Physico Chemical Properties of Flour and Starch From Jackfruit Seeds (Artocarpus Modified Starches

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Physico‐chemical properties of flour and

starch from jackfruit seeds (Artocarpus
heterophyllus Lam.) compared with
modified starches
Amornrat Mukprasirt

Kamontip Sajjaanantakul

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) is one of the most popular tropical fruits grown in Asia.
The objective of this study was to compare physico‐chemical properties of native flour and
starch from jackfruit seeds (A. heterophyllus) to commercially modified starches (Novation 2300
and Purity 4). The colour of jackfruit seed starch was lighter than the Novation 2300 starch but
darker than the Purity 4 starch. The jackfruit seed starch had a narrower gelatinization
temperature range than Purity 4 and required less gelatinization energy compared with modified
starches. The peak viscosity of jackfruit seed starch was lower than commercially modified
starches. Likewise, setback viscosity, swelling power and solubility of jackfruit seed starch
showed similar trends. Results from this study suggest that native starch from jackfruit seed
could be used as an alternative for modified starches in a system needing starch with a high
thermal and/or mechanical shear stability.

Some physicochemical and rheological properties of jackfruit seed flour and starch, isolated from the
flour were investigated. The flour had good capacities for water absorption (205%) and oil absorption
(93%). Substitution of wheat flour with the seed flour, at the level of 5, 10 and 20% markedly reduced
the gluten strength of the mixed dough. The Brabender amylogram (6% concentration, db) of seed
starch showed that its pasting temperature was 81 °C and its viscosity was moderate, remained constant
during a heating cycle and retrograded slightly on cooling. The starch showed an A-typed X-ray powder
diffraction pattern. KEYWORDS: Jackfruit Flour, Jackfruit Starch, physicochemical and rheological
properties. ScienceAsia 28 (2002) : 37-41 INTRODUCTION Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) is
popular fruit crop that is widely grown in Thailand and other tropical areas. The ripe fruit contains well
flavored yellow sweet bulbs and seeds (embedded in the bulb). The edible bulbs of ripe jackfruit are
consumed fresh or processed into canned products. Seeds make-up around 10 to 15% of the total fruit
weight and have high carbohydrate and protein contents (Bobbio et al 1978 and Kumar et al 1988).
Seeds are normally discarded or steamed and eaten as a snack or used in some local dishes. As fresh
seeds cannot kept for a long time, seed flour can be an alternative product, which be used in some food
products. There have been few studies on jackfruit seeds. Bobbio et al (1978) reported some
physicochemical properties, such as pasting characteristics of jackfruit seed starch. Kumar et al (1988)
studied the proximate compositions of two varieties of jackfruit seeds and reported considerable
biochemical difference between the two varieties. The starch content of the seed increases with
maturity (Rahman et al 1999). Different locations give different seed contents. Some functional
properties of jackfruit seed flour and its protein digestibility was reported by Singh et al (1991). This
work investigated some physicochemical and rheological properties of the flour and the isolated starch
from a local jackfruit variety called Thong – Sud – Jai. This variety is of local origin in Prachinburi
Province. It is widely grown in Thailand and gives a high fruit yield (Yospunya, 1999). The type of starch
analyzed by the X-ray powder diffraction technique, the first reported use of this technique to study
jackfruit starch. Additionally, bread dough substitution with jackfruit seed flour was also investigated.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Sample preparation Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) variety Thong
Sud Jai seeds from a local market in Bangkok, Thailand was used for this study. The seeds (3 kgs) were
cleaned and the white aril (seed coats) were peeled off. Seeds were then devided into two parts. One
part was lye-peeled with 5% NaOH for 2 min to remove the thin brown spermoderm covers the fleshy
white cotyledons. The seeds were sliced into thin chips and tray dried at 50° - 60 °C until their moisture
content was less than 13%. The chips were ground in a Pin mill FFC-23 to a 70 - mesh flour, packed in
plastic pouches and stored in a refrigerator (< 10 °C. This 38 ScienceAsia 28 (2002) step was repeated
several times until the supernatant was clean and clear. The starch was dried in a convection oven at 40
° to 60 °C until the moisture content was less than 13%, then ground with a mortar and pestle and
passed through a 70 µm sieve. Sample was stored in air tight containers at room temperature until use.
Chemical analyses. Representative samples of flour were analyzed in triplicate for moisture, crude
