SDG25S-100S 3A Series Service Manual PDF

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SDG25S-3A3, SDG45S-3A4,
SDG60S-3A2, SDG75S-3A2,

MMD Equipment Inc.

121 High Hill Road
Swedesboro, NJ 08085
Tel: (800) 433-1382
Fax: (856) 467-5235
Table of Contents

1. Safety ................................................................................................................................................. 1-1

1.1 Caution before Operation .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Caution during Operation .......................................................................................................... 1-6
1.3 Caution during Inspection and Maintenance ............................................................................... 1-9
1.4 Safety Warning Labels .............................................................................................................. 1-12

2. Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2-1

3. Cautions for Overhauling ................................................................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Precautions before Starting Work ............................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Disassembly and Assembly ........................................................................................................ 3-2
3.3 Tightening Torque ....................................................................................................................... 3-3

4. Electrical Parts .................................................................................................................................. 4-1

4.1 Electrical Parts of Generator ....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Electrical Parts of Engine ............................................................................................................ 4-9

5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance .................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Periodic Inspection List .............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Generator Maintenance Standards ............................................................................................. 5-2
5.3 Engine Maintenance Standards ................................................................................................ 5-2
5.4 Key Points for Maintenance Work ............................................................................................... 5-3

6. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 Repairing Procedures ................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Engine Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 6-1
6.3 Generator Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 6-6

7. Wiring Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 Generator Wiring Diagram ......................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Engine Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................... 7-5

8. References .......................................................................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Selecting Cable ........................................................................................................................ 8-1

* For details on operation and installation, refer to the instruction book.

1. Safety

1. Safety
This operation manual explains and illustrates general requirements for safety and cautions for

Read these safety requirements carefully and fully understand the contents before starting the

For better understanding, according to the degree of potential danger harmful to a human body,
safety messages are classified into three hierarchical categories, namely, , ,
and with a caution symbol −attached to each message.

When one of these messages is found, please take preventive measures for safety to carry out

DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

will result in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the
most extreme situations.

WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

could result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against
unsafe practices.

IMPORTANT indicates important caution messages for the performance or

durability of the unit.

Follow warnings mentioned in this manual. This instruction manual does not describe all safety
items. We, therefore, advise you to pay special attention to all items (even though they may not
be described in the manual) for your safety.


1.1 Caution before Operation

Electric shock and electric leak

Make sure not to connect the output terminal of the

machine with commercial power source from electric
power company. It may cause electric shock, machine
problems and even a fire.
Any source of high voltage is a source of potential
LETHAL voltage. Maintain all electrical cords and
connections in proper condition. Do not operate the unit
in the rain, around standing water or when wet. Always
ground the generator properly before operating.
Never allow untrained or unqualified individuals to
operate or remain in the vicinity of the equipment when
it is operating.
When connecting a cable to the load, do not use a
cable with damaged covering or with inappropriate
Make sure connections between input/output
terminals are tight. Otherwise, it may loosen during H990208
operation which may cause a fire or electric shock accident.


Exhaust gas from the engine is poisonous, and could

cause death when inhaled.
Avoid using the machine in an insufficiently ventilated
building or tunnel. PC002


Handling battery

Keep flames away from battery.

Batteries generate hydrogen gas and may explode.
Therefore, recharging should be done in a
well-ventilated place.
Do not allow sparks, lighted match, or lit cigarette
close to the battery.
Do not check the battery by short-circuiting the
positive and negative terminals with a metallic object. D004

Do not charge the frozen battery. Otherwise it may

If the battery is frozen, warm it up until the battery
temperature becomes 61°F to 86°F (16℃ to 30℃).
Battery electrolyte is diluted sulfuric acid.
In case of mishandling, it could cause skin burning.
Wear protective gloves and safety glasses when W010

handling a battery.
If battery electrolyte contacts your clothes or skin,
rinse with large amounts of water immediately.
If the battery electrolyte gets into your eyes, rinse
immediately with plenty of water and see a doctor at
once, because eyesight could be damaged.
Dispose of battery, observing local regulations.

Follow the safety instructions

Read each instruction plate which is displayed in the

manual and on the unit carefully, understand its content
and follow all rules and warnings.
Keep the Safety Warning labels clean. When they are
damaged or missing, apply to your dealer for new ones.
Do not modify the machine without prior approval.
Safety of the machine may be compromised, functions
may be deteriorated, or machine life may be shortened.
Never use the unit for purposes other than power supply.
Otherwise, serious accidents may occur.

Maintain both physical and mental health

Do not operate the machine if you are tired, impaired or under the influence of drugs.
Otherwise, careless handling may cause an unexpected injury or accident. Manage your
physical and mental health and be cautious in handling the machine.



Use the lifting bail in the center of bonnet for hoisting the machine.
When towing or transporting the machine from a job site, securely fix it with tie-downs.
Only qualified personnel should operate a crane.
If machine is towed with trailer, reduce travelling speed to a safe level.
When transporting the machine, be sure to set it on a truck bed and fix the machine in place,
so it can not shift.
Select an appropriate crane and truck by referring to the mass and dimensions shown in
“Specifications” in Chapter 9.
Do not hoist the machine while it is running. Otherwise, a fatal or serious accident may occur.


The machine must be installed on dry, firm and level

In case the machine has to be installed on a slope,
keep the inclination angle less than 5 degrees.
Avoid installing the machine in a place such as a
damp area or a place where puddles might form after
rain. Such an installation could cause electric shock.
Do not direct the exhaust gas outlet to nearby personnel
or houses in the vicinity.
When installing the machine at salt water areas or on a
ship, make sure the machine is not exposed directly to
sea water.
When installing the machine at sandy areas, make sure
that exhaust from the generator or radiator does not
blow the sand in the air, or into the machine.
The machine should be operated in following conditions:
Ambient temperature 5°F to 104°F SG0103
(–15℃ to +40℃)
Humidity Less than 85%
Altitude Lower than 1,640ft (500 m)
above sea level


Safety around the machine

Such things as unnecessary equipment, tools, cables, hoods, covers and wood pieces which
are a hindrance to the job, must be cleared and removed. Operators and/or personnel nearby
may stumble on them and could be injured.

Check before starting the unit

Be sure to check the unit before operation.

When any abnormality is found, be sure to repair it before restarting the unit.
Be sure to make daily checks before operation. If the unit is operated without prior checking
and a potential problem was not found, operation of the unit may cause seizure of
components or cause a fire.

Safety outfit

When operating the machine, do not wear;

loose clothes
clothes with unbuttoned sleeves
hanging tie or scarf
loose fitting jewelry
Such outfit may get caught into the machine rotating
parts and this could cause a serious injury. TR0084

Safety equipment

Wear helmet, safety glasses, earplugs, safety shoes,

safety gloves and a mask, according to the
requirements of each operation.


Safety aids

Have first-aid boxes and fire-extinguishers near the unit

ready for emergency situations such as injuries or fire.
It is advisable to have a list of phone numbers for
doctors, ambulance and the fire department available in
case of emergency.


1.2 Caution during Operation

Keep away from output terminals

Never touch the output terminals during operation.

Pay attention that high voltage is present at the
output terminals.
When removing or connecting a "load" cable , be sure to
switch OFF the circuit breaker. Turn off the machine,
remove the starter key from the starter switch, then
change cables. The operator must hold the key during
cable changing.
Neglecting the cautions mentioned above, and a third
party starting the machine during operation may cause
serious accidents such as electric shock.

Never touch the interior of control panel

Never touch the interior of the control panel during

Pay attention that high voltage is present at interior of
the control panel.
Authorized personnel only to open control panel.

Hands off from rotating parts and belts

Keep hands clear from the rotating portion or belts while

running. It could cause serious injuries if hands should
be caught.


