Marketing Plan

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Version x.X • 2019, March

Candy Cravers Inc.
Venice Joy Principe
Jean Irish Garcia
Harold Espiritu
Larrelaine Sarreal
12- Lopez


Executive Summary ........................................................................................... 3

Environmental Analysis ................................................................................. 5
SWOT Analysis Worksheet ............................................................................ 6
Marketing Objectives ...................................................................................... 7
Marketing Strategies ....................................................................................... 8
Marketing Implementation............................................................................ 10
Evaluation and Control ................................................................................. 13

Executive Summary

The main objective of this assessment is to accomplish a detailed marketing plan

of the Candy Cravers Company within the perspective of the sweets industry. In doing

so, the paper would focus on epitomizing an appropriate company profile of Ice Cream

Candy, considering the financial overview of the company, formulating a SWOT Analysis,

reviewing the current marketing situation of Ice Candy along with a BCG matrix, and

creating a comprehensive competitive review of the industry.

Furthermore, the paper would illustrate the potential marketing strategies of the

company with consideration of the marketing research, brand positioning strategy, brand-

positioning map, target market, and marketing mix. To conclude, the appraisal shall focus

on assembling applicable recommendations together with an apposite conclusion.

Our Candy Craver’s Inc. proudly introduces its product Cookies N’ Cream Ice

Candy. The said business started in the year 2018. Candy Cravers Inc., is a small

corporation. The owners used high quality ingredients and ensure the cleanliness of

making it to maintain the relieved in every ice candy that they make. As Candy Craver’s

business is highly seasonal, with its greatest demand during March, April, May and June.

In other months, the product demand are sometimes idle. A major challenge facing the

company is how to increase profits and make better use of its resources during the off-

season.The managements consists or co-owners that will be taking hands-on

management roles in the company.

Our business goal as ice candy business is to become the number one choice of

residence in the whole of the communities where we intend retailing our candies. Despite

having the weaknesses and threats around the company like sales and demand of the

product decreases when it’s rainy season, we still have the opportunities and strengths

that made the company earn more profit especially when it’s summer. We also have our

own strategies and target markets, the product is not only for children but also for the

adults that will surely love our product. The company deals in providing satisfying and

refreshing ice cream candy. The firm’s operations will entail producing and marketing a

variety of specialty ice candy.

Environmental Analysis

Marketing Environment Factors

1. Economic forces. Nationwide, many companies have reduced their overall promotion

budgets as they face the need to cut expenses. However, most of these reductions have

occurred in the budgets for mass media advertising (television, magazines, and


2. Political forces. There are no expected political influences or events that could affect

the operations of Candy Cravers Inc.

Target Market(s)

By focusing on a commitment to service and quality, Candy Cravers has effectively

implemented a niche differentiation strategy in a somewhat diverse marketplace. Its ability

to differentiate its product has contributed to superior annual returns. Its target market

consists of Ice cream candy cravers, not only children but also the adults who loves


Current Marketing Objectives and Performance

Candy Cravers’ sales representatives call on potential clients and, using a

template demonstration disk, help them create a innovation on the ice candy. Once the

sale has been finalized, Cravers completes the concept, flavors, ingredients, and

specialization. Perhaps what most differentiates Candy Cravers from its competitors is its

high level of service.

Swot Analysis


• The organization has strong •There are many competitors all

ethical values over the community
• The organization has strong • Sales decrease in rainy seasons.
ethical mission statement.
• Uncontrollable situations like bad
• Varieties of products. weather, irregular power supply.


• New products and services that • Who knows if the market for
can be retailed in our shop candy cravers will grow and stay
in favor with customers or whether
• The business has the
another type of desserts or leisure
opportunity to expand the
activity will replace in the candy
cravers in the future.
• Co- branding with other
• Company is expose to rises in
manufacturers of food, drinks
the cost.
and brand franchising to other
• The demand of candy cravers
is very high especially in
•Cheap labor cost.

Marketing Objectives

Marketing objectives are short-term achievements to help you achieve longer-term

goals. It is the marketing strategy set in order to achieve the overall organizational

objectives. A company's marketing objectives for a particular product might include

increasing product awareness among targeted consumers, providing information about

product features, etc. These objectives help a business set out what a business wants to

achieve from its marketing strategy.

• Increasing Product Awareness

There are different ways to let people know about your product, Candy Cravers

uses online advertising since most of the people discover new products online or through

social medias.