protein (conversion factor N x 5.7), crude lipid, and crude fiber ash contents using standard methods of
the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) (1990). Total starch was measured following the
polarimetric procedure of Meloan and Pomeranz (1973). The Specific rotation, [α] = 203, which is
arbitrarily taken as value for all starch was used for calculation (AOAC 1990). The pH of the flour was
measured by the potentiometric method following the standard procedure in AOAC 1990. Nitrogen
content of jackfruit seed starch was analyzed by a macro-Kjeldahl method (AOAC, 1990). Four grams of
the starch was used for the analysis. Protein content was calculated by multiplying the nitrogen content
by 5.7. Amylose contents of jackfruit seed starch was determined in triplicate using the
spectrophotometric method described by Javis and Walker (1993). Standard potato amylose and
amylopectin (Sigma Chemical) were used as references. Physical and functional properties Granular
morphology of the isolated starch granules was identified in a light microscope. Scanning Electron
Microscopy analysis of the isolated starch was performed in an SEM (JOEL Tokyo, Japan) with
magnification of 1100X. X-ray diffraction: step-scanned X-ray powder diffraction patterns for jackfruit
starch were collected on the finely ground samples on a Shimadzu 610 diffractometer (Shimadzu, Tokyo,
Japan). The X-ray source operated at 30 kV and 40 mA with a Cu target and graphite – monochromator
radiation Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406). Data were collected by stepscanned method between 2 ° to 60 ° in
2θ with a step size of 0.02° 2θ and a counting time of 2 sec/step. Water and oil absorption capacities of
the flour were measured in triplicates by the method of Sosulski et al (1987), using 0.5 g flour (dry
weight basis, dwb) in 15 ml centrifuge tubes. Brabender viscosity curves of flour and starch at 8%
concentration (dwb) were determined according to the procedure described by Mazur et al (1957).
Standard procedures using the Brabender farinograph (Brabender OHG Duisburg, model 82575000) and
extensograph (Brabender OHG Duisburg, model 850000) were employed to determine the rheological
properties of the doughs. White breads were prepared by a straight dough method using the standard
procedure in AACC (1983). All purpose wheat flour (protein 10-11%) were supplemented with three
different levels (5,10, 20%) of jackfruit seed flour. Specific volume (cm3 / 100gm) of the breads was
determined by the seed dis-placement method. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Flour The flour composition of
this study, compared with Singh et al (1991) were shown in Table l. The major components of the flours
were carbohydrates (78.0%). The proximate analysis showed that protein (11.2%, dwb) and lipid (0.99%,
dwb) contents of the flour were lower than those reported by Singh et al (1991). The difference can be
contributed by variety difference, maturation of the seeds and environmental conditions. These effects
were already reported by Rahman et al (1999). Composition of flour depends on nature of the seeds.
Bobbio et al (1978) reported protein, crude lipids and carbohydrates contents of jackfruit seeds as
31.9%, 1.3% and 66.2% (dwb), respectively. The protein content reported by Bobbio et al was very high;
however, the seeds were reported to have been collected from fruits of various trees and no variety was
reported. Kumar et al (1988) also reported composition of seeds from two varieties of jackfruit. Protein,
crude lipids and carbohydrates content were 17.8-18.3%, 2.1-2.5% and 76.1% (dwb), respectively. If the
flour was prepared from seeds without removing the thin brown spermodesm, the crude fiber content
was 2.36% (Table 1), close to that reported by Singh et al (1991). However, the flour used in this study
was prepared only from lye-peeled seeds to remove the brown coating. Water absorption capacity and
oil absorption capacity of the flour were reported in Table l. These indicated good ability of the flour to
bind water and lipid. The water absorption in this study was higher than that reported by Singh et al
(1991). Milling equipment and flour preparation methods, such as a milling time can effect some
properties of the flour; for example, starch damage, which will result in high water absorption because
water can penetrate into granules more easily than intact granules. ScienceAsia 28 (2002) 39 Since the
seed flour had high protein content (11%), the possibility of substitution of wheat flour with the seed
flour for bread making was investigated. Table 2 showed the rheological tests of jackfruit seed flour
mixed with wheat flour. With increasing level of supplementation, the water absorption capacity
increased. High water absorption capacity is a characteristic of the wheat flour which is employed for
bread making (Kent, 1975). The bread dough peak time and dough stability time were reduced as
supplementation increased. This confirmed the reduction of protein gluten strength in the wheat/ seed
