Reel Perspective

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October 2019 THEVOICE •


Reel perspective
Lessons learned while
Blackhawk Bank wading in a trout stream
Recently, my family enjoyed one of important to appreciate the value of
our favorite vacation spots — a trout change.
stream. Although not for everyone, the Know when your
appeal of this style of vacation is multi-
tension is too tight.
faceted. This particular stream is in a
remote area, so there is no cell service High tension in your line can allow
or cable. There is plenty of nature, a fish to break off. Too much pressure
card games, swimming, fishing, good on your mind can cause you to be
eating and great sleeping. distracted and make it harder to get
It may come as a surprise to some, the job done.
but I’ve been a fly fisher for close to Lesson: Utilize all of the
30 years. Many years ago, I came to instruments at your disposal, and take
realize that my fullest enjoyment care of yourself.
didn’t come from actually catching Appreciate every catch.
fish, but from the solitude and time
On the last day of my very first
for reflection. Over the years, this style
trout expedition, I finally caught a
of fishing has also afforded me lessons
single, small, rather sad little fish.
about life and business.
I was somewhat dispirited. My
Here are a few. …
husband’s grandfather winked at me
The first cast is usually and reminded me that my small fish
the most important. was better than the tree branch I had
caught the day before.
A well-seasoned fisher knows that
Lesson: Celebrate every success,
casting a fly into an undisturbed pool
big or small.
is likely to cause one or more fish to
rise. It can be advantageous to wade Come prepared, but don’t
into waters where others have not. go in past your waders.
Lesson: The first impression can It’s important to respect your limits
often expedite the best probability for — especially that of the water line.
success and there are opportunities However, just because you have chest
waiting in untouched markets. waders doesn’t mean you need to go
stomping into the stream chest-deep;
Fishing is not the
there may be fish at the near edge of
same as catching.
the brook that you’ve overlooked.
I’ve literally hit fish square on the Lesson: It’s good to challenge
nose with a lure only to have them turn
ourselves while respecting our
away. Fish have bitten the float indicator
boundaries, and we won’t need to
and completely ignored the fly.
apply every tool in our arsenal to
Lesson: Your presentation can
every situation.
be flawless and still not produce the
desired outcome. The “catch” must be Have your net and
in the right frame of mind to be part stringer ready.
of the equation. While being optimistic isn’t
guaranteed to catch you the big one,
Fish can’t bite on a fly
there are scores of scientific evidence
that isn’t in the water.
to support the concept that having a
Sure, sometimes luck is a real positive outlook contributes to good
factor. The luck of being at the right health and can even draw more
place at the right time, for example. In positive experiences to you.
fly fishing, however, it is only through Lesson: Allow optimism to fuel
sheer perseverance and determination your passion. It’s okay to hope. In fact,
that you learn how to cast the line, it’s good for you.
position the fly, hook, run and safely Henry David Thoreau is credited
land the fish. with writing one of my favorite quotes,
Lesson: We can contribute to “Many men go fishing all of their lives
our own luck by putting ourselves in without knowing that it is not fish
circumstances for the best opportunity. they are after.” Find the activity or
place that inspires your appreciation
The same lure that was
and offers you the opportunity to gain
successful today may not
perspective. Then, pass it on.
catch fish tomorrow.
Stephanie Meier is VP marketing &
If one fly pattern doesn’t work, be
communications at Blackhawk Bank.
prepared to try something different.
Be willing to move locations or alter The views expressed are those of Meier’s
your presentation, if need be. and do not necessarily represent those of the
Lesson: Nothing is guaranteed. It’s Rockford Chamber of Commerce.

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