English As A Dominant Language

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international higher education

2 international issues

The Imperial Tongue: and wealth matter a great deal in determining the academic
pecking order. The United States alone spends almost half the
English as the Dominating world's R&D funds and is home to a large proportion of the top
universities on the world's increasingly influential league
Academic Language tables. The English-speaking academic systems host more
than half the world's international students. Many of these
graduates return to their home countries with a zeal for
English and for the foreign universities at which they obtained
Philip G. Altbach
their degrees. The main scientific and scholarly journals are
published in English because their editors and most of their
Philip G. Altbach is Monan professor of higher education and director of contributors are professors at universities in the English-
the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College. speaking countries. Similarly, the large majority of the world's
academic Web sites and scientific networks function in
he English language dominates science, scholarship, and English is the world's most widely studied second language.
T instruction as never before. While it is unlikely that
English will achieve the status that Latin had as the sole lan-
This gives English a significant advantage in many non-
English-speaking countries simply because of the number of
guage of teaching and scholarship at the 13th-century universi- speakers and the fact that English is by far the most widely dis-
ties in Europe, the Latin analogy has some relevance today. tributed language. There are, for example, more students
Back then, Latin not only permitted the internationalization of studying English in China than are studying English in the
universities but allowed the Roman Catholic Church to domi- United States and more speakers of English in India than in
nate intellectual and academic life. It was only the Protestant Britain. Further, English has an official governmentally recog-
Reformation led by Martin Luther, combined with a growing nized status in more than 70 countries. Colonialism provided
sense of national identity, that challenged and then displaced stimulus for the spread of English (as well as other European
Latin with national languages. As late as the 1930s, German languages) as early as the 18th century—to North America,
was a widely used international scientific language. Until the South Asia, and the Caribbean—and later to Africa, other parts
mid-20th century, most countries used their national lan- of Asia, Australasia, and the South Pacific. Today, no African
guages for university teaching and for science and scholarship. university offers instruction in any indigenous African lan-
French, German, Russian, and Spanish were, and to some guage, and academic and intellectual life takes place in
extent still are, used for academic and scientific publications English, French, Portuguese, Arabic, and Afrikaans.
and have some regional sway. Scholarly communities in
Japanese, Chinese, Swedish, and many other languages con-
tinue to exist as well. English was the closest thing to an inter-
national language, with several major academic systems using Until the mid-20th century, most countries used
it—the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and their national languages for university teaching and
most of Canada. In addition, the emerging academic systems for science and scholarship.
of the former British Empire—especially India, Pakistan,
South Africa, and Nigeria—have traditionally used English as
the main teaching and publishing language. But English did Evidence of English Hegemony
not dominate scholarly communication until the 1950s, and The international role of English and its growing role in aca-
national academic communities seemed in general committed demic life worldwide have many implications. The power of
to national languages. English-language scientific and scholarly journals means that
English now serves unchallenged as the main international the research paradigms and scholarly interests of the journal
academic language. Indeed, national academic systems enthu- editors, editorial board members, and indeed the majority of
siastically welcome English as a contributor to internationaliz- readers control journals and to a large extent research agendas
ing, competing, and becoming “world class.” But the domina- and methodologies in most disciplines. Scholars in other parts
tion by English moves world science toward hegemony led by of the world must conform to the interests of the prestigious
the main English-speaking academic systems and creates diffi- journals if they wish their work to be published in them. While
culties for scholars and universities that do not use English. the Internet is more open, the interests of the major contribu-
tors and users tend to dominate, and the English language is
Origins of English Hegemony most widely used. International scientific meetings increasing-
It is not hard to see why English is the dominant academic and ly use English as the only official language.
scientific language. The nations using English, particularly the The curriculum is increasingly dominated by the major
United States, have become the academic superpowers. Size English-speaking countries, and in a globalized world this
international higher education
international issues 3