flour. The mixed dough also showed a poor mixing tolerance index (viscosity difference after 5 min of
peak viscosity). With more supplementation, the mixing tolerance index increased. Extensograph also
indicated that the dough had poor extensibility and resistance to extensibility as compared to normal
wheat dough. As the results, the specific baking volume of the bread was reduced by 51% at 5%
supplementation level of wheat flour with jackfruit seed flour (Table 2). Starch properties Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy under normal light showed round and bell-shaped
granules predominate (Figure 1). Optical microscopy with polarized light showed sharp dark maltese
cross in all starch granules. The hilum is central (Figure 2). The birefringence is different from that of the
faint polarization cross reported by Bobbio et al. Pasting properties of 8% jack-fruit seed starch was
studied by means of the Brabender viscoamylograph (Table 3). Tapioca and corn starches, which are
commonly used in food industry, are also shown Table 1. Composition and some physicochemical
characteristics of jackfruit flour (% dry weight basis, except moisture). Determination % (dwb) With
brown spermoderm Without brown spermoderm Singh et al (1991) Moisture 7.70 ±0.20 8.57±0.25 5.1
Crude protein (%Nx5.7) 11.02±0.46 11.17±0.21 17.2 Crude lipid 1.01±0.12 0.99±0.08 2.2 Crude fiber
2.36±0.04 1.67±0.11 3.06 Ash 3.97±0.04 3.92±0.03 3.6 Total Carbohydrate (a) 81.64 82.25 74 Total
starch 77.76±0.96 - Amylose content of starch 32.05±1.20 - Protein content of starch 1.84 - pH 5.68 -
Water absorption capacity(%) 205 141 Oil absorption capacity (%) 92.6 90.2 (a) determined by
difference Table 2. Rheological tests of flours and specific volumes of white bread. Parameter WF JF 5%
JF 10% JF 20% WF 95% WF 90% WF 80% % Water absorption 66.6 66.0 66.3 66.9 Arrival time (min) 1.7
1.7 2.0 1.7 Peak time (min) 8.6 4.9 4.7 3.4 Stability time (min) 11.4 6.8 5.3 4.1 Mixing tolerance index
(BU) 51 100 118 178 Extensibility (cm) 9 11.1 9.9 13.3 Resistance extensibility (BU) 1000 740 523 185
Specific volume of bread cm3/100 gm 8.64 4.21 3.51 3.21 WF, wheat flour, JF, jackfruit seed flour ; BU,
Brabender unit 40 ScienceAsia 28 (2002) for comparison. The lower breakdown of viscosity (P/F value)
during heating cycle for jackfruit seed starch as compared to that of tapioca starch indicated good
stability of the starch paste and good bonding forces within the starch granules (Zobel et al, 1984). The
starch paste also showed lower retrogradation as compared with tapioca and corn starch pastes.
Amylose content of jackfruit seed starch was 32%, (Table 1), higher than the mean value found in
tapioca starch (17%) and corn starch (26%). However, the starch paste showed relatively low
retrogradation. This is probably due to differences in amylose molecular weight and its ability to leach
out of the starch granules (Zobel, 1984). The jackfruit starch is in an amorphous state as seen from the
broad XRD peak pattern presented in Figure 3. The XRD pattern of jackfruit is different to the patterns of
potato and water chestnut starch, especially in position and relative peak intensity in the range of 2θ = 5
°-6 °, but it is similar to the pattern of waxy rice (Hizukuri, 1988). The absence of the peak of 2θ = 5 °-6 °
is characteristic of type-A starch, Therefore, the jackfruit seed starch belongs to A-type starch as do
cereal starches in general belong to the A-type pattern (Zobel, 1964). Cheetham and Tao (1998) also
reported waxy maize starch (amylose 0%) and maize starch (amylose 28%) showed a typical A-type
pattern. Transition from A-type to Btype pattern occurrs at amylose about 40%. CONCLUSION Flour
from jackfruit seed was prepared by dry milling. It is high in protein and carbohydrate contents. The
flour has good water and oil absorption abilities. However, less than 5% of wheat-flour can be replaced
with jackfruit seed flour for making white bread. Further studies are required to improve the seed flour
quality for usage. Starch was also isolated from the flour. Its amylose content was high. The starch
showed good paste stability during heating and gave the A-type X-ray diffraction pattern. REFERENCES 1.
AACC (1983) Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. AACC. St Paul, Minn. 2.
AOAC (1990) Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
Washington, DC. Table 3. Pasting properties of jackfruit – seed tapioca and corn starches. Pasting
properties % (db) Jackfruit Starch 8% Tapioca 8% Corn 8% Pasting temperature (°C) 81 61 73 Peak
viscosity (BU)(a) (P) 798 1590 750 Final viscosity @ 95 °C 20 min (BU) (F) 680 400 700 Cooled to 50 °C
(BU) ( C ) 820 690 1350 Breakdown (P / F) 1.17 3.98 1.07 Retrogradation (C / F) 1.21 1.73 1.93 (a) (BU) =
Brabender Unit Fig 1. Scanning electron micrograph (1100x) of jackfruit seed (Artocarpus heterophyluss
L) starch. Fig 2. Photomicrograph of jackfruit seed starch under polarized light. ScienceAsia 28 (2002) 41
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Characterization and sensorial evaluation of cereal bars with

