Digestive System Lesson Plan
Digestive System Lesson Plan
Digestive System Lesson Plan
[Grade 3-5]
Tissue is the building block of body organs. Organs perform specialized functions in the body. Organs that work
together to perform a particular function in the body are called a Body System. In the human body there are
numerous body systems, each with a particular function. All body systems work together to sustain life.
Several different kinds of tissue can be present in one organ. For example, within the stomach, a major organ in the
Digestive System, one kind of tissue churns food and moves it to the intestine. A second tissue produces digestive
juices in the stomach and a third tissue makes up the protective covering for the entire stomach.
• Mouth (including the tongue and the teeth) – This is the entry point for food into the body.
• Esophagus – A hollow tube (about 10” long in an adult), it extends from the throat to the stomach.
• Stomach – The stomach is a hollow organ. It can expand, holding up to five cups (2 ½ pints) of food. The
stomach churns and chews food by means of muscle action and digestive juices.
• Small Intestine – This hollow organ connects the stomach and the large intestine. Nutrients are
absorbed from the SI into the body. In an adult the small intestine is about 20 feet long, and about 1” in
diameter. It is folded and coiled in the abdomen.
• Large Intestine – This is a hollow organ also. The small intestine empties into the large intestine,
sometimes referred to as the colon. It is about 5 feet long, and about 2 ½” in diameter.
The functions of the Digestive System are to take the food we eat and break it down (digestion), retain the nutrients
(absorption), and remove the remainder (elimination) from our body.
In many ways the digestive process begins with our sense of smell and sight. Triggered by aroma, the salivary glands
begin making saliva, a digestive juice. The esophagus begins to move and the stomach releases digestive juices in
anticipation of food.
When the first bite is taken, teeth chop and grind the food. The tongue, a muscle, moves food around in the mouth
to mix it with saliva, for more chewing, and then to the back of the mouth for swallowing. Saliva contains enzymes
that assist the breakdown of food.
Swallowing is a complex coordinated series of activities where we momentarily stop breathing and talking. Openings to
the voice box, the lungs and the nasal passages are temporarily shut off, allowing food to enter the proper opening and
travel down the esophagus.
The esophagus is a hollow tube located behind the windpipe (trachea) and in front of the spine. The esophagus has
layers of muscle that contract in circular and lengthwise motions. This causes powerful wavelike movement called
peristalsis. Peristalsis moves food from the throat to the stomach in about 10 seconds. Peristalsis even allows food to
be moved through the esophagus when we are upside down!
Food moves from the esophagus into the stomach, which is located beneath the left lung. The five lowest ribs
protect the stomach.
The stomach contracts and expands, chewing the food while mixing it with digestive juices. These juices contain
enzymes that break down the complex chemicals in food into simpler units that can be absorbed or eliminated by the
body. Stomach acid is also released, which kills off bacteria and assists in digestion.
The churning of the food from the muscle action and the breakdown of the food structure from the digestive juices
turns what began as a hamburger, a garden salad, or an apple into a soupy paste. Stomach muscles then move the
paste to the duodenum, which is the first part of the small intestine.
Carbohydrates are usually the first to move into the small intestine. Proteins and fats are more difficult to digest and
remain longer in the stomach. It generally takes from two-four hours for food in the stomach to be digested.
Hollow and very long (about 20’ long in the average adult), the small intestine is folded and coiled into the abdomen.
The inside of this organ is lined with millions of villi, very small projections (in an area as small as a fingernail there may
be as many as 4,000 villi!) that move back and forth and help bring nutrients from the small intestine into the
The pancreas and the liver secrete more digestive juices into the small intestine. Enzymes in these juices finish the
digestive process. Carbohydrates are converted into sugar, and later into glucose by the liver. Digestion of proteins
and fats continues.
Finally, amino acids and simple sugars become absorbed into the bloodstream with the help of the villi. Fatty acids move
through the lymph vessels, while vitamins and minerals can pass unchanged from the small intestine into the blood or
What cannot be used or stored by the body is eventually eliminated from the body. The remaining material moves
from the small intestine to the large intestine, secreting mucous but not enzymes, so no further digestion occurs.
Some of the water in the remaining paste is re-absorbed and the waste material becomes more solid. It is then stored in
the large intestine until the muscle peristaltic action (contractions) of the large intestine move the stool
(feces) to the rectum where it passes out of the body. Dietary fiber from fresh vegetables, fruits and whole-
grains aids in large intestine peristalsis and helps prevent constipation.
