Cap Study Guide

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~ Certified Automation Professional" (CAP®)

) Study Guide

Setting the Standard for Automation

The CAIJ® Study Guide is designed to provide a review of key content areas
(domains) covered on the CAP examination and to familiarize the applicant with

the type of questions that may be covered. Actual CAP examination questions are
not available in the public domain and are not included in this study guide.

Satisfactory completion of study guide questions in no way assures a passing score

on the CAP examination.

Certified Automation Professionaie Study Guide - Version 4.1
Revision Date: August 2007
, ,
©ISA -2007

All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise), without prior written permission of the Publisher:

67 Alexander Drive
PO Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Certified Automation Professionals' (CAP®) program study guide.
ISBN 1-55617-888-3
1. Automatic control-Study and teaching. 2. Technicians in industry--Certification.
I. ISA--The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society.
TJ213.C46 2004
629.8--dc22 2004011284
CAp® Study Guide
) Table of Contents
) Introduction I
) Domain 1: Feasibility Study- identify, scope, and justify the automation project 1
Domain 2: Definition- identify and analyze customer requirements 6
Domain 3: System Design- design, specify, and procure the hardware/
) software used in the control and information system 12
) Domain 4: Development- software development and coding 21
) Domain 5: Deployment- field installation, checkout, and startup of the systems 27
Domain 6: Operation and Maintenance - long term support of the system 33
) CAP Resources 40
Thank you for your interest in the ISA surveys, observation, and group
Certified Automation Professionals' discussions, ISA worked with
(CAJ:'®) Program. The CA.P® program automation professionals to delineate
recognizes your experience, knowledge, critical job components. The knowledge
and education in automation - and and skill bases for the questions on the
provides objective, third-party examination were derived from the
endorsement of your skills. Certification actual practice of the automation
from ISA demonstrates your professionals as outlined in the 2004
commitment to your future, establishes CAP Role Delineation Study. CASTLE
your credentials as an automation followed the NOCA and ANSI
professional, and opens career standards for test development. The
opportunities. NOCA standards are published in:
This self-study guide was developed National Commission for Certifying
to help you prepare for the ISA CAP Agencies (2002). Standards for the
exam. The CAP Introduction below will Accreditation of Certification Programs.
provide you with information about the Washington, D.C.: National Organization
Program. for Competency Assurance. The
The CAP Study Guide is divided into American National Standards Institute
six domains to reflect the structure of the (ANSI) administers a program for the
exam. Each domain consists of a accreditation of personnel certification
performance domain name and task list, programs, using ISO jlEC Standard
sample questions, and an answer key, 17024.
complete with justifications and a cited
reference. Recommended sources for Program Definition
study are noted in a resource list. An ISA Certified Automation
Although the questions in this guide Professional (CAP) has completed a
reflect questions on the exam, four-year technical or technology
completing this guide is no guarantee of degree and five years of experience
achieving certification. The best way to working in automation. CAPs are
prepare for the exam is to study as much responsible for the direction, definition,
information relative to the domains and design, development! application,
tasks as possible. deployment, documentation, and
support of systems, software, and
equipment used in control systems,
manufacturing information systems,
The development of a valid systems integration, and operational
examination for the CAP certification consulting.
process began with a clear and concise
definition of the knowledge, skills, and The written CAP examination is a
abilities needed for competent job measure of a candidate's general and
performance. Using interviews, basic skills and knowledge of the

information needed for the CAP to The following are acceptable work
perform his or her role effectively. To experience and education requirements:
) ensure that the most stringent test
} development requirements were I. If you hold a 4 Year Technical Degree:
) employed during the development of
} CAP, ISA contracted with CASTLE o Four-year academic degree from an
Worldwide, Inc., a full-service testing accredited educational institution in
) a technical or technology field
company providing licensure,
) certification, and specialty including engineering, chemistry,
) examinations. physics, math, etc.
) CAP PROGRAM (J Related work experience.
REQUIREMENTS & Related experience means a
) minimum of five years of work in
) DOCUMENTATION the automation field. One (1) year of
} The CAP examination is only one work experience means 1,500 hours
) requirement for certification. The of active employment. A cumulative
candidate must also meet minimum total of 7,500hours of documented
requirements comprised of work work experience is required during
experience and education. The the five year period prior to your
) qualification requirements for the application date.
) certification are described in detail
) below. During the initial two years of n. If you hold a 2 Year Technical
the CAP program (2005 - 2006), the Degree or do not have a degree:
four year degree requirement will be
waived for automation professionals l:l Related work experience.
) who have been working in the Related experience means a
) automation field for ten (10) or more minimum of ten (10) years of
) years. work in the automation field. One
General criteria to qualify to take the (1) year of work experience
CAP examination include a means 1,500 hours of active
commitment to the ISA Code of Ethics employment. A cumulative total
) (see Introduction, page XI), a completed of 15,000 hours of documented
) application with documentation work experience is required
) included to support the education and during the ten (10) year period
) experience requirements, and the prior to your application date. A
application fee. Applicants must meet two year associate degree in
the qualifications outlined in either automation or a related field from
) section I or II below to be eligible to sit an accredited institution may be
) for the CAP exam. used to satisfy two years of the
) ten year work requirement.
www.isa .org/CAP II
o Evidence of responsible charge in the form of a statement signed by
position; a co-worker from that period of
Two (2) work related references employment and notarized by a
should be submitted that notary public. A full explanation of
demonstrates that the applicant why the employer is not verifying
has had at least two (2) years the period of employment must be
experience in automation in a provided. Full contact information,
position of responsible charge. i.e., name, address and telephone
Each reference should be number, must be provided for all
completed and signed by a responsible parties who act to
former supervisor or someone confirm employment verification.
who is in a position to attest to Self employed applicants should
the applicant's responsibilities. At complete the Verification of
least one of the references must Employment form to document the
be signed by a current or former required work experience and
supervisor. See below for a include a notarized letter from at
definition of "responsible least three (3) current customers
charge." (customers during the eligibility
period), including full contact
Verification of Employment information for customers.
Work experience and educational
periods may not overlap when Position of Responsible Charge
compiling the total number of years For applicants who do not meet
required for this certification. the four-year technical degree
Applicants must submit requirement, two verifications must
completed Verification of accompany your application that
Employment forms for all employers document that you have held a
or provide equivalent position of responsible charge in the
documentation. All forms must be automation field for at least two (2)
signed by the supervisor. An years. One of the references must be
applicant with military experience in from your direct supervisor.
the related technologies defined for Responsible charge relates to the
the CAP program must document span or degree of control an
this period by submitting a copy of automation professional has to
his or her DD 214 form accompanied maintain while exercising
by a written description of this independent control and direction of
experience. An official college professional automation work, and
transcript is also required. to the level of decisions being made.
For employers that may be Responsible charge does not refer to
unavailable to provide first-hand management control or
verification, a two-party verification administrative functions such as
of the employment must be provided III