jackfruit Calila Teixeira Santos, Renata Ferreira Bonomo, Rafael da Costa Ilhéu Fontan, Paulo Bonomo,
Cristiane Martins Veloso and Gabrielle Cardoso Reis Fontan Laboratório de Engenharia de Processos,
Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Praça Primavera, 40, 45700-000, Itapetinga, Bahia, Brazil.
*Author for correspondence. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. The objective of this study was
to elaborate a homemade and alternative cereal bar using dehydrated jackfruit and seed meal as fiber
source, due to the availability of this fruit in the region, without reducing the nutritional values if
comparing to those already existent in the market. In order to evaluate the centesimal content and the
acceptance of the homemade bars, both light and traditional bars were used as reference. The results
showed that the elaborated bar presented protein values very close with products already found in the
market. However, the new bars presented higher content of fibers. Formulations of 30 and 40% of seed
meal were the ones with the best acceptance. Keywords: functional product, Artocarpus integrifolia,
nutritional value, food fiber, jackfruit. RESUMO. Caracterização e avaliação sensorial de barras de
cereais com jaca. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho elaborar uma barra de cereal caseira e
alternativa, utilizando a jaca desidratada e o farelo da semente como fonte de fibras, a fim de aproveitar
a disponibilidade dessa fruta regional, sem reduzir o valor nutricional em relação às existentes no
mercado. Para avaliar a composição centesimal e aceitação das barras caseiras foram utilizadas barras
comerciais na forma light e tradicional, como parâmetros de referências. Os resultados obtidos
demonstraram que a barra formulada apresentou valores bem próximos aos produtos comercializados
no mercado no que se refere à proteína, mas com teores de fibras superiores. As formulações com 30 e
40% de teor de farelo da semente foram as que tiveram maior aceitação. Palavras-chave: produto
funcional, Artocarpus integrifolia, valor nutricional, fibra alimentar, jaca. Introduction Due to the
easiness of acquiring pre-prepared and frozen food in the market, together with several options offered
by fast-foods and selfservice restaurants, the consumption of this type of food has increased. Nowadays,
eating habits have demonstrated low ingestion of fiber, which leads to nutritional problems (FREITAS;
MORETTI, 2006). According to few authors, high ingestion of fiber is recommended for intestinal
treatments of adults and children. The regular consumption of fiber is constantly recommended by
nutritionists and official food departments (SUN-WATERHOUSE et al., 2010). Such recommendations are
based on the fact that fiber presents certain effects responsible for significant modifications in human
physiology, preventing chronic diseases (DREHER, 1999; AACC, 2001). The consumption of fatty food,
with high energetic density and the reduction in practicing exercises have strongly influenced nutritional
problems for the youth and adults worldwide. Among these problems it is worth to point out obesity
and hypertension (BRITO et al., 2004). Cereal bars appear due to the necessity of having a product
combining easiness and nutritional quality, in order to either improve or substitute snacks between
meals, to complement meals, or simply gain energy in a healthy way (MURPHY, 2001; DUTCOSK et al.,
2006; RYLAND et al., 2010). The consumption of cereal bars has increased mainly among young
consumers. Recent research has showed that young adults raging from 15 to 24 years old represent
62.5% of the consumers of cereal bars (BRITO et al., 2004). Food industries have sought to identify and
to attend consumers’ needs, considering that this is the only way they can maintain themselves in an
increasingly competitive market. The determination of acceptance by the consumer is a crucial part in a
development and improvement process of products. Affective tests require a team 82 Santos et al. Acta
Scientiarum. Technology Maringá, v. 33, n. 1, p. 81-85, 2011 composed of several participants who
represent the consumers population and/or potential consumers. Among these most applied methods
used to measure acceptance of products is the hedonic scale, in which consumers express their
acceptance following a pre-established scale, which gradually varies based on terms such as like and
dislike (MORI et al., 1998; SILVA et al., 2005). Jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia), is originally from Asia
and it has acclimated well in Brazil. It is a fruit rich in carbohydrates, complex B vitamins, and minerals
(RAHMAN et al., 1999; JAGADEESH et al., 2007, SOUZA et al., 2009). Jackfruit is freshly consumed, and it
can be processed to candies, sweeties, frozen pulps, juices, among others. Its seed can be consumed
baked or used in culinary to develop several menus. Nowadays, there are studies concerning the use of
seed meal for preparing cookies, sweeties, and bread as an alternative source of carbohydrate. The
shortage of low-cost products with high nutritional value has gathered researches to seek for alternative
protein sources which attend to matters concerning low production costs. Due to its different flavor,
jackfruit can become an innovator ingredient of cereal bars, which offers an exotic flavor, and an
increase in its nutritional quality. Also, it can be used for reducing production costs due to its low cost.