Beware of cooling fan

Never put your hand near the engine cooling fan during
operation. It could cause serious injury if a hand should
be caught.


Do not remove radiator cap during operation

Do not, under any circumstance, open the radiator cap

while running or immediately after stopping operation.
Otherwise high temperature steam is released and this
could cause scalding.


Do not touch hot parts

Never work nearby hot portions of the machine while it

is running.
Do not touch hot portions of the machine while
Such parts as engine, exhaust manifold, exhaust
pipe, muffler, and radiator are especially hot, stay
clear of these parts. It could cause serious burns.
Coolant water and engine oil are also very hot and W005
dangerous to touch. Avoid checking or refilling them
while the unit is running.

Fire prevention

Do not, under any circumstance, bring lit cigarettes or

matches near diesel fuel oil, and engine oil, etc. They
are extremely flammable and dangerous, so be careful
when handling.
Refilling oils should be done in an outdoor
well-ventilated area. D004
Refuel after stopping the engine, and never leave the
fuel nearby the machine. Do not spill. It may cause a fire.
If spilled, clean up completely.
Muffler and exhaust pipe can be extremely hot. Remove
twigs, dried leaves, dried grass and waste paper, etc.
from the exhaust outlet of the muffler.
Keep a fire extinguisher available near the machine in
case of an unexpected fire. W004


Draining during operation prohibited

Do not, under any circumstance, open these during

Coolant drain valve and plug
Engine oil drain plug


Unbalance of overload and load

Reduce the load if the circuit breaker actuates frequently during operation.
When a single-load is used, check the current of each phase, and adjust the load so that
each load value remains balanced.
If the above procedure is neglected during operation, the generator could be damaged or
cause a fire. If the machine is operated with the frequency lower than the rated frequency, it
could cause the generator or load to be damaged.


1.3 Caution during Inspection and Maintenance

Hang a “Now Checking and under Maintenance” tag

Before starting inspection, switch off the circuit breaker

of the machine, remove the key from the starter key
switch, hang a “Now Checking and under Maintenance”
tag where it can be easily seen. Operator and service
personnel must keep the key during checking and
Remove the negative (–) side cable from the battery.
If the above procedure is neglected, and another person SY001
starts operating the machine during check or
maintenance, it could cause serious injury.

Be sure to stop the engine and remove the starter key

whenever fan belt tension is to be adjusted.
If the machine is running, it might catch the operator’s
hand into the fan belts, and this could cause a serious


Hands off from cooling fan

Be sure to stop the engine and remove the starter key

whenever check or maintenance work is carried out
near the cooling fan.
If the cooling fan is rotating, it may catch the operator or
part of his body into the fan, which could cause a
serious injury. W009

Cleaning with compressed air

When cleaning dust accumulated in components such as

radiator, air-filter, etc., when blowing compressed air,
wear safety glasses, etc. to protect your eyes.



Lighting apparatus

Do not attempt operating or servicing the machine in the

It is recommended to use a lamp which has a safety
guard. Operating or servicing the machine in the dark
may cause unexpected accidents.
Lamps without safety guards are not recommended
since they are easily broken and could ignite
flammables such as fuel, etc. TR0206

Removing radiator cap

Before removing radiator cap, let machine cool down to a

safe temperature, and then loosen the radiator cap one
notch which will release any remaining inner pressure.
The coolant must be sufficiently cooled to a safe level and
the inner pressure completely released. Then take the
cap off.
If this procedure is not followed, the inner pressure can W005

blow off the cap when turned. Steam jetting out of the
radiator could result in scalding. Follow these procedures
under all circumstances.

Opening coolant water drain valve

Be sure to stop the engine, and let the coolant water

sufficiently cool down before draining it.
If the drain valve is opened before the coolant water is
cooled enough, hot water jetting out of the drain valve
could result in scalding.


Refilling or draining of engine oil

After stopping the engine, wait until engine cools down.

Then check the level of the engine oil, refill or drain the
Engine oil is very hot and highly pressurized during or just
after engine operation, while draining oil, make sure
engine is cool. Hot oil could result in scalding. W005

Cleaning the unit

When washing the machine, cover the control panel, generator and its electric parts to prevent
them from being exposed to splashing water. This will avoid decrease in electrical insulation or
other problems to the machine.

Disposal of waste liquid, etc.

Waste liquid from the machine contains harmful material. Do not discharge onto the ground,
river, lake or sea. Such material will contaminate the environment.
Use a container to hold the waste liquid taken from the machine.
Follow designated regulations when disposing of oil, fuel, coolant (antifreeze), battery or other
harmful materials.


1.4 Safety Warning Labels

Following labels are attached to the machine. Keep clean at all times. If they are damaged or
missing, immediately place an order with your nearest dealer for replacement. Part numbers are
indicated on the lower right corner of the label. Adhere a new one to the original location.
※1 2 3


Keep your hands AWAY from fan PREVENT BURNI NG ACCI DENT
during operation. Entanglement in
Do not open radiator cap while W h e n wo r k i s r e q u i r e d
the fan can cause serious injury.
it is still hot. n e a r h o t p a r t s , wa i t
for the parts to cool
d o wn f u l l y b e f o r e
39176 52600 (39176 37900) 39176 35300 s t a r t i n g wo r k .
39176 56400

Read and understand this operation book before starting operation.
To avoid electric shock and fire, never connect the generator outlets to an
installation which is also connected to the public mains and in-house lines.
To avoid electric shock or injury, cut off the circuit breaker before starting
To avoid electric shock, keep the terminal cover locked during operation.
B E W AR E O F E X H AUS T G AS E S To avoid electric shock, this product shall be surely grounded.
When you operate machine INDOORS To avoid injury, keep the side-door locked during operation.
or in TUNNEL, provide good ventilation. To avoid a fire, never operate this product near a location where flammables
Poor ventilation can cause fatal are present.
accident. To avoid a fire, refill fuel oil after stopping the engine.
To avoid injury, never move the product during operation.
39176 52701

5 6 7


WARNING DANGER Cigarettes, flames or sparks could cause battery to explode. Always
shield eyes and face from battery. Do not charge or use booster cables
DO NOT OPEN PANEL WHILE or adjust post connections without proper instruction and training.
HIGH VOLTAGE Contains sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. In
event of accident flush with water and call a physician immediatery.
39176 62400 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN 39176 50000

Keep your hands

AWAY from moving 8
parts such as V-belts,
pulleys etc..
Entanglement in them WARNING
can cause serious Do not touch live electrical parts.
injury. Always wear dry insulating gloves.
Do not operate the unit in the rain, around standing water or when wet.
39176 34700
Maintain all electrical cards and connections in proper condition.
Always around the generator to earth before operating.
39176 62900

※ Models SDG25S and 45S,60S,75S,100S are provided with different sizes of warning
The number in parentheses( )indicates part number of warning lable attached to Model


9 10 11

39176 35500
39176 62700

39176 35600

Authorized service personnel
only to open panel.
39176 65501

Locations of warning labels attached




2. Specifications

2. Specifications

Overall length in.(mm) 69(1,750) Exciting system Brushless system

Overall width in.(mm) 28(700) Phase number Three-phase, four-wire system
Overall height in.(mm) 37(950) Power factor % 80
Net dry mass lb(kg) 1,390(630) Frequency Hz 60

Operating mass lb(kg) 1,520(690) Rated output kVA 25
Fuel tank capacity gal.(L) 17.2(65) Rated output kW 20
Voltage V 240/480
Current A 60/30
Number of poles 4P
General Specifications

Insulation H class

Model ISUZU 4LE1

Four-cycle, water-cooled,
swirl chamber
Number of cylinders 4
Total displacement cu. in.(L) 133(2.179)

Rated output 31.5/1,800(23.5/1,800)