means that curricular developments are expressed in English uses English as the medium of instruction. The United States,
and increasingly come from the United States and a few other Australia, and the United Kingdom have been most active in
countries. The international proliferation of the master of busi- establishing branch campuses, and it is not surprising that
ness administration degree (MBA) is a good example of how English is the medium of instruction. Non-English-speaking
academic programs spread. The MBA degree was developed in countries often use English as well. Dutch and German branch
the United States to serve the needs of American business and overseas campuses often offer their programs in English.
became the standard qualification required by senior execu- There are at least 100 branch campuses, mainly sponsored by
tives. In the past two decades, English has become recognized universities in the North and operating in the South. The
as a key qualification for management in other countries, com- branch campus movement exports both language and curricu-
pelled both by the growing influence of multinational corpora- lum, introducing new ideas into host countries and perhaps
tions and by the power of American universities. US universi- displacing national models.
ties now offer MBA degrees in many parts of the world, and Most observers see the impact of English in higher educa-
tion worldwide as a positive trend—contributing to globaliza-
tion and enhancing an international academic culture. A glob-
The impact of English in most cases increases the
al academic environment needs a common medium of com-
influence of the major English-speaking academic munication, and English is the only possible language. While
systems. English brings new ideas to sometimes moribund academic
institutions worldwide, there are significant downsides to the
new hegemony of English.
non-US universities have established their own MBA pro-
grams, often using English and a largely US curriculum. This Downsides
development shows the power both of the English language The impact of English increases the influence of the major
and of American higher education practices and ideas. English-speaking academic systems, particularly of the United
The academic journals and books published in English and States and the United Kingdom. These countries have many of
edited from the United States and the United Kingdom the world's leading universities, produce a high proportion of
increasingly dominate world scholarship. These publications scientific discoveries and scholarship, and form the centers of
are almost the only ones internationally circulated. They are scientific communication. The norms, values, methodologies,
the most prestigious journals, and academics worldwide com- and orientations of the academic communities of these centers
pete to publish in them. They are listed in the Science Citation tend to dominate the rest of the world—the peripheries.
Index and its sister indexes. While SCI was not developed to What happens to national scientific communities in an
rank journals or to measure the scholarly productivity of indi- English-dominated global environment? There has always
vidual academics or institutions but rather to trace how scien- been a tension between the local and the global in science and
tific ideas become influential and are communicated, it has
become a de facto ranking. Universities worldwide want their Academic rewards of all kinds accrue to those using
professors to publish in these listed journals and reward those
English and participating in global scientific net-
who do. For example, Norwegian academics who publish in
English and in recognized journals are paid fees for their works.
accomplishments, while their colleagues who publish in
Norwegian are paid less or not at all. In Korea, great pressures
are placed on academics to publish in recognized internation- scholarship—since knowledge is by its nature international.
al journals in English. Publication in English and in interna- The use of national languages and the existence of national
tionally recognized journals and by prestigious international journals and publishers are called into question by policymak-
publishers counts more than publishing elsewhere. ers and academic administrators worldwide. Knowledge is
Academic programs offered in English have become wide- ranked according to whether it is recognized by the interna-
spread in many non-English-speaking countries. Universities tional academic community or not. If not, even though a
in Europe, Asia, and Latin America are offering degree pro- domestic publication may be highly relevant to national needs,
grams in English alongside instruction in national languages. it is considered even within a country as being less prestigious,
A small number of new private universities operating solely in and this may have implications for a scholar's academic career
English have also been established, sometimes calling them- or salary. Ambitious academics will naturally seek to publish in
selves the American University of . . . to take advantage of the international publications to advance their impact and careers.
prestige and popularity of English. In some cases, these uni- Topics such as local history or research on local health prob-
versities seek accreditation in the United States, and for a few lems may be ignored to gain recognition internationally.
such institutions accreditation has been granted. Some time ago, the Dutch minister of education proposed
The worldwide branch campus movement for the most part that universities in the Netherlands shift the language of
international higher education
4 international issues