Therefore, the objective of this study it to elaborate a homemade and alternative cereal bar of jackfruit
without reducing nutritional values comparing to those already available for consumers. Material and
methods Jackfruit was obtained in the free market of Itapetinga and region. They were opened and
seeds were selected. The last were washed in water in order to remove fiber, dried at room
temperature, and ground. Further, the product was stored in plastic recipients at room temperature.
Jackfruit pulp with 75.4% (wet basis) of moisture was dried in a trail drier at 65°C with an air velocity of
1.5 m s-1, for 6 hours, until a moisture content near to 20% (wet basis), and then it was submitted to
grounding. Three formulations of cereal bars were tested, with a variation only in relation to dehydrated
jackfruit seed meal, respectively 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30 for formulations I, II and III. These relationships
were used to verify the influence of seed meal concentration on product acceptance. Cereal bars were
prepared according to the formulation presented in Table 1. Table 1. Final formulation of jackfruit cereal
bars. Formulations (g 100 g-1) Ingredient I II III Sugar 25.5 g 25.5 g 25.5 g Glucose syrup 14 g 14 g 14 g
Vegetable fat 2.5 g 2.5 g 2.5 g Fine oat 10 g 10 g 10 g Thick oat 10 g 10 g 10 g Dehydrated Jackfruit 19 g
22.8 g 26.6 g Seed meal 19 g 15.2 g 11.4 g Elaboration of bars The ingredients were mixed manually in a
plastic recipient for 20 minutes approximately, until obtaining homogeneous mass. Furthermore, the
mass was put on aluminum trays covered with aluminum paper and submitted to the oven at 110°C for
15 minutes. After cooling, bars were cut, wrapped with flexible film and let at rest until analyses. Cereal
bars were produced in the morning and sensorial analyses carried out in the afternoon at the same day.
The Figure 1 shows the production of different cereal bars. Jack fruit  Dehydration  Grinding 
Toasting  Seed meal  Dry ingredients  Mixture  Glucose syrup  Homogenize  Shape  Heating 
Colling  Cut  Packing Figure 1. Scheme of elaboration of cereal bars. Cereal bars with jackfruit 83 Acta
Scientiarum. Technology Maringá, v. 33, n. 1, p. 81-85, 2011 Proximate analysis Dehydrated jackfruit,
seed meal and cereal bars were submitted to physical chemical analyses for protein determination
(Kjeldahl method), fat (Soxhlet method), ash content, and moisture content in a oven at 105°C, as
described by AOAC (1996) and determination of pure fiber in accordance to the method described by
Silva and Queiroz (2002). Samples of 50 g by repetition were used to analyses, conduced in triplicate
each one. Sensory analysis Samples of each formulation of cereal bars were evaluated by 60 non-trained
testers ranging from 18 to 50 years old, of both sexes. Acceptance test was conducted in individual
cabins under light bulb, at the Laboratory of Sensory Analysis located at the Southwest Bahia State
University. Samples of cereal bars were presented to testers under room temperature, in a three digit
code. The order of presentation was randomly established by the design of a table of numbers. The
section was conducted presenting three samples of cereal bars corresponding to three formulations
varying in their seed meal content and dehydrates jackfruit in 50/50 (formulation I), 40/60 (formulation
II) and 30/70 (formulation III), monadically presented. The hedonic scale was structured in nine points,
which the minimum grade corresponded to the term “extremely disliked” and the highest grade
corresponded to the term “extremely liked”. The following characteristics were evaluated by the tester:
global impression, aroma, flavor, color, and texture. Statistical analysis In order to test the differences
among the formulation, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted. Data obtained from the
sensorial analysis were evaluated using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), comparing averages using
Duncan’s test at 10% probability, using the statistic software SAEG v 8.1 (RIBEIRO JUNIOR, 2001). Results
and Discussion Characterization of the raw-material and cereal bars The values of protein, lipids, ashes
and moisture content of the three formulations found in this work were not different among
themselves. Results of centesimal content of elaborated cereal bars, as well as dehydrated jackfruit and
seed meal are shown in Table 2. The formulations of cereal bars presented in an average 4.8 and 4.6% of
protein, a desirable value if compared to values found in the market (which average values range from
3.0 to 4.0%). Seed meal presented a considerable protein value (4.61%) taking into account that it is a
residual. Formulations I, II and III contain, in percentages, proteins from FJ (seed meal) + JD (dehydrated
jackfruit) of 76.76%, 75.43 and 72.17%, in dry bases. According to the results shown in Table 2, one
verifies that the selection of fruit and seed meal as a protein source is adequate, because dehydrated
jackfruit and seed meal contributes to 75% of the protein content of this cereal bar, and the rest was
from the oat. Brito et al. (2004), once formulating cereal bars, obtained higher protein values (6.27 g 100
g-1) if compared to those obtained in this study (4.8 and 4.6 g 100 g-1). This may be explained by the use
of oat formulation and corn starch cookies, which probably had more influence in the total protein