accounting, labor relations, or from work experience. A year is
marketing. defined as 1,500 hours of active
employment. You must have
) The span of control necessary to be worked in the automation field for
) considered in a position of 3,000 total hours during the 3 year
) responsible charge includes: renewal period.
) • Personally makes critical • A minimum of 45 hours of
automation project decisions, or continuing education or professional
reviews and approves proposed development activity in an
) decisions prior to automation or job-related field. An
) implementation, including hour is defined as a minimum of 50
) consideration of alternatives. minutes. Continuing education units
) OR (CEUs) from an authorized provider
• Judges the quality of other are acceptable. One CEU equals 10
technical specialists and the PDPs.
) validity and applicability of their
) recommendations before such Applicants without required
) recommendations are documentation will be notified to
) incorporated in the work. submit the necessary verification. If
the applicant does not respond
No documents will be returned to within three (3) months, then the
) applicants. Please keep a copy of your application is considered abandoned.
) application for your records. Applicant will have to submit a new
) application and the renewal fee
) RENEWAL again to apply for renewal.
) CAPs will be required to renew
Record Retention Policy
their certification every three years.
.> All documentation received from
If you do not renew within 4 months
) CAP applicants who are not eligible for
after your expiration date, your
) certification will be retained for one year
certification is considered lapsed. In
) after the application is received.
order to renew, documentation of
) work experience in automation
during the time certified will be
required, as well as documentation A comprehensive job analysis
} was conducted in 2004 to account for
of continuing education. A total of
135 Professional Development Points the work performed by CAPs. The
) (PDPs) are required to renew your job analysis identified performance
) certification. The PDPs can be earned domains that were subsequently
as follows: validated in a nationwide survey.
Exam.questions are also distributed
) • Work experience in automation
by knowledge or technical topic
(30 PDPs each year). A minimum of
) categories.
60 PDPs (2 years) must be obtained
) IV
Candidates will have four hours TAKING THE EXAM
to complete the examination. The
For information on taking the
following tables indicate the
CAP exam, visit www.isa.orgiCAP,
percentage of questions appearing
email ISA at [email protected], or call
on the exam as they relate to each of
Customer Service at (919) 549-8411.
the CAP domains and technical topic
The examination is offered in an
categories to ensure broad coverage
electronic format, or in the
of information which is especially
paper/ pencil format for private
helpful for those preparing for the
exam sites. ISA may administer the
CAP exam.
CAP exam atspecial events and
% of Questions
these may be found on the ISA
Network. All candidates will have
1 Feasibility Study 12% four hours to complete the exam.
2 Definition 15% Electronic exams are available
3 System Design 25% during three testing windows as
4 Development 22%
shown in the table below. For details
5 Deployment 15%
on applying for electronic testing go
6 Operation and 11%
Maintenance to www.isa.orglexamschedule.
Technical Topic Categories % of Questions 2008 Exam Testing 2008 Application
Windows Postmark Deadlines
1 Basic Continuous 14 %
Control Window 1: Tuesday,
2 Discrete, 13% 1 March - 30 April 15 January
Window 2: Thursday,
Sequencing, and
1 July - 31 August 15 May
Window 3: Monday,
1 November - 31 15 September
3 Advanced Control 9%
4 Reliability, Safety 13 %
and Electrical
5 Integration and 21 % If the number of candidates for a
Software private exam site or a special event
6 Deployment and 16% administration of CAP falls below
Maintenance the minimum number pre-
7 Work Structure 14 %
established for the session, ISA
reserves the right to cancel the
The examination is closed book. No session and reschedule the affected
reference material of any kind may examinees as quickly as possible. If
be brought in the exam room. an exam site must be cancelled
because of a weather condition or
insurmountable problems in regard
to exam availability, test room
availability, or proctor availability,
ISA will contact the candidates as v
quickly as possible and arrange a Please make all checks payable to
replacement exam date. Although ISA. Your canceled check is your
rare, the potential exists for a proof of payment. If you require a
) cancellation to occur as late as the receipt you must contact ISA.
) actual day of the exam. Fees are due in advance and ARE
) Candidates will not be admitted NOT REFUNDABLE. It is the
to the examination once it has begun. responsibility of the applicant to
All candidates should bring their thoroughly review the requirements
confirmation letter and a valid photo for the examination and apply only if
) identification with signature to the he or she is qualified. No refunds
) examination site. Acceptable forms will be made for applicants who do
) of identification include driver's not appear for testing on the
licenses, passports, and governrnent- scheduled date.
issued identification cards.
Unacceptable forms of identification
) include gym memberships, COMPLETING THE
) warehouse memberships, school APPLICATION
) identification cards, and
identification with signature only. Candidates must complete all
In addition, candidates who are sections of the application. The
) application is available as a
taking the paper/pencil exam format
) should bring at least two No.2 downloadable PDF file at
) pencils, a soft eraser suitable for www.isa.orglCAP. You may also
cleanly erasing incorrect and stray contact ISA at [email protected] or (919) 549-
markings, and a self-powered or 8411 to request a copy.
battery-operated non-programmable
) Section A: Applicant Information
calculator. Electronic candidates will
) be provided with a calculator on the Provide complete contact
) computer at the test center. information as requested. If ISA has
a different mailing address on file for
Examination Fees you, it will be changed to this
) preferred mailing address. All ISA-
) Currently, the application fee is related materials will be mailed to
$250.00 for ISA Members and $295.00 this address unless you specify
for non-members. This fee is subject otherwise.
to change. The fee must be paid in Indicate if you suffer from a
) U.S. funds. ISA will accept a check, disability or religious obligation that
) certified check, money order, or would require an accommodation for
) credit card. Purchase orders are not test administration. Provide a
) accepted. Payment must be received written explanation of the
with the application before it will be accommodation you request.
www.isa .org/CAP VI
Section B: Job and Industry documentation must be provided in
Classification English. Faxed verification is not
Indicate your primary job function accepted. The original signature
and the industry in which you must be provided on this form. You
currently work. should also use this form to
document the two references
Section C: Certification Exam required to meet the responsible
Selection Information charge eligibility if you do not have a
Mark the appropriate box if you four year technical degree.
wish to test electronically. For
private exam sites or special Section G: Verification of
administrations, specify the date, Employment in Position of
city, and state where you will take Responsible Charge
the test. Verification of Employment in
Position of Responsible Charge
Section D: Employment Summary forms must be completed by your
Complete a record of employment current and/ or former supervisor(s)
that fully covers the experience if you are documenting ten (10) years
requirement to sit for the of automation experience as
examination. Section D must be eligibility criteria to sit for the CAP
completed in addition to any other exam. Two references should be
documentation submitted to verify submitted that documents that at
employment. least two (2) years of the ten (10)
years experience must be in a
Section E: Education/fraining position of responsible charge.
Complete a record of education and
training that fully covers the Section H: Compliance with
education requirement to sit for the Certification Criteria and
examination. Official transcripts Qualifications
must be submitted as documentation Read carefully and sign the
to verify educational degrees. compliance agreement.
Certificates do not serve as
verification of an apprenticeship or Section I: Fees
training. This experience must be All applications must be
verified by signed documentation. accompanied by full payment of the
required fees. No exceptions will be
Section F: Verification of granted.
Verification of Employment forms Section J: Submitting Materials
must be completed and signed for all Mail application and fee to ISA.
work experience claimed as Incomplete or incorrectly completed
qualification for examination. All applications may be returned to an

www.isa.orglCAP Vll
applicant. It is the responsibility of applications completed in pencil are
the CAP applicant to promptly not accepted.
notify ISA in writing of any changes
) in his/her name or address. Certification Status
) Notification for admission to the
) examination, test results, and Each application will be reviewed
renewal of certification depends on for the necessary requirements. If
accurate information. there are deficiencies, candidates will
) receive a letter outlining what
) If mailing with a check payment or documentation is still required.
) through regular postal delivery, send Electronic exam candidates will
) all materials to: receive an eligibility letter with
instructions on how to register for an
ISA exam date. For private exam sites or
) special exam administrations,
CAP Program
) P.O. Box 3561 applicants will receive a
) Durham, NC 27702 confirmation letter that will include
) the time, location, and a map, when
If mailing with credit card payment available, to the testing site.
or by overnight service, send all
) Results for each paper/pencil
materials to:
) ISA exam applicant will be mailed within
) CAP Program thirty (30) days after the examination
) 67 Alexander Drive date. Electronic candidates will
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 receive immediate results at the
testing center.
Materials sent to any other
) address will be returned. Fax, e-mail,
) and photocopied applications, or
) V lJI
If an applicant feels he/she was wrongly denied certification, original or renewal,
from the CAP program, then he/she has the right to appeal.

I. Appeals
A. All appeals shall be in writing.
1. The notice of appeal must be delivered to the Certification Board,
addressed to the attention of the ISA Executive Director, by the close of
business on the 21st day after the date of the notice of denied certification.
2. The appeal should include the date the notice of denied certification was
received and must state the reasons the applicant believes the denied
certification was in error.
3. The appeal should indicate whether or not the applicant requests a
a. If a hearing is requested, the applicant must explain why a hearing is
needed, identify the issues to be resolved at a hearing, list names of
prospective witnesses, and identify documentation and other evidence
to be introduced at the hearing before the Board.
4. The Chair of the Certification Board will select a three-member panel of
the Board to become the Review Panel, one of whom shall be appointed
Chair and will be the final vote in the event of a tie during the ruling.

