ATC India
ATC India
ATC India
Table 1 must not be applied for Take-off or any other Jeppesen will publish only RVR values, except where
required RVR minimum less than 800m or when CMV or VIS values are published by the State as part
reported RVR is available. of the AOM.
NOTE: If the RVR is reported at being above the max-
imum value assessed by the airport operator, e.g.
“RVR more than 1500m”, it is not considered to be
a reported value for the purpose of this paragraph.
EXAMPLE: Reported VIS 600M Day (HIALS and HIRL in use): CMV = 600m x 1.5 = 900m
Day (No lighting): CMV = 600m x 1.0 = 600m
Night (HIALS and HIRL in use): CMV = 600m x 2.0 = 1200m
Table 3 Lowest Straight-in Approach Minimums for Instrument Approach and Landing
Operations other than CAT II or CAT III
Class of Lighting Facility
200 – 210 550 750 1000 1200
Table 3 Lowest Straight-in Approach Minimums for Instrument Approach and Landing
Operations other than CAT II or CAT III (continued)
Class of Lighting Facility
211 – 220 550 800 1000 1200
221 – 230 550 800 1000 1200
231 – 240 550 800 1000 1200
241 – 250 550 800 1000 1300
251 – 260 600 800 1100 1300
261 – 280 600 900 1100 1300
281 – 300 650 900 1200 1400
301 – 320 700 1000 1200 1400
321 – 340 800 1100 1300 1500
341 – 360 900 1200 1400 1600
361 – 380 1000 1300 1500 1700
381 – 400 1100 1400 1600 1800
401 – 420 1200 1500 1700 1900
421 – 440 1300 1600 1800 2000
441 – 460 1400 1700 1900 2100
461 – 480 1500 1800 2000 2200
481 – 500 1500 1800 2100 2300
501 – 520 1600 1900 2100 2400
521 – 540 1700 2000 2200 2400
541 – 560 1800 2100 2300 2500
561 – 580 1900 2200 2400 2600
581 – 600 2000 2300 2500 2700
601 – 620 2100 2400 2600 2800
621 – 640 2200 2500 2700 2900
641 – 660 2300 2600 2800 3000
661 – 680 2400 2700 2900 3100
681 – 700 2500 2800 3000 3200
701 – 720 2600 2900 3100 3300
721 – 740 2700 3000 3200 3400
741 – 760 2700 3000 3300 3500
761 – 800 2900 3200 3400 3600
801 – 850 3100 3400 3600 3800
851 – 900 3300 3600 3800 4000
901 – 950 3600 3900 4100 4300
951 – 1000 3800 4100 4300 4500
1001 – 1100 4100 4400 4600 4900
1101 – 1200 4600 4900 5000 5000
1201 and above 5000 5000 5000 5000
Table 4 Minimum and Maximum RVR for Instrument Approaches down to CAT I Minimums
Aircraft Category
Facility/Conditions RVR/CMV (m)
ILS/MLS/GLS, PAR, and Min According to Table 3
RNAV with approved vertical Max 1500 1500 2400 2400
Table 4 Minimum and Maximum RVR for Instrument Approaches down to CAT I Minimums (continued)
Aircraft Category
Facility/Conditions RVR/CMV (m)
NDB, NDB/DME, VOR, Min 750 750 750 750
VOR/DME, LOC, LOC/DME, Max 1500 1500 2400 2400
VDF, SRA, RNAV without
approved vertical guidance
with a procedure which fulfills
the criteria in paragraph
For NDB, NDB/DME, VOR, Min 1000 1000 1200 1200
VOR/DME, LOC, LOC/DME, Max According to Table 3, if flown using the CDFA technique,
VDF, SRA, RNAV without otherwise an add-on of 200/400m applies to the values in
approved vertical guidance: Table 3 but not to result in a value exceeding 5000m.
– not fulfilling the criteria in
paragraph 11.3.8(b); or
– with a DH or MDH ≥ 1200ft
The fail-operational system referred to may consist of margins, the take-off minimums established by an
a fail operational hybrid system. operator must be expressed as RVR/VIS values not
lower than those in Table 7 below.
Circling Approach
Circling approach and associated minimums will be Table 7 RVR/VIS for Take-off (Commercial
authorized for operators by Flight Standards Direc- Transport Aircraft)
torate as per the training programme implemented by Facilities RVR/VIS
the operator.
