Ce-221 Solid Mechanics End-Sem Exam 07/11/16 Paper Code: D

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End-Sem Exam 07/11/16 PAPER CODE: D
Note: Write your name & roll no. on answerbook and on summary-answer-sheet provided with the question paper.
You must submit the summary-answer-sheet along with the answerbook.
Closed book, closed notes exam. No formula sheet allowed. No mobile phones allowed in the exam hall.
All questions carry equal marks. Assume suitable data if required and state the same clearly.
Use formulae from provided table, if applicable.

Problem 1
A hollow circular steel tube A fits over the end of a solid circular steel rod B as shown in
Fig. 1. The far ends of the tube and the rod are fixed. A hole through rod B makes an angle
radians with a line through two holes in tube A as shown. Rod B is twisted until
the holes in tube A and rod B are aligned and then a pin is placed through the holes and the
system is left to deform. Determine the final angles of twist of the tube A and the rod B.
For tube A and rod B use data: polar moment of inertia Ja = 5 x 10-4 m4 , Jb = 2.5 x 10-4 m;
lengths La = 2000 mm, Lb = 1500 mm.

Fig. 1

Problem 2
The cross-section of a perfectly bonded composite beam is made up of aluminum and steel
as shown in Fig.2. Young’s modulus of aluminum and steel are 35 GPa and 70 GPa
respectively. Calculate the maximum tensile bending stresses in steel and aluminum.

Fig. 2
Problem 3
The composite beam shown in Fig. 3 is made by welding C200 x 17.1 rolled steel channels
(C-sections) to the flanges of a W 250 x 80 wide-flange rolled-steel I-section. The beam is
subjected to a vertical shear of 200 kN. Determine (a) the horizontal shear force per
meter at each weld, (b) the horizontal shearing stress at point a on the flange of the
wide-flange section.

Section d bf tf tw Area x IXX IYY

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm2) (mm) (x10 mm ) (x106 mm4)
6 4

C 200 x 17.1 203 57.4 9.91 5.59 2170 14.5 13.5 0.545
W 250 X 80 257 254 15.6 9.40 10200 - 126.0 42.9
Fig. 3

Problem 4
A semicircular bar AB lying in a horizontal plane is supported at B as shown in Fig. 4.
Thus the self-weight of the bar acts into the plane of the paper. The bar has centerline
radius R = 500 mm and self-weight q = 40 N/m. The cross-section of the bar is circular
with diameter d = 25 mm. Determine the maximum tensile stress t , the maximum
compressive stress c , and the maximum shear stress max at point P lying on the top of
the bar at the support as shown in the cross-section figure. Also show the original stress
element (block), the principal stress element and the maximum shear stress element,
with proper relative orientations. The center of gravity of the bar is at point C at a
distance c = 2R/

Fig. 4
Problem 5
Two cantilever beams are interconnected by a linear spring having a spring constant
K=9x105 N/m as shown in Fig. 5. Determine the force in the spring due to an applied load
of P = 45,000 N. Moment of inertia is I = 1.4 x 10-4 m4 , length is L = 3m, modulus of
elasticity is E = 2x1011 Pa, for each beam.

Fig. 5

Problem 6
Determine the characteristic equation whose solution gives the critical buckling load for
the system shown in Fig.6. Bar AB is flexible with constant EI and bar BC is rigid. You do
not have to solve the characteristic equation. Use L=2a.
(Note that the characteristic equation is the transcendental algebraic-trignometric equation
which is obtained as the condition for a non-trivial (non-zero) solution of the second order
differential equation of moment equilibrium).

Fig. 6



Roll no:

Problem 1

A =

B =

Problem 2

Max bending tensile stress in steel =

Max bending tensile stress in aluminum =

Problem 3

(a) Horizontal shear force per meter at each weld =

(b) Horizontal shear stress at point a =

Problem 4

t =

c =

max =

Problem 5

Spring force =

Problem 6

Characteristic equation is:

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