II. Procedures
A. The Review Panel will review the appeal and any request for a hearing. The
Review Panel will grant a hearing in connection with the appeal, if requested.
1. Hearing
a. The Chair of the Review Panel will determine the time and location of
the hearing within 90 days after determination that a hearing is
warranted and will notify the applicant within the first 21 days. The
applicant will be notified of the hearing time and location at least 20
days prior to the time determined for the hearing.
b. The applicant may be represented by counselor represent him/herself
at the hearing. The applicant may offer witnesses and documents and
may cross-examine any witness.
c. The Review Panel may consider any evidence it deems relevant
without regard to strict application of legal rules of evidence.
d. The applicant is urged to submit a written brief (four copies) 10 days
prior to the hearing to the Certification Board, addressed to the
attention of the ISA Executive Director, for distribution to the panel in
support of his/her position. However, written briefs are not required. IX
) 2. Deposition
i. If the applicant or Review Panel desires to take a deposition prior
to the hearing of any voluntary witnesses who cannot attend the
) hearing, the deposition of a witness may be applied for in writing
) to the Chair of the Review Panel together with a written consent
) signed by the potential witness that he or she will give a deposition
for one party and a statement to the effect that the witness cannot
attend the hearing along with the reason for such unavailability.
ii. The party seeking to take the deposition of a witness shall state in
) detail as to what the witness is expected to testify.
) iii. If the Chair of the Review Panel is satisfied that such deposition
) from a possible witness will be relevant to the issue in question
) before the Panel, then the Chair will authorize the taking of the
deposition. The Chair will also designate a member of the Panel to
be present at the deposition.
) iv. The deposition may be taken orally or by video. Any refusal of the
) taking of the deposition by the Chair shall be reviewed by the Panel
) at the request of the applicant.
) v. The party requesting the deposition will pay for the cost connected
with taking the deposition.
B. The applicant will be notified of the result of the Review Panel within 30 days
) of the meeting.
) III. Final Review
) A. If the Review Panel makes a decision adverse to the applicant, the applicant
may appeal to the full Certification Board for a final review by the close of
business on the 21st day after the notice of decision is issued. Such appeal
shall follow the same procedures as the initial appeal to the extent possible
) with the Chair of the Board serving as the Chair of the Final Review Panel.
) The Chair will once again select a three-member panel, one of whom shall be
) himself, to become the Review Panel, and the final vote in the event of a tie
during the ruling shall be his.
B. If the applicant does not petition the Board for review or request a hearing
before the Board regarding the recommendation of rejection of the
) application within the time allowed by these rules, the original decision by
) the Review Panel shall stand.

)" X


Preamble Article III

As engineers, scientists, educators, Members shall issue public
technicians, sales representatives, statements only in an objective and
and executives in an important and truthful manner, and shall include
learned profession; and in order to all pertinent and relevant
safeguard public welfare; and to information in professional reports,
establish and maintain a high statements and testimony. Members
standard of integrity and practice; shall be honest and realistic in
and as members of ISA, we hold to making estimates or in stating
these Articles: claims based on available data.
Members shall offer honest criticism
Article I of work, and shall properly credit
Members shall hold paramount the the contributions of others.
safety, health and welfare of the
public in the performance of their Article IV
duties, and shall notify their Members shall act in professional
employer or client and such other matters for each employer or client
authority as may be appropriate as faithful agents or trustees, and
where such obligations are abused. shall not participate in any business
Members shall hold in confidence association, interest or
facts, data and information obtained circumstances which influence, or
in a professional capacity, unless the appear to influence, their judgment
release thereof is authorized by their or the quality of their services.
employer or client, and shall not Members shall accept
engage in fraudulent or dishonest compensation, financial or
business or professional practices. otherwise, from only one party for
services on or pertaining to the
ArticleD same work, unless otherwise agreed
Members shall perform services to by all parties; and shall not give
only in areas in which they are or accept, directly or indirectly, any
qualified by education or gift, payment or service of more
experience, and shall endeavor to than nominal value to or from those
maintain their professional skills at having business relationships with
the state of the art. Members shall their employers or clients.
practice their profession in a
manner which will uphold public Article V
appreciation of the services they Members shall use only proper
render. solicitation of employments, and
shall represent their abilities,
qualifications, education, technical XI
) associations and professional Article VI
registrations without exaggeration Members shall pledge themselves to
and in accordance with the laws of live and work according to the laws
) the locations in which they practice. of man and to the highest standards
) of professional conduct, using the ir
) knowledge and skills to the benefit
) of all mankind.
) Why Should You Join ISA?
) Founded in 1945, ISA ( is a leading, global, nonprofit organization that
) is setting the standard for automation by helping over 30,000 worldwide members and
) other professionals solve difficult technical problems, while enhancing their leadership
and personal career capabilities. Based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, ISA
develops standards; certifies industry professionals; provides education and training;
publishes books and technical articles; and hosts the largest conference and exhibition
) for automation professionals in the Western Hemisphere.
) Here are some of the benefits you enjoy as an ISA Member:
I. Stay current within your field by reading your free InTec11 magazine every month.
) 2. Make professional contacts and open the door to your future by partici-pating in
) Technical Divisions and other networking activities, such as local Section meetings,
) conferences, and symposia.
3. Receive valuable money-saving discounts on all ISA training courses, books, videos,
.> and CD-ROMs.
) 4. Shop smarter by using the ISA DirectonJ- ISA's exclusive annual guide of products,
specifications, manufacturers, sales offices, services, and more.
5. Keep up with industry standards and practices. As an ISA Member, you receive one
) free standard per membership year.
) Get ahead by getting involved in ISA. To join ISA, complete an ISA Membership
enrollment form and return it with your CCST Application, or call (919) 549-8411.
) xu
Feasibility Study

Ide1ltifrJ, scope, and justifrJ the automation project

Task 1: Define the preliminary scope through currently established work

practices in order to meet the business need.

Task 2: Determine the degree of automation required through cost/benefit

analysis in order to meet the business need.

Task 3: Develop a preliminary automation strategy that matches the degree of

automation required by considering an array of options and selecting the most
reasonable option in order to prepare feasibility estimates.

Task 4: Conduct technical studies for the preliminary automation strategy by

gathering data and conducting an appropriate analysis relative to requirements
in order to define development needs and risks.

Task 5: Perform a justification analysis by generating a feasibility cost

estimate and using an accepted financial model to determine project viability.

Task 6: Create a conceptual summary document by reporting preliminary

decisions and assumptions in order to facilitate "gd'/"no go" decision making.

www.isa .orglCAP
) Feasibility Study
1. Gathering requirements is critical to the success of an automation project
) because they:
) A. Establish the design and engineering schedule.
B. Provide a basis for performing calculations.
C. Define the purpose, scope, and objectives.
D. Determine funding and buy-in from stakeholders.
) 2. Which of the following control strategies is used to measure disturbances and
) compensate for them before they cause the controlled variable to deviate from the
) setpoint?
A. Feedforward
) B. Feedback
) C. Cascade
) D.Openloop
3. Given the following diagram, what is the transfer function for C(s)jR(s)?
) +
R(s) ,- ---.t t----r---+ C( s)
) GcGpcG/,
) I + GcGpcG p

) c.
1+ GcGPCG /,GM
www.isa.orglCAP 2
Feasibility Study

4. MOST initial project budgetary cost estimates have an acceptable margin of error of
plus or minus:

C. 50%
D.70% 3
) Feasibility Study

) 1. C. Define the purpose, scope, and objectives.
) Gathering requirements is important because they define the objectives, purpose, scope,
needs, and other key meters. They perform the basis for understanding for the
customer, the engineer, and other stakeholders. Requirements may make it easier to get
) funding approval and stakeholder approval but only because the purpose, scope, and
) objectives are included. Gathering requirements should not affect the ease of
) calculation.
) Requirements will not be generated automatically and should be mapped out before an
automation project begins.
) Parshall & Lamb. Applying 588: Batch Control from a User/ s Perspective. ISA,2000.
2. A. Feedforward
A. Feedforward
) B. Feedback
) C. Cascade
) D.Openloop
The objective of feedforward control is to measure disturbances and compensate for
them before the controlled variable deviates from setpoint. Feedback control can
) compensate for a disturbance only after the control variable has deviated from setpoint.
) Cascade is a form of feedback control. Open loop is not a control strategy.
) Reference:
Smith and Corripio. Principles and Practices of Automatic Process Control, 2nd Edition.
Wiley & Sons, 1997.
3. A.
The numerator is the product of the transfer functions between the input and output
which are "R" and "C," respectively in this case. The denominator is one plus the
product of all the transfer functions.
) Reference:
) Ellis. Control System Design Guide, 3 rd Edition. Academic Press, 2000.
www.isa .orglCAP 4
Feasibility Study

4. B. 300/0

It's commonly accepted to have a preliminary estimate with a margin of error of plus or
minus 30%. A more detailed estimate is done before the bid is presented to reduce the
margin of error to 10%.

