Commercial Dispatch Eedition 10-9-19

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Wednesday | October 9, 2019

Two juveniles arrested for terroristic

threats illustrate leeway with charge
Turner-Ford: ‘There’s a balance to be struck’ of government,
school or even
n OUR VIEW: Safe and sorry is a
allegedly making a bomb threat
against multiple campuses “on
between charging someone for making business. Law
enforcement in
balancing act. Page 6A the computer,” said Lowndes
County School District Super-
threats and ensuring victims feel safe Lowndes County leveled the charge against a intendent Lynn Wright. In that
has charged two 15-year-old male student at case, students from campuses
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN tried as adults? juveniles with Caledonia High School on Sept. at Caledonia, West Lowndes
[email protected] Senate Bill 2141, which making terror- Turner-Ford and Lowndes County Alter-
16, after the teen allegedly said
passed and was signed into istic threats in he had a list of people he planned native School were evacuated
When state legislators were law by the governor earlier this separate incidents in the last from their buildings for slightly
to shoot at the school. Authori-
debating the “Mississippi Ter- year, makes it a felony with up month. In both cases, the ju- ties never found a list and CHS less than an hour.
roristic Threats Law,” Dist. to 10 years in prison for threat- veniles have been accused of principal Andy Stevens said the Turner-Ford said she knew
16 Sen. Angela Turner-Ford ening someone with bodily threatening their schools, and threat didn’t cause disruption in those were likely the type of
(D-West Point) had one prima- harm in order to either intimi- both cases are currently in any school procedures. situation where the law would
ry concern with the bill: Would date part of the population into Lowndes County Youth Court. On Monday, another stu- apply and wanted to be sure
juveniles charged under the law ceding to certain demands or Deputies with Lowndes dent, this one at Caledonia Mid- youth court was still an option
go straight to circuit court to be to affect policy of some unit County Sheriff’s Office first dle School, was arrested after See THREATS, 3A


husband to pay
for work done
at family home
Matt Rose, husband of
Dist. 37 Rep. candidate
Vicky Rose, refused to
pay contractor after
bathroom remodel
[email protected]

A Clay County
Justice Court judge
has ordered the hus-
band of a candidate
for the state Legis-
lature to pay more
than $2,500 to a con- Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
tractor for work done Columbus High School’s Johnasia O’Neal sits on a crate in the Falcons’ dugout as Tupelo pulls ahead in a slow-pitch softball
at the couple’s home. Rose game Tuesday night in Columbus. Tupelo defeated Columbus in the three game series, winning games one and three. This
The judgment, is- was the Falcons’ final game of the season. SEE MORE COVERAGE, 1B.
sued May 15, came
after Matt Rose of
West Point had not
paid Andrew Benton,
of Benton’s Mainte-
nance and Mechani-
cal of Caledonia, for
a bathroom remodel Benton
Security officers shoot blanks in hallways
during SOCSD active shooter training with faculty
reportedly completed more than
a year ago. The total Rose owes is
$2,584.03, which includes $64 in
court costs, according to the court
Rose did not show up for court
Officials: Teachers need ‘realistic but still tual sound and
smell in the air
alert at all times, SHS Princi-
pal Sean McDonnell said. He
on the day the judgment was ren-
dered. As of Tuesday, he still hasn’t
safe’ active shooter training from (gunfire),
just to make
mentioned the Armed De-
fense Training Association’s
paid. By Tess Vrbin teachers practiced training them very levels of awareness, ranging
Matt Rose is married to Vicky [email protected] protocols in classrooms. aware,” said from white for unaware and
Rose, a Libertarian candidate run- Faculty at Henderson SOCSD secu- black for in the midst of a
ning against incumbent Repub- STARKVILLE — The Ward Stewart and Sudduth rity chief Sam- fight.
lican Gary Chism for the Dist. 37 Starkville High School fac- Brown
elementary schools went my Shumaker, “The days of living at
seat in the Mississippi House of ulty of almost 130 partici- through the same drill earli- a retired police officer and white are over,” he said.
Representatives. pated in an active shooter er this school year. the drill’s coordinator. “We need to be aware of our
Benton told The Dispatch he drill Tuesday after school “Civilians sometimes at- The prevalence of mass surroundings, be aware of
worked about three weeks on a full that involved security offi- tribute gunfire to fireworks, shootings nationwide, in what’s happening, especially
remodel of the Roses’ bathroom cers shooting blanks from so we want to give them a schools and elsewhere, in a school situation. Safe-
See Candidate, 8A firearms in hallways while chance to experience the ac- means people have to be See SOCSD, 8A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 Which newspaper’s 1840 motto is “Light Thursday meetings
for All” — Las Vegas Review-Journal, Los Oct. 15:
Angeles Times or The Baltimore Sun? through Saturday Lowndes County
2 What’s Ramona’s last name, in the Beverly ■ Eudora Welty Writers’ Sym- Supervisors, 9
Cleary children’s book series? posium: A diverse group of South- a.m., County
3 What household device, invented in 1869, ern writers and scholars present Courthouse
was originally called the Whirlwind? their work at this annual event at
4 In what color was Miss Mary Mack dressed, Oct. 15:
Gavin Elliott The W. Author readings are free to Columbus
according to the hand-clapping game?
Fourth grade, Annunciation the public. For a complete sched- Municipal
5 What president is depicted in a 30-foot tall

86 Low 66
Springfield, Illinois statue known as “The Rail ule, visit muw/edu/welty. School Board of
High Splitter”? Trustees regular
Mostly sunny Answers, 8B Friday meeting, 11:30
Full forecast on ■ Asylum Hill talk: Ralph Did- a.m., Brandon
page 2A. lake of the University of Missis- Central Services
sippi Medical Center speaks at Oct. 15:
Columbus City
Inside noon at the Columbus-Lowndes
Public Library, 314 Seventh St. Council regular
Classifieds 7B Food 5B N., on “The Asylum Hill Cemetery meeting, 5
Comics 4B NATS 7A Project.” Free to the public. For Tyson Pratt, 9, is in the third p.m., Municipal
Crossword 8B Obituaries 4A more information, contact Mona grade at Franklin Academy. He likes Complex
140th Year, No. 180 Dear Abby 4B Opinions 6A Vance-Ali, 662-329-5304. watching “Ironman” and dancing. Courtroom


2A Wednesday, October 9, 2019 The Dispatch •

Did you hear?

Boeing to invest $20

million in Virgin Galactic
Companies say they will work
together on broadening commercial White House and Democrats
access to space and transforming
global travel technologies
fight over rules for impeachment
By JOHN ANTCZAK frankly beyond just tech-
‘You have designed and implemented your inquiry ed the challenge, finding impeach-
ment is a function of the legislature
The Associated Press nologies. The whole end-
to-end solutions to bring
in a manner that violates fundamental fairness that the court had no authority
ing plans to invest $20
high speed mobility to the
masses,” said Brian Schet-
and constitutionally mandated due process’ As for the current challenge to
impeachment, Vladeck said the
million in Virgin Galactic, White House counsel Pat Cipollone
tler, senior managing di- White House letter “does not strike
looking at possibilities me as an effort to provide sober le-
rector of Boeing HorizonX By JONATHAN LEMIRE, JIM it’s clear the House “sets its own
beyond the space tourism gal analysis.”
Ventures. MUSTIAN and MIKE BALSAMO rules” on how the impeachment
company’s immediate goal Gregg Nunziata, a Philadelphia
Schettler said that with The Associated Press process will play out.
of launching passengers attorney who previously served as
Boeing nearing flight of its The White House document
on suborbital flights as WASHINGTON — The U.S. general counsel and policy adviser
Starliner astronaut crew lacked much in the way of legal
early as next year. Constitution gives the House “the to Republican Sen. Marco Rubio,
capsule and Virgin Galac- arguments, seemingly citing cable
The companies an- sole power of impeachment” — but said the White House’s letter did
tic on the cusp of commer- TV news appearances as often as
nounced the investment it confers that authority without an not appear to be written in a “tradi-
Tuesday, saying they will cial operations, the compa- case law. And legal experts cast
nies are at an “inflection instruction manual. tional good-faith back and forth be-
work together on broad- Now comes the battle royal over doubt upon its effectiveness.
point.” tween the legislative and executive
ening commercial access exactly what it means. “I think the goal of this letter is
“It just seemed like branches.”
to space and transforming In vowing to halt all cooperation to further inflame the president’s
from a tech maturity He called it a “direct assault on
global travel technologies. with House Democrats’ impeach- supporters and attempt to delegiti-
(standpoint), from an op- the very legitimacy of Congress’
The sum is a fraction of ment inquiry, the White House on mize the process in the eyes of his oversight power.”
the $1 billion Virgin Galac- portunity to start driving supporters,” said Stephen Vladeck,
Tuesday labeled the investigation “The Founders very deliberate-
tic says it has invested in the next phase of all this, a law professor at the University of
“illegitimate” based on its own ly chose to put the impeachment
its program, but Boeing it seemed to make sense,” Texas.
reading of the Constitution’s vague power in a political branch rather
called it a strategic invest- he said of the investment. language. Courts have been historically the Supreme Court,” Nunziata told
ment rather than about a The collaboration won’t In an eight-page letter, White hesitant to step in as referee for The Associated Press. “They want-
specific craft that would lead to Virgin Galactic’s House counsel Pat Cipollone point- congressional oversight and im- ed this to be a political process and
enable high-speed, point- current craft, a design ed to House Speaker Nancy Pe- peachment. In 1993, the Supreme it is.”
to-point transportation called SpaceShipTwo, be- losi’s failure to call for an official Court held that impeachment was G. Pearson Cross, a political sci-
around the world. ing flown across oceans, vote to proceed with the inquiry an issue for the Congress and not ence professor at the University of
“It’s really about cata- but significant lessons as grounds to claim the process a the courts. Louisiana at Lafayette, said the let-
lyzing the partnership first are expected from flying farce. In that case, Walter Nixon, a ter appeared to act as nothing more
and foremost between two people aboard a highly “You have designed and imple- federal district judge who was re- than an accelerant on a smoldering
companies that bring in- reusable airframe at three mented your inquiry in a manner moved from office, sought to be fire.
credible complementary times the speed of sound that violates fundamental fairness reinstated and argued that the full “It’s a response that seems to
capabilities to commercial with rapid turnaround and constitutionally mandated due Senate, instead of a committee that welcome a constitutional crisis
space and to the key tech- times, said Virgin Galactic process,” Cipollone wrote. was established to hear testimony rather than defusing one or point-
nologies needed — and CEO George Whitesides. But Douglas Letter, a lawyer for and collect evidence, should have ing toward some strategy that
the House Judiciary Committee, heard the evidence against him. would deescalate the situation,”
told a federal judge Tuesday that The court unanimously reject- Cross said.
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Trump shifts tone on Turkey in effort to halt Syria invasion

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President tweeted that while U.S. be destroyed if Turkey
follows through with its
that trust at the most cru-
cial juncture and leaves
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
Buy an ad?
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forces ‘may be’ leaving Syria, the planned invasion. The
Kurds lead a group of Syr-
our partners with very
limited options,” Votel
n 662-328-2424 Submit a birth, wedding U.S. has not abandoned the Kurds ia fighters who have been wrote.
steadfast and effective Jonathan Schanzer, a
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce- By ROBERT BURNS, as he tried to persuade American allies in com- Syria scholar at the Foun-
n 662-328-2471 ment? MATTHEW LEE and DEB Turkey not to invade the bating the Islamic State in dation for the Defense of
n [email protected] n Download forms at www. RIECHMANN country and attack the Syria. Turkey, however, Democracies, said even a The Associated Press U.S.-allied Kurds — a sees the Kurds as terror- limited Turkish incursion
needle-threading strate- ists and a border threat. into northern Syria could
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 WASHINGTON — In gy that has angered Re- Joseph Votel, a retired quickly escalate.
a span of 24 hours, Pres- publican and Democratic Army general who head- “The president is dou-
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511
ident Donald Trump lawmakers and confused ed Central Command’s bling down on this —
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 moved from threatening U.S. allies. military operations in Syr- seems to be reversing
to obliterate Turkey’s “This is really dan- ia until last spring, wrote course,” Schanzer said.
economy if it invades Syr- gerous,” House Speaker on The Atlantic website “He’s trying to convey to
SUBSCRIPTIONS ia to inviting its president Nancy Pelosi said. Tuesday that mutual trust the American people that
to visit the White House. Trump tweeted that was a key ingredient in he’s made the right deci-
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE But Trump did not while U.S. forces “may the U.S. partnership with sion. Of course, (Turkish
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 back away Tuesday from be” leaving Syria, the the Kurds. President Recep Tayyip)
Online.......................................... a plan to withdraw Amer- U.S. has not abandoned “The sudden policy Erdogan is going to see
ican troops from Syria the Kurds, who stand to change this week breaks this as a green light.”
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2 suspects in custody, 1 sought in cop trial witness slaying
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. By JAKE BLEIBERG
the murder trial of a for-
mer Dallas police officer,
Authorities: Killing had nothing
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
The Associated Press authorities said Tuesday,
cautioning that the killing
to do with Dallas police officer
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS
DALLAS — Three
Louisiana men are sus-
had nothing at all to do Amber Guyger’s murder trial or case
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: with that trial or case.
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
pected in the killing of a One of the suspects, gun, police said. Au- one floor below. She was
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 witness who testified at Michael Mitchell, 32, thorities confiscated 12 arrested on a manslaugh-
was arrested by federal pounds of marijuana, 149 ter charge three days af-
deputy marshals Tues- grams of THC cartridges ter the killing, prompting
day night in Marksville, and more than $4,000 in criticism that the original
Louisiana, the Dallas cash during a search of charge was too lenient,
Police Department said Brown’s home. but a grand jury later de-
in a statement. Mitch- It is unclear how the cided on the more serious
ell’s nephew, 20-year-old three men came into con- charge of murder.
Jacquerious Mitchell, tact with Brown or why Brown, who was black,
was in critical condition they would have driven was one of several neigh-
in a Dallas hospital with more than 300 miles from bors who were called by
a gunshot wound. The central Louisiana to pur- prosecutors to testify at
third suspect, Thaddeous chase marijuana in Texas. the trial. The conspiracy
Green, 22, was still at The police announce- theories surrounding his
large. ment comes after ram- death underscored the
Investigators believe pant speculation regard- distrust that some Dallas
the three men were in ing Brown’s death, which residents have for their
Dallas to buy drugs from happened two days after a police department.
Joshua Brown, Assistant jury sentenced the white “I have no reason to
Chief Avery Moore said former police officer to 10 believe that their conclu-
at a news conference ear- years in prison for killing sions so far in the investi-
lier Tuesday. Moore said her black upstairs neigh- gation are unreliable, but
Jacquerious Mitchell told bor in a case that sparked I believe ... some mem-
police that Brown shot fierce debate over race, bers of the community
him in the chest after politics and policing. will have a difficult time
Green and Brown began Amber Guyger fatal- accepting it because of
fighting during the drug ly shot Botham Jean in their association ... with
deal, and that Green then September 2018 in his the Amber Guyger trial,”
shot Brown twice. fourth-floor apartment said Lee Merritt, attorney
Green left with and testified that she mis- for the families of Brown
Brown’s backpack and took it for her own unit and Jean.
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
Major 9:38p 10:23p
Read to your child.
Minor 5:18p
Major 10:01a 10:44a
Minor 3:35a 4:31a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Wednesday, October 9, 2019 3A

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Louisiana becomes new hub

in immigrant detention under Trump
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says it’s now holding antee millions in payments to the
local government, the state, and
about 8,000 migrants in Louisiana out of 51,000 nationally a private prison company based
in the state, while still allowing
By NOMA AN MERCHANT Donald Trump. U.S. Immigration nio Benavides Jr., an 18-year-old ICE to detain migrants at a daily
The Associated Press and Customs Enforcement says from Venezuela who has been at cost well below its national aver-
it’s now holding about 8,000 mi- Winn for three months. age.
WINNFIELD, La. — Tucked grants in Louisiana out of 51,000 The surge in migrant deten- ICE refused several requests
away in the dense forest of ru- nationally. tion has occurred against the to comment on why it focused on
ral Louisiana is a barbed wire- These new facilities, a mix of backdrop of a criminal justice Louisiana. In a statement, it said
ringed prison that has quickly old state prisons and local jails, overhaul in Louisiana that has it identifies “contracts that can
grown into a major detention are several hours away from reduced the state’s prison popu- be modified to accommodate in-
center for immigrants detained New Orleans and other major cit- lation and threatened the econo- creased agency needs.”
at the border. ies in the region, far from most mies of the small towns that rely ICE and the private prison
The Winn Correctional Cen- immigrant rights’ groups and on the jails. company operating the facility,
ter is one of eight Louisiana jails immigration lawyers. Migrants ICE has stepped into the void. LaSalle Corrections, allowed The
that have started housing asylum complain of mistreatment and At Winn, which started detain- Associated Press to visit Winn Art happens.
seekers and other migrants over prolonged detention. ing migrants in May, employee for three hours in September and 328-ARTS
the past year, making Louisiana “I knew they would detain us, salaries have risen from $10 an take photos and video under the
an unlikely epicenter for immi- but I never thought it would be hour to $18.50. Local officials condition that migrants’ faces
grant detention under President for this long,” said Howard Anto- have signed contracts that guar- not be shown.

Appeal denied in case tied to killing of 2 police officers

Woman convicted on charges related on Thursday declined to
re-examine Joanie Callo-
and five years for hinder-
ing prosecution.
to 2015 deaths of Hattiesburg officers way’s case.
Calloway, now 26, was
Investigators said Cal-
loway was driving the
Liquori Tate and Benjamin Deen convicted in 2017 on two car in which the alleged
charges connected to shooter and another man
The Associated Press a woman convicted on the shooting deaths of were riding when she was
charges related to the officers Liquori Tate and pulled over by Deen. Po-
HAT TIESBURG — 2015 killing of two Hat- Benjamin Deen. She was lice said after Tate arrived
The Mississippi Supreme tiesburg police officers. sentenced to 25 years for to help Deen, one of the
Court says it will not The Hattiesburg Amer- attempted accessory after men got out of the car and
consider an appeal from ican reports the court the fact of capital murder shot both officers.

Around the state

State: Funeral home Ripley funeral home sub- Ex-official accused of the two lied to a feder-
stituted plastic burial con- al bank in an attempt to
used caskets cheaper tainers for concrete ones defrauding Mississippi get loans and tried to
than agreed upon eight times between 2017 Choctaw tribe defraud the tribal gov-
RIPLEY — A Missis- and 2018. It says the par- JACKSON — A for- ernment with false travel
sippi funeral home has lor also substituted dif- mer official of the Mis- reimbursement claims.
been fined $10,000 for ferent color caskets than sissippi Band of Choctaw It says they’re accused
what authorities say was what pre-need policy own- Indians and his wife are of forging hotel bills and
an illegal practice of bury- ers chose about 20 times accused of defrauding
receipts that they sub-
ing people in cheaper cas- between 2016 and 2018. the tribe.
mitted to the tribal gov-
kets than planned before Funeral home attorney Citing a Monday U.S.
their deaths. attorney’s statement, ernment for reimburse-
Tony Farese says many of
News outlets report the swaps were made to news outlets report ment, later using the
Mississippi Secretary of accommodate relatives of 48-year-old Kevin Ed- funds to pay off personal
State Delbert Hosemann the deceased, and all state wards and 45-year-old loans under Sheena Ed-
issued a statement Tues- law violations were made Sheena Edwards were ward’s name.
day detailing the practice out of compassion for indicted last month on Kevin Edwards left
by Ripley Funeral Ser- grieving families. He says charges including mon- the tribal government in
vices LLC. a disgruntled employee ey laundering. 2017. Trial is set for next
The statement says the reported the swaps. The statement says month.