• Target New Customers

Cookies N’ Cream ice candy is not only made for children, but Candy Cravers

made sure that even adults will surely love their product.

• Retain Existing Customers

Maintaining what the company have done from the start and improving it so that

the customers will always come back to them.

• To be the industry leader in innovation with a focus on international exposure,

meeting international standards, planning and executing consistent actions to support our

clients, and expanding our net of collaborators and partners.

Marketing Strategies

Even though almost everyone loves ice cream , some marketing is necessary to

create consumer demand within the community. This marketing also helps make sure

your customer base is aware they can satisfy their needs at your ice candy. Start by

gaining good public relations and make our business stand out. Also, use traditional

promotional strategies, such as coupons or buy one get one free offers. These marketing

strategies will help your ice candy be a successful business that you enjoy owning.

Gain Good Public Relations

Good public relations can promote brand awareness and create demand for our

ice candy product. Good public relations can also show our customers that we have a

connection to and are an important part of the community. The good feelings generated

about our ice candy will make customers more likely to purchase from us instead of our


Use every resource available to let people know about our ice candy. A well written

press release for the local media about our grand opening can possibly get you some free

publicity. Banners and signs that let our potential customers know when our ice candy

will be opening can be used during the construction phase. Other ways to show you are

an important part of our community are sponsoring an adult or kids’ recreational league

sports team and participating in or donating product to school functions. We will easily

create brand awareness. When people see our ice candy name in conjunction with these

activities, they will start to have good feelings about us too.


One of the most important aspects of opening virtually any new business is

knowing your target audience. Ice Candy shops are no exception. You can waste a lot of

time, money, and effort marketing to people who have no interest in frequenting an ice

candy shop. It may seem like a lot of work to research your target audience and learn

how to market to them, but it will be well worth the effort. Families with children, teenagers,

and adults all love to consume this frozen dessert. Frozen dessert preferences can vary

according to both age and gender. Filipino households enjoy a larger range of frozen

dessert products. These households also eat more servings over a monthly period. On

the flip side, teenager girls are also prone to choosing premium frozen beverage as a

comfort food after a breakup or even a tough day at school. Teenage boys consistently

select premium frozen beverage products, regardless of personal circumstances.Adults

tend to remain faithful to their favorite frozen dessert products. If a child loves this frozen

dessert, he or she will most likely still love ice candy as an adult.


Candy Cravers have a lot of variety. They have ice candies, with different flavors

like buko pandan, cookies and cream, Chocolate, ube, mais con yelo and even halo-halo.

The ice candies are available in various sizes and flavors. The brand infact came with

sugar free and prolife probiotic ice candies for the health conscious consumers.

Marketing Implementation

Good marketing strategies, marketing skills, and innovativeness are essential

components in implementing a marketing plan. In essence, marketing is a social activity

that incorporates the satisfaction of customer needs and wants, and is a wholesome

activity with organizational outlook, focusing on future and anticipated needs. Marketing

incorporates issues such as corporate social responsibility, which determines the way

businesses evaluate the impact of their activities on the society.

• Marketing Organization





COO Secretary CFO

• Activities and Responsibilities

The company made sure the cleanliness of the product that they make for the

customers to not have any complain. They also take all of the responsibilities in order to

have a peaceful and successful business.

The core objectives of the Candy Cravers Inc. included profit generation, a wider

customer base, customer royalty, market penetration, and gaining a completive edge on

other joints in the market. The survival of a business enterprise depends on its customer

base, type of customers, customer loyalty, and product rating.

Implementation Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



Product tasting

Product launch










• Implementation Timetable

Evaluation and Control

Performance Standards and Financial Controls

A comparison of the financial cost with the plan goals will be included in our project

report. The following performance standards and financial controls are implied:

Our total budget for the billing analysis and product research will be equal to the

percentage of the annual promotional budget for the coming year. The breakdown of Ice

Cream candy’s budget within the project will be a 30 percent allocation to the billing cycle

study, 20 percent fallocation to the marketing information system development, and a 50

percent allocation to new-business development and new-product implantation.

Monitoring Control

Monitoring control is about analyzing the effectiveness of the marketing plan to the

Candy Craver’s Inc. It is essential to compare the actual performance with the plan


Our plan objectives succeeded to our actual performance, Candy Craver’s Ice

Cream candy became thriving because of it’s ethical values and brilliant minds of Candy

Craver’s owners, they made the project flow smoothly that’s why they are successful. Our

team resolved the changes made in the procedures or operation’s result of the problems

conducted in our area.


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