content of the bar if compared to seed meal and dehydrated jackfruit used in the formulations of this
study. Lipid content in bars I, II and III, if compared to bars of other authors (BRITO et al., 2004; FREITAS;
MORETTI, 2006) was high. This was probably due to the amount of hydrogenated fat (2.5 g 100 g-1)
used in these formulations. The objective of this addition was to avoid water addition in order to
promote uniformity, due to the fact that water could promote rehydration of jackfruit, which is not
interesting if concerning the final texture of the bar. According to Mattos and Martins (2000), the value
found for fibers (among 4.10 and 4.60 g 100 g-1) allows to classify homemade cereal bars as a product of
moderate fiber content. Comparing portions of the product (25 g-1) with brands found in the market, as
described in Table 3, it may be observed that the lipid value found in this study is close to the ones
commercially used. Regarding carbohydrate and fiber contents, elaborated bars presented a lower
carbohydrate content and higher fiber content if compared to other bars. This fact may be explained by
the addition of seed meal, which has high total fiber content (24.4 g 100 g-1) and low carbohydrate
content (3.76 g 100 g-1). 84 Santos et al. Acta Scientiarum. Technology Maringá, v. 33, n. 1, p. 81-85
2011 Table 2. Approximate centesimal content (% wet base) of jackfruit cereal bar. Dehydrated jackfruit
Seed meal Formulation I Formulation II Formulation III Caloric value (kcal 100 g-1) 271.18 242.88 419.06
414.85 413.21 Protein (Nx6.25) 2.73±0.03 4.61±0.04 4.80±0.035 4.60±0.029 4.60±0.03 Fat 1.94±0.02
0.80±0.007 8.68±0.04 6.22±0.03 7.81±0.03 Ash 2.47±0.03 12.12±0.09 1.59±0.03 1.38±0.029 1.56±0.025
Moisture 19.83±0.09 54.31±0.10 21.02±0.09 21.40±0.08 20.26±0.10 Carbohydrate* 63.43 3.76 42.50
44.10 45.40 Fiber 9.60±0.30 24.40±0.25 4.60±0.09 4.10±0.09 4.50±0.08 *Calculated by difference. Table
3. Centesimal content of Formulations I, II and III of cereal bars and commercial bars (D (light) and E
(traditional)). I II III D* E* Carbohydrate (g) 10.625 11.025 11.350 19.000 17.000 Fat (g) 2.17 1.56 1.95
1.00 4.00 Protein (g) 1.21 1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 Fiber (g) 1.15 1.03 1.13 1.00 1.00 *Composition of labels.
Sensory analysis The grades given by testers concerning sensorial preference is shown in Table 4. The
three formulations presented a good sensory acceptance, in a general standpoint. However, texture
sensation caused by the combination of the ingredients obtained lower averages of sensory preference.
Table 4. Averages of grades given by testers for sensorial preferences of jackfruit cereal bars.1
Formulation Aroma Color Taste Texture Global Impression III 6.9 a 6.9a 7.1a 6.6a 7.1a II 6.5 a 6.6a 6.8a
6.3ab 6.8ab I 5.9 b 6.1b 5.9b 5.7b 6.3 b 1 Means, in the same column, followed by the same letter are
not significantly different (Duncan’s test, p > 0.1). Concerning sensory characteristics: global impression
and texture, formulation II obtained intermediary average, which did not significantly differed (p > 0.1)
from Formulations III (30% of seed meal) and I (50% of seed meal). Regarding color and aroma,
Formulation III, with a lower content of seed meal (30%) obtained the best averages (6.9 and 6.9,
respectively), but it did not significantly differed (p > 0.1) from Formulation II which contained 40% of
seed meal. Considering taste, Formulation III obtained the highest grade, 7.1, but it did not significantly
differed (p > 0.1) from Formulation II. Formulation 1 which contains 50% of dehydrated jackfruit and
50% of seed meal presented lower preference grades if compared to the others. Figure 2 shows the
frequency of grades for the following characteristics: Global Impression and Flavor, due to the relevance
of these characteristics, from the three formulation of jackfruit cereal bar. It is possible to verify that
30% of the grades concerning Global Impression for formulations B and C are among 7 and 9, which
indicates “moderately liked” and “extremely liked”. Furthermore, more than 25% of the grades
concerning flavor of the three formulations were among this same grade interval. Frequency (%)
Hedonic scale score Figure 2. Distribution of grade frequencies for global impression and taste of the
three formulations of jackfruit cereal bar. Conclusion Based on the obtained results we can conclude
that the cereal bar elaborated from seed meal of jackfruit and dehydrated jackfruit satisfactorily attends
nutritional values if compared to other in the market. Concerning sensorial characteristics, formulations
containing 30 and 40% of seed meal of jackfruit were preferred by testers. Regarding nutritional value,
the variation of seed meal and dehydrated jackfruit content did not present significant differences.
However, if considering the testers’ acceptance, the best formulation is the one which contains 40% of
seed meal and 60% of dehydrated jackfruit, due to the use of higher amount of seed meal. Moreover,
this formulation did not differ from formulations containing 30% of seed meal and 60% of dehydrated
jackfruit. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Bahia State Research Fund Agency
(Fapesb) and CNPq for their financial support. Cereal bars with jackfruit 85 Acta Scientiarum. Technology
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Jackfruit Seeds: Nutrition,
Benefits, Concerns, and

