Engineering Journal::Analysis of Privacy Challenges and Security Concerns in Cloud Computing

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Science (IJOER)

[Vol-1, Issue-1, April- 2015]

Analysis of Privacy Challenges and Security Concerns in Cloud

Varun Shukla
Department of EC, PSIT

Abstract Cloud computing is a method to enhance the capacity dynamically without investing in new infrastructure,
training new personnel, or licensing new software. It can be viewed as a cost effective solution to various security threats. It
extends the existing capabilities of Electronics and Communication world and its ongoing capabilities. In the last few years,
cloud computing has grown from being a promising business concept to one of the fast growing segments of the
Communication industry at large. But as more and more information on individuals and companies are added in the cloud,
concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe an environment it is. Despite of all the hype surrounding the cloud,
enterprise customers are still hesitating to deploy their business in the cloud. Security is one of the major concern which
curbs the growth of cloud computing and complications with data privacy/security and data protection continue to plague
the market. In this paper, a survey of the different security risks that pose a concern to the cloud is presented. This paper is a
survey more specific to the different security issues that has emanated due to the nature of the service delivery models of a
cloud computing system.
Keywords Iaas, Paas, Saas, SSL

Cloud Computing has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of Communication industry at large, due to its long
list of unprecedented advantages in the IT history: on-demand self-service, ubiquitous network access, location independent
resource pooling, rapid resource elasticity, usage-based pricing and transference of risk [1]. As a disruptive technology with
profound implications, Cloud Computing is transforming the very nature of how businesses use information technology.
From users perspective, including both individuals and IT enterprises, storing data remotely into the cloud in a flexible ondemand manner brings appealing benefits: relief of the burden for storage management, universal data access with
independent geographical locations, and avoidance of capital expenditure on hardware, software, and personnel
maintenances, etc [2]. Nowadays anyone with an interest in communication or information technology must look towards
cloud computing. Cloud computing refers to a service that satisfies all of the following conditions [3].
Users rely on the service for access to and/or processing of data;

The data is under the legal/ authentic control of the user;

Some of the resources on which the service depends are virtualized, which means that the user has no technical
need to be aware which server running on which host is delivering the service, nor where the hosting device is
located; and

The service is acquired under a relatively flexible contractual arrangement, at least as regards the quantum used.
While hailed as a new era, cloud computing has gained only a limit amount of attention from a legal regulator
Perspective. Yet cloud computing is associated with a range of obvious privacy and consumer risks, such as risks relating
How data provided to a cloud computing operator will be used by that operator;
How such data will be disclosed by the cloud computing operator, and subsequently used by third parties-a big concern
The security of the data provided;
The legality (law for data security in that particular judiciary) of using cloud computing products;
Disruptions of the cloud computing service;
Getting locked into a contractual arrangement that does not cater for the consumers/organizations future needs; and
Manipulating privacy laws by the use of cloud computing products.
We can only enjoy the full benefits of Cloud computing if we can address the very real privacy and security concerns that
come along with storing sensitive personal information in databases and software scattered around the Internet. In this paper,
we discuss those, and related, risks.



Based upon the services offered, clouds are classified in the following ways:
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[Vol-1, Issue-1, April- 2015]

Figure 1: Service types of cloud computing.

1. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
This model is designed to provide everything and simply rent out the software to the user. The service is usually provided
through some type of front end or web portal. While the end user is free to use the service from anywhere, the company pays
a per use fee. It includes a complete software offering on the cloud. Users can access a software application hosted by the
cloud vendor on pay-per-use basis. This is a well established sector. The pioneer in this field has been
offering in the online Customer Relationship Management (CRM) space. Other examples are online email providers like
Googles Gmail and Microsofts hotmail, Google docs (storage) and Microsofts online version of office [4].
2. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
In this model of cloud computing, the provider provides a platform for client use. Services provided by this model include all
phases of the system development life cycle (SDLC) and can use application program interface (APIs), website portals, or
gateway software. Buyers do need to look closely at specific solutions, because some providers do not allow software created
by their customers to be moved off the providers platform. An example of PaaS is GoogleApps.
3. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
Infrastructure as a service delivers a platform virtualization environment as a service. Rather than purchasing servers,
software, data centre space or network equipment, clients instead buy those resources as a fully outsourced service [5].