Number of rotation rpm(min-1) 1,800(1,800)
Lubricating oil
gal.(L) 2.0(7.5)
Coolant capacity
gal.(L) 1.6(6)
(including radiator)
Battery 80D26R-MF
Outline drawing Unit: in.(mm)

2. Specifications


Overall length in.(mm) 83(2,100) Exciting system Brushless system

Overall width in.(mm) 33(830) Phase number Three-phase, four-wire system
Overall height in.(mm) 47(1,185) Power factor % 80
Net dry mass lb(kg) 2,400(1,090) Frequency Hz 60

Operating mass lb(kg) 2,670(1,210) Rated output kVA 45
Fuel tank capacity gal.(L) 29(110) Rated output kW 36
Voltage V 240/480
Current A 108/54
Number of poles 4P
General Specifications

Insulation F class

Model ISUZU B-4BG1

Four-cycle, water-cooled,
direct injection type
Number of cylinders 4
Total displacement cu. in.(L) 264(4.329)

Rated output 55.6/1,800(41.5/1,800)

Number of rotation rpm(min-1) 1,800(1,800)
Lubricating oil
gal.(L) 3.4(13)
Coolant capacity
gal.(L) 4.4(16.5)
(including radiator)
Battery 80D26R-MF×2
Outline drawing Unit: in.(mm)

3. Cautions for Overhauling

3 Cautions for Overhauling

3.1 Precautions before Starting Work
(1) Work to be performed
It is very important to always plan in advance what facilities, tools, instruments,
materials, oil, etc. you will need to use; the exact locations and methods of performing
inspection, adjustment, or disassembly; and the key points of any repair work to be

(2) Care not to spill oil

Use a pan to collect used engine oil when changing the oil or attaching or detaching an oil
line. If a large volume of oil is expected to flow out make sure to drain any accumulated oil
from the engine oil pan in advance.

(3) Care when detaching parts

When disassembling a complicated part, put a matching mark to indicate the position of
detached parts for future reference. Make sure that the negative cable is detached from
the battery terminals before starting repair work.

(4) Tools to be prepared

1. Measuring instruments (e. g. tester, insulation resistance gauge etc.)
2. Tools
3. Torque wrenches
4. Jigs and specialized tools
5. Solder and soldering iron
6. Sealing tape
7. Molybdenum sulfide (tube type)
8. Lithium-base grease
9. Diesel oil (cleaning solvent)
10. Cleaning cloths
11. Literatures (such as manuals etc.)

3. Cautions for Overhauling

3.2 Disassembly and Assembly

(1) Wash dirt, dust and grime off vinyl tube and fuel hose before removing it, and take
necessary steps to cover or tape the openings of vinyl tubes or fuel hoses to prevent any
dirt from entering them.

(2) Perform disassembly work in a dust-free location whenever possible.

(3) When disassembling parts, wash their outer surface and place them on a clean sheet of
paper or cloth, taking care not to contaminate or damage them.

(4) Wash disassembled parts with diesel oil (cleaning solvent) after checking for
contamination or discoloration. However, do not wash rubber parts with diesel oil.

(5) Be careful not to damage disassembled parts, they are precision built.

(6) Replace consumables such as oil seals, O-rings, filters, oil, etc. with new items when
reassembling parts.

(7) Apply a coating of clean grease to O-rings when installing them in the machine.

(8) When reassembling parts, place each part in the order of assembly and take care that no
parts are missing or misassembled.

(9) When reassembling an assembled part (set part), be sure to replace it as an assembly.

(10) Contamination or rusting may occur due to dust or humidity if parts are left in
disassembled or partly disassembled condition for a long time. Therefore, be careful to
prevent dust or rust from affecting parts if you have to leave the repair incomplete for a
long period of time.

(11) Check tightening torque and clearance when assembling parts.

(12) Check the direction of rotation, speed, and oil leakage after assembly.

(13) Before starting the machine after disassembly, run it at low idle to check for unusual
noises, etc. to prevent engine or generator damage.

3. Cautions for Overhauling

3.3 Tightening Torque

3.3.1 General tightening torque of bolts and nuts
Fasten all the bolts and nuts with the specified tightening torque when assembling.

Type Low or medium carbon steel bolt High strength steel bolt
(SS400B, etc.) (SCM435, etc.)
classification, 4.6−6.8 (4T−6T) 8.8−12.9 (7T−12T)
and indication Indication does
example not appear in
some cases.


Hexagon headed bolt Socket bolt Hexagon headed bolt

Nominal diameter
(mm) lbw・ft kgf•cm lbw・ft kgf•cm

6 3.7 50.5 7.2 100

8 8.9 123.5 18 245

10 18 245 35 485

12 31 425 61 845

14 49 675 98 1350

16 76 1055 152 2100

18 105 1450 210 2900

20 148 2050 297 4100

22 203 2800 405 5600

24 250 3450 514 7100

For general sections such as bonnet

Applied sections. For specified sections.
and frame.

Each clamping torque listed in the above-mentioned table applies to bolts being
used for generators.
The list shows normal clamping torque. In some sections, special specified torque
is required. In such a case, use the specified torque only.
Make sure to remove rust and dust before tightening.

3. Cautions for Overhauling

3.3.2 Tightening torque for terminal plate

When connecting the output terminals of the generator, it is important to tighten

the screws, according to the designated torque.
Since the terminal is so small, it could be burned or damaged without the proper


Nominal Torque Nominal Torque Nominal Torque Nominal Torque Nominal Torque
diameter lbw・ft diameter lbw・ft diameter lbw・ft diameter lbw・ft diameter lbw・ft
(mm) (kgf・cm) (mm) (kgf・cm) (mm) (kgf・cm) (mm) (kgf・cm) (mm) (kgf・cm)
2.1±0.5 3.5±0.9 6.4±1.6 6.4±1.6 11.8±3.0
① 5 6 8 8 10
(29±7) (49±12) (89±22) (89±22) (163±41)
② 5 − − − − − − − −
Terminal 2.1±0.5 2.1±0.5 3.5±0.9 6.4±1.6
③ − − 5 5 6 8
Plate (29±7) (29±7) (49±12) (89±22)
2.3±0.4 (119±17) 3.4±0.5 8.6±1.3 8.6±1.3
④ 5 6 8 8
(33±5) 2.3±0.4 (47±7) (119±17) (119±17)
Voltage 6 Bolt
6 1.5±0.1 (92±10) 6 8.1±0.7 6 6.6±0.7 6 8.1±0.7
Screw (20±2) 1.5±0.1 Bolt (112±10) Bolt (92±10) Bolt (112±10)
Switch 6 Screw
1.7±0.1 1.7±0.1 1.7±0.1 1.7±0.1 1.7±0.1
MCB1 to 5 5 5 5 5 5
(23±2) (23±2) (23±2) (23±2) (23±2)

Terminal Plate
① ② ③


Voltage Selection Switch MCB1 to 5

(Molded circuit breaker)


4. Electrical Parts

4 Electrical Parts
4.1 Electrical Parts of Generator
4.1.1 AS (Ammeter change-over switch)



4.1.2 Voltage selection switch


4. Electrical Parts







4. Electrical Parts

4.1.3 AVR (Automatic voltage regulator)

Avoid excessive adjustments, except in a case where the characteristics are changed due to a
change in parts.



