Trial of BCG Vaccines in South India For Tuberculosis Prevention: First Report

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Bulledn of the World Health Organization, 57 (5): 819-827 (1979)

Trial of BCG vaccines in south India for tuberculosis

prevention: first report *
The protective effect of BCG vaccination is being evaluated in a controlled community
trial near Madras in south India. After tuberculin and sensitin testing and radiographic and
bacteriological examinations, BCG vaccines andplacebo were allocated randomly to about
260 000 individuals, of whom 115 000 were definitely tuberculin negative at the time of
vaccination. Intensive efforts are being made, by means of regular follow-up surveys, to
identify all new cases of tuberculosis occurring in the community. This report presents the
findings of the first 7* years of follow-up. Incidence of infection was high in the study
population. However, incidence of bacillary disease was more frequent among initial
tuberculin reactors, especially among the older persons, than among non-reactors of whom
the majority were in the younger age groups. The distribution of new cases of bacillary
tuberculosis among those not infected at intake did not show any evidence of a protective
effect of the BCG vaccines.

Although BCG vaccine has been in use for over prepared in different laboratories from cultures that
50 years, its mode of action-and indeed the im- had been propagated for many years and had
mune mechanism in tuberculosis-has remained therefore been subject to mutation and selection of
largely obscure. In particular, it has not been poss- mutants (in fact, the original BCG strain is not,
ible to quantify, or even identify, the critical factors strictly speaking, a "strain" according to present
that govern the level of protection BCG vaccination standards, since it was not derived from a single
can confer to man. That such factors must exist has colony but from a whole culture (2)); differences in
emerged from the results of controlled field trials, immunogenicity and virulence among the strains
which showed protection to range from none to as used in some of the trials could be demonstrated in
much as 80 %. Unfortunately, the results of the trials experimental animal models, and the potency differ-
offer only a few pointers, since the trials were ences observed in these models were closely associ-
independent and factors that are possibly relevant ated with the observed differences in protection
were confounded in the individual designs (1). (3-6); and differences in the production methods
The following sources of variation may have been (concentration, viability) and the dosages. Retros-
important: the vaccines for the different trials were pective analysis of one trial, however, showed that
* Reprints of this article may be obtained from the Chief
the influence of these latter factors appeared to be
Medical Officer, Tuberculosis and Respiratory Infections, World fairly marginal for the BCG vaccine concerned (7).
Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Thus, the strain could indeed be an important
l The Tuberculosis Prevention Trial, Madras-31, is a project variable. This is also suggested by the fact that, for
carried out under the auspices of the Indian Council of Medical
Research, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, the trials in which BCG vaccination appeared in-
and (until June 1976) the Center for Disease Control, US Public effective (8-10), the vaccine had been prepared by
Health Service, USA. This article is an abridged version of a the same laboratory. On the other hand, vaccine
comprehensive report prepared by Dr G. V. J. Baily, Project
Director, Dr Raj Narain, formerly Project Director, Dr S. Mayur- from this laboratory proved highly effective in
nath, Assistant Project Director, Mr R. S. Vallishayee, Senior another trial (11). In a further trial (12) two very
Statistician, and Dr J. Guld, Consultant, World Health Organiza-
tion, that will be published by the Indian Council of Medical different vaccinations with BCG and vole bacillus
Research. The abridged version is being published in the Indian vaccines (the former by injection, the latter by
journal of medical research, 70: 349-363 (1979).
Bacteriological investigations were carried out during intake at multiple puncture) appeared to give the same level
the Union Mission Tuberculosis Sanatorium (Director at that time: of protection. The actual relevance of the vaccine
Dr J. Frimodt M0oler), Madanapalle, India, and later at the strain to the protective effect in man therefore
Tuberculosis Research Centre (Director: Dr S. P. Tripathy),
Madras, India. remains problematic.
3860 -819 -