Continued from Page 1A
for those juveniles. Youth intimidated from coming “Generally ... it has to
court, apart from sentenc- to school or work. be an offense that carries
ing offenders to less strict “It depends on your life for an adult, such as
penalties, also seals cases definition of harm,” she murder (for the case to go
so that they can’t be made said. to circuit court),” Colom
public without a judge’s Her sentiment was said, adding the case also
order. echoed by District At- goes to circuit court if the
“My concern was, I did torney Scott Colom, who juvenile used a weapon in
said it’s always appropri- Colom Cooper the commission of the of-
not want a juvenile auto-
matically sent to circuit ate for law enforcement to That, however, would fense.
court if the youth court investigate threats. be a misdemeanor and Prosecutors can also
could address it,” she told “I think the climate not something that falls request a juvenile’s case
The Dispatch Tuesday. we’re in now with the under the making terror- go straight to circuit
Turner-Ford is listed school shootings across ist threats statute, he said. court under certain con-
as an additional author the country, we definitely Turner-Ford said she ditions such as whether
of the bill on the Missis- need to pay attention to feels law enforcement and the “offense constitutes a
sippi Legislature’s web- any student or any threats other authorities have substantial danger to the
site, though she said she that would put (students some discretion in ap- public,” how serious it is
wasn’t involved in drafting and teachers) in danger,” plying the law, looking at and the “sophistication,
the bill and that her name he said. the circumstances of the maturity and educational
wasn’t added until the bill LCSO head of investi- case before determining background of the child,”
came to the Senate floor. gations Lt. Tony Cooper whether to press felony according to Mississippi
The bill’s author, Dist. 23 said while investigators charges against some- statute Colom provided
Sen. W. Briggs Hopson take each incident on a one who hasn’t physically The Dispatch.
III (R-Vicksburg), did not “case by case basis” when harmed anyone. Turner-Ford pointed
return calls from The Dis- determining whether “They do have a cer- out the offender can still
to level this particular tain amount of discretion, be charged under the law,
patch by press time.
charge, generally, the sus- but I think that has to be even if he or she didn’t
pect has to make a direct balanced also with indi- have any intention or even
Context of the charge threat against the organi- viduals believing they are means of carrying out the
Turner-Ford envi- zation. safe within the confines threat.
sioned the law coming “We had somebody of a school or a courtroom “That’s specifically
into play when someone make a comment yester- or some other building stated in the statute that
makes a threat against a day, ‘If I was going to, where they should feel that’s not a defense to say,
governmental body that you’d be the first one,’” he they’re protected,” she ‘It was not my intent to do
is serious enough for the said. “And it was a joke, said. “I think there’s a bal- this’ or ‘I was only making
office to “react or change but you see how it can be ance that has to be struck a joke’ or ‘I didn’t have
the way it operates.” She taken a different way. ... between the two.” the capacity’ or whatever
pointed out even in a case That would be more of a Likewise, she and Co- defense someone would
where no one is physically threat toward a person, lom said, there are dif- raise regarding their per-
hurt, such threats cause and they could go to the ferent factors that would sonal circumstance when
disruption to schools and appropriate court about determine whether a juve- they made the call,” she
businesses and can harm possibly seeing about fil- nile’s case goes to youth said. “That’s not to be con-
the victims, who may be ing charges that way.” court or circuit court. sidered when charged.”
4A Wednesday, October 9, 2019 The Dispatch •

Divided Supreme Court Suit says feds using

weighs LGBT people’s rights immigration marriage
Key provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 known ing fired transgender funeral home
interviews as trap
director Aimee Stephens, said the
as Title 7 bars job discrimination because of sex situation at the court itself showed ACLU: Growing number of federal
such concerns were overblown.
By MARK SHERMAN even a reference to the androgy- “There are transgender male agents have ‘cruelly twisted’ the
and MAT THEW BARAK AT nous character known simply as Pat lawyers in this courtroom follow-
The Associated Press
on Saturday Night Live in the early ing the male dress code and going rules by detaining immigrant
WASHINGTON — A seemingly
A key provision of the Civil
to the men’s room and the court’s
dress code and sex-segregated re-
spouses following interviews
divided Supreme Court struggled
Rights Act of 1964 known as Title 7 strooms have not fallen,” Cole said. The Associated Press
Tuesday over whether a landmark
civil rights law protects LGBT peo- bars job discrimination because of Two other conservatives, Chief
ple from discrimination in employ- sex, among other reasons. In recent Justice John Roberts and Justice BALTIMORE — Alyse and Elmer Sanchez were
ment, with one conservative justice years, some courts have read that Brett Kavanaugh, did not square- thrilled when they survived their “green card” in-
wondering if the court should take language to include discrimination ly indicate their views, although terview, a crucial step in obtaining lawful status in
heed of “massive social upheaval” against LGBT people as a subset of Roberts questioned how employers the United States. She texted her family from the
that could follow a ruling in their sex discrimination. with religious objections to hiring immigration office as relief washed over her: The
favor. Justice Neil Gorsuch, President LGBT people might be affected by officer had agreed that their marriage is legitimate.
With the court’s four liberal jus- Donald Trump’s first Supreme the outcome. Moments later, Elmer was in shackles, detained
tices likely to side with workers who Court appointee, said there are The first of two cases involved a pending deportation to his native Honduras, leav-
were fired because of their sexual strong arguments favoring the skydiving instructor and a county ing her alone with their two little boys.
orientation or transgender status, LGBT workers. But Gorsuch sug- government worker in Georgia who “We feel it was a trap, a trick, to get us there,”
the question in two highly anticipat- gested that maybe Congress, not were fired for being gay. The second Alyse said.
ed cases that filled the courtroom the courts, should change the law case involves transgender people, The Sanchezes have joined five other couples
was whether one of the court’s con- because of the upheaval that could and the audience in the courtroom in a class action accusing federal agents of luring
servatives might join them. ensue. “It’s a question of judicial included Stephens, transgender ac- families to marriage interviews in Baltimore, only
Two hours of lively arguments modesty,” Gorsuch said. tor Laverne Cox and some people to detain the immigrant spouse for deportation.
touched on sex-specific bathrooms, David Cole, the American Civil who had waited in line since the Federal regulations allow U.S. citizens like Al-
locker rooms and dress codes, and Liberties Union lawyer represent- weekend for Tuesday’s arguments. yse to try to legalize the status of spouses like El-
mer, who has been living in the country illegally.
Thousands of families are doing it: Records show
the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
approved 23,253 provisional unlawful presence
waivers, the final documents spouses, children or
parents of citizens need before leaving the country
Area obituaries and applying to rejoin their families legally.
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Utah; brothers, Clinton tation will be from the Lowndes County But the American Civil Liberties Union says a
OBITUARY POLICY “Bubba” Simmons and Sheriff’s Department. growing number of officers have “cruelly twisted”
3-6 p.m. Friday at
Obituaries with basic informa- the rules by detaining immigrant spouses follow-
James Arnold Sim- Lavender’s Funeral He was a member of
tion including visitation and ing marriage interviews.
service times, are provided mons; sisters, Clara Service. Lavender’s Stephen Chapel M.B.
free of charge. Extended obit- Goodin, Jane Gatlin, Funeral Service of Church.
uaries with a photograph, de- Jessie Baker, Ann Holt, Aliceville is in charge of In addition to his par-
tailed biographical information Gerri Hunter, Faye arrangements. ents, he was preceded
and other details families may Robertson and Kaye in death by his siblings,
wish to include, are available
Swanson; and four Harvey L. Austin,
for a fee. Obituaries must be
Carrissa Skinner Curtis H. Austin and
submitted through funeral CRAWFORD —
homes unless the deceased’s Memorials may be Charles W. Austin.
made to the Palmer Carrissa L. Skinner,
body has been donated to He is survived by his
Home for Children, P.O. 28, died Oct. 8, 2019, at
science. If the deceased’s siblings, Mary Austin
body was donated to science, Box 929, Hernando, Baptist Memorial Hos-
Woodrick of Columbus,
the family must provide official MS or to the American pital-Golden Triangle.
Peggy Austin Greene of
proof of death. Please submit
Cancer Society, P.O. Arrangements are
all obituaries on the form Flowood, Carol Austin
Box 22478, Oklahoma incomplete and will be
provided by The Commercial Bryant of Asburn and
Dispatch. Free notices must City, OK 73123. announced by Carter’s Cynthia Austin Melvin
be submitted to the newspa- Funeral Services of of Jackson.
per no later than 3 p.m. the Mary Holmes Columbus.
day prior for publication Tues-
day through Friday; no later
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the Mary S. Holmes, 85, Kenneth Austin
Sunday edition; and no later died Oct. 7, 2019. COLUMBUS — Ken-
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Arrangements are neth Renard Austin, 67,
edition. Incomplete notices incomplete and will be died Oct.
must be received no later than announced by Lee- 4, 2019, at
7:30 a.m. for the Monday
Sykes Funeral Home of his resi-
through Friday editions. Paid
notices must be finalized by 3
Columbus. dence.
p.m. for inclusion the next day Services
Monday through Thursday; and Louise Harrell will be at
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday CRAWFORD — 11 a.m.
and Monday publication. For
Louise Harrell, 79, died Thursday Austin
more information, call 662-
Oct. 8, 2019. at Carter’s Lucille Alexander
328-2471. Visitation:
Arrangements are Funeral Services Chap- Thursday, Oct. 10 • 6-8 PM
incomplete and will be el, with the Rev. Ernest Friday, Oct. 11 • 10-11 AM
William Simmons announced by Lee- T. Miller officiating. 2nd Ave. North Location
RICHFIELD, Utah Services:

Lucille D. Alexander
Sykes Funeral Home of Burial will follow at Me- Friday, Oct. 11 • 11 AM
— William Nathan Sim- Columbus. 2nd Ave. North Location
morial Gardens Ceme- Burial
mons, 65, died Sept. 2,
tery. Visitation is from Memorial Gardens of Columbus
2019, in Salt Lake City, Josh Jourdan Lucille D. Alexander, age 89,
Utah. noon-6 p.m. today at the
COLUMBUS — funeral home. Carter’s Josh Jourdan died Sunday, October 06, 2019,
Services will be at 2 Joshua Wayne “Josh” Visitation: at Trinity Healthcare Center in
p.m. Saturday at Salem Funeral Services of Friday, Oct. 11 • 2-3 PM
Jourdan, 33, died Oct. Columbus is in charge 2nd Ave. North Location Columbus.
Memorial Church in 7, 2019, at Baptist Me- Services: Services will be held Friday,
Macon, with Glenn of arrangements. Friday, Oct. 11 • 3 PM
morial Hospital-Golden Mr. Austin was born 2nd Ave. North Chapel
October 11, 2019, at 11:00 AM
Miller officiating. Buri- Triangle. Burial at Memorial Gunter Peel, 2nd
al will follow at Salem Aug. 16, 1952, in Colum- Friendship Cemetery
Services will be at 3 Ave. North Chapel, with Bro.
Memorial Cemetery. bus, to the late Herman
p.m. Friday at Memori- Gerald Branhum and Bro. Tom-
Visitation will be from
al Gunter Peel Chapel,
Lewis and Lucretia Frances Hawkins my Gillon officiating. Burial will
1:30-2 p.m. prior to Brewer Austin. He was Incomplete
follow at Memorial Gardens of Columbus. Visita-
Second Avenue North 2nd Ave. North Location
services at the church. a 1969 graduate of R.E. tion will be held at Thursday October 10, 2019,
location. Burial will
Kramer Family Funeral Hunt High School and from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM and again one hour
follow at Friendship
Home and Cremation a 1973 graduate of Mis- prior to service at the funeral home. Memorial
Cemetery. Visitation
is in charge of arrange- sissippi State Universi- Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Crematory, 2nd
will be one hour prior
ments. ty. He served in the U.S. Ave. North location, has been entrusted with the
to services at the fu-
Mr. Simmons was National Guard and was arrangements.
neral home. Memorial
born Oct. 6, 1953, formerly employed with Mrs. Alexander was born on Sunday, Febru-
Gunter Peel Funeral
in Hollandale, to the ary 23, 1930, in Winston County, MS, to the late
Home and Crematory,
late Clinton Autamus William Alvin and Ollie Grace Scott Dempsey.
Second Avenue North
“Buck” and Clara Pau- She was a member of Fairview Baptist Church,
location, is in charge of
line Miller Simmons. and a homemaker. Mrs. Alexander enjoyed cro-
He was a 1972 graduate cheting, cross stitching, and word puzzles.
of Caldwell High School In addition to her parents she was preceded in
and graduated from Frances Hawkins death by her husband, Arkel L. Alexander; and
college in Phoenix, Ari- COLUMBUS —
Frances A. Hawkins, her siblings, Janie Goodin, William Dempsey,
zona. He was a U.S. Air Curtis Dempsey, Lena Mae Horton, Earlene
Force veteran and was 79, died Oct. 9, 2019, at
North Mississippi Med- McAuley, Wesley Dempsey and Brenice Alexan-
formerly employed with der.
Satterwhite Log Homes ical Center in Tupelo.
Arrangements are Survivors include her son, David Alexan-
in Gunnison, Utah. der (Debbie), Columbus, MS; brother, Brice
He served as a Baptist incomplete and will be
announced by Memori- Dempsey, Louisville, MS; grandchildren, Audrie
minister. Killard and Andrew Aponte; and a host of nieces
In addition to his al Gunter Peel Funeral
Home and Crematory, & nephews.
parents, he was pre- Serving as pallbearers will be Danny Alexan-
ceded in death by Second Avenue North
der, Ferrell Alexander, Stanley Alexander and
his infant son, Skyler location.
Larry McBrayer,
Derrah Simmons; and Serving as honorary pallbearers will be the
sister, Jean Elizabeth Randall Oliver Staff of Trinity Healthcare.
Simmons. PANOLA, Ala. — Memorials may be made to: Fairview Baptist
He is survived by Randall C. Oliver, 78, Church, 127 Airline Road, Columbus, MS 39702
his wife, Gwen Poulson died Oct. 7, 2019, at his or to Cedar Hill Animal Sanctuary, 84 Sanctuary
Simmons; children, residence. Loop, Caledonia, MS 39740.
Paul Nathaniel Sim- Home Going Cele-
mons of Richfield, bration services will
Utah, Jamie Myriah be at 2 p.m. Sunday at
McFadden of Ivins, Galilee Baptist Church,
Gatlin Jesse Simmons with the Rev. Dr. Bob Sign the online guest book at
of Kansas City, Mis- N. Little officiating.
souri, and Kailee Anne Burial will follow at the
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
Simmons of Orem, church cemetery. Visi-
The Dispatch • Wednesday, October 9, 2019 5A

US companies walk fine line

when doing business with China
‘... States and companies — seem to accept that they
have to tread on eggshells when it comes to China China demands
for fear of offending them and being punished’
Jonathan Sullivan, director of China programs at the University
US lift tech curbs
of Nottingham’s Asia Research Institute By JOE McDONALD
AP Business Writer
By MAE ANDERSON racy, but it’s not.”
AP Business Writer BEIJING — China demand-
Western governments dislike
ed Washington lift sanctions on
China’s attacks on companies but
NEW YORK — The furor over a Chinese tech companies and
are unlikely to get involved, said
tweet by the Houston Rockets gen- warned Wednesday it will “res-
David Zweig, a politics specialist at
eral manager in support of Hong olutely safeguard” the country’s
the Hong Kong University of Sci-
Kong protesters is highlighting the interests.
ence and Technology. So it’s up to
fine line that U.S. companies must The Ministry of Commerce
companies to navigate situations criticized curbs imposed on
walk when doing business with Chi-
themselves. sales of U.S. technology to a
Most of the time that means group of Chinese companies
The NBA is trying to manage
companies that face trouble quick- as interference in the country’s
that delicate relationship after
ly acquiesce to Beijing, apologize affairs. American officials say
Daryl Morey posted a now-deleted
tweet of an image that read “Fight and try to “build bridges” instead those companies provide tech-
for Freedom. Stand with Hong of standing up to China, said Jon- nology used to repress Muslim
Kong,” referring to the 4-month- athan Sullivan, director of China minorities in the northwestern
old protests in the semiautonomous programs at the University of Not- region of Xinjiang.
Chinese territory. That set off an tingham’s Asia Research Institute. “We strongly urge the United
immediate backlash, with China’s In 2018, Gap pulled a shirt with States to immediately stop mak-
state broadcaster canceling plans a map of China that did not include ing irresponsible remarks on the
to show a pair of preseason games Taiwan, a self-ruled island that Bei- issue of Xinjiang, stop interfer-
in that country later this week. jing regards as Chinese territory, ing with China’s internal affairs
With a population of 1.4 billion and apologized. Delta Air Lines, and remove relevant Chinese
people, a rapidly growing middle hotel operator Marriott and fash- entities from the Entity List as
class and easing economic restric- ion brand Zara have all apologized soon as possible,” said a ministry
tions, China is highly appealing to to China for referring to Taiwan, statement. “China will take all
U.S. companies looking for growth Hong Kong or Tibet as countries necessary measures to resolute-
overseas. But companies must bal- on websites or promotional materi- ly safeguard Chinese interests.”
ance the potential for growth with al. And Mercedes-Benz apologized The ministry gave no details
the potential for pitfalls in dealing for quoting the Tibetan spiritual of possible retaliation.
with a country that aggressively leader, the Dalai Lama, in a social
goes after its detractors. media post. land Chinese search engine in 2010,
Paul Argenti, professor of corpo- “Everyone — states and com- no longer willing to enforce Chi-
rate communication at Dartmouth’s panies — seem to accept that they nese censorship by not displaying
Tuck School of Business, cautions have to tread on eggshells when it foreign websites in search results
that companies should know what comes to China for fear of offending if they were blocked by government
they’re getting themselves into them and being punished,” Sullivan filters. Years later, however, reports
when they enter a relationship with said in an email. “And they have to surfaced that Google was working
a country that’s heading into 70 contort themselves to do that.” on a search engine that complies
years of communist rule. A rare exception of a company with China’s censorship laws,
“It has a regime that doesn’t look standing up to China is Google Inc., dubbed “Dragonfly,” leading to an
like the United States,” Argenti but even the internet giant had its outcry and a protest by hundreds of
said. “We can pretend it is a democ- limits. Google shut down its main- its own employees.

Sanders says he may slow down campaigning pace

Vermont senator says he doesn’t has said he will be at next
week’s Democratic pres-
Sanders, a Vermont
senator, also recently
plan on leaving the presidential race idential debate in Ohio.
But it hasn’t commented
shook up his campaign
staff in Iowa and New
following last week’s heart attack on if or when he’ll re- Hampshire, which kick
sume campaigning before off the presidential nomi-
By WILSON RING, STEVE or four rallies and town that — or what his next nating process.
PEOPLES and WILL meetings and meeting steps will be. NBC News “I must confess, I was
with groups of people. I announced it would air dumb,” Sanders said in
The Associated Press
don’t think I’m going to do an “exclusive” interview front of his house, speak-
BURLINGTON, Vt. — that,” Sanders told report- with Sanders, his first ing in soft, calm tones with
Bernie Sanders began re- ers when asked what his since the heart attack, on his wife, Jane O’Meara
introducing himself to the schedule may look like Wednesday. Sanders, looking on be-
2020 campaign on Tues- going forward. “But I cer- His health problems hind him. “Thank God, I
day, venturing outside his tainly intend to be active- come at a precarious time, have a lot of energy, and
Vermont home to say that ly campaigning. I think since Sanders was already during this campaign I’ve
he doesn’t plan on leaving we’re going to change the facing questions about been doing, in some cas-
the presidential race fol- nature of the campaign being the oldest candi- es, three or four rallies
lowing last week’s heart a bit. I’ll make sure that date seeking the White a day all over the state,
attack — but that he may I have the strength to do House, and he has seen Iowa, New Hampshire,
slow down a frenetic pace what I have to do.” his recent poll numbers wherever. And yet I, in
that might have contribut- Pressed on what that decline compared to 2020 the last month or two, just
ed to his health problems. meant, Sanders replied: rival Elizabeth Warren, was more fatigued than I
“We were doing, in “Well, probably not doing his chief competitor for usually have been. And
some cases, five or six four rallies a day.” the Democratic Party’s I should have listened to
meetings a day, three Sanders’ campaign most-progressive wing. those symptoms.”

GM talks hit snag as union seeks products for UAW factories

‘There is no job security for us were still talking, the
union demand could be
jobs so far this year. GM’s
U.S. factories built about
when GM vehicles are made in other a major sticking point
because GM produces
2 million vehicles last
year, including 300,000
countries for the purpose of selling pickup trucks and several
SUVs in Canada, Mexico,
that were exported.
Just before the strike
them here in the U.S.A.’ China, South Korea and began Sept. 16, GM said it
United Auto Workers union Vice other countries, and im- offered $7 billion worth of
President Terry Dittes ports them to the U.S. U.S. factory investments
Dittes wrote that GM’s resulting in 5,400 new
By TOM KRISHER from the company to a alleged lack of commit- positions, a minority of
AP Auto Writer workforce that has helped ment is one of the union’s which would be filled by
make it billions of dollars. top priorities in talks to
DETROIT — Talks existing employees. GM
“We believe that the end the strike, but little
between General Mo- would not give a precise
vehicles GM sells here progress has been made.
tors and the United Auto number.
“Economic gains in
should be built here,” A person briefed on
Workers union hit a snag this agreement will mean
Tuesday over what the Dittes wrote. “There is no the talks later said that $2
nothing without job secu-
union says is a lack of job security for us when rity,” Dittes wrote, adding billion of that investment
commitment by GM to GM vehicles are made in that the union is fighting would be from joint ven-
build new vehicles in U.S. other countries for the for a middle class way of tures or parts suppliers
factories. purpose of selling them life. that would pay less than
In a letter to members, here in the U.S.A.” In the past GM has said what GM assembly line
union Vice President Ter- GM did not immediate- it has invested over $23 workers earn. The person
ry Dittes wrote that the ly respond to a request for billion in U.S. factories didn’t want to be identi-
union has told GM that it comment Tuesday night. since 2009, and has cre- fied because the talks are
doesn’t see a commitment Although both sides ated more than 2,000 U.S. confidential.

Send in your News About Town event.

email: [email protected]
Subject: NATS
6a Wednesday, October 9, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View

Safe and sorry is a balancing act

There has always been a But are we really safer held Tuesday at Starkville In other words, the threat donia students, both have been
fine line between reaction and because we can’t carry a five- High School which exposed alone is a crime that can send charged as juveniles under the
over-reaction or even distin- ounce tube of toothpaste onto faculty and staff to an exercise you to prison for 10 years. terroristic threats law and will
guishing between the two. an airplane? Probably not, but featuring the firing of blank Is that a reasonable re- not face 10 years in prison.
Nowhere in contemporary better safe than sorry. ammunition. sponse? Or an overreaction? Juvenile court, for good
American society is this better Today, our attention has Twice in the last month an Fair-minded people can reason, has wide discretion in
illustrated than the subject of turned, quite reasonably, to effort to promote safety as a disagree and will. what punishment the students
terrorism. domestic terrorism, which in response to terrorist acts has But at present, it appears to face if convicted, and because
You don’t have to be an many ways is an even greater, played out in the Lowndes be another case of better safe juvenile records are sealed,
old-timer to recognize this. more ubiquitous threat. County School District, where than sorry. the public will never know the
For example, there was a time With mass shootings at con- two students in separate We do believe that making fate of these students.
when you couldn’t find a metal certs, movie theaters, festivals incidents were charged under threats against schools is not But it seems obvious that
detector in an airport. and just about anywhere peo- the state’s new “Mississippi something we can’t afford to no matter the outcome, these
That changed dramati- ple congregate, our reactions Terrorist Threats Law.” take lightly: We have seen, in students will face serious con-
cally after 9-11. To get on an escalate as we desperately Under this law, anyone who graphic detail, the result of sequences if convicted.
airplane now means going attempt to make our public makes a threat of violence is that attitude. In the bullet-riddled age in
through metal detectors, even spaces safer. deemed to have made a terror- We also believe that even which we live, that’s under-
being patted down sometimes. Nowhere is that concern ist threat and is charged with idle threats can harm our standable.
Shoes and belts and jewelry more pronounced than in our a felony that carries up to 10 students by making them feel All of us, by now, should
— and anything else on your schools. We will do anything years in state prison. More sig- less safe and can disrupt our know that threats of violence
possession containing metal — short of gun legislation — nificantly, the law states that educational process through are no longer going to be
— goes through screening, to protect our children. Active even if the person making the lock-downs and evacuations. taken with a grain of salt, even
too. shooter drills, mandated by threat had neither the intent These are not harmless offens- if it means our reaction is an
By now, it has become so law, and conducted through- nor means of carrying out the es and should not be regarded over-reaction.
routine that we hardly seem to out the nation’s schools are act, he or she is still subject to as such. We’ll take safe over sorry
notice. common, including the one these penalties. In the case of the two Cale- every time.

