Nowadays Young People Spend Too Much of Their Free Time in Shopping Malls

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Nowadays young people spend too much of their free time in shopping malls.

people fear that this may have negative effects on young people and the society they
live in.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

We are living at the age of rapid technological advancement which led to occurrence
of massive shopping malls and countless global online shopping platforms.
Millennials nowadays are persuaded to spend a lot of their money and time on shopping offline and
online. According to Verto Analytics data, people between 18- and 34-years old mark the vast majority of
consumers who shop online and offline with a margin of 95% of the overall consumers. This issue raised
concern for many people who believe that spending lots of their time and money buying things that are
unnecessary may have dangerous effects on millennials and on their society. I believe that spending too
much time and money on unnecessary aimless shopping in shopping malls has a number of negative
impacts on young people as well as on their society.

First of all, many millennials spend a long time in shopping malls being exposed to countless of
advertisements that allures them into spending more money than they initially intended to. We are,
after all, living at the age of advertisement that can drive young consumers to purchase and consume
more than they need. Spending a long time in shopping malls can lead to addiction to shopping which
in turn will form an irresistible drive for young people to shop simply because they are bored or have
nothing to do. This extreme-consumeristic life-style is not only unhealthy for individuals who suffer
from shopping-addiction but also for their society. The latter will suffer from the many shortcomings
of over-consumerism such as environmental degradation, moral degradation, over production, waste
of energy and resources and higher debt levels.
Secondly, shopping addiction is not only harmful to the mental health but also to the physical health
of the young individuals of the twenty-first century. Millennials who spend long time aimlessly
window-shopping are missing out on the benefits of spending time outdoors either walking,
practicing sports, visiting relatives and strengthening bonds with family, meeting new people and
building new bridges or participating in constructive activities. There is no wonder if we say
that people who spend their time outdoor involved in the aforementioned activities will enjoy a
happier and healthier lifestyle than people who waste a lot of time and money shopping. In
addition to this, food advertisement which includes fast-food is one of the drives that can allure
young shopping-addicts to the consumption of unhealthy food. The latter can lead to sedentary
lifestyle that would result in a number of diseases such obesity, high blood pressure, Type 2
diabetes and heart disease, among other health risks

In a nutshell, it is safe to say that spending a lot of time and money shopping without any purpose is
unhealthy for both individuals and society. Young people should spend their time wisely and avoid the
pitfall of over-consumerism through engaging in constructive outdoor activities.
The world lived in period of depression during 1900's which was characterized by the first word wars. In
that period of depression, helplessness and hopelessness, a man said: ''All our dreams can come true, if
we have the courage to pursue them’’. His words were not cheap as he knew that actions speak louder
follow his dreams by making a legacy in
than words. He continued to

history, starting from a mouse and a very big dream. His

name is Walt Disney, such a name that not child nor an
adult can forget. The story of this dream began when
Walt was young growing up in Hermosa of Chicago,
Illinois, being raised by his parents Elias and Flora Call.
His early life started by a passion in drawing and trains in
the country inspired by his uncle. Walt started his dream
from scratch in Hollywood with his brother. This dream
eventually led to a continued success even after his
death. He was a man of many talent, but his creative and
inspirational personality left a mark in history.

As early as the age of four, Walt, showed his talent and

interest in cartoons as he practiced drawing by copying
the front page cartoons of Ryan Walker. He also
developed his skills in coloring with both watercolors and
crayons. But drawing wasn’t his only passion, he was also
enamored with trains. Disney continued to develop his
drawing and coloring skills through his early education
until the age of 16 when he became the cartoonist of his
school's newspaper. Walt always knew that he wanted to
be an artist and that is why he took courses at the
Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. He later on attempted to
join the army but he faced rejection. In the following
year, he joined the red cross as an ambulance driver. But
that did not stop him from expressing his talent as he
drew for his ambulance for decoration and some of his
drawings were published in the army newspaper.

Walt Disney left these words echo in our mind and we

never forgot how his dream started, “I only hope that we never lose
sight of one thing — that it was all started by a mouse’’. With the creation of Micky Mouse he
because he
became an inspiration to others. He was a talented and creative person

created a new style of film-making with the use of

animation, and made animatronics and theme parks that
no one would of thought of him to do in his life.

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