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DAY 01 (A) assembler (B) assemble

1. To be instrumental in doing something: là (C) assembly (D) assembler
(một phần) nguyên nhân của. 5. To be dedicated to doing something = to be
Eg: Ms. Lanes, one of our company’s most committed to doing something: tận tụy làm việc
skilled negotiators, was instrumental in gì.
closing the deal with Shane Entertainment. Eg: The former soldiers set up an
Question 1: The president was ______ in organization dedicated exclusively to
developing the new online payment system providing job placement to other war
to allow customers to purchase the items veterans like themselves.
they need more conveniently. Question 5: The Richland Chamber of
(A) instrumental (B) responsible Commerce is _______ to assisting local
(C) contingent (D) available residents in launching their own businesses.
2. Award/ win/ reach/ sign a/ the contract: trao/ (A) concerned (B) dedicated
giành được/ đạt được/ kí hợp đồng. (C) possible (D) applicable
Eg: Before awarding a contract, The Kim 6. Provided (that)/ providing (that)+ clause = As/
Corporation requests that its subcontract so long as: miễn là.
-ors submit a written estimate of the cost. Eg: The staff at the hotel were very
Question 2: The Cisco Systems has been welcoming, providing each traveler with a
______ a contract by Rothem Industries for a glass of champagne upon arrival.
project to improve productivity of their Question 6: Mr. Howard agreed to postpone
corporate electronoc reimbursement system. the long exam he had planned to give the
(A) awarded (B) approved students,_______ they submit their book
(C) accepted (D) acknowledged reports by the end of the week.
3. Have yet to do something: vẫn chưa làm/ đạt (A) although (B) until
được việc gì. (C) provided (D) while
Eg: In spite of all their efforts and repeated 7. Contingency/ alternative plan (nph): kế hoạch
negotiations, the opposing parties have yet dự phòng.
to reach a settlement. Eg: Manging project risks and developing
Question 3: Although the deadline of contingency plans to keep project on track
payment for taxes is next week, many are critical competencies for today’s project
companies and individuals have ______ to managers.
file income tax returns with the Bureau of Question 7: Atlanta North America, a
Internal Revenue. multinational company based in Mexico, has
(A) how (B) yet developed a ______ plan to ensure that its
(C) later (D) then operations will not be affected by possible
4. Assembly line (nph): dây chuyền lắp ráp. strikes by workers.
Eg: The request of pay raise for assembly line (A) contingency (B) preferable
workers will be subject to approval from the (C) descriptive (D) prevalent
chief executive officer. 8. In order to = so as to + V: để (mục đích).
Question 4: The new insurance plan pertains → in order for somebody to do something.
only to those working at the ______ line of
our London factory.
Eg: In order to receive a refund for faulty was now mandatory to deposit additional
products, you have to turn in an original compensation in a time deposit account.
receipt and a completed complaint form. Question 12: Customers can lengthen the life
Question 8: _______ your application to be of the appliance by maintaining it ______ the
reviewed, all applicants should include their guidelines set out in the operating manual.
full name in it. (A) apart from (B) subsequent to
(A) In order for (B) In order to (C) for the sake of (D) in accordance with
(C) Since (D) Although 13. Comply with = adhere to = abide by = conform
9. In effort to do something = make an effort to to: tuân thủ theo.
doing something: nỗ lực làm việc gì. Eg: Establishing firm regulations that
Eg: In an effort to attract and maintain corporations must abide by creates an
clients, advertising and public relations environment where businesses compete on a
services agencies are diversifying their level playing field.
services. Question 13: Any products that fail to ______
Question 9: The team made a/an_______ to the exporter’s specifications are prohibited
effort to regain the lead they had built up in from being exported to that country.
the first half of the game, but it was to no (A) comply (B) conform
avail. (C) abide (D) observe
(A) considerate (B) startled 14. Consecutive(ly) (adj): liên tục, liên tiếp.
(C) admirable (D) unlimited Eg: Employees who have been with the
10. To be expected to do something: được kì company for over a year are permitted to
vọng sẽ làm việc gì. take up to five consecutive days of leave
Eg: Students at the university are expected to provided they request it one month in
turn off their phones while the lecture is advance.
taking place. Question 14: The company spokesperson said
Question 10: The city's mayor is ______ to that the company has reported a drop in net
attend this weekend's charity marathon. income for five _______ quarters.
