Notes On Negotiable Instruments

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Notes on Negotiable


BSA 4-1

APPLICABILITY OF NEGOTIABILITY INSTRUMENT LAW Despite there is a promise to pay by maker (Luke) to Payee
(Michael), the amount of P5, 000 on demand, the
Negotiable Instrument Law instrument is deemed non-negotiable as it does not meet
the requisites stated in Section 1 that it must contain
Negotiable Instruments Law Section 190 of Act 2031 is the
law that governs any instrument that possesses the unconditional promise to pay.
characteristic of negotiability. A negotiable instrument, either promissory notes or bill of
exchange, regardless whether contract of service, contract
Negotiable Instruments Law Section 190 of Act 2031 was
enacted on February 3, 1911 and took effect ninety (90) of sale, debt agreement or other contracts was entered and
days after the official publication in the Gazette of the the payer was not in the capacity of paying it at present ,
Philippines Islands as stated in Section 198 of Act 2031. can be issued as a medium of exchange or substitute for
money, or instrument of consideration.
The act took effect on June 2 1911.

Application of the Law Provided in Section 24:

Presumption of consideration:
Any negotiable instrument made and delivered prior this
law is excluded to the application of provisions of Every negotiable instrument is deemed prima facie to have
negotiable instruments law. been issued for a valuable consideration. The person whose
signature indicated therein is considered to have become a
Any case not provided in the act and instruments other
than those qualified as negotiable instrument or which are party for value
in substantial compliance or possesses the requisites stated Likewise, Section 25 provides what comprises value.
in Sec 1 shall be governed by existing legislations or default,
by the rules of the law on merchant. “Value is any consideration sufficient to support a simple
contract. An antecedent or pre-existing debt constitutes
Negotiable instruments instrument law was enacted to value; and is deemed such whether the instrument is
facilitate the transactions in commercial papers. payable on demand or at a future time”


Pay to the order of Calum P5, 000.
I promise to pay Michael if she will catch the
sun and give it to Abby P5, 000 on demand.

Sgd. Luke
Example of a check When lien on instrument constitutes holder for value

Note that the cause or consideration is not required to be Section 27 stated that where the holder has lien on the
stated in the instrument and it does not affect the instrument arising from contract or by implication of law,
negotiability. he is deemed a holder for value to the extent of his lien.

Holder of the Instrument Lien - a right to keep possession of property belonging to

another person until a debt owed by that person is
Holder according to Sec 191, is the payee or indorsee of a discharged.
bill or note who has the instrument or bearer.
Holder for value in Sec 26 states that:
Mayen issues a promissory note payable to the order of
“Where value has at anytime been given for the instrument, Pedro for P10, 000. Later Pedro indorses the whole amount
the holder is deemed a holder for value in respect to all of the note to Helen to secure his debt of P8, 000. Helen is a
parties who become such prior to that time.” holder for value to the extent of his lien P8, 000. At
maturity, how much may Helen collect from Mayen?

If V indorses the note to J-hope then J-hope to Jimin, Jimin is 1. Mayen no defense against Pedro
the holder for value and can enforce the instrument  Helen can collect from Mayen P10, 000.
However, he has obligation to give P2000 to
primarily to the maker, Jungkook.
2. Mayen has a personal defense against Pedro such as
FEBRUARY 20, 2019
want consideration
I promise to pay V or bearer P15, 000 on demand.  Helen can collect only P8,000 since Helen is a
holder in due course only for the said
Sgd. Jungkook amount.
3. Mayen has a real defense against Pedro
 Helen can collect nothing from Mayen.
Effect of want consideration
Negotiable Instruments under Act. 2031
Section 28 stated that absence or failure of consideration is
a matter of defense as against any person not a holder in A. Promissory note (Sec.184)
due course; and partial failure is an ascertained and B. Bill of Exchange (Secs.126-131)
liquidated or otherwise. C. Checks (Secs.185,186,189,193)
D. Bills in Set (Secs.178-183) B. Bill of exchange define
E. Inland and foreign bill of exchange (Sec.129) A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in
F. Bill treated as promissory note (Sec.130) writing addressed by one person to another, signed
G. Option bill or note (Sec.17[e]) by the person giving it, requiring the person to
whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed
A. Promissory note defined or determinable future time a sum certain in money
A negotiable promissory note is an unconditional to order or to bearer. (Sec.126)
promise in writing made by one party (the notes
issuer or maker) to another party (the notes payee),
signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand, or Parties in bill of exchange :
at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain  Drawer- the person who executes the written order
in money to order or to bearer. Where a note is to pay. In the below example, Amy Perez is the
drawn to the maker’s own order, it is not complete drawer.
until indorsed by him. (Sec.184).  Payee- the person to whom the bill of exchange is
drawn payable. In the example, Vhong Navarro is
Parties in promissory note: the payee.
 Maker- the person, who executes the written  Drawee- the person who is given the command by
promise to pay, also called promisor. In the the drawer to pay the payee. In the example ,Jhong
example, Ryan Bang is the maker. Hillaro is the drawee.
 Payee- the person in whose favor the promissory
note is made payable, also called promisee. In Example of Promissory note:
the below example, Anne Curtis is the payee.

Example of Promissory note: Manila, Philippines

P10, 000 Marikina, Philippines August 1, 2019
August 1, 2019 Pay to Vhong Navarro or order P 100,000 on demand.
For Value received, I promise to pay Anne Curtis or (Sgd) Amy Perez
order the sum of P10, 000 on November 22, 2019
To: JhongHillaro
(Sgd) Ryan Bang 202 Aurora Building Sta.mesa City
Sec. 127 Bill not an assignment of funds in hands of there is need that they be presented either for acceptance
drawee. or for payment within a reasonable time after their
issuance or after their last negotiation thereof as the case
A bill of exchange within the meaning of our may be (Section 71, Act 2031). Failure to make such
Negotiable Instruments Law (Act No. 2031) does not presentment will discharge the drawer from liability or to
operate as an assignment of funds in the hands of the the extent of the loss caused by the delay (Section
drawee is not liable on the instrument until he accepts it. 186, Ibid.)
EXAMPLE: Sec. 128Bill addressed to more than one drawee. A bill
may be addressed to two or more drawees jointly,
28 September 2019 whether they are partners or not; but not to two or more
NPA-R Quezon City drawees in the alternative or in succession.

Pay to Bryan or order Php200,000 on demand. Sample Illustration

To: Luke 28 September 2019
Sgd. Nina NPA-R Quezon City

If Bryan indorses the instrument to Lucas, Lucas to Pay to Bryan or order Php200,000 on demand.
Liam and Liam to Nate, Nate as the holder may present the To: Luke and Patrick
instrument to Luke for payment. If Luke refuses to pay,
Luke as the drawee cannot be compelled to pay Nate even if Sgd. Nina
To: Luke
Nina as the drawer has sufficient funds in the hands of
Luke. Reason, as stated in Sec.127, the "A bill of exchange Note: By having the instrument addressed to two or more
Sgd. Nina
of itself does not operate as an assignment of the funds drawees jointly simply means that presentment for
in the hands of the drawee available for the payment acceptance MUST BE MADE TO THEM ALL, unless one has
thereon and the drawee is not liable on the bill unless authority
To: Luke to accept or refuse acceptance for all, in which
and until he accepts the same." case presentment may be made to him only.

Explanation: In order that a drawee may be liable on In this case, the Sgd.bill
Ninamust be presented for
the draft and then become obligated to the payee it is acceptance BOTH TO LUKE AND PATRICK since neither
necessary that he first accepts the same. In fact, our law the party is authorized by the other.
requires that with regard to drafts or bills of exchange
28 September 2019 Parties in a check

NPA-R Quezon City A check typically involves three parties;

Pay to Bryan or order Php200,000 on demand.  the drawer who writes the check
To: Luke or Patrick  the payee, to whose order the check is made out,
Sgd. Nina  the drawee or payor bank, the bank which has the
drawer's checking account from which the check is
In this case, the instrument is not negotiable since it is to be paid.
addressed to joint drawees IN THE ALTERNATIVE.
Under Sec. 62, a bank is not liable until it accepts the
Note: Section 128 prohibits two or more drawees in the instrument.
To: Luke or in succession.
Reason: Check is required to be presented for payment
C. Check defined Sgd. Nina and as a matter of procedure, a verification in addition to
the clearing process is observed by the drawee bank.
A CHECK is a form of bill of exchange where the
order to pay a person is given to a bank which is holding Note: The purpose is to limit its liability.
the payor’s money on deposit.
SEC. 186 A check must be presented for payment within
 Used as substitute for money (bills or coins). a reasonable time after its issue or the drawer will be
 Media of exchange for most commercial discharged from liability thereon to the extent of the loss
transactions. caused by the delay.
 Serve as a medium of credit transactions.
Sec. 193 provides what constitutes reasonable time,
“In determining what is a "reasonable time" regard is to
 Check is always drawn upon a bank be had to the nature of the instrument, the usage of trade or
 Check is always payable on demand business with respect to such instruments, and the facts of
 Check is drawn on a deposit the particular case.”
 Check must be presented for payment within a
reasonable time after its issue A check becomes stale after more than six (6) months or
180 days. (Current banking practice)
[International Corporate Bank v. Gueco (351 SCRA 3. If the check was dishonored upon presentment for
517 {2001})] Salient Points: payment, the payee cannot sue the drawee bank but
only the drawer for lack of privity; and
 A stale check is one which has not been 4. The funds from which the check shall be paid belong
presented for payment within a reasonable time to the drawer and merely deposited with the drawee
after its issue. It is valueless and therefore bank.
should not be paid;
 An instrument not payable on demand must be Kinds of Checks
presented for payment on the day it falls due;
1. Manager’s check– drawn by the bank’s manager
 When the instrument is payable on demand,
upon the bank itself payable to third person and is
presentment must be made within a reasonable
similar to cashier’s check both as to effect and use.
time after its issue;
 In the case of the bill of exchange, presentment is
2. Cashier’s checks – is a check of the bank’s cashier on
sufficient if made within a reasonable time after
his own or another check. It is a bill of exchange
its last negotiation.
drawn by the cashier of the bank upon the bank
Note: itself, and accepted in advance by the act of its
 The test is whether the payee employed such (It is really the bank’s own check and may be treated
diligence as a prudent man exercise in his own a promissory note with the bank as a maker. The
affairs. check becomes the primary obligation of the bank
 The nature and theory behind the use of a check which issues it and constitutes its written promise
points to its immediate use and payability. to pay upon demand. The mere issuance of it is
considered an acceptance thereof. If treated as
Material Importance (Security Bank and Trust Co. v. promissory note, the drawer would be the maker
CA[91 CSRA 33]) and in which case the holder needs not to prove
1. There was no contractual relation created between presentment for payment or present the bill to the
the drawee bank and the payee as a result of the drawee for acceptance.)
payment by the former of the amount of the checks; 3. Certified checks – where the check is certified by the
2. Drawee bank simply paid (or is paying) the check for bank on which it is drawn, the certification is
and in behalf of the drawer; equivalent to an acceptance. ( Sec. 187) It is likewise
guarantees the availability of funds for the check.
And, where the holder of a check procures it to be
accepted or certified, the drawer and all indorsers 6. Bad checks – a check that is not honored because the
are discharged from liability thereon. (Sec. 188) account either contains insufficient funds or does
not exist. Also termed hot check; worthless check;
4. Stale checks – not presented and encashed within six rubber check; bounced check; cold check; bogus
(6)months. check; false check; dry check.

