Numerical and Optimization Techniques (NOT-2019) : Announces

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Department of Civil Engineering BACKGROUND About Civil Engineering Department

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Computational techniques have become an essential The Department of Civil Engineering was established
Technology Allahabad part to solve the engineering problems. Numerical in 1961. The initial intake of the students was 30. The
Announces and optimization techniques are important first head of the Department of Civil Engineering was
One Week Course computational tools for conducting research and Mr. S.C. Jain. The Department began teaching with 5
On development in engineering sciences. The proposed faculty members. For first 2 years the classes and
Numerical and Optimization Techniques short term course presents traditional as well as laboratories were held in the premises of the
(NOT-2019) advanced numerical and optimization methods. It Polytechnic Allahabad. In the third year of its
also highlights successful applications in various real establishment, the main building of the Institute came
areas. The course modules are framed for the up and the Department of Civil Engineering was
participants with or without a strong background in located in the main building. In the beginning, the
the field. The prime objective of the short term course Department had only five laboratories viz. Survey
is to familiarize the participants with basic as well as Laboratory, Soil Mechanics and Foundation
state of the art of theory and applications of Engineering Laboratory, Concrete and Structure
numerical and optimization techniques. Laboratory, Transportation Engineering Laboratory
and Public Health Engineering Laboratory.
Course Content
The M.Tech. Programme in the department begin in
1970 on a regular basis in the streams of (1)
• Numerical techniques: General numerical
Structural Engineering and (2) Soil Mechanics and
methods, FDM (Finite difference), FEM (Finite Foundation Engineering. At present four M.Tech.
November 08 -12, 2019 programmes are running in the Department viz. (1)
Structural Engineering, (2) Geotechnical Engineering,
• Optimization techniques: Constrained and
(3) Transportation Engineering and (4) Environmental
unconstrained optimization with linear and non-
linear programming methods
• Specialized optimization techniques: GA, During its journey of development, many M.Tech.
multiobjective and Goal Programming programmes were added and several new
Coordinators laboratories were developed. The department was
• Soft-computing: ANN, Fuzzy and Hybrid Intelligent
also recognized as QIP centre for M.Tech. and Ph.D.
Dr. Raj Mohan Singh, Dr. N. R. Rawal, methods; Fuzzy optimization
The present sanctioned faculty strength is 36. The
Dr. Pramod Soni • Labs: Labs on Numerical, optimization and soft present sanctioned intake of B.Tech. is 100 and
computing techniques based on MATLAB and M.Tech. students is 100. Also the present Ph.D. (Full
Department of Civil Engineering
Time Regular) intake of the students is 12 per year.
Motilal Nehru National Institute of LINGO programmes;
Technology Allahabad, • Case studies and demonstrations of applications.
Prayagraj-211004, India.
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (NOT-2019)
Professional : 7000/- Allahabad, Allahabad (MNNIT) is an Institute with
Faculty : 5000/- total commitment to quality and excellence in Name (block letter): ……………………………………
Students : 2400/- (Research Scholar) academic pursuits. It was established as one of the Designation: …………………………………………….
seventeen Regional Engineering Colleges of India in
: 1000/- (UG/PG/M.Tech) Organization: ……………………………………………
the year 1961 as a joint enterprise of Government of
India and Government of Uttar Pradesh, and was an Address: …………………………………………………
The registration fee of selected participant must be associated college of University of Allahabad, which ……………………………………………………………..
paid by DD in favour of “NOT 2019”, MNNIT Allahabad, is the third oldest university in India. ……………………………………………………………..
Registration fee may be transferred electronically With over 45 years of experience and achievements ……………………………………………………………..
through NEFT/RTGS with intimation to coordinator(s). in the field of technical education, having traversed a
NEFT, A/C Name: NOT 2019 long way, on June 26, 2002 MNREC was E-mail: ……………………………………………………
A/C Number: 718401012000101 transformed into National Institute of Technology and Phone: (O) ………………….. (M)………………………
Vijaya Bank, Branch: MNNIT Deemed University fully funded by Government of Fax: ……………………………………………………....
Allahabad, IFSC: VIJB0007184. Scanned copy of the India. With the enactment of National Institutes of
Technology Act-2007(29 to 2007), the Institute has
filled form may be emailed to coordinator(s) in Registration Fee:
been granted the status of institution of national
advance. Registration fee includes Tea and
importance w.e.f. 15.08.2007.
Registration Kit. The Institute had begun with offering Bachelor Amount:……………………. DD No.:………………….
Degree Programmes in Civil, Electrical and
Important Dates Bank: ……………………….Date: …………………….
Mechanical Engineering. It was the first in the country
Last Date of receipt of Application: October 25, 2018 to start an undergraduate programme in Computer Any Accompanying Person: YES/NO
Science & Engineering in 1976-77. Subsequently, in
PATRON the year 1982-83 undergraduate programmes in Accommodation Required: YES/NO
Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Tripathi Electronics Engineering and Production & Industrial If yes, please write to the convener for details.
Director, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Engineering were started. The first Master’s
Technology Allahabad Programme of the Institute was introduced by the
Mechanical Engineering Department in the year Date: Signature (Applicant)
CHAIRMAN 1966. In all other Engineering Departments, Master's
Prof. (Dr.) R. C. Vaishya Programmes were introduced in the 1970-71. To add
Head, Civil Engg Dept., MNNIT Allahabad a new dimension to itself the Institute established
School of Management studies in 1996, which offers Signature (Head of the Institution/Department)
COORDINATORS a two year / four semester post graduate degree (Supervisor/concerned teacher for students)
programme in Management (MBA).
Prof (Dr.) Raj Mohan Singh
The Institute was selected as a lead institution in the Please send this form to:
E-mail: [email protected]
Design theme under Indo-UK REC Project (1994-99).
Under this scheme a Design Centre was established. Prof. Raj Mohan Singh,
Dr. N. R. Rawal Coordinator, NOT-2019
The Institute has been selected as a Lead Institution
E-mail: [email protected] under World Bank funded Government of India Department of Civil Engineering
Project on Technical Education Quality Improvement Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Dr. Pramod Soni Programme (TEQIP). Two state level institutions are Allahabad -211004, India
E-mail: [email protected] networked with MNNIT under the project. Phone: + 91-9839506133, 9452836810, 9532810930
E-mail:[email protected]

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