Letter to the editor

Voice of the people
Thoughts on two lives taken
Yes, Ms. Cengiz (murdered journalist,
Khashoggi’s fiancé), it can happen in a minute.
After a long time, I read an article in the
recent issue of Time magazine written by Ms.
Hatice Cengiz, that touched my heart profound-
Being settled in a small town far away from
the place of the murder, I wrote a column in
October 2018 on Khashoggi’s murder, “Bedouin
culture in the 21st century.”
We use a common proverb, “think before you
act and no act then think.” Or “look before you
leap.” I am sure the Saudi government or the
prince (recently taken the responsibility) wasn’t
feeling comfortable one year after Khashoggi’s
murder? What good have they achieved? Will
one journalist’s writings be able to change the
On the other hand, the murderers didn’t only
change the life of Ms. Cengiz. They have alienat-
ed the whole world.
A couple of weeks back, a Houston sheriff’s
deputy, with a turban on his head was shot and
killed during a traffic stop. In a split second,
the driver of the car had changed the life of the
officer’s wife and three children forever.
Mr. Khashoggi used to critique the Saudi sys- Mississippi Voices
tem of government where there is no existence
of democracy or human rights. Khashoggi was
doing that job as a journalist. Similarly, the Sikh
police officer just did his routine job and accord-
Tread carefully before kicking
ing to the reports, there were no altercations or
arguments. It looks to me a cold-blooded murder
by the driver of the car.
Airbnb out of your town
My question to you, Mr. Robert Solis (the It is generally con- remitted $1 million in banning short-term rentals. If trash
alleged killer): What for? sidered a good thing if taxes to the state that is being left behind, again, you can
Did you think before you acted? there is high demand hosts collected. Over have ordinances concerning trash
In the US, we firmly believe there will be type for short-term vacation 69,000 guests utilized in yards.
of justice for the officer. But for Ms. Cengiz and rentals in your city. And the service during that The truth is that the biggest
thousands of people around the world who have the reasons for this time period. Every sign opponent to Airbnb and other home-
been demanding justice for Mr. Khashoggi, demand in Starkville indicates that these sharing sites is the hotel industry.
where is his? are obvious. numbers will only The industry naturally wants to
Obviously, we can’t equate two murders in From football, continue to grow. Unless petition government to help create a
one umbrella. The first one is pre-planned and baseball, and basketball government gets in the moat around their industry.
may be state sponsored, the second one was games at Mississippi way. It is understandable why people
probably an instantaneous decision on the spot State to events in the Which, unfortunate- working in the hotel industry are
by an individual. Is it the outcome of 0.25 sec- community throughout Brett Kittredge ly, is the direction many upset by this disruption and by
onds decision of brain and the loaded gun in the the year, tourism play cities have gone. Some the fact that these platforms and
pocket? The psychiatrist might have an answer. a key role in the city’s have even been sued their users are not governed by the
Ironically, the end result is the same, someone’s economy. And thanks to technology, over it. same regulatory burdens of the
life has been taken forever. Painful indeed. websites like Airbnb make it easier The city of Starkville is currently hotel industry. The same can be
Jiben Roy than ever for visitors to search for debating a short-term rental ordi- said of the taxi industry when Uber
Columbus new options during their stay. nance. The original proposal was was launched or of virtually any
While short-term rentals in the draconian in nature and would have business that suffers from creative
past may have consisted of adver- likely ended much of the short-term disruption. The cycle is as old as
tisements in newspapers that tell industry in the city. It would have capitalism.
THE STAFF OF THE DISPATCH you very little, consumers now have limited the number of weekends The incumbents in these
pictures, location, and feedback and nights per year a house could industries have paid a regulatory
EDITOR/PUBLISHER NEWS from previous guests. And the abili- be rented, imposed a $300 licensing cost. Rather than trying to impose
Peter Imes Isabelle Altman ty to pay via an intermediary. fee, and required a homeowner to old regulations on new, innovative,
Theo Derosa Why are people looking for this be a permanent resident to receive a customer-focused players, we
PUBLISHER EMERITUS Matt Garner option? Short-term rentals provide permit from the city. should consider deregulating the
Birney Imes Garrick Hodge the visitors with a different expe- Essentially, you would have existing industries so that compe-
Jennifer Mosbrucker
Zack Plair rience. It is usually more personal to live in your house to rent out tition is enhanced and innovation
ADVERTISING Ben Portnoy and accommodating. If you are your house. Many homeowners is incentivized. The way to achieve
Amber Dumas Slim Smith visiting with a family, it is often the have invested in real estate. This this is through the free market.
Kelly Ervin Jan Swoope only, or at least most cost-effective, increases property values, which is Writing new regulations and trying
Melissa Johnson Tess Vrbin option. a benefit for the city. And homeown- to enforce old ones encourages
Beth Proffitt How do you know the room or ers have an obvious incentive not cronyism, and only hurts local
Mary Jane Runnels MAILROOM house you are renting will be ac- just in receiving positive feedback economies. Starkville should think
Luther Shields Christina Boyd ceptable? The host has an incentive online, but in maintaining the value very hard about doing anything that
Jackie Taylor Joseph Ellis
Evie Vidrine Jeffrey Gore to provide a positive experience. As of their investment. That is to say, a would limit home-sharing.
Bridget Walters Katrina Guyton is the case with most services in our house being trashed is not good for At the end of the day, we have
Doris Hill sharing economy, your reputation anyone. individuals who are able to earn an
Quaylon Jones — and ability to stay in business — Alternatives to the original pro- extra income from something they
BUSINESS OFFICE Marquisto Miller
Lindsey Beck is built on customer feedback. Rep- posal are much more user-friendly, own, and tourists are able to get
Bobby Williams utation is everything. Airbnb and placing no limits on rentals, lower- what they are looking for. It’s called
Debbie Foster
Timothy Wilson
Mary Ann Hardy other home-sharing platforms are ing the licensing fee, and easing off voluntary exchange. It’s a good
Eddie Johnson incentivized to ensure consumers the residency requirements. thing. We should encourage more
PRODUCTION and providers are not harmed. In When it comes to the need of it, not try to interfere with it.
CIRCULATION William Hudson
fact, it’s in their best interest to en- for these ordinances, there are a Brett Kittredge is the Director
Christopher Dumas William LeJeune
Michael Floyd Jamie Morrison sure the experience is valuable and couple common complaints. Noise of Marketing and Communica-
Courtney Laury Anne Murphy enjoyable. This is the free market. is a popular topic. Yet, a city can tions for Mississippi Center for Public
Lisa Oswalt Tina Perry Such technology has benefited pass and enforce a noise ordinance Policy, the state’s non-partisan,
Deanna Robinson-Pugh Rodney Shows the state, too. Last year, Airbnb for everyone. It doesn’t require free-market think tank.
The Dispatch • Wednesday, October 9, 2019 7A

News About Town

Quilting Club meets in the activities room
Suite B. For more information, call Katie
Bostwick, 662-243-1173.
n OKTIBBEHA MASTER adjacent to the multi-purpose facility at n DRUG/ALCOHOL INTERVENTION
GARDENERS the Starkville Sportsplex Thursdays 10 Narconon offers drug and alcohol interven-
Oktibbeha County Master Gardeners meet a.m.-noon. Bring your own project to work tions. For free screenings or referrals, call
at 10 a.m. Oct. 10 at the County Extension on. For information, call Lisa Cox, 662-323- 1-800-431-1754.
Service on Lampkin Street, Starkville. 2294. n GOLDEN TRIANGLE AA
Stacy Hines of the MSU Department Golden Triangle AA meets daily for support.
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture
presents “What’s the Buzz? Learn How to
Health Notes If you want to drink, that is your business.
If you want to stop drinking, that is our
Create Pollinator Habitat at Your Home.” n BLOOD DRIVE business. For information, call 662-327-
Free to the public. For information, call Vitalant hosts a patient replenishment
Emily Jones, 662-312-0832. blood drive for Sammy Coleman 9 a.m.-3
p.m. Oct. 10 at Starkville Café, 211 E. n AL-ANON MEETING
n OKTIBBEHA AUDUBON SOCIETY The Columbus Al-Anon Family Groups
Main St., Starkville. Other donations can
The public is invited to the Audubon So- meet Mondays and Thursdays at 5:30
be made at the Donation Center, 4326 S.
ciety meeting at 7 p.m. Oct. 10 in MSU’s p.m. When you don’t know where to turn
Eason Boulevard, Tupelo. For every pint of
Clay Lyle Entomology Building to hear because someone drinks too much, we can
blood received, a $15 credit will be issued
James Rigby speak on shorebird conser- help. For information, call 888-425-2666
to Coleman’s hospital bill. For appointment
vation. or go to
or information, call 877-258-4825 or visit
The Columbus East Lions Club meets
every second and fourth Monday of the n CPR CLASSES
Baptist Golden Triangle offers CPR classes
month at 65 Airline Road. For more infor- n FALL CHALLENGE INSTITUTE
mation, call 662-251-1415 or 662-574- for the community at 6 p.m. in the Patient My Brother’s Keeper hosts a free Fall Chal-
7552. Tower. Preregistration required. Call the lenge Institute session 1-3 p.m. Oct. 12 at
Education Department, 662-244-2498. the Greensboro Center, 401 Greensboro
The Columbus Host Lions Club meets n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES St., Starkville, facilitated by James Carlos
every Friday at noon at EMCC Lion Hills Baptist Golden Triangle offers Childbirth Clark. Boys from sixth-12th grade are en-
Center for a buffet lunch and business and Breastfeeding classes each month, 6 couraged to attend. Refreshments served.
gathering. For more information, call John p.m., in room 6, near the Gift Shop, $20. Call Orlando Trainer, 662-769-0071, or
Michael, 601-955-2176. For information or to register, call 662-244- Tommy Stevenson, 662-648-9452.
AARP meets the first Wednesday of each n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES Indigenous People’s Day, a free commu-
month at 10 a.m. in the Community Room Emerson Family Center in Starkville offers nity drum circle, is at 7 p.m. Oct. 14 at
of Regions Bank, Main Street, Columbus. Childbirth classes from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Fire Station One Park, 503 E. Lampkin
Programs are geared to the needs and every Tuesday. For more information, call St., Starkville. Hosted by Jeri Mangum;
interests of seniors 50 and up. For more 662-320-4907. facilitated by Robert Damm. Open to all. No
information, call 662-889-9496. n LUPUS SUPPORT drumming experience required.

n AARP STARKVILLE A lupus support group meets at 10 a.m. n BOOK SALE

AARP Starkville meets the first Thursday of the first Saturday of every month in room 6 The Friends of the Starkville Library Book
each month at 10 a.m. in the Community of the Baptist Golden Triangle Patient Tow- Sale is the first Monday of each month at
Room of Cadence Bank, West Main Street, er. Open to anyone with lupus or any family the Starkville Public Library, 326 University
Starkville. Next meeting is Oct. 3. Speaker member or friend. For more information, Drive.
will be Dr. Richard Harkness with Missis- call Rashell Hopkins, 662-570-8342. n ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING
sippi State University Department of Plant n CANCER SUPPORT Memphis Town Community Action Group
and Soil Science. For more information, Baptist Cancer Center hosts a support meets fourth Tuesdays at 6 p.m. to discuss
call Eileen Carr-Tabb, 662-312-3431. group for cancer survivors and their issues related to the Kerr-McGee site. For
n POSSUM TOWN TOASTMASTERS families, noon-1 p.m. the third Friday of information, contact Leon Hines, 662-574-
Possum Town Toastmasters meet every every month in Classroom 5 of the Patient 6109.
Friday at 7 a.m. at the Church of Christ, Towers. Lunch provided. For information n 50 DRESSES MINISTRY
Columbus. To become a better communi- and location, call 662-244-2923. Reach1 Teach1 Ministries’ 50 Dresses
cator and leader, call 662-549-3483. n HYPERTENSION SUPPORT Ministry Program to the Golden Triangle
n POSSUM TOWN QUILTERS A pulmonary hypertension support group area helps those in need of a dress or
Possum Town Quilters meet at 9:30 a.m. meets at 2 p.m. the second Saturday of suit for a job search. Donations accept-
the second and fourth Saturdays of each every month at North Mississippi Medical ed. Call Regional Coordinator Cequeila
month at the Rosenzweig Arts Center (low- Center-West Point Education Center, 385 Bigbee, 870-627-2859 or e-mail, 1delivere-
er level), 501 Main St., Columbus. Check Medical Center Drive. For information, call [email protected].
us out at possumtownquilters.blogspot. Dana Albert, 662-295-3642. n ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES
com. ■ DIABETES SUPPORT Emerson Family Center, 1504 Louisville
n LOWNDES REPUBLICAN WOMEN Baptist Golden Triangle hosts day classes St., Starkville, offers Adult Education class-
Lowndes County Republican Women meets for Diabetes Support on third Wednesdays es from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 9.
the second Tuesday of each month at of each month, 10-11 a.m. in Patient Tower n WALKING GROUP
the Lion Hills Center, 2331 Military Road. room 6. For information, call Lacy Smith, J.L. King Center’s Families First of Oktib-
Buffet line opens at 11:15 a.m., with call 662-244-1392. beha County invites the community to join
to order at noon. n DIALYSIS SUPPORT its Walking Group at 6:30 a.m. Monday-Fri-
n GT QUILTERS GUILD A dialysis support group meets at 6 p.m. day at Westside Park, 700 N. Long St.,
The Golden Triangle Quilters Guild meets the second Thursday of each month at Starkville.
at 5:30 p.m. every third Thursday at the Baptist Memorial Hospital-GT, room 6. n EFFECTIVE PARENTING
Starkville Sportsplex Activities Building. Open to patients diagnosed with End Stage Family Resource Center, Columbus
Renal Disease. For more information, call campus, 1575 Second Ave. N., offers free
662-328-4440. effective parenting classes, with insight
MSU alumni, friends are invited to Break- n CAREGIVER SUPPORT on child safety, appropriate discipline,
fast with the Bulldogs on second Thurs- A caregiver support group meets at 6 p.m. effective communication and more. For
days each month at Starkville Café. Dutch the fourth Tuesday of each month at Bap- information, call 662-368-3603.
treat breakfast 7:30 a.m. Contact Carol tist Memorial Hospital-GT, room 4. Open n ACTIVE PARENTING
Moss Read at [email protected] or to adult family or other informal caregivers Emerson Family Center, Starkville, offers
662-312-0637. age 18 or older providing care to individ- Active Parenting classes 10-11 a.m. Oct.
uals with a disability, chronic illness or 9. Free diapers for those who complete the
dementia diagnosis. For more information, four class series. Free child care provided.
Friendly City Strummers meet twice month-
call 662-328-4440. Call 662-320-4607.
ly to practice and teach others to play
dulcimers. Join for $10/year for the whole n CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER n FREE COMPUTER CLASSES
family. Dulcimers available to borrow. This group meets at 11:30 a.m. the last Emerson Family Center, Starkville, offers
Contact David Saum, 662-386-6836 or Thursday of each month at First United free computer classes 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays.
[email protected], or the Switzers, Methodist Church, 602 Main St., Colum- Call 662-320-4607.
662-312-6025. bus. A study on the book “No Act of Love is n FREE TUTORING
n TOPS Ever Wasted: The Spirituality of Caring for Family Resource Center, 1575 Second
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 288 meets Persons with Dementia” is underway. Ave. N., Columbus, offers free tutoring,
Tuesdays at Community Baptist Church, n ABUSE RECOVERY GROUP computer use and printing services for
Yorkville Road East, Columbus. Weigh-in A Domestic Abuse Recovery Group meets pre-K-eighth grade. Limited slots. Call 662-
begins at 5:30 p.m. Contact Pat Harris, Thursdays at 6 p.m. through Safe Haven 368-3603.
662-386-0249. Inc. Group counseling for rape recovery is n PARENT CAFÉ
n TOPS available. For information, call 662-327- Emerson family Center, Starkville, offers
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 270 meets 6118 or 662-889-2067. Parent Café meetings 11 a.m.-noon every
Thursdays at 4370 Cal-Kolola Road, Cale- n BAPTIST VOLUNTEERS Monday. For more information, call 662-
donia. Weigh-in begins at 5-5:30 p.m. Con- Baptist Golden Triangle seeks caring, com- 418-5193 or visit
tact Michelle Holliman, 662-386-3650. passionate volunteers to help in a variety n TENN-TOM WATERWAY MUSEUM
n SENIOR CRAFTS of hospital settings. For information, call The Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Trans-
Senior Crafts meets at the Starkville Lisa Bowers,662-244-1165. portation Museum, 318 Seventh St. N.,
Sportsplex Tuesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. n BAPTIST HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS Columbus, is open for tours Monday-Friday,
Crafts provided by the parks department. Baptist Hospice-Golden Triangle seeks 8 a.m.-2 p.m. School field trips, civic clubs,
For information, call Lisa Cox, 662-323- volunteers to assist in the office and with church groups encouraged. For group tours,
2294. Hospice families at 2309 Bluecutt Road, call 662-328-8936 or 662-574-5794.

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8A Wednesday, October 9, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
ty in this environment is laws requiring schools skill set you have to learn
first and foremost on our to conduct active shooter for the safety and better-
minds.” drills in 2013, in light of ment of our kids.”
Mississippi school dis- the Sandy Hook Elemen-
tricts are required to con- tary School shooting in
Connecticut. New Jersey,
Training goals
duct an active shooter drill
within the first 60 days of Oklahoma and Tennessee and benefits
later did the same. Active shooter drills
each new semester thanks
Mississippi joined the Roberson Taylor lead teachers to have “a
to a law the state Legisla-
group this year after Gov. lot of great conversations”
ture passed in March, the one at SHS aren’t neces-
Phil Bryant asked the Leg- assessing their resources
Mississippi School Safety sary, school-centric news
islature “to pass a compre- and how their classrooms
Act of 2019. The drills at website Education Week
hensive plan to keep our are set up to make stu-
the Starkville-Oktibbeha reported in March.
school children safe” in dents safer, Tedder said.
Consolidated School Dis- But putting teachers
his State of the State ad- SHS introduced a re-
trict do not involve stu- through a stressful situa-
dress in January. quirement this year for
dents in fourth grade or tion during the drill is nec-
The law also requires teachers to stand outside
below, and fifth through essary so they will know
mental health training or their classroom and in the
12th graders go through how to process and react
professional development hallways during passing
drills similar to lockdown to it in a real-life scenario,
for school district employ- periods between classes,
drills with no gunfire sim- said Dist. 43 Rep. Rob Rob-
ees every two years, train- partly to incentivize stu-
ulations, according to an erson (R-Starkville), who
ing and certification of dents to behave and part-
email Superintendent Ed- is also the attorney for the
threat assessment officers Oktibbeha County Board ly to build relationships
die Peasant sent parents
through the state Office of Supervisors. with students, McDonnell
at the beginning of the
of Homeland Security and “If someone’s going to said. Those relationships
school year.
for those officers to con- panic or freeze up, I’d rath- could prompt students to
The law does not spec-
duct yearly threat assess- er they do it during a train- tell teachers if another stu-
ify the nature of the re-
ments for every school in ing exercise than during a dent shows inclinations to
quired drills — such as
the state. real situation, which may act dangerously, he said.
whether firearms have
to be deployed as part of The bill passed both get themselves or some- “We can come up with
the training — presum- chambers of the Legisla- one else killed,” Roberson every electronic door
ably leaving that up to the ture almost unanimous- said. that only lets people with
school districts. ly, and all five legislators A teacher with a mental ID badges in, we can tell
SOCSD Board of Trust- representing Oktibbeha or physical impediment teachers to lock their
ees President John S. County voted for it. to the simulation, such as doors, but I think the
Brown agreed with Mc- Dist. 38 State a phobia, can opt out by first and foremost line of
Donnell that active shoot- Rep. Cheikh Taylor providing medical docu- defense is to develop re-
er drills are necessary in (D-Starkville), though, mentation as proof, Tu- lationships with the stu-
a time of regular gun vio- still has issues with the pelo-based attorney Jim dents so we know when
lence. law. Waide said. This must be something’s off or when
“The more realistic you Active shooter drills done before the drill or something’s not going
can do the training, the are “reactionary” and “an else the school cannot be right,” McDonnell said.
better off you are,” Brown unfortunate set of circum- held liable for any medical Taylor thinks different-
said. “It’s going to have a stances hiding a bigger consequences, should the ly. While he hopes active
stronger bearing on the problem,” he said, which teacher choose to partici- shooter training saves
minds of the people who is the availability of assault pate to the extent of his or lives, restricting access to
participate in those drills if weapons. her ability, he said. assault rifles should be “at
they see something that’s “We have twisted and “As long as (school ad- the forefront of the equa-
realistic but still safe.” kind of perverted the ministrators) reasonably tion,” he said.
Shumaker, when asked, Second Amendment,” he perceive it as necessary Shumaker said he
did not explain the specif- said. “We have been able for the safety of the chil- hopes the drills prepare
ic protocols the teachers to commercialize a new dren, they might be go- faculty for situations in
were taught during the weapon of choice that kills ing way overboard and all any setting, not just in
training. as many people as possi- that, but I don’t think any school.
“In general, we will ble within seconds.” court would question their “This training you’re
stage different scenarios Shumaker said the sim- authority to do it,” Waide getting just happens to be
and they will get a chance ulation did not involve fake said. in school, but you take the
to respond based on what blood or injuries, which Some SHS teachers knowledge that you gain
they learned,” he said. other schools and districts were anxious in the few with you so (you can use
“We will do different ones across the country some- weeks before the drill, but it) if you’re at church, at
in different parts of the times use in their drills. that was to be expected, the mall, at a restaurant, at
building so everyone will National news outlets McDonnell said. He com- a park — this can happen
get a chance to respond including NBC and The pared the active shooter anywhere at any time,”
appropriately.” New York Times have re- drill to a tornado drill be- Shumaker said.
SOCSD did not make ported that active shooter cause both are precaution-
any teachers at SHS, Sud- drills of all kinds can be ary measures in case of
duth or Henderson Ward traumatic for students, es- tragedy.
Stewart available for an pecially since they are far Assistant principal Gin-
interview with The Dis- more common than actual ger Tedder said one of the
patch. school shootings. teachers found the best
They can also leave way to phrase the situa-
teachers feeling “more tion despite being upset
Legally mandated traumatized than trained,” about it.
simulations and school security con- “We’re doing it for the
Missouri, Arkansas sultants and psychologists kids,” she said. “It’s tough
and Illinois all passed say intense drills like the being an adult, but this is a

Continued from Page 1A
back in September 2018. en aback” and that she work on behalf of the peo-
Afterward, he said, Matt hadn’t known much about ple,” she said. “... I can un-
Rose claimed the toilet the issue because all that derstand y’all are looking
had been put against the had been left up to her at financial records, but
wrong wall and refused husband. After speaking this is not me. This has
to pay. Benton said he with Matt, she called The nothing to do with me.
offered to allow the Ros- Dispatch back and said “There’s always two
es to pay for the work in her understanding was sides to the story,” she
installments and gave there was confusion as added, pointing out the
them about three or four to which day he needed justice system is not al-
months to pay before fil- to go to court. She said ways correct. “I don’t
ing suit. Matt was supposed to want to malign another
“I haven’t been paid have settled with Benton business or talk about the
anything,” Benton said. out of court, but Benton situation as to why my
“(Vicky) has no business apparently never followed husband chose to with-
running anything in our through. hold funds to a certain de-
state if she can’t pay her Vicky said her name gree or the dispute to the
own bills, in my opinion.” was never attached to amount of the bill. There
When reached by court summons. was dispute on that. ...
The Dispatch, Vicky “As far as my candida- There are always two
Rose said she was “tak- cy goes, I’m (going) to sides to the story.”