Introduction: (Do not have the digestive chart displayed yet. You are trying to see what your students already know.)
Write “Digestive System” on the board. Have the students take out a sheet of paper and draw every part of the
body that has to do with the Digestive System. Tell them NO MORE than that. Let the students think. When they are
done have them flip their papers over.
Problem: What parts of the body are included in the Digestive System?
1. Explain to the students that the Digestive System includes any part of the body that changes food into ENERGY
or FUEL for the body. Show the students a cracker and ask, “What happens to this cracker when I eat it?
Where does it go in the body? Think of EVERY place it goes.”
2. Next have students draw a NEW picture of every part of the body that is involved with this cracker after we
put it into our body. Ask: “Did anything change from your first picture? Did you remember anything
different this time?”
3. When the students are done drawing, ask, “What would be the FIRST step in the process of digesting this
cracker?” Call on students (if a student says the stomach is first, draw the stomach on the board, then ask if
anyone can think of anything else that would come BEFORE the stomach.) Try to draw digestive system parts
proportionally as you go along so that you eventually draw the outline of the Digestive System.)
4. Ask: “Is there anything BETWEEN the mouth and the stomach?” (If no one thinks of the esophagus, remind
them and draw it in. Say: “We now have steps one, two, and three. Now where does the cracker go
AFTER it reaches the stomach? Does it just stay there? Did anyone think of what comes NEXT in the
process of digesting the cracker?” (Again, have students share their ideas with the class. Otherwise tell the
students about the small and large intestines. Have the students adjust their drawing.)
1. Ask: “The MOUTH is part of which Body System?” (The Digestive System.) “What does the mouth do?”
(The mouth chews our food. This is where food begins its journey in the body. The mouth chews food into smaller pieces,
and chemicals in the saliva begin the process of breaking down the food into usable energy (digestion.)
2. Ask: “What is ANOTHER part of the Digestive System?” (The stomach.) “Where is the stomach?” (You
will likely hear many misconceptions, so if possible, show the students on a chart of the Digestive System, then
have them try to locate where their ribs are and indicate where their stomach is.)
3. Ask: “What do you know about the stomach?” (Write responses on the board, and refer again to an anatomical
chart. Explain to the students that the stomach is like a BAG. It is HOLLOW and can hold a lot in it.)
4. Ask: “How much can the stomach hold?” (Explain that an adult’s stomach can hold about ONE LITER of food.
Illustrate this concept by showing the students a one-liter soda bottle.) Say, “An ADULT’S stomach can hold
about 1 liter (1 quart) of food; a CHILD’S stomach holds a little less. As you eat your stomach gets
BIGGER. It EXPANDS, like a balloon.”
5. Ask: “How does food get from the mouth to the stomach?” (A tube called the esophagus.) Using a 10-inch
length of ribbon or tubing as a visual aid, explain that the esophagus of a grown person is about ten inches long.
6. Ask: “Where does food go after it leaves the stomach?” (Note responses from the students. Use the digestive
chart to show the students that digested food moves from the stomach to the small intestine and then to the
large intestine. Explain that the small and large intestines are very long tube-like organs. The small intestine in
an average adult is approximately 20 feet long. Show the students a 20-foot length of ribbon coiled up on a table
or desk. Ask a student to volunteer to hold the string. Put the string in the student’s open palms and have them
hold one end of the string with their thumb and finger. Take the other end of the string and SLOWLY pull it out
lengthwise, walking away from the student who is holding the string until the entire 20-foot length is fully
extended. Point out that this illustrates just how long the small intestine is.)
7. Ask: “How does all of that FIT into your belly?” (It is coiled and folded over many, many times.) Tell the students
that the small intestine is where food is DIGESTED completely and absorbed into the bloodstream. What can’t
be digested is then sent to the LARGE INTESTINE.
8. Ask: “Do you know why it is called the LARGE intestine?” (It is larger in diameter than the small intestine.
The diameter of the large intestine is two and a half inches, compared to one inch for the small intestine. Use
two labeled hollow tubes to illustrate the difference between the two intestines. One tube should have a 1”
diameter, and the other a 2 ½” diameter.)
9. Ask: “How long is the LARGE INTESTINE?” (Have students guess, then show the students the five-foot length
of ribbon. Have volunteers stretch it out and measure it.) Ask: “And how does all that fit in your belly, too?” (It
has folds too, and it forms sort of a big circle inside the body.)