While cost effectiveness and ease of use are two great benefits of cloud computing, there are significant security concerns
that has to be taken into consideration while moving the data across the network.[6] Cloud computing utilizes three delivery
models SaaS, PaaS and IaaS as discussed earlier which provide infrastructure resources, application platform and software as
services to the consumer. IaaS is the foundation of all cloud services, with PaaS built upon it and SaaS in turn built upon it.
Just as capabilities are inherited, so are the information security issues and risks. There are significant trade-offs to each
model in the terms of integrated features, complexity vs. extensibility and security. If the cloud service provider takes care of
only the security at the lower part of the security architecture, the consumers become more responsible for implementing and
managing the security capabilities [7].
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[Vol-1, Issue-1, April- 2015]

Security issues in different cloud service models are following:

1. Security issues in SaaS
In SaaS, the client has to depend on the vendor for proper security paradigms. The provider must do the work to keep
multiple users from seeing each others data. So it becomes difficult to the user to ensure that right security measures are in
place and also difficult to get assurance that the application will be available when needed [8]With SaaS, the cloud customer
will by definition be substituting new software applications for old ones. Therefore, the focus is not upon portability of
applications, but on preserving or enhancing the security functionality provided by the application [9]. The SaaS software
vendor may host the application on its own private server or deploy it on a cloud computing infra-structure service provided
by a third-party provider (e.g. Amazon, Google, etc.).
Enterprises today view data and business processes (transactions, records, pricing information, etc.) themselves as strategic
and guard them with access control and compliance policies. However, in the SaaS model, enterprise data is stored at the
SaaS providers data center, along with the data of other enterprises. Moreover, if the SaaS provider is leveraging a public
cloud computing service, the enterprise data might be stored along with the data of other unrelated SaaS applications. The
cloud provider might, provide replicas of data on multiple locations across countries for the purposes of maintaining high
availability. Most enterprises are familiar with the traditional on- premise model, where the data continues to reside within
the enterprise boundary, subject to their policies.
Consequently, there is a great deal of discomfort with the lack of control and knowledge of how their data is stored and
secured in the SaaS model. There are strong concerns about data breaches, application vulnerabilities and availability that can
lead to financial and legal liabilities. The layered stack for a typical SaaS vendor and critical aspects that must be covered
across layers in order to ensure security of the enterprise data is illustrated in Figure. 2.

Figure 2: Security for the SaaS

The following key security elements should be carefully considered as an integral part of the SaaS application development
and deployment process:
Data security
Network security
Data locality
Back up
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Data Breaches
Identity management and sign-on process.

2. Data security
In a traditional application deployment model, the sensitive data of each enterprise continues to reside within the enterprise
boundary and is subject to its physical, logical and personnel security and access control policies. However, in the SaaS
model, data is stored outside the enterprise, at the SaaS vendor location. Consequently, the SaaS vendor must adopt
additional security checks to ensure data security and prevent breaches due to security vulnerabilities in the application or
through malicious employees. This involves the use of strong encryption techniques for data security and fine-grained
authorization to control access to data.
In cloud vendors such as Amazon, the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) administrators do not have access to customer instances
and cannot log into the Guest OS. EC2 Administrators with a business need are required to use their individual
cryptographically strong Secure Shell (SSH) keys to gain access to a host. All such accesses are logged and routinely audited.
While the data at rest in Simple Storage Service (S3) is not encrypted by default, users can encrypt their data before it is
uploaded to Amazon S3, so that it is not accessed or tampered with by any unauthorized party. Apart from these many
security techniques also used to provide security to the user data.
3. A Very Important Aspect for Cloud Computing Security-SSL
SSL Security for Cloud Computing has proven to be of great help in several aspects. It is considered as the best security
protocol for Cloud users. As we know, an SSL certificate is used to create a safe channel between a web browser and web
server for avoiding any type of data tampering in between. Even in the case of cloud computing, an SSL certificate
effectively secures data stored or shared by establishing an encrypted session.
The significance of integrating an SSL certificate with Cloud Computing can bring forth several advantages, which can
ensure the security of customers data stored or in-transit on the cloud.
4. Data Monitoring
Sure, the ability of accessing data from anywhere sounds pretty awesome, but have you ever wondered about the server
location or where exactly the data is stored on the cloud?
However, if an SSL certificate is used to encrypt the stored data by Cloud providers, they can assure the customers that their
data is closely monitored, even during the transmission. Also, trusted certificate issuing authorities will avoid issuing an SSL
certificate to the servers located in banned countries like Iran, North Korea, etc.
5. Regulatory Compliance
Any enterprise intending to secure data on the cloud is required to comply with certain rules and regulations that are set by
the government and trusted industry authorities like Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, Payment Card Industry Security
Standard (PCI-DSS), Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA). And before outsourcing and trusting
cloud providers with all sensitive data, enterprises must also ensure that the providers seek some compliance with industry
standards. Here, SSL encryption helps in avoiding any type of disclosure of private data to third parties trying to intercept or
steal it.
6. Ensure Data Segregation & Encrypted Access
In Cloud Computing, the storage location of all data coming from users across the world, and the respective server location
remains unknown to the users. It is controlled by cloud providers. And the shared environment in cloud storage may not
guarantee the segregation of that data and the subsequent multi-tenancy. However, using an SSL certificate can easily secure
the data on the cloud. The cloud provider needs to ensure this by providing
Encryption: Cloud-users should ensure they are being provided the industry-standard levels of encryption, the
minimum session encryption strength of 128-bit or the preferable 256-bit encryption.
Authentication: There should be an authentication of the servers ownership before the data is transferred. It is
advisable to rely on certificates issued by trusted third party CAs as in that case, the servers are already
authenticated by them.
Certificate Validity: An SSL certificate comes with certain validity periods. In case of an unlikely event where the
certificate is compromised a fail-safe check needs to be there to make sure the certificate has not been revoked since
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its issuance. At present, Online Certificates Status Protocol (OCSP) and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) are the
two standards popularly used to check the certificate validity.
7. Securing Back-Up Repositories: Users store their data on the cloud with an intention to retrieve when needed.
However, if there is an unlikely event of the cloud experiencing a total crash for some unforeseen reason, then providers
should be able to recover users data from their backup repositories. An SSL certificate assures about the legitimacy of
the duplicate servers that are used to retrieve the backup and also provides an encrypted channel for its transfer.
An SSL certificate is chosen by many providers for establishing cloud security. Cloud users should also be vigilant while
selecting a cloud provider based on the security they furnish. Along with other attributes like space being provided, users
should also consider security aspects that are selected by the providers. To avoid security breaches or data loss, cloud
providers should use SSL certificates that are issued after undergoing rigorous vetting procedures conducted by trusted
authorities and offer encryption strength of 128- to 256-bit for exceptional security.