A further factor invoked retrospectively is the ity was present and in others where it was absent.
presence, in some of the study populations, of The incidence of tuberculosis in the study popula-
sensitization by mycobacteria other than the tu- tions should be fairly high, and BCG vaccination
bercle bacillus. It has been suggested that such sensi- should not be a current public health measure. A
tization could be associated with protection against trial satisfying most of these conditions was or-
tuberculosis and possibly could mask the protective ganized in south India by the Indian Council of Medi-
effect of BCG vaccination. That hypothesis was cal Research (ICMR), in cooperation with the
confirmed in experiments in mice (13) and in guinea World Health Organization and the Center for
pigs (14) in which a variety of saprophytic mycobac- Disease Control, US Public Health Service, in a
teria were shown to induce different levels of population where nonspecific tuberculin sensitivity
protection against virulent challenge, and in which was highly prevalent. Unfortunately, a contrasting
additional vaccination with BCG appeared not to area in which nonspecific tuberculin sensitivity was
induce a higher level of protection than vaccination of low prevalence, or even absent, could not be
with BCG alone. This was borne out in a surveill- identified in India, at that time.
ance programme of naval personnel (15). In the
trials in which BCG vaccination proved ineffective, MATERIALS AND METHODS
or had a low effectiveness, the presence of non-
specific sensitivity was indeed demonstrated, but Trial location and population
detailed quantitative analyses showed that non-
specific sensitivity alone could not have masked The trial area included a total population of about
completely the effect of a vaccine that would have 360 000 persons in 209 villages and 1 town located
had a high efficacy in a nonsensitized population (1, to the west of Madras city, the town being 40 km
16). Also, in one trial in which a modest protection from Madras. The entire resident population (except
was observed this applied equally to the populations for children under 1 month old) was eligible for
with and without low grade sensitivity (17). inclusion in the trial. Since it was considered that
Finally it should be mentioned that one factor, the BCG vaccination might increase the specific immun-
presence or absence of tuberculous infection in the ity in people whose naturally acquired immunity
trial subjects was, in fact, considered, in relation to (from virulent infection) might have waned in the
selection of subjects, in all the trials. However, in course of time, persons classified as infected on the
view of the very rationale for vaccination against basis of the tuberculin test were not excluded from
tuberculosis, this factor was implicitly assumed to vaccination.
play such an important role that no attempts were
made to investigate it further; infected subjects have Study design
invariably been excluded from vaccination trials. The design may be described as a 3 x 2 factorial,
Neither the empirical findings of the field trials the first factor being the vaccine strain (and
nor other epidemiological observations gave any placebo), the second the dosage. For practical
indication of further relevant factors, but lack of reasons only two seed lots-the French strain (seed
detailed epidemiological knowledge could well have lot 1173 P2) and the Danish strain (seed lot
been important in this respect. The apparently 1331)-were included in the trial and these were
conflicting trial results, as well as the fact that the selected on the basis of their comparatively favour-
vaccines employed in the trials cannot be repro- able effects in experimental models (19, 20).
duced, called for further and more systematic re- It should be noted that the French strain is in use
search. To some extent this had become easier in over 20 BCG production laboratories, and the
because of the technical progress made meanwhile in Danish strain in several other laboratories, including
the preparation of BCG vaccine. Freeze-drying the one in India. For the placebo preparation,
techniques had been developed that made it possible dextran was freeze-dried in ampoules to form a
to prepare a stable product from any BCG strain, powder of the same appearance as dried BCG
and to maintain the strains as seed lots without the vaccine. Since this preparation is innocuous, how-
risk of further genotypic alterations (18). Accord- ever, it does not cause the same kind of scar as BCG.
ingly there was a need to undertake further field The vaccine was administered at the usual strength
trials with vaccines prepared from different seed lots (1 mg/ml) and one-tenth of this strength (0.1 mg/
and in different dosages, and to conduct these trials ml). The variations in dosage administered in most
in populations where nonspecific tuberculin sensitiv- BCG vaccination programmes, including those due