5. Crossed check – bears two parallel lines across its 7. Blank check – a check signed by the drawer but left
face normally on the upper left side diagonally and blank as to the payee or the amount, or both.
signifying either for payee’s account only or for
deposit only. 8. Cancelled check – a check bearing a notation that it
A crossed check is defined as a check crossed has been paid by the bank on which it was drawn. A
with two (2) lines, between which either the name cancelled check is often used as evidence of
of the bank or the words “and company,” in full or payment.
abbreviated. In the former case, the banker on
whom it is drawn must not pay the money for the 9. Memorandum check – a check that a borrower gives
check to any other than the banker named; in the to a lender for the amount of the short-term loan,
latter case, he must not pay it to any other than a with the understanding that it is not to be presented
banker. In one case, it was ruled that the crossing of for payment but will be redeemed by the borrower
one of the subject checks should have put petitioner when the loan falls due.
on guard; it was duty-bound to ascertain the
indorser’s title to the check or the nature of his 10. Traveler’s check – a cashier’s check that must be
possession and crossing of the checks mean: signed by the purchaser at the time of purchase and
countersigned when cashed. An instrument that
a. The check may not be e-cashed but only 1. payable in demand,
deposited in the bank; 2. drawn or payable at or through bank,
b. The check may be negotiated only once to one 3. is designated by the term “traveler’s check” or
who has an account with a bank; and by a substantially similar term, and
c. The act of crossing the check serves as a warning 4. requires, as a condition to payment, a
to the holder that the check has been issued for countersignature by the person whose
definite purpose so that he must inquire if he has specimen signature appears on the instrument.
received the check pursuant to that purpose;
otherwise, he is not a holder in due course.
D. Bills in Set

Bill in set constitute one bill Purpose of a bill in set

The purpose of drawing bills in set is to increase

probability that at least one part of the bill would reach its

Right of holders where different parts are negotiated

Where two or more parts of a set are negotiated to

different holders in due course, the holder whose title first
accrues is, as between such holders, the true owner of the
bill. But nothing in this section affects the right of a person
who, in due course, accepts or pays the parts first
presented to him. (Sec. 179)
Where a bill is drawn in a set, each part of the set
being numbered and containing a reference to the other Liability of holder who indorses two or more parts of
parts, the whole of the parts constitute one bill. (Sec. 178) set to different persons
A bill in set is one negotiable instrument composed When the holder of a set indorses two or more parts to
of several parts (or pages), each part being numbered and different person, he is liable on every such part, and every
containing a reference to the other parts, the whole of the indorser subsequent to him is liable on the part he has
parts constituting but one bill. himself indorsed, as if such parts were separate bills (Sec
The holder of a set who indorses two or more parts of the
 First Part instrument to different persons, he is liable on the parts
 Second Part indorsed and every indorser following him is also liable on
the part he himself indorsed, assuming it is separate bills.

Acceptance of bill drawn in sets

The acceptance may be written on any part and it must be

written on one part only. If the drawee accepts more that
one part and such accepted parts negotiated to different assumed as one bill. This means that payment on one set, is
holders in duce course, he is liable on every such part as if it also payment of the whole.
were a separate bill. (Sec 181)
E. Inland and foreign bills
The drawee who accepts a bills in set is required to accept
onlyonepart of the bill and the acceptance thereof may be An inland bill of exchange is a bill which is, or on its
written only on the one part of the set. If the face purports to be, both drawn and payable within the
draweeaccepts all the parts of the bills, and the bills were Philippines. Any other bill is a foreign bill. Unless the
negotiated, the drawee is liable on every part of the bill. contrary appears on the face of the bill, the holder may
treat it as an inland bill (Sec 129).
Payment by acceptor of bills drawn in sets
Kinds of Bills of Exchange:
When the acceptor of a bill drawn in a set pays it without
requiring the part bearing his acceptance to be delivered up 1. Inland Bill- stated on its face what the purpose and
to him, and the part at maturity is outstanding in the hands can only be drawn and payable within the
of a holder in due course, he is liable to the holder thereon. Philippines;
(Sec 182) 2. Foreign bill- can be drawn in the Philippines but
payable outside the country; can be drawn outside
If the drawee pays the bill, before he accepts, he must the countries but payable in the Philippines; or can
require that part of the bill in a set supports his acceptance be drawn and payable outside the Philippines.
(signature for example) that delivered to him or
surrendered for payment. The acceptor of the bill drawn in F. When bill may be treated as promissory note
set should pay the part that supports his acceptance. And
the part at maturity is still outstanding in the hands of a Importance of treating the bill as promissory
holder in due course, he is liable to the holder. note

Effect of discharging one of a set

Except as herein otherwise provided, where any one part of Effect of want of demand on principal debtor.
a bill drawn in a set is discharged by payment or otherwise,  Presentment for payment is not necessary in order
the whole bill is discharge. (Sec 183) to charge the person primarily liable on the
The section means on discharging by payment only on one instrument; but if the instrument is, by its terms,
set. It is because that part constituting the bills in set is payable at a special place, and he is able and willing
to pay it there at maturity, such ability and
willingness are equivalent to a tender of payment
upon his part. But except as herein otherwise
provided, presentment for payment is necessary in
order to charge the drawer and indorsers. (Sec 70)

Section 70 provides that presentment for payment is

necessary in order to charge the drawer and indorsers,
parties secondary liable. When the bill is treated as note,
the drawer becomes the maker, so, the holder of the
instrument need not prove a presentment for payment.
Therefore, it can be give out already.

G. Option bill or note

Section 17(e) states that “Where the instrument is
so ambiguous that there is doubt whether it is a bill
or note, the holder may treat it as either at his

Example whether the instrument a note or bill:

24, July 2019

I promise to pay Alma or bearer P10,000 payable

on 24 July 2020.

To: Roderick Sgd. Bella

Sgd. Jungkook
CHAPTER 2 Third, it must be payable on demand, or at a fixed, or
determinable future time.
Fourth, it must be payable to order or to bearer. The
Negotiable Instruments instrument may be named to a fictitious character and still
be deemed valid.
Negotiable instruments are an alternative for money
which can be used as a substitute for payment in a certain Fifth is for the bill of exchange where it’s addressed
transaction like sales, commercial transactions and other to a drawee. The drawee must be named or indicated with a
financial transactions. In spite of that, creditor cannot be reasonable certainty.
enforced to accept the negotiable instrument as a payment
even if it’s a valid one due to the reason that it’s not a legal Signature of the maker or drawer
Signature is person’s name or mark written by that
A legal tender is a currency where a debtor can person and used with the intention of authenticating a
oblige a creditor to accept as a payment. document. Furthermore, no person is liable on the
instrument whose signature does not appear thereon,
As such, it’s the discretion of the creditor to accept except as herein otherwise expressly provided.
or decline the negotiable instrument as a mode of payment.
1. A person signing in a trade name or assumed name
The important factors in an instrument to be will be liable to the extent as if he signed in his own
negotiable are in its face, other things are not relevant. name.
First, the instrument must be in writing and the signature 2. Duly authorized agent signing for the principal. The
of the maker or drawer is indicated therein. Only the principal is bound by the signature of the agent.
person whose signature is seen in the face of the 3. In case of forgery, the forger is still liable even his
instrument is liable. As long as it can be read and has the signature does not appear on the instrument.
other factors, the instrument can be written to a paper or 4. An indorser signing on a separate paper attached to
substitute for paper. the instrument.
Second, it must contain an unconditional promise or 5. The acceptor when the acceptance is written on a
order to pay a sum certain in money. Requirements in the paper other the bill itself.
face of an instrument will make it non-negotiable.
Effect of forged signature Noted: Under Section 23 does not avoid the INSTRUMENT
but only the FORGED SIGNATURE, thus a forged
 The signature under forged or made even without indorsement does not operate as the payee's indorsement.
authority of the person, meaning the signature are
W.I.D.E: Unless, "A party against whom it is sought to enforce a right
is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of
o W-Wholly inoperative authority"
 The signature is wholly inoperative
o I-Instrument retainer P - Persons Negotiating by delivery
 No right to retain the instrument
I - Indorsers
o D- Discharge
 No right to give discharge therefore or A - Acceptor
o E-Enforcement payment
 No right to enforce payment thereof (P.I.A) Those are the warrantors of the genuineness of the
against any party, thereof can be acquired signature on the instrument
through or under such signature, unless
the party against whom it is sought to
enforce such right is precluded from 1. Maker
setting up the forgery or want of 2. Drawer
authority. 3. Indorser
Article 169 of the revised Penal code discuss how forgery is Forged Signature of the Maker
Order Instrument
 Under article 169 forged may be committed by the
following:  The right of the indorsee is to proceed against the
1. "Appearance of a true genuine document" payee, not the maker (because as to the maker, the
 By giving it to a treasury or bank note or any instrument is inoperative)
instrument, payable to bearer or order
mentioned Bearer Instrument
2. "C.A.S.E"
 The indorsee who is a holder in due course can
Counterfeiting, Altering, Substituting and Erasing it either proceed against ALL parties.
figures, letters, words or signs contained therein.
 Signature is immaterial but forger is criminally  Generally, collecting banks are held to be negligent
liable. for failing to observe precautionary measures to
detect the forgery.
Setting up the defense of forgery  A collecting bank where a check is deposited and
1. The party against whom it is sought to enforce such which indorses the check upon presentment with
right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of the drawee bank is such an indorser.
authority by their N.A.S.P:  The collecting bank is bound by his warranties as an
indorser and cannot set up the defense of forgery as
N - Negligence against the drawee bank.

A - Acts General Rule: The warranty “that the instrument is

genuine and in all respects what it purports to be”
S - Silence covers all the defects in the instrument affecting the
validity thereof, including a forged instrument.
P - Parties who warrant s or admit the genuineness of the
signature in the question under Sec 65 and 66. Exception: When the issuance of the check itself
was attended with negligence.
Forged Signature of the Drawer
Exception to the Liability of the Collecting Bank or
Without the Collecting Bank (instrument was encashed
the “60%-40%” or “50%-50” Liability Rule
or presented for payment at the very same drawee bank)
A. 60% - 40% Liability Rule (60% drawee bank and
 The drawer-depositor has ALL the right against the
40% collecting bank)
drawee-depository bank for negligence in not
 The drawee bank is liable for 60% of the amount on
ascertaining the genuineness of the signature of its
the face of the negotiable instrument and 40% liable
for the collecting banks due of the negligence of both
Rule: A bank is bound to know its depositors’ banks.
signature. B. 50% -50% Liability Rule (drawer and collecting
With Collecting Bank (instrument was deposited or  The issuing institution and the collecting bank
presented for payment in another bank called the should be proportionately shared the liability for the
collecting bank as distinguished from the drawee bank) loss of amount represented by the check concerned
because of the negligence of the both parties.
 Banks or institution which issued the checks was As held by the Supreme Court, to wit:
held partially liable for the amount in the check
because of the negligence of these parties which 1. Forgery
resulted in the issuance of the checks without the  For the party whose signature is forged:
authorization or confirming its validity.
- Real or absolute defense
 The holder of the instrument having no participation
in the forgery and negotiation of instrument can -Was never a party because of the reason he never
raise real defense of forgery as against both banks gave his consent to the contract
Forged Signature of the Indorser -Not liable to anyone; not even by a holder in due
A. Forged signature of the Indorser in an order
instrument  If a person’s signature is forged as a maker of the
promissory note:
-He cannot be made to pay because he never made
Athena makes a promissory note payable to Kenji or the promise to pay
order Php 20,000. Assume that while Kirby holds the
instrument, Bernadette took it unlawfully and forged  A person’s signature as a drawer of check is forged:
the signature of Kirby. Afterwards, she indorsed it to - Drawee bank cannot charge the amount against
Hikari and Hikari to Sakura. the drawer account

 In this case, Sakura can proceed against Bernadette,  Section 23 also covers about a forged indorsement,
the one who forged the signature of Kenji. for example:
 Sakura cannot collect from Athena, Kenji and Kirby - Forged signature of the payee
because the instrument is wholly inoperative. - Indorsee of a note or check
 Sakura can collect from Bernadette and Hikari being
the subsequent parties.  According to the said provision, subsequent parties
cannot go against parties prior to the forgery and
the signature that is forged is “wholly inoperative”.
1. Parties prior to the forgery are not liable.  Exception:
2. Only the forger and subsequent parties are liable in -There is an exception to the rules if a party is
an order instrument and it’s signature of the precluded from setting up forgery as defense.
indorser is forged
2. Forged indorsements the negligence of the depositor which, in turn, will
prevent the recovery of an unauthorized payment.
 2 Types of cases involving forged  If it came to the knowledge of the depositor that her
instruments of checks or his funds is disappearing and if it happens that
1. Forgery was done by a person not related to she fails to take steps, it will make her negligent and
the drawer be estopped to recover from the bank.
Example: Mail Robbery  The negligence of the petitioner was the reason of
2. Forgery was done by an agent of the drawer her loss. Under the Section 23 of Negotiable
- It is the duty of the drawer (depositor) to report Instruments Law (NIL), he or she cannot compel the
to the drawee bank if he learns that the check drawee bank to recredit her account with the
drawn by him has been paid under a forged amount of such checks.
- The negligence or failure of a drawer to discover B. Forged signature of the Indorser in a bearer
or to report the forgery to the drawee will cause instrument
the drawer to lose his right against the drawee.
 Delivery is essential for the purpose of giving effect
Athena makes a promissory note payable to Kenji or
to the instrument.
order Php 20,000. Assume that while Kirby holds the
 Issuance of the instrument instrument, Bernadette took it unlawfully and forged
-First delivery of the instrument, complete in form, the signature of Kirby. Afterwards, she indorsed it to
to the payee who takes it as a holder of the Hikari and Hikari to Sakura, a holder in due course.
 Rule: A drawer’s account for the amount of the said  In this case, Sakura can proceed against Bernadette,
check which an indorsement has been forged the one who forged the signature of Kirby and
CANNOT be charge by a drawee bank who has paid Hikari, the subsequent party.
the check.  Because the instrument is a bearer instrument,
 Exception: Drawer is guilty of negligence Sakura may likewise proceed against Athena and
which made the bank to honor such a check Kenji.
or checks.
 In case the check is stolen from the payee, he has no  The instrument is a bearer instrument and
similar obligation to the forged instruments. endorsement are not necessary and under Sec. 30,
 The failure of the depositor to act as a “prudent the bearer instrument can be negotiated by delivery
businessman” under the circumstances is based on only. The endorsement and forged signature are not
necessary to pass the title; it can be pass through lending his name to some other person. The relation of
delivery. accommodation party and the accommodated party is one
of principal and surety – the accommodation party being
Signature by agent the surety.
The signature of any party may be made by a duly The surety’s liability to the creditor is immediate,
authorized agent, primary, and absolute; he is directly and equally bound
Requisites – signing as agent; with the principal.

