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Six Sigma Case Studies - Vytra Call Center

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Six Sigma Case Study - Vytra

Call Center
Vytra Call Center reduced costs by 12% and improved customer
service within 90 days of implementing AIM-Activity Information

Vytra Inc. is a New York HMO with 250,000 customers and 30

basic product lines. They have used Six Sigma since 1997. "Six
sigma is a philosophy of doing business with a focus on eliminating
defects through fundamental process knowledge. Six sigma methods
integrate principles of business, statistics and engineering to achieve
tangible results".

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Six Sigma Case Studies - Vytra Call Center

James Karagiorgis, Chief Transformation Officer for Vytra, is Choose from many
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responsible for determining the changes that are needed and leading programs at
Vytra's teams to achieve change results. Jim is a Six Sigma Master HiTekMall. Free and no-
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Kerry Edwards is Director of Member Services and responsible for Do you provide IT/
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any interaction with members - including inbound calls, services or
correspondence and maintaining strong customer relationships. She products? Submit
is the Six Sigma Project Leader for member loyalty and a Six Sigma your whitepapers for
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20,000 plus registered
How the Improvement Project Started Jim Karagiorgis: "One of the
biggest obstacles to implementing Six Sigma is determining the cost
of quality, especially when you're trying to determine the costs
resulting from not doing something correctly and then re-doing it."

"This is critical to Vytra, because we are a 'customer- intimate'

company, providing value-added services rather than being the
lowest-cost provider." According to Jim, "Vytra must provide
excellent service to keep our customers. We have to balance adding
value to customers' experiences with the Six Sigma philosophy of
not increasing costs. Under that system, every cost improvement
must generate more than enough savings to justify the initial

Jim's focus was the "voice of the customer" â“ call center handling
of customer inquiries and problems. "Some of the issues that made
cost and quality calculations impossible were the result of multiple
variations of plans issued under Vytra's basic lines of business.
While Vytra has about 30 basic lines, its hundreds of employer
clients have created literally hundreds of variations of health benefit
programs. The total number of different combinations and
permutations is staggering."

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