Adequate visual reference (Day 500m
Visual Approach only)
For a visual approach, an operator shall use the Runway edge lights or runway 400m
higher of the associated non-precision approach centreline markings
minimum or 2800m for CAT A & B, 3200m for CAT Runway edge lights and runway 300m
C and 3600m for CAT D aircraft. If visual approach centreline markings
is requested for a runway which has only a circling
approach, the ground visibility shall not be less than Runway edge lights and runway 200m
5km. centreline lights
Runway edge lights and runway 150m
centreline lights and relevant RVR
Take-off minimums established by the operator must information
be expressed as VIS or RVR, taking into account all 125m
High intensity runway edge lights
relevant factors for each airport planned to be used.
and runway centreline lights
Where there is a specific need to see and to avoid
(spacing 15m or less) and relevant
obstacles a ceiling or climb gradient must be speci-
RVR information
NOTE 1: TDZ RVR/VIS may be assessed by the pilot.
The commander shall not commence take-off unless
the weather conditions at the airport of departure are NOTE 2: Adequate visual reference means, that the
equal to or better than applicable minimums for land- pilot is able to continuously identify the take-off sur-
ing at that airport unless a suitable take-off alternate face and maintain directional control.
airport is available. NOTE 3: For night operations at least runway edge
lights or centreline lights and runway end lights are
The take-off alternate weather (actual and forecast)
shall not be less than ILS CAT I minimums. The take-
off alternate airport should be located within the fol- NOTE 4: The required RVR must be achieved for all
lowing distance from the airport of departure: relevant RVR reporting points (touchdown, mid-point
and stop-end/roll-out). The governing RVR shall be
a. Aircraft with two engines: not more than a dis-
the lowest of the reported RVRs.
tance equivalent to one hour flight time at the
single engine cruise speed; Non-scheduled and general aviation operators shall
not conduct take-offs below RVR 500m.
b. Aircraft with three or more engines: not more
than a distance equivalent to two hours flight Low Visibility Take-off Operations (LVTO)
time at the one engine inoperative cruise speed. Flight operations referring to a take-off on a runway
Visual Reference where the RVR is less than 400m.
Take-off minimums must be determined to ensure Low Visibility Procedues (LVP)
sufficient guidance to control the aircraft in case of Specific procedures applied at an aerodrome for
discontinued take-off in adverse circumstances or the purpose of ensuring safe operations during Cat-
during continued take-off after failure of the critical egories II and III approaches and/or low visibility
power unit. take-offs.
Required RVR/VIS LVTO Authorization
For multi-engine aircraft, whose performance is such Use of take-off minimums less than 400m (LVTO)
that in the event of a critical power unit failure at any requires authorization by DGCA. Scheduled opera-
point during take-off the aircraft can either stop or tors may be authorized to LVTO minimum of 125m.
continue the take-off to a height of 1500ft above the This requires that a 90m visual segment shall be
airport while clearing all obstacles by the required available from the cockpit at the start of the take-off
run. Foreign operators, who are authorized by their
State Regulatory Authority for LVTO, shall submit req- Aircraft unable to comply with the specified speeds
uisite documents to DGCA for approval of LVTO at must inform ATC and report minimum speed it is
Indian airports. able to follow. In such cases controller shall apply the
alternative method to achieve the desired spacing
Restricted AOM
between aircraft concerned.
Restricted AOM shall be based on additives applied
to the Normal AOM as below: The speeds specified in table “Speed Control under
Radar Environment for Arriving Aircraft” are within the
– Restricted DA(H) = Normal DA(H) + 100ft;
limits of turboprops and turbojets aircraft performance
– Restricted MDA(H) = Normal MDA(H) + 100ft; based on the ICAO recommendations and best inter-
– Restricted RVR = Normal RVR + 400m. national practices and therefore should be accept-
Restricted AOM are not charted on Jeppesen able. However it is the pilot’s responsibility and pre-
approach and airport charts. Pilots are responsible rogative to refuse speed restrictions that are consid-
to add the 100ft/400m increment to the charted ered excessive or contrary to the aircraft operating
minima. specifications.
e. Simultaneous speed reduction and descent can g. Speed adjustments requiring alternate
be extremely difficult, particularly for turbojet air- decrease and increase shall be avoided partic-
craft. It may be necessary for the pilot to level off ularly after the aircraft has reduced the speed
temporarily and reduce speed prior to descend- below 210kt. In such cases the Phraseology”,
ing below 10000ft AMSL; No ATC speed restriction”, or “Resume normal
f. Arriving aircraft would prefer to fly in clean con- speed” shall only be used.
figuration for as long as circumstances permit.