Unconditional promise or order to pay a sum certain in

 Duly authorized to sign for the principal;
 Addition of words describing him as an agent or as a money
filing a representative capacity; and Unconditional promise is a straightforward promise
 Must disclose his principal dependent upon the happening of certain event. In case of
Signature by procuration bill of exchange, the order must an order of payment and
not a mere request to pay.
The agent has but a limited authority to sign, and the
Every promise in writing to pay money is presumed
principal is bound only in case the agent in so signing acted
within the actual limits of his authority. Procuration means to have been made for a valuable consideration until the
the act of appointing someone as an agent or attorney in contrary is proved.
fact. When promise is unconditional
An agent per procuration must be expressly An unconditional promise is that which indicates a
authorized either to make, draw, accept or indorse the particular fund from which reimbursement is to be made,
instrument for his principal. Otherwise, without express or a particular account to be debited with the amount, and
authority, cannot presume to act for and in behalf of the a statement of transaction which give rise to the
principal, the agent per procuration is not bound, and thus, instrument, thus, making the instrument negotiable. On the
not liable. other hand, an instrument which states a particular found
from which payment is to be made is non-negotiable.
Liability of Accommodation Party

An accommodation party is one who has signed the Particular account to be debited
instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser, Treasury warrants are non-negotiable instrument
without receiving value thereof, and for the purpose of as it is actually an order of payment out of a particular fund;
therefore, it is not within the scope of negotiable with costs of collection or attorney’s fee in case payment shall
instruments law. not be made upon maturity.”

An example of instrument which states a particular account With interest

to be debited is:
The certain as to sum requirement refers to the
“To: May principal amount, and the interest stipulated is just a mere
accessory to the instrument.
Pay to June or order Php 10,000.00 and charge to the
account of July Corporation.” By stated installments

The instrument is negotiable as it does not mean The mode of payment (which is by instalment) does
that the payment is to be made from the account of July not affect the negotiability of the instrument as the
Corporation. May is the drawer here, so regardless if July principal sum is certain. It is only when maturity date is not
Corporation’s account has enough or insufficient amount, stated which renders it non-negotiable.
June will be paid by May. Only the reimbursement of May’s
payment will come from July Corporation’s account. By stated installments with acceleration clause

There is a presumption that a valuable consideration has Example:

been given which gives rise to the instrument and the September 03, 2019
signatures of people that appear thereon have become a
party thereto for value. I promise to pay Anna or bearer P15,000 in three monthly
installments, as follows:
Sum certain in money

As stated, a negotiable instrument is payable only in

money. Payments other than money renders the 1st – October 03, 2019 P5,000
instrument non-negotiable. 2nd – November 03, 2019 P5,000
3rd – December 03, 2019 P5,000
Section 2 states that, “Sum payable is a sum certain within
the meaning of this Act, a although it is to be paid: (a) with Upon default in payment in any of the above-mentioned
interest; or (b) by stated instalments: or (c) by stated installments, then the whole amount payable shall become
instalments with a provision that, upon default in payment of due.
any instalment or interest, the whole shall become due; or (d)
with exchange, whether at a fixed rate or current rate; or (e) Sgd. Elsa
The instrument is still negotiable because it has provision With costs of collection or attorney’s fee
that upon default in payment of any installment, the whole
amount shall become due. Example:

The provision is called acceleration clause. As an incident, July 14, 2019

the objective is to compel the payment of the instrument on
I promise to pay Karl or bearer P10,000 on August 14,
With exchange rate whether at a fixed rate or current
rate 2019 and upon default, I likewise commit to pay the costs
June 18, 2019 of collection and attorney’s fee.

Sgd. Rei
I promise to pay Vilma or bearer $10,000 with
exchange at 1.5%.
This is still negotiable because the sum of P10,000 is still
Sgd. Nikka certain although it is to be paid with collection and an
attorney's fee, in case shall not be paid at its maturity date.

Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or

This provision applies to foreign bill. Exchange means rate determinable future time
multiplied by the principal amount to cover the expenses in
providing the funds since it may be drawn in one country
and payable in another. The instrument is negotiable
because it is with exchange. - As to time, certain is a necessity. This requires the
time or maturity of the instrument.

An instrument is payable on demand:

1. When it is expressed to be payable on demand, or at a

sight, or on presentation.
2. In which no time for payment is expressed. 1. As to person issuing after it is overdue.

Payable on demand, or at sight or on presentation 2. As to person accepting after it is overdue.

Example: 3. As to person endorsing after it is overdue.

Determinable future time

June 28, 2019 An instrument is payable at a determinable future time,

which is expressed to be payable:

a. At a fixed period after date or sight; or

1. I promise to pay Gelo or bearer P20,000 on demand.
Or b. On or before a fixed determinable future time specified
therein; or
2. I promise to pay Gelo or bearer P20,000 on
presentation. Or c. On or at a fixed period after the occurrence of a specified
event which is certain to happen, though the time of
3. I promise to pay Gelo or bearer P20,000. (No time) happening is uncertain.

Sgd. Riane

January 4, 2019
Overdue instrument regarded as payable on demand 1. I promise to pay Aira or bearer P10,000, 30 days
after date. Or
Instrument issued, accepted, or indorsed when
overdue 2. I promise to pay Aira or bearer P10,000, 30 days
after sight. Or
March 23, 2019 3. I promise to pay Aira or bearer P10,000 on or before
February 4, 2019.
I promise to pay Federer or bearer P50,000 on March
31, 2019. Sgd. Audrey

Sgd. Riane

Sgd. Reiniel
- Nos. 1 & 2 are negotiable because the future time is person or to him or to his order and maybe drawn
determinable payable to the order of:
- No. 3 is also negotiable because it is a fixed or  A payee who is not maker, drawer, or
determinable future time. drawee;
 Drawer or maker
In the above case, it is only the maker, Audrey, that is given  Drawee
the privilege to make use of the period stated in the note  Two or more payees jointly
"on or before" the period intended to benefit her.  One or some several payees; or
Occurrence of Certain Event
 The holder of an office for a time being.
 It is not necessary that the date on the instrument be  Under Section 9, the instrument is payable to bearer
specific, as long as a specified event is payable at a when:
fixed or determinable future time, the instrument  It is expressed to be so payable;
shall be rendered NEGOTIABLE.  It is payable to a person named therein or
 On the other hand, if there is no date on the bearer;
instrument and the specified event cannot be known  It is payable to the order of a FICTITIOUS or
to come or contingent, the instrument shall be non-existing person, and such fact was
rendered NON-NEGOTIABLE and the happening of known to the person making it so payable;
the event does not cure the defect or its non-  The name of the payee does not purport to be
negotiability. a name of any person; or
 According to Art. 1180 of the Civil Code, “In  The only or last indorsement is an
conditional obligations, the acquisition of rights, as indorsement in blank.
well as the extinguishment or loss of those already
NOTE: The term “order” or “bearer” is the magic word in a
acquired, shall depend upon the happening of the
negotiable instrument. If there is no payable to order or
event which constitutes the condition”.
bearer in an instrument, then that instrument is not
negotiable. These words serve as an expression that the
instrument maybe transferred.
Must be Payable to Order or to Bearer
Payable to Order
 Under Section 8, the instrument is payable to order
 There must always be a specified person named in
where it is drawn payable to the order of specified
the instrument which means that the bill or note is
to be paid to the person designated in the
instrument or to any person to whom he has Fictitious Payee
indorsed the instrument and delivered the same.
Payable to bearer
1. Payable to the order of a fictitious or non-
 A bearer is the person who is in possession of a bill existing person,
or note which is payable to bearer. 2. Such fact was known to the person making it so
 A bearer instrument refers to the bearer of the payable.
documents, or whosoever at the time of
presentment the instrument payable Checks issued to “Prinsipe Abante” or “Si Malakas at
Maganda,” who are well-known characters in Philippine
mythology, are bearer instruments because the named
payees are fictitious and non-existent.
01 October 2019
 Pay to bearer Php 100,000 Fictitious Payee
-when it is expressed to be so payable Requisites:
 Pay to Federer or bearer Php 100,000
-when it is payable to a person named therein or 3. Payable to the order of a fictitious or non-
existing person,
 Pay to Wolverine Php 100,000
4. Such fact was known to the person making it so
-when it is payable to order of a fictitious or non-
existing person, and such fact was known to the
person making it so payable Checks issued to “Prinsipe Abante” or “Si Malakas at
 Pay to cash Maganda,” who are well-known characters in Philippine
mythology, are bearer instruments because the named
-when the name of the payee does not purport to
payees are fictitious and non-existent.
be the name of any person
 At the back of the instrument, the payee signed Fictitious Payee Rule
his name and deliver it to another
In a fictitious-payee situation, the drawee bank is
-when the only or last indorsement is an
absolved from liability and the drawer bears the loss. When
indorsement in blank. faced with a check payable to a fictitious payee, it is treated
as a bearer instrument that can be negotiated by delivery.
To: Roddick

Sgd. Nadal
The underlying theory is that one cannot expect a 2. In the case of failure to show that the payees
fictitious payee to negotiate the check by placing his were fictitious in its broader sense, the fictitious-
indorsement thereon. And since the maker knew this payee rule does not apply. Thus, the checks are
limitation, he must have intended for the instrument to be to be deemed payable to order. Consequently,
negotiated by mere delivery. Thus, in case of controversy, the drawee bank bears the loss.
the drawer of the check will bear the loss.
3. A bank that regularly processes checks that are
This rule is justified for otherwise, it will be most neither payable to the customer nor fully
convenient for the maker who desires to escape payment of indorsed by the payee is apparently grossly
the check to always deny the validity of the indorsement. negligent in its operations.
4. In a checking transaction, the drawee bank has
Commercial Bad Faith Rule
the duty to verify the genuineness of the
A showing of commercial bad faith on the part of the signature of the drawer and to pay the check
drawee bank, or any transferee of the check for that matter, strictly in accordance with the drawer's
will work to strip it of this defense. The exception will cause instructions.
it to bear the loss.
Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he
Commercial bad faith is present if the transferee of must be named or otherwise indicated therein with
the check acts dishonestly, and is a party to the fraudulent reasonable certainty.
 It is basic in a bill of exchange that a drawee
For the fictitious-payee rule to be available as a must be a party thereto.
defense, the drawee must show that the makers did not  A bill makes a command or order to pay and
intend for the named payees to be part of the transaction such, the person or the drawee to whom such
involving the checks. order is made or addressed must be named.
 In case the drawee cannot be named, then at
1. If the bank failed to satisfy a requisite condition least be indicated with reasonable certainty like
of a fictitious-payee situation. “Finance Officer” of a corporation.
-that the maker of the check intended for the Note: since the drawee is only a party to a bill of exchange,
payee to have no interest in the transaction, the this provision necessarily does not apply to promissory
bank is liable for the loss note.
1. A check is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank 5. A drawer must remember his responsibilities every
payable on demand. time he issues a check. He must personally keep
 A check is a written order addressed to a bank or track of his available balance in the bank and not
persons carrying on the business of banking, by a rely on the bank to notify him of the necessity to
party having money in their hands, requesting fund certain check he previously issued.
them to pay on presentment, to a person named  A check, as distinguished from an ordinary bill of
therein or to bearer or order, a named sum of exchange, is supposed to be drawn against a
money. previous deposit of funds for it is ordinarily
intended for immediate payment.
2. Fixed savings and current deposits of money in 6. A bank performs its full duty where, upon the
banks and similar institutions shall be governed by receipt of a check drawn against an account in which
the provisions concerning simple loan. there are insufficient funds to pay it in full, it
 The relationship between the bank and the endeavors to induce the drawer to make good his
depositor is that of a debtor and creditor. account so that the check can be paid, and failing in
this, it protests the check on the following morning
3. Where the bank possesses funds of a depositor, it is and notifies its correspondent bank by the telegraph
bound to honor his checks to the extent of the of the protest.
amount of his deposits.
 The failure of a bank to pay the check of a 7. The bank had all the right to dishonor the checks
merchant or a trader, when the deposit is because there were no sufficient funds to speak of in
sufficient, entitles the drawer to substantial the first place.
damages without any proof of actual damages.
 If the demand is by check, a drawer must have to
4. Conversely, a bank is not liable for its refusal to pay his credit enough to cover the demand. If his
a check on account of insufficient funds, credit with the bank is less than the amount on
notwithstanding the fact that a deposit may be made the face of the check, the bank may lawfully
later in the day. refuse payment.
 Before a bank depositor may maintain a suit to
recover a specific amount from his bank, he must 8. A bank is under no obligation to make part payment
first show that he had on deposit sufficient funds on a check, up to only the amount of the drawer's
to meet his demand. funds, where the check is drawn for an amount
larger than what the drawer has on deposit.
Additional provisions not affecting negotiability Just like if the instrument is compensated by
FAILURE or such dishonesty should be transferred to
By the form and interpretation of section 1 on persons with subordinate duties. Otherwise, these parties
negotiable instrument, an instrument is negotiable if it is will be released.
intended as a substitute for money. But if the instrument
calls for an act other than the payment of money, it is not Burden of evidence
negotiable. However, there are additional provisions not
affecting the negotiability. It is upon the plaintiff who seeks to enforce the
defendant’s liability upon a negotiable instrument as an
(a) Authorizes the sale of collateral securities in case indorser to establish said liability by proving that notice
the instrument be not paid at maturity; was given to the defendant within the time and in the
manner required by the law that the instrument in question
Because the law provides an exception to the general rule had been dishonored.
that a sale of collateral that contains instructions or
promises to take measures other than the payment of funds (d) Gives the holder an election to require something to
cannot be negotiated. be done in lieu of payment of money.