Ole Miss faculty seek info

from trustees on leader’s hiring
Glenn Boyce, Mississippi’s former weren’t consulted and
because Boyce was hired
higher education commissioner, was by a university foundation
to interview influential
named last week to lead the university people about what they
wanted in a chancellor.
The Associated Press ern Mississippi’s eight Critics allege Boyce ba-
public universities to make sically hired himself, but
OXFORD — University “a complete accounting” Boyce and trustees said
of Mississippi professors of Glenn Boyce’s hiring. he wasn’t involved beyond
want trustees to explain Boyce, Mississippi’s the search’s early stages.
how they selected Glenn former higher educa- Senate members reject-
Boyce as the university’s tion commissioner, was ed a no-confidence motion
new leader. named last week to lead in Boyce and trustees
The Ole Miss faculty the university. Critics la- Tuesday. They set a dead-
senate on Tuesday called bel his selection improper line next week for trustees
on the trustees who gov- because campus groups to convey information.
THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Wednesday, October 9, 2019

John Reed/USA TODAY Sports

Mississippi State quarterback Garrett Shrader carries the football against Auburn during the first quarter Sept. 28 at Jordan-Hare Stadium in Auburn, Alabama.

Bulldogs refocused as Tennessee looms

By Ben Portnoy in tow, MSU left The Plains In the case of Moorhead, the a fan base for any team in the “I don’t necessarily think
[email protected] with not only a sour taste but a 10 days since the throttling on country that is a vocal minority, the overall record is indicative
chance to regroup. After prac- The Plains was a chance to hit and nothing that you do is going of their talent and their per-
STARKVILLE — The week- ticing Tuesday and Wednesday, the recruiting trail, as he and to be good enough. It’s going to
ly cliché out of the Mississippi formance,” Moorhead said. “I
players were given Thursday his staff visited a combined 101 be a simmering cauldron of un- think they have been really
State football program follow- and Friday off to kick back and schools and 20 games between realistic criticism and revision-
ing losses this season has been close in three games and have
relax during their bye week. last Thursday and Friday. ist history. It is what it is. I am
not allowing a single defeat beat Junior running back Kylin And while he was out re- not going to focus my time, at- done a nice job. They just kind
you twice. Hill spent the down time back cruiting, critics of the program tention, or efforts on Bob from of came out on the short end in
After suffering an 56-23 at home in Columbus with fam- grew fiercer and far louder than Bogue Chitto’s opinion of the a couple of games.”
demolition at the hands of then- ily recouping from the bumps they have at any point this sea- team.” Now almost two weeks re-
No. 7 Auburn two weeks ago, and bruises being a Southeast- son -- something Moorhead was With Moorhead’s words in moved from the Auburn game
that has again become a consis- ern Conference running back wholly cognizant of as he met mind, MSU has boasted a rein- and with a bye week under
tent phrasing within the MSU brings on. with the media Monday. vigorated mindset heading into their belts, the weeks-old cliché
locker room this week. Graduate transfer quarter- “I’m sure there was criti- a weekend date with Tennessee Moorhead has preached is tak-
“It can go one or two ways: back Tommy Stevens took the cism for our performance in the (1-4, 0-2 SEC). ing effect amongst his team.
You can either dwell on it and weekend to visit friends back Auburn game was warranted, While the Volunteers have “They have a lot of young
allow the same game to try and at Penn State while watching and I accept that, and I point been much maligned this year
beat you twice, or you can cor- talent,” Hill said Tuesday. “We
the Nittany Lions dispatch Pur- the finger at myself,” he said. for their dismal start and a sea-
rect it, put it to bed and move due during their homecoming “We needed to perform better son-opening home loss to low- don’t look at their record. Ob-
on,” Moorhead said of the Au- game Saturday. against a quality opponent. ly Georgia State, MSU’s head viously anything can happen
burn game. “We chose the lat- “It was cool to go back and “From an overall standpoint, coach was quick to dismiss the — it’s the game of football — so
ter.” see some of my friends there,” there is always going to be a idea his team could be lax in we’ve got to approach them like
With Moorhead’s mantra Stevens said Tuesday. certain faction or segment of their preparation. they’re undefeated.”


Columbus drops heartbreaker to Tupelo in second round of slow-pitch playoffs

By Theo DeRosa Columbus coach Eric Thornton
[email protected] took her aside for a moment be-
fore sitting with pitcher Delilah
In the left-field grass, a few Taylor, the final player remain-
feet away from Columbus High ing in the Falcons’ huddle.
School’s postgame meeting, “They’re torn up, but we just
C’Asia Grayer stood by herself, talked about the fight that we
slowly pulling off her batting had,” Thornton.
gloves. She squatted down and The Falcons dropped the first
covered her face with her arms, game 12-3, but they managed to
her back turned to the rest of stay in the series against a team
the team. they hadn’t come close to beat-
The Falcons’ senior star ing in the past six meetings by
didn’t quite know what to do holding off a late Tupelo rally
with herself now that her final for a 15-12 win.
slow-pitch softball season had “We could have easily been
just come to a bitter end at home done right then and not come
against Tupelo. What had been back in that second game,”
a 14-7 Falcons lead in Tuesday’s Thornton said.
decisive third game became a But behind a rowdy crowd —
19-14 Golden Wave lead in the “We even stole a few New Hope
span of just two innings. fans and brought them over
So when fellow senior LaPor- here,” Thornton said — the Fal-
shia Brown grounded out to cons didn’t give up.
the pitcher to end a 21-15 loss “We scored some runs early
and with it the Falcons’ season, and got some things going, and
Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
Columbus’ Aniya Saddler, number 2, tags Tupelo’s Sadie Morris out as she slides to third base in Grayer, who hit three home I think the light went off that,
the first game of a three game series Tuesday night in Columbus. Tupelo ultimately defeated the runs in Tuesday’s series, was ‘Hey, we can win this thing,’”
Columbus 12-3 in game one. visibly upset. After the meeting, See SOFTBALL, 2B
2B Wednesday, October 9, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B
Thornton said. “We knew they were
The Falcons never gonna put up runs,” Thorn-
came closer than when ton said. “Our bats went
they rushed out to a 14-7 cold right there at the end.”
lead by the bottom of the While the season is over
fourth inning. A two-run for Columbus, Thornton
double for M’Kya Smith knows his team succeeded
was the big hit in a six-run in more than enough ways:
third, and Grayer hit what a district title, a win in the
looked like it could be a first round of the playoffs
series-sealing three-run and his team receiving its
homer in the fourth to put due for a standout perfor-
Columbus up 13-7. Gray- mance.
er pumped her arms and “To see the fan support
raced around the bases to tonight, to see the atten-
jump into a crowd of joyous tion that’s been brought
teammates. to the school about soft-
“When we get up, that’s ball, people talking about
when we get excited,” Tay- it, people showing up and
lor said. “We get pumped.” coming out and support-
But it didn’t take long ing ... We may not have
for the Tupelo team that even had the best record
beat out Columbus for the that we’ve had in the last
district title in each of the few years, but we brought
prior three years to show more attention to the sport
its might. and to our girls,” Thornton
In the fifth inning, said. “That’s something
Kamya Cooperwood drove we’re definitely proud of.”
in a run with a single, and And while Tuesday’s se-
the Falcons intentionally ries had a bitter ending, se-
walked dangerous Paris Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff nior left fielder Aniya Sad-
Lehman with the bases Columbus High School’s M’Kya Smith, number 8, runs for first base before being tagged out by Tupelo’s Kristen dler, one of the Falcons’
loaded rather than watch Kidd, number 11, during a game Tuesday night in Columbus. top players, said she’ll
Lehman hit her third remember it most from
monster home run of the weren’t gonna throw to her lumbus had a chance to a great team.” blow in the sixth. her slow-pitch career. Not
series. again.” end the game via the 10- One inning later, the Krishuana Jethrow the loss, however, but how
“We’ve seen her the last Sadie Morris doubled run mercy rule. Golden Wave finished off earned a run back for Co- hard the Falcons played.
couple years, and she can in a pair of runs, Nakiya “Give Tupelo credit,” the comeback and all but lumbus with a single in the The fight they showed.
absolutely kill it,” Thorn- Cayson and Kristen Kidd Thornton said. “They put the Falcons away. Mor- sixth, but Tupelo added “We fought really, real-
ton said. “After seeing her each singled in one, and came back. They started ris had a go-ahead single, two more in the seventh ly hard to get where we’re
put two out and making it the Falcons’ lead was cut hitting the ball. They did and India Ivy’s two-run and final inning, and the at,” Saddler said. “But it’s
look the way she did, we to 14-13 — right after Co- what they had to do. That’s double was another key Falcons went down quietly. OK. We’re gonna be good.”


Rays chase Verlander, beat Astros to even ALDS

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS way you would script it,” pionship Series for the Crowded aisle doing to try to avoid his objection to the new rou-
he added. “You know, it third straight year, the Astros SS Carlos Cor- back tightening up again tine.
ST. PETERSBURG, sucks.” Astros opted to start Ver- during a plane ride. “I’m a ‘yes’ on any of
Fla. — The Tampa Bay rea returned to the line-
The Rays helped them- lander on just three days up for the ALDS after “I’m laying on the that that makes him feel
Rays never doubted them- selves by playing stellar of rest in hopes of closing aisle,” Correa said, add- better,” Hinch said. “I’ve
selves, even with Justin missing the final seven
defense, especially with out the Rays, who have games of the regular sea- ing he “felt awesome” not gone to the part of the
Verlander looking to end the Astros threatening to plane where he’s sprawled
won three elimination son due to back tightness when he arrived in Flori-
their season. cut into their three-run out, but he can do what-
games in a week to stay in that flared up during a da before Game 3.
Willy Adames hom- deficit in the fourth. ever he wants, as long as
the running for their first flight to Seattle. He said “Got my sleep, got
ered and made a sensa- With speedy José Al- he’s healthy.”
trip to the ALCS since Tuesday that he’s 100 per- my rest,” he added. “Just
tional relay throw from tuve on first base, Yordan
shortstop, and the Rays 2008. cent healthy and he’s not happy to be back with the
chased Verlander early in
Álvarez hit a long double
that short-hopped the cen-
Manager AJ Hinch placing any limitations on team and on the field once Up next
beating the Houston As- said it was an easy deci- himself in the playoffs. He again.” Game 5 in Houston on
ter field wall. Two-time also revealed what he’s Hinch doesn’t have any Thursday.
tros 4-1 Tuesday night to sion to go with Verlander,
Gold Glove winner Kier-
even their AL Division Se- who was 8-0 in 12 ALDS
maier quickly grabbed
ries at two games apiece. appearances, including
the ball and fired to his
Tommy Pham also 11 starts, before Tuesday
cutoff man, Adames. He
went deep, and Ryan Yar- turned and executed a night.
brough combined with perfect relay home just in Verlander limited the
five other pitchers on a time to nail Altuve trying Rays to one hit over sev-
six-hitter for Tampa Bay. to score. en scoreless innings in
Cy Young Award winner “That was probably Game 1, and it looked as
Blake Snell came out of though Tampa Bay might
the most incredible relay
the bullpen for his first be in for another long
throw from an infielder
career relief appearance, night when he fanned
I’ve ever seen,” Kiermai-
holding off Houston in the Austin Meadows to begin
er said. “That was such a
ninth inning to earn the the bottom of the first.
huge moment for us, huge
momentum shift, and it What transpired over
Verlander, starting on
just doesn’t get any better the next six batters — be-
short rest after dominat-
than.” ginning with Pham’s 408-
ing the wild-card Rays in
Rays opener Diego Cas- foot shot to left-center
Game 1, looked uncom-
tillo struck out the first that got a yellow flag-wav-
fortable on the mound at
three batters and went 1 ing, boisterous crowd of
Tropicana Field and was
2/3 innings. He was fol- 32,178 into it — could fuel
pulled in the fourth after
lowed by Yarbrough, who some second-guessing of
giving up four runs.
The series shifts back worked two scoreless in- Hinch if Houston doesn’t
to Houston for a decid- nings to get the win. Nick win Game 5 at home.
ing Game 5 on Thursday Anderson handed off to Four of the next five
night. Astros star Gerrit Colin Poche, who gave up Rays also reached base,
Cole is scheduled to pitch an eighth-inning homer building the lead to 3-0.
for the heavily favored AL to Robinson Chirinos. Travis d’Arnaud hit a
West champs, who led Emilio Pagan and Snell
sharpw grounder through
the majors with 107 wins finished up for the Rays,
the hole between third
this season and have one who have rebounded from
base and shortstop for an
more chance to close out losing the first two games
RBI single, and Joey Wen-
the feisty Rays. of the series on the road
to Verlander and Hous- dle lined a double into the
“We’ve got some mo- right-field corner to drive
mentum going for us and ton’s other main headlin-
er, Cole. in another run.
we plan on taking it back
to Houston,” Tampa Bay “A lot of credit to them
center fielder Kevin Kier- for their preparation and Packed house
maier said. putting themselves in Seating capacity at
The winner plays the this position,” Cole said. Tropicana Field was re-
New York Yankees in the “I certainly think they’ve duced to 25,025 this year,
AL Championship Series. earned it. ... They’ve but the Rays removed
Verlander, whose eight played calm, cool and col- the tarps covering a por-
career ALDS victories are lected.” tion of the upper deck to
a major league record, Altuve drew a one-out allow more fans an op-
yielded three runs in the walk and Alex Bregman portunity to buy tickets
first. Adames homered singled to enable the As- for Games 3 and 4. After
leading off the fourth to tros to bring the potential drawing 32,251 — more
make it 4-0, and the Hous- tying run to the plate in than twice the club’s AL -
ton ace didn’t make it the ninth. worst season average of
through the inning. Snell, the reigning AL 14,734 per game — on
“A good approach for Cy Young Award win-
Monday, attendance was
those guys in the first, ner who started Game 2,
announced as 32,178 on
and then honestly, I need entered and struck out
Tuesday night.
those infield singles to Alvarez before retiring
Tampa Bay manag-
be caught. When you Yuli Gurriel on a sharp
grounder up the middle er Kevin Cash said the
don’t have it, you need
— exactly where the Rays team, which routinely
the balls that are put in
were playing him — to ranks near or at the bot-
play to go your way, and
they didn’t,” said Ver- end the game. tom of the majors in at-
lander, who only started Charlie Morton, who tendance, appreciated
on short rest three other helped Houston win the the support.
times during his career, World Series two years “Certainly, players
including the 2011 ALDS, ago, began the Rays’ like to play in front of a
when he started Games comeback by beating his lot of fans. Everybody
1 and 3 after Game 1 was former team 10-3 on Mon- recognizes that,” Cash
suspended in the second day. said. “But when it mat-
inning. Needing one victory to tered, when it counted ...
“Obviously, not the advance to the AL Cham- they showed up.”
The Dispatch • Wednesday, October 9, 2019 3B