In a SaaS deployment model, sensitive data is obtained from the enterprises, processed by the SaaS application and stored at
the SaaS vendor end. All data flow over the network needs to be secured in order to prevent leakage of sensitive information.
This involves the use of strong network traffic encryption techniques such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and the Transport
Layer Security (TLS) for security. However, malicious users can exploit weaknesses in network security configuration to
sniff network packets. The following assessments test and validate the network security of the SaaS vendor:
Network penetration and packet analysis
Session management weaknesses
Insecure SSL trust configuration.
Any vulnerability detected during these tests can be exploited to hijack active sessions, gain access to user
credentials and sensitive data.
1. Data locality
In a SaaS model of a cloud environment, the consumers use the applications provided by the SaaS and process their business
data. But in this scenario, the customer does not know where the data is getting stored. In many a cases, this can be an issue.
Due to compliance and data privacy laws in various countries, locality of data is of very important in various enterprise
architectures [10]. For example, in many EU and South America countries, certain types of data cannot leave the country
because of potentially sensitive information. In addition to the issue of local laws, theres also the question of whose
jurisdiction the data falls under, when an investigation occurs. A secure SaaS model must be capable of providing reliability
to the customer on the location of the data of the consumer.
2. Backup
The SaaS vendor needs to ensure that all sensitive enterprise data is regularly backed up to facilitate quick recovery in case of
disasters. Also the use of strong encryption schemes to protect the backup data is recommended to prevent accidental leakage
of sensitive information. In the case of cloud vendors such as Amazon, the data at rest is not encrypted by default. The users
need to separately encrypt their data and backups so that it cannot be accessed or tampered with by unauthorized parties.
3. Identity management and sign-on process
Identity management (IdM) or ID management is a broad administrative area that deals with identifying individuals in a
system (such as a country, a network or an organization) and controlling the access to the resources in that system by placing
restrictions on the established identities. Identity management can involve three perspectives
The pure identity paradigm: Creation, management and deletion of identities without regard to access or
The user access (log-on) paradigm: For example: a smartcard and its associated data used by a customer to log on
to a service or services.
The service paradigm: A system that delivers personalized role- based, online, on-demand, multimedia (content),
presence- based services to users and their devices.

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Cloud computing offers real benefits to companies seeking a competitive edge in todays economy. Many more providers are
moving into this area, and the competition is driving prices even lower. Attractive pricing, the ability to free up staff for other
duties, and the ability to pay for as needed services will continue to drive more businesses to consider cloud computing. As
described in the paper, though there are extreme advantages in using a cloud-based system, there are yet many problems
which have to be solved. Several outstanding issues exist, particularly related to service-level agreements (SLA), security and
privacy, and power efficiency. Every element in the cloud should be analyzed at the macro and micro level and an integrated
solution must be designed and deployed in the cloud to attract the potential consumers. This paper has highlighted that cloud
computing is associated with serious risks to privacy and consumer rights, and that current privacy law may struggle to
address some of those risks. It has also highlighted that consumers using cloud computing products, like other cloud
computing users, need to be cautious. This would be more like storing related data in different locations based on the metadata information which would make information invaluable if a malicious intent user recovers it. Another piece of the
framework would be providing Security as a Service to the applications by providing security as a single-tier or a multi-tier
based on the applications requirement and addition to it, the tiers are enabled to change dynamically making the security
system less predictable.
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