Name Function Remarks

(1) VOLTS Voltage regulator Factory-adjusted.
(2) F2 Exciter output Connected to xx-
(3) F1 Exciter output Connected to x+
(4) 7 Detection of output voltage Connected to V5
(5) 8 Detection of output voltage Connected to U5
(6) Z2 Power supply of AVR Over-excitation protection fuse
Indication of preventive circuit
(7) LED LED indicator
for low revolutions
Pin No.60 and C are
(8) FREQUENCY SELECTION Frequency selector pin
(9) UFRO Setting of upward shift frequency
(10) STABILITY SELECTION Stability selector switch Set it to the position 1.
(11) STABILITY Setting of stability
(12) DROOP INPUT Drooping control terminal
(13) DROOP Drooping control
(14) VOLTAGE OPERATION Input selection
Insert a variable resistor of
(15) HAND TRIMMER Voltage regulator

4. Electrical Parts

Adjusting AVR (SDG25S) (Set voltage selector switch to middle position 240/139V)
1. Connect the wiring to the AVR. (See generator wiring diagram.)
2. Make sure pin No.60 and C of FREQUENCY SELECTION (8) are short-circuit.
3. Rotate the VOLTS (1) knob fully counterclockwise.
4. After connecting the HAND TRIMMER (15) wiring, set the voltage regulator knob to the
maximum position.
5. Set the STABILITY SELECTOR switch (10) to the position 1.
6. Start the engine. (Make sure that the engine revolution is not only normal but also stable
in unload operation.)
7. Adjust the frequency to 62.5 Hz. Gradually rotate the VOLTS (1) clockwise to set it to
250V. Make sure that the voltage stays in the specified range of 208-250 V at the time of
60 Hz operation.
8. In the normal condition it is not necessary to adjust the STABILITY (11). (Mid-position
setting is normal.) If the voltage is unstable, following adjustment is required:
9. Rotate the STABILITY (11) fully clockwise once, gradually rotate it counterclockwise
until the voltage becomes unstable. Slightly rotate it clockwise to set for the best position.
A digital multi-meter should be used for measuring voltage.
10. In the initial start-up stage, when the VOLTS and STABLE knobs are completely
adjusted, no adjustment of the UFRO knob is required. However, should the voltage
regulation function be faulty or the voltage disappear, adjust the UFRO knob as described


The AVR is provided with a built-in preventive circuit for low revolutions, a generator
protection capability.
This circuit provides the following voltage-revolution (frequency) characteristics:

Clockwise rotation Counterclockwise rotation

adjustment adjustment



Typical setting curve


75 80 85 90 95 100
%Rotating speed (frequency)

The UFRO (9) knob sets the knee-point.

Improper setting causes LED above the UFRO knob to remain lit when load is applied to the
generator, resulting in dead voltage regulation capability during load operation. In other
words, the generator will operate on the slanting line of the characteristics curve.
Rotating the UFRO knob clockwise decreases the frequency (revolution) at the "knee- point"
to allow the LED go out.

4. Electrical Parts

SDG45S/60S/75S/100S (3) (1)

(4) (2)

9 Pin(female) 6 Pin(female)
1:Brown 4:Yellow 7:Purple 1:Brown 4:Yellow
2:Red 5:Green 8:Gray 2:Red 5:Green
3:Orange 6: / 9: / 3:Orange 6: /


Name Function
(1) VOLT. ADJ Voltage setting variable resistor
(2) V. F. ADJ V/Hz adjust variable resistor
(3) STAB. ADJ Stability adjust variable resistor
(4) CPR Over-excitation protection circuit protector

Line color Connection Remarks
1 Brown Hand trimmer
Variable resistor 2kΩ 5W
2 Red Hand trimmer
3 Orange NIL
6 pins
(female) 4 Yellow No.5 of connector 6P To get corner frequency 57Hz, No.5
connector 6P and No.4 connector 6P short
5 Green No.4 of connector 6P circuited
1 Brown Generator cable No.3
AVR power supply (Generator cable 3 &
2 Red Generator cable No.4
Detect generator output voltage between
3 Orange Generator cable E3
(4) and (5)
9 pins
4 Yellow Generator cable J Field winding of exciter
5 Green Generator cable K Field winding of exciter
7 Generator cable U Auxiliary winding
8 Generator cable V Auxiliary winding

4. Electrical Parts

Adjusting AVR (SDG45S/60S/75S/100S) (Set voltage selector switch to 480/277V)

1. Turn voltage adjustment (1) counter-clockwise fully.
2. Set hand trimmer (voltage regulator) to maximum position.
3. Start engine.
(Make sure engine speed is normal and stable at no load.)
4. Adjust 62.5Hz at no load.
5. Turn voltage adjustment (1) clockwise slowly and set on 500V..
6. Make sure the adjustable range of voltage is 416 to 500V by hand trimmer.

Corner Frequency


Output Voltage



20 40 60 80
Routing Speed (frequency)

a. The above frequency compensation characteristic graph is used to improve the load
characteristics by controlling voltage rise which occurs until steady frequency begins.
・ Regarding the unit having 60Hz specifications, in order to obtain corner frequency of
57Hz connector terminal (6 pins) (green) by jumper line.

b. The "corner frequency" of the units of 60Hz can be adjusted by V/Hz adjustment knob of
AVR (V. F. ADJ). The frequency can be increased by turning the knob clockwise.
(1) Before starting generator, fully turn V/Hz adjustment knob (V. F. ADJ) clockwise.
(2) After starting generator, set the voltage to the rated one by inside voltage adjustment
knob (VOLT. ADJ).
(3) Set the frequency of generator to the required corner frequency.
(4) Turn V. F. ADJ knob counter-clockwise slowly till output voltage begins to drop, and
then set the corner frequency.

4. Electrical Parts


It is possible to adjust the response speed of generator output voltage in case of sudden
change of load, using the inside stability adjustment knob (STAB. ADJ).
a. Turning stability adjustment knob clockwise, the response speed drops and voltage
overshoot value becomes smaller (stabilized).
b. Turning it counter-clockwise, the response speed rises and voltage overshoot value
becomes larger (not stabilized).


Considering possibilities of incorrect cable connection, cable disconnection and improper cable
contact, a circuit protector (CPR)is installed inside AVR power input to prevent AVR from
being damaged by over-excitation current.
This protector works to push up the white push button fitted on the top of CPR and it is kept
pushed up.
First remove the cause of over-excitation current occurrence, and then release it by depressing
the white button on the top of CPR.

4. Electrical Parts

4.1.4 Thermal Relay

Keep the over-current trip reset on auto-reset setting.

Set the current set value by calculating it on a 60 Hz basis.


Thermal relay set value


60 Hz rated current A 30 54 72 90 120

CT ratio 5/50 5/75 5/100 5/125 5/200

Set value A 2.8 3.3 3.3 3.3 2.8

Calculation formula
Set value = Rated current at 60 Hz × CT ratio × 1.1 ×

4. Electrical Parts

4.2 Electrical Parts of Engine

4.2.1 Time relay


Oil pressure switch [opens at 15PSi (0.98bar) or less]

Water temperature switch [opens at 230 F (110℃) or higher]

Rated voltage 12 VDC

The contact opens six seconds after 12 VDC applies to the
Delay time
terminal (3).
Contact load 0.5 A or less

1) In the case of normal oil pressure and water temperature
• At the time of engine starting, voltage appears at terminal (3) to energize the solenoid
relay coil, allowing the solenoid to activate.
• Once the engine has started, for six seconds after the terminal (4) receives the alternator
output voltage, no emergency stop signals can be detected at the oil pressure switch
terminal (2) or the temperature switch terminal (6).
2) In the case of abnormal oil pressure and water temperature
• Input voltage applied to the terminal (4) cannot appear at the terminal (3). Therefore, the
solenoid relay coil cannot be energized, preventing the solenoid from activating.