to variations in the viability of the vaccine and in the Follow-up

amount injected, have usually been well within this The survey methods used at the time of intake
range. were repeated at 2 Y2-year intervals, X-ray examina-
tion being offered to all subjects 5 years of age and
Vaccines and placebo preparation over. During the second resurvey (i.e., between 21/2
and 5 years after intake) only those persons with
Three shipments of vaccines and placebo were reactions to PPD-S of less than 16 mm at intake and
supplied by the State Serum Institute, Copenhagen, those considered at high risk in view of the previous
and three batches were supplied by the BCG Vac- examinations could be examined. However, in a
cine Laboratory, Guindy, Madras. The ampoules random sample of one-third of all villages included
(10 ml in Copenhagen, 5 ml in Madras) were packed in the study, all individuals aged 5 years and above
in boxes of three. Each (coded) box contained were examined at each resurvey according to the
1 ampoule of strong vaccine, 1 ampoule of weak criteria adopted for the first resurvey.
vaccine of the same strain, and 1 ampoule of Two or three times between surveys every village
placebo. The ampoules in each box were randomly was visited and all persons who had had a suspect
coded (1, 2, and 3), and the codes were kept in the X-ray shadow at the previous survey, or who were
production laboratories, by WHO in Geneva, and by absent at the previous survey, were offered X-ray
the ICMR in New Delhi; they were not available to examination. Also persons with cough or chest pain
the project staff. were invited to submit to an examination. A tuber-
culosis clinic was set up in the central town, and an
Intake PPD-S PPD-B

Intake started in July 1968 and was completed in 40 (14) Years

Males: 13846
March 1971. The intake procedure consisted of a 30
Ferales: 13632

complete house-to-house census to record each 20

person's name, relationship to the head of the 10
household, age, sex, occupation, etc. After the 0
census, the persons were directed to a conveniently 40 (5-91 Yers
Males: 19065
located examination centre. At this centre, the 30 Femles :18754

identification was verified and the person's left 20

shoulder was examined for the presence of a BCG 10

scar. Persons aged 1 year or more were tested with C

3 IU of PPD-S and 10 "units" of PPD-B (intra- 40 (10-14) Years
Males: 18772
Feales :17037
cellularin) and the reactions were read in most z 30
cases after 72 hours. Subjects over 1 month old were
vaccinated by intradermal injection of 0.1 ml of uw 10
vaccine (or placebo), after which a fingerprint (or for 20
(15-241 Years
small children a palmprint) was taken. X-ray exami- 100 Males 20186
Females 19990
nation was offered to all persons aged 10 years or
more and the X-ray films were examined indepen- 40 '55
dently by two readers. If on the basis of an X-ray
reading tuberculosis was suspected, "on-the-spot" 40 (25-341 Years
and "overnight" sputum samples were collected. 30
Males: 18333
Femas :20543
The samples were examined by fluorescence micros- 20
copy and, after decontamination and concentration, 10.
were cultured on two L6wenstein-Jensen slopes.
Cultures were classified as Mycobacterium tuber- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

culosis on the basis of both the morphological

characteristics of the colonies and the niacin test and Fig. 1. Percentage distribution of reactions to PPD-S
other identification tests, such as growth characteris- and PPD-B at intake among the age groups up to 34
tics at 25°C and drug sensitivity to 4-nitrobenzoic years of age. For PPD-S, the percentage distribution of
the larger reactions for the two youngest age groups is
acid. The presence of drug resistance to isoniazid shown on a larger scale in the insets. Solid lines
and streptomycin was also examined in all cultures. -males; dashed lines-females.

X-ray unit visited the ten rural health institutions in The sputum samples collected were examined by
the study area every 2-4 weeks. The diagnostic smear (fluorescence microscopy) and by culture. In
procedures were the same as during the intake. comparison with culture, the smear examination
Cases diagnosed were offered domiciliary appeared inferior, especially for the samples that
chemotherapy. showed scanty growth on culture: one-third of the
A 2 % random sample of the population was patients were positive on culture only. On the other
retested at 2Y2 months, another 5 % were retested at hand, 22 % of the patients were positive on smear
2'/2 years, and a further 85 % were retested at only, but on most specimens only 1-3 bacilli were
4 years after vaccination. Retests were done with seen on the entire smear, and almost always only one
3 IU of PPD-S only. of the smears was positive in this way. Whether such
cases positive on smear only, can be considered as
bacillary cases, is doubtful. Therefore, only the
Prevalence of infection and disease culture results have been considered pathog-
The main findings of the intake examinations are nomonic.
summarized in Table 1. The classification of the A high proportion of the patients were culture-
study population as infected or noninfected on the positive on one specimen only. In these cases there
basis of PPD-S and PPD-B testing proved imposs- were very often only a few colonies. While there
ible (21). The distribution of reaction sizes to PPD- must have been many true bacteriologically positive
S, however, showed a fairly clear antimode, in the (perhaps early) cases of tuberculosis among these,
lower age groups, at around 12 mm (see Fig. 1) and some false cases (for example, contaminated sam-
persons with a reaction of 12 mm or larger may ples) may have been included. Reproducibility of
therefore be considered positive (infected). Indeed, cultures as well as confirmation by other techniques
among over 1000 patients with at least two positive was distinctly higher among cases positive on both
cultures only 1.4 % had reactions to PPD-S smaller culture and smear, than among cases positive on
than 12 mm. At the chosen threshold, therefore, the culture only. Cases positive on one culture only had
test may be considered highly sensitive. Those with certain features that were markedly different from
reactions of 0-7 mm at intake have been considered those positive on two or more cultures. For this
as definitely not infected. reason the results are presented separately for those