Men’s College Golf
MSU’s Clegg cards career low at Notre Dame
Mississippi State sophomore golfer Ford Clegg
With China rift ongoing, NBA says free speech remains vital
shot a career-low 5-under 66 in the Bulldogs’ final round
The Associated Press fied and oppose Adam Silver’s to our values, I still feel it’s accommodation,” Silver said.
Tuesday at the Fighting Irish Classic hosted by Notre claim to support Morey’s right very, very important to adhere “But he is extremely hot at the
Dame in South Bend, Indiana. TOKYO — NBA Commis- to freedom of expression,” to those values,” Silver said. moment, and I understand it.”
Clegg finished in a tie for seventh place on the sioner Adam Silver said the CCTV said in a statement. The rift between China and A ceremonial NBA Cares
leaderboard and helped MSU to a ninth-place finish with league is not apologizing for “We believe that any remarks the NBA started late last week event for an educational cen-
a team score of 2-over 286.
“Ford did a great job of giving us a huge round
Houston Rockets general man- that challenge national sover- when Morey tweeted a now-de- ter in Shanghai with the Nets
today when we truly needed it,” head coach Dusty ager Daryl Morey’s since-de- eignty and social stability are leted image that read: “Fight was canceled Tuesday, though
Smith said in a release from MSU Athletics. “We are not leted tweet showing support not within the scope of free- for Freedom. Stand with Hong the Nets participated in oth-
where we need to be yet, but today we became more for anti-government protest- dom of speech.” Kong,” in reference to months er events as scheduled. The
of a team. We need to take these next few weeks to ers in Hong Kong, even after
continue to get better. All you can do is get back up and The broadcaster is also re- of pro-democracy demonstra- Lakers were arriving there
keep at it.”
China’s state broadcaster can- viewing all its cooperation and tions in the semiautonomous Tuesday. Silver said NBA
The team will next compete in the TVA Community celed plans to show a pair of exchanges involving the NBA, Chinese territory that has Cares would still honor its big-
Credit Union Invitational from Oct. 21-22 in Killen, preseason games in that coun- said the statement posted to been mired in escalating vio- ger mission surrounding that
Alabama. try later this week. CCTV Sports’ official social lence between protesters and event, including providing a
Silver, speaking Tuesday
Women’s College Soccer at a news conference in Tokyo
media account. law enforcement. gift of new computers.
The NBA is not the first Efforts were quickly made “How can it be possible to
Three second-half goals key win for MUW before a preseason game be-
major corporation to deal with to defuse the impact; Rockets carry out exchanges and co-
The Mississippi University for Women women’s tween the Rockets and NBA
soccer team netted three second-half goals Tuesday in criticism from China over owner Tilman Fertitta said operation with China without
champion Toronto Raptors,
less than 20 minutes to break a 1-1 halftime tie and beat political differences. Mer- Morey does not speak for the knowing China’s public opin-
Judson (Alabama) 4-1 at home. went as far as to say that he
cedes-Benz, Delta Air Lines, Rockets, and Morey returned ion?” Chinese Foreign Minis-
The Owls (9-6-0) weathered a third-minute goal by and the league are “apologet-
hotel operator Marriott, fash- to Twitter on Monday in an try Spokesman Geng Shuang
Judson’s Camry Sturdivant, as Caroline Grafe equalized ic” that so many Chinese of-
in the 44th minute. ion brand Zara and others effort to clarify his meaning. said Tuesday. “NBA’s coop-
ficials and fans were upset by
Britain Welzien scored in the 52nd minute, Morgan also have found themselves in But damage was clearly done: eration with China has been
Morey’s tweet and comments
Dennis scored in the 60th, and Mackenzie Ferrell
that followed — but insisted conflicts with China in recent At least one Chinese sporting going on for quite a long time,
scored in the 67th to quickly put the Owls ahead 4-1.
that Morey has the right to years. goods company said it was so for what should be said and
The W will host Talladega College at 4 p.m.
Thursday. freedom of expression. Silver is going to Shang- no longer cooperating with what should be done, they
“Daryl Morey, as general hai on Wednesday and said the Rockets, NBA streaming know best.”
College Rodeo manager of the Houston Rock- he hopes to meet with offi-
cials and some of the league’s
partner Tencent — which has
a $1.5 billion contract with the
Silver also released a state-
ment before his news confer-
EMCC women win at Three Rivers College ets, enjoys that right as one of
The East Mississippi Community College women’s our employees,” Silver said. business partners there in an league over the next five sea- ence, saying “those who ques-
rodeo team finished first and the men’s team finished “What I also tried to suggest effort to find some sort of com- sons — said it would not show tion our motivation” should
second at the Three Rivers College Championship is that I understand there are mon ground. He said he hopes Rockets games and a sports know that the NBA’s stance
College Rodeo over the weekend in Sikeston, Missouri.
consequences from his free- Chinese officials and fans look news website in China said is about more than business.
Freshman Jaylie Matthews and sophomore at the totality of the impact of it was no longer covering the Many U.S. lawmakers have
Blair Bryant combined to haul in all 375 points for the dom of speech and we will
women’s team. Matthews had winning times of 16.61 have to live with those conse- the three-decade-plus rela- team. called for the league to take
and 16.72 seconds in her specialty event to tally 180 quences.” tionship between the league Further complicating the action — some even suggest-
points. Bryant won the breakaway roping competition Among those consequenc- and their country, and urged matter is this: China’s best- ing the games in China should
with a time of 6.6 seconds to net 165 points and scored them to see his response while known basketball player is be canceled by the NBA.
30 more points by collaborating with Wyatt McCann of es: CCTV said it would not
West Alabama. show the games between acknowledging there are polit- Hall of Famer Yao Ming, who “We are not apologizing for
Arkansas-Monticello finished a distant second in the Los Angeles Lakers and ical differences between the spent his NBA career with the Daryl exercising his freedom
the women’s competition with 205 points, and Missouri Brooklyn Nets, who will play countries. Rockets. Yao is now the presi- of expression,” Silver said. “I
Valley College had 175.
Thursday in Shanghai and “I’m sympathetic to our in- dent of the Chinese Basketball regret — again, having com-
Missouri Valley won the men’s event with 795
points, while EMCC’s 590 was good for second. West Saturday in Shenzhen. Basket- terests here and our partners Association, which has said it municated directly with many
Alabama was third at 555, and UT Martin had 550. ball is wildly popular in China that are upset,” Silver said. “I is suspending its relationship friends in China — that so
Sophomores Weston Pender and Clay Green and those two teams — largely don’t think it’s inconsistent on with the Rockets as part of the many people are upset, includ-
won the team roping competition with times of 7.3 and because of LeBron James star- one hand to be sympathetic response to Morey’s tweet. ing millions and millions of our
7.7 seconds to net 300 points, and sophomore Myles to them and at the same time The CBA also canceled plans fans. At the end of the day, we
Neighbors won the steer wrestling event for the third
ring for the Lakers and Chi-
straight time to score 140 points. nese e-commerce giant Alib- stand by our principles.” to have the G League affiliates come with basketball as an op-
EMCC’s rodeo teams will return to NIRA Ozark Re- aba’s co-founder Joe Tsai now Silver said the NBA did from Houston and Dallas play portunity to sell dreams, sell
gion action from Oct. 31-Nov. 2 at Southern Arkansas in owning the Nets — almost cer- not expect CCTV to cancel preseason games in China lat- hopes ... that we are causing
Magnolia, Arkansas. tainly would have been a huge plans to show the Lakers-Nets er this month. disruption in people’s lives and
SOURCE: From Special Reports television draw. games. “But if those are the “I’m hoping that together that we are causing disharmo-
“We’re strongly dissatis- consequences of us adhering Yao Ming and I can find an ny, that’s something I regret.”
Today South
Baseball Prep Football
N.Y. Islanders at Carolina, 6:30 p.m. Charlotte 2, Bethlehem Steel 1
W L T Pct PF PA Tuesday
Prep Cross Country New Orleans 4 1 0 .800 115 116 Nashville 2, Louisville 1
Starkville Academy at Columbia Invita- MLB Playoff Glance
Mississippi Poll
Tampa Bay
3 2 0 .600 129 107
2 3 0 .400 147 148 Basketball Ottawa 2, Swope Park Rangers 1
tional, 3 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1: Washington 4, Milwaukee 3 School W-L Pts Prv Atlanta 1 4 0 .200 102 152
North NBA Preseason Glance Saint Louis at Loudoun, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 2: Tampa Bay 5, Oakland 1 1. Madison Central (16) (6-0) 150 1 Bethlehem Steel at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m.
College Volleyball 2. West Point (6-1) 114 2
Atlantic Division Birmingham at Hartford, 7 p.m.
Green Bay 4 1 0 .800 119 93
Mississippi State at Alabama, 6 p.m. (Best-of-5)
4. Brandon
(5-2) 102 3
(5-2) 97 4
Detroit 2 1 1 .625 97 95 W L Pct GB Orange County at Real Monarchs, 8 p.m.
Chicago 3 2 0 .600 87 69 New York 1 0 1.000 — Thursday
Men’s College Tennis American League 5. Picayune (6-0) 95 5 Minnesota 3 2 0 .600 112 73 Boston 1 0 1.000 — Austin at El Paso, 8 p.m.
Houston 2, Tampa Bay 2 6. South Panola (6-1) 73 6 West Philadelphia 1 0 1.000 — Friday
Mississippi State at ITA All-American Friday, Oct. 4: Houston 6, Tampa Bay 2 7. Oxford (5-1) 55 7 W L T Pct PF PA Brooklyn 1 0 1.000 — San Antonio at Portland, 9 p.m.
8. West Jones (3-2) 35 9 Toronto 1 0 1.000 —
Championships, All Day Saturday, Oct. 5: Houston 3, Tampa Bay 1
Monday, Oct. 7: Tampa Bay 10, Houston 3 9. West Jones (5-0) 24 8
San Francisco 4 0 0 1.000 127 57
Seattle 4 1 0 .800 133 118 Southeast Division
Bethlehem Steel at Ottawa, 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 8: Tampa Bay 4, Houston 1 10. Petal (4-1) 16 10 L.A. Rams 3 2 0 .600 146 134 W L Pct GB Swope Park Rangers at Louisville, 6 p.m.
Others receiving votes: West Marion 9, Corinth Arizona 1 3 1 .300 100 138 Orlando 2 0 1.000 —
Thursday, Oct. 10: Tampa Bay (Glasnow 6-1) at Indy at Tampa Bay, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday Houston (Cole 20-5), 6:07 p.m. (FS1)
N.Y. Yankees 3, Minnesota 0
6, Lafayette 5, South Pike 2, Columbia 2, Heritage
Aca. 1, Greenville St. Joseph 1.
Sunday’s Games
Buffalo 14, Tennessee 7
1 0 1.000 ½
0 1 .000 1½ Charlotte at Memphis, 7 p.m.
North Carolina at Nashville, 7 p.m.
Charlotte 0 1 .000 1½
College Football Friday, Oct. 4: N.Y. Yankees 10, Minnesota 4 Class 6A Philadelphia 31, N.Y. Jets 6 Washington 0 1 .000 1½ New Mexico at Tulsa, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 5: N.Y. Yankees 8, Minnesota 2 School W-L Pts Prv Arizona 26, Cincinnati 23 Central Division Pittsburgh at Saint Louis, 7:30 p.m.
East Mississippi Community College at Monday, Oct. 7: N.Y. Yankees 5, Minnesota 1 1. Madison Central (15) (6-0) 150 1 Minnesota 28, N.Y. Giants 10 W L Pct GB Colorado at Tacoma, 9 p.m.
New Orleans 31, Tampa Bay 24
Holmes Community College, 6:30 p.m. National League 2. Brandon
3. Starkville
(5-2) 121 3
(5-2) 117 2 New England 33, Washington 7
2 0 1.000 —
1 0 1.000 ½
LA Galaxy II at Fresno, 9:30 p.m.
L.A. Dodgers 2, Washington 2 Reno at Las Vegas, 9:30 p.m.
Mississippi Delta Community College Thursday, Oct. 3: L.A. Dodgers 6, Washington 0 4. South Panola (6-1) 91 4 Oakland 24, Chicago 21 Cleveland 1 0 1.000 ½ Real Monarchs at Phoenix, 9:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 4: Washington 4, L.A. Dodgers 2 5. Pearl (3-2) 44 5 Houston 53, Atlanta 32 Detroit 0 1 .000 1½ Orange County at Sacramento, 9:30 p.m.
at Itawamba Community College, 6:30 Sunday, Oct. 6: L.A. Dodgers 10, Washington 4 Others receiving votes: Oxford 38, Petal 26, Baltimore 26, Pittsburgh 23, OT Chicago 0 1 .000 1½ Sunday
D’Iberville 7, Biloxi 6. Carolina 34, Jacksonville 27 WESTERN CONFERENCE
p.m. Monday, Oct. 7: Washington 6, L.A. Dodgers 1
Today: Washington (Strasburg 18-6) at L.A. Dodg- Class 5A Denver 20, L.A. Chargers 13 Southwest Division
Loudoun at Charleston, 2 p.m.
W L Pct GB Rio Grande Valley at OKC Energy, 6 p.m.
Prep Volleyball ers (Buehler 14-4), 7:37 p.m. (TBS) School W-L Pts Prv Green Bay 34, Dallas 24
Memphis 2 0 1.000 — Tuesday, October 15
Atlanta 2, St. Louis 2 1. West Point (11) (6-1) 145 1 Indianapolis 19, Kansas City 13 Portland at El Paso, 8 p.m.
New Hope at Caledonia, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3: St. Louis 7, Atlanta 6 2. Picayune (4) (6-0) 137 2 Open: Detroit, Miami New Orleans
1 0
2 1 .667 ½
1.000 ½
Wednesday, October 16
3. West Jones (6-0) 122 3 Monday’s Games
Women’s College Soccer Friday, Oct. 4: Atlanta 3, St. Louis 0
Sunday, Oct. 6: Atlanta 3, St. Louis 1 4. Laurel (5-1) 101 4 San Francisco 31, Cleveland 3
Dallas 0 1 .000 1½ Swope Park Rangers at Indy, 6 p.m.
Memphis at Charleston, 6:30 p.m.
San Antonio 0 2 .000 2
Auburn at Mississippi State, 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7: St. Louis 5, Atlanta 4, 10 innings 5. Lafayette (4-2) 89 5 Thursday
N.Y. Giants at New England, 7:20 p.m.
Northwest Division New York Red Bulls II at Birmingham, 7 p.m.
Today: St. Louis (Flaherty 11-8) at Atlanta (Fol- Others receiving votes: Provine 6. W L Pct GB Austin at Real Monarchs, 8 p.m.
Talladega College at Mississippi Univer- tynewicz 8-6), 4:02 p.m. (TBS) Class 4A Sunday, Oct. 13 Denver 1 0 1.000 — Tacoma at New Mexico, 8 p.m.
School W-L Pts Prv Carolina vs Tampa Bay at London, UK, 8:30 a.m. Oklahoma City 1 0 1.000 — Friday, October 18
sity for Women, 4 p.m. LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES 1. South Pike (9) (7-0) 144 1 Philadelphia at Minnesota, Noon Utah 1 0 1.000 — Portland at Rio Grande Valley, 7:30 p.m.
New Orleans at Jacksonville, Noon Minnesota 0 1 .000 1
Men’s College Soccer (Best-of-7) 2. Greenwood (5)
3. Corinth (1)
(7-0) 138 2
(5-1) 115 3 Houston at Kansas City, Noon Portland 0 1 .000 1
OKC Energy at Phoenix, 9:30 p.m.
American League Saturday, October 19
Talladega College at Mississippi Univer- N.Y. Yankees vs. Houston-Tampa Bay winner 4. Louisville (5-2) 108 4 Washington at Miami, Noon

Pacific Division
W L Pct GB Sacramento at Real Monarchs, 2 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 12: N.Y. Yankees at Houston or 5. Itawamba AHS (7-0) 95 5 Cincinnati at Baltimore, Noon Ottawa at Charlotte, 6 p.m.
sity for Women, 6 p.m. Tampa Bay at N.Y. Yankees (Fox or FS1) Others receiving votes: none. Seattle at Cleveland, Noon L.A. Lakers 1 0 1.000 —
Tampa Bay at Hartford, 6 p.m.
San Francisco at L.A. Rams, 3:05 p.m. Phoenix 1 0 1.000 —
Men’s College Tennis Sunday, Oct. 13: N.Y. Yankees at Houston or Tam-
Class 3A
W-L Pts Prv Atlanta at Arizona, 3:05 p.m. L.A. Clippers 1 1 .500 ½ Saint Louis at North Carolina, 6 p.m.
pa Bay at N.Y. Yankees (Fox or FS1) Golden State 0 1 .000 1 Bethlehem Steel at Charleston, 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi State at ITA All-American Tuesday, Oct. 15: Houston at N.Y. Yankees or N.Y. 1. Columbia (9) (5-1) 132 1 Tennessee at Denver, 3:25 p.m.
Sacramento 0 2 .000 1½ New York Red Bulls II at Loudoun, 6:30 p.m.
Yankees at Tampa Bay (Fox or FS1) 2. West Marion (5) (7-0) 108 4 Dallas at N.Y. Jets, 3:25 p.m. Louisville at Memphis, 7 p.m.
Championships, All Day Wednesday, Oct. 16: Houston at N.Y. Yankees or 3. North Panola (5-1) 92 2 Pittsburgh at L.A. Chargers, 7:20 p.m. Monday’s Games
Cleveland 120, Buenas Aires San Lorenzo 89 Atlanta at Nashville, 7 p.m.
N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay (Fox or FS1) 4. Magee (1) (7-0) 76 NR Open: Buffalo, Indianapolis, Chicago, Oakland Reno at Tulsa, 7 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 14 New York 104, Washington 99
x-Thursday, Oct. 17: Houston at N.Y. Yankees or 5. Noxubee County (4-3) 50 NR Orlando 115, Detroit 91 Colorado at San Antonio, 7:30 p.m.
on the air N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay (Fox or FS1)
x-Saturday, Oct. 19: N.Y. Yankees at Houston or
Others receiving votes: Houston 40, Booneville
35, Senatobia 30, Winona 20, Seminary 6, Amory
Detroit at Green Bay, 7:15 p.m
New Orleans 133, Atlanta 109
Milwaukee 122, Chicago 112
Las Vegas at New Mexico, 8:30 p.m.
El Paso at LA Galaxy II, 9 p.m.

Tampa Bay at N.Y. Yankees (Fox or FS1)
x-Sunday, Oct. 20: N.Y. Yankees at Houston or
Tampa Bay at N.Y. Yankees (Fox or FS1) School
Class 2A
W-L Pts Prv
Hockey Tuesday’s Games
Toronto 134, Houston 129
Philadelphia 144, Guangzhou Long-Lions 86
Fresno at Orange County, 9 p.m.
Austin at Tacoma, 9 p.m.
Sunday, October 20
COLLEGE FOOTBALL National League 1. Philadelphia (10) (6-1) 136 1 NHL Glance Miami 107, San Antonio 89 Pittsburgh at Birmingham, 3:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 11: St. Louis-Atlanta winner at L.A. (tie) Taylorsville (3) (6-1) 136 3 EASTERN CONFERENCE Memphis 108, New Zealand Breakers 94
7 p.m. — Appalachian State at Louisi- Dodgers or Washington at St. Louis-Atlanta win- 3. Bay Springs (5-1) 107 2 Atlantic Division Oklahoma City 119, Dallas 104
ana (Lafayette), ESPN2 ner (TBS)
Saturday, Oct. 12: St. Louis-Atlanta winner at
4. Scott Central
5. South Delta (1)
(tie) East Webster (1)
(5-1) 68 4
(7-0) 31 NR
(6-1) 31 5
Boston 3 3 0 0 6 7 4
Buffalo 3 2 0 1 5 13 7
Phoenix 111, Minnesota 106
Denver 105, Portland 94
Transactions Tuesday’s moves
COLLEGE SOCCER (MEN’S) L.A. Dodgers or Washington at St. Louis-Atlanta
Others receiving votes: Calhoun City 27, North Toronto 4 2 1 1 5 16 13 Today’s Games BASKETBALL
winner (TBS) Detroit 3 2 1 0 4 10 9 Dallas at Detroit, 6 p.m. National Basketball Association
6 p.m. — Kentucky at Indiana, FS1 Monday, Oct. 14: L.A. Dodgers at St. Louis-Atlanta Side 25, Charleston 18, Lake 14, Walnut 7.
Montreal 2 1 0 1 3 9 9 Guangzhou Long-Lions at Washington, 6 p.m. ATLANTA HAWKS — Waived F Ray Spalding.
winner or St. Louis-Atlanta winner at Washington Class 1A Miami at Charlotte, 6:30 p.m.
COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL (WOMEN’S) (TBS) School W-L Pts Prv Tampa Bay 3 1 1 1 3 11 10
Florida 3 1 2 0 2 9 14 Orlando at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m.
Signed G Jordan Sibert.
1. Nanih Waiya (11) (5-2) 147 2
6 p.m. — Mississippi State at Alabama, Tuesday, Oct. 15 L.A. Dodgers at St. Louis-Atlanta
winner or St. Louis-Atlanta winner at Washington 2. Smithville (2) (5-1) 127 3
Ottawa 2 0 2 0 0 4 9
Metropolitan Division
New Orleans at Chicago, 7 p.m. National Football League
Utah at Milwaukee, 7 p.m. ARIZONA CARDINALS — Released P Ryan
ESPNU (TBS) 3. Noxapater
4. Lumberton
(5-2) 108 1
(5-2) 98 T4
GP W L OT Pts GF GA Thursday’s Games Winslow. Claimed CB Trevor Williams off waivers
x-Wednesday, Oct. 16: L.A. Dodgers at St. Lou- Carolina 4 4 0 0 8 17 11 Toronto vs. Houston at Tokyo, 5 a.m. from the L.A. Chargers. Re-signed RB Justin Da-
6 p.m. — Wisconsin at Northwestern, is-Atlanta winner or St. Louis-Atlanta winner at 5. Simmons (1) (4-2) 93 T4 Washington 4 2 0 2 6 10 10 Brooklyn vs. L.A. Lakers at Shanghai, 6:30 a.m. vis to the practice squad.
Others receiving votes: Resurrection Catholic N.Y. Rangers 2 2 0 0 4 10 5 ATLANTA FALCONS — Placed S Johnathan
BTN Washington (TBS)
x-Friday, Oct. 18: St. Louis-Atlanta winner at L.A. (1) 22, West Lowndes 6. Philadelphia 1 1 0 0 2 4 3
New Zealand Breakers at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m.
Cyprien on IR. Waived TE Carson Meier from
N.Y. Islanders 3 1 2 0 2 7 Maccabi Haifa at Portland, 9 p.m.
7 p.m. — Ole Miss at Missouri, SEC Dodgers or Washington at St. Louis-Atlanta win- Private Schools the practice squad. Re-signed OL John Wetzel.
8 Phoenix at Sacramento, 9 p.m.
ner (TBS) School W-L Pts Prv Signed CB D.J. White from Philadelphia’s practice
Denver at L.A. Clippers, 9:30 p.m.
8 p.m. — Minnesota at Illinois, BTN x-Saturday, Oct. 19: St. Louis-Atlanta winner at 1. Heritage Aca. (12) (8-0) 147 1 Columbus 3 1 2 0 2 7 14
Pittsburgh 3 1 2 0 2 9 9 Minnesota at Golden State, 9:30 p.m.
squad and P Sam Irwin-Hill to the practice squad.
BALTIMORE RAVENS — Placed S Tony Jefferson
L.A. Dodgers or Washington at St. Louis-Atlanta 2. Jackson Prep (6-1) 130 2
8 p.m. — Baylor at Iowa State, ESPNU winner (TBS) 3. St. Joseph, Greenville (7-0) 117 3 New Jersey 2 0 1 1 1 6 12 Friday’s Games
Boston at Orlando, 6 p.m.
on IR. Signed DT Jihad Ward.
4. Madison-Ridgeland (3) (6-2) 112 4 WESTERN CONFERENCE BUFFALO BILLS — Traded WR Zay Jones to Oak-
GOLF 5. Pillow Aca. (6-1) 94 5
Central Division Chicago at Indiana, 6 p.m. land for a 2021 fifth-round draft pick. Released RB
WORLD SERIES GP W L OT Pts GF GA Cleveland at Detroit, 6 p.m. Byron Marshall from the practice squad. Signed
3 a.m. (Thursday) — European Tour: (Best-of-7) Others receiving votes: none. St. Louis 3 2 0 1 5 8 7 Philadelphia vs. Charlotte at Winston-Salem, N.C., RB Senorise Perry. Signed DE Wyatt Ray to the
Tuesday, Oct. 22: at better record (Fox) Colorado 2 2 0 0 4 9 5 6:30 p.m. practice squad.
The Italian Open, first round, Rome, Wednesday, Oct. 23: at better record (Fox) All Associated Press members in Mississippi are Nashville 3 2 1 0 4 13 9 Washington at New York, 6:30 p.m. GREEN BAY PACKERS — Signed TE Ethan Wolf
eligible to participate in the high school football Winnipeg 4 2 2 0 4 14 15
GOLF Friday, Oct. 25: at worse record (Fox)
poll. Those who voted for this week’s poll are: Dallas 4 1 3 0 2 10 12
Utah at New Orleans, 7 p.m. to the practice squad.
Saturday, Oct. 26: at worse record (Fox) Milwaukee at Dallas, 7:30 p.m.
MLB BASEBALL x-Sunday, Oct. 27: at worse record (Fox) Boswell Media, Kosciusko; The Commercial Dis-
patch, Columbus; Bolivar Commercial, Cleveland;
Chicago 1 0 1 0 0 3 4
Minnesota 2 0 2 0 0 4 9
CB Trevor Williams.
x-Tuesday, Oct. 29: at better record (Fox) PHILADELPHIA EAGLES — Signed WR Robert
4 p.m. — N.L. Division Series: St. Louis
The Daily Corinthian, Corinth; Greene County Pacific Division Davis to the practice squad.
x-Wednesday, Oct. 30: at better record (Fox) GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Herald, Leakesville; Delta Democrat-Times, PITTSBURGH STEELERS — Released QB Taryn
at Atlanta, Game 5, TBS Greenville; The Sun-Herald, Biloxi-Gulfport; Hat- Anaheim 3 3 0 0 6 8 3 Christion from the practice squad. Signed LB Rob-
7:30 p.m. — N.L. Division Series: Rays 4, Astros 1 tiesburg Impact, Hattiesburg; The Natchez Dem- Edmonton 3 3 0 0 6 14 9
Vegas 3 2 1 0 4 12 6
USL Championship Glance ert Spillane to the practice squad.
Houston Tampa Bay ocrat, Natchez; Starkville Daily News, Starkville; Eastern Conference TENNESSEE TITANS — Waived C Hronnis Grasu
Calgary 3 1 1 1 3 9 9
Washington at LA Dodgers, Game 5, ab r h bi ab r h bi Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, Tupelo; The Los Angeles 2 1 1 0 2 9 9

