Lesson Exemplar-Circulatory System

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The key takeaways are that the circulatory system transports blood, nutrients, oxygen and waste throughout the body. The main parts are the heart, blood vessels and blood.

The main parts of the circulatory system are the heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries), and blood.

The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels. Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart while veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Capillaries allow for the exchange of oxygen and waste between the blood and body cells.


Grade Level – Nine

Grading Period: First
Learning Competencies:
a. Define what circulation is.
b. Identify the different circulatory organs.
c. Give the function of each part of the circulatory system.
d. State the main function of the circulatory system.

Topic: The Circulatory System

Activity 1

Introduction to the Circulatory System 

Objectives:  to identify the heart as the largest muscle in the body

 to describe the heart's role in pumping blood to the lungs and to all parts
of the body

Procedures:  Ask students to identify the strongest muscle of the body. Allow students to
Student give their ideas and then explain that the correct answer is the heart. Show
Information: students diagram of the heart and share the background information with

 The heart works day and night to pump blood through the
circulatory system.
 The heart consists of two pumps.
 The pump on the right side of the heart sends blood to the lungs
where the blood obtains oxygen.
 The blood which has obtained oxygen then travels back to the heart
where it is pumped to all parts of the body.

Explain that as the blood is pumped through the arteries, you can feel the
artery walls stretch and relax. Ask students what this is called. Entertain
their ideas and clarify that this is their pulse. Ask how they could measure
the pumping of their hearts using the pulse. Students work in groups to
brainstorm the possibilities. Allow groups to share and clarify.  

Have students feel for pulse with their fingers. Guide into discussion of
problems that may arise by using the finger to feel pulse.  
Ask students to share personal experiences of having their pulse taken with
their groups.  

Activity 2

Calculating Beats per Minute 

Objective: to describe the relationship between physical activity and heart rate  

Materials: chart  

Procedures:  Provide a chart with the headings "activity" and "beats per minute." Have
Student students identify activities that they perform daily. Each student selects a
Information: minimum of three activities to record in the activity column of their chart.
With the assistance of a partner student calculate and record "beats per
minute" for each activity.  

Assessment: Students include the chart in their journal. Using the information in the chart,
students will record observations about the relationship of physical activity
and heart rate. 

Activity 3

Researching the Heart 

Objective: to use research skills to locate answers to relevant questions about the

Materials: reference materials 

Procedures:  Students should have a basic understanding of the function of the heart.
Student With this background, they should now be prepared to formulate related
Information: questions that they wish to investigate.  

1.  Begin the activity by having students identify information that has
already been obtained in the unit.  

2.  From this list, have students brainstorm and formulate possible
questions for investigation.  

3.  Individual students should use this list to select personal questions for
investigation. Have students record these questions in a "Research" section
of their journals. They should be encouraged to add to this list as other
questions arise. This should be an ongoing project.  

4.  Discuss available resources for exploration and encourage students to

use a variety of these. 

Assessment: The completed research project should include questions investigated,

answers to and discussions related to these questions, and resources used
in the investigation. 


What is the job of the Circulatory System?

The Circulatory System is responsible for transporting materials throughout

the entire body. It transports nutrients, water, and oxygen to your billions of
body cells and carries away wastes such as carbon dioxide that body cells
produce. It is an amazing highway that travels through your entire body
connecting all your body cells.

Parts of the Circulatory System

The circulatory System is divided into three major parts:

1. The Heart
2. The Blood
3. The Blood Vessels

The Heart

The Heart is an amazing organ. The heart beats about 3 BILLION times during
an average lifetime. It is a muscle about the size of your fist. The heart is
located in the center of your chest slightly to the left. It's job is to pump your
blood and keep the blood moving throughout your body.

It is your job to keep your heart healthy and there are three main things you
need to remember in order to keep your heart healthy.

1. Exercise on a regular basis. Get outside and play. Keep that body moving
(walk, jog, run, bike, skate, jump, swim).
2. Eat Healthy. Remember the Food Pyramid and make sure your eating your
food from the bottom to top.
3. Don't Smoke! Don't Smoke! Don't Smoke! Don't Smoke! Don't Smoke!

The Blood

The blood is an amazing substance that is constantly flowing through our bodies.

 Your blood is pumped by your heart.

 Your blood travels through thousands of miles of blood vessels right
within your own body.
 Your blood carries nutrients, water, oxygen and waste products to and
from your body cells.
 A young person has about a gallon of blood. An adult has about 5 quarts.
 Your blood is not just a red liquid but rather is made up of liquids, solids
and small amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
 Blood Cells
 Red Blood Cells
 Red Blood Cells are responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Red Blood Cells pick up oxygen in the lungs and transport it to all the
body cells. After delivering the oxygen to the cells it gathers up the
carbon dioxide(a waste gas produced as our cells are working) and
transports carbon dioxide back to the lungs where it is removed from the
body when we exhale(breath out). There are about 5,000,000 Red Blood
Cells in ONE drop of blood.
 White Blood Cells (Germinators)
 White Blood Cells help the body fight off germs. White Blood Cells
attack and destroy germs when they enter the body. When you have an
infection your body will produce more White Blood Cells to help fight an
infection. Sometimes our White Blood Cells need a little help and the
Doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to help our White Blood Cells fight a
large scale infection.
 Platelets
 Platelets are blood cells that help stop bleeding. When we cut ourselves
we have broken a blood vessel and the blood leaks out. In order to plug up
the holes where the blood is leaking from the platelets start to stick to
the opening of the damaged blood vessels. As the platelets stick to the
opening of the damaged vessel they attract more platelets, fibers and
other blood cells to help form a plug to seal the broken blood vessel.
When the platelet plug is completely formed the wound stops bleeding.
We call our platelet plugs scabs.
Plasma is the liquid part of the blood. Approximately half of your blood is
made of plasma. The plasma carries the blood cells and other components
throughout the body. Plasma is made in the liver.