(b) Authorizes a confession of judgment if the Fourth exception to the rule: Even if additional act
instrument be not paid at maturity; or exists, the matter may be negotiable if the right to choose
between paying money or performing additional actions is
In the Philippines, there are certain effects in recognizing in the hands of the owner.
decision in the confession of judgment that are considered
invalid because they violate public policy.

1. It extends the range of fraud,

2. If you process this order, your rights in court will be

respected for one day.

3. As a result of this document, the rights to objections set

out in the charter were rejected.

(c) waives the benefit of any law intended for the

advantage or protection of the obligor;
CHAPTER 3 (f) If the signature is placed on the instrument and it’s not
clear in what capacity he intended to sign, he is considered
ISSUANCE to be an indorser.
Sec 17 lays down the rules of construction or interpretation (g) If an instruments contains the word “I promise to pay”
where the language of the instrument is ambiguous or is signed by two or more persons, they are considered to be
there are omissions therein. jointly and severally liable thereon.
Construction where instrument is ambiguous. - Where the Omissions (Sec. 6)
language of the instrument is ambiguous or there are
omissions therein, the following rules of construction The validity and negotiability of an instrument is not
apply: affected even if it:

(a) Where the sum payable is expressed in words and also a. is not dated
in figures and there is a discrepancy between the two, the
sum denoted by the words is the sum payable; but if the b. does not specify the value given, or any value had been
words are ambiguous or uncertain, reference may be had to given
the figures to fix the amount c. the place where it has been drawn or the place where it is
(b) Where the instrument provides for the payment of payable is not specified
interest, without specifying the date from which interest is
d. bears a seal
to run, the interest runs from the date of the
instrument, and if the instrument is undated, from the e. designates a particular kind of current money in which
issue thereof payment is to be made
(c) Where the instrument is not dated, it will be considered However, nothing in this chapter shall change or repel any
to be dated as of the time it was issued statute requiring the nature of the consideration to be
stated in the instrument
(d) Where there is a conflict between the written and printed
provisions of the instrument, the written provisions prevail Presumption as to date
(e) if the instrument is unclear that it is hard to tell whether If the instrument or an acceptance or any indorsement
it is a bill or note, the holder of such instrument may treat it thereon, is dated, the date is prima facie to be the true date
as either at his choice. of the making, drawing, acceptance, or indorsement, as the
case may be.
When date may be inserted Hence, an ante-dated or past-dated instrument must be
NEGOTIATED BEFORE its maturity, otherwise, it loses its
An instrument is expressed to be payable: negotiability.
1. at a fixed period after date is issued undated; or Complete or Incomplete and/or deliver or undelivered
2. where the acceptance of the instrument to be paid at a
fixed period after sight is not dated  Incomplete and delivered instrument – Sec. 14
The true date of issue or acceptance may be inserted by any  Incomplete and undelivered instrument – Sec. 15
holder, and the instrument shall be payable. The insertion  Complete and undelivered instrument – Sec 16
of an incorrect date does not avoid the instrument in the A. Incomplete and delivered instrument (Blanks;
hands of a following holder in due course.
whenmay be filled)
Ante-dated and Post-dated - The person in possession of the instrument has been
-An instrument is ante-dated or post-dated is still given an authority called prima facie authority to
valid and negotiable until proven that the purpose of the complete the incomplete instrument by filling up the
instrument is for fraudulent or illegal claims then the blanks therein. And signed by the maker of the
instrument can now be invalid. Furthermore, only at the instrument may turn the instrument to a negotiable
date where the payee shall receive the delivered instrument.
instrument is where he acquires the title. - When the instrument is completed it may be
enforced against any person who became a party
a) Ante-dated instrument prior to tits completion. Although, before the
instrument can be passed on from one person to
-is a negotiable instrument that has a date that have another, the person accordance with the authority
already been passed by in time, then the issuance of given and within recoverable time.
instrument is made. - But if such instrument after completion is
b) Post-dated instrument negotiated to a holder in due course, whatever is
within in the instrument shall be valid, effective and
-is a negotiable instrument where the date of can be enforce as if it was strictly in accordance with
issuance comes first then at a later time the date or the authority given by the drawer or maker
effective date of the instrument comes after.
B. Incomplete and undelivered Instruments 1. To a holder in due course

- Is where an instrument is incomplete and - when a completed instrument is delivered to a

undelivered therefor is an invalid contract in the holder in due course, a valid delivery is conclusively
hands of any holder against any person who signed presumed and thereof all parties prior to him is liable for the
the instrument before delivery. A clear indication of instrument he holds.
non-delivery of such instrument means there is no
consent given by the person who has a signature - lack of delivery is not a defense against a holder in
written in the instrument. due course.

C. Complete and undelivered instrument 2. To a holder not in due course

- Is where an instrument is completely filled up but - when a completed instrument is delivered to a

not yet delivered causing such instrument to be holder not in due course, a valid and intentional delivery is
invalid. Because to be valid a delivery, with purpose presumed until the contrary is proved.
of giving effect, of the instrument shall be needed for - lack of delivery is a defense as against a holder not
the person who made the signature in the in due course.
instrument to be liable. However, if in the hands of
the holder in due course it will be valid and prior Immediate and Remote Parties
parties to him will be pressured to be liable and also
the person who signed the instrument as long as he (A) Immediate Parties
has proven that he didn’t deliver the instrument, he
- refer to persons who are privies to the promissory
will not be held liable.
note or bill of exchange.
Person to make delivery
- parties between whom there is a privity to a
To be effectual delivery must be made by: negotiable instrument or in contractual relation to each
other and are persons who know or are being held to know
1. By the party making, drawing, accepting, or indorsing the of the conditions and/or limitations placed upon the
instrument. delivery of the instrument.
2. By the person under the authority of the party making, (B) Remote Parties
drawing, accepting, or indorsing the instrument.
- refer to persons who are not in direct contractual
Person to whom the instrument is delivered relation or privy to each other in a negotiable instrument
Illustrative example: What constitutes a material alteration

(1) Assume that Mr. M makes and delivers a promissory It includes any alteration which changes:
note to Mr. P, and Mr. P indorses it to Mrs. A, and Mrs. A TO
Mrs. B. Mr. M and Mr. P are said to be immediate parties 1. the date
because they are in direct contractual relation with each 2. the sum payable (principal or interest)
other. The same is true to Mr. P and Mrs. A, and Mrs. A to
Mrs. B. 3. the time or place of payment
(2) Also in the preceding example Mr. M and Mrs. B are 4. the number or the relations of the parties
remote parties, that is, parties who are not in direct
contractual relation to each other. 5. the medium or currency in which paymentis to be made

As such by virtue of Sec.52, a holder in due course is not an 6. or which adds a place of payment where no lace of
immediate party because he has no notice of any infirmity payment is specified, or any other change or addition which
in the instrument or defect in title of the person negotiating alters the effect of the instrument in any respect, is a
it. material alteration. (Sec.125)

Simply saying that a holder in due course has no knowledge

of the conditions and/or limitations of the delivery of the

Alteration of Instrument

When a negotiable instrument is materially altered without

the authorization or consent of all parties, it is avoided,
except to the party who has authorized the alteration and
subsequent indorsers. However, according to Sec.124 when
an instrument has been materially altered and in the hands
of a holder in due course not a party to the alteration, he
may enforce payment to thereof according to its original
CHAPTER 4 Kinds of Holder

NEGOTIATION 1. Holder in due course

2. Holder not in due course
3. Holder for value
Negotiation – when the instrument is transferred from one
person to another, which becomes the holder.
1. Holder in Due Course
Holder who has taken the instrument under the ff
- Bearer instrument – negotiated by delivery conditions: (Sec.52)
- Order instrument – negotiated by indorsement a. That is complete and regular upon its face;
b. he became the holder of t before it was overdue, and
coupled with delivery
without notice that it has been previously
dishonored, if such was the fact;
c. he took it in good faith and for value;
NEGOTIABLE NON- d. That at the time it was negotiated to him, he had no
NEGOTIABLE notice of any infirmity in the instrument or defect in
NEGOTIATED  the title of the person negotiating it.

Sec. 55. When title defective. - The title of a person who

Holder – payee or indorsee of a bill or note who is in negotiates an instrument is defective within the meaning of
possession of it, or the bearer thereof. (Sec.191) this Act when he obtained the instrument, or any signature
thereto, by fraud, duress, or force and fear, or other
unlawful means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he
negotiates it in breach of faith, or under such circumstances
Basic Rights of a Holder (Sec. 51)
as amount to a fraud.
1. Rights to sue on the instrument in his own name
2. Rights to receive payment – discharge the
instrument • In the acquisition or negotiation thereof
DEFECTS OF TITLE 2. of facts that his action in taking the instrument amounts
to bad faith
• All those situations which at common law were
known as equitable defenses and also to cover those ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE
equities of ownership where there was breach of faith in
negotiation • Actual knowledge is required and not mere suspicion,
surmise or fear
• Examples?
o Acquisition of the instrument by fraud
• Bad faith consists in guilty knowledge, or willful
o Acquisition of the instrument by force, duress or fear ignorance, showing a vicious or evil mind

o Acquisition of the instrument by unlawful means • While mere suspicion is not enough, where there is
knowledge of suspicious circumstances, coupled with
o Acquisition of the instrument by for an illegal means of verifying them, taking the instrument may
consideration amount to bad faith
o Negotiation of the instrument in breach of faith
 Negotiation of the instrument under
circumstances which amount to fraud • Things that are wrong with the instrument itself
Sec. 56. What constitutes notice of defect. - To • What are these?
constitutes notice of an infirmity in the instrument or
defect in the title of the person negotiating the same, the o Wrong date inserted where the instrument is
person to whom it is negotiated must have had actual expressed to be payable at a fixed period after sight is
knowledge of the infirmity or defect, or knowledge of such undated
facts that his action in taking the instrument amounted to
bad faith. o Filling up a blank instrument not strictly in
accordance with the authority given or not within
To constitute a notice of defect or infirmity, the holder authority given or not within the reasonable time, where
must have actual knowledge either: it was delivered wanting in a material alteration

1. Of the defect or infirmity or o Filling up without authority an incomplete and

undelivered instrument
o Lack of valid and intentional delivery 1. He may sue on his own name

o Forgery 2. He may receive payment and if the payment is in due

course, the instrument is discharged
 Material alteration
3. He holds the instrument subject to the same defenses
4. But a holder not in due course who derives his title
• The following may be chargeable with notice— from a holder in due course and who isn’t a party
one taking an instrument which is overdue; and one himself to any fraud or illegality affecting the instrument,
acquiring an instrument for a grossly inadequate has all the rights of such former holder in respect of parties
consideration prior to the latter
Sec. 54. Notice before full amount is paid. - Where the
transferee receives notice of any infirmity in the instrument LEGAL AND EQUITABLE DEFENSES
or defect in the title of the person negotiating the same
before he has paid the full amount agreed to be paid • The holder in due course is free from equitable
therefor, he will be deemed a holder in due course only to defenses only
the extent of the amount therefore paid by him.
Sec. 58. When subject to original defense. - In the DEFENSE. WHY?
hands of any holder other than a holder in due course, a
negotiable instrument is subject to the same defenses as • An alteration irrespective of original tenor, it can be
if it were non-negotiable. But a holder who derives his enforced—real
title through a holder in due course, and who is not • Irrespective of difference between original and
himself a party to any fraud or illegality affecting the altered tenor, can collect only limited amount—personal
instrument, has all the rights of such former holder in
respect of all parties prior to the latter. EQUITABLE OR PERSONAL DEFENSES
RIGHTS OF A HOLDER NOT IN DUE COURSE • Those which grow out of the agreement or conduct
of a particular person in regard to the instrument
which renders it inequitable for him, though holding legal • In the latter case, the defense is available only if
title, to enforce it against the defendant, but which are not there is no consideration received by the defendant for
available against bona fide purchasers for value without his liability and plaintiff must have given no consideration
notice for his title.