17 4 11 62 56 30
from the active roster and WR Papi White from the
practice squad. Agreed to terms with K Cody Par-
Springer cf-rf 4 0 2 0 Meadows lf 5 0 0 0 Vicksburg Post, Vicksburg; WTVA-TV, Tupelo; Vancouver 2 0 2 0 0 2 6
TBS Brantley lf 4 0 0 0 Pham dh 5 1 3 1 WCBI, Columbus. Arizona 2 0 2 0 0 1 3
Nashville 18 7 7 61 54 26 key and RB Rod Smith. Signed RB Dayln Dawkins
Altuve 2b 3 0 1 0 Choi 1b 2 1 1 0 Indy 18 9 5 59 45 27 from the practice squad and OL Daniel Munyer
NBA BASKETBALL Bregman 3b 4 0 1 0 García rf 5 1 4 0
San Jose 4 0 4 0 0 5 17 Tampa Bay 16 7 9 57 59 30 and David Quessenberry to the practice squad.
NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime
7 p.m. — Preseason: New Orleans at Alvarez dh 4 0 1 0 Lowe 2b
Gurriel 1b 3 0 0 0 Duffy 3b
5 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 Pro Football loss. Top three teams in each division and two wild
cards per conference advance to playoffs.
New York Red Bulls II 17 9 6 57 70 42
North Carolina
15 8 9 54 48 37
15 9 8 53 56 35
ion Harris and LB Chris Odom from the practice
squad. Signed G Malcolm Bunche and LB Cassa-
Chicago, ESPN Correa ss 3 0 0 0 d’Arnaud c 3 0 1 1
Reddick rf 2 0 0 0 Wendle 3b-2b 4 0 1 1 NFL Glance Monday’s Games Ottawa 14 9 9 51 48 39 nova McKinzy to the practice squad.
NHL HOCKEY A.Díaz ph 1 0 0 0 Kiermaier cf 4 0 1 0 AMERICAN CONFERENCE Columbus 4, Buffalo 3, OT Saint Louis 11 11 9 42 37 35 Canadian Football League
Marisnick cf 0 0 0 0 Adames ss 3 1 1 1 East St. Louis 3, Toronto 2 Charleston 9 9 13 40 36 41 WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS — Released WR
6:30 p.m. — New Jersey at Philadel- R.Chirinos c 3 1 1 1 W L T Pct PF PA Tuesday’s Games Birmingham
11 13 7 40 33 45
9 15 7 34 35 46
Johnathan Boone from the practice roster. Signed
Totals 31 1 6 1 Totals 36 4 13 4 New England 5 0 0 1.000 155 34 Dallas 4, Washington 3, OT CB Jalen Allison, LB John Vogeler and DL Nathan
phia, NBCSN Houston 000 000 010—1 Buffalo 4 1 0 .800 90 70 Winnipeg 4, Pittsburgh 1 Charlotte 7 14 11 32 37 51 Brisson-Fast to the practice roster.
Tampa Bay 300 100 00x—4 N.Y. Jets 0 4 0 .000 39 101 Carolina 6, Florida 3 Atlanta 2 8 16 8 32 40 72 HOCKEY
9 p.m. — Los Angeles at Vancouver, DP_Houston 1, Tampa Bay 1. LOB_Houston 5, Miami 0 4 0 .000 26 163 Edmonton 5, N.Y. Islanders 2
Loudoun 8 17 6 30 46 58 National Hockey League
South Bethlehem Steel 8 17 6 30 45 67 DETROIT RED WINGS — Assigned LW Ryan
NBCSN Tampa Bay 13. 2B_Alvarez (3), Wendle (1), Lowe
Anaheim 3, Detroit 1 Swope Park Rangers 6 18 8 26 42 70 Kuffner and D Oliwer Kaski to Grand Rapids
(1). HR_R.Chirinos (1), Pham (2), Adames (2). Nashville 5, San Jose 2 Hartford 6 21 5 23 43 79 (AHL). Activated LW Andreas Athanasiou from IR.
RUGBY IP H R ER BB SO Houston 3 2 0 .600 131 110
Indianapolis 3 2 0 .600 113 115
Los Angeles 4, Calgary 3, OT Western Conference NEW YORK RANGERS — Loaned D Nick Ebert
Houston Boston 4, Vegas 3
7 p.m. — USL: Birmingham Legion FC Verlander L,1-1 3 2-3 7 4 4 3 5 Jacksonville 2 3 0 .400 111 118
Today’s Games

23 3 6 75 85 33
to Hartford (AHL). Reassigned D Brandon Crawley
to Maine (ECHL).
James 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 Tennessee 2 3 0 .400 98 76
at Hartford Athletic, ESPNEWS Urquidy 1 2-3 3 0 0 1 3 North Montreal at Buffalo, 6 p.m. Fresno 16 8 8 56 56 40 SAN JOSE SHARKS — Signed F Patrick Marleau
W L T Pct PF PA New Jersey at Philadelphia, 6:30 p.m. Reno 16 10 6 54 67 51 to a one-year contract.
TENNIS Pressly
1-3 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 Baltimore 3 2 0 .600 161 123 Los Angeles at Vancouver, 9 p.m. Sacramento 14 12 6 48 48 37 American Hockey League
Cleveland 2 3 0 .500 92 122 Thursday’s Games Orange County 13 9 9 48 49 39 AHL — Suspended Belleville D Hubert Labrie and
5:30 a.m. — ATP: The Shanghai Mas- Harris
Tampa Bay
1 2 0 0 0 2
Pittsburgh 1 4 0 .200 99 114 Detroit at Montreal, 6 p.m. Real Monarchs 13 10 7 46 62 50 Springfield F Paul Thompson two games.
Cincinnati 0 5 0 .000 80 136 El Paso 12 9 10 46 37 32 HORSE RACING
ters, Early Rounds, TENNIS Castillo 1 2-3 1 0 0 1 3
Anaheim at Pittsburgh, 6 p.m.
Tampa Bay at Toronto, 6 p.m. Austin 13 11 7 46 49 46 Kentucky Horse Race Commission has approved
Yarbrough W,1-0 2 2 0 0 0 0 LA Galaxy II 11 10 11 44 55 60
10 p.m. — ATP/WTA: The Shanghai Anderson H,1 2 1-3 1 0 0 0 2 W L T Pct PF PA
Kansas City 4 1 0 .800 148 113
Edmonton at New Jersey, 6 p.m.
New Mexico 10 9 12 42 55 54
the sale of Turfway Park to Churchill Downs.
Poche 1 2-3 1 1 1 0 2 St. Louis at Ottawa, 6:30 p.m.
Masters & The Tianjin Open, Early Pagán H,1 2-3 1 0 0 1 0 Oakland 3 2 0 .600 103 123 Minnesota at Winnipeg, 7 p.m.
San Antonio
Las Vegas
11 13 8 41 56 52
11 13 8 41 46 52
Major League Soccer
Snell S,1-1 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 L.A. Chargers 2 3 0 .400 103 94 ATLANTA UNITED — Signed D Miles Robinson to
Washington at Nashville, 7 p.m.
Rounds, TENNIS Yarbrough pitched to 3 batters in the 4th.
Denver 1 4 0 .200 90 106
San Jose at Chicago, 7:30 p.m.
Portland II 10 13 8 38 60 61 a multiyear contract extension through the 2023
NATIONAL CONFERENCE OKC Energy 9 12 11 38 44 53 season.
5:30 a.m. (Thursday) — ATP: The HBP_Urquidy (d’Arnaud). WP_Anderson. East Calgary at Dallas, 7:30 p.m. Rio Grande Valley 9 15 8 35 46 57 National Women’s Soccer League
Umpires_Home, James Hoye; First, Jerry Meals; W L T Pct PF PA Boston at Colorado, 8 p.m. Tulsa 7 15 10 31 43 65 NWSL — Issued a one-game suspension to Reign
Shanghai Masters, Early Rounds, Second, D.J. Reyburn; Third, John Tumpane; Philadelphia 3 2 0 .600 141 111 Vegas at Arizona, 9 p.m. Colorado Springs 7 20 5 26 29 61 FC player Beverly Yanez.
Right, Mark Wegner; Left, Bruce Dreckman. Friday’s Games Tacoma 6 19 6 24 36 80
TENNIS T_3:49. A_32,178 (25,025).
Dallas 3 2 0 .600 131 90
N.Y. Giants 2 3 0 .400 97 125 Florida at Buffalo, 6 p.m. NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.
HOFSTRA — Named Tim McGowan assistant
Washington 0 5 0 .000 73 151 Anaheim at Columbus, 6 p.m. Sunday men’s and women’s cross country/track coach.
4B Wednesday, October 9, 2019 The Dispatch •


Noxubee County returns to Class 3A rankings in new poll

By Theo DeRosa overall. 3A, and West Marion (7- Prep (6-1) was second, ings. The Green Wave for the Panthers (6-1)
[email protected] The Tigers ended a 0) was second. and Greenville St. Joseph routed Saltillo on Friday came against Nanih
three-game losing streak Madison Central (6- (7-0) was third. Fourth- Starkville High kept Waiya (5-2), which took
Noxubee County (4-3) with a 19-12 home win place Madison-Ridgeland the No. 3 ranking overall the top spot in the class
0) again claimed the top
was back in the Class 3A over Houston, which was Academy (6-2) received after a 27-0 win over Ger- this week after Friday’s
spots in Class 6A and
rankings when the new ranked third last week but the other three first-place mantown, but the Yellow 14-2 win over former No.
in the overall rankings,
Associated Press Missis- dropped from the rank- votes. Starkville Academy Jackets (5-2) fell from No. 1 Noxapater (5-2). West
earning all 15 first-place
sippi high school football ings this week, and are (5-2) is no longer receiv- 2 to No. 3 in Class 6A. Lowndes, receiving the
poll was released Tues- ranked fifth in the class. ing votes among private Brandon (5-2) was ranked second-most votes among
day. Noxubee County will schools after last week’s ahead of Starkville in the teams outside the top five
Fifteen Mississippi me- travel to face Corinth (6- In other polls 35-7 loss at No. 5 Pillow class despite being one after Resurrection Catho-
dia outlets, including The 1), the third-ranked team Heritage Academy re- Academy. spot behind the Jackets in lic, hosts No. 2 Smithville
Commercial Dispatch in Class 4A, on Friday. ceived 12 of 15 first-place West Point (6-1) main- the overall rankings. (6-1) on Friday.
and WCBI, were polled Columbia (5-1) re- votes among Mississippi tained the No. 1 spot in West Lowndes is re- The ballot The Dis-
on the top five teams in ceived nine first-place private schools to hold Class 5A and the No. 2 ceiving votes again in patch’s Theo DeRosa sub-
each class and the top 10 votes to take first in Class the top spot. Jackson spot in the overall rank- Class 1A. The only loss mitted is below.

Class 1A Class 2A Class 3A Class 4A Class 5A Class 6A

1. Nanih Waiya (5-2) 1. Philadelphia (6-1) 1. Columbia (5-1) 1. Greenwood (7-0) 1. West Point (6-1) 1. Madison Cen. (6-0)
2. Smithville (5-1) 2. Taylorsville (6-1) 2. North Panola (5-1) 2. South Pike (7-0) 2. Picayune (6-0) 2. Starkville (5-2)
3. Noxapater (5-2) 3. Bay Springs (6-1) 3. West Marion (7-0) 3. Louisville (5-2) 3. Lafayette (4-2) 3. South Panola (6-1)
4. Lumberton (5-2) 4. Scott Central (5-2) 4. Houston (5-2) 4. Corinth (5-1) 4. West Jones (6-0) 4. Brandon (5-2)
5. Simmons (4-2) 5. East Webster (6-1) 5. Noxubee Co. (4-3) 5. Itawamba AHS (7-0) 5. Laurel (5-1) 5. Oxford (5-1)

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: other woman to infuriation, dig deep and try to
I’ve been move in because feel some sympathy. This has
spending she is providing everything to do with our Cre-
time with a cer- something he ator’s grand design. Because
tain gentleman finds of value. men’s genitalia are external,
for more than (Are you sure they sometimes get pinched in
five years. I am they haven’t their clothing, which is uncom-
in love with him. gotten married fortable. It’s only natural that
We dated at first, or enjoy similar they reflexively try to remedy
then became benefits?) If he the situation. Because it both-
friends with wanted her out, ers you so much, try looking
benefits. He had he would find elsewhere.
ZITS another woman
move in with
a way to do it.
During your next
DEAR ABBY: After a long
period of infertility, a dear
him a few years “hourslong” friend of mine found out she
ago, but we are phone call, tell is expecting. Unfortunately,
still friends with him that as much a mutual friend at work stole
benefits, and he
Dear Abby as you care for her thunder and told me about
has become my him, you can the pregnancy before she had
best friend. He listens when I no longer continue to live in a chance to tell me herself.
need someone to talk to and limbo. Give him a deadline to While I’m pleased to hear
knows how to give a good pep get rid of his houseguest and, that she’s pregnant, I’m also
talk when I need one. We talk if he doesn’t meet it, cut off a bit upset that because I
several hours a day and text his “benefits.” already know, I can no longer
throughout the day. DEAR ABBY: As a woman, give her a genuine reaction
I know in my heart we are I am infuriated by men of all consisting of love, shock and
meant to be together. He tells ages who have to adjust their excitement when she tells me
GARFIELD me he loves me but says he
can’t ask the other woman
crotches all the time. Is there
any way we can tell these men
face-to-face. Of course I will
still express how happy I am,
to move out because she that what they’re doing is vul- but should I let her know I was
doesn’t have anywhere to go gar and embarrassing, and it’s already informed? — ALREADY
until she makes the person rude to do this in public? I’m KNOW IN THE SOUTH
living in her house move out. almost tempted to caress my DEAR ALREADY KNOW: By
How do I talk to him about breasts with both hands and all means tell your friend how
this? — OTHER WOMAN push upward. But I guess that happy you are for her and that
DEAR OTHER WOMAN: would be worse. Any ideas? — you know how long she has
Friends do not string friends INFURIATED IN TOPEKA wanted this. Express to her
along for years, which is what DEAR INFURIATED: Forget how exciting the news is, but
this “gentleman” has been hoisting your breasts skyward. do NOT tell her you already
doing to you. He invited the Rather than succumb to heard it from a co-worker.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. TAURUS (April 20-May it’s on the most basic tenant of
9). If you’re not sure where to 20). Your persistence and reality. These days, agreement
look for that one treasure of determination make this day on a shared reality is, it turns
your soul that you’ve yet to un- interesting because you’ll get to out, a much harder achievement
cover, then don’t worry. That’s a see what happens beyond the than one might think.
lie. There are actually fields and point where most would have LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your
fields of treasure, and anywhere given up. There’s kookiness and imagination is going so strong
you start digging you’re likely to magic on the other side of that it’s sure to get the best of you.
find some. So excavate. Wheth- boundary. For this reason, you need to be
er it’s emotional, physical, spiri- GEMINI (May 21-June extra-vigilant about what you
tual, professional or other, you’ll 21). Inspiration always has an feed it. Try a diet of positivity,
find gold. Leo and Aquarius element of the novel, maybe humor and happy ideas. That’s
adore you. Your lucky numbers a twist, or an expectation far good stuff to chew on for a
BABY BLUES are: 17, 8, 40, 33 and 32. exceeded. No one gets inspired while.
ARIES (March 21-April by what they’ve already seen. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
19). Good people are good to You bring originality and that You’re very teachable these
good people, but that’s not how element of newness to what you days, mostly because you want
you can tell. It’s when they are do today. to learn, are highly receptive
good to those who are not as CANCER (June 22-July and just happen to be surround-
good when the true character 22). Do whatever you can to ed by some of the best and
trait provides a model worth get some kind of consensus brightest minds.
following. happening in the group, even if LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
You weren’t around when earlier
generations of your family made
their mistakes, and yet you’re
still affected by those and are
likewise still being influenced by
their successes.
21). You’ll be on the lookout for
examples of love, compassion,
decency... and they’re out there,
really. Though you may have to
start with a lower standard such
as “people who don’t bicker on
social media” and work up from
21). Ideas inspire you but
examples give you something
to strive for. Examples, plus
instructions, followed by action
is the magic sequence that will
MALLARD FILLMORE transform your life.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Theoretical knowledge
could really let people down
today so wherever possible, put
the thing in action, give it legs,
take it out of your mind and let
it dance (or stumble around, as
the case may be) on the stage
of life.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You’ll have an exchange
with an adjacent person in a
public setting. This is true even
if no words are exchanged, as
FAMILY CIRCUS you’ll be picking up and deflect-
ing all sorts of energies... and
very effectively so today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Your reasons for loving
people don’t always stay the
same. As the relationship
moves along, reasons are add-
ed, subtracted and adjusted.
Stay flexible and open to the
natural movement of life.

Out and about

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

This leg of lamb is infused with
garlic and thyme, topped with a
creamy meat sauce.

A flavorful fall
meal for the
entire family

hen fall comes around,
it brings many iconic
flavors, festive traditions
and family meals, along with crav-
ings for warm, hearty dishes. For
your next gathering of loved ones,
whether it’s a special occasion,
sporting event or simply spend-
ing quality time together, serve a
classic comfort food perfect for a
small crowd.
While a roast leg of lamb may
be considered time-intensive or
best-suited for special occasions,
it can be a surprisingly stress-free
dish to prepare at home. A simple
way to update familiar dishes,
grass-fed lamb, available at your
Courtesy photo local Whole Foods Market, is easy
Chef instructor Mary Helen Hawkins preps vegetables for a quick, healthy meal at the Culinary Arts Institute at to cook; prepare it the same way
Mississippi University for Women. Hawkins and other CAI instructors and students foster a university-community you would grass-fed beef.
connection by offering periodic cooking classes open to the public. The W’s Project CHEW program also serves
healthy snacks at public events and takes lessons on healthy food choices into area schools. This grass-fed leg of lamb
recipe, for example, requires little
fuss and the oven does the work

Fall shaping up for culinary outreach for you. Infused with garlic and
thyme, topped with a creamy meat
sauce and garnished with a side of
BY JAN SWOOPE seasonal produce, you can delight
[email protected] your family and friends with this

tender and delicious meal. Plus,
hile the primary focus of
New Zealand grass-fed lamb is a
the Culinary Arts Institute
lean, finely textured and flavorful
(CAI) at Mississippi Uni-
protein, well-suited for a variety of
versity for Women is to inspire and
train the next generation of chefs,
For more information, cooking
strengthening the university-com-
munity connection is another aim. tips and recipes, visit beefand-
The CAI, with its commercial
kitchen and experienced faculty, See Lamb, 6B
is a resource aspiring community
cooks and food fans can periodical-
ly access to boost skills. One-time
classes or workshops are gener-

Turn to bananas
ally offered each semester. And
through its Project CHEW — Cook
Healthy, Eat Well — program, The
W is out and about in Columbus,
encouraging healthier food choic-
es and cooking techniques, often
using its 24-foot, fully-equipped
for this fruity,
mobile culinary unit to help spread
the message.
This semester’s university
Courtesy photo
“Healthy food can taste good,” said chef instructor Mary Helen Hawkins, dis-
playing a variety of salts, including lava salt. Lower sodium salts and other
frosted dessert
outreach includes two Passport to spices and herbs can enhance flavors when reducing fat content in a recipe. FAMILY FEATURES
Wellness events set for this Satur-

day and next Tuesday. Passport to instructor Mary Helen Hawkins sessions are currently full, a wait- f you need a recipe idea for your
Wellness, funded through a grant will demonstrate how to prepare ing list is available at ripened bananas, try this Frost-
from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of quick, healthy meals and also teach outreach/projects/passporttowell- ed Banana Cake recipe from
Mississippi, is designed to ad- proper knife techniques in the ness.) A moist but not overly
dress the problem of unhealthy CAI demo kitchen. On Tuesday, Making better choices when sweet cake bursting with banana
lifestyle choices relating to diet from noon-1 p.m., Dahl will teach it comes to the fuel we put in our flavor paired with a cream cheese
and physical activity. On Satur- healthy eating tips in a different bodies can change quality of life. frosting may be your new favorite.
day, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., CAI chef location on campus. (While these See Outreach, 6B Find more dessert recipes at
See dessert, 6B

Butter Together

Lasagna on a weeknight is not im-pasta-ble

on’t you hate sharp cheddar into I could tell you that I’d do aging and packets of dressing pened to have on hand. It was
it when you it, poured it over a whatever it takes to feed my mix, which I often use to sea- about as easy as spaghetti with
make a din- casserole dish of family healthy, from-scratch son slow-cooked meals. meat sauce but seemed much
ner that takes a bit hot elbow pasta, foods daily, but that would be a In fact, finding recipes fancier.
of extra effort and and slid it into the lie. I have lessons to plan and that strike a balance between My eldest — the same one
your kids beg for oven, only to have students to teach and floors to time-saving, processed junk who hated the baked macaroni
the easier, cheaper, my then-preschool sweep. And so I have to cut a and time-consuming home- way back in the day — ate it up
and more processed aged daughter cry few corners here and there. made meals might be the Holy
and is already begging me to
version? That just because her mac- For example, learning to Grail of my culinary journey.
kills me. aroni didn’t “taste make homemade biscuits is To that end, I had been make it again ... along with the
I’ll never forget right.” still on my bucket list, but in hearing about ravioli “lasagna” macaroni.
the night when I On the flip side, the meantime, Mary B’s frozen for a while before I decided Amelia Plair is a mom
was a single mom Amelia Plair I love it when I can biscuits are the only kind my to try it out last week. I did and high school teacher in
and I came home make a semi-home- family gets. Same goes for not look up a recipe; I just Starkville. Email reaches her at
from work, whipped up a made recipe and have my kids bags of vegetables that can be used what I ordinarily put into [email protected].
bechamel sauce and melted gobble it up and ask for more. steamed right in their pack- lasagna in the amounts I hap- See Butter Together, 6B
6B Wednesday, OCTOBER 9, 2019 The Dispatch •

A creative twist on Halloween carvings

FAMILY FEATURES straight pin, if needed.
MUMMY WATERMELON n Place battery-operated candle or light inside

hen it comes to Halloween, carving and fit small bowl into top of carving.
Supplies and tools: Trim away excess rind to make bowl fit securely.
carving the same pumpkin Watermelon n Fill bowl with melon balls. Attach candy eyes
designs each year can become Cutting board or blueberries using a toothpicks, pins or glue.
routine. This year, save a pumpkin and Kitchen knife
carve your spooky masterpiece into a Dry-erase marker
watermelon instead.
Paring knife
Melon baller
Nutrient-rich watermelon can be a Scoop Supplies and tools:
healthy alternative to other sweet treats Vegetable peeler Knife
full of added sugar during Halloween Cheesecloth or gauze Round watermelon
festivities as it’s a source of vitamins A Straight pin (optional) Melon baller
Battery-operated candle or light Dry-erase marker
and C as well as the antioxidant lyco- Small bowl
pene and the amino acid citrulline. Toothpicks (optional)
Blueberries or bloody candy eyes
Battery-operated light
Because they are made up of 92 Toothpicks, pins or glue
percent water, watermelons can be an n Using knife, cut thin slice from bottom of
effective way to stay hydrated during
n Wash watermelon under cool running water
and pat dry. watermelon to provide stable base.
trick-or-treating, and creations like n On cutting board, place watermelon on its n Cut circular piece of rind from top of water-
a Mummy or Jack O’Melon can help side and use kitchen knife to cut off 1/4-1/2- melon big enough to reach into and remove
inch of rind from bottom to provide sturdy base, flesh. Carefully remove top section and reserve
satisfy sweet cravings while keeping Halloween carvings don’t always have for use as “lid.”
friends and family members frightfully to be done with pumpkins. How about a being careful not to cut too deep into white part
of rind. Cut 1-2 inches from stem end to create n Remove flesh from inside watermelon using
delighted. watermelon mummy instead? melon baller, reserving melon balls for snack-
opening for bowl to be added.
To get started, consider these carv- n Using dry-erase marker, draw eyes, nose and ing. Hollow out remaining watermelon flesh and
ing tips and tricks: make it easier to wipe off. mouth, along with wavy slits around carving. use blender to juice scraps and excess juice.
n To make cutting and slicing easier, n Use a sharp knife with a pointed Use paring knife to cut them out, being sure to n Using dry-erase marker, draw outlines of
tip for easier, cleaner cuts. Consider a cut through to red flesh to let more light flow eyes, nose, mouth, hair, ears and other fea-
the watermelon should be at room tem- through. tures on side of watermelon. If mistake is made
perate when carving. paring knife with a smaller tip for ease with marker, wipe off using paper towel to start
n Use melon baller to hollow out inside of
n Cut a small, thin, flat piece from of detail. watermelon. Reserve watermelon balls. Use over. Following outlines, carve features into
the bottom of the watermelon to provide n Blend scraps of watermelon that scoop to remove remaining watermelon. watermelon and remove excess rind.
a stable base for carving. are too messy for dicing or slicing to n Using vegetable peeler, remove green skin n Safe, battery-operated light can be firmly
off outside of watermelon, similar to peeling placed inside watermelon to provide haunting
n Draw the design on the watermel- create an easy juice. cucumber. glow.
on rind with a dry-erase marker before For more watermelon carving ideas, n Wrap thin strips cheesecloth or gauze n Place circular piece of rind back on top of
cutting. If you make a mistake, this can visit around mummy carving and secure with watermelon.

