DZone - Securing Mobile Apps With Certificate Pinning

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ö ö MiTM Attacks

Securing Mobile Apps ö ö Why and When to Use Cert


ö ö Types of Certificates

With Cert Pinning ö ö Implementing Cert Pinning on

iOS and Android

ö ö Testing and Maintenance

ö ö Countering Objections

ö ö Conclusion

need to be in the same room or even on the same network. For example,
MiTM Attacks
As virtually all mobile apps communicate with backend systems that a virtual private network (VPN) provider could force users to install and

require secure network communications, mobile app developers should trust a malicious root certificate on their devices to gain full access to

adopt best practices for secure architectural design and coding techniques. decrypt network communication.

Man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks are essentially a form of digital Hackers can carry out MiTM attacks in many ways, such as using

eavesdropping that exploit a weakness in network communication. They misconfigured self-signed certificates with weak private keys, fake Wi-Fi

occur when a malicious third party gets between a user's mobile app and login portals, e-mail attachments, and free VPNs.

the backend server the device attempts to communicate with. The threat
actor can intercept, read, and alter data sent between the two parties. Thanks to social engineering and phishing, some users can easily be
convinced to make changes to their mobile devices to make them
And worse, a variety of different kinds of MiTM attacks means developers
susceptible to a man-in-the-middle attack. The attacker’s weapon of
must use multiple techniques to protect their apps. But it's fairly easy for
choice is a malicious iOS profile or Android certificate.
developers to take a few coding measures to guard against these threats.

Say someone visits a conference venue and urgently needs to connect

to Wi-Fi. The user attempts to connect to a WiFi SSID that was broadcast

All mobile app developers should use HTTPS for secure communication.
MiTM attacks, however, present tremendous risk to a mobile app user's
personal data because they nullify the confidentiality and integrity
provided by HTTPS.

Despite a common misconception, mobile app MiTM attacks don't

only happen over unsecured Wi-Fi at the local coffee shop. In fact, any
network device can be used to intercept traffic and the attacker doesn't


with a name similar to the legitimate access point. After being redirected On the iOS device, you can see that the profile — in this case — is
to a captive portal that looks authentic, the user is instructed to marked “not signed,” but an attacker can easily sign the profile using a
download and install a device profile. A captive portal web page requires code-signing certificate.
a user to enter information or accept terms after connecting with a Wi-Fi
The malicious profile presented to the user contains a self-signed
network before being granted access. These are commonly seen at
certificate. The certificate needs to be self-signed for the device to install
coffee shops, hotels, and airports.
it as a root CA. Clicking on “Install” takes the user to a page that warns
If a victim ignores vague and innocuous security warnings and installs the user that installing the certificate will add it to the list of trusted
the profile, the attacker gains access to network traffic and can decrypt certificates on their device (see screenshot below). This warning clearly
nearly everything sent and received by the mobile device. fails to convey the actual danger of installing the certificate — that
network traffic could be compromised.
On iPhones, iOS profiles enable the creation of configuration settings
on the device. Network administrators commonly use this method
to efficiently set up secure Wi-Fi access or VPNs on employee devices.
Apple makes it easy to build custom iOS profiles with the free Apple
Configurator 2.

Apple Configurator 2 allows you to add several settings to the profile


• Custom certificates for installation

• Network settings (e.g. what wireless network the device should

join automatically)

• Proxy settings Once a user installs the profile, which adds the certificate to a device’s
list of trusted certificates, an attacker that is able to redirect all network
• VPN settings
traffic through their proxy can basically decrypt all the HTTPS traffic sent
Here’s a screenshot of Apple Configurator 2’s UI: and received by the device. From the attacker’s perspective, carrying out
this kind of MiTM attack required very little time or effort.


While profiles don’t exist for Android devices, an attacker could still
trick an unsuspecting user into installing certificates onto the device
using similar techniques. An Android user has to install the certificate
manually using the device’s security settings by going to “Credential
storage” and tapping “Install from storage.” The user then has to select
the downloaded certificate file in the .cer format and install it.

Note that, by default, apps don’t work with user-installed CA certificates on

Android 7.0 and up. Trusted credentials are now divided into two sections:
user and system. Only system CAs are trusted by default. This provides a
fantastic security feature that all platforms should adopt in the near future.

App developers can choose to let their apps work with manually added
CA certificates, but they must understand the security ramifications of
doing so. Also note that Android P only supports HTTPS for all network
communication by default. Any HTTP endpoints must be explicitly
defined in the Network Security Configuration file.

Why and When to Use Cert Pinning

Cert pinning is a security mechanism in which an app developer
specifies certain trusted certificates used to verify the identity of
computers on the network(s).

Android and iOS devices are shipped with a default list of trusted



root certificate authorities (CAs) pre-installed by the manufacturer.