• Attach to the instrument itself and can be set up • Where the instrument is mechanically complete and is
against the whole world, including a holder in due course not wanting in any material particular, want of delivery is
an equitable defense
• The right sought to be enforced has never existed or
ceased to exist • As against holders not in due course, it can be shown
that no delivery was made, or that the delivery was
• Defense against everybody conditional or for a special purpose
THE INSTRUMENT SUBJECT TO A REAL DEFENSE • Where the instrument is stolen, the defense is also
THE LEGAL DEFENSE IS AVAILABLE. • But where the instrument is payable to order, it is a
real defense—for the person would have to commit forgery
• In general, the defense of want of consideration FRAUD IN INDUCEMENT IS A PERSONAL OR EQUITABLE
may only be raised between immediate parties DEFENSE
• But this could be raised in the instance that the holder • Relates to the quantity, quality, value or character of
has notice of the want in consideration the consideration of the instrument
• The want or failure of consideration may be • It should refer to the substance of the thing which is the
interposed in an action brought by the payee against object of the contract, or those conditions which have
the drawer or by the indorsee against the payee principally moved one or both parties to enter into the
indorsing, or by the drawer against the acceptor, but not in contract
an action between the payee and acceptor
FRAUD IN FACTUM OR FRAUD IN ESSE CONTRACTUS IS An alteration which changes the following, constitutes a
A LEGAL DEFENSE material alteration:

• This fraud exists in those cases which a person without a. Date

negligence has signed an instrument which was in fact a
negotiable instrument but was deceived as to the b. Sum payable, either for prinicipal or interest
character of the instrument and without knowledge of it c. Time or place of payment
• Essential element is that the maker or indorser, as the d. Number or the relations to the parties
case may be, must have exercised ordinary diligence and in
no manner contributed negligently to the imposition e. Medium or currency in which payment is to be made
MINORITY IS A LEGAL DEFENSE ONLY AVAILABLE TO f. Adding a place of payment where no place of payment is
THE MINOR specified, and any changes or addition which alters the
effect of the instrument
PROHIBITED FROM ISSUING ANY NEGOTIABLE Fraud in factum distinguished from fraud in
Fraud in factum
MADE VOID BY STATUTE, THE ILLEGALITY OF THE  A fraud that occurs when a legal instrument as
INSTRUMENT IS A REAL DEFENSE actually executed differs from the one intended for
execution by the person that executes it, or when the
Alteration of an instrument instrument may have no legal existence. Fraud in
factum occurs very rarely. It is also known as fraud
 Materially altered negotiable instruments without in the execution and fraud in the making.
the assent of the liable parties is avoided except Example: Frank requested Mosby to sign a piece of
when it is against the party who had himself made, paper telling the latter to be a fan of 5 Seconds of
authorized, or assented to the alteration and Summer. Thereafter, Frank writes a complete tenor
subsequent indorsers. of a negotiable promissory note in his favor for the
 If the instrument is materially altered and it is in the amount of P50,000 above the signature of Mosby.
hands of the holder in due course that is not a party Mosby had no intention to issue the promissory note
to the alteration, he may enforce payment of it
according to its original tenor
only that, Frank obtained Mosby's signature through Liability of parties in a negotiable instrument
his machination.
A. Primarily liable
Fraud in inducement
 A fraud that occurs when a misrepresentation leads
another to enter into a transaction with a false Acceptor
impression of the risks, duties, or obligations
 An intentional misrepresentation of a material risk B. Secondarily liable
or duty reasonably relied on thereby injuring the
other party without impairing the contract itself. Drawer
Example: Frank sold 10 Victoria's Secret perfume to
Mosby which he said was legit VS perfume. Mosby,
the buyer, issued a promissory note in favor of
Frank. Later, it turns out that those perfumes where
just from Baclaran. In this case, Mosby had all the Persons primarily liable on instrument
intention to issue a promissory note only that he
was deceived. Had he known that the perfumes were  The person who is primarily liable on an instrument
just imitation, he wouldn't have issued the is the person who, by the terms of. The instrument,is
promissory note. absolutely required to pay the same. All other
parties are secondarily liable.
When person not deemed holder in due course
Persons primarily liable on instrument
 When an instrument on demand is negotiated on an
unreasonable length of time after its issuance, the The person primarily liable is the one who is required to
holder is not deemed a holder in due course. pay, all other parties are secondarily liable.
 Also, non-compliance with any of the requisites to Liability of a person secondarily liable when
be deemed a holder in due course under section 52 instrument dishonored
will make a holder not a holder in due course.
 One who is not a holder in due course does not When the instrument is dishonored by non-payment
automatically mean that he cannot recover from the immediately all the partied secondarily liable thereon
instrument. The negotiable instrument will just be accrues the holder.
subjected to defenses as if it were non-negotiable.
Liability of the maker 2. It is dishonored
3. The necessary proceedings of dishonor are duly
The makers of the negotiable instruments, must keep the taken
promised to pay to the instrument. their liability on the
instruments is primary and unconditional. Liability of acceptor

Liability of drawer The acceptor, by accepting the instrument, engages that he

will pay it according to the tenor of his acceptance and
The drawer is not liable on the instrument. The nature of admits:
the drawer's liability is only secondary. This is simply
because, the drawer is the one making the order the a. The existence of the drawer, the genuineness of his
command addressed to the drawee to pay the payee or signature, and his capacity and authority to draw the
holder of the instrument. instrument; and
b. The existence of the payee and his capacity to
Requisites to set the liability of the drawer. indorse. (Sec. 62)
1. The bill is presented for acceptance or payment. Acceptor Primarily Liable
2. Upon due presentment to the drawee, the bill was Acceptor engages to pay absolutely according to the
dishonored by non-acceptance or non- payment tenor of its acceptance. His liability is not subject to any
condition and the acceptor is the drawee who accepts the
3. The necessary proceedings on dishonor be duly taken
bill. His acceptance immediately places a legal liability on
Liability acceptor him for the payment of the bill in favor of one who became
a holder thereof after acceptance, and if he wants to escape
Primarily acceptor is liable on the instrument or liability, it is up to him to show that he is a mere agent of
particularly the bill of exchange. the drawer, or allege and prove any other defense which he
has to the liability.
Acceptor - means a person or entity that accepts a
negotiable instrument and agrees to be primarily Indorsement
responsible for its payment or performance. There cannot
be two separate acceptors of a bill of exchange. Placing signature on the back of the negotiable instr
ument to transfer or ensure the tool or to recognize payme
Requisites of the bill to set the liability of the drawer: nt, sometimes with an extra notation.
1. It is presented for acceptance or payment Indorsement, how made
The indorsement must be: available against the transferor, that defense is
also available against the transferees
1. Written on the instrument itself or 2. The transferee has also the right to require the
2. Upon a paper attached thereto transferor to indorse the instrument
The signature of the indorser, without additional words, When a person deemed indorser
is a sufficient indorsement. (Sec. 31)
A person placing his signature upon an instrument
Indorsement must be of entire instrument otherwise than as maker, drawer, or acceptor, is deemed to
be indorser unless he clearly indicates by appropriate
The general rule is that the instrument must be indo
rsed as a whole. Consequent- words his intention to be bound in some other capacity.
ly, an indication of a part of the instrument does not functio (Sec. 63)
n as a negotiation of it. Order in which indorsers are liable
Illustration: As respect one another, indorsers are liable prima
facie in the order in which they indorse; but evidence is
28 September 2019 admissible to show that, as between or among themselves,
they have agreed otherwise. Joint payees or joint indorsees
I promise to pay Alfonso or order Php 150,000.
who indorse are deemed to indorse jointly and severally.
Transfer without indorsement (Sec. 68)
Sgd. Jack
Where the holder of an instrument payable to his ORDER IN WHICH INDORSERS ARE LIABLE
order transfers it for value without indorsing it, the
transfer vests in the transferee such title as the transferor As respect one another, indorsers are liable prima
had therein, and the transferee acquires in addition, the facie in the order in which they indorse; but evidence is
right to have the indorsement of the transferor. But for the admissible to show that, as between or among themselves,
purpose of determining whether the transferee is a holder they have agreed otherwise. Joint payees or joint indorsees
in due course, the negotiation takes effect as of the time who indorsed are deemed to indorse jointly and severally.
when the indorsement is actually made. (Sec. 49)
 Section 68 governs the liability of indorsers only as
Rights of transferees for value among themselves.
 Every indorser is liable to all indorsers subsequent
1. The transferee acquires only the rights of the to him.
transferor. This means that if a defense is
 As to the holder of the instrument, he can intend 1. He warrants that the instrument is genuine and in
payment to the indorsers because they are liable in all respects what it purports to be.
any order and none of them can invoke that there 2. He warrants that he has good title to it.
was an agreement among them that they are not 3. He warrants that all prior parties had capacity to
liable in the order of their indorsements. contract.
 If they prove on their agreement among themselves 4. He warrants that he has knowledge of any fact
that other indorsers are first held liable, the one who which would impair the validity of the instrument or
pays may demand reimbursement from the others. render it valueless.

ILLUSTRATION: R (drawer) issued bill to P (payee). When instrument is payable to bearer, the liabilities
P, payable to P or order. The drawee is DW. of a person negotiating by delivery are:
P indorsed and deliver the bill to A, A to B, B to C and 1. A person negotiating by delivery has the same
H. liabilities as as qualified indorser, except that his
In the above illustration, the indorsers are P, A, B warranty extends only in favor of his immediate
and C transferee.
-D can enforce payment to any of the indorsee and 2. Liability of agent or broker when he negotiates
need not to follow the order of indorsement. without indorsement.
However, the following order of liability among
indorsers: Warranties of qualified indorser extend to all
-If D recovered from C, C had the right to reimbursed subsequent parties who acquire title through his
to B but cannot go directly to P. indorsement whether they are holders in due course or
-If B paid C, B also had the right to reimbursed to A not.
and not from P.
ILLUSTRATION: M makes a promissory note payable
to P or bearer for P80,000 and P negotiates it by
delivery to A, A to B, B to C and C to D.
WARRANTY OF INDORSER a. If there was a material alteration in the
A. Liability of person negotiating by delivery (Sec.65) instrument, he cannot claim that the instrument
B. Liability of general indorser (Sec. 66) is invalid because of “want of delivery of
C. Liability of irregular indorser (Sec. 64) incomplete instrument.”
b. If the instrument is attained for an illegal
Liability of person negotiating by delivery consideration, he is liable to the holder because
he warrants that he has good title to it.
c. If the drawer, maker, or any indorser prior to o Immediate transferees although they are not
him is a minor, insane, incapacitated or a holder in due course.
corporation performing ultra vires act, he is
liable because he warrants that they have ILLUSTRATION: M makes a promissory note payable
capacity to contract. to P or bearer for P80,000 and P negotiates it by
d. If at the time of the indorsement the maker is delivery to A, A to B, B to C and C to D.
insolvent, he is liable because he had knowledge a. If the person primarily liable is insolvent, a
of it during indorsement. general indorser is liable even if he was not
aware of such facts because he warrants that the
Definition of general indorser instrument is valid and subsisting.
 Is one who indorsed the instrument without any Definition of irregular indorser
 A person who is not really a party to the instrument,
Liabilities of a general indorser but he affixed his signature on the instrument before
1. He warrants that the instrument is genuine and in its delivery.
all respects what it purports to be  Usually, he is an accommodation party.
2. He warrants that he has good title to it. Liabilities of an irregular indorser
3. He warrants that all prior parties had capacity to
contract. 1. If the instrument is payable to the order of a third
4. That the instrument is, at the time of his person, he is liable to the payee and to all
indorsement valid and subsisting, subsequent parties.
5. He engages that due on presentment, the bill will be 2. If the instrument is payable to the order of the
accepted or paid or both and that in case of maker or drawer, or is payable to bearer, he is liable
dishonor, he shall pay the bill to the holder or to any to all parties subsequent to the maker or drawer.
subsequent indorsee who may be compelled to pay 3. If he signs for the accommodation of the payee, he is
it. liable to all parties subsequent to the payee.