Whitt. Successful Instrument and Control System Design. ISA, 2004.

www.isa.orglCAP 5
) Definition
ldentifiJ customer requirements and complete high-leoel analusi« of tire best way to meet
) those requirements
Task 1: Determine operational strategies through discussion with key
stakeholders and using appropriate documentation in order to create and
communicate design requirements.
) Task 2: Analyze alternative technical solutions by conducting detailed studies
) in order to define the final automation strategy.
Task 3: Establish detailed requirements and data including network
architecture, communication concepts, safety concepts, standards, vendor
) preferences, instrument and equipment data sheets, reporting and information
) needs, and security architecture through established practices in order to form
) the basis of the design.
Task 4: Generate a project cost estimate by gathering cost information in order
to determine continued project viability.
) Task 5: Summarize project requirements by creating a basis-of-design
) document and a user-requirements document in order to launch the design
) phase.

www.isa.orgiCAP 6

1. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using an agenda for discussions?

A. An agenda assures meeting objectives.

B. An agenda keeps discussion on track.
C. An agenda helps manage time.
D. An agenda allows everyone equal participation.

2. To MINIMIZE the effect of feed upsets to the top of a distillation column, the flow
feed forward signal should be connected to a tray temperature controller output that
then directly manipulates a(n):

A. Overhead pressure controller.

B. Linear reflux valve.
C. Reflux controller.
D. Reboiler stream ratio controller.

3. What is the MOST appropriate technique for modeling linear relationships for a
large number of correlated inputs where the equations are unknown?
A. Artificial neural networks
B. Multivariable statistical process controls
C. Step response models
D. First principle models

4. What is required to find the MOST efficient operating points that are highly
dependent on complex shifting process conditions, such as equipment fouling?

A. Real-time optimization with a detailed process model

B. Tactical schedulers w ith business economics
C. Linear programs with detailed process economics
D. Model predictive controls with a constraint pusher

5. What is the recommended limitation in meters for the length of a "fast Ethernet" (100
mbs) segment on twisted pair cable?

B. 100
C. 300

www.isa.orglCAP 7

) Definition

) 6. According to NFPA Electrical Standards for Industrial Machinery, which of the

following actions in NOT acceptable for emergency operations?
A. Using a locally supplied disconnect
B. Using an emergency stop to override all other functions and operations with
) all modes
) C. Using an emergency switch off initiated by a single human action
D. Resetting an emergency stop circuit to initiate a restart
7. Which of the following contract types places the PRIMARY risk with the supplier?
) A. Cost plus
) B. Fixed price
) C. Time and material
D. Unit price





www.isa.orglCAP 8


1. D. An agenda allows everyone equal participation

An agenda does not enforce an individual's participation.

Haynes. Effective Meeting Skills. Crisp, 1998.

2. C. Reflux Controller

A distillation tower, such as that shown in Figure 9-3a p317 of Advanced Control
Unleashed (2003), has feed upsets that are measured and used to create a feedforward
signal. A reflux flow controller remote setpoint becomes the feed multiplied by a reflux-
to-feed ratio that will be corrected by the temperature controller output. This is the most
linear and accurate way of maintaining the material balance as long as the flow
measurements are above their low range ability limit.
Changes in the pressure drop of a linear reflux valve and the valve installed
characteristics and deadband will introduce errors into the feedforward. Manipulating a
pressure controller setpoint will not set up a flow ratio to maintain the material balance.
A ratio controller uses a ratio of flows as its controlled variable. This creates a nonlinear
loop. Also, the remote set point as started would be incorrect and steam would have a
slower, and generally smaller, effect than reflux flow on the top.

Blevins, et al. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit. ISA,2003.

3. B. Multivariable statistical process controls

Artificial Neural Networks excel at modeling nonlinear relationships for a relatively

large unknown number of inputs. However, the inputs cannot be correlated and the
training data must cover the whole region. An ANN cannot be used to extrapolate
values outside the test region and doesn't handle large lags well. The multivariate
statistical-process control excels at modeling unknown linear relationships for a large
number of inputs that could be correlated. Step response models excel at linear
relationships for a small to moderate number of uncorrelated inputs where dynamics
are important. Step response models are used for linear dynamic on-line property
estimates. First principle models require known equations and parameters that use
process principles and material and energy balances.

Blevins, et al. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit. ISA, 2003. 9
) Definition
) 4. A. Real-time optimization with a detailed process model.

The question implies that relationships to find optimum operating points are buried in
the process and change with time. Real-time optimization uses a reconciled high fidelity
process model with the equipment details, such as heat transfer coefficients and
) physical properties of the components. Tactical schedulers don't have process
) knowledge built in and may request operating points that are not achievable or
) advisable based on equipment and process constraints. A linear program assumes fixed
economic relationships and doesn't deal with stationary behavior shifts and nonlinear
process behavior. A model predictive control with a constraint pusher is only able to do
a simple maximization on minimization of a process variable such as feed flow.
) Reference:
) Blevins, et al. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
) Optimum Benefit. ISA, 2003.
5. B. 100
) Because of the high speed of "fast Ethernet," the use of twisted pair cable is limited to
) 100 meters (330 feet). 10 meters would limit installations unnecessarily. 300 meters and
) 350 meters would exceed recommendations substantially, which could potentially cause
signal errors.
) Reference:
) Berge. Fieldbuses for Process Control: Engineering, Operation, and Maintenance.
) ISA,2001.
6. D. Resetting an emergency stop circuit to initiate a restart
) The reset of an emergency stop circuit will not initiate a restart; therefore, the answer is
) not an acceptable emergency operation and is the correct answer.
) Emergency stop to override all other functions and operations with all modes is an
) acceptable emergency operation, per NFPA 79 -
Emergency switching off initiated by a single human action is an acceptable emergency
operation, per NFPA 79 -
) Using a locally supplied disconnect is an acceptable emergency operation, per NFPA-
) Reference:
NFPA. NFPA 79, NFP A. 2002.

www.isa.o rgiCAP 10

7. B. Fixed price

A fixed-price contract is estimated by the supplier and agreed to by the customer before
the project begins. Any overruns are the responsibility of the supplier. In cost plus, time
and material, and unit-price contracts, the supplier and customer agree on the margin--
not the total cost of the project.

Albert and Coggan. Fundamentals of Industrial Control, 2nd Edition. ISA, 2004.

www.isa.orgiCAP II
System Design
Design, specifi], and procure the hardtoare / software used in the system
) Task 1: Perform safety and/ or hazard analyses, security analyses, and
) regulatory compliance assessments by identifying key issues and risks in order
to comply with applicable standards, policies, and regulations.
"> Task 2: Establish standards, templates, and guidelines as applied to the
) automation system using the information gathered in the definition stage and
) considering human-factor effects in order to satisfy customer design criteria
) and preferences.
Task 3: Create detailed equipment specifications and instrument data sheets
based on vendor selection criteria, characteristics and conditions of the physical
) environment, regulations, and performance requirements in order to purchase
) equipment and support system design and development.
Task 4: Define the data structure layout and data flow model considering the
volume and type of data involved in order to provide specifications for
) hardware selection and software development.
) Task 5: Select the physical communication media, network architecture, and
) protocols based on data requirements in order to complete system design and
support system development.
Task 6: Develop a functional description of the automation solution (e.g.,
) control scheme, alarms, HMI, reports) using rules established in the definition
) stage in order to guide development and programming.
Task 7: Design the test plan using chosen methodologies in order to execute
appropriate testing relative to functional requirements.


) www.isa.orgiCAP 12
System Design

Task 8: Perform the detailed design for the project by converting the
engineering and system design into purchase requisitions, drawings, panel
designs, and installation details consistent with the specification and functional
descriptions in order to provide detailed information for development and

Task 9: Prepare comprehensive construction work packages by organizing the

detailed design information and documents in order to release project for
construction. 13
System Design
1. Which of the following standards applies to the development of embedded software
for a SIL 3 certified safety system?
) A. ANSE/ISA 584
) B. IEC 61511
-) C. rsc 61508
D. 20 CFR Part 11
2. Which of the following protection techniques is acceptable for equipment located in a
) Class I, Division 1 area?
) A. Explosion-proof apparatus and nonincendive equipment
B. Explosion-proof apparatus and intrinsic safety
C. Dust ignition-proof and nonincendive equipment
D. Hermetically sealed and intrinsic safety
) 3. If you need an enclosure that resists corrosion and provides protection for outdoor
) use, dust, and hose-directed water, which type of enclosure would you select?
A. Type 1 (NEMA 1)
B. Type 4x (NEMA 4x)
) C. Type 12 (NEMA 12)
) D. Type 13 (NEMA 13)
) 4. Which of the following control valve body styles is MOST likely to develop blockage
in a paper pulp slurry service?
) A. Pinch
) B. Characterized ball
) C. Butterfly
) D. Globe
5. According to the NFPA 79, the standard wire colors for line voltage, AC control
) currents, DC control circuits, and interlock circuits are respectively shown as:
) A. Black, red, blue, yellow.
) B. Black, red, orange, yellow.
C. Brown, red, orange, yellow.
D. Brown, black, white, red.
) 14
System Design

6. R=rL/A
What is the resistance of 1000 ft of copper wire (specific resistance = 10.37) given a
cross-sectional area of 10370 emil and a wire temperature of 200 C ?