Table 1. Characteristics of the study population at intake

Age (years)
0-4' 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 >

No. registered M 24 074 46 494 29 905 28 384 22 161 16 691 10 467 6 093 184 269
F 23 880 43 773 31 585 28999 21 040 16 041 9887 5 372 180 550
No. examinedband vaccinated at intakeM 16199 38369 21 289 19519 15700 12238 7739 3959 135012
F 16 136 36 093 19 988 20 259 16 336 12 088 6 749 2 511 130 160
Proportion (%) tuberculin positive
a 12 mm to 3 IU of PPD-S) M 4.9c 23.5 62.0 81.8 86.2 85.5 82.6 79.9 54.0
F 5.3 c 21.3 48.4 64.0 71.6 73.7 72.4 72.8 45.8
Proportion (per 10 000) culture positive
(at least 2 specimens) M 1d 33 115 179 213 219 200 111
F 2d 11 25 40 39 38 28 23
Proportion (per 10 000) culture positive
(one specimen only) M 3d 13 39 91 107 145 192 60
F 2d 10 17 29 42 40 40 20
Proportion (per 10 000) culture negative,
but X-ray indicating active
tuberculosis possible or probable M 31 d 47 107 245 379 478 703 189
F 34d 34 62 111 160 262 435 98

'Children less than 1 month old are excluded.

Including children under 10 years of age, who were not eligible for X-ray examination, and children under 1 year of age, who were not eligible for
tuberculin testing.
c1-4 years.
d 10-14 years.
culture positive on two specimens and on one Table 2. Incidence and risk of infection in the placebo
specimen. group during the first four years
As regards the X-ray examination, the agreement Age (years) attime of survey
between the readers on active tuberculosis being 1-4 5-9 10-14
possible or probable was not more than 47%. A
third reader examined all the cases so classified by No. with reaction of 0-7 mm at intake 4 518 5 467 3 231
one reader only. Only cases confirmed by two of the
No. with reaction after 4 years ?10 mm
three readers are included in the figures given larger than at intake 486 908 690
(Table 1). Average annual risk of infection (%) 2.8 4.4 5.8

Incidence of infection and disease

Repeat tuberculin tests were given to assess the varied with age at intake. Although the study
post-vaccination tuberculin sensitivity at 2½2 population was large, these estimates must be consi-
months, 2Y2years, and 4 years after intake. At dered as rough indications only, since in the popula-
4 years, when the sample was the largest and, tion concerned the test used was not sufficiently
especially for the 1-4-year age group, the observed specific. Nevertheless, infection with M. tuberculosis
incidence of infection in the control group makes it in the trial area appears to have been at least as
possible to estimate the risk of infection during this common as in other parts of India, if not more so.
period (Table 2). A person was considered to be The incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis con-
newly infected if he was uninfected at intake firmed by culture during the first follow-up round is
(0-7 mm to 3 IU of PPD-S) and if his reaction to the given in Table 3. Relative to the population ex-
same test was at least 10 mm larger 4 years later. amined at intake, the average annual incidence of
The average annual risk of infection appears to have disease was 3 per 1000 in males and 1 per 1000 in
Table 3. Culture-positive cases found during the first follow-up by age, tuberculin reaction, and X-ray result at
Tuberculin reaction X-ray result Age group at intake (years)
(mm) at intake at intake 0-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 -65
Culture-positive (at least two specimens)
0-7 normal 4 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 17
other 1 2 2 1 6
8-11 normal 2 4 3 9
other 1 2 2 2 7
12-15 normal 1 1 6 5 7 2 1 23
other 1 2 10 11 4 6 34
;16 normal 1 10 37 51 63 48 28 12 250
other 2 30 80 140 150 106 54 562