Warranties of general indorser extend to: LIABILITY OF INDORSER WHERE INSTRUMENT IS

o Subsequent holders in due course
o Persons who derive their title from holders in  Section 67 explained that he incurs all the liabilities
due course. of an indorser depending on the kind of his
KINDS OF INDORSEMENT An instrument Negotiated by Can be further
originally: the payee negotiated by
 According to Section 33, an indorsement may be applying: the indorsee:
either special or in blank, and it may also be a.) Payable to Special Indorsement +
restrictive, qualified or conditional. order Indorsement Delivery
1. Special indorsement (Sec. 34) b.) Payable to Blank Mere Delivery
2. Blank indorsement (Sec. 35) order Indorsement
3. Restrictive indorsement (Sec. 36) c.) Payable to Special / Blank Mere Delivery
4. Qualified indorsement (Sec. 38)
5. Conditional indorsement (Sec. 39)
*for letter c, once a bearer instrument, always a bearer
6. Joint indorsement (Sec. 41)
instrument. Special indorser is liable only to such
7. Successive indorsement (Sec. 50,68)
holders who may acquire title through his indorsement.
8. Irregular indorsement (Sec. 64)
Indorsement of Instrument – Payable to Bearer
 If indorsement prohibits further negotiation of the
 If indorsed specially, it may nevertheless be further
instrument; or
negotiated by delivery.
 If it constitutes the indorsee the agent of the
 Person indorsing specially is liable as indorser to
indorser; or
only such holders as make title through his
 If it vests the title in the indorsee in trust for or to
the use of some other persons.
*Mere absence of words implying power to
 No indorsee negotiate does not make an indorsement
 Instrument is payable to bearer restrictive.
 May be negotiated by delivery.  Rights of indorsee:
 Can be converted to special indorsement by writing a. To receive payment of the instrument;
over the signature of the indorser in blank any b. To bring any action thereon that the indorser
contract consistent with the character of the could bring;
instrument. c. To transfer his rights as such indorsee, where
Note: An instrument originally: the form of the indorsement authorizes him to
do so
*All subsequent indorsees acquires only the title General Rule: If there are two (2) payees in the
of the first indorsee under the restrictive instrument, the said two (2) must indorse. The law
indorsement. requires that ALL must indorse.

4. QUALIFIED INDORSEMENT Exception: If such payees are partner; only one payee
may indorse if he has the authority to indorse for
 Indorser is a mere assignor of the title to the
 Does not impair the negotiable character of the 7. SUCCESSIVE INDORSEMENT
 Relieves the indorser of the general to pay if the  An instrument negotiated back to a prior party can
instrument is dishonored but not of the liability be reissued and further negotiated by such party,
arising from warranties on the instrument. subject to the provision of the Act.
 Words or phrases for qualified indorsement:  Prior party is not entitled to enforce payment
1. Without recourse3. Indorsee’s own risk 5. thereof against any intervening party to whom he
With no recourse was personally liable.
2. Sans recourse 4. No recourse
Effect of instrument drawn or indorsed to a person as
 The party required to pay the instrument may
disregard the condition and make payment to the  It is deemed prima facie to be payable to the bank or
indorsee or his transferee whether the condition has corporation of which he is such officer, andmay be
been fulfilled or not. negotiated by either the indorsement of the bank
 Does not render the instrument non-negotiable. or corporation or the indorsement of the officer.
 Non-fulfillment of the condition carries with it a
Indorsers are:
caveat to the indorsee or transferee that the
indorser does not intend to be bound on the 1. Bank
instrument. 2. Corporation
3. Officer to whom the instrument is payable
Indorsement where name is misspelled, and so forth
 Indorsement payable to two or more persons.
 Does not destroy the character of indorsement.
 Remedy: Indorse the instrument as it is or add the Place of indorsement; presumption
real name of the indorsee and his signature as well.
 Unless proven otherwise, the place where the
Indorsement in representative capacity instrument is dated would be presumed as the place
of indorsement.
 A person may indorse an instrument personally or Example:
through agent. The agent has the authority though Suppose a note dated as:
its is not in writing.
 The agent may escape from liability if the following “Manila, September 26, 2019”
requirements are met: If there was no place indicated as place of
 He is duly authorized indorsement, it is presumed that the indorsement
 He adds words to his signature indicating was negotiated in Manila unless proven otherwise.
that he signs as an agent, that is, for or on
behalf of a principal, or in representative Continuation of Negotiable Character
capacity; and
 Once an instrument is originally negotiable will
 He discloses his principal
always be negotiable even if it is already overdue,
but that holder acquires the instrument will not be
treated as holder in due course (Sec. 52).
“(SGD.) Jennie Kim
 Here are the exceptions of the rule:
As agent of Irene Bae”
 When restrictively indorsed
Time of Indorsement; presumption  By discharge payment or otherwise
 Not all restrictive indorsement prohibits further
 If the indorsement bears a date, it is presumed to be negotiation unless otherwise stated.
the true date. If happens that the indorsement bears  An instrument not only can be discharge by payment
no date, it is presumed to be negotiated on or before but also with the actions provided by Sec. 119
the maturity date.
 In case that a person insist that the indorsement is Striking out indorsement
dated after the maturity, that person needs to
present proofs.  An instrument originally payable to bearer may be
 It is important to determine if the indorsement is negotiated through mere delivery, but if it is
taken up before maturity because it is one of the indorsed, it could still be a bearer instrument.
requirements to be a holder in due course.  A holder may strike out indorsements unnecessary
to his title as stated to Sec 48.
 Here are the following persons discharged in stiking
out indorsement:
 The indorser whom indorsement is struck
 All the indorsers subsequent to him


Pay to Chiara
(Sgd.) Jane
Pay to Mae
(Sgd.) MJ
Pay to Chichi
(Sgd.) Jenlice

 Chichi, the present holder, may strike out all

indorsements as they may not necessary to
his title. Although, the instruments are
indorsed, it remains as bearer instrument as
it is on its face.
 If Chichi strike out the indorsement of Jane,
MJ and Jenlice as subsequent indorsers to
Jane will be freed from liability.
CHAPTER 5 b. Person to make payment has no funds at any time of
PRESENTMENT the day. Presentment at any hour before the bank
closes on the day is sufficient.
4. Presentment where principal debtor is dead
Kinds of Presentment a. If no specified place of payment, must be made on
A. Presentment for payment his personal representative.
B. Presentment for acceptance b. If with specified place, presentment must be made
C. Presentment for payment to acceptor for honor on specified place
5. Presentment to persons liable to partners
A. Presentment for payment a. Presentment of payment can be made on any one of
* Production of instrument the partners.
* Holder of instrument is making demand for payment 6. Presentment to joint debtors
a. When there are several people, not partners,
1. In order to constitute a sufficient payment it must be primarily liable on instrument, presentment must be
made: made on them all.
a. By the holder or authorized person 7. When delay of making presentment is excused
b. Reasonable hour on business day a. Circumstances was beyond the control of holder
c. Proper place b. Must be made on reasonable diligence
2. Presentment where instrument is not payable on
demand and where payable on demand B. Presentment for acceptance
a. It is not payable on demand when presentment was Presentment was made for acceptance
made on day it falls due
b. Payable on demand when made on reasonable time
after its issue 1. Presentment of payment must be made:
c. In bill of exchange it must be made on reasonable a. Payable after sight
time after last negotiation b. Expressly stipulate that it shall be presented for
REASONABLE TIME - so much time is acceptance
necessary under circumstances for reasonable c. Drawn payable elsewhere
prudent and diligent man to do conveniently
3. Presentment where instrument is payable to bank
a. Must be payable on banking hours 2. Presentment for acceptance must be made:
a. By or behalf of the holder
b. Reasonable hour on business day
c. Before bill is overdue 2. Presented in some other place than the place where it
d. Drawee or person authorized was protested, it must be forwarded within specified in sec
e. When made to two or more drawee, not partners 104
presentment must be to them all
f. When drawee is dead, presentment must be made to
personal representative
g. When drawee is bankrupt, presentment must be
made to his assignee or trustee

3. On what days presentment must be made

Any day under the provisions of sec 72 and 85
a. When Saturday is not holiday, presentment must be
made before 12 noon
b. Presentment where time is insufficient
c. Payable elsewhere than at the place of business or
residence of drawee
d. Has no time, with exercise of reasonable diligence,
to present the bill for acceptance before presenting
it for payment on the day it falls due
4. When presentment for acceptance is excused
a. When drawee is dead, pr fictitious person or person
having no capacity to contract by bill
b. After exercise of reasonable diligence, presentment
can not be made
c. Presentment is irregular, acceptance has been

C. Presentment for payment to acceptor for honor

It must be made as follows:
1. Presented in the place of where protest for nonpayment
has been made, it must be presented not later than the day
following its maturity.
CHAPTER 6 2. Acceptance by separate instrument
Acceptance is written on separate paper, does not bind
ACCEPTANCE the acceptor EXCEPT favor of a person to whom it is shown
Acceptance and on the faith receives the bill for value

Promise to Accept
 Completed by delivery or notification
 Signifies the drawee will perform his obligation by Unconditional promise in writing = Actual acceptance
payment of money. in to accept a bill before it is drawn favor of
every person receives the bill for value
Maybe done:
Period for Drawee to accept
 In writing by drawee in the bill or
 Separate instrument 24 hours after presentment in which to decide
whether or not he will accept the bill; if acceptance is given,
it dates as of the day of presentation.
1. In writing, EXCEPT constructive acceptance and
foreign bill payable to another state.
2. Signed by the drawee  Can’t demand for response as to status of
3. Must express a promise to pay in money acceptance
Forms:  No right to treat the bill as accepted

Bill is deemed accepted when:

 Acceptance in general
 Acceptance for honor 1. Drawee destroy the bill
2. Refuses within 24 hours after delivery or
Acceptance of bill
3. Retain the bill after the allowed period to accept of
 Signification by drawee of his assent to the order of not- accepted, holder will ne deemed to have
drawer accepted the same.
1. Holder entitled to acceptance on the face of bill
Checks, No Acceptance required
Holder of the bill presenting the same for acceptance
may require that the acceptance be written on the bill, and 1. Check is a bill of exchange payable on demand.
if such request is refused, may treat the bill as dishonored. 2. Checks are not to be accepted, but presented at
once for payment.
3. Check is not instrument that needs acceptance bought from him with seals unbroken.” (Sgd.) B
unlike in ordinary course of business. b. Partial – to pay part only of the amount for
which the bill is drawn.
The bill is drawn by A against B for ₱100,000.
Incomplete bill may be accepted: “Accepted. Accepted for ₱ 80,000.” (Sgd.) B
1. Before it has been signed by the drawer c. Local – to pay only at a particular place
2. While otherwise incomplete “Accepted. Payable at BPI Pasig only.” (Sgd.) B
3. When it is overdue d. Qualified as to time – varies the time of payment
4. After it has been dishonored by previous refusal to “Accepted. Payable 30 days after sight.” (Sgd.) B
accept, or by non payment e. Acceptance by one or more, but not all of the
5. Bill payable after sight, dishonored by non-acceptance drawees.
and drawee afterwards accepts it. Holder is entitled to “Accepted.” (Sgd.) B
have the bill accepted as of the date of presentment. 2. Rights of parties as to qualified acceptance (Sec.142)
a. The holder may refuse to take a qualified
Kinds of Acceptance (Sec. 139) acceptance, and if he does not obtain an
unqualified acceptance, he may treat the bill as
A. General Acceptance – It accents without qualification
dishonored by non-acceptance.
to the order of the drawer
b. Where a qualified acceptance is taken, the
What constitute a general acceptance - An
drawer and indorsers are discharged from a
acceptance to pay at a particular place is a general
liability on the bill unless they have expressly or
acceptance unless it expressly states that the bill is to be
impliedly authorized the holder to take a
paid there only and not elsewhere (Sec. 140). Simply, it
qualified acceptance, or subsequently assent
is an acceptance without any qualification. Example: By
stamping at the back of the bill solely the word
c. When the drawer or an indorser receives notice
of a qualified acceptance, he must, within a
reasonable time, express his dissent to the
B. Qualified Acceptance – In express terms varies the
holder or he will be deemed to have assented
effect of the bill as drawn.
1. An acceptance is qualified which is (Sec 141):
a. Conditional – makes payment by the acceptor
dependent on the fulfillment of a condition as
stated in such acceptance.
“Accepted. Payable if the payee delivers the items I
Acceptance for Honor 3. The bill must not be overdue at the time of the
acceptance for honor; and
Acceptance for Honor or Acceptance Supra 4. The acceptance for must be with the consent of
Protest is an undertaking by a stranger to a bill after the holder of the instrument.
protest for the benefit of any party liable thereon, or As a rule, no one but the drawee may accept,
for the honor of the person for whose account the except the acceptor for honor who must not be a
bill is drawn which acceptance inures also to the party already liable on the bill like an indorser
benefit of all parties subsequent to the person for because if he is already liable thereon, his
whose honor it is accepted, and conditioned to pay acceptance obviously would not give additional
the bill when it becomes due if the original drawee security to the holder. The consent of the holder is
does not pay it. required because his right is suspended until the
maturity of the bill.
A. Purpose of acceptance of honor
The purpose of acceptance of honor is to C. Acceptance for honor; How made (Sec.162)
preserve the credit of the parties to the instrument An acceptance for honor must conform the
or some party to it for whose honor the acceptance following requirements:
is made, as the drawer, drawee, or indorser or 1. Must be in writing;
somebody else. Someone desires to protect the 2. Must indicate that it is an acceptance for honor;
credit of another on the bill, and he does so by 3. Must be signed by the acceptor for honor;
writing ‘’accepted‘’ on the bill. Where a bill is 4. Must contain an express or implied promise to
accepted for honor, consideration is presumed, and pay money; and
the presumption is that the acceptor has funds or 5. Accepted bill of honor must be delivered to the
money of the party for whose honor he accepts. holder.