Continued from Page 5B
“Healthy food can healthy dishes. Make it a said Ashley Gressett mean life can’t be a little and on Nov. 2, a “Holi- tration at 662-241-7472.
taste good,” Hawkins family event. of the MUW Office of indulgent, in modera- day Cakes” class will be Editor’s note: Some
said. Finding healthy “It’s a great way Outreach & Innovation. tion. Two upcoming CAI offered. Both take place information included in
substitutes, portion size to spend quality time No yoga experience is classes open to the public from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on this story is courtesy of
and meal planning are together when everyone required. are, on Oct. 26, “Sweet campus. Cost of each is Adam Minichino of MUW
key. Hawkins suggests is chopping and cooking In addition to Barefoot, and Savory Hand Pies,” $60. Inquire about regis- University Relations.
creating a menu and together, with the added the Project CHEW mo-
grocery list for the week, benefit of feeling better bile unit, manned by CAI
keeping in mind what’s and with more energy,” students and staff, makes
on sale and what’s in she added. appearances throughout
season. It also helps to the city, including at the
plan a menu with foods Barefoot on the Bridge local farmers market
that can be prepared in Along with what we and events such as Little
multiple ways, allowing eat, how we exercise Hands Big Trucks, the
cooks to purchase food in body and mind contrib- Holiday Farmers Mar-
bulk and save money. utes to well-being. To that ket and Wassail Fest.
“I think it’s important end, Passport to Wellness Project CHEW also goes
to start out small and set will offer a free Barefoot into area schools with
realistic goals,” Hawkins kid-centered lessons that
on the Bridge community
said. “Reading food labels make nutrition fun.
yoga event Tuesday, Oct.
will help ensure that no “We like to start out
15, from 6-7 p.m., on the
food has to be off limits. with kids when they’re
Old Highway 82 Pedestri-
Your favorite foods just young, to introduce them
an Bridge at the Colum-
need to be eaten in mod- to healthier eating hab-
bus Riverwalk. The W’s
its,” Hawkins remarked.
eration and with proper Project CHEW “food
portion control.” truck” will be on hand
The chef instructor with healthy smoothies. Other community
recommends keeping The first 20 yoga partic- classes
mealtime exciting by ipants to register on-site An overall spotlight on
trying a variety of new receive a free yoga mat, healthier choices doesn’t

Continued from Page 5B
cheese, softened pan with nonstick cooking
FROSTED BANANA CAKE 1/2 cup butter, softened spray. Pour batter into baking
2 teaspoons vanilla extract pan. Bake 20-25 minutes, or
2 medium ripe bananas 3 cups powdered sugar until toothpick inserted into
1/2 cup butter, softened center of cake comes out
1 1/2 cups sugar n Heat oven to 350 F. clean. Let cool.
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream
n Peel, slice and mash rip- n To make frosting: In large
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract ened bananas; set aside. bowl, beat cream cheese,
2 cups flour n In large bowl, beat butter butter and vanilla extract until
1 teaspoon baking soda and sugar until fluffy. Add fluffy. Gradually add powdered
1/4 teaspoon salt eggs, sour cream and vanilla; sugar. Mix until well combined.
Nonstick cooking spray blend well. Gradually add in n Frost cake. Store in refriger-
flour. Stir in bananas. Add bak- ator until ready to serve.
Frosting: ing soda and salt; mix well. (Source:
1 package (8 ounces) cream n Prepare 9-by13-inch baking

Butter Together
Continued from Page 5B
of a spoon until it is crumbled and browned
LAZY MOM’S LASAGNA through. (To reduce the number of dishes you’ll
Serves 6-8 have to wash later, do this in a very large,
oven-proof skillet that has high sides and can
1 (25 ounce) bag frozen cheese ravioli
handle tomato sauce.)
1 (24 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce
1 pound ground beef n When beef is cooked, drain the fat. Mix
16 ounces shredded mozzarella cheese beef with spaghetti sauce; I did this in the pot
1-2 ounces Parmesan cheese from a wedge in which I’d boiled the pasta while the pasta
(the shaker can type is fine; it won’t melt as drained in the colander. Put about half a cup of
smoothly but you’ll hardly notice with every- meat sauce in the bottom of the large skillet or
thing else going on in this dish). a casserole dish and spread it out evenly. Lay-
er on about half the ravioli. Top with about half
n Preheat oven to 350 F. Set a pot of salted the meat sauce. Add about half the mozzarella
water on the stove over high heat and cook and several tablespoons of Parmesan.
ravioli per package directions, minus a minute n Repeat layers with remaining ravioli, sauce,
or two of cooking time. and cheese, ending with shredded cheese.
n While water heats, brown the beef in a Place in preheated oven until cheese melts and
separate skillet, breaking it up with the back edges are bubbly, about 30 minutes.

Continued from Page 5B
Lemon zest, finely grated time. Place lamb on board
GRASS-FED 1 tablespoon wine vinegar then tip juices into saucepan.
LEG OF LAMB 1 bay leaf
Salt, to taste
Place lamb back in roasting
tin and return to oven.
Prep time: 10 minutes Sautéed mushrooms (option-
Cook time: 2 hours, 45 n Skim fat off roasting juices.
al) Add beef stock to remaining
minutes Sautéed green beans (op-
Servings: 8 juices and bring to boil.
tional) n Reduce heat and add
Steamed carrots and snap creme fraiche or sour cream,
Lamb: peas (optional)
4 1/2-5 1/2 pounds Atkins lemon zest, vinegar and bay
Ranch grass-fed leg of lamb, leaf. Simmer until sauce
n Heat oven to 320 F. reduces some. Season with
at room temperature n To prepare lamb: Using
1 3/4 ounces butter, softened salt, to taste, to counteract
sharp knife, make 4-5 shallow
3 cloves garlic, crushed slits in lamb. In bowl, mix acidity.
1 teaspoon roughly chopped butter, garlic and chopped n Remove lamb from oven
thyme leaves thyme. Coat butter mixture in and rest covered loosely with
Salt, to taste slits and sprinkle lamb with foil and tea towel 10 minutes
Ground black pepper, to taste salt and pepper, to taste. before carving.
1-2 handfuls thyme sprigs n Place thyme sprigs and n Strain sauce into bowl
1 onion, sliced sliced onion in base of roast- or gravy boat and serve
1/2 cup olive oil ing tin and place lamb on top. hot with lamb and sautéed
Drizzle olive oil over lamb. mushrooms, green beans or
Meat sauce: Roast 2 hours, 45 minutes. steamed carrots and snap
1 cup beef stock n To make meat sauce: peas, if desired.
3/4 cup creme fraiche or sour Remove lamb from oven 30 (Source: Beef + Lamb New
cream minutes before end of cooking Zealand)
prohibiting the sale of beer,

ary 16, 2006, executed by DE- DEFENDANTS, ALL OTHER PER-
LORES M ATKINS, a single per- SONS, FIRMS AND CORPORA- wine, or other alcoholic bever-

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,

son, and being recorded in TIONS HAVING OR CLAIMING ages as evidenced by Deed
Book 2006, at Page 4141 of ANY LEGAL OR EQUITABLE IN- dated October 26, 1978 and
the records of the Chancery TEREST IN AND TO THE FOL- recorded in Deed Book 600 at

The Starkville Dispatch and Online

Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- LOWING DESCRIBED LAND, Pages 148-153, inclusive, in
sissippi; and which aforesaid SOLD FOR TAXES ON AUGUST the Office of the Chancery
Instrument conveys to Debera 29,2016, PARCEL Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
Bridges, Trustee and to CITIFIN- NO.10W970011400, PPIN sissippi.
VICES, INC., as Beneficiary, the
TICULARLY AS: All lands lying To place ads starting
Also Subjectat only
to that $12,
hereinafter described property;
and being situated in the West-
Half (W 1/2) of the Southwest call 662-328-2424 or visit Kenneth
right of way easement from
B. Doyle and Nelson
Quarter of the Southwest Chain to South Central Bell
WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust Quarter of the Southwest Telephone Company dated Oc-
was assigned to J.P. Morgan Quarter of Section Nine (9), THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER
tober 16, 1980,9,and2019 n 7B
Mortgage Acquisition Corp. by Township Sixteen (16), Range in Deed Book 648 at Pages 29-
an Assignment filed of record seventeen (17) West; LESS 30, inclusive, in the Office of
on September 18, 2017 and AND EXCEPT at least six (6) the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
recorded in Book MORT 2017, tracts previously conveyed to County, Mississippi.
Legal Notices atLegal
Page 20525 in the office of
Notices prior
Legal grantor
Notices as shown by Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices
the Clerk of the Chancery Court deeds located as follows: Land I WILL CONVEY only such title
of Lowndes County, Missis-
sippi; and
Deed Book 381 at Pages 439-
442 and Land Deed Book 666,
at Page 421. And located on
as vested in me as Substi-
tuted Trustee.

WHEREAS, on the October 27, WHEREAS, J.P. Morgan Mort- and along Academy Street in WHEREAS, on March 19, WHEREAS, on October 31, WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
Call us: 662-328-2424 2004, Corine Hicks, executed gage Acquisition Corp., having said Town of Caledonia, Missis- 2008, Roosevelt Latham, a 2002, R. D. Bradford and Car- this 25th day of September,
a Deed of Trust to Jane Bell, executed a Substitution of sippi is shown on map or plat, single man and Darcellia Wind- rie V. Bradford, Husband and 2019.
Legal Notices Trustee for the use and bene- Trustee to substitute Floyd of said Town of Caledonia, in ham, a single woman ex- Wife executed a certain deed
fit of Mortgage Electronic Re- Healy as trustee in the place Subdivision Plat Book 1 at ecuted a certain deed of trust of trust to Carter and Davidson, Shapiro & Brown, LLC
gistration Systems, Inc., as be- and stead of Debera Bridges, Page 38 of record in the Office to Jay Morris, Trustee for the Trustee for the benefit of First SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- the same having been recor- of Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
TICE OF SALE neficiary, as nominee for benefit of JPMorgan Chase National Bank of Onaga which
United Financial Mortgage ded in Book MORT 2019, at County, Mississippi. Bank, N.A. which deed of trust deed of trust is of record in the Shapiro & Brown, LLC
Corp., its successors and as- Page 15079 of the records of is of record in the office of the office of the Chancery Clerk of 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite
WHEREAS, on February 17, the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes NOTICE TO DEFENDANT B-202
2012, CARL KEMP, a single signs, which Deed of Trust is Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Lowndes County, State of Mis-
on file and of record in the of- County, Mississippi; and County, State of Mississippi in sissippi in Book 2002 at Page Flowood, MS 39232
male executed a certain deed You have been made a (601) 981-9299
of trust to Real Estate Closing fice of the Chancery Clerk of Book 2008 at Page 7635; and 28229; and
Lowndes County, Mississippi, WHEREAS, default having oc- Counter-Defendant in the suit
Services Inc., Trustee for the curred under the terms and filed in this Court by AJ Stever- 84 Tony Cove
benefit of JTS & COMPANY in Deed of Trust November 4, WHEREAS, Carrington Mort- WHEREAS, JPMorgan Chase
2004, in Book No. 2004, at conditions of said promissory son, Counter- Plaintiff, seeking gage Services, LLC has hereto- Bank, National Association has Columbus, MS 39702
which deed of trust is of re- note and Deed of Trust and the the Court to confirm the tax 19-024852
cord in the office of the Chan- Page 32449 thereof; fore substituted Shapiro & heretofore substituted Shapiro
holder having declared the en- title of the above described Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- & Brown, LLC as Trustee by in-
cery Clerk of Lowndes County, tire balance due and payable; property in Lowndes County, Publication Dates: October 9,
State of Mississippi in Book WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust strument dated August 14, strument dated February 24,
and Mississippi. You are required 16, and 23, 2019
MORT 2012 at Page 3643; and was ultimately assigned to to mail or hand deliver a writ-
2019 and recorded in the 2016 and recorded in the
Planet Home Lending, LLC by aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of-
assignment on file and of re- WHEREAS, Floyd Healy, Substi- ten response to the Complaint fice in Book 2019 at Page fice in Book 2016 at Page
WHEREAS, J.P. Morgan Mort- tuted Trustee in said Deed of filed against you in this action
gage Acquisition Corp. has cord in the office of the Chan- 16794; and 5036; and