Total normal 5 13 42 65 72 56 32 14 299

other 2 32 83 152 163 114 63 609
Culture-positive (one specimen only)
0-7 normal 4 9 1 1 1 1 2 19
other 2 1 1 3 2 1 10
8-11 normal 2 2
other 1 1 1 3
12-15 normal 3 2 2 1 1 3 12
other 1 2 1 4 4 4 16
;16 normal 5 17 32 17 20 15 7 113
other 1 16 38 53 58 52 30 248

Total normal 4 14 21 35 20 21 17 14 146

other 3 18 42 57 64 57 36 277

females. Of particular interest in connexion with the as it reflects cell-mediated immunity, may be related
effect of BCG vaccination is the distribution of the to the protection afforded (23).
cases found according to the tuberculin reaction at It appeared that there were no significant differ-
intake. Among those with a reaction of 0-7 mm the ences between the various batches of vaccine used.
average annual incidence of cases positive on at least The observations in the age groups 0-4 and 5-9
1 specimen was 0.2 per 1000, among those with a years (at intake) for all the strong vaccines are
reaction of 8-11 mm 0.4 per 1000, among those therefore compared with the placebo (see Fig. 2) to
with 12-15 mm 1.5 per 1000, and among those with illustrate the level of tuberculin sensitivity induced
a reaction of 16 mm or more 4.5 per 1000. Thus, in and its development with time. At 21/2 months after
those who were most probably not infected at intake vaccination, the vaccinated persons in both groups
the incidence of disease was surprisingly low (even showed a unimodal, almost normal, distribution with
when considering that two-thirds were vaccinated a mean reaction size of 16 mm. After 2V2 and
(see Table 4). 4 years this pattern had changed considerably and
the reactions were much smaller. Still, the average
level of sensitivity remained considerably higher
BCG-induced tuberculin sensitivity than in the control group. Tuberculin sensitivity
apparently waned during the first few years follow-
The level of tuberculin sensitivity induced by BCG ing vaccination but then remained at the same level.
vaccination is an indication of the quality of the It should be noted that in this evaluation any
vaccination since this level is known to be correlated boosting of tuberculin sensitivity as a result of
with the dose of (live) vaccine actually introduced repeated testing (24) was avoided by testing diffe-
into the skin (22). Moreover, tuberculin sensitivity, rent sample populations on each occasion.

Age 0-4 years Age 5-9 years

Strong vaccine 27.2




10 I,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X
5 /I
0 1
U 4 12 16 20 24 28+


uJ 50 A Placebo 50 F Placebo

40 I'






nu1 I _1- I.
u L _
) 4 8 12 16 20 24 28+ 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28+
Fig. 2. Percentage distribution of tuberculin reactions at various intervals after vaccination in persons with
initial reactions of 0-7 mm. Solid lines-21/2 months; broken line-21/2 years; short dashes-4 years.
Incidence of tuberculosis among the vaccinated and Table 5. Protection obtained in eight BCG trials
the controls Duration of Pretg
The numbers of new cases detected during the Trial and subjects obaervation Percentage Reference
(years) poeto
first 7Y2 years of the follow-up, separately for the
vaccinated and the control groups and for different North American Indians 9-11 80 25
levels of tuberculin (PPD-S) sensitivity at intake, are Chicago: infants 12-23 75 11
given in Table 4. Exact relative incidence figures are Georgia: schoolchildren 20 none 8
not yet available, but it may be taken that the
denominators for the vaccine groups and the placebo Puerto Rico:
population under
group are the same. Thus it is clear at a glance that 20 years of age 51/2-71/2 31 26
BCG vaccination at this stage had had no effect. Georgia and Alabama:
Under these circumstances the significance of the general population 14 14 10
differences between vaccine strains and dosages can Great Britain: schoolchildren 15 78 12
scarcely be examined. The very remote possibility of Madanapalle, south India:
one strain being associated with a protective and the general population 9-14 31 27
one other with a harmful effect was examined. As no Chingleput, south India:
general population 71/2 none present
such difference was observed the results for both trial
strains have been combined.