Cheri Bantilan

 Nutrition

 Benefits

 Downsides

 Uses

 Bottom line
Jackfruit is a fruit found in many parts of Asia.

It has been gaining popularity due to its delicious, sweet taste and various
health benefits.

However, the flesh isn’t the only part of the fruit you can eat — a single
jackfruit may contain 100–500 edible and nutritious seeds (1).

Despite their beneficial nutrients, the seeds are typically discarded.

This article details everything you need to know about jackfruit seeds,
including their health benefits, potential concerns, and how to add them to
your diet.

Jackfruit seeds are nutritious

Compared with other tropical fruit seeds, jackfruit seeds pack many important
nutrients (2Trusted Source).

They contain high levels of starch, protein, vitamins, minerals, and

antioxidants (1, 2Trusted Source, 3).

A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of jackfruit seeds contains (3):

 Calories: 53
 Carbs: 11 grams
 Protein: 2 grams
 Fat: 0 grams
 Fiber: 0.5 grams
 Riboflavin: 8% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
 Thiamine: 7% of RDI
 Magnesium: 5% of RDI
 Phosphorus: 4% of RDI

These seeds also contain high concentrations of two B vitamins — thiamine

and riboflavin. Both help provide your body with energy, as well as perform
other important functions (4, 5).
Furthermore, jackfruit seeds offer fiber and resistant starch, both of which
pass through your body undigested and act as food for your beneficial gut
bacteria (6Trusted Source).

Fiber and resistant starch have been linked to many powerful health benefits,
including hunger control, reduced blood sugar levels, and improved digestion
and insulin sensitivity

They have several health benefits

Jackfruit seeds have been used in Traditional Chinese medicine as an
aphrodisiac and treatment for digestive issues, among other applications.

Modern research has found that they may have other helpful properties.

Could have antimicrobial effects

In traditional medicine, jackfruit seeds have sometimes been used to relieve


In fact, studies have shown that jackfruit seeds may have antibacterial effects
(2Trusted Source).

One study found that the surface of jackfruit seeds is covered with small
particles that act as antibacterial agents.

It tested these particles against common bacteria, such as E. coli, and

concluded that jackfruit seeds have the potential to be developed into
therapeutic agents for preventing food-borne illness (10).
However, more studies are needed to investigate the effectiveness of jackfruit
seeds for these uses.

May have anticancer properties

Some studies suggest that jackfruit seeds may have several anticancer
properties. This is believed to be due to their impressive levels of plant
compounds and antioxidants.

They are rich in antioxidants, specifically flavonoids, saponins, and phenolics


Studies have shown that these plant compounds may help fight inflammation,
enhance your immune system, and even repair DNA damage (12Trusted
Source, 13Trusted Source).

A recent test-tube study found that jackfruit seed extract reduced the
formation of cancerous blood vessels by 61% (14).

