily,
with United States Pharmacopeia supply. Air Products works around there is no need for you to place
(USP), National Formulary (NF), and the clock to maintain an outstanding
an order. Our logistics center can
European Pharmacopeia (EP). global reliability record of over help you lower inventory control
• All our manufacturing sites are 99.9%—supplying product on time and reporting costs and minimize
fully validated and operated under at the flow, purity, and pressure our delivery truck traffic at your facility.
current Good Manufacturing customers specify.
• A comprehensive range of supply
Practice (cGMP) guidelines (GMP in
How do we do it? modes, including bulk, microbulk,
and on-site generation, enables us
• We supply nitrogen, oxygen,
• Our manufacturing process is to provide the right option to meet
hydrogen, and helium from over
ISO 9001:2008 certified. your needs.
40 production facilities across
• Our compliance process covers North America. • APEX Express service is available
production and storage, trailer for fast, flexible temporary gas
• We’re the world’s largest supplier
loading, distribution, and customer supply. Many mobile units are NF
of hydrogen and helium.
tanks and vaporizers. certified for medical use, reducing
• Tankers are dedicated to medical downtime.
grade service, so we can respond • Our Customer Service Center is
quickly without concern for cross- available 24/7 to help you with your
contamination. gas and equipment service needs.
Tap into our technology Air Products offerings benefit a number of applications and needs

Staying competitive often involves Applications/Needs Air Products’ Offerings

investing in new or better products, Oxygen enrichment systems and modeling expertise
more efficient and safer work Combustion • Enhanced combustion and increased productivity
processes, or improved environmental • Reduced emissions
compliance. Many pharmaceutical Liquid nitrogen for cryopreservation and storage of
processes can be enhanced through biological materials
gas technologies that help cut costs, Cryopreservation • Maintains long-term viability of cell structure
improve quality, increase output, or • Reliable long-term storage, not susceptible to electrical
improve safety. We can provide gas outages
systems for applications ranging from Oxygen enrichment and modeling expertise
aerobic fermentation to wastewater Fermentation • Reduced foaming and gas flooding
treatment. • Improved yield and productivity
Selectfluor® and Deoxfluor® fluorinating reagents
In addition, because we manufacture
Fluorination • Safe, mild, effective reagents
specialty chemicals as well as medical
• Increased yields
and industrial grade gases, we
understand the reaction chemistry, Hydrogen supply and optimization expertise
kinetics, mixing, and mass transfer • Reliable supply: largest producer of hydrogen, with
Hydrogenation multiple supply options
issues that can be applied to your
• Technical expertise in gas/liquid mass transfer and modeling
operations. Our engineers can assist and computational fluid dynamics to increase yields
you in evaluating your processes
Nitrogen inerting
and identifying low-cost solutions Inerting and • Safe storage and use of flammables or prevention of
to serve you and help optimize your blanketing combustible dust explosions
productivity. • Improved quality and shelf life of air-sensitive materials
Liquid nitrogen cooling
Low-temperature • Safe processing of highly reactive chemistries such as
reactions butyllithium or Grignard reactions
• Easily combined with other refrigeration steps
Liquid nitrogen refrigeration
• Reduced cycle times and improved productivity
Lyophilization • Improved performance and reliability and lower capital invest-
ment compared to mechanically cooled freeze-drying systems
• Reduced carbon footprint
Cryo-Grind® liquid nitrogen grinding or milling
Particle size • Freezing with liquid nitrogen followed by grinding
reduction • Gaseous nitrogen for micronization applications
• Produces high-quality, uniformly sized particles
Our 24/7 logistics operation and
Cryo-Condap® liquid nitrogen system for solvent condensation
TELALERT ® forecasting system help Solvent/VOC
us maintain an outstanding delivery • Condensing and recovery of solvents/VOCs
record of over 99.9%. • Compliance with the most rigid EPA requirements
Nitrogen sparging
Sparging/stripping • Efficient removal of volatile contaminants
• In-vessel and in-line systems
Halia® oxygen aeration systems
• Increased capacity vs. air
• Improved productivity
Dedicated to safety People thrive on solving tough About Air Products
and sustainability challenges. Customers in more
than 30 industries are more Air Products serves customers in
At Air Products, safety is our number productive, energy-efficient and many markets in over 50 countries
one priority. A commitment to total sustainable with our gases, materials, with a unique portfolio of products,
safety is the commitment to doing technology solutions, and the deep services, and solutions. For over
things right. Our performance is understanding and expertise we 70 years, the company has developed
consistently among the leaders in our bring to them. innovative solutions that help
industry, thanks to our teams’ efforts customers become more productive,
around the world to prevent injuries Our people, offerings and the energy-efficient, and sustainable.
and send people home as safely as markets we serve give us unique
they arrived at work. We hold all of insight into pressing social and
our people accountable for working environmental challenges. At the
safely and protecting the safety of heart of Air Products and its people is
our contractors and customers. a set of real values—values that say
we will work to protect our fellow
We put our safety expertise to work human beings and the environment
for you: and will be a positive influence for
• Safety training in using our our communities and our world
products safely through our behaviors, offerings and
• Online Material Safety Data Sheets
and Safetygrams Joining accountability, customer
• 24/7 emergency response focus, innovation, integrity, and
(800-523-9374) respect, sustainability is one of six Air Products’ compliance program
core values at Air Products and is for NF, EP, and USP grade gases
• Identification of opportunities
directly tied to our business strategy covers every applicable regulatory
to upgrade the safety of existing
and our growth. In addition to our standard for both production and
focus on safety, we are committed to transport.
• Gas applications for safety, such reducing our environmental impact
as nitrogen inerting and critical by consuming fewer resources and
oxygen content calculations to help lowering our emissions. We’ve set
avoid fire and explosion aggressive reduction goals in energy,
greenhouse gases, water, waste,
emissions, and fleet emissions.

For more information, please contact us at:

Corporate Headquarters
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
7201 Hamilton Boulevard
Allentown, PA 18195-1501
T 800-654-4567
T 800-224-2724 (Customer Service, Express Delivery Service)
F 800-272-4449
[email protected]

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© Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 2014 (37074)  312-13-011-US-Mar14

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