Below 10000ft AMSL, speed not less than 210Kt
IAS is considered as minimum speed of turbojet
aircraft in clean configuration;
Indicated Airspeed (IAS) vs. True Airspeed Indicated Airspeed (IAS) vs. True Airspeed (TAS)
(TAS) at different altitude at ISA + 15°C at different altitude at ISA + 15°C (continued)
Alti- IAS (KT) Alti- IAS (KT)
tude tude
160 180 210 220 240 250 260 160 180 210 220 240 250 260
(ft) (ft)
2000 169 190 31000 425
3000 172 193 32000 432
4000 174 196 229 239 34000 446
5000 177 199 232 243 NOTE 1: Speeds rounded to nearest of 1KT.
6000 202 236 247
NOTE 2: On a Standard Day, the Mach Number
8000 243 255 equivalent to 250KT (IAS) is:
10000 251 263 287 299
12000 259 272 296 309 FL240 - 0.60,
14000 268 281 306 319 FL250 - 0.61,
15000 308 321 FL260 - 0.62,
17000 322 335
FL270 - 0.64,
20000 338 353
FL280 - 0.65,
21000 349
24000 366 FL290 - 0.66.
25000 372
26000 377
28000 391
30000 418
– TRANSFER TO MUMBAI Oceanic Control ON All west bound flights on L301/L301A, N571 and
DATA LINK (position) P574 must report position at NOBAT, SUGID and
MONITOR (HF Primary/secondary (Frequen- BISET respectively to Mumbai Radio in addition to
cies)) Mumbai Area Control.
Pilots should then down-link a CPDLC POSITION ADS/CPDLC WITHIN DELHI FIR
REPORT ADS/CPDLC System is available within Delhi FIR
CPDLC Termination on segments of ATS routes A466, A589, G333,
For aircraft inbound to Chennai/Mumbai/Kolkata Ter- G452, L333, L509, M875, M890, P628, W30, W31,
minal Control Area (TMA), pilot should disconnect W34, W36, W39. The service is available to all
CPDLC after positive VHF voice communication is aircraft suitably equipped with data link capability.
established with Chennai/Kolkata ACC. The ADS/CPDLC service will not affect the current
procedure for non data link capable aircraft operating
For aircraft exiting Chennai FIR, Next Data Authority within Delhi FIR. The data link capable aircraft while
(NAD) will be notified via CPDLC 30 minutes prior operating in Delhi FIR shall follow procedures as
to crossing FIR boundary. Transfer of communication given below:
shall be completed at the FIR boundary. a. Data link and ADS capability shall be indicated
For aircraft exiting Chennai FIR, Next Data Authority in the FPL by indicating appropriate designators
(NAD) will be notified via CPDLC 20 minutes prior in item 10 and 18;
to crossing FIR boundary. Transfer of communication b. The logon address of Delhi is VIDF;
shall be completed at the FIR boundary. c. The arriving aircraft shall logon 20 minutes prior
In case the next FIR does not have datalink services, to entering Delhi FIR and in case flying time to
CPDLC connections will be terminated at the FIR Delhi FIR is less than 20 minutes, immediately
boundary position. after departure;
The CONTACT (unit name) (frequency) message and d. Aircraft departing from aerodromes within Delhi
the END SERVICE message will be sent as sepa- FIR shall logon immediately after departure;
rate messages. The END SERVICE message will be e. Aircraft departing/transiting from/within Delhi
send as soon as possible after receipt of the WILCO FIR shall logon next data authority 15 minutes
response to the CONTACT message. prior to leaving the Delhi TMA limits;
ADS Procedures f. Position reporting requirement to communicate
with ATC units on VHF/HF remain unchanged;
ADS Periodic contacts will be established automati-
cally on receipt of a LOGON. The periodic reporting g. SELCAL checking is required to verify the HFRT
rate is 27 minutes. connectivity;
h. Pilots unable to establish Data link connection
Aircraft logged on to ADS need not give position shall inform appropriate ATS unit through voice
report on CPDLC HF/VHF outside TMA except at the communication on VHF.
boundary points.