4. Electrical Parts



Oil pressure switch [opens at 15PSi (0.98bar) or less]

Water temperature switch [opens at 221 F (105℃) or higher]

Rated voltage 24 VDC

The contact opens five seconds after 24 VDC applies to the
Delay time
terminal (3).
Contact load 0.5 A or less

1) In the case of normal oil pressure and water temperature
• At the time of engine starting, the input voltage applied to the terminal (1) appears at the
terminal (2) to energize the solenoid relay coil, allowing the solenoid to activate.
• After the engine has started, the alternator output voltage is received at the terminal (3)
and the input voltage applied to the terminal (1) appears at the terminal (6) five seconds
after the start to energize the solenoid relay coil, allowing the solenoid to activate.
2) In case of abnormal oil pressure and water temperature
• Input voltage applied to the terminal (4) cannot appear at the terminal (2) or (6). Therefore, the
solenoid relay coil cannot be energized, preventing the solenoid from activating.

4. Electrical Parts

4.2.2 Safety relay (SDG45S/60S/75S/100S only)


Rated voltage 24 VDC

200 A (instantaneous value)
Contact allowable current
35A (within 30 seconds)
S terminal current 3 A or less
R terminal current 0.3 A or less

1) Starting operation at the time of stopping condition
• When the voltage is applied from the starter switch to the terminal S, the input voltage
from the terminal B appears at the terminal C to rotate the starter motor, causing the
engine to start.
• After the engine has started, when the A.C.G. output of 21.5 VDC is received at the
terminal R, the input voltage applied to the terminal B disappears at terminal C to cause
the starter motor rotation to stop.
2) Starting operation at the time of running condition
• When the A.C.G. output of 22.5 VDC is received at the terminal R while the engine is
running, even the input voltage applied to terminal S from the starter switch cannot
appear at the terminal C, preventing the starter motor from rotating.

4. Electrical Parts

4.2.3 A.C.G (Alternator)




Voltage − Current 12V − 20A

Regulator adjusted voltage 13.8V ± 0.5V




Voltage − Current 24V − 20A

Regulator adjusted voltage 28.5V ± 0.5V

4. Electrical Parts




Voltage − Current 24V − 25A

Regulator adjusted voltage 28.5V ± 1V

4. Electrical Parts

4.2.4 Solenoid (Fuel cut solenoid)







4. Electrical Parts

4.2.5 Fuel solenoid pump

SDG25S SDG45S/60S/75S/100S
Rated voltage 12 V 24 V
Operating current 1.5 A 1.5 A
Discharge volume 0.8 L/min. 1.4 L/min.
At all pressure 1.7PSi (0.12kgf/cm2) 2.0PSi (0.14kgf/cm2)

A built-in filter in the solenoid pump for SDG25S/45S/60S/75S/100S should be

periodically replaced with a new one.

5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance

5 Periodic Inspection/Maintenance
5.1 Periodic Inspection List
● means change △ means check/clean
Every Every Every Every Every Every
Maintenance Daily 50 hrs
250 hrs 300 hrs 500 hrs 600 hrs 1,000 hrs 2,000 hrs
Check external chassis


Check each meter and

warning lamp.
Check insulation resistance. △

Check GFCI receptacles. ☆△

Check air filter clogging. △

Drain condensation from fuel

tank. (Including sedimenter)
Check fuel level. △

Check engine oil level. △

Check coolant level. △

Check looseness in pipe
connector terminals and △
damaged wiring.
Check V-belt tension. △

Change engine oil. ※● ●


Change engine oil filter. ※● ●

Check battery. △
Clean or change air-filter
● ●
Change fuel filter.
(25S/45S/60S) (75S/100S)
Change filter of fuel
● ●
air-bleeding electromagnetic
(45S/60S) (75S/100S)
Change coolant. ●
Clean outside the radiator.

(as required)
Clean inside the radiator. △

Clean inside the fuel tank. △

※ indicates the first changing time.

The maintenance point marked ☆ shall be checked monthly or 250 hours operation, whichever
comes first.
Refer to engine operation manual for inspection and maintenance of an engine.

5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance

5.2 Generator Maintenance Standards

5.2.1 Generator’s winding wire resistance value [at the temperature of 68°F(20°C)]
Voltage selection 0.412 0.374 0.233 0.178 0.114
(U–V) (U–V) (U–V) (U–V) (U–V)
sw. position Ω
(V–W) (V–W) (V–W) (V–W) (V–W)
480/277V (W–U) (W–U) (W–U) (W–U) (W–U)
armature 0.103 0.0935 0.0583 0.0445 0.0285
(U1–U2) (T1–T4) (T1–T4) (T1–T4) (T1–T4)
(U5–U6) (T7–T10) (T7–T10) (T7–T10) (T7–T10)
wires − Ω (V1–V2) (T2–T5) (T2–T5) (T2–T5) (T2–T5)
(V5–V6) (T8–T11) (T8–T11) (T8–T11) (T8–T11)
(W1–W2) (T3–T6) (T3–T6) (T3–T6) (T3–T6)
(W5–W6) (T7–T12) (T7–T12) (T7–T12) (T7–T12)
Generator field winding wire Ω 0.650 2.378 3.024 1.807 2.219
Exciter armature winding wires Ω 0.210 0.522 0.571 0.415 ←
Exciter field winding wire Ω 8.0 17.652 16.353 19.375 ←
Auxiliary winding wire Ω 2.95 1.54 1.34 1.24 1.15
※See page 6-13. (at 480V)

5.2.2 Generated voltage from forced magnetization [ at the temperature of

Voltage 12V 440V 450V 450V 400V 405V
generated 24V – 575V 575V 545V 550V
※See page 6-9. (at 480V)
・Avoid a forced magnetization of SDG25S on 24 V to prevent a dangerous high
voltage situation.
・Generated voltages listed in the table above should be used for reference only
because of voltage variations with surrounding temperature.

5.3 Engine Maintenance Standards

Valve clearance
in. 0.016
Air intake/ discharge ← ← ←
(mm) (0.4)
(normal temperature)
PSi 441
Standard ← ← ←
(kgf/cm2) (31)
PSi 370 313
Working limit ← ←
(kgf/cm2) (26) (22)
Injection timing B.T.D.C 12° B.T.D.C 13° B.T.D.C 14° B.T.D.C 12°
PSi 1920 2631
Nozzle injection pressure ← ←
(kgf/cm2) (135) (185)
Belt free play in. 0.3–0.5
← ← ←
(mm) (8–12)
Temperature for °F 180
← ← ←
Thermostat start of release (°C) (82)
Valve lift mm 8 (203°F) 10 (203°F) ← ←
230±3.6 221±3.6
Water temperature switch (110±2) (105±2) ← ←
(b, contacted) (b, contacted)
Oil pressure switch (1) ← ← ←
(a, contacted)

5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance

5.4 Key Points for Maintenance Work

5.4.1 Assembly of main generator unit and engine

The main unit of the generator is unilaterally mounted and the clearance is small, so it
must be handled with extreme care to avoid the possibility of damage to the rotor or
Use hoisting equipment of sufficient capacity when it is necessary to lift up the
engine and the main body of the generator.

Lifting weight


Weight of main lb 247 452 595 672 794
generator unit (kg) (112) (205) (270) (305) (360)
lb 410 789 802 992 1036
Weight of engine
(kg) (186) (358) (364) (450) (470)

① Generator unit
② Engine
③ Bolt (for coupling of the engine
flywheel and the generator)
④ Bolt (for connection of the engine
flywheel housing and the
generator frame)


(1) Assembly of engine flywheel and generator coupling

The mounting holes are not equally spaced along the circumference. Therefore,
position the holes in advance so as to match the coupling counterpart by turning and
adjusting the engine flywheel.
Use guide bolts while centering to mount the assembly.
Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.

