PHY 001 (Physics I) : Instructor: Dr. Mohamed Fouad Salem

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PHY 001 (Physics I)

Lecture 7

Instructor: Dr. Mohamed Fouad Salem

[email protected]
University Physics, 12th edition,
Young and Freedman

Lecture 7
Course Material Website

Lecture 7
Chapter 9

Rotation of Rigid Bodies

Lecture 7
9-4 Rotational Kinetic Energy
A set of masses mi uniformly rotating with angular velocity
ω about some fixed axis A possesses a kinetic energy
defined by
K= 1
2 ∑ m iv i =
2 1
2 ∑m r ω
2 2
i i
i i
where ri is the distance from the ith mass to the rotation
For such a set of mass, or for a continuous body, we
define the moment of inertia I about the specified axis A
I = ∑ mi ri 2

Then the rotational kinetic energy can be written as
1 2
K = Iω 2
Lecture 7
Moment of Inertia
The greater the moment of inertia of a rigid body, the more
difficult to make it rotate if it is at rest or to stop it if it started

Lecture 7
Moment of Inertia for different rotation axes
An engineer is designing a machine part consisting of three heavy
disks linked by lightweight struts as shown
(a) What it is the moment of inertia of this body about an axis
through the center of disk A, perpendicular to the plane of the
(b) What it is the moment of inertia about an axis through the
center of disks B and C?
(c) If the body rotates about
an axis through A as in (a)
with angular speed
ω = 4.0 rad/s, what it is
the kinetic energy?

Lecture 7
Moment of Inertia for different rotation axes
(Example solution)



Lecture 7
Moments of inertia of some common bodies

Lecture 7
Rotational Energy (Example 1)
• We wrap a light, nonstretching cable around a solid
cylinder of mass 50 kg and diameter 0.120 m, which
rotates in frictionless bearings about a stationary
axis. We pull the free end of the cable with a
constant 9.0 N force for a distance of 2.0 m; it turns
the cylinder as it unwinds without slipping. The
cylinder is initially at rest.
Find its final angular
speed and the final
speed of the cable.

Lecture 7
Rotational Energy (Example 1 solution)
The work done on the cylinder is:

The moment of inertia is:

Conservation of energy

Lecture 7
Rotational Energy (Example 1 solution continuation)

The final tangential speed of the cylinder, and hence

the final speed of the cable is:

Lecture 7
Rotational Energy (Example 2)
We wrap a light, nonstretching cable around a solid cylinder with
mass M and radius R. The cylinder rotates with negligible friction
about a stationary horizontal axis. We tie the free end of the cable
to a block of mass m and release the block from rest at a distance
h above the floor. As the block falls,
the cable unwinds without stretching
or slipping. Find expressions
for the speed of the falling block
and the angular speed of the
cylinder as the block strikes
the floor.

Lecture 7
Rotational Energy (Example 2 solution)

Lecture 7
Rotational Energy (Example 2 solution continuation)

Solving for the linear velocity gives:

Lecture 7
Gravitational potential energy of an
extended body
• In the previous example if the cable were to
have considerable mass not negligible as
assumed, we need to calculate gravitational
potential energy for it.
• The gravitational potential energy of an
extended body is the same as if all the mass
were concentrated at its center of mass:
Ugrav = Mgycm
• Where ycm is the y-coordinate of the center
of mass.
Lecture 7
The parallel-axis theorem
Given two parallel axes (lines), one
passing through an object’s center
of mass and the other displaced by
a distance d, the object’s moment
of inertia about the displaced axis
is given by

where M is the object’s mass and

Icm is the moment of inertia
measured about the axis that
passes through the object’s center
of mass.
Lecture 7
Calculation of Moment of Inertia for
Complex Object
1. To find I for a complex object, split it into
simple geometrical shapes that can be found in
Table 9.2

2. Use Table 9.2 to get ICM for each part about the
axis parallel to the axis of rotation and going
through the center-of-mass

3. If needed use parallel-axis theorem to get I for

each part about the axis of rotation

4. Add up moments of inertia of all parts

Lecture 7
The parallel-axis theorem (Example)
A part of mechanical linkage is shown has a mass
of 3.6 Kg. We measure its moment of inertia about
an axis 0.15 m from the center of mass to be Ip =
0.132 Kg. m2. What it is the moment of inertia Icm
about a parallel axis through the center of the mass?

Lecture 7
Calculations of Moment of Inertia
For a rigid body with a total mass M, divide the body into very
small elements of mass dm and assume that each element has a
distance r from the axis of rotation, then the moment of inertia is

but the density of mass is


For a constant density of mass

Finally, we need to express the volume element dv in terms of the

differentials of integration variables, then we integrate to get I
Lecture 7
Calculations of Moment of Inertia (Example 1)
The figure shows a slender uniform rod with mass
M and length L. Compute its moment of inertia
about an axis through O, at any arbitrary distance
h from the end.

Lecture 7
Calculations of Moment of Inertia
(Example 1 Solution)



h = L/2

Lecture 7
Calculations of Moment of Inertia (Example 2)
The figure shows a hollow, uniform cylinder with length L,
inner radius R1, and outer radius R2. Find the moment of
inertia about the axis of symmetry of the cylinder.

Lecture 7
Calculations of Moment of Inertia
(Example 2 Solution)

But the total volume of the cylinder is given by

Hence, the total mass is

The moment of inertia of the hollow cylinder

For a solid cylinder R1 = 0, then I is

Lecture 7
Next Time

• Chapter 10

Lecture 7
Assignment # 5
• Section 9-5
54 and 57

• Section 9-6
60, 61 and 62

Lecture 7

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