(A) continued (B) involved (A) constant (B) following
(C) expected (D) presented (C) consecutive (D) immediate
11. Dispose of something: vứt bỏ, bán tài sản. 15. To be interested in doing something: có đam
Eg: If you have any used paper on the list, mê/ hứng thú về cái gì.
please dispose of it in the specially marked Eg: The online order form was badly
bins near the employee lounge. designed and resulted in shoppers
Question 11: Unable to pay its substantial mistakenly choosing a product they were not
debts, the solar panel manufacturer was interested in purchasing.
declared bankrupt by the court and given six Question 15: ____ interested in participating
months to dispose ________ its assets. in the Portland’s annual art festival is urged
(A) in (B) on to contact the events department at City Hall
(C) from (D) of (A) They (B) Those
12. In accordance with something: phù hợp với (C) Whoever (D) Anyone
cái gì. 16. Allow/ permit somebody to do something: cho
Eg: In accordance with a new law on phép ai làm việc gì.
severance pay, the director announced that it
Eg: Nobody except those with approval is 20. Take advantage of/ make the most of
allowed to use company phones to make something: tận dụng cái gì .
international calls. Eg: Take advantage of our reduced rates and
Question 16: Self-service cashiers will _____ get the special double issue for free by
customers to finish their shopping more subcribing to Woman’s World Weekly before
quickly. December 31.
(A) prevent (B) allow Question 20: Many housewives are expected
(C) instruct (D) afford to take _____ of this remarkable opportunity
17. Advise somebody to do something/ advise because this does not require previous
doing something → to be advised to do experience.
something: khuyên ai đó làm việc gì. (A) benefit (B) courage
Eg: Having returned from a long business (C) advantage (D) credit
trip Mr. Thompson was advised to rest 21. Now that = in that = because = since = as =
throughout the remainder of the week. seeing that = for + clause: bởi vì.
Question 17: Please ______ that a technician Eg: Easton Corporation is exceptional in that
will be fixing the firm’s computer system it provides full refunds to dissatisfied
tomorrow to recover the data lost following customers even without a sales receipt.
the recent viral infection in some units. Question 21: ________ that the insulation has
(A) advise (B) be advising been replaced, the building is much more
(C) advised (D) be advised energy-efficient.
18. In celebration of: nhằm kỉ niệm. (A) Now (B) For
Eg: In celebration of its thirtieth anniversary, (C) As (D) Though
Beaumont Department Store is hosting a 22. Notify somebody of something: thông báo
week of special events and activities starting cho ai về điều gì.
on May 9. Eg: I am writing to notify you of my interest
Question 18: Mark's Warehouse Clearance in attending the 14th Annual Conference of
Store is having a sale with savings of up to IT Professionals.
40 percent off on all clothing this weekend Question 22: The library staff posted signs to
_______ celebration of its 25th anniversary. _______ patrons of the upcoming closure for
(A) in (B) at renovation.
(C) on (D) of (A) notify (B) agree
19. Timely (adj): đúng giờ. (C) generate (D) perform
Eg: All passengers are asked to fill out a 23. In recognition of: ghi nhận.
declaration form beforehand in order to Eg: In recognition of your achievements, I
facilitate their passage through customs in a would like to offer you a one-time
timely manner. performance bonus of $85,000.
Question 19: The company will conduct its Question 23: This year’s award is presented to
monetary policy in a flexible and ______ Lima Nakashi in _____ of her outstanding
manner in the future, paying close attention dedication and leadership.
to financial market trends. (A) recognize (B) recognizable
(A) time (B) timing (C) recognizing (D) recognition
(C) timely (D) timed 24. Make a decision: quyết định làm việc gì.
Eg: In order to select the perfect person for select either a buffet or a sit-down dinner,
the job, Mr. Ellison is carefully reviewing all ______ the number of guests that are
applications and résumés before he makes a expected to attend.
decision. (A) depending on (B) certain that
Question 24: Decisions about pay raises are (C) resulting from (D) resulting in
typically ____ by the department supervisors 28. By + time: trước.
but sometimes the HR manager can decide in Eg: Unless the replacement parts are
certain cases. delivered by tomorrow, we will have more
(A) done (B) had complaints from retailers and customers.