A. In
B. 2n
C. Ion
D. loon
7. An application includes a VFD that implements a V /Hz method of torque control
while maintaining a fixed V 1Hz ratio. The motor has a nameplate rating of 460 volts and
60Hz. If the drive is operating at 30Hz, what percent of rated torque will the motor MOST
likely develop?

B. 50%
e. 100%

8. To measure the level of a liquid with a dielectric constant greater than 2 in a

horizontal vessel with changing composition and temperature, the device with BEST
reproducibility is a:

A. Radar level detector.

B. Ultrasonic level detector.
e. Capacitance level detector.
D. Differential pressure transmitter.

9. To minimize electrical interference when AC power and DC signal wiring meet in a

control panel, it is BEST to:

A. Use a different size wire.

B. Cross the wires at 90 degrees.
e. Run the wires parallel to each other.
D. Twist the AC wires around the DC wires.

10. Using Modbus, what is the MAXIMUM level of precision available?

A. 8-bits
B. 16-bits
e. 24-bits
D. 32-bits

www" 15
System Design
) 11. How is PID defined in the phrase liPID control loop"?
A. Proportional Instrument Device
B. Piping Instrumentation Diagram
) C. Percentage Integration Delta
) D. Proportional Integral Derivative
) 12. P&ID is an acronym for which of the following?
A. Process and Instruction Document
) B. Process and Instrument Diagram
) C. Piping and Instrument Diagram
) D. Piping and Installation Drawing
13. Which fuse has the quickest response to overcurrents?
) A. Single-element
) B. Dual-element
) C. Time-delay
) D. Dual-element time-delay
www 16
System Design


1. C. IEC 61508

According to IEC 61511-1, embedded software which is part of the safety device/
controller should follow software guidelines in IEC 61508-3. IEC 61511 and ANSI/ISA
S84 are system standards and not a product standard. 20 CFR Part 11 is not relevant as it
deals with electronic signature.

IEC 61511. IEC,2003.

2. B. Explosion-proof apparatus and intrinsic safety

Hazardous location protection techniques are defined by NEC 500.7 (NEC 2002 Code).
The protection techniques are permitted as follows:
Explosion proof apparatus - Class I, Divl or 2
Intrinsic safety - Class I, Div 1 or2; Class IT Div 1 or 2; or Class III, Div 1 or 2
Non-incendive equipment - Class I, Div 2; Class IT, Div 2; or Class ill, Div 1 or 2
(Does NOT Include Class 1, Div 1)
Dust ignition proof - Class II, Di 1 or 2
(Does NOT include Class I, Div 1)
Hermetically sealed - Class I, Div 2; Class II, Div 2; Class III, Div 1 or 2
(Does NOT include Class I, Div 1)
Earley. NEC 2002 Handbook. NFPA, 2002.

3. B. Type4x (NEMA4x)

NEC 2002 defines an enclosure type 4x as ideal for outdoor use and resistant to splashing
water, windblown dust, hose directed water, and corrosion. It is also undamaged by the
formation of ice on the enclosure. A type 1 enclosure is for indoor use. A type 12
enclosure is for indoor use and resists only dust and dripping non-eorrosive liquids. A
type 13 enclosure is for indoor use and resists dust, spraying water, oil, and non-corrosive

Earley. NEC 2002 Handbook. NFPA,2002. 17
) System Design

) 4. D. Globe
A globe valve consists of a plug on the end of a stem that moves the plug onto a seat.
Because of the body design of this valve, cavities in the body can easily fill with materials
) and develop blockage. Ball-, butterfly-, and pinch valve body style have straight-through
) flow, which is less likely to develop blockage.
) Reference:
Liptak. Instrument Engineers' Handbook - Process Control, Volume 2. CRC Press, 2001.
) 5. A. Black, red, blue, yellow
) Black, red, blue, yellow is the correct answer per NFPA-79: The Electrical Standard for
Industrial Machinery, which is in correspondence with article 670 in the National
Electrical Code (NEC). This is located in section 14.2: Identification of Conduction.
) Reference:
) NFPA-79: Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery. NFPA, 2002.
6. A. 1 n
) The resistance of a length (L) of a conductor can be determined using the specific
) resistance and the cross-sectional area (A) in emil by using the equation R = rLI A. 1 Q is
) the correct answer.
) Hughes. Programmable Controllers. ISA, 2001.
) 7. C. 100%
The torque of a motor is controlled by the volts per hertz ratio (V1Hz). As long as this
) ratio is kept in proportion with the nameplate rating, the motor will develop rated torque.
) The only answer that represents rated torque is 100% rated torque. The other values do
) not represent rated torque.
Polka. Motors and Drives - A Practical Technology Guide. ISA, 2003.
) 18
System Design

8. A. Radar level detector

The fact that the tank is horizontal implies that the angle of the beam will be narrow at
the surface and the vessel walls will not interfere. Radar can detect the smallest change in
surface level. It does not depend upon the temperature or composition of the fluid as long
as the beam is narrow and the dielectric constant of the fluid is greater than 2. Ultrasonic
level detectors are affected by changes in the speed of sound with temperature and are
not quite as sensitive as radar. Capacitance level detectors are affected by changes in the
dielectric constant with composition and are not quite as sensitive as radar. Differential
pressure transmitters are affected by changes in liquid density with composition and
temperature and are not as sensitive as radar.

Blevins, et al. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit. ISA, 2003.

9. B. Cross the wires at 90 degrees

Crossing the wires at 90 degrees will minimize the exposure of the wire to each other and
therefore minimize the effects of interface. Using a different size wire will have no effect
on the electrical interference. Running the wires parallel to each other will increase the
exposure of the wires to each other and increase the effects of interference. Twisting the
AC wires around the DC wires will also increase the effects of interference.

Hughes. Programmable Controllers. ISA, 2001.

10. B. 16-bits

Common Modbus uses two 8-bit bytes for each data register.
2 x 8 bits = 16 bits
To achieve more precision special programming or a specialized version of Modus would
be needed. Eight-bits is less precise than 16-bits. 24-bits and 30-bits require uncommon
means to achieve.

Liptak. Instrument Engineers Handbook - Volume 3 (3rd Edition). Process Software and
Digital Networks. ISA, 2002.

www 19
) System Design

) 11. D. Proportional Integral Derivative
The PID term as described refers to the loop control technique used in controllers.
Proportional Integral Derivative is the correct term as referenced. A PID Control Loop
) includes proportional, integral, and derivative functions to control the process.
) Reference:
Erickson and Hedrick. Plantwide Process Control. Wiley, 1999.
) 12. C. Piping and Instrument Diagram
) P & ID is a widely used acronym for Piping and Instrument Diagram.
) Fleming. 588 Implementation Guide. McGraw-Hill, 1999.
) 13. A. Single-element
Single element fuses have a very high speed of response to overcurrents. They provide
) excellent short-circuit component protection. Dual-element and time-delay fuses can be
) applied in circuits subject to temporary motor overloads and surge currents. Dual-
) element and time-delay fuses contain two series elements-- a short-circuit element and an
) overload element.
} Bussmann Cooper Industries. SPD Electrical Production Handbook.. 1992.
www.isa.orglCAP 20

Software development and coding

Task 1: Develop Human Machine Interface (HMI) in accordance with the

design documents in order to meet the functional requirements.

Task 2: Develop database and reporting functions in accordance with the

design documents in order to meet the functional requirements.

Task 3: Develop control configuration or programming in accordance with the

design documents in order to meet the functional requirements.

Task 4: Implement data transfer methodology that maximizes throughput and

ensures data integrity using communication protocols and specifications in
order to assure efficiency and reliability.