5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance

Size of guide bolt



Dφ mm 9.5 ← ← ← ←
L mm 60 ← ← ← ←
I mm 25 ← ← ← ←
M mm M10×1.5 ← ← ← ←

Tightening torque of Bolt No. 3


Bolt size M10×1.5-20 M10×1.5-30 M10×1.5-50 ← ←
Quantity 8 ← ← 9 ←
Tightening lbw・ft 46
← ← ← ←
torque (kgf・cm) (640)

(2) Assembly of flywheel housing and generator frame (stator)

Handle the stator with care after fastening the engine flywheel and generator
coupling, to avoid damage to either the rotor or stator.
Tighten the connections to the specified torque.

Tightening torque of Bolt No. 4


Bolt size M10×1.5-30 M10×1.5-35 M10×1.5-30 ← ←
Quantity 12 ← ← ← ←
Tightening lbw・ft 46 18
← ← ←
torque (kgf・cm) (640) (245)

5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance

5.4.2 Mounting of generator and engine on frame

Perform centering carefully, to avoid deviation in the horizontal leveling caused by

distortion of the frame or inaccurate mounting of the main body and engine.
Running the machine without accurate centering may cause abnormal vibrations.

① Generator unit
② Engine
③ Bracket
④ Bolt
⑤ Shim
⑥ Cushion rubber
⑦ Nut


(1) Centering method

1. Mount the brackets on the engine secured to the generator main body.
(Use only genuine fastening bolts.)
2. Place four assembly level plates ※ on the points for mounting the engine and main body
onto the frame.
3. Place the generator main body with the engine mounted onto it on the assembly level plates
on the frame.
4. Use shims for adjustment if joint gaps are found at any of the four places where the brackets
and assembly level plates are to be fixed.
5. Lift the engine mounted onto the generator main body, leaving the shims in the four places
after adjustment.
6. Remove the assembly level plates and place the cushion rubbers in their respective places on
the frame.
7. Place the engine with the main body on the cushion rubbers and fasten it with nuts.


5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance

Assembling level plates size

in. 1.61 1.57 1.54 1.89
Engine side ←
(mm) (41) (40) (39) (48)
in. 1.61 1.57 1.54 1.85
Generator side ←
(mm) (41) (40) (39) (47)

(2) Check the gap between the cooling fan and fan shroud

Maintain an adequate gap in both the vertical and horizontal directions.

If the fan is mounted incorrectly so that it leans toward one side wall of the shroud,
leading to a smaller gap in one direction, the fan may produce abnormal noise due to
rubbing against the shroud during starting or stopping and may also overheat.


Gap size
in. 16.9 19.7 21.6
Fan outer diameter (a) ← ←
(mm) (430) (500) (550)
in. 17.7 20.9 22.8
Shroud inner diameter (b) ← ←
(mm) (450) (530) (580)
in. 0.3 0.5
Top gap (c) ← ← ←
(mm) (7) (12)
in. 0.5 0.7
Bottom gap (d) ← ← ←
(mm) (13) (18)
in. 0.4 0.6
Side gap (e) ← ← ←
(mm) (10) (15)

5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance

5.4.3 Generator unit

(1) Mounting and dismounting of bearing shield (end cover)

Use guide bolts to avoid the danger of dropping the bearing shield and to prevent the
rotor and stator from rubbing against each other. (Use the guide bolts used to mount
the main body.)

(2) Changing the bearings

Do not hit the bearing outer race when installing or the bearing may be damaged.
There is no need to grease the bearings because they are sealed grease-filled type.
The bearings have an expected life of approximately 10,000 hours.


5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance

(3) Changing the rotary rectifier

Care must be taken not to damage the rotary rectifier when mounting it on the
conductive plate.
When a soldering iron must be used on the rotary rectifier, make the contact time as
short as possible.
Apply LOCTITE agent to the portions where tightness is required.
The surge suppressor is integrated with the insulating plate and cannot be replaced

Tightening torque


Screw size M5×0.8 ← ← M6×1.0 ←


lbw・in 18-21 17 35
Tightening torque ← ←
(kgf・cm) (21-24) (20) (40)
Newage No. Three Bond
Screw-lock agent ← ← ←
030-02318 1402-B
insulating plate

Screw size − M6×1.0 ← ← ←


lbw・in 43
Tightening torque − ← ← ←
(kgf・cm) (50)
Three Bond
Screw-lock agent − ← ← ←

* Rotating rectifier of SDG25S is locked to the rotor shaft of the generator by a key.

5. Periodic Inspection/Maintenance


① Forward side of the diode

② Reverse side of the diode

③ Varistor



① Forward side of the diode

② Reverse side of the diode

③ Varistor


6. Troubleshooting

6 Troubleshooting
6.1 Repairing Procedures
Perform the following preparatory checks before disassembling the machine.
① Try to find out the following information on the problem directly from the operator / user.
• How and when the machine problem started?
• Had anything abnormal occurred to the machine before this problem took place?
• Is there any other symptom existing in the machine?
• Had this machine experienced any other trouble before? If Yes, which parts or portion were
repaired before?
• Had any similar trouble occurred to this machine before this one?

② Next, check and inspect the actual problem on the machine by operating it yourself.
• Judgement of trouble sometimes vary, depending upon the person who assesses it.
So check and confirm it yourself, in accordance with standards for troubleshooting. You may find
sound / noise varies widely, depending upon the person who judges it.
• Before operating the machine which is suspected to have a problem, additional care should
be taken in case the suspected problem can cause new problems.
• Once the machine is disassembled, it is difficult to reproduce the same trouble conditions
when assembled. It is also likely to lose the evidence / cause of the trouble. Therefore, before
actually disassembling, it is important to test and locate the cause.
• In case there are several causes to troubleshoot, it is good practice to examine the simple
problems first.
• Repair and remove the basic cause completely and consider why such a problem happened.

6.2 Engine Troubleshooting

6.2.1 How to read “Engine Troubleshooting”


・ (1) After checking or measuring item (1), select either YES

(OK) or NO (NOT OK) and proceed to item (2) or (3) next.

・ As shown to the left, measuring methods or items to be referred to are

sometimes indicated in the spaces under the box. Be sure to measure or check
・Starter switch: ON correctly. Incorrect measuring or checking methods may result in the wrong
troubleshooting path and components could be damaged.

・ The box with bold lines indicates causes.

6. Troubleshooting

6.2.2 Troubleshooting items

Engine rotates but will not start

Disconnect fuel solenoid

Measure each voltage
at harness side
terminals Br(L),
C(L/W) E(B)
・Starter switch : ON


Check if solenoid pin

SDG45S/60S/ can be activated.
・Starter switch : ON
Disconnect fuel line at
fuel pump outlet.
Check if fuel flows
when key switch is
turned ON.


Check if fuel
filter is
NO clogged. YES

Disconnect fuel pump

connector. Check the
voltage of the terminal at
NO the harness side
SDG25S connector is 12V.
・Starter switch : ON

NO (0V)

6. Troubleshooting

Remove solenoid from engine. Faulty engine.
Remove starter terminal B.
Between Br and E : 12V Check if solenoid pin moves when
Between C and E : 12V starter switch is placed to "start". Faulty solenoid.

Disconnection between fuel solenoid

Between C and E : 0V terminal E and starter relay #5.
(Check conductivity between solenoid
terminal E and engine body.)

・Faulty solenoid relay.

・Faulty emergency stop button.
Between Br and E : 0V ・Blown fuse.
(Check conductivity between solenoid ・Faulty time relay (SDG25S).
terminal E and engine body.)

Faulty engine.

Faulty solenoid.
Disconnect solenoid connector.
Check if voltage at harness side
NO between terminal #1 and ・Faulty solenoid relay.
terminal #2 is 24V. ・Faulty time relay.
NO ・Faulty water temp. sw.
・Faulty harness.

Faulty fuel filter.

Faulty fuel pump.

Faulty fuse, starter

NO switch or faulty harness
between starter switch
and fuel pump.