B. Requisite of acceptance for honor D. When deemed to be an acceptance for honor

The following requisite must concur before of the drawer (Sec. 163)
an acceptance for honor may be made (Sec.161). Where an acceptance for honor does not
1. The bill must have been protested for dishonor expressly state for whose honor it is made, it is
by non-acceptance or for better security; deemed to be an acceptance for the honor of the
2. The acceptor for honor must be a person not a drawer. Naturally, it is the drawer who makes the
party already liable thereon, that is, a stranger to order or the command to pay addressed to a
the bill; drawee. Thus, if the acceptance is silent, it is deemed
to be an acceptance for honor of the drawer.
E. Liability of the acceptor for honor (Sec.164)
The acceptor for honor is liable to the holder
and to all parties to the bill subsequent to the party
for whose honor he has accepted.

F. Maturity of bill payable after sight, accepted

for honor (Sec.166)
Where a bill payable after sight is accepted
for honor, its maturity is calculated from the date of
the noting for non-acceptance and not from the date
of the acceptance for honor.
Example: A bill payable 30 days after sight is
presented for acceptance to the drawer on Nov. 1. If
acceptance is refused, the noting of its dishonor by
non-acceptance should be made on the same date of
dishonor. If the bill is accepted supra protest on Nov.
5, the date of maturity is on December 1, not Dec. 5,
as the 30-day period must be counted from
November 1, the date of the noting.
CHAPTER7 1. What constitute payment in due course?
DISCHARGED AND PAYMENT FOR HONOR Section 88 of the Negotiable Instrument Law describes
that paymentis made in due course when it is made at or
after thematurity of the payment to the holder thereof in
good faithand without notice that his titleis defective.
Discharged Defined
What are the requisites for payment in due course?
If the instrument is discharged under sec. 119,
a. Payment must be made at or after the date
itceases tohave force and effect. Hence, all parties, primary
orsecondary, will also be discharged since there is
Payment made before maturity
noinstrument to be liable on. But the discharge of the
wouldconstitute a negotiation back the
secondaryparties does not necessarily bring about the
personprimarily liable and he can re-negotiate it
discharge of theinstrument.
How an Instrument will be Discharged? b. Payment must be the holder; and
Payment to indorsee who is not in
Section 119 of the Negotiable Instrument Law possessionofthe instrument is not payment in
enumerates five ways of how an instrument will be due courseand is at the risk of the party so
discharged. Each of five ways was enumerated below: paying. Partymaking payment must insist on the
presentmentof the paper by the person
1. By payment in due course by or on behalf of demanding paymentinorder to make sure that it
theprincipaldebtor; is at the time in hispossession and not
2. By payment in due course by the outstanding in other.
partyaccommodated, where the instrument is c. Payment must be made by the debtor in good
made oraccepted for his accommodation; faith and without notice that the holder’s title is
3. By the intentional cancellation thereof by defective.
theholder; Payment to a person by the debtor who
4. By any other act which will discharge a knowsthat such person stole it, is not payment in
simplecontract for the payment of money; duecourse, as such payment is not in good
5. When the principal debtor becomes the holderof faith.The maker or acceptor must satisfy
the instrument at or after maturity in his himself,when it ispresented for payment, that
theholder traces his title through thereon appears to have been cancelled, the burden of
genuineindorsements. proof lies on the party who alleges that the cancellation
was made unintentionally or under a mistake or
Medium of payment the payment of debts in money without authority.
shall be made in the currency stipulated and if not possible,
in the currency which legal tender in the Philippines. When 4. By any other act which will discharge a simple
payment of an instrument is made by giving (other than contract for the payment of money.
legal tender), as a general such payment will not be The acts which will discharge a simple contract for the
considered absolute until the paper given has been itself payment of money are determined by other existing
paid except when parties agree otherwise. A check legislations since Section 119 does not specify what these
presented by the holder to the bank where it is drawn and acts. As such Article 1231 of the Civil Code enumerates the
receive as a deposit and credited to his amount, this modes of extinguishing obligations, to wit:
amounts to a payment of the checks. a. By payment or performance;
2. Payment by accommodated party. b. By the loss of the thing due;
c. By the condonation or remission of the debt;
The one ultimately liable on the accommodation d. By the confusion or merger of the rights of creditor
instrument is the latter. Hence, his payment in due course and debtor;
discharges the instrument as if payment was made by the e. By compensation;
principal debtor under paragraph. f. By novation.

3. By intentional cancellation thereof by the holder. Other causes of extinguishment of obligations, such as
annulment, rescission, fulfillment of a resolutory condition,
The cancellation must be intentional and made by the and prescription, are governed elsewhere in this Code.
holder. There must be an intention to cancel a negotiable
instrument by the holder there of as such intention is an Renunciation by holder.
essential element of discharge on a negotiable instrument
and a negotiable note in a torn condition is presumed a. Applies only to renunciation by the unilateral act
cancelled by the holder thereof. of the holder without consideration and in cases
where the instrument is not delivered up to the
Cancellation; unintentional; burden of proof. person intended to be released
b. Renunciation—act of surrendering a right or
A cancellation made unintentionally or under a claim without recompense but it can be applied
mistake or without the authority of the holder, is with equal propriety to the relinquishing of a
inoperative but where an instrument or any signature
demand upon an agreement supported by a
consideration When instrument reacquired before maturity will
the instrument will be discharged?
The holder may expressly renounce his rights A reacquisition by the principal debt or in his own
against any party to the instrument before, at, or after right but before maturity will not discharge the
its maturity. An absolute and unconditional instrument. It will merely be a negotiation back to the
renunciation of his rights against the principal debtor principal debtor.
made at or after the maturity of the instrument
discharges the instrument. But a renunciation does not When persons secondarily liable on the instrument are
affect the rights of a holder in due course without discharged
notice. A renunciation must be in writing unless the
instrument is delivered up to the person primarily A person secondarily liable on the instrument is
liable thereon. (Section 122) discharged:

Form of renunciation 1. By any act which discharges the instrument;

2. By the intentional cancellation of his signature
It must be in writing and must be express by the holder;
3. By the discharge of a prior party;
Time for making renunciation 4. By a valid tender or payment made by a prior
a. Before maturity party;
b. At maturity 5. By a release of the principal debtor unless the
holder's right of recourse against the party
c. After maturity
secondarily liable is expressly reserved;
When renunciation discharges instrument 6. By any agreement binding upon the holder to
extend the time of payment or to postpone the
a. Renunciation discharges the instrument when it holder's right to enforce the instrument unless
is absolute and unconditional made with the assent of the party secondarily
b. It is made in favor of the person primarily liable liable or unless the right of recourse against such
c. It is made at or after maturity party is expressly reserved.
5. Principal debtor acquires instrument 1. By any act which discharges the instrument
Reacquisition must be by the principal debtor and in his It was stated in the section 84 of this act that when the
own right at or after the date of maturity. In his own right— instrument is dishonored by non-payment, an immediate
not in a representative capacity
right of recourse to all parties secondarily liable there on Person D and Person D indorsed the negotiable instrument
accrues to the holder. to person E.

2. By the intentional cancellation of his signature by Person C validly tender payment and Person E
the holder unjustifiably refuses to do accept, Person D is discharged.
Illustration: Person A signed a negotiable instrument Tender of payment: act by which one produces and
payable to Person B or order for P100.00. Person B offers to a person holding a claim or demand against him
indorsed the negotiable instrument to Person C, Person C to the amount of money which he considers and admits to be
Person D and Person D indorsed the negotiable instrument due, in satisfaction of such claim or demand without any
to person E. stipulation or condition.
When Person E cancels the signature of his indorser’s
indorser (Person C), his indorser (Person D) and the 5. By a release of the principal debtor unless the
indorser (Person C) of his indorser are discharged from holder’s right of recourse against the party
their obligation but the indorser prior to Person C are not secondarily liable is expressly reserved
General rule is that he is not discharged by the holder’s
3. By discharge of a prior party release of the principal debt or even if there lease be made
Illustration: Person A signed a negotiable instrument with know ledge or true relation of the parties and,
payable to Person B or order for P100.00. Person B conversely, there lease of the accommodation maker or
indorsed the negotiable instrument to Person C, Person C to accept or doesn’t discharge the principal debtor through
Person D and Person D indorsed the negotiable instrument the latter occupies the position of a party secondarily liable
to person E. on the instrument.

6. Extension of time
When Person E cancelled the signature of Person C,
the effect is to discharge likewise Person D being a prion If the holder agrees to extend the time of payment, the
party to Person E. indorsers are discharged. However, where the extension of
time is consented to by the party secondarily liable, he is
4. By a valid tender or payment made by a prior party
not discharged. Also, where the holder expressly reserves
Illustration: Person A signed a negotiable instrument his right of recourse against the party secondarily liable,
payable to Person B or order for P100.00. Person B the latter is not discharged.
indorsed the negotiable instrument to Person C, Person C to Requisites of agreement for extension of time
1. It must be a binding contract, supported by b. Presentment is excused and the instrument is
valuable consideration and for a definite period. overdue and unpaid.
2. It must be made with the principal debtor and 2. Where a bill has been protested for non-payment,
not with a third party. any person may intervene and pay it supra protest
for the honor of any person liable thereon or for the
Right of party who discharges instrument honor of the person for whose account it was drawn.
3. The payment for honor supra protests, in order to
Where the instrument is paid by a party secondarily
liable thereon, it is not discharged; but the party so paying operate as such and not as a mere voluntary
it is remitted to his former rights as regard all prior parties, payment, must be attested by a notarial act of honor
which may be appended to the protest or form an
and he may strike out his own and all subsequent
extension to it.
indorsements and against negotiate the instrument, except:
4. The notarial act of honor must be founded on a
1. Where it is payable to the order of a third person declaration made by the payer for honor or by his
and has been paid by the drawer; and agent in that behalf declaring his intention to pay
2. Where it was made or accepted for accommodation the bill for honor and for whose honor he pays.
and has been paid by the party accommodated.
What is payment for honor?
Payment for honor is payment made by a person,
Who may make payment for honor? whether a party to the bill or not, after it has been
protested for non-payment, for the benefit of any party
Where a bill has been protested for non-payment, liable thereon, or for the benefit of the person whose
any person may intervene and pay it supra protest for the account it was drawn. It is also called payment supra
honor of any person liable thereon or for the honor of the protest because prior protest for non-payment is required.
person for whose account it was drawn. It is not applicable to promissory notes. Payment for honor
may be availed of when the holder, knowing that the bill
Payment for honor; how made
has already been dishonored for nonpayment, does not
1. When instrument dishonored by non-payment. – want to indorse the bill and there by incur the liabilities of
The instrument is dishonored by non-payment an indorser.
What is the difference between acceptance for honor
a. It is duly presented for payment and payment
and payment of honor?
is refused or cannot be obtained; or
In acceptance for honor, there is an acceptor for What if the payment for honor is not attested by a
honor. In payment for honor, there is a payor for honor. notarial act?
The difference between the two is that while in the former,
the acceptor must be a stranger to the bill, in the latter, the It will operate as a mere voluntary payment and the
payer for honor may be a party liable on the bill. Further, in payer acquires no right to full reimbursement against the
the former, the bill must not be overdue. In the latter, it is party for whose honor he pays. (Art. 1236-1237, NCC). He
overdue. Also, in the former, there may be several acquires the right of reimbursement only up to the extent
acceptors while, in the latter, there can only be one payer. that the party for whose honor he paid is benefited there
Finally, in the former, the protest must be for non- by. Similarly, failure to notify the person for whose honor
acceptance or for better security, while, in the latter, it is for he pays within reasonable time will result in the payment
non-payment. being considered in the same manner.

