TAFJ ChangeSet Installation

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C h a n g e S e t I n s t a ll a tio n

C h a n g e S e t I n s t all a ti o n

Amendment History:

Date Amended Name Description

Manoj Kumar
1 Sep 2012 Initial version

16th January Manoj Kumar

2 R13GA review
2013 A

3 15th April 2014 H. Aubert R14GA review

4 6th March 2015 H. Aubert R15 AMR review

5 15th March 2016 M. Kumar R16 AMR review

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Copyri g h t
Copyright (c) 2014 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV
All rights reserved.
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Errat a and Com m e n t s

If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
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Table of Contents
Copyright................................................................................................................................................ 3
Errata and Comments............................................................................................................................ 3
TAFJ ChangeSet Installation.................................................................................................................. 5
Overview............................................................................................................................. 5
Procedure:........................................................................................................................... 5

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TAFJ Cha n g e S e t Inst a l l a t i o n

Overvi e w

The primary Objective of this document is to provide guidance for installing a new change set
in Development environments.

Pre requisite: TAFJ development Image with TAFJ version 201209 or higher.

Proc e d u r e :
Inside the Eclipse, in TAFJ perspective choose TAFJ RTC Tools from the menu and select
the option Install Change Set for option.

TAFJ RTC Tools -> Install Change

Set For

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Inside the work Item reference provide the valid work Item which needs to be installed in the
TAFJ area.

Then choose the change sets which are interesting for you by clicking Next button.

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Here we have an option to specify where the Source file needs to be loaded (*.b) in local

Once selected the change sets required, click finish to initiate the process of actual installing
of change set.

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The installation can be viewed as follows.

On compiler log we can see the *.b routines getting compiled.

When there is an Insert File in the change set, the dependent source file will be recompiled
with the new insert file.

On Database log we can see the data record getting inserted in respective file.

The source files can be placed in two ways based on the parameter
temn.tafj.changeset.retain.folder.structure in .properties.

Once the installation is finished , and when we have

temn.tafj.changeset.retain.folder.structure set to true , the source files can be found in the
respective source folder specified during installation in the same package structure as in

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Once the installation is finished, and when we have

temn.tafj.changeset.retain.folder.structure set to false, the source files can be found in the
basic folder directory itself.

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There is a new folder ChangeSet created under TAFJ_HOME/log directory and a new text
file named after the changesetnumber is created inside the ChangeSet folder. This file
contains the list of .b and .component files compiled during ChangeSetInstallation process

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The data records needs to be authorized to move them into LIVE files.

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Before authorization:

After authorization:

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tCh e c k C h a n g e S e t

Intr o d u c t i o n
This Utility is used to show the compilation result of the routines complied and data records
loaded during Change Set Installation. This Utility, reads the file created under ChangeSet
folder with the corresponding Change Set number and displays the status of compilation.

Syn t a x:
tCheckChangeSet [-cf propertiesfile] –cs ChangeSetNumber

Exa m p l e
tCheckChangeSet –cf DEV –cs 1336089

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