Types of Certificates
Apps can make use of these trust stores to verify if a certificate There are three types of certificates for an app to pin to:
presented by a server can be trusted, a process termed certificate
validation or verification. 1. The CA as mentioned above
2. An intermediate certificate
Certificate pinning goes one step further and "pins" the certificates a
3. A leaf certificate
mobile app trusts (i.e. only trusts certificates explicitly specified by the
app) while rejecting certificates presented by an untrusted server. This Mobile apps that pin to the CA place a lot of trust in that CA by accepting
halts the connection and, in turn, prevents sensitive information from any certificate for the domain in question signed by that CA using a root
being leaked over the network. While stopping the mobile app function certificate. The root certificate is the be-all and end-all at the top of the
may inconvenience the mobile user, the hard-stop scenario is preferable certificate chain of trust.
to allowing data to fall into the hands of an MiTM attacker.
Security and validation practices for issuing certificates can vary from
As a crucial first step in securing HTTPS network traffic, certificate CA to CA. Several CAs have been breached in recent years with bogus
validation prevents communication from being established if a server certificates created as a result. A threat actor could use a certificate
presents self-signed certificates or trusted certificates that are signed for issued by the same CA and hijack the connection. Combining this
a different hostname. Certificate validation with hostname validation approach with a lack of hostname validation seriously weakens the
stops most MiTM attacks from being successfully executed. security of an app's host connections.

However, an attacker could leverage more sophisticated MiTM Pinning to an intermediate certificate is a step down in the hierarchy
techniques. For example, users could be convinced to install a from the root certificate mentioned above, but has similar problems.
malicious root certificate on their devices using phishing techniques The certificates at the bottom of the chain of trust — leaf certificates
or the hacker could compromise a certificate authority itself. While the — can be signed using an intermediate certificate. In that event, a
latter is difficult, getting a user to install a malicious root certificate malicious individual can procure a certificate for the domain in question
can be surprisingly simple. When a user trusts a certificate, the device signed by an intermediate certificate and hijack the connection because
alert doesn't convey the actual danger and many users simply click to his certificate will be trusted by the app.
accept as a force of habit.
Finally, pinning the public key of the actual leaf certificate is the best
Certificate pinning was originally developed to protect web and mobile option and we recommend choosing this over the other methods. Every
apps from rogue certificate authorities. Pinning ensures that no network certificate includes a public key associated with the private key, which
data is compromised even if a user is tricked into installing a malicious can be pinned within the app. This approach ensures the app trusts only
root certificate on their mobile device. Any app that pins its certificates signed certificates that an attacker cannot spoof.
would thwart such phishing attempts by refusing to transmit data over a
Some people complain that the above method makes rotating expired
compromised connection.
keys a hassle and are tempted to take shortcuts like pinning to CA rather
Launching an MiTM attack by bypassing certificate pinning is a very than leaf or avoiding cert pinning altogether. However, there are ways to
complex client-side procedure. An attacker would first need physical properly implement a certificate rotation without having to release new
access to the targeted mobile device and app. From there, he or she versions of the app when certs expire and need to be swapped out.
would need to root or jailbreak the device and reverse engineer, modify,
and rewrite the functions performing cert pinning in the app. In the end,
bypassing certificate pinning is much more difficult than executing the
type of attacks certificate pinning guards against.

As part of good coding hygiene, all Android and iOS developers should
implement certificate pinning for apps that handle sensitive data as a
countermeasure against MiTM attacks. This minimal degree of additional
effort yields significant protection. However, developers must be sure to
implement pinning correctly so they're not left with a false sense of security.

Cert pinning is imperative for any mobile app that exchanges sensitive
data like credentials, financial information, business transactions, and
PII. This includes mobile apps such as banking, healthcare, retail, utility,
automotive, ERP/CRM, and IoT. In short, this encompasses most apps To rotate certificates without any interruption in service, use cert pinning
that do anything more than surface public data. based on the modulus of the public key. This represents a unique



identifier for the private key. Compare the public key modulus and the </pin-set>
private key modulus to ensure the app trusts the proper certificate (or </domain-config>

more importantly, doesn't trust any other certificates). </network-security-config>

Cert pinning using the modulus allows you to renew the public key You can use a number of third-party libraries to implement certificate

and swap it out as long as the private key doesn't change. Include two pinning in your Android apps. The popular Android library OkHttp is

modulus signatures in the app — one for active use and one for one for widely used for this purpose through its CertificatePinner class. The

future use with the private key stored offline. The following OpenSSL next three code snippets from the OkHttp website illustrate the process.