10. Ask: “What is another name for the belly?” (The ABDOMEN.) Ask: “Where IS your abdomen?” (The soft belly
of our body, right below the ribs.) Have students put their hands on their abdomen. Ask: “What does the
abdomen do?” (It is the place in our body between the chest and the pelvis that holds our small intestine and our large
Have students work in pairs for the first part of this practice, tracing the outline of each others’ body on a large sheet
of butcher paper or newsprint. Instruct students to draw their faces, hair, nose, glasses, and other features on the
outline. Then have students label the major parts/organs of the Digestive System on the paper.
Now have the children draw a cracker (or other food of their choice) in each major organ, showing each place where
that food travels. NOTE: Save this paper for Lesson 2.
Collect the students’ first drawing of the Digestive System and compare to their more recent drawing.
This life size drawing can also be saved and used with the other body systems’ lessons.
Lesson 2: What is the Process of the Digestive System? What are the Functions of the Digestive System?
1. Pop a bag of popcorn and set it in the classroom.
2. Ask: “What do you smell? See? From what you smell and see, what is now happening inside your mouth?”
(The mouth is producing more saliva (fluids produced in your mouth to help digestion).)
3. Ask: “Does what you smell make you hungry? Does what you see make you want to eat this bag of
popcorn?” (Use the answers to get the students to discuss how sight and smell affect their desire to eat. Tell
the students that the sight and smell of food actually DOES START the digestive process. Your body is ready
for the food even before you’ve taken even one bite of food.)
4. Pass the popcorn around to the students and let them take a few pieces. Ask them to take ONE piece and place
it in their mouth, letting it stay there UNCHEWED for a minute or two. Then have them begin to chew the
popcorn SLOWLY, paying attention to the amount of saliva in their mouth, AND to how the TASTE and
TEXTURE of the food changes from the contact with the saliva and then from the process of chewing.
Ask: “Why does our body have digestion?” (If students do not understand right away, ask further questions: “Why do
we eat? What happens if we do not eat?”)
Reinforce: “We need energy to be alive, to play, to learn, to read, and even to sit. Our Digestive System takes
the food we eat and turns it into energy. It does this by breaking it down. This is called DIGESTION.”
Simulate how our body digests food. NOTE: You may want to do this after lunch – ask the lunch room attendants if
you can have one complete meal after lunch to use for the experiment (or you may bring in your own food – a sandwich
or piece of fruit or cracker.)
Have the Student create a four column table or make copies of the table provided in the binder to record what is
happening to the food as the digestive process occurs step by step. At each step have students write down where the
food is, what it looks like, and explain what the body is doing at each point along the digestive tract (four columns.) For
example, Step 1: “Where is the food?” (In the bowl labeled Mouth.) “What does it look like?” (A cracker.) “What is
the body doing?” (The mouth is making saliva, the esophagus is moving, and stomach is making juices.) Make
observations and record information throughout the entire lesson.
Ask: “How long do you think it takes the stomach to digest food?” (It takes the stomach two-four HOURS to digest
food.) “Foods like bread, cookies, and vegetables, called CARBOHYDRATES, get digested first. Foods like meat,
called proteins, and the fat in food (like mayonnaise or butter) take longer to digest.”
Again, have students record their observations. (What does the food look like in the stomach? What does the stomach
do? etc.)
Extend: “Besides breaking down food through grinding and fluids the
Digestive System also has two OTHER important functions: ABSORBING NUTRIENTS from the food and then
ELIMINATING what it doesn’t use.”
Step #4. The Small Intestine:Absorption: Do not put food in the tube because it is very difficult to clean!
Ask: “Where does this paste go?” (Into the small intestine.)
Ask: “What does the small intestine do with the food?” (The small intestine takes the nutrients from the food and
puts them into the body. This is called ABSORPTION and this it’s another important function of digestion. Whatever it can’t use is
sent away so it can eventually leave the body.)
Ask: “How LONG is the small intestine?” (About 20 feet long in an adult.)
Showing the students the two tubes used to demonstrate the difference between the two intestines in the first lesson,
ask: “Which one of these tubes is about the width of the small intestine?” (The one-inch tube.)
Step #5. The Large Intestine: Elimination: Do not put food in the tube because it is very difficult to clean!
Ask: “Where does the remaining digested food go after it leaves the small intestine?”
Answer: The large intestine.
1. What two important parts of the mouth help with digestion? Answer: Teeth, tongue
4. What is the watery juice in the mouth that helps in this process?
Answer: Saliva
Included in the lessons
Healer Within: http://www.healerwithin.org/IMLS/Gr2_digestion.pdf