ADS contracts will be manually terminated by ATC at
the FIR boundary. ADS/CPDLC System is available within Mumbai
FIR on segments of ATS routes N519, L301, L505,
Datalink Failure L516, N571, P574, N563, M300, P570, L894, P751,
Pilots recognizing a failure of a CPDLC connection UL425, UM551, P323, G450, G424, B459, T940,
must immediately establish communications on the A474, G465, N628, R461, L875, L756 over Arabian
appropriate voice frequency. When voice communi- sea Oceanic airspace. The service is available to all
cations have been established, voice must continue aircraft suitably equipped with data link capability.
to be used as the primary medium until a CPDLC con- The ADS/CPDLC service will not affect the current
nection has been re-established and the controller procedure for non data link capable aircraft operating
has authorized the return to datalink. within Mumbai FIR. The data link capable aircraft
while operating in Mumbai FIR shall follow proce-
In the event of an expected CPDLC shutdown, the
dures as given below:
controller will immediately advise all data link con-
nected aircraft of the failure by voice. Instructions will a. Data link and ADS capability shall be indicated
continue to be issued by voice until the return of the in the FPL by indicating appropriate designators
datalink system. The return of the system to an oper- in item 10 and 18;
ational state will require a new AFN LOGON from the b. The logon address of Mumbai FIR is VABF;
affected aircraft. c. The arriving aircraft shall logon 10 minutes prior
Flight planning/Position report to entering Mumbai FIR;
For ADS/CPDLC in Kolkata FIR, all messages to be d. Aircraft departing/transiting from/within Mumbai
addressed to VECFZQZX, VECCZPZX, VECCZRZX FIR shall login within 15 minutes prior to leaving
and should include SSR code assigned. the Mumbai TMA limits;
e. When operating in Mumbai OCC (Outside Mum-
bai TMA) CPDLC will be the primary means of
communication and VHF/HF will be secondary
means of communication for the aircraft suc-
cessfully logged on to ADS/CPDLC. When oper- N571, N877, N895, P323, P570, P574, P628, P646,
ating inside Mumbai TMA VHF shall be the pri- P762, R325, R458, R461, R472, R594, UL425, W92,
mary means of communication for the aircraft; W93, W103, W122N/S, W123, W124.
f. During the period when aircraft is logged on to Minimum 50NM longitudinal separation applicable
ADS/CPDLC, voice PSN REP will be to supple- based on Mach Number Technique:
ment CPDLC PSN REP only when requested by
ATC; Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11.
g. SELCAL checking is required to verify the HFRT Minimum 10 minutes longitudinal separation applica-
connectivity; ble:
h. Voice positioning shall be resumed in case A325, A462, A791, B345, G208, G333, G335,
of ADS/CPDLC link failure. Pilots unable to G336, G348, G451, G452, G590, G59, R325, R344,
establish Data link connection shall inform R457, R458, R460, R581, R598, W13N/S, W15N/S,
appropriate ATS unit through voice commu- W17N/S, W18, W19, W20N/S, W25, W26, W27,
nication on VHF 132.7, 125.35MHz, or HF W28, W29, W38, W41, W42N/S, W43N/S, W44,
10018/13288/10084/5658/5601/3467/6661/ W46, W47N/S, W49, W57N/S, W70, W71N/S, W72,
4675/8879/3476/2872KHz. W81, W88, W91, W93, W96, W98, W101E/W, W103,
DATALINK SERVICES W104, W114, W115, W116, W117, W118N/S, W119,
W121, W218.
Provision of Air Traffic Services, through datalink, is
implemented in the following functional areas: ATC will apply 50NM longitudinal separation min-
a. Departure Clearance (DCL) services at Mum- ima between suitably equipped aircraft which are
bai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and approved for RNP10 operations on those segments
Hyderabad; of the routes which fall within the Chennai, Mumbai
b. D-ATIS messages from airports to be notified
through NOTAM; – N571, IGOGU to PARAR W-bound, PARAR to
IDASO E-bound;
c. D-VOLMET messages from Mumbai and
Kolkata airport. – P762, DUGOS to LULDA;
Airlines that intend to use the DCL service at Indian – L301, RINDA to RASKI;
airports are requested to send the following informa- – L507, TEBOV to CEA;
tion: – L509, GGC to ASARI;
– ACARS on-board equipment (Equipment manu- – L510, EMRAN to IBANI;
facturer, type, and part number) and appropriate – L759, MIPAK to DPN;
aircraft type(s);
– M300, ATETA to LOTAV;
– ICAO and IATA designators for aircraft operating
agencies. – M770, MEPEL to JJS;
Contact address: – N563, MEMAK to REXOD;
– N877, LAGOG to PRA;
Executive Director (ATM)
E-Mail: – N895, SAGOD to PARTY;
– P570, BASUR to KITAL;
– P574, NOPEK to TOTOX;
A longitudinal separation minimum of 15 (fifteen) min-
– P628, IGREX to VIKIT;
utes shall be applicable between the aircraft flying on
same track, at the same level, climbing or descending – P646, IBITA to BBN.
