TAFJ Distribution

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TAFJ-Dis t ri b u ti o n

TAFJ-Dis t ri b u ti o n

Amendment History:

Date Amended Name Description

1 1st April 2011 TAFJ team Initial version

2 7st February 2012 H. Aubert R12GA review

3 16th January 2013 R13GA review

4 20th February 2013 R. Vincent R14GA Review

5 15th April 2014 H. Aubert R14GA review

6 6th March 2015 H. Aubert R15 AMR review

7 15th March 2016 M. Kumar R16 AMR review

8 29th April 2019 Remove reference of tPackager(Not Supported)

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TAFJ-Dis t ri b u ti o n

Copyri g h t
Copyright (c) 2014 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV
All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may
be reproduced, transmitted, or made available directly or indirectly to a third party without the express
written agreement of TEMENOS UK Limited. Receipt of this material directly TEMENOS UK Limited
constitutes its express permission to copy. Permission to use or copy this document expressly excludes
modifying it for any purpose, or using it to create a derivative therefrom.

Errat a and Com m e n t s

If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
documentation, please document them and send them to the address below:
Technology Department

Temenos Headquarters SA
2 Rue de l’Ecole-de-Chimie,
CH - 1205 Geneva,

Tel SB: +41 (0) 22 708 1150

Fax: +41 (0) 22 708 1160

Please include your name, company, address, and telephone and fax numbers, and email
address if applicable. [email protected]

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TAFJ-Dis t ri b u ti o n

Table of Contents
Copyright................................................................................................................................................ 3
Errata and Comments............................................................................................................................ 3
tComponentSplitter................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction............................................................................................................................ 5
Syntax................................................................................................................................... 5
tIntegrate:............................................................................................................................................... 6
Syntax................................................................................................................................... 6
tMerge.................................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction............................................................................................................................ 6
Syntax................................................................................................................................... 7
Example................................................................................................................................ 7

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TAFJ-Dis t ri b u ti o n

tCo m p o n e n t S p l i t t e r

Intr o d u c t i o n

The ComponentSplitter is used for componentization of class files under the directory which
is specified in ‘temn.tafj.directory.classes’ variable in the property file. The
ComponentSplitter will iterate all .class files under this directory and find appropriate
components for each class file. After getting the component name of each class file then jar
files are created in the name of component and all .class files are added to appropriate jar
according to its component.

The ComponentSplitter knows the component name for each class file by reading the

If a class file doesn’t have a component then that class file will be stored under a default jar
file. So we can specify the default jar file name under ‘temn.tafj.default.jar.name’ variable in
the properties file.

Note: Specify the jar file name alone without “.jar” extension in ‘temn.tafj.default.jar.name’
variable. If this variable hasn’t been specified, then the jar file will be called “GENERAL” will
be create as default jar.

Syn t a x
Execute tComponentSplitter.bat or tComponentSplitter from bin.

tComponentSplitter [–cf properties]

After creating jar files all class files will be deleted. Jar files are kept under
<TAFJ_HOME>/data folder. After creating all jar files then we can specify this directory in
‘temn.tafj.directory.precompile’ variable without specifying all jar files.

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TAFJ-Dis t ri b u ti o n

tInt e g r a t e :


tIntegrate will iterate through all basic folders which is mentioned in ‘temn.tafj.directory.basic’
property from the configuration file and compile all basic files and creates two jar files. One
jar will contains all class files which it compiled from the basic files and another jar will
contains all Insert files.

Syn t a x
Execute tIntegrate.bat or tIntegrate from bin.

tIntegrate [–cf properties] version

Version is a mandatory argument in which the jar will be named. The first jar file (ie which
contains class files) will be named as version.jar and the second jar (ie which contains Insert
files) will be named as I_Version.jar.

The resulting jar files will be placed in the directory which is specified in the property
‘temn.tafj.eb.temp.release’ from the configuration file.

tM er g e
Intr o d u c t i o n
tMerge is part of the TAFJ tools. It allows merging your T24 precompiled jar files with a patch
jar. It is recommended to have:

 Destination: precompiled T24 jar files in a T24_HOME\lib folder

 Source: precompiled T24 Patch jar files in a T24_HOME\patch folder
The tool will generate a patched T24 doing the following step:

1. Backing up your lib folder or the parent folder of the destination in a bkup
folder in a zip file. The zip file name is composed: T24BKUP[Destination jar
2. Moving the lib folder to tmp folder
3. Merging patch classes in the correspondent destination jar.

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TAFJ-Dis t ri b u ti o n

Syn t a x
The tMerge syntax is the following:

tMerge source destination

Exa m p l e
To patch a T24 Release

tMerge c:\Temenos\T24\patch\Patch.jar c:\Temenos\T24\lib\T24.jar

The resulting output looks like this:


tMerge will merge:

H:\dev\rtc\tafj\TAFJCore\test\ressources\t24\patch\Patch.jar with

Backuping H:\dev\rtc\tafj\TAFJCore\test\ressources\t24\lib\T24.jar

Merging H:\dev\rtc\tafj\TAFJCore\test\ressources\t24\patch\Patch.jar in

tMerge finish.

Log file :
[INFO] 2009-12-18 13:41:51,285 [main] RUNTIME - Backuping
[INFO] 2009-12-18 13:41:51,285 [main] RUNTIME -
H:\dev\rtc\tafj\TAFJCore\test\ressources\t24\lib will be backuped with name
[INFO] 2009-12-18 13:42:12,310 [main] RUNTIME - Backup done.
[INFO] 2009-12-18 13:42:20,848 [main] RUNTIME - Merging jar source :
H:\dev\rtc\tafj\TAFJCore\test\ressources\t24\patch\Patch.jar destination :
[INFO] 2009-12-18 13:53:34,755 [main] RUNTIME - Merge done

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