What are the requisites to perform a valid payment for Preference of parties offering to pay for honor
honor? Where two or more persons offer to pay a bill for the
1. The bill has been dishonored for non-payment honor of different parties, the person whose payment will
2. The bill has been protested for non-payment discharge most parties to the bill is to be given the
3. Payment supra protest is made by any person, even preference.
a party thereto and as to form
Illustration: A draws a bill payable to B, with X as
4. The payment must be attested by notarial act
drawee. B negotiates it to C, C to D, D to E, E to F, holder. X
appended to the protest, or form an extension to it
refuses to honor it and F duly protests non-payment. If Y
5. The notarial act must be based on the declaration by
offers to pay for the honor of C, while Z offers to pay for the
the payer for honor or his agent of his intention to
honor of B, the latter’s (Z) will be preferred as Z’s payment
pay the bill for honor and for whose honor he pays.
will discharge more (C, D, E). Y’s offer will only work to
What is the procedure for payment for honor? discharge D & E.

1. The payer or his agent goes to a notary public and Effect on subsequent parties where bill is paid for
declares his intention to pay the bill and for whose honor
honor he pays.
2. The notary then records the declaration in the protest What are the effects of payment for honor?
or in a separate paper attached to it. 1. All parties subsequent to the party whose
3. The payer then notifies the person for whose honor he honor it is paid are discharged; and
pays within reasonable time.
2. The payer for honor is subrogated for, and have been discharged had the holder accepted payment.
succeeds to, both the rights and duties of the But as to C, the party in whose honor Y offers to pay, is not
holder as regards the party whose honor he discharged because, as to him, even if F accepted, C would
pays and all parties liable to the latter. not be discharged. The party for whom the instrument is
paid for is never discharged from liability by the payment
Illustration: In the example above, suppose Z did not for honor of the payer.
offer and, as a result, Y made payment. What are the
effects? Rights of payer for honor

a. D and E are discharged because they are parties The payer for honor, on paying to the holder the
subsequent to the party for whose honor it is paid (C). amount of the bill and the notarial expenses incidental to
its dishonor, is entitled to receive both the bill itself and the
b. Y acquires the rights of F, holder, as against C, B, A protest.
and X because C is the party for whose honor he pays and
the rest are considered as parties liable to C. What are the rights of the rights of the payer for honor?

1. He acquires the rights of the holder (Sec. 175); and

2. He has also the right to receive the bill and the
Where holder refuses to receive payment supra protest protest.
Where the holder of a bill refuses to receive The purpose of (2) is to enable him to enforce his
payment supra protest, he loses his right of recourse rights against those who are liable to him by virtue of
against any party who would have been discharged by such Sec. 175.

Note: In payment for honor, the holder cannot

refuse payment. If he does, he cannot recover from
the parties who would have been discharged had he
accepted it. The rule is different from acceptance for
honor because in such a case, the holder’s consent is

Illustration: In the above example, if Y offers to pay

for the honor of C and F refuses, F loses the right of
recourse against D and E as they are parties who would
CHAPTER 8 - When presentment for acceptance is excused and the
bill is
not accepted.

2. Duty of the holder where bill not accepted

1. The instrument is not discharged when it is:
 The person presenting it must treat the bill as
1.a Dishonored by non-payment dishonored by non-acceptance
1.b Dishonored by non-acceptance  He loses the right of recourse against the
drawer and indorsers.
1.c Protested in case of foreign bills
3. Rights of holder where bill not accepted

 An immediate right of recourse against

1.a Dishonored by non payment the drawer and indorsers accrues to the
- It is duly presented for payment and payment is  No presentment for payment is necessary
refused or

cannot be obtained. Life of negotiable instruments:

- Presentment is excused and the instrument is - Applicability
overdue and unpaid. - Negotiability
- Issuance
1.b Dishonored by non acceptance - Negotiation
- Presentment
- When it is duly presented for acceptance and such an - Acceptance
- Discharge & Payment for Honor
acceptance as is prescribed by this Act is refused or can not - Notice of Dishonor
be obtained.
4. Notice of Dishonor  After the exercise of reasonable diligence, it cannot
be given to or does not reach the parties sought to
 It must be given to the drawer and to each indorser be charged.
 Any drawer or indorser to whom such notice is not
given is discharge. 9. Party to give notice of dishonor

5. A Presentment for payment is excused when:  By or on behalf of the holder

 By or on behalf of any party
 Where, after the exercise of reasonable diligence,  By any agent
 Where the drawee is fictitious person
 By waiver of presentment, express or implied. 10. Effect of notice on behalf of holder

5.B Presentment for acceptance is excused and a bill may  Where notice is given by or on behalf of the holder,
be treated as dishonored by non-acceptance in either of the it insures to the benefit of all subsequent holders
following case: and all prior parties who have a right of recourse
against the party to whom it is given.
 Drawee (dead; abandoned; fictitious person or not
having capacity) 11. Effect where notice is given by party entitles thereto
 Presentment cannot be made after the exercise of
reasonable diligence.  Where notice is given by or on behalf of a party
 Acceptance has been refused on some other ground. entitled to give notice, it inures to the benefit of the
holder and all parties subsequent to the party to
6. Conditions to charge parties secondarily liable whom notice is given.

 Presentment for payment 12. When agent may give notice

 Notice of dishonor
 Where the instrument has been dishonored in the
7. Grounds for notice of dishonor hands of an agent, he may either himself give notice
to the parties liable thereon, or he may give notice to
 Dishonor for non acceptance his principal.
 Dishonor for non payment

8. When notice is dispensed with

13. When notice sufficient Where the person giving and the person to receive
notice reside in the same place, notice must be given within
 A written notice need not be signed and an the following times:
insufficient written notice may be supplemented
and validated by verbal communication. 1. Place of business of the person to receive
notice, it must be given before the close of
FORM OF NOTICE business hours on the day following.
2. Residence, it must be given before the usual
1. In writing or
hours of rest on the day following.
2. Merely oral
3. By mail, it must be deposited in the post
 In any terms which sufficiently identify
office in time to reach him in usual course.
the instrument, and
 Indicate that it has been dishonored by 2.b. Where parties reside in different places
non-acceptance or non-payment.
 It may in all cases be given by delivering Where the person giving and the person to receive
it personally or through the mails. (Sec. notice reside in different places, the notice must be given
96) within the following times:

1. To whom the notice of dishonor may be given 1. If sent by mail, it must be deposited in the post
office in time to go by mail the day following the
1. To the party himself or day of dishonor, or if there be no mail at a
2. To his agent in that behalf. (Sec. 97) convenient hour on last day, by the next mail
3. When any party is dead thereafter.
4. Notice to partners 2. If given otherwise than though the post office,
5. Notice to persons jointly liable then within the time that notice would have been
6. Notice to bankrupt received in due course of mail, if it had been
deposited in the post office within the time
2. Time within which notice must be given specified in the last subdivision. (Sec. 104)
Notice may be given as soon as the instrument is 3. Deposit in post office; what constitutes
dishonored and, unless delay is excused as hereinafter
provided, must be given within the time fixed by this Act. Notice is deemed to have been deposited in the post-
office when deposited in any branch post office or in any
2.A. Where parties reside in same place. letter box under the control of the post-office department.
3.a. Where notice must be sent 6.a When notice need not be given to drawer
Notice of dishonor is not required to be given to the
Where a party has added to his signature, notice of drawer in either of the following cases:
dishonor must be sent to that address; but if he has not  Drawer and drawee are the same person;
given such address, then the notice must be sent as follows:  When the draw is fictitious person or a
person not having capacity to contract;
1. Either to the post-office where he is accustomed  When the drawer is the person to whom the
to receive his letters; or instrument is presented for payment;
2. If he lives in one place and has his place of  Where the drawer has no right to expect or
business in another, notice may be sent to either require that the drawee or acceptor will
place; or honor the instrument;
3. If he is sojourning in another place, notice may  Where the drawer has countermanded
be sent to the place where he is so sojourning. payment.
4. Waiver of notice of dishonor 6.b When notice need not be given to indorser
Notice of dishonor may be waived either: Notice of dishonor is not required to be given to an
indorser in either of the following cases:
1. Before the time of giving notice has arrived or
2. After the omission to give due notice  When the drawee is fictitious person or
a. The waiver may be expressed or person not having capacity to contract,
b. Implied. and then indorser was aware of that fact
at the time he indorsed the instrument;
5. Whom affected by waiver  Where the indorser is the person to
Where the waiver is embodied in the instrument whom the instrument is presented for
itself, it is binding upon all parties but, where it is written payment;
above the signature of an indorser, it binds him only.  Where the instrument was made or
accepted for his accommodation. (Sec.
6. When notice is dispensed with 115)

Notice of dishonor is dispensed with when, after the

exercise of reasonable diligence, it cannot be given to or
does not reach the parties sought to be charged.
7. Notice of non-payment where the acceptance refused honor supra protest or contains a referee in case of
need, it must be protested for non-payment before it
Where due notice of dishonor by non-acceptance is presented for payment to the acceptor for hnor or
has been given, notice of a subsequent dishonor by non- referee in case of need.

payment is not necessary unless in the meantime the  When the bill is dishonored by the acceptor for
instrument has been accepted. honor,it must be protested for non-payment by him.
8. Effect of omission to give notice of non-acceptance
 2. When protest need to be made; when must made

Does not prejudice the rights of a holder in due Where any negotiable instrument has been dishonored, it
course subsequent to the omission may be protested for non-acceptance or non-payment, as
9. Referee in case of need the case ay be; but protest is not required except in the case
of foreign bills of exchange.
The drawer of a bill and any indorser may insert thereon
the name of a person to whom the holder may resort in 3. Protest; how made

case of need; that is to say, in case the bill is dishonored by The protest must be annexed to the bill or must contain a
non acceptance or non-payment. copy thereof, and must be under the hand and seal of the
PROTEST notary making it and must specify:

1. In what cases protest necessary 1. The time and place of presentment

 A foreign bill appearing on its face to be such is 2. The fact that presentment was made and manner thereof.
dishonored by non-acceptance.
 3. The cause or reason for protesting the bill.
4. The
 It must be duly protested for non-acceptance. demand made and the answer given, if any, or the face that
 Where such bill which has not previously been the drawee and acceptor could not be found.
dishonored by non-payment, it must be duly
protested for non-payment.
 4. Protest; by whom made
 If it is not so protested, the drawer and indorsers are
  A notary public.
 Where a bill does not appear on its face to be a  By any respectable resident of the place where the
foreign bill, protest thereof in case of dishonor is bill is dishonored, in the presence of two or more
 credible witnesses.
 Where a dishonored bill has been accepted for
5.Protest; when to be made
  Protest before maturity where acceptor
Where the acceptor has been adjudged:
When a bill is protested, such protest must be made on the 1. A bankrupt
day of its dishonor unless delay is excused as a herein 2. An insolvent
provided. When a bill has been duly noted the pretest may Has made an assignment for the benefit of
be subsequently extended as of the date of the noting. creditors before the bill matures, the holder
may cause the bill to be protested for better
 Protest is dispensed with by any circumstances
security against the drawer and indorser.
which would dispense with notice of dishonor.
 Protest where bill is lost and so forth
 Delay in noting is protesting is excused when delay
When a bill is lost or destroyed or is wrongly
is caused by circumstances beyond control of the
detained from the person entitled to hold it,
holder and not imputable to his default, misconduct
protest may be made on a copy or written
or negligence.
particulars thereof.
 When the cause of delay ceases to operate, the bill
must be noted or protested with reasonable 9. Waiver of protest
A waiver of protest, whether n the case of a foreign bill of
7.Protest; where made exchange or other negotiable instrument, is deemed to be a
waiver of:
A bill must be protested at the place where it is
dishonored, expect that when a bill drawn payable at the  A formal protest but
place of business of some person other that the drawee has  Also of presentment
been dishonored by non-acceptance, it must be protested  Notice of dishonor
for non-payment at the place where it is expressed to be
payable, and no further presentment to, or demand on, the
drawee necessary.

8. Protest both for non-acceptance and non-payment

A bill which has been protested for non-acceptance

may be subsequently protested for non-payment. As
such, because of the word "may", once the bill has
been protested for non-acceptance, protest for non-
payment is therefore optional.

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