Where are the blood cells made?

The Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells and Platelets are made by the bone
marrow. Bone marrow is a soft tissue inside of our bones that produces blood

The Blood Vessels

In class we talked about three types of blood vessels:

1. Arteries
2. Capillaries
3. Veins

Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen rich blood AWAY from the
heart. Remember, A A Arteries Away, A A Arteries Away, A A Arteries
Capillaries are tiny blood vessels as thin or thinner than the hairs on your
head. Capillaries connect arteries to veins. Food substances(nutrients),
oxygen and wastes pass in and out of your blood through the capillary
Veins carry blood back toward your heart.


 One drop of blood contains a half a drop of plasma, 5 MILLION Red

Blood Cells, 10 Thousand White Blood Cells and 250 ThousandPlatelets.
 You have thousands of miles of blood vessels in your body. "Bill Nye the
Science Guy" claims that you could wrap your blood vessels around the
equator TWICE!
 Keep your heart healthy...it's going to have to beat about 3 BILLION
times during your lifetime!
Direction: Each question in the test is followed by four choices for an answer.
Read each question and then decide which the best answer is. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.
1. The circulatory system is responsible for. .
a. the transport of dissolved materials throughout the body. 
b. the transport of oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the
digestive tract to every cell in the body. 
c. the transport of the waste products of cell metabolism to the
lungs and kidneys where they can be expelled from the body. 
d. the transport of hormones and certain cells of the immune system. 
e. all of the above.
2. The blood cells responsible for the transport of oxygen and carbon
dioxide are the. . .
a. Red blood cells c. platelets
b. White blood cells d. all of the above
3. Fighting infection and foreign invaders is one of the primary functions of
the . .
a. Erythrocytes c. leukocytes
b. Thrombocytes d. noe of the above
4. The single major cause of artery disease is ___________, the thickening
and hardening of arterial walls by deposits of fatty materials.
a. obesity  b. phlebitis  c. aneurysm d.
11. What are the official terms for the sounds of your heart?
a. Goo-oog c. Wish-wash
b. Lub-dup d. Ugh-rug
12. What is the most common causes of abnormal bleeding?
a. platelet deficiency c. deep wounded area
b. very low RBC and WBC d. anemia
13. Where can one find the protein hemoglobin?
a. in the plasma c. in the red blood cells
b. in the platelets d. in the white blood cells
14. The solid components of a blood w/c are important in that they carry
with them hemoglobin, the protein substance that gives blood its red color
and oxygen content are
a. thrombocytes b. leucocytes c. érythrocytes d.plasma
15. The most advanced hearts have how many chambers?
a. one b. two c. three d. four
16. The movement of blood through the heart and body is called:
a. Circulation b. Locomotion c. Digestion d. Heart pump
17. The beating sound your heart makes comes from:
a. blood going in the wrong direction
b. valves closing
c. the heart skipping beats
d. Your ears playing tricks on you

18. With circulation, the heart provides your body with:

a. oxygen c. a way to get rid of waste
b. nutrients d. all of the above
19. The atria are the “upstairs” chambers of the heart and these parts
are the “downstairs” chambers:
a. blood b. ventricles c. valves d. candy hearts
20. What wall separates the left side and right side of the heart?
a. ventricle b. atrium c. septum d. great wall
21. What organ removes waste from blood?
a. heart b. lungs c. kidneys d. eyes
22. You can keep your heart strong by:
a. Eating heart-shaped candy
b.  Doing activities, like playing outside, riding your bike, and swimming
c. smoking
d. sleeping 18 hrs a day
23. These are tubes that carry blood back to the heart:
a. arteries b. veins c. pipes d. tubas
24. What do platelets do?
a. repair broken vessels c. transport oxygen
b. fight infection d. all of the above
25. What are capillaries?
a. Smallest blood vessels
b. Blood vessels that take blood from cells back to the heart
c. Blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart to other parts of
the body
d. Act like doors to keep blood flowing in one direction
26. Which is correct?
a. Both Right and Left side of heart have oxygenated blood
b. Right side has oxygenated, left side deoxygenated
c. Right side has deoxygenated, left side oxygenated
d. Both Right and Left side of the heart have deoxygenated blood.
27. How big is the heart?
a. large enough to fill the entire left side of the chest
b. about the size of a clenched fist
c. about the size of a golf ball
28. What is blood pressure?
a. the amount of pressure exerted on blood vessel walls as the blood is
pumped around
b. the ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide within the blood.
c. the concentration of red blood cells within the blood.
29. It is the instrument used to measure blood pressure
a. stethoscope b. pacemaker c. sphygmomanometer
30. The red pigment that carries oxygen or carbon dioxide in red blood
cells is:
a. hemoglobin b. medulla c. systole
DO THIS CROSSWORD PUZZLE. (Circulatory System)

1           2        




      4           5  








1 The movement of the blood as it distributes food and oxygen to the different
cells of the body and removes waste material from them
3 Lower chamber of the heart
4 Largest blood vessels
7 Blood vessels that carries blood to all parts of the body
8 The regular wavelike movement of the blood pumped by the heart
10 Upper chamber of the heart
11 Muscular pump about the size of a human fist
1 Very small blood vessel at the end of the arteries
2 Main artery of the body
5 Pathways through which blood carries the food to all parts of the body are called
blood ______
6. An ailment caused by a severe damage to some part of the brain because there is
not blood supply to this part of the brain
9 A wound

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