through the level of another aircraft, flying in the same REQUIRED NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE
direction unless otherwise specified in the remarks
column of relevant ATS route. RNAV5 Routes
Unless otherwise specified longitudinal separation – Q1, BBB to DPN;
minimum based on time for aircraft flying on crossing – Q2, DPN to BBB;
tracks whether at the same cruising level or climb- – Q3, AAE to JJP;
ing/descending through the level of another aircraft – Q4, ADBUK to AAE;
shall be 15 (fifteen) minutes if the tracks are not
crossing over navigational aids. – Q5, NIKOT to UUD;
– Q6, QQZ to EGUGU;
The Mach Number Technique (MNT) with 10 min-
utes or 80NM longitudinal separation between air- – Q7, AGRIX to QQZ;
craft may be applied to aircraft meeting RNAV criteria – Q8, MMV to BBB;
on the same track whether in flight level, climbing or – Q9, BBB to MMV;
descending on the following routes: – Q10, MMV to CEA;
A201, A347, A465, A466, A474, A589, A599, B465, – Q11, CEA to MMV;
B593, G210, G336, G463, G472, L301, L333, L507, – Q12, TVM to BBB;
L645, L759, M300, M638, M770, M890, N519, N563,
– Q13, BBB to TVM.
Flight Planning or
– UPRs must be constructed via published way- Watch Supervisory Officer (WSO), Mumbai
points, navigation aids, or positions designated Tel: +91 22 26828088
by latitudes and longitudes; Fax: +91 22 26828066
– if the UPR is intersecting any ATS route within E-Mail:
Mumbai/Chennai UPR zone the intersecting point
Specific requirements within the Chennai
shall be mentioned in the route column of flight
and Mumbai FIRs
plan as a position designated by latitude and lon-
gitude; Within the Chennai and Mumbai FIRs the following
flight planning requirements apply:
– time interval between waypoints shall not exceed
30 minutes; – Prior permission required at least seven days in
advance for flight operators to fly UPR in Chen-
– UPRs may include ATS routes.
nai/Mumbai FIR. Permission may be requested for
Access to UPR whole or part of Summer/Winter schedule for par-
Airspace users may only file a flight plan user pre- ticular flight/s.
ferred route in the UPR Geographic Zone if they meet
the following minimum criteria:
– RNAV10; and
The minimum criteria listed above must be notified ANNEX 2
in the Flight Plan. The flight shall log on to Chen- Flight plans are required for all flights.
VABF as appropriate, prior to entering UPR zone. 4.4a VFR flights shall not be operated above
The transition from a conventional ATS route to User
Preferred Route or vice versa at the northern bound-
ary of Chennai UPR zone shall take place at any of
the waypoints on ATS routes P570. At the northern
boundary of Mumbai UPR zone the transition from a
conventional ATS route to User Preferred Route or
vice versa shall take place at any of the waypoints
south of METIP on ATS routes P570 or G450.
In case the UPR is not entering or exiting Chen-
nai/Mumbai FIR over a waypoint on the eastern/west-
ern or southern boundary of Chennai/Mumbai UPR
zone the coordinates of the point at which the UPR
is entering or exiting Chennai/Mumbai FIR shall be
mentioned in the route field of the flight plan, except
that entry/exit at Mumbai/Male and Chennai/Male
FIR boundaries shall be via waypoints LATIK, ELKEL,
Questions and assistance should be directed to
General Manager (ATM)
Airports Authority of India
Chennai International Airport, Chennai
Fax: +91 44 22561740
Watch Supervisory Officer (WSO), Chennai
Tel: +91 44 22560894
Fax: +91 44 22561365
General Manager (ATM)
Airports Authority of India
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai
Fax: +91 22 26828010