Task 5: Implement security methodology in accordance with stakeholder

requirements in order to mitigate loss and risk.

Task 6: Review configuration and programming using defined practices in

order to establish compliance with functional requirements.

Task 7: Test the automation system using the test plan in order to determine
compliance with functional requirements.

Task 8: Assemble all required documentation and user manuals created during
the development process in order to transfer essential knowledge to customers
and end users.

www.isa.orglCAP 21

) Development

) 1. The graphic display for a distillation column in a refining train would BESTfit in the
HMI Display hierarchy at which level?

) A. Plant
) B. Area
) C. Group
) D . Loop
2. When developing HMI screens it is recommended that the quantity of items an
operator has to remember is less than:
) A.1.
) B. 3.
C. 7.
) 3. The average person cannot respond to signals more frequent than one every:
) A. 30 milliseconds.
B. 80 milliseconds.
C. 300 milliseconds.
D. 800 milliseconds.
) 4. A process data historian should be designed to:
) A. Store data using an efficient data compression algorithm.
B. Store high-frequency process data online for a minimum of 10 years.
C. Store discrete values efficiently by combining bits into hexadecimal values.
) D. Interpolate historical values to align time stamps.
) 5. Which database arranges data in a tabular format and links records by key values?
A. Hierarchical
B. Neutralized
) C. Relational
) D. Distributed
www.isa.orglCAP 22

6. Which PLC programming languages consists of contacts, timers, and counters?

A. Sequential Function Charts (SFC)

B. Ladder Diagram (LD)
C. Function Block Diagram (FBD)
D. Structured Text (ST)

7. In a typical PLC timer, what does the function of the preset value determine?

A. The resolution of the time base such as 1/10 sec or 1/100 sec
B. The length of time before the timer is energized or de-energized
C. The length of time the timer has been active
D. The on-delay or off-delay setting that determines the reset of the timer

8. Which of the following is NOT a strong source of electrical noise?

A. Variable speed drives

B. Switching power supplies
C. Electronic lighting ballasts
D. Regulated magnetic transformer power supply

9. Which of the following security technologies would BEST protect a manufacturing

and control system from file transfer protocol access from outside the network?

A. Intrusion detection
B. Public key encryption
C. Password authentication
D. Firewall

10. A binary number of 1101 has a hexadecimal equivalent of:

B. 13.
C. A.
D. D.

11. Which set of documents should be reviewed to gain a quick understanding of plant

A. System architecture diagrams

B. Piping and Instrumentation diagrams
C. Plant layout drawing
D. Process flow diagrams

www.isa.orgiCAP 23


1. C. Group
) A typical hierarchy is composed of displays at four levels:
) Plant level - Provides information regarding the entire plant
Area level - Provides information on portions of the plant equipment that is related in
Group level - Provides information for the control loops and data points relating to a
) single process unit within a plant area
) Loop level- Provides information that deals with individual control loops, sequences,
) or data points
A distillation column refers to one piece of equipment in the distillation process which
will contain several loops. Therefore, it falls into the group-level category.
) Reference:
) Lukas. Distributed Control Systems, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986.
2. C. 7
) Studies show that people can remember approximately seven new things for about 20
) seconds. This is called short term memory. After 20 seconds, people will have lost the
) information if they cannot quickly store it in long-term memory.
) Weinschenk. Gill Design Essentials, Wiley Computer Publishing. 1997.
) 3. C. 300 milliseconds
The average person cannot process signals more frequent than one every 300 ms, or
) about three signals per second. Therefore, for reliable regulation of events that are faster
) than three signals per second, a person should not act as the controller.
Albert and Coggan. Fundamentals of Industrial Control. ISA, 2004.
) 4. A. Store data using an efficient data compression algorithm
) Storing data using an efficient data compression algorithm is the correct answer.
Storing high frequency process data online for a minimum of 10 years does not suggest
any data-comparison techniques. Storing discrete values efficiently by combining bits
) www .isa.orgiCAP 24

into hexadecimal values could result in lost time-stamp data. Using interpolate
historical values to align time stamps would corrupt the actual data.

Fisher. Batch Control. ISA, 1996.

5. C. Relational

A relational database arranges information in a tabular format with each table, or

"relation," contributing data that describes a particular type of object. All connections
between tables are based on shared key values. In a hierarchical database, information
is maintained in a tree structure that emphasizes relationships between superior and
subordinate items. In a neutralized database, predefined links connect many leaves in a
tree. Distribution is not a standard database model.

Fisher. Batch Control. ISA, 1996.

6. B. Ladder Diagram (LD)

The Ladder Diagram Language consists of relay-type logic, timing, counting, and basic
math operations. SFC and FBD are graphical languages in a high level structured

Lewis. Programming Industrial Central Systems Using me 1131-3. lEE
Publishing, 1998.

7. B. The length of time before the timer is energized or de-energized.

A timer pre-set is a programming value for the timing function. The resolution of the
time base relates to accuracy. The length of time before the timer is energized or de-
energized is a timer function.

Bailey and Wright. Practical SCADA for Industry. Newnes, 2003.

8. D. Regulated magnetic transformer power supply

A regulated magnetic-transformer power supply is the only choice that does not
include power supply switching. Variable speed drives, switching power supplies, and
www.isa.orglCAP 25
) Development
) electronic lighting ballasts all include switching power supplies, which is known to
) produce noise in the system due to the high switching rate.
) Polka. Motors and Drives. ISA, 2003.
) 9. D. Firewall
Firewalls enforce access control policies using mechanisms that either block or permit
certain types of traffic, thus regulating the flow of information. Public key encryption,
) password authentication, and intrusion detection are security techniques that block
) access to users.
ISA TR99.00.01 - 2004 - Security Technologies for Manufacturing and Control Systems.
) 10. D. D
D is correct. In hexadecimal, D is the equivalent of 1101 in binary. 8 in hexadecimal is
the equivalent of 1000 in binary. 13 is not a hexadecimal format. A in hexadecimal is the
) equivalent of 1010 in binary.
) Reference:
Hughes. Programmable Controllers. ISA, 2001.
11. D. Process flow diagrams
) Process flow diagrams depict the flow of material through a plant, the major
) equipment, and their capacities. These diagrams make it very easy to visualize the plant
asa whole.
Piping & Instrumentation diagrams are derived from PFDs and typically have too much
detail to visualize the entire plant. Plant layout drawings provide a visual
) representation of the physical locations of buildings, major structures, and major
) equipment, much like a map. System architecture diagrams show the interconnection of
) all the major control system components. They do not provide much information on
how the plant works.
) Liptak. Instrument Engineers' Handbook: Volume 3 (3rd Edition) Process Software and
) Digital Networks. CRC Press, 2002.

www.i 26

Field installation and checkout and startup of the systems

Task 1: Perform receipt verification of all field devices by comparing vendor

records against design specifications in order to ensure that devices are as

Task 2: Perform physical inspection of installed equipment against construction

drawings in order to ensure installation in accordance with design drawings and

Task 3: Install configuration and programs by loading them into the target
devices in order to prepare for testing.

Task 4: Solve unforeseen problems identified during installation using

trou bleshooting skills in order to correct deficiencies.

Task 5: Test configuration and programming in accordance with the design

documents by executing the test plan in order to verify that the system operates as

Task 6: Test communication systems and field devices in accordance with design
specifications in order to ensure proper operation.

Task 7: Test all safety elements and systems by executing test plans in order to
ensure that safety functions operate as designed.

Task 8: Test all security features by executing test plans in order to ensure that
security functions operate as designed.

Task 9: Provide initial training for facility personnel in system operation and
maintenance through classroom and hands-on training in order to ensure proper
use of the system.

Task 10: Execute system-level tests in accordance with the test plan in order to
ensure the entire system functions as designed.

Task 11: Troubleshoot problems identified during testing using a structured

methodology in order to correct system deficiencies.