(C) made (D) took Question 28: The head of sales department
25. To be capable of doing something: có khả asked Mr. Karawara to turn in his sales
năng làm gì. report _____ noon today so that he could set
Eg: The university will grant special the deadline.
consideration to students who can (A) up to (B) for
demonstrate that they are capable of keeping (C) till (D) by
up with the program's academic demands. 29. Above/ beyond/ exceed/ meet one’s
Question 25: According to new research on expectation: trên cả/ đáp ứng sự kì vọng.
global warming, the new restrictions on Eg: Mr. Kim's promotion to the sales director
greenhouse gas emissions are capable of came as no surprise since his sales have
_____ the rise in ocean levels by nearly five always been beyond our expectation.
percent. Question 29: The practicability of Mr. Frank's
(A) reduced (B) reducing inventions went far ______ expectations of
(C) reduce (D) reduces the sugar industry experts, so they decided
26. To be able to do something: có khả năng làm to concentrate such inventions on the whole
việc gì. sugar industry.
Eg: By subjecting its products to a series of (A) topped (B) beyond
tests before releasing them on the market, (C) overly (D) minus
the appliance manufacturer is able to 30. To be scheduled to do something: được lên
guarantee the quality of each one. kế hoạch/ thời gian biểu.
Question 26: The mechanic was able ______ Eg: City officials in Warsaw have already
the faulty wiring in the conference room. begun preparations in earnest a head of the
(A) repaired (B) repairing international conference for world leaders
(C) to repair (D) will repair that has been scheduled to take place there
27. Depend on/ upon – dependent on/ upon – next month.
dependable: phụ thuộc. Question 30: Our office security door is
Eg: Every applicant for the maintenance scheduled to _______ this week so all staff
technician position must be experienced in a members are required to return their security
variety of areas, such as car repair and cards to the front desk.
electrical wiring, and should have a (A) replace (B) replaced
dependable transportation and a valid (C) being replaced (D) be replaced
driver's license. TOEIC QUESTIONS
Question 27: At Grace Hotel, you can have a
wedding with up to 300 persons and you can
Question 31: Because of the unexpected (C) because (D) although
recession, shareholders can expect ______ Question 38: During the summer season, all
smaller than usual dividends next year. employees must ______ their department
(A) receive (B) receiving head of their vacation schedules at least two
(C) to receive (D) receipt weeks in advance.
Question 32: The National Symphony (A) notify (B) announce
Orchestra is expected _______ at Seoul City (C) forward (D) arrage
Music Hall. Question 39: _______ interested in coaching
(A) perform (B) will perform little league team may speak with the
(C) to perform (D) performing organizer at extension 213.
Question 33: Anyone ______ in applying for (A) Whoever (B) Anyone
this job opening should fill out this (C) They (D) One
application form, detach it, and send it back Question 40: ______ the weather permits, the
to us by April 30. annual company picnic will be held at a
(A) interest (B) interesting national park on Sunday, 9th.
(C) interested (D) to interest (A) Providing (B) Nevertheless
Question 34: All employees interested in (C) In view of (D) The fact that
finding out more about the coverage Question 41: It is strongly recommended that
provided by the new Insurance policy the government streamline banks and
should contact the Personnel Office _____ dispose _______ uncompetitive business.
April 30. (A) by (B) at
(A) of (B) by (C) of (D) on
(C) to (D) over Question 42: It is not ______ to smoke
Question 34: The tenor received widespread anywhere in this building, so you have to go
______ for his superb performance at the out if you want.
annual opera festival. (A) allowed (B) proved
(A) criticism (B) persuasion (C) invited (D) permitted
(C) deliberation (D) recognition Question 43: The reorganization of the
Question 35: It is common for trainees to find company is expected to be costly and leave it
themselves ______ on their instructors for heavily _______ on overseas financing.
information, but we encourage self-reliance. (A) depend (B) dependant
(A) depend (B) dependence (C) depends (D) dependable
(C) dependent (D) dependently Question 44: The won rate of exchange has
Question 36: A new packaging system is now fallen against the dollar for five ______
in place and we should be capable of _____ months, boosting the export economy.
goods several hours faster than before. (A) constant (B) following
(A) shipment (B) to ship (C) consecutive (D) next
(C) shipping (D) shipped Question 45: Sales representatives always
Question 37: Lear Industries has decided to need to be ______ of the effectiveness and
hire 50 new employees ______ they recently swiftness of their services to their customers,
signed a government contract worth an who will share their experiences.
estimated ten million dollars. (A) conscious (B) capable
(A) due to (B) owing to (C) committed (D) anxious
Question 46: Candidates for the position of Question 53: Additional funds are needed for
assistant manager must be ______ of one previously approved project ______
assuming a wide range of responsibility. complete the construction contract.
(A) capable (B) enclosed (A) in order to (B) in regard to
(C) selected (D) ready (C) in light to (D) because
Question 47: Astonsoft Ltd. is more Question 54: Contributions to our global
committed than ever ______ providing the education initiative will be instrumental
services that best serve the needs of our loyal ______ learning opportunities for individuals
customers. for over all the world.