Table 4. Number of new cases with at least two culture- There is no doubt that BCG strains mutate in
positive specimens (no. with only one in brackets)
detected during 71/2 years of follow-up according to terms of colony morphology and in terms of anti-
initial tuberculin reaction and vaccine group genicity. However, at least for the Danish strain, the
evidence indicates that the vaccine strains used in
reaction Vaccine Vaccine these studies had not mutated from the original
at intake 0.1 mg/ml 0.01 mg/mI Placebo Total protective strains. The Danish strain used in India
was the same as that used earlier in Britain (12),
0-7 37 (22) 37 (28) 28 (19) 102 (69) which did give substantial protection, and three
8-11 14 (4) 17 (3) 14 (5) 45 (12) circumstances favour the hypothesis that there was
12-15 40 (20) 34 (13) 38 (8) 112 (41)
3 16a 259 (90) 257 (91) 287 (82) 803 (263) not any genetic change in the strain between 1952
and 1960 (when the strain was made into a stable
aThis group was not eligible for active follow-up during the 2nd and seed-lot). First, every year for the last 30 years, the
3rd resurveys. allergenicity of the Danish vaccine has been moni-
tored in Danish schoolchildren and there has not
It is seen that in all groups the large majority of been any change over this period. Second, the
the cases occurred among those already infected at methods used to propagate this strain between 1947
intake. In this connexion it should be noted that and 1960 were conservative, as advocated by Cal-
those with a reaction of 16 mm or larger were not mette. Third, comparison of vaccines prepared from
eligible for active follow-up during the later rounds. the seed-lot with vaccines prepared from cultures
(For this reason column totals have been omitted.) maintained by culture transfers from 1958 to 1965,
did not reveal any differences in morphology, anti-
DISCUSSION genicity, or virulence in animals, or in allergenicity in
children. For the French strain, the evidence is less
The results of the trial reported here show that clear. There was a mutation in pigmentation in the
BCG did not give any protection during the first late 1950s, though the French workers feel that they
71/2 years after vaccination. Details of eight BCG succeeded in saving the original strain by back-
trials, including the present one, in which the pro- selection. In the recent experiment by D. W. Smith
tection observed varied from 0 to 80 %, are given in and coworkers (personal communication, 1979), the
Table 5. BCG vaccination has been the subject of French strain protected guinea pigs well, though
controversy throughout its more than 50-year his- significantly less than the Danish strain. Further
tory. With this new result at hand, it is perhaps evidence on this point would be welcome. Thus,
appropriate to discuss some of the hypotheses that there is circumstantial evidence that the strains used
may explain the different findings. here were "genuine" BCG. A meeting of chiefs of