6. Troubleshooting

Starter does not rotate


Voltage at terminal B is
lower than 12V (24V).

With starter switch positioned

YES as shown in the table below,
check if each terminal voltage
on starter is normal.

Unit: V
Starter switch
B 12 (24) 12 (24) 12 (24)

Check if battery S (C) 0 0 12 (24)

voltage and
Voltage at terminal S (C)
specific gravity
is lower than 12V (24V).
are normal.
・Starter switch : START
・Voltage : 12V
or more
・Density : 1.28

NO (When starter switch is turned to the START position, if voltage

at terminal B is lower than 9 (18) volts, battery may be faulty.)

Starter voltage check

SDG25S SDG45S/60S/75S/100S
1.Turn the starter switch to the ON or START
2.Contact the minus (−) probe of a circuit tester to
the vehicle ground (ground to unpainted area like
bolt head) and the plus (+) probe to terminals on
the starter. Then, check voltages with the harness

6. Troubleshooting

Faulty starter.

Faulty or disconnection
of harness between
battery and starter.

Faulty starter switch or
faulty harness between
starter switch and
star-ter relay
Voltage at terminal #3 : 0V
SDG45S/60S/75S/100S Faulty starter switch or
Voltage at terminal R : 0V, B : 0V faulty harness between
starter switch and
t t l
Measure voltage at
terminals #3 and #5 SDG25S:
on starter relay. Faulty starter relay.
SDG45S/60S/ Faulty engine controller.
75S/100S: SDG25S: SDG45S/60S/75S/100S:
Measure voltage at Voltage at terminal #3 : 12V Faulty safety relay.
terminals R, B and Voltage at terminal #5 : 0V
C on safety relay. SDG45S/60S/75S/100S
Voltage at terminal R : 24V
・Starter Switch : START Voltage at terminal C : 0V SDG25S:
Voltage at terminal B : 24V Faulty harness between
terminal #6 on starter
relay and terminal S on
SDG25S SDG45S/60S/75S/100S:
Voltage at terminal #5 : 24V Faulty harness between
SDG45S/60S/75S/100S terminal C on safety
Voltage at terminal C : 24V relay and terminal C on

Faulty battery.

6. Troubleshooting

6.3 Generator Troubleshooting

6.3.1 How to read “Generator Troubleshooting”







① Checkpoints are mentioned in the rectangular boxes.

② Items in the round parenthesis show the causes for the checkpoints①.
③ A under each box shows actual way of checking.

6. Troubleshooting

6.3.2 Troubleshooting items

(1) No voltage is generated or voltage too low

Raise the speed to the

Check the frequency meter No speed Refer to "Engine
Lower specified value,
and confirm that engine speed increases manual".
watching the
speed during no-load
frequency meter.
operation corresponds to
the following values.

No-load speed
OK -1
60Hz About 62.5 Hz/1,875 min

Check the terminal

Check the AC output
voltage of the Replace the meters.
voltage of output OK OK
terminals R, S and T.

None or low

The following connectors are connected

Connect again
properly. NO (Disconnected) correctly.
SDG25S:connector (F1, F2)
SDG45S/60S/75S/100S:connector (J, K)

See page 4-3, 4-5


Conductivity in AVR Defective resister

resistor hand trimmer? hand trimmer.


VOLT.A.D.J of AVR is:? NO Readjust.

6. Troubleshooting

If magnetized forcibly, Residual

how does the voltage Voltage normal magnetism does
change. not exist any more.

0 or lower.

Fuse of AVR is:?

Broken fuse Fault in AVR.

Use genuine fuse.

Never use other fuses Repair disconnection of
than genuine ones. voltage detection cable
or rectify faulty contact.

AVR is:? Push up the white reset

Fault in AVR.
SDG45S/60S/75S/100S push button

Winding wire broken in

Fault in rotary
generator or insulation NO
C, D


Repair winding wire in


6. Troubleshooting

(2) Voltage is very high or it cannot be adjusted

Speed should be about 1,875 Adjust the speed to the

min-1 for 62.5 Hz during NO (Higher) specified speed with the
no-load operation. speed adjusting bolt.


Check resistance in AVR

resistor hand trimmer? NO Defective resistor HT.


Is AC voltage at AVR input
terminal (7-8) proper?
Broken wire Repair.
Is AC voltage at AVR input
terminal (3-E3) proper?


Is DC voltage at AVR output
terminal (F1-F2) proper? Fault in AVR.
NO (Very high)
Is DC voltage at AVR
connector (J-K) proper?

6. Troubleshooting

(3) Voltage fluctuates

Use single-phase load by

Is there any unbalance between YES balancing it among
single-phase load phases? phases, or increase
generator capacity.


Are revolutions stabilized at Repair / adjust

1,500 min-1 or 1,800 min-1? engine.


Any faulty connection found in Repair.

YES (Looseness found)
control panel?


Check whether stability of

AVR is correctly adjusted or NO Readjust.


Disconnect each connection

between generator and control Fault in generator
panel. And when magnetized NO winding wire.
forcibly, the generated voltage Repair.
among phases is balanced?


Fault in AVR.

6. Troubleshooting

(4) Load cannot be operated

Generated voltage and

NO Adjust.
frequency are normal?

If it cannot be adjusted at
all, please refer to
YES troubleshooting "(1) No
voltage is generated or
voltage too low" on page 6-7.

Circuit breaker (MCB) is NO

"ON"? Turn MCB on.

Immediately the
circuit breaks
YES automatically.

Specified voltage found at load? YES Check load.


When MCB is on, is specified

Fault in MCB
voltage found among output contact, or
terminals R, S, T, and O? selector switch.


Any looseness in output

terminals R, S, T (U, V, W) and YES Retighten and
O connection? correct.


Check cable used for load.

6. Troubleshooting

(5) Voltage drops when load is applied.

Please refer to the sentence

When the load is applied, how "(1) No voltage is
is generator rpm? generated or voltage too
low" on page 6-7.


Check whether load starting Reduce load capacity to suit

Load capacity generator capacity. Or, use a
kVA exceeds rated output of too high. higher kVA generator that
generator? suits load capacity.


Any problem in load or cable

such as short-circuit or loose YES Repair.


Engine output insufficient.


See Engine Manual.

6. Troubleshooting

6.3.3 How to check

[A] Checking for Disconnection of Voltage Adjusting Resistor Hand Trimmer

Turn the knob right and left, and check if the

resistance changes. It is normal if the resistance
value is within the following ranges.
SDG25S :severalΩ-1kΩ
The resistance decreases when the knob is turned in
the direction of A.
The resistance increases when the knob is turned in
the direction of B.
Also make sure resistance varies smoothly.


6. Troubleshooting

[B] Forced Excitation Method

1. Run the generator at the rated r.p.m.
2. Disconnect the field connector in the control panel, F1
and apply the battery voltage to the exciter winding F2

Portions to be connected
F1 and (+) terminal of battery
F2 and (-) terminal of battery
SDG45S/60S/ J and (+) terminal of battery
75S/100S K and (-) terminal of battery

3. Magnetize for 1 to 2 seconds, then remove the wires

and check if voltage is generated.


Generated voltage from forced excitation (at 480V) (V)

Voltage generated (V) [at the temperature of 104°F(40℃)]
Battery 12V Battery 24V
SDG25S 440 —
SDG45S 450 575
SDG60S 450 575
SDG75S 400 545
SDG100S 405 550
* The generating voltage is only for reference because it will change due to the ambient

6. Troubleshooting

[C] Measurement of Generator Winding Wire Resistance

The standard resistance value of each wire includes the generator’s winding wire resistance
value. (See 5-2 for values)

SDG45S/60S/75S/100S(Voltage selection switch position 480/277V)


(1) Generator armature winding wires

Remove all wires leading to the control panel terminal from the generator, and measure the
resistance between the wires on the generator side. (Please explain how to check with
voltage selector switch circuit.)