commands can be used in the terminal to check the modulus of the cert,
String hostname = "<>";
depending on the cert extension (.pem, .cer, .crt, .der): CertificatePinner certificatePinner = new
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout .add(hostname, "sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
openssl x509 -in cert.cer -text -noout AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=")
openssl x509 -in cert.crt -text -noout .build();
openssl x509 -in certificate.der -inform der -text -noout OkHttpClient client = OkHttpClient.Builder()
Implementing Cert Pinning on iOS and Android .build();
Pinning the public key of the leaf certificate is generally the best
Request request = new Request.Builder()
approach because it's easy to manage when the server certificates
.url("https://" + hostname)
change. To do this, pin the leaf certificate based on the modulus of its
public key, which represents a unique identifier for the private key. client.newCall(request).execute();

Comparing the public key modulus and the private key modulus enables The code snippet above deliberately includes a false SHA256 hash value to
you to ensure the app trusts the correct certificate (or, more importantly, simulate a broken configuration, so it will throw an exception (the output
doesn't trust any other certificates). Pinning using the modulus allows shown in the snippet below). Looking at the output, you can find your
you to renew the public key and swap it out as long as the private key server keys if you don't already know them. The SHA256 hashes in the
doesn't change. Include two modulus signatures in the app — one for resulting output are for your server certificates' public keys.
active use and for future use, with the private key stored offline. Certificate
ANDROID pinning failure!
Manual methods for deploying certificate pinning on Android apps Peer certificate chain:
include making HttpsURLConnection only trust a certain set of CAs. For sha256/afwiKY3RxoMmLkuRW1l7QsPZTJPwDS2pdDROQjXw8ig=:, OU=PositiveSSL
more detail about this manual method, see the OWASP Certificate and
Public Key Pinning Technical Guide.
: CN=COMODO RSA Secure Server CA
The Android Developer website describes a newer technique for
: CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
certificate pinning on Android, which involves providing hashes of
certificates' public keys along with backup keys in an app's res/xml/ lCppFqbkrlJ3EcVFAkeip0+44VaoJUymbnOaEUk7tEU=: CN=Add
network_security_config.xml file. Backup keys help maintain app usage Trust External CA
if and when the CA being pinned or the keys themselves have to be Root
changed for some reason. If you don't include backup keys, you will be Pinned certificates for
forced to update your app in such cases.
at okhttp3.CertificatePinner.check(CertificatePinner.
The following snippet from the Android Developer site shows the res/ java)
at okhttp3.Connection.upgradeToTls(
xml/network_security_config.xml file.
at okhttp3.Connection.connect(
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> at okhttp3.Connection.connectAndSetOwner(Connection.

<network-security-config> java)

You will need to paste those SHA256 hashes into the  CertificatePinner 
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
configuration as shown here: 
<pin-set expiration="2018-12-17">
<pin digest="SHA-256">7HIpactkIAq2Y49orFOOQKur CertificatePinner certificatePinner = new 
WxmmSFZhBCoQYcRhJ3Y=</pin> CertificatePinner.Builder() 
<!-- backup pin --> .add(“”, “sha256afwiKY3RxoMmLkuRW1l7Q
<pin digest="SHA-256">fwza0LRMXouZHRC8Ei+4Pyul sPZTJPwDS2pdDROQjXw8ig=”) 
dPRcf3UKgO/04cDM1oE=</pin> .add(“”, “sha256klO23nT2ehFDXCfx3eHTD



RESMz3asj1muO+4aIdjiuY=”)  Once a proxy is installed as a root CA, it essentially acts as an MiTM and
.add(“”, “sha256grX4Ta9HpZx6tSHkmCrvp can intercept, decrypt, and modify all HTTPS communications between
ApTQGo67CYDnvprLg5yRME=”)  the device, the mobile app, and backend servers.
.add(“”, “sha256lCppFqbkrlJ3EcVFAkeip
0+44RaoJUymbnOaEUk7tEU=”)  If the proxy successfully intercepts traffic while you interact with the
.build(); mobile app during testing, that's a sure sign that certificate pinning isn't
enabled. If you believe you've properly implemented certificate pinning
but the proxy still intercepts your app's network data, a deeper dive into
On iOS, certificate pinning can be achieved through a
the app source code may be necessary to determine the problem.
NSURLConnectionDelegate using NSURLConnection. See the OWASP
Certificate and Public Key Pinning Technical Guide for more details Given the complexity of using OSS tools to test cert pinning, devs without
about this method. a network security background can turn to security analysts to do the
work or use an automated mobile app security testing tool. While you may
Other third-party libraries that help with certificate pinning on iOS apps
be using static analysis security testing tools (SAST) to automatically scan
include Alamofire and AFNetworking.
your source, they don't test for MiTM attacks — so you will need to add
AFNetworking offers a simple way of adding certificate pinning to mobile dynamic application security testing tools (DAST) that include cert pinning
apps. The following snippet can be used to pin one specific certificate of tests in order to properly test for MiTM attacks.
type "cer" from a given bundle. The method below can be called in an
The most effective way to check your work and ensure the mobile
init method to ensure that the app rejects all other certs apart from the
apps you develop are not vulnerable to MiTM attacks and are using
one pinned.
cert pinning properly is to integrate application security testing (DAST)
func certSecPolicy() { directly into the DevOps pipeline to security test every build, every
let securityPolicy = AFSecurityPolicy(pinningMode: day. Certain advanced automated security testing plug-ins for CI/CD
platforms can enable continuous security testing for cert pinning. By
let certPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().
using automated tools, developers can skip the testing complexity and
pathForResource("pinnedcert", ofType: "cer")!
focus on their code.
let certContents = NSData(contentsOfFile: certPath)!
securityPolicy.pinnedCertificates = [certContents];
securityPolicy.validatesCertificateChain = false; Countering Objections
self.securityPolicy = securityPolicy
Some developers are reluctant to implement cert pinning and may