(A) in (B) with (A) on establishing (B) at establishing
(C) for (D) to (C) of establishing (D) in establishing
Question 48: People who are good at telling Question 54: Once all of the conditions are
jokes and stories should make the ______ of discussed, the two clients will sign the _____
these abilities in business discussions. and settle the dispute.
(A) most (B) benefit (A) negotiation (B) contract
(C) count (D) advantage (C) dialogue (D) meeting
Question 49: Your application must be Question 54: The small firm has just ______
submitted to the administration department its first important design contract despite
______ the last of the month. competition from several larger and mote
(A) since (B) by well-established bidders.
(C) behind (D) until (A) achieved (B) scored
Question 50: A new government study shows (C) won (D) made
that agricultural exports have been going up Question 55: After carefully considering the
for twelve ______ years. bid packages from each vendor, we have
(A) consistent (B) alternating decided to __ the contract to Thomas Cullen.
(C) consecutive (D) consequent (A) acknowledge (B) accept
Question 51: Due to a sharp decline in (C) award (D) push
demand for our products, production will Question 56: Under the revised procedure,
have to be reduced ______ up to fifty percent efforts have been ______ by the government
over the next two months. to ensure that the emerging exporters have
(A) in (B) by adequate access to the credit facilities.
(C) for (D) with (A) taken (B) made
Question 52: According to company security (C) done (D) started
policy, all confidential paperwork for Question 57: Customers can lengthen the life
department must be delivered ______ hand. of appliance by maintaining it ______ the
(A) in (B) with guidelines set out in the operating manual.
(C) by (D) to (A) apart from (B) subsequent to
Question 53: Although the two law firms (C) for the sake of (D) in accordance to
have confirmed that the merger will take Question 58: Intense competition in the
place later this year, they have ______ to market has led us to launch various
announce the specific date. initiatives to reduce costs in an _______ to
(A) that (B) yet maintain profitability.
(C) when (D) never (A) objection (B) opinion
(C) effort (D) influence (C) dependable (D) reliable
Question 59: The psychologyist is ______ Question 67: It is essential that we draft a
to helping her patients with whatever ______ plan in case there are unforeseen
emotional issues they have. problems with the organization of the event.
(A) serious (B) dedicated (A) subordination (B) contingency
(C) supportable (D) distributed (C) suspension (D) verification
Question 60: The government issued a It is obvious that only the proposal Toni
warning to local companies that all waste Question 68: Bentley turned in is ____ all the
must be disposed of ______ or they will face planning requirements set by the committee
heavy fines. and can replace the original scheme.
(A) corrects (B) correcting (A) in compliance (B) complied
(C) correction (D) correctly (C) compliant with (D) compying
Question 61: Applications for scholarships Question 69: The necessary documents
should be submitted to the selection should arrive by July 31 _____ prospective
committee in a ______ manner. applicants to be considered for admission to
(A) time (B) timely our law school.
(C) timed (D) timing (A) which (B) in order for
Question 62: Even after a heated debate, the (C) yet (D) so that
two companies were ______ to reach an Question 70: The building has an excellent
agreement on distribution of the product. location and a modern interior, it is popular
(A) impossible (B) willing among vistiors.
(C) unable (D) pleased (A) In view of (B) Provided that
Question 63: Ajax Incorporated is offering a (C) Other than (D) Seeing that
discount to employees ______ recognition of Question 71: Easton Corporation is
their outstanding contribution to its success. exceptional ______ it provides full refunds to
(A) of (B) under dissatisfied customers even without a sales
(C) at (D) in receipt.
Question 64: The purpose of the sessions is to (A) so that (B) as long as
allow our members ______ information on (C) besides (D) in that
the merchandise. Question 72: All of the Seashore Hotel's staff
(A) sharing (B) shares are committed to ___ top-quality service and
(C) to share (D) shared a comfortable environment for their guests.
Question 65: Staff members at the travel (A) provision (B) provided
agency have been instructed to _______ all (C) providing (D) provider
customers against visiting the tropical island Question 73: ______ it was more expensive
during the monsoon season. than the competitor's products on the
(A) advise (B) consult market, Free Nomad`s travel bag did not sell
(C) prepare (D) examine well this quarter.
Question 66: Small and mid-size businesses (A) Although (B) Even if
thả adopted Megasoft Enterorise Server (C) Since (D) As if
began to find themselves ______ on it for
communications within the company.
(A) dependent (B) contingent

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