Task 12: Make necessary adjustments using applicable tools and techniques in
order to demonstrate system performance and turn the automated system over to
operations. 27
) Deployment
1. A Bill of Materials for purchase of cable on a project is created by completing a
) A. Procurement.
) B. Inspection.
) C. Takeoff.
D. Requisition.
) 2. A diagram that shows all electrical devices and wiring details specific to a particular
) physical location is commonly referred to as a(n) diagram.
) A. Arrangement
B. Termination
C. Loop
) D. Schematic
) 3. For a rapid and representative pH measurement at the outlet of an inline neutralizer,
) such as a static mixer, the electrode should be approximately pipe diameters
downstream of the outlet.
) A.0.2
) B. 2
) C. 20
) n zoo
4. Considering a 60Hz power source, at what speed does a 4-pole synchronous motor
) run?
) A.1200RPM
) B. 1800RPM
C. 2400RPM
) 5. When a large automation project makes significant changes to plant operations, it is
) BEST to perform operator training:
A. Six months prior to the startup phase, during control system development.
B. After acceptance testing and prior to the startup phase.
) C. During the startup phase after water batching.
) D. After the startup phase is complete and the process has stabilized.
www.isa.orglCAP 28

6. If the distance in a sheet line from the thickness gauge to the manipulated diebolt
actuators is 200 meters and the speed is 4 meters per second, then the dead time from
the transportation delay for thickness control is seconds.

A. 200

7. If an exothermic reactor can runaway in manual, then the temperature controller

should be tuned with a(n):

A. Open loop short cut method.

B. Closed loop.
C. Lambda Tuning method.
D. Reaction curve method.

8. An increase in which setting can compensate for a thermoweIllag time?

A. Rate time
B. Reset time
C. Gain
D. Filter time 29

) Deployment
) 1. C. Take off.
) A material takeoff is the process of analyzing the drawings and determining all the
materials required to accomplish the design. The material takeoff is then used to create
a Bill of Materials. Inspection does not aid in creating a Bill of Material. Procurement
and requisition are activities that occur after the Bill of Materials is complete.
) Reference:
) Whitt. Successful Instrument and Control System Design. ISA, 2004.
2. B. Termination
) The termination diagram's purpose is to show all electrical devices and wiring details
) specific to a particular physical location. Arrangement drawings show the dimensional
mounting arrangement of all devices specific to a particular physical location and to
prove installation specifics and Bill of Material. A loop diagram's purpose is to use the
) process function as the focal point and show all wiring and devices required to
) accommodate that function. A scheme diagram shows electrical devices and wiring
) details required for correct operation regardless of physical location or wiring methods.
Whitt. Successful Instrument and Control System Design. ISA, 2004.
) 3. C. 20
) Equipment in a pipeline, such as static mixers, split up or stratify streams that need
) some distance to recombine to reduce the noise in the measurement. 20 pipe diameters
will provide enough mixing in most cases for turbulent flow and liquid mixing. 200
pipe diameters will introduce too much transportation delay. 2 pipe diameters and 0.2
) pipe diameters are insufficient to recombine streams.
) Reference:
) Blevins, et aI. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit, ISA. 2003.
www.isa.orglCAP 30

4. B. 1800 RPM

Synchronous spend in RPM =2 x frequency x 60

# Poles
For a 60 Hz, 4 pole motor = 2 x 60 x 60 = 1800 RPM
Therefore, 1800 RPM is the correct response.

Webb. Industrial Control Electronics, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, 1993.

5. B. Mter acceptance testing and prior to the startup phase.

The best time to train operators is after acceptance testing and prior to startup. Ideally,
you want to train the operators after the bulk of the changes have been made, but before
they will need to implement the knowledge. This reduces confusion and also reduces
the chance that training will be forgotten. Training needs to occur before the startup
phase because the operator would have to know something about the process before
they could startup the plant. However, if training occurs too early the operator will
forget what has been learned before having a chance to apply the knowledge.

Liptak. Instrument Engineers' Handbook - Volume 3 (3rd Edition): Process Software
and Digital Networks. ISA, 2002.

6. B. 50

The time it takes the sheet to go from the diebolt actuators, which are the manipulated
variable, to the thickness gauge that transverses the sheet to provide the controlled
variable (sheet thickness profile across the sheet), is the transportation delay.
50 seconds: Distance / velocity (200 meters/ 4 meters per sec) is the transportation

McMillan. Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide. ISA, 2000.
Blevins, et al. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit. ISA, 2003.

www 31
) Deployment

) 7. B. Closed loop.
) The controller must stay in automatic to prevent a runaway reaction. Closed-loop
methods keep the controller in automatic. Normally, the gain is maximized to the point
where either the error is small enough or the process starts to show a slight oscillation.
) It does not imply the ultimate oscillation method. The controller is in manual for open
) loop, Lambda Tuning, and reaction curve methods.
) Reference:
McMillan. Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide. ISA, 2000.
) 8. A. Rate time
) Thermowell and temperature processes have multiple interacting thermal lags.
Rate time cancels a secondary thermal lag that can improve control in a slow
temperature process without AID chatter. Reset time adds another lag that further
increases the apparent dead time from multiple lags. A large thermowelllag reduces
) the allowable gain. A process variable filter adds another lag that further increases the
) apparent dead time from multiple lags.
McMillan. Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide. ISA, 2000.
www .isa.orglCAP 32
) ,
Operations and Maintenance

Long term support of the system

Task 1: Verify system performance and records periodically using

established procedures in order to ensure compliance with standards,
regulations, and best practices.

Task 2: Provide technical support for facility personnel by applying system

expertise in order to maximize system availability.

Task 3: Perform training needs analysis periodically for facility personnel

using skill assessments in order to establish objectives for the training

Task 4: Provide training for facility personnel by addressing identified

objectives in order to ensure the skill level of personnel is adequate for the
technology and products used in the system.

Task 5: Monitor performance using software and hardware diagnostic tools

in order to support early detection of potential problems.

Task 6: Perform periodic inspections and tests in accordance with written

standards and procedures in order to verify system or component
performance against requirements.

Task 7: Perform continuous improvement by working with facility

personnel in order to increase capacity, reliability, and/or efficiency.

Task 8: Document lessons learned by reviewing the project with all

stakeholders in order to improve future projects.

Task 9: Maintain licenses, updates, and service contracts for software and
equipment by reviewing both internal and external options in order to meet
expectations for capability and availability.

Task 10: Determine the need for spare parts based on an assessment of
installed base and probability of failure in order to maximize system
availability and minimize cost.

www.isa.orglCAP 33

) Operations and Maintenance
) Task 11: Provide a system management plan by performing preventive
) maintenance, implementing backups, and designing recovery plans in order
to avoid and recover from system failures.
Task 12: Follow a process for authorization and implementation of changes
) in accordance with established standards or practices in order to safeguard
--) system and documentation integrity.
') 34
Operations and Maintenance

1. Most AC motors operate on the principle of:

A. Capacitance.
B. Resistance.
C. Induction.
D. Semiconduction.

2. One of your training objectives is to teach the operator to successfully react to a

process upset. The MOST effective method to achieve that goal is to:

A. Review the control system logic with the operator.

B. Provide a copy of the standard operating procedure manual.
C. Provide a hands-on session in a virtual plant environment.
D. Review the system alarm list.

3. If diagnostic software flags a controller as having high process variability when its
output is hitting a low limit, the MOST probable cause is a(n):

A. Zero shift in the measurement.

B. Noisy measurement.
C. Nonlinear control valve.
D. Over-sized control valve.

4. Which of the following MUST be performed to reveal a normally undetected fault in

a safety system?

A. Proven in use
B. Proof test
C. System software test
D. System validation

5. The peak performance demonstrated in an operating unit should be based on a(n):

A. Expert system.
B. Operator's sweet spot.
C. Process flow diagram.
D. Review of cost sheets and historian data with operations. 35

) Operations a nd Maintenance
) 6. To simultaneously optimize an interacting dead-time dominant process with
) multiple constraints, one should use a(n):
A. Override PID control.
B. Model predictive control.
) C. Decoupled PID controL
) D. Advisory controL

" )
) . 36
Operations and Maintenance


1. C. Induction.

Most AC motors work on the principle of induction. The motor consists of a rotor
(rotating portion) with a laminated iron core containing copper bars in the slots. In
addition, the motor contains stator field windings (stationary portion). When AC
current is applied to the stator a current is induced in the rotor producing a rotor field
polarity that opposes the stator field. Capacitors may be used for starting single-phase
motors, but this does not apply to the operational basics of the motor, as capacitance
refers to the storage of energy (not a function of a motor). A motor does include
resistance, but the operation of the motor rotation is not due to its resistance. Basic
motor operation has no relation to semiconduction.

Tomal. Electronic Troubleshooting. McGraw-Hill, 1998.