instruction from Dutch to English so that Holland could boost The argument here is that the international network is both
its attraction for international students and integrate more inevitable and largely positive but that national and local scien-
fully into the global scholarly community. The Dutch tific communities and higher education systems must be pro-
Parliament debated the issue and decided not to shift the lan- tected. These communities deserve both respect and support
guage—arguing that the Netherlands would lose its distinctive because they bring a valuable perspective and diversity to sci-
culture if the Dutch language was no longer used for intellec- ence and scholarship. Internationalization may be positive but
tual and academic life. This argument is relevant elsewhere. If with homogenization we lose a concern for local and regional
the knowledge that is most valued is aimed at the internation- issues as well as ideas that may not be in the international
al academic world and is communicated in English, there will mainstream. An entirely open market will weaken these com-
be negative implications for national scientific and intellectual munities, just as the major world languages today are snuffing
systems. out small and weak languages. Science and scholarship in
In many countries, academic rewards of all kinds accrue to national languages deserve support. The evaluation of academ-
those using English and participating in global scientific net- ic merit should not depend solely on the rankings of the SCI or
works. These scholars are typically invited to international con- other exogenous agencies—and thus left to the judgment of
ferences, awarded research funds by both international and foreigners. While local evaluation may not be easy, it is neces-
national funders, and are generally seen as leaders of their sci- sary. An appropriate mix between local and international pub-
entific communities. Universities and governments often use lication will help nurture an active research community.
the SCI and related systems to judge the impact and value of The essential necessity is an understanding of the impor-
their academics and universities. SCI becomes a kind of proxy tance of national scientific and intellectual communities.
for quality and productivity. Similarly, the international rank- Creating a balance between the local and the global may not be
ing systems use such measures. However, again, this offers easy but intellectual independence depends on it.
privileges those who produce their work in English and intend
to reach an international audience.
These factors will tend to orient researchers and scholars to
themes that they feel will appeal to an international audience,
often at the expense of essential but more parochial themes
that might be of interest only to local or national audiences. The Global Higher Education
Further, the methodologies chosen for research will follow
those popular internationally, whether these methods are rele- Race
vant to the specific topic being researched. John Aubrey Douglass
The current debate concerning the General Agreement on
Trade in Services (GATS) as part of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) has direct implications for this discus- John Aubrey Douglass is senior research fellow at the Center for Studies in
sion. GATS will force academic systems worldwide to be more Higher Education at the University of California, Berkeley. Address: Center
open to foreign influences. Should GATS be widely imple- for Studies in Higher Education, South Hall Annex, University of
mented, this will inevitably mean the English-language institu- California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4650, USA. E-mail:
tions and programs will further entrench themselves world- [email protected].
These factors lead to homogenizing knowledge worldwide.
Not only is English the dominant language, but its relationship he United States pioneered the idea of mass higher educa-
with the controlling trends in international science and schol-
arship is a powerful combination of forces contributing to
T tion, reaping tremendous economic and social advantages.
Now much of the world has embraced this model on its own
decreasing diversity of themes and methodologies. political and cultural terms. The higher education race is driv-
en by the idea that education will increasingly play a decisive
What Can Be Done? role in national economic competitiveness and socioeconomic
If globalization determines the direction of the world economy, mobility. As a result, higher education has become a major
science, and other factors, then the growth of English as the global growth sector. Despite significant differences among
global language of science and scholarship is inevitable for the nations and regions in the structure and culture of their aca-
foreseeable future. Science indeed is increasingly internation- demic enterprises, certain similarities in policy approaches
al, and the global mobility of students and professors is a long- and trajectories are creating, in turn, dramatic enrollment and
term reality. There is an international knowledge network that program growth.
involves not only science and scholarship but increasingly peo- Yet in the midst of this global trend, America has entered a
ple. This network operates mainly in English and is dominat- period of stagnant higher education access and graduation
ed by the main English-speaking academic systems. rates. This downturn is perhaps not fully understood through-

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