Mini Talk For Vocal Prayer

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LCS talk 7a



Typically, most Christians today are only used to quieter ways of praying,
e.g., silence or just one person praying out. Singing is one exception to
the quieter approach most Catholics take.

The Bible shows other ways that are more varied, expressive and
demonstrative for prayer and worship.
The Bible shows other ways ….

1. We can learn from how the Israelites, God’s chosen people, praised God.
a) Psalm 95:1-2. Singing and crying out.
b) Psalm 81:2-4. Singing, shouting and playing instruments.
c) Psalm 150:3-6. Playing instruments and making a loud noise.
The Bible shows other ways ….

1. …God’s chosen people, praised God.

d) Psalm 63:5. Raising hands
e) Psalm 47:2. Clapping.
f) Psalm 149:3; 150:4.
* The story of David in 2 Sm 6:14-16.
The Bible shows other ways ….

2. In these passages, the Lord is being acclaimed as a king, with shouts, songs,
instruments and dancing. When a king entered his throne room or appeared
before an assembly of his people, all would stand and acclaim him with shouts
and songs to express their love and loyalty, like “Long live the king!”
The Bible shows other ways ….

3. This is a good way to worship the Lord.

4. The angels and saints in heaven worship God in the same way (Rev 19:1,4-6).
C. A key element of this type of prayer is simultaneous praising. This is
when people praise God in a loud voice all at the same time.
C. … is simultaneous praising.

1. We praise God by acclaiming who He is (e.g., Lord of lords, King of kings, the
Alpha and the Omega, etc.) and what He has done for us (our many blessings).
2. This type of prayer helps us enter into the throne room of God, where we
can truly feel His presence in our midst.
3. This type of prayer also allows us to worship actively as a community, in a
way that is enjoyable, inspiring and faith-building.
D. We are going to do some vocal prayer in a short while.
1. At first it may seem strange or chaotic. But it is neither. Or to others it might be a
turn-off. Please just be open to it. It is new and will take some getting used to.
2. But if you feel foolish, that is OK. We are all fools for Christ.
a) At Pentecost, some scoffers thought the apostles were drunk.
b) David was despised by his wife Michal (2 Sm 6:16b). But David chose God first of all.
2 Sm 6:21-22.
3. First we will sing a song of praise. During the song you can raise your hands, clap
your hands, sway to the music. Right after the song we all together praise God in a
loud voice. Then we sing another fast song and do the same.
4. Remember: we are coming before the great King of the universe. Let us acclaim our
King and worship Him!
E. Why Praise the Lord

1. Because the Lord is our Creator and we are His creatures. It is but proper and
fitting that creatures should acknowledge and give glory to their Creator.
2. Because it is our vocation as Christians.
* Eph 1:11-12. Eph 1:14.
As Christians, we are God’s people. If the purpose for which He made us His people is “to
praise His glory,” then praising the Lord must be the most important act we can ever do.
In fact, it must be our main occupation so that every moment of our life should be an
occasion of praise to the Lord.
3. Because the Word of God explicitly tells us to do so.
* Psalm 22:24a. Ps 104:33. Ps 150:6. * Heb 13:15.
4. Because praise is the key that unlocks the power
of God.
* Joshua 6:15-16,20 - The walls of Jericho collapsed after the Israelites praised the
Lord in procession around the city.
* Acts 16:25-26 - Paul and Silas are delivered from their chains and imprisonment
while they were praying and singing praises to the Lord.
5. Because this is how Jesus taught us to pray.
* Luke 11:1-4 - The Lord’s prayer has two parts. The first part is a prayer of praise and
the second is a prayer of petition. Thus one thing Jesus teaches us here
is to start our prayers always with praise.

1. One way we praise the Lord is by saying out loud who He is. Psalm 66:1-2,8; Hebrews 13:15.
1. …who He is.

From the book of Revelation.

1. Alpha and Omega (Rev 1:11)
2. First and last (Rev 1:17)
3. Lord God almighty (Rev 4:8)
4. Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5)
5. Root of David (Rev 5:5)
6. Faithful and True (Rev 19:11)
From the book of Revelation.
7. Word of God (Rev 19:13)
8. King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 19:16)
9. Beginning and end (Rev 21:6)
10. Root and offspring of David (Rev 22:16)
11. Bright morning star (Rev 22:16)
From the prophets.
12. Emmanuel (Is 7:14)
13. Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace (Is 9:5)
14. Root of Jesse (Is 11:10)
15. Son of man (Dan 7:13)
16. Shoot (Zech 6:12)
From the gospels.
17. Messiah (Mt 1:16)
18. Son of God (Mt 4:3)
19. Lord (Mt 7:21)
20. Son of David (Mt 15:22)
21. Holy One of God (Mk 1:24)
22. Lamb of God (Jn 1:29)
23. Bread of life (Jn 6:35)
24. I Am (Jn 8:58)
From the gospels.
25. Gate (Jn 10:9)
26. Good shepherd (Jn 10:14)
27. Resurrection and the life (Jn 11:25)
28. Way and truth and life (Jn 14:6)
29. True vine (Jn 15:1)
. Others
30. Holy and Righteous One (Acts 3:14)
31. Author of life (Acts 3:15)
32. Judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42)
33. Blessed and only ruler (1 Tim 6:15)
2. Songs and singing in the Spirit. Eph 5:18b-19; Col 3:16b.
3. Raising of hands. 1 Tim 2:8.
4. Clapping of hands. Psalm 47:2.
5. Dancing. 1 Chr 13:8; 2 Sam 6:14-16; Psalm 149:3;Psalm 150:4.
G. Individual Prayers of Thanksgiving and Petition

We are learning a new way of praying. We pray not just the usual memorized prayers
(Our Father, Hail Mary, etc.) but start to pray spontaneously. In a communal setting, we
Pray individual prayers of thanksgiving and petition, but on behalf of the whole body.
G. Individual Prayers of Thanksgiving and Petition

2. How do we do Prayers of Thanksgiving and Petition?

These are short one- or two-sentence prayers (or sometimes a little longer) said by an
individual in an audible voice, so that others can hear.
- We thank God for blessings (e.g., thank you for the gift of life; thank you for providing for the
needs of our family; etc.)
- We present to him our petitions (e.g., please bless our marriage and family life; please continue
to provide for our needs; etc.).

Response: Yes, Lord, we Praise and Thank you! (Thanksgiving)

Lord, hear our prayers! (Petitions)

Let us Praise and Worship our Lord

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