} cite a variety of reasons as to why they don't want to use it in sensitive

mobile apps.
Multiple certificates can also be pinned using the same method. This
is useful when the mobile app talks to multiple servers that present They may say using HTTPS for app communications and verifying the CA
different certificates. chain of trust is enough to keep apps secure. But if a malicious root CA is
installed on the device and the device is connected to an attacker's server,
the threat actor can still successfully intercept, read, and modify network
If you're using a third-party library to handle mobile app network
traffic. Or perhaps they claim that a CA compromise is unlikely, but there
communications, you must update it to to the most recent version. For
are numerous published examples, such as this series of banking apps
example, OkHttp versions prior to 2.7.4 and versions 3.x prior to 3.1.2
exposed to MiTM from researchers at the University of Birmingham.
are vulnerable to MiTM attacks as a result of not sanitizing the server's
certificate chain. The vulnerability has been patched in the newer versions. Other developers may attest that implementing cert pinning is too
difficult or complicates app builds in staging or QA environments, but it's
Testing and Maintenance easier than you think. There are some simple ways to implement pinning
The best way (and really the only way) to test mobile app certificate
in your app. What's more, public key pinning can ease the process of
pinning is to execute an MiTM attack against it. For example, if an app
migrating code between development environments.
relies on a vulnerable version of OkHttp for certificate pinning, mobile
app security testing will identify such a vulnerability. If the cert pinning is Public key pinning pins the public key of the certificate, which remains
improperly coded, the test for MiTM will find the gap. constant across multiple certificates. This allows you to use the same
public key to issue new certificates without having to rewrite code for
Developers can test this themselves or leverage experienced security
different environments.
analysts. To start, you'll need a network proxy tool such as Burp Suite,
OWASP ZAP, mitmproxy, or Fiddler to intercept mobile app network Some worry that pinning certificates that are bound to change on a
communications. In order to intercept traffic, you will need to install regular basis would force them to update the app binary every time the
your chosen proxy tool as a trusted root CA on the test mobile device certificate changes. Pinning the hashed public keys of the certificates
that will run the app. can also help with this issue. This way, the public key of the certificates



must remain static across all new certificates. In addition, backup keys Implementing cert pinning in your mobile app can strengthen the security
should always be added to the pinning configuration to maintain app of its network communications and is a big step in protecting your app
connectivity at all times. data. Once you invest in cert pinning, test to ensure that you have properly
implemented cert pinning to prevent MiTM attacks. While not crucial for
Developers may think that their apps don't transmit sensitive data. But
every mobile app out there, this measure is critical for any app at that
is that really the case and are they absolutely sure? Does your app have
contains high-risk, sensitive data and transactions.
login credentials, or account numbers, or PII? Nearly every app does,
so nearly every app should take cert pinning seriously. A mistake that
leads to data loss could be costly in terms of loss to a company's data
and reputation. Others complain that pinning impedes performance, but
benchmarks show that it's comparable to any form of encryption and
secure network transport. Others may note that their app doesn't use
SSL/TLS. This is an even bigger mistake, as all network communications
for any app should be encrypted.

As developers seek to build their next great mobile app, there are many
security coding best practices to take into account. Proper network
security with cert pinning should be very high on that list. While taking
the above actions to implement cert pinning may require some extra time
to develop, the effort will pay significant dividends. Securing network
communications to guard against MiTM exploits protects your mobile app
users, your data, and your business reputation.

Written by Rono Dasgupta Mobile Security Analyst, NowSecure

In his role at NowSecure, Rono finds vulnerabilities in mobile technology and attempts to exploit them. He is passionate
about helping developers understand and improve the security of their products and systems. Rono holds a Master’s
degree in Security Informatics from Johns Hopkins University.

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