However, research is limited to test-tube and animal studies. More research is

needed to investigate whether jackfruit seeds have anticancer effects in

May help with digestion

Similarly to other seeds, jackfruit seeds contain both soluble and insoluble

Fiber passes through your digestive tract undigested and helps normalize
bowel movements by adding bulk to your stools, making them softer and
increasing frequency.
What’s more, fiber is considered a prebiotic, which means it helps feed the
beneficial bacteria in your gut (2Trusted Source, 3, 15).

These beneficial gut bacteria help support healthy digestion and immune
function (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).

Numerous studies have found that increasing fiber intake can help relieve
constipation (18Trusted Source).

Furthermore, fiber may help protect against inflammatory bowel disease and
relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids (19Trusted Source, 20Trusted
Source, 21Trusted Source).

May reduce cholesterol levels

Research also suggests that jackfruit seeds may improve your

cholesterol levels. This effect is most likely attributed to their high fiber and
antioxidant contents (22).

Elevated levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol are associated with high blood
pressure, diabetes, and an increased risk of heart disease (23Trusted
Source, 24Trusted Source).

Contrarily, higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol have been found to have
heart-protective effects (25Trusted Source).

A study in rats found those that ate more jackfruit seeds had reduced levels of
LDL (bad) cholesterol and increased HDL (good) cholesterol, compared with
rats that ate fewer jackfruit seeds (26).

Research in this area is limited to animal studies, so further studies in humans

are needed.
SUMMARYJackfruit seeds are associated with some health benefits.
However, research supporting these claims is weak and limited to mostly test-
tube and animal studies. More research in humans is needed.

Possible health concerns

Although jackfruit seeds are associated with various health benefits, there are
some potential concerns.

May increase bleeding when taken with certain drugs

Individuals who are taking medications that increase the risk of bleeding
should be cautious of consuming jackfruit seeds.

In one study, jackfruit seed extract showed the ability to slow blood clotting
and even prevent clots from forming in humans (27).

Therefore, jackfruit seeds may further increase the risk of bleeding when
taken with these drugs. If you’re taking medications that may increase the risk
of bleeding, you should avoid consuming jackfruit seeds (3).

The following medications are known to increase the risk of bleeding:

 aspirin
 blood thinners (anticoagulants)
 antiplatelet drugs
 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen or naproxen)
Contain antinutrients

Raw jackfruit seeds contain powerful antinutrients called tannins and trypsin
inhibitors. These can interfere with nutrient absorption and digestion (1, 3).

Tannins are a type of polyphenol that’s commonly found in many plant foods.
They can bind to minerals, such as zinc and iron, and form an insoluble mass,
reducing your ability to absorb these minerals (28Trusted Source, 29Trusted
Source, 30).

Trypsin inhibitors are a type of protein found in various foods, including

soybeans, papaya seeds, and jackfruit seeds. Similarly to tannins, they
interfere with the digestion of proteins, making it difficult to digest food
(31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source).

For these reasons, jackfruit seeds should never be consumed raw.

The good news is that heat inactivates these antinutrients. Therefore, cooking
jackfruit seeds by roasting or boiling them will reduce their antinutritional
effects (1).

SUMMARYStudies have found that the presence of tannins and trypsin

inhibitors in jackfruit seeds may inhibit the absorption of protein, zinc, and iron.
Jackfruit seeds may also increase bleeding when taken with certain drugs.

Easy to add to your diet

Jackfruit seeds can be enjoyed similarly to other seeds.

Here are some easy ways to add them to your diet:

 Top salads with them.

 Make homemade jackfruit-seed hummus.
 Grind them into flour for use in baking or cooking.
 Add them into smoothies.
 Make homemade jackfruit-seed butter.
 Eat them alone as a snack.

How to prepare them

Jackfruit seeds should not be eaten raw due to their antinutrient content.
Boiling or roasting are two of the most popular preparation methods.

You can boil jackfruit seeds in a large pot of water for 20–30 minutes. Once
the seeds are tender, drain the pot and let them cool and dry.

You can also roast jackfruit seeds by preheating the oven to 400°F (205°C)
and laying them flat on a pan. Bake the seeds for 20 minutes, or until they are
brown and toasted.

You can use jackfruit seeds to add extra flavor and a crunchy texture to
dishes. Due to their large size, they can be consumed in many different ways.

SUMMARYYou can eat jackfruit seeds in numerous ways. However, always

cook them before you eat them.

The bottom line

Jackfruit seeds are not only edible but also highly nutritious. They have been
associated with a number of health benefits, including improved digestion and
cholesterol levels.
That said, they may hinder nutrient absorption if eaten raw, as well as
increase the risk of bleeding in people taking certain medications.

The next time you eat jackfruit, take full advantage of everything it has to offer
by enjoying the seeds along with the delicious, sweet fruit.

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