U1 terminal - U2 terminal , U5 terminal - U6 terminal
V1 terminal - V2 terminal , V5 terminal - V6 terminal
W1 terminal - W2 terminal , W5 terminal - W6 terminal

T1 terminal - T4 terminal , T7 terminal - T10 terminal
T2 terminal - T5 terminal , T8 terminal - T11 terminal
T3 terminal - T6 terminal , T9 terminal - T12 terminal

(2) Generator field winding wire

Disconnect the wires leading to the rotary rectifier,
then measure the resistance between the wires.

(3) Exciter armature winding wires
Disconnect the wires leading to the rotary rectifier,
and measure the resistance between the wires.


6. Troubleshooting

(4) Exciter field winding wire (See 5-2 for values)

Disconnect 9P connector in the control panel, and measure the resistance at the connector on the
generator side.

In the case of SDG25S:

F1 F2

F1 terminal- between F2 terminal.


In the case of SDG45S/60S/75S/100S:

J terminal- between K terminal.


(1) Auxiliary winding wire (SDG25S)

Disconnect the AVR 9P connector in the control panel, and measure the resistance at the
connector on the generator side.
Z2 V5

V5 terminal- between Z2 terminal.


6. Troubleshooting

[D] Measurement of Insulation Resistance of Generator Winding Wires

Measurement is performed with a 500V megger. The situation is considered to be satisfactory if the
measurement produces a result of 1M or more, while a result of less than that value indicates

SDG45S/60S/75S/100S(Voltage selection switch position 480/277V)


(1) Generator armature winding wires

(Procedure)(Megger tester required)
① Remove the load side cable from the output
ter-minal board.
② Remove the cable between the terminal "O" and
terminal "E" which are connected on the back of
the output terminal plate.
③ Remove the AVR connector inside the generator
control panel.
④ Switch ON the three-phase breaker, measure
each insulation resistance between the terminals
R. S. T terminal and bonnet.
⑤ Insulation resistance when measured with a
500V megger tester must be above 1 MΩ.
⑥ After finishing the measurement of insulation
resistance, re-connect the cable between the
terminal "O" and terminal "E".

After making sure that the insulation resistance of

the generator is higher than 1 MΩ, be sure to
re-connect the cable between the terminal "O"
and terminal "E" just as it was originally
connected. If it is left disconnected, the grounding
becomes imperfect so that it could cause electric


6. Troubleshooting

Disconnect all wires leading from the

generator to the control panel terminals
and short-circuit them, then measure the
insulation resistance between the wires
and the generator body.


(2) Generator field winding wire

Disconnect the wires leading to the rotary rectifier,
then measure the insulation resistance
between the disconnected wires and the shaft.
(Do not megger the diodes)


(3) Exciter armature winding wires

Disconnect the wires and short-circuit them, then
measure the insulation resistance between
these wires and the shaft.


6. Troubleshooting

(4) Exciter field winding wire

Disconnect the field connector (J,K) in the control panel, and measure the resistance at the
connector on the generator side.

In the case of SDG25S:


F1 terminal or F2 terminal-between body.


In the case of SDG45S/60S/75S/100S:

J terminal or K terminal-between body.


6. Troubleshooting

[E] Checking Rotary Rectifier (Diode)

Remove the bearing shield at the opposite side of the driving side, or pull out the rotor in
accordance with the instructions for changing the bearings and then remove the rectifier
components and check them with a tester.
Care should be taken to distinguish between two types of rectifier components. (Positive and
negative polarity)

Normal part Defective part


Note: A component with negative polarity has a negative resistance value.

[F] Lever Positions of Circuit Breaker (Molded Circuit Breaker)

The MCB has three lever positions: "ON" "OFF" and "AUTO
In manual operation, the lever is shifted between "ON" and
"OFF" only.
If an overload occurs and the automatic-off switch is on, the
lever is automatically shifted to the "AUTO OFF" position
and the lever has range of play around this position.
In order to recover the functioning of the MCB from the
"AUTO OFF" state, shift the lever down to "OFF" once,
then shift it up to "ON" position.


7. Wiring Diagram

7. Wining Diagram Molded case circuit breaker

7.1 Generator Wiring Diagram MCB
SDG25S Molded case circuit breaker
SHC Shunt coil
A Ammeter
V Voltmeter
F Frequency meter
IL Illumination lamp
CT Current transformer
51 Thermal relay
AVR Automatic voltage regulator
HT Hand trimmer (voltage regulator)
AS Ammeter change-over switch
F Fuse


7. Wiring Diagram

SDG45S Molded case circuit breaker

Molded case circuit breaker
SHC Shunt coil
A Ammeter
V Voltmeter
F Frequency meter
IL Illumination lamp
CT Current transformer
51 Thermal relay
AVR Automatic voltage regulator
HT Hand trimmer (voltage regulator)
AS Ammeter change-over switch


7. Wiring Diagram

SDG60S Molded case circuit breaker

Molded case circuit breaker
SHC Shunt coil
A Ammeter
V Voltmeter
F Frequency meter
IL Illumination lamp
CT Current transformer
51 Thermal relay
AVR Automatic voltage regulator
HT Hand trimmer (voltage regulator)
AS Ammeter change-over switch


7. Wiring Diagram

SDG75S/100S Molded case circuit breaker

Molded case circuit breaker
SHC Shunt coil
A Ammeter
V Voltmeter
F Frequency meter
IL Illumination lamp
CT Current transformer
51 Thermal relay
AVR Automatic voltage regulator
HT Hand trimmer (voltage regulator)
AS Ammeter change-over switch


7. Wiring Diagram


An Example
3 R/W
Wire of Red/White Line
Wire size (mm2)

B Black
Y Yellow
L Blue
G Green
R Red
W White
Br Brown
O Orange
P Pink
Gr Gray

7. Wiring Diagram


An Example
3 R/W
Wire of Red/White Line
Wire size (mm2)

B Black
Y Yellow
L Blue
G Green
R Red
W White
Br Brown
O Orange
P Pink
Gr Gray

8. References

8. References
8.1 Selecting Cable
Select a cable with sufficient diameter by considering the permissible current on the
cable and the distance from the generator to the load.
If the current flowing to the load exceeds the permissible current of the cable, resultant
overheating may burn the cable. Similarly, if the cable is too small in thickness to the
length, the input voltage to the load will fall to cause the load input power to drop, as a
result, the performance of the machine cannot be displayed.

Cable Thickness S(mm2) Load Current


Cable Length L(m)

Simplified three-phase three-wire formula to seek voltage drop from cable length and working

1 Length L(m)
Voltage drop e (V) = × ×Current I(A)×√
58 Thickness S(mm2)
Select such a cable length and thickness so that the voltage drop will remain less than 5%.
The table below shows the relationship between cabtire cable length and current and
corresponding cable sectional area (nominal).
The sectional areas in the table are based on the cable (of maximum allowable
insulation: 60℃) in an ambient temperature of 30℃ or lower.
(Based on the condition that working voltage is 400V, with voltage drop of 20V.)
Single-Core Cable (Unit:mm2)
Current 50mor less 75m 100m 125m 150m 200m
20A 2 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5 8
30A 3.5 5.5 5.5 8 8 14
60A 8 8 14 14 22 22
100A 22 22 22 22 30 38
150A 38 38 38 38 38 50
Three-Core Cable (Unit:mm2)
Current 50mor less 75m 100m 125m 150m 200m
20A 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.5 5.5 8
30A 5.5 5.5 5.5 8 8 14
60A 14 14 14 14 22 22
100A 38 38 38 38 38 38
150A 60 60 60 60 60 60


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