Pharma Worry Free Gas Supply
Pharma Worry Free Gas Supply
Pharma Worry Free Gas Supply
Put your confidence in our Specifications for Air Products’ NF, EP, and USP grade gases
commitment to quality—
and compliance NF Nitrogen EP Nitrogen USP Oxygen
Total purity ≥ 99.0% ≥ 99.5% ≥ 99.0%
At Air Products, we know that Oxygen ≤ 1.0% ≤ 50 ppm
medical grade gases are not an Carbon monoxide ≤ 0.001% ≤ 5 ppm Exempt*
industrial commodity or utility. Lack
Carbon dioxide ≤ 300 ppm Exempt*
of compliance with manufacturing,
Water ≤ 67 ppm
distribution, storage, and usage
Odor None None None
requirements could put your
company at risk. *Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide exempt due to production by air liquefaction.
Corporate Headquarters
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
7201 Hamilton Boulevard
Allentown, PA 18195-1501
T 800-654-4567
T 800-224-2724 (Customer Service, Express Delivery Service)
F 800-272-4449
[email protected]
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