Trust will on October 10, 2019, to William P. Starks, II, Attor-
heretofore substituted Shapiro cery Clerk of Lowndes County, between the hours of 11:00 ney for Counter-Plaintiff, whose
& Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- Mississippi, in November 13, a.m. and 4:00 p.m., offer for address is Starks Law Firm,
WHEREAS, default having been WHEREAS, default having been
strument dated July 2, 2019 2017, in Book No. 2017, at made in the terms and condi- made in the terms and condi-
Page 25285 thereof; and sale and will sell at public out- 407 7th Street N, Columbus, tions of said deed of trust and tions of said deed of trust and
and recorded in the aforesaid
Chancery Clerk's Office in Book
WHEREAS, the legal holder of
cry to the highest bidder for
cash at the main front door at
Mississippi or by mail at PO
Box 748, Columbus, Missis-
the entire debt secured thereby
having been declared to be due
the entire debt secured thereby
having been declared to be due
Call us: 662-328-2424
2019 at Page 12989; and the Chancery Clerk`s Office, sippi 39703.
the said Deed of Trust and the and payable in accordance with and payable in accordance with
WHEREAS, default having been note secured thereby, substi-
located at 505 2nd Avenue the terms of said deed of trust, the terms of said deed of trust, General Help Wanted
tuted Wilson & Associates, North, Columbus, Mississippi, YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE Carrington Mortgage Services, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Nation-
made in the terms and condi- the following described prop- MAILED OR DELIVERED NOT
tions of said deed of trust and PLLC, as Trustee therein, as erty located and situated in LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS
LLC, the legal holder of said in- al Association, the legal holder
the entire debt secured thereby authorized by the terms there- Lowndes County, Mississippi, AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST
debtedness, having requested of said indebtedness, having
AGENCY has an opportun-
having been declared to be due of, by instrument recorded in to wit: PUBLICATION OF THIS SUM-
the undersigned Substituted requested the undersigned
ity for an experienced cus-
and payable in accordance with the office of the aforesaid MONS. IF YOUR RESPONSE IS
Trustee to execute the trust Substituted Trustee to execute
tomer service representat-
the terms of said deed of trust, Chancery Clerk in November THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED NOT SO MAILED OR DE-
and sell said land and property the trust and sell said land and
ive or a person interested
J.P. Morgan Mortgage Acquisi- 21, 2017, in Book No. 2017, in accordance with the terms of property in accordance with the
tion Corp., the legal holder of at Page 25984 thereof; and PROPERTY SITUATED IN LIVERED, A JUDGEMENT BY said deed of trust and for the in pursuing a career in in-
terms of said deed of trust and
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- DEFAULT WILL purpose of raising the sums for the purpose of raising the
surance. Serious inquiries
quested the undersigned Sub- WHEREAS, default having been due thereunder, together with sums due thereunder, togeth-
only. Send resumes to:
stituted Trustee to execute the made in the performance of the QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE
attorney's fees, trustee's fees er with attorney's fees,Blind Box 671 c/o The
conditions and stipulations as and expense of sale. trustee's fees and expense of
trust and sell said land and QUARTER OF SECTION 35, COMPLAINT. Commercial Dispatch
property in accordance with the set forth by said Deed of Trust, T17S, R18W, RUN S 13 DE-
PO Box 511
terms of said deed of trust and and having been requested by NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro &
for the purpose of raising the the legal holder of the in- GREES W 785.7 FEET TO AN You must also file the original Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & Columbus, MS 39703
debtedness secured and de- EXISTING IRON PIN ON THE of your Response with the ee in said deed of trust, will on Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust-
sums due thereunder, togeth- WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WEST- Clerk of this Court within a
er with attorney's fees, scribed by said Deed of Trust November 6, 2019 offer for ee in said deed of trust, will on
so to do, notice is hereby giv- VIEW LANE AT THE NORTH- reasonable time afterward. sale at public outcry and sell October 30, 2019 offer for sale
trustee's fees and expense of EAST CORNER OF THE WAL- MACHINE OPERATORS
sale. en that Wilson & Associates, within legal hours (being at public outcry and sell within
PLLC f/k/a Adams & Edens, LACE PROPERTY (DEED BOOK Issued under my hand and seal between the hours of 11:00 legal hours (being between the needed. Must be willing to
566, PAGE 207, LAND RE- of said Court, this the 30th day abide by all safety regula-
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & P.A., Substitute Trustee, by vir- CORDS OF SAID COUNTY), RUN of September, 2019.
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00
Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- tue of the authority conferred THENCE NORTHEASTERLY
Southeast Door of the County p.m.), at the Southeast Door of tions, submit to & pass
ee in said deed of trust, will on upon me in said Deed of Trust, ALONG THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF LISA YOUNGER NEESE
Courthouse of Lowndes the County Courthouse of background check & drug
will offer for sale and will sell County, located at 505 2nd Av- Lowndes County, located at
November 6, 2019 offer for
at public sale and outcry to the SAID LANE (20 FEET FROM LOWNDES COUNTY CHAN- enue North, Columbus, MS 505 2nd Avenue North, Colum- screen, able to lift heavy
sale at public outcry and sell CENTERLINE) 17.8 FEET TO CERY CLERK rolls of fabric up to 75 lbs,
within legal hours (being highest and best bidder for cer- 39701, to the highest and best bus, MS 39701, to the highest
tified funds paid at the conclu- THE BEGINNING POINT OF THE (SEAL) bidder for cash or certified and best bidder for cash or cer- work 2nd shift & possess
between the hours of 11:00
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the sion of the sale, or credit bid PROPERTY HEREIN DE- funds the following described tified funds the following de- good reading & math com-
from a bank or other lending SCRIBED. RUN THENCE By: Tina Fisher property situated in Lowndes scribed property situated in prehension. AA/EOE. Call
Southeast Door of the County NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID Deputy Clerk
Courthouse of Lowndes entity pre-approved by the suc- County, State of Mississippi, Lowndes County, State of Mis- 662-328-5670 for appt.
County, located at 505 2nd Av- cessor trustee, during the leg- THENCE N 73 DEGREES W 383 PUBLISH: 10/2, 10/9, &
to-wit: sissippi, to-wit:
enue North, Columbus, MS al hours (between the hours of
39701, to the highest and best 11 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock 13 MINUTES W 166.2 FEET,
Lot 72 of Chilcutt Subdivision, Lot No. 34 Doyle Estates Sub-
bidder for cash or certified p.m.) at the southeast front Columbus, Mississippi, as re- division, a subdivision of Music Minister/Director
door of Courthouse, on Octo- THENCE S 81 DEGREES 15 IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF corded in Plat Book 2 at Page Lowndes County, Mississippi, Position Available: First
funds the following described MINUTES E 339.2 FEET TO
property situated in Lowndes ber 23, 2019, the following de- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 4 on file in the Chancery as per map or plat thereof in Baptist Church,Vernon, AL
scribed land and property be- SAID BEGINNING POINT. SUB- SIPPI Clerk's Office of Lowndes Plat Book 4 at Page 15 in the
County, State of Mississippi, JECT TO A 25-FOOT-WIDE AC- is in search of a bi-voca-
to-wit: ing the same land and prop- County, Mississippi. Office of the Chancery Clerk of
erty described in said Deed of CESS EASEMENT ACROSS THE PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, Lowndes County, Mississippi. tional music minister/dir-
ENTIRE NORTH SIDE OF SAID ector. To apply for this pos-
A survey of Lot No. 1 of an un- Trust, situated in Lowndes LLC I WILL CONVEY only such title
recorded plat, located in the County, State of Mississippi, PROPERTY RUNNING FROM PLAINTIFF as vested in me as Substi- Subject to a ten foot wide ition please bring your re-
to-wit: SAID LANE WESTWARD TO THE tuted Trustee. easement for utility and drain- sume to the church or you
Southwest Quarter of Section PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY WEST VS.
33, Township 18 South, Range age facilities along and adjoin- can forward your resume to
17 West, Lowndes County, Mis- Lot 3 of Wilson Subdivision ac- SCRIBED. CONTAINING 1.15
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on ing the East an West property [email protected]
sissippi, and being particularly cording to a map or plat there- ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AND
WAYNE DAVIS, SR. a/k/a this 2nd day of October, 2019. lines and a five foot wide drain-
described as follows: of on record in the Chancery WAYNE VINCENT DAVIS, SR.; age and utility easement along
Clerk's Office of Lowndes LYING IN SAID QUARTER- SHARON A. DAVIS a/k/a SHAR- Shapiro & Brown, LLC and adjoining the North and
County, Mississippi in Plat QUARTER. ON ANN DAVIS; MARK SPEARS; SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE South property lines of the PART-TIME OFFICE ASST.
Beginning at the Southeast
corner of the Southwest Book 3 at Page 4 thereof, and AMANDA D. SPEARS; MASTER above described lot. Needed for retail business.
subject to the reservations of a Indexing Instructions: NW 1/4 FINANCIAL; DEAN MORRIS LLC, Shapiro & Brown, LLC
Quarter of Section 33, Town- of the NE 1/4 of Section 35, Computer skills needed,
ship 18 South, Range 17 West, ten (10) foot wide utility ease- solely in its capacity as Substi-
T17S, R18W, Lowndes County, tute Trustee; AND ANY AND
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite Also subject to the restrictive
buying, filing, AP/AR.
Lowndes County, Mississippi; ment across the entire West B-202 covenants and conditions as
side of the above described Lot MS ALL PERSONS HAVING AN IN- Flowood, MS 39232 found in that certain instru- Pay based on experience.
thence North 681 feet to an
iron pin; said iron being the and subject to a fifteen (15) TEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROP- (601) 981-9299 ment recorded in Deed Book Send resumes to:
foot wide easement for utility More commonly known as: 106 ERTY BEARING THE ADDRESS 652 at Pages 372-374, inclus- Blind Box 668 c/o
Northeast corner of the WESTVIEW LANE, COLUMBUS, OF 129 CAIDE COVE, COLUM-
Lowndes County Board of Edu- and drainage across the entire MS 39705
117 Beech St ive, in the Office of the Chan- The Commercial Dispatch
cation property (Deed Book side of said Lot. BUS, MS 39705 Columbus, MS 39702 cery Clerk of Lowndes County, PO Box 511
DEFENDANTS 19-024579 Mississippi.
416 at Page 286 in the land re- Subject to the rights of way and Columbus, MS 39703
cords of Lowndes County, Mis- Title to the above described easement for public roads and CAUSE NO. 2019-0530
sissippi); thence North 87 de- property is believed to be good, Publication Dates: Also subject to that restriction
but I will convey only such title public utilities, and to any prior October 9, 16, 23 and 30, prohibiting the sale of beer,
grees 29 minutes West along conveyance or reservation of
the North line of said Board of as is vested in the aforemen- mineral of every kind and char-
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 2019 wine, or other alcoholic bever- THE COMMERCIAL
tioned Substitute Trustee. ages as evidenced by Deed
Education property a distance acter, including but not limited THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI dated October 26, 1978 and Dispatch is seeking a
of 1154 feet to an iron pin; to oil, gas, sand and gravel in mechanically-minded
thence North 02 degrees 01 WITNESS MY SIGNATURE , this recorded in Deed Book 600 at
or under subject property. individual to work in its
minute West a distance of 534 the 16th day of September, TO: Any and All Persons having Pages 148-153, inclusive, in
feet to an iron pipe and the ini- 2019. an interest in the Subject Prop- the Office of the Chancery pressroom. Applicants
As the undersigned Substi- erty bearing the municipal ad- Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- must be comfortable work-
tial point of this description; tuted Trustee, I will convey only dress of 129 Caide Cove,
thence North 02 degrees 01 Sincerely, sissippi. ing around heavy ma-
such title as is vested in me All notices must be
minute West a distance of 138 /s/ Jillian Wilson, under said Deed of Trust.
Columbus, MS 39705 whose chinery, adhering to tight
WILSON & ASSOCIATES, PLLC, identity and current post office Also Subject to that certain
feet to a point on the South
Substitute Trustee emailed to right of way easement from deadlines and must have
side of Old Yorkville Road; address and street address are an eye for detail & quality.
This 4th day of September, unknown to the Plaintiff after Kenneth B. Doyle and Nelson
thence North 87 degrees 10 2019. classifieds@ Flexible hours are a must.
minutes West along the South PREPARED BY: diligent search and inquiry to Chain to South Central Bell
side of said road a distance of Wilson & Associates, PLLC Telephone Company dated Oc- Must pass drug test. Email
Floyd Healy
ascertain same. resume to
53.2 feet; thence North 73 de- 400 West Capitol Avenue Substituted Trustee
tober 16, 1980, and recorded
grees 07 minutes West along Suite 1400 The Complaint against you, in Deed Book 648 at Pages 29- [email protected] or
the South side of said road a Little Rock, AR 72201 which is on file at the Lowndes 30, inclusive, in the Office of drop resumes off at 516
(501)219-9388 Prepared by: Floyd Healy County Chancery Clerk’s office the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
distance of 97 feet to a point 1405 N. Pierce, Suite 306 Main St,
on the East right of way line of File # 325927 Little Rock, Arkansas 72207
in Columbus, Mississippi, in County, Mississippi.
Columbus, MS 39701.
New Hope Road; thence South- the above numbered cause, is
No phone calls please.
easterly along said East right of PUBLICATION TO BEGIN ON: Insertion Dates: 9/18/19;
important and you must take I WILL CONVEY only such title
way line a distance of 165 October 2, 2019 immediate action to protect as vested in me as Substi-
9/25/19; 10/2/19; and
feet; thence South 87 degrees PUBLICATION TO END ON: Oc- 10/9/19
your rights. Medical / Dental tuted Trustee.
29 minutes East a distance of tober 16, 2019
134.2 feet to the initial point of You are required to mail or WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
this description and containing PUBLISH: 10/2, 10/9, & IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF hand deliver a written re- this 25th day of September,
0.46 acres, more or less. 10/16/2019 LOWNDES COUNTY STATE OF sponse to the Complaint filed 2019.
MISSISSIPPI against you in this action to
SUBJECT TO the restrictive cov- Kimberly D. Mackey, Attorney Shapiro & Brown, LLC
enants and conditions con- TRUSTEE'S SALE NANCY E. HORTON for Plaintiff, whose address
tained in instrument dated PLAINTIFF/COUNTERDEFEND- 1820 Avenue of America, Mon-
November 7, 1975 and recor- ANT roe, Louisiana, 71201. Shapiro & Brown, LLC
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ) 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite
ded in Deed Book 525 at Page COUNTY OF LOWNDES )
611 in the office of the Chan- VERSUS YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE B-202
cery Clerk of Lowndes County, MAILED OR DELIVERED NOT Flowood, MS 39232
WHEREAS, on February 16, (601) 981-9299
ecuted a promissory note pay- DEFENDANT/COUNTER- AFTER THE -9th day of October,
I WILL CONVEY only such title PLAINTIFF 2019 WHICH IS THE DATE OF 84 Tony Cove
able to the order of CITIFINAN- Columbus, MS 39702
tuted Trustee. CAUSE NO. 2019-0282-DE THIS SUMMONS. IF YOUR RE- 19-024852
INC.; and
WHEREAS, the aforesaid 16, and 23, 2019
this 2nd day of October, 2019. promissory note was secured DEFAULT WILL BE ENTERED
Shapiro & Brown, LLC ary 16, 2006, executed by DE- DEFENDANTS, ALL OTHER PER- OR OTHER RELIEF DEMANDED
son, and being recorded in TIONS HAVING OR CLAIMING
Shapiro & Brown, LLC Book 2006, at Page 4141 of ANY LEGAL OR EQUITABLE IN- You must also file the original
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite the records of the Chancery TEREST IN AND TO THE FOL- of your Response with the
B-202 Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- LOWING DESCRIBED LAND, Clerk of this Court within a
Flowood, MS 39232 sissippi; and which aforesaid SOLD FOR TAXES ON AUGUST reasonable time afterward.
(601) 981-9299 Instrument conveys to Debera 29,2016, PARCEL
Bridges, Trustee and to CITIFIN- NO.10W970011400, PPIN Issued under my hand and the
3187 New Hope Road ANCIAL REAL ESTATE SER- 966, DESCRIBED MORE PAR- seal of said Court, this 25th
Columbus, MS 39702 VICES, INC., as Beneficiary, the TICULARLY AS: All lands lying day of Sept., 2019.
18-022024 hereinafter described property; and being situated in the West-
and Half (W 1/2) of the Southwest LISA YOUNG NEESE
Publication Dates: Quarter of the Southwest LOWNDES COUNTY
October 9, 16, 23 and 30, WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust Quarter of the Southwest CHANCERY COURT CLERK
2019 was assigned to J.P. Morgan Quarter of Section Nine (9), COLUMBUS, MS.
Mortgage Acquisition Corp. by Township Sixteen (16), Range (SEAL)
an Assignment filed of record seventeen (17) West; LESS
on September 18, 2017 and AND EXCEPT at least six (6) BY: Tina Fisher, D.C.
Read local. recorded in Book MORT 2017, tracts previously conveyed to at Page 20525 in the office of prior grantor as shown by PUBLISH:
the Clerk of the Chancery Court deeds located as follows: Land 10.9.19/10.16.19/10.23.19
of Lowndes County, Missis- Deed Book 381 at Pages 439-

Service Directory
sippi; and 442 and Land Deed Book 666,
at Page 421. And located on
WHEREAS, J.P. Morgan Mort- and along Academy Street in
gage Acquisition Corp., having said Town of Caledonia, Missis-
executed a Substitution of sippi is shown on map or plat,
Trustee to substitute Floyd of said Town of Caledonia, in
Healy as trustee in the place Subdivision Plat Book 1 at
and stead of Debera Bridges, Page 38 of record in the Office
Promote your small business starting at only $25
the same having been recor-
ded in Book MORT 2019, at
of Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
County, Mississippi.
Page 15079 of the records of
Excavating General
the Services Clerk of Lowndes
Chancery Lawn CareTO
NOTICE / Landscaping
County, Mississippi; and
have been made a
WHEREAS, Counter-Defendant in the suit
CLAY GRAVEL, fill clay, Bucket default
truck &having
this Court by AJ Stever-
& top soil for sale! curred under theFree
removal. terms and
est. Mowing, cleanup, Stan McCown
conditions of said promissory son, Counter- Plaintiff, seeking Licensed Plumber
Easy access off 82 East
note Serving
and DeedColumbus
of Trust and thethelandscaping,
Court to confirm sodding,
the tax
"We fix leaks."
Can load & deliver. holdersince 1987.
having Senior
declared the en- title of the
& treeabove described
Stokes Excavation: citizen disc. property in Lowndes County, 662−386−2915
tire balance due Call Alvin @
and payable; 662−356−6525
662−689−0089. and242−0324/241−4447 Mississippi. You are required
"We’ll go out on a limb for toPaintingmail &orPapering
hand deliver a writ-
WHEREAS, Floydyou!" Healy, Substi- ten response to the Complaint Tree Services
General Services tuted Trustee in said Deed of filedQUALITY
against you in this action
Trust will on October 10, 2019, to William P. Starks,
Ext/Int Paint. II, Attor- J&A TREE REMOVAL
the hours of Licensed
11:00 ney for Counter-Plaintiff, whose
& Bonded−carpentry, Sheet Rock
address Hang
is Starks & Firm,
Law Finish. Work from a bucket truck.
Slag, Gravel, Clay Dirt, a.m. and 4:00 p.m., offer for Free Estimates. Insured/bonded. Call
Grating Driveways & Trailer painting, sell at public out- 407 7th Street N, Columbus,
& demolition.
sale and will
cry to the highest
Landscaping, bidder for
gutters Ask for specials!
Mississippi or by mail at Larry
PO Jimmy for free estimate,
Parks. 18 ton truck. $525/ Box 748, Columbus,
Webber 662−242−4932.Missis- 662−386−6286.
load, Col. cash at thebush
cleaned, mainhogging,
front door at
the Chancery
clean−up Clerk`s
work, Office,
pressure sippi 39703.
Walter, 662−251−8664. located at 505 2nd help
washing, moving & YOUR
North, Columbus, Mississippi,
furniture repair. GotRESPONSE
leaky pipes?MUSTFind BE a plumber in the classifieds. the following described prop- MAILED OR DELIVERED NOT
erty located and situated in LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS
8b Wednesday, October 9, 2019 The Dispatch •
General Help Wanted Commercial Property For Rent Houses For Sale: Other


3,000 sq. ft. truck
terminal, 9,500 sq. ft. Visit
shop & 3,200 sq. ft.
office/shop. Buildings can for a printable copy of
be rented together or
separately. All w/ excellent these puzzles.
access & Hwy. 82 visibility.
Houses For Rent: North


RD. $900/mo. No pets.
No HUD. 662−549−2302.
Leave message.

3BR/2BA. 26 Noblin Rd.

Central HVAC, carport, near
CAFB. $650/mo. $500
dep. Call 662−889−1122.

3BR/2BA CH/A Hwy. 45 N.

Caledonia Schools. No
pets. $1,000/mo. $1,000
dep. 1 yr. lease. Weathers
Rentals, 662−574−0345.
Transportation Open Mon.−Fri. 8a−4p.

2 & 3 bedroom w/
2−3 bath townhouses.
$600 to $750.
Ask for Glenn or text.

3BR/2BA. Remodeled, Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
modern appl, dw, ch/a, placing puzzle based on
carport, washer/dryer Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 5 8 7 4 1 6 3 9 2
hookup, quiet. 3254
given numbers.puzzle
The object 2 4 9 5 8 3 7 6 1

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Military Rd. $800/mo +
dep. 662−574−8559. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 1 6 7 2 9 4 5 8
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 3 8 9 7 5 2 1 6
Houses For Rent: East given
so thatnumbers. The
Lots & Acreage
each row, each 6 2 1 8 3 4 5 7 9
located on large lot w/ 2
356.7 ACRES ON HWY. 69
S. 5 mi. from Columbus.
Merchandise object
column is
contains the1same
3x3 the
to 9 number
in 7
car garage. Fresh paint & 30−year old mature pines, the empty spaces so
Ads starting at $12 only once. The difficulty 1 7 2 6 5 8 9 4 3
tile floors in kitchen & green fields, good hunting. that each row, each
bathrooms. $1,200/mo + level increases from
dep. 770−658−7726.
$3000/ac. Bud Phillips, column and each 9 6 3 2 4 7 1 8 5
662−549−2302. Furniture Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 10/08

BABY ROOM FURNITURE: the same number only once. The difficulty level
Houses For Rent: New Hope

3BR/2BA w/ carport &

FALL SPECIAL. 1.75 acre Dresser, changing table (no increases from Monday to Sunday.
lots. Good/bad credit. 10% pad), and infant crib(no
storage bldg. No pets. down, as low as $299/mo.
$750/mo + dep. mattress)−converts to
Eaton Land. daybed and is currently
662−327−4376. 662−361−7711. packed back in box. All
Houses For Rent: Other matching pieces. Oak
color. Light scratches but
3BR/1.5BA In Vernon, AL nothing broken. Very good
Nearly brick home located condition! Would like to sell
on a large yard w/ a all together if possible for
carport, large porch w/ $300 OBO for all.
General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other Cash or PayPal accepted.
patio & other amenities.
Call 810−877−5211 or 662−397−4840
Men's retail store seeks 1ST MONTH − Rent Free!
PT Sales Person for store 1BR Apt − $350−$385 205−714−6029.
sales & general duties. 2BR Apt − $395−$495
Mail resumé to: Mobile Homes for Rent Two Piece Living Room Set
2BR TwnHome − $625 A loveseat and chaise for
Blind Box 670 Lease, Dep & Credit Check. You’ll find the best deals sale. Brown and blue.
c/o Commercial Dispatch Coleman Realty
Columbus School Dist. when you advertise New!!! Leave a message.
Columbus, MS 39703 662−329−2323. and shop here! $300.00 662−242−2884
No HUD. No Section 8.
$600/mo + 600 dep.
601−940−1397 or General Merchandise
SUBWAY OF Columbus is 662−549−8861.
now taking applications for USE ITCHNOMORE®
opening shift at Walmart Office Spaces For Rent shampoo to treat ’hot
location. To set an inter-
Garage Sales
spots’, doggy odor, &
view, send your name and GREAT, CONVENIENT non−specific allergies
number to LOCATION! Office space for without a prescription.
[email protected]. lease at 822 2nd Ave. N. At Tractor Supply.
662−574−3970. Two free signs (
Medical / Dental OFFICE SPACE FOR Estate Sales Lawn & Garden
LEASE. 1112 Main St.,
RN/LPN: PRN position Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Plenty
available Mon-Fri mornings of private parking. 662− HAYES DAYLILLIES FALL
in a surgical setting. 327−9559. SALE! OCT 10−12. 8AM−
Email resume to: Estate Sale of the late 6PM. 1069 New Hope Rd.
[email protected] Storage & Garages Karen Coleman 662−251−6665.
127 Lee Road,
Columbus, Ms 39705 Sporting Goods
Sales / Marketing MINI WAREHOUSES Country Antiques will be
Four convenient self hosting and estate sale ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
Men's retail store has the storage locations in the at the home of the late OPEN FOR SEASON!
following positions: Columbus & New Hope Karen Coleman in 9−5: Tues−Fri &
PT Mature Sales Person. areas for household & Columbus, Ms. Items 9−12: Sat.
Experience a plus. commercial storage. include but are not Over 50 years experience!
Experienced Seamstress Rent online at limited to: oak Repairs, cleaning,
for men's tailoring. secretary, primitive refinishing, scopes
Mail resumé to: DOWNTOWN 1BR or call 662−327−4236. kitchen table, oak table mounted & zeroed,
Blind Box 669 This large 1 bedroom and six chairs, two handmade knives.
c/o Commercial Dispatch apartment has been wooden wardrobes, Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
PO Box 511 recently renovated. It small bookshelves, of West Point, turn right on
Columbus, MS 39703 features great natural light, queen size four−post Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
hardwood floors, tall bed, mattress and left on Darracott Rd, see
ceilings and access boxsprings, desks, sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
to a shared laundry room. upholstered couch, old ACROSS
left. 662−494−6218.
$750 rent and $750 upright piano, a number 1 Wonderland
deposit. Utilities included. os oaken side tables, visitor
No pets please. Call Peter, spare chairs, music,
6 Saudi native
Ads starting at $25 662−574−1561.
Take down that “for
stereo system, CDs,
cassettes, DVDs, Vehicles 10 Arrested
Apts For Rent: North
records, dressers, white 11 Parasol
rent” sign and get full bedroom suite,
rockers, sewing Ads starting at $12 offering
1 & 2 BR near hospital.
St. 2BR/1BA. 1100 sqft fast results with an machines, arts and
Campers & RVs
12 Sells for
$700/mo. W/D. Deck on crafts, pictures, washer 13 Identifies
$595−$645 monthly.
Military discount, pet area,
back. Avail Aug 1st. 662− easy classified ad. and dryer, refridgerator,
couch, bookcases, 1998 WINNEBAGO. New 14 Lawyer: Abbr.
pet friendly, and furnished lamps, picture frames, tires. $17,000. 662−327− 15 Dangling art
corporate apts.
Place your TVs, computer, copier,
old toys, 2004
0284. 16 2016 Olym-
GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. ad today at Mitsubishi Spyder, pics host
Motorcycles & ATVs
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. wicker patio furniture, 17 Disfigure
24−HOUR CAMERA RENTALS shop tools, Christmas
decorations, and more!
2004 KAWASAKI Drifter. 18 Ready to go
1500cc, Vance & Hines 19 Rowboat
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
or call 328-2424 Sale dates are:
loud muffler, 32,400mi.
1 BEDROOM October 11 and 12 from
Looks like an Indian M/C.
$4500. 662−352−4776. 22 Light gas DOWN 20 Depressed
Apts For Rent: West 2 BEDROOMS 8am to 5pm. 662−369
−0761 23 Move slowly 1 Citation’s 21 — Paulo
Real Estate countryantiquesamory 26 Sorcerers jockey 24 Tough spots
VIP LEASE, Community 29 Unrefined 2 Thai’s neighbor 25 Made, but
© The Dispatch

DEPOSIT 32 — Alamos 3 Yet to come barely
Ads starting at $25 ESTATE SALE! Saturday
33 “Stand” band
AND Oct. 5th, 7AM until. Ads starting at $12 4 Metropolis 27 Darling of
Apartments & Houses CREDIT CHECK Houses For Sale: Southside 801 Skylark Dr. Pictures, 34 Genesis 5 Print measures baseball
glassware, lamps, Free Pets 36 Arp’s art 6 Obsessed 28 Know-how
1 Bedrooms 662-329-2323 FOR SALE OR TRADE− cookware, some furniture,
freezer, refrigerator, home 37 Tennis star captain 29 Metal man
2 Bedroooms
Beautifully renovated 3BR/
1BA brick home. Like new décor & various other Free kittens to a good Becker 7 Harold of 30 Fragrance
3 Bedrooms 2411 HWY 45 N with new appliances, new items. CASH ONLY. home Five eight−week 38 Mist “Ghostbusters” 31 Electrician, at
COLUMBUS, MS HVAC, white cabinets, new old kittens need homes. 39 Letter after 8 “Skyfall” singer times
Furnished & Unfurnished counter tops, new flooring Garage Sales: North They are litter−box
and much more. Good trained, good with psi 9 Plague 35 Band’s
1, 2, & 3 Baths credit a must for total 38 SWEET GUM LANE. people and sweet− 40 Alaskan 11 Face mask bookings
Lease, Deposit SEVERAL 1, 2, & 3 BR
payment near $500.00 per Sat, 7am until. Lots of natured. $0.00 662−
native attachments 36 Secluded
month and little or no down items to see!
& Credit Check UNITS AVAILABLE. Various payment if you qualify. 41 Sea dogs 15 Buddy valley
locations. Lease, Deposit, Call Long & Long and 42 Lab activity 17 1507 master- 38 Dyeing tub Credit Check. No Pets. speak directly to the piece
327-8555 $375 and up. Call Long &
Long @ 662−328−0770.
Broker/Owner for details.
Five Questions:

1 The
Looking for goods
or services? 2 Quimby

3 Vacuum

Find it in the 4 Black

classifieds! 5 Abraham

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