2. C. Provide a hands-on session in a virtual plant environment.

Providing a hands-on session in a virtual plant environment is the ideal method. Hand-
on sessions will demonstrate to the operator what they might see during normal
conditions as well as during upset conditions. Reviewing the control system logic with
the operator would be useful if the operators have a technical background and
understand logic. However, this may not be the case. Standard Operating Procedures
do not familiarize the operator with the control system interface to the point that
he/ she will be able to recognize problems. Reviewing the system alarm list is also not a
solution. The alarm list tells the operator what is wrong; however, one problem can
raise a number of individual alarms. An operator needs to understand how to correlate
multiple alarms to quickly identify the cause.

Blevins, et aI. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit. ISA, 2003. 37
) Operations and Maintenance

) 3. D. Over-sized control valve
Controller output successively hits its low limit and shores a sawtooth oscillation.
An oversized control valve will operate next to the seat where the friction and stick-slip
) is greatest. A noisy measurement increases high-frequency variability but does not
) necessarily cause a controller output to hit its limit. A nonlinear valve may require
) detuning but does not necessarily cause a controller output to hit its limit. Zero shift, or
) bias errors, exists to some degree in all measurements and results in running at a
setpoint that is shifted. However, is does not cause a controller output to hit its limit
unless it is extremely large, which is not as probable as an oversized valve since such
) large errors are not common and should have been found during calibration checks and
) process problems.
) Reference:
Blevins, et al. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit. lSA, 2003.
) 4. B. Proof Test
A proof test on a system may reveal faults that would otherwise not be mentioned by
internal diagnostic measures and is therefore correct. Proven in use is an assessment on
) suitability for use and not related to fault detection. A system software test is only
) related to software and not system faults. System validation is performed to test to
) requirements and specifications and may not reveal faults which have not been refined
) by the requirements.
) lEC. IEC 61511-1. 2002,
) Tomal. Electronic Troubleshooting, McGraw-Hill. 1998.
www. 38
Operations and Maintenance

5. D. Review of cost sheets and historian data with operations.

The peak performance is needed to determine the gaps in an opportunity sizing. Cost
sheets show the best periods of operation and data historians explain the conditions and
relationships. However, these must be reviewed in the operations to rule out extraneous
information and explain special conditions. The operator's "sweet spot" is most often
based on what makes the job easiest. Process flow diagrams depict how it should be
and not the way it is and may be based on sub-optimum design criteria. Expert systems
are too fuzzy and tend to reflect a narrow and prejudiced knowledge base.

Blevins, et al. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit. ISA, 2003.

6. B. Model predictive control.

Model Predictive Control (MPC) excels at dead-time dominance and simultaneous

optimization while accounting for future prediction of proximity to constraints.
PID controllers are not suitable dead-time dominance. Derivatives cannot be used, but
even PID controllers don't do as well as MPCs. Override controllers select a single PID
output and are not simultaneous. PID controllers are not suitable. Decoupling is limited
in practice to steady state gains and a small number of variables with no optimization
built in. Operators cannot handle the interactions, the dead time or provide minute-to-
minute simultaneous corrections even if they are given the new setpoints.

Blevins, et al. Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for
Optimum Benefit. ISA, 2003.

www .isa.orglCAP 39

ISA Resources for the Certified
) Automation Professionals' (CAp®) Program
) Resource & Domain Matching
) A list of possible CAP book resources is provided below. The publisher of the book is
) noted after the title. ISA also has a variety of training courses that would be helpful in
preparing for CAP. Visit for a complete list. For more
information about the ISA products listed in this chart, go to,
e-mail ISA at [email protected], call (919) 549-8411, or write to ISA at: 67 Alexander Drive,
) P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
CAP!> Performance Domains
1 Feasibility Study
2 Definition
3 System Design
) 4 Development
) 5 Deployment
) 6 Operation and Maintenance
) Resources for the
Certified Automation Professionals (CAP®) Program
) Resources Domain
) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Advanced Control Unleashed: Plant Performance Management for X X X X
Optimum Benefit
) (ISA, 2003) - www .isa.orz/advancedcontrol
) Applying Manufacturing Execution Systems X
) (CRC Press, 1997) - www.crcpress .com
Applying S88: Batch Control from a User's Perspective X X X
(lSA, 2000) -
) Automation and Control CD or Online Curriculum X X X X X X
) (Coastal Training Technologies, ISA) - www.isa/distancelearning
) Batch Control Systems - Design, Application, and Implementation X X X X
(ISA , 2006) - www.isa.orglbatchcontrol
CAP Review Course rsco» X X X X X X
) (lSA, 2oo5) - www .isa.orglCAPtraining
) CAP Learning System X X X X X X
) (lSA, 2006) - www .isa.orglCAPlearn
) o

Resources for the
Certified Automation Professional" (CAP®) Program
Resources Domain
1 2 3 4 5 6
Control System Design Guide, 3 Edition X X
(Academic Press, 2004) -
Control System Safety Evaluation and Reliability, 2 na Edition X
(ISA, 1998) -
Control System Documentation: Applying Symbols and Identification X
(lSA, 1993) -
Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Locations, 41n Edition X X X
(ISA, 1998) -
Fieldbuses for Process Control: Engineering, Operation, and X X
(lSA, 200 1) - www.isa.orz/fieldbuses
Fundamentals of Process Control Theory, 3rd Edition X X
(ISA, 2000) - www.isa.orgltheoryfundamentals
Fundamentals of Industrial Control, 2na Edition X X X
(ISA, 2004) -
GAMP Good Practice Guide: Validation of Process Control Systems X X X
(ISPE, 2003) -
Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide X X
(ISA, 2000) - www.isa.orgltuningpocket
Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge X X X X X X
(lSA, 2005) -
Industrial Control Electronics, 2na Edition X X X
(Prentice Hall, 1993) -
Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Volume 3 (3rd Edition): Process X X X X X
Software and Digital Networks
(ISA, 2002) -
Industrial Instrumentation Technician Assessment: Review for X
Certification, Levels III & IV
(lSA , 1994) - www.isa.orz/nicetlflandfv
Internetworkin~ with TCP/IP Vol. I: Principles, Protocols, and X
Architecture, 4' Edition
(Prentice Hall, 1995) - www.nrenhall.corn
Motors & Drives: A Practical Technology Guide X X
(ISA, 2003) -
NFPA 79 - Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery X X X
(NFPA, 2002) - www
Practical Project Management - Learning to Manage the Professional X X X
(lSA, 200 1) - www
Practical SCADA for Industry X X
(Newnes, 2003) - www

www.isa.orgiCAP 41

Resources for the
Certified Automation Professional" (CAP®) Program
) Resources Domain
) 1 2 3 4 5 6
) Preventive Maintenance X X
(ISA, 2004) - www.i
Principles and Practices of Automatic Process Control, 2 M Edition X X
) (Wiley, ]997) -
) Programming Industrial Control Systems Using IEC 1J 31-3 X X
) (lEE Publishing, ]998) -
Quality Management, 3ra Edition X X
(McGraw-Hili/Irwin, 1995) -
) S88 Implementation Guide X X
) (McGraw-Hili, 1998) -
) Safety Integrity Level Selection - Systematic Methods Including Layer X X
of Protection Analysis
(ISA, 2002) -
) Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and Justification, X X X X
) 2nd Edition
) (ISA, 1998) - www.isa.or~/SafetvInstrumentedSvstems
Successful Instrument and Control System Design X X X X X
(ISA, 2004) -
) The New Rational Manager X X
) (Kepner-Tregoe, 1997) -
) Troubleshooting: A Technician's Guide X
(ISA, 2000) -
Understanding Distributed Processor Systems for Control X
) (ISA, 1999) -
) ISA-5.1-1984 (1992) Instrumentation Symbols and Identification X X
) (ISA, 1992) -
ANSIIISA-84.0 1-1996 - Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for X
the Process Industries
) (lSA, 1996) - www .isa.or~/isa840 1996
) ANSIIISA-88.0 1-1995 - Batch Control Part I: Models and Terminology X
) (ISA, 1995) -] 1995
ANSIIISA-88.00.03-2003 - Batch Control Part 3: General and Site X
Recipe Models and Representation
) (ISA, 2003) - www.isa.on!lisa8800032003
) ANSIIISA-95.00.0 1-2000 - Enterprise-Control System Integration Part X
) I: Models and Terminology
(lSA, 2000) - www.isa.on!lisa9500012ooo
ISA-TR99.00.01-2004 - Security Technologies for Manufacturing and X
) Control Systems
) (lSA, 2004) - www.isa.orvisatr99000]2004
) 42

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