quality control laboratories, held in Copenhagen in lower risk among non-reactors in the present study,
February 1978, concluded that the vaccines used in in relation to the considerably higher risk among
the trial were of good quality. those defined as infected at intake, is a very striking
The methods and materials of the study were finding.
scrutinized at a meeting of experts held in Madras in It appears, therefore, that while the infection rate
1977, and it was concluded that there were not any is high in this study population and possibly not
apparent flaws in the procedures followed in the declining, newly infected persons develop disease
study. With the very involved code for the vaccine less frequently. Tuberculosis is highly prevalent, but
ampoules it is conceivable that true protection might only among the middle-aged and especially elderly
have been masked by labelling or recording errors. men, individuals who must have been infected many
However, since a blind reading of vaccination lesions years, even decades, ago. It is possible that it is not
in a very large proportion of the population tallied the primary infection but rather superinfection in the
with the records of the codes in 99.8 % of cases, such host already allergic from a previous infection that is
recording errors cannot have influenced the results. the cause of the "adult" type of lung tuberculosis.
Since the trial was carried out in an area with a Could it be that BCG protects against endogenous
high prevalence of nonspecific sensitivity, it might be reactivation but not against exogenous reinfection?
expected that sensitization by "atypical" myco- This requires further investigation. The present
bacteria would result in an apparent reduction of the project offers a chance of testing this hypothesis
effect of BCG. Had some protection been observed directly.
in the present trial, this question could have been A local phenomenon that may be of relevance is
examined; with zero protection this was not poss- the frequency of strains of M. tuberculosis that are of
ible. However, the hypothesis has once been tested, very low virulence in the guinea pig. This phenom-
retrospectively: in the study in Puerto Rico, vaccine enon was exhaustively studied by Mitchison and
and placebo were allocated irrespective of the reac- coworkers (see 30). Mitchison found these low-
tion to a high-dose test, and it turned out that there virulence strains to be susceptible to hydrogen
was the same low protection (31 %) in those positive peroxide, though they tended to be catalase-posi-
and those negative to the high-dose test (17, 28). tive. Nothing seems to be known, however, about
The lack of protection observed in this study could the epidemiological significance of these strains.
possibly be explained by the hypothesis that the They have been isolated from previously untreated
vaccinated individuals were at increased risk of patients admitted to the Tuberculosis Chemotherapy
developing tuberculosis if they were infected within Centre, Madras (so they are presumably not always
3 weeks after vaccination, i.e., before the manifesta- avirulent in man) and they were niacin-positive and
tion of cell-mediated immunity. This, however, is isoniazid-sensitive. Evidence from elsewhere in
unlikely and not borne out by the findings. India is scanty but compatible with the existence of
Vaccines similar to the ones used in the present these low-virulence strains in other parts of the
study have given a high protection in some (though country. Work is now underway in this project to
not necessarily all) past studies. The lack of protec- study the distribution of such strains, especially in
tion in the present study seems to be associated with regard to age distribution, infection history, and fate
a peculiar epidemiological situation. Our forecast of of the patients. While there is as yet no indication of
the incidence of tuberculosis among persons an association between the prevalence of these
tuberculin-negative at the time of vaccination was strains and the BCG results, it nevertheless seems
based on available knowledge of tuberculosis worth while to investigate this phenomenon.
epidemiology, and in particular on the results of the In conclusion, the present study has shown that
" longitudinal survey" conducted from 1960 on- the BCG did not give any protection against the
wards in Bangalore district, Karnataka, by the development of bacillary disease. Protection
National Tuberculosis Institute (29). During the first afforded to individuals against development of ac-
resurvey of that study, after 18 months, the annual tive disease other than bacillary forms remains to be
incidence of new bacillary cases among those with a studied. It should be pointed out that the present
reaction of 0-9 mm to RT 23 (1 unit, with Tween results may not be extrapolated to infants, since
80) was estimated at 58 per 100 000 while in the infant tuberculosis was not observed in the trial.
present study among those reacting with 0-7 mm to Information on the effect of BCG vaccination in
PPD-S 3IU, it was only 25 per 100 000. Though the infants is scarce, and additional data are badly
data are not strictly comparable, the very much needed.


L'effet protecteur de la vaccination par le BCG est au sein de la communaut6. Le rapport presente les observa-
actuellement evalue dans le cadre d'un essai contr6le au tions faites au cours des sept premieres annees et demie de
niveau de la communaute pres de Madras dans le sud de ces enquetes. L'incidence de l'infection est e1evee dans la
l'Inde. Dans cet essai, apres execution d'epreuves a la population soumise a 1'enquete. Toutefois, l'incidence de la
tuberculine et d'epreuves aux sensitines ainsi que d'exa- maladie bacillaire est plus frequente chez les sujets ayant
mens radiologiques et bacteriologiques, des vaccins BCG reagi positivement a la tuberculine au debut de 1'essai,
Iyophilises pr6pares a partir de deux souches, a savoir 1331 notamment parmi les personnes agees, que chez les sujets a
et 1173P2, et des placebos ont 6te repartis au hasard entre reaction negative, qui sont des jeunes en majorite. La
environ 260 000 individus, dont 115 000 etaient certaine- repartition des cas nouveaux de tuberculose bacillaire
ment tuberculino-n6gatifs lors de la vaccination. Deux parmi ceux qui n'etaient pas infectes lors de l'inoculation
doses (0,1 mg et 0,01 mg) de BCG ont et utilisees. On n'apporte en aucune facon la preuve de 1'effet protecteur
s'emploie intensivement, au moyen d'enquetes suivies des vaccins BCG.
regulieres, a reperer tous les nouveaux cas de tuberculose

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