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Look out of the window. Walk the streets. Watch the news.

It’s not hard to find something that we want to change. It’s heartbreaking to watch people
struggle to find food, work, and shelter, and to see fellow humans suffer from war, abuse
and greed.

But can we do anything about it?

So many of us feel passionate but powerless. We read about amazing people around the
world making a difference, and wonder how they got there.

Here’s the thing. That could be your journey too. And you don’t have to wait until you’re
older. Until you have permission. You can start right now.

In this guide, we’ll talk about how you can start building the skills and perspectives you need
to change things. We’ll talk to inspirational young people who have made a difference to
others, and find out what helped them get started and keep moving.

We’ll talk about:

Finding the right school for you

How to make change happen
The values and characteristics that matter

You’ll hear a lot about schools that promise to create the leaders of tomorrow. But
leadership is empty without the desire to change the world for the better, for everyone.

Break the cycle.


We are United World Colleges, a global movement that inspires young people to push for
social change, peace and unity. At our 17 schools on four continents, we bring together
diverse students from more than 155 different countries and backgrounds, to share
experiences and discover common ground.

We believe that a high-quality international education should be accessible to everyone, so

70% of our IB Diploma students receive financial assistance.

Our students are sought after by universities all over the world. But UWC life is about so
much more. As a UWC student, you will:

Meet people from all over the world, and discover new cultures and perspectives
Challenge yourself, and become more compassionate, considerate and confident
Discover new interests, from art to music, sport and causes
Get involved in community projects, and organise some of your own
Learn that you can make an impact, and start making it

Every year we select students that want to turn their passion into progress. Join us: you’ll
make friends from many countries, and discover that you have the power to shape a better
world for everyone.

It’s all possible. And it starts here.

For more information on UWC visit our website at

Looking back, Xueying says it was a film that provided the

Silenced is a South Korean drama, based on a true story of

the abuse of young deaf students at the Gwangju Inhwa
School for the hearing-impaired. The release of the film
provoked nationwide outrage, leading to new investigations
and legal reform.

“I remember feeling so angry when I watched it. That movie

showed how the victims felt, and the psychological damage
that continued through their lives. It also reminded me of my
own fear of being sexually abused when I was young. I was
told as a girl not to walk in certain places, and it made me
very conscious and not want to walk alone outside school. I
realised that intense fear must be shared by many more

“It made me so passionate about wanting to help people, and

to let the wider society know that this is a severe issue.”

She now runs a project called HOPE, which provides training

to schoolchildren in Changshu, China, and the surrounding HOPE was the winning entry in 2018’s
area to help them identify and report sexual abuse. She is the Aurora Humanitarian Project for UWC
co-founder of a team which is made up of five different Schools and Colleges competition.
departments, and has around 50 dedicated members from Each year, students are challenged to
UWC Changshu China. think up and organise a project which
meaningful impact. In 2018, all three
It’s an important and vital mission. HOPE says that only one finalist projects received $4,000
out of eight child sexual abuse cases in China is reported, and toward their implementation.
that the problem is often overlooked in society.

“There’s a lot to do. You’re involved in communicating with so many different people. Children, older citizens,
government officials. You get to learn things that just aren’t taught in textbooks and in schools. I’ve learned so

“We feel like we have to do more, fast. The more we wait, the more children might run into dangerous factors.
It feels like a responsibility. Not many people want to address this, and not many have consistent motivation,
and not many have the expertise. We have the passion and the resources, so we are taking the responsibility.”

Nelson Mandela once said

that “education is the most School can be challenging and stressful. And that’s not always
powerful weapon we can a bad thing, because it’s teaching you to step out of your
comfort zone, expand your mind, and learn self-discipline and
use to change the world.” resilience.

However, many students also crave a school that fits with

It’s undeniable. Education their values and their ambitions.
gives you skills. Knowledge.
After discovering UWC Pearson in Canada, Saijai has gone on
Wisdom. Freedom.
to help develop social and technology projects. These
Opportunity. A desire and initiatives have benefited communities in places including
confidence to act. And Myanmar, Zambia and Pakistan. She says Pearson “opened
her eyes to different possibilities”.
most of all… hope.
“I didn’t really feel like I fit in the Thai education system.
There’s not much in there about critical thinking and
But what is the right discovering who you are. It’s about studying hard, getting a
education for you, and for good grade and getting into university.

who you want to become? “It’s not a system that encourages dreaming. You just listen
to the teachers, and there’s not much room for creativity. I
found it quite one-dimensional. I knew there had to be
something else out there, even if I didn’t know what it was at
the time.”

Maybe you’re in the same position right now. Looking for

somewhere that can give you the push you need to make
something happen. So what should you look for in a school
that matches your ambitions?

There are many different ways to get an education, from homeschooling to schools
that have a specific set of ideals and values.

Whatever your next step, it’s always best to seek advice from people who can
provide more information and advice. Talk with your parents, with your school
advisers, and with former and current students at the schools you’re considering.
Research online, read a range of prospectuses, and sign up for visits to get an idea of
the atmosphere.

But what sort of questions might help you find your ideal education?


You’re at the start of a long journey. And what you want now might change over time. But if you have a
passion, what will help you get there?

If your dream is to get accepted to a prestigious university, you’ll want a school that offers an education
that is respected by leading institutions. For example, the International Baccalaureate Diploma is recognised
for helping students become academically and socially confident, while the rigour of qualifications such as
A-Levels is praised worldwide.

However, there may be other skills and experiences you want to develop outside the classroom. Look for
schools that have a good reputation in the field that interests you.
A school isn’t just for who you are now. It’s for the person you’re going to be. So it’s not a bad thing to look
for somewhere that will challenge you.

In order to make lasting change happen, you’ll need to convince people that don’t share your background,
your experiences and even your views. That means you’ll need to be resilient. You’ll need to be persistent.
And you’ll need to be able to find common ground with people with different perspectives, and find a better

Will your school reinforce your bubble, or will it teach you to be more open-minded, compassionate,
cooperative and understanding?


If you want to stay with your family, there are school experiences that allow you to study during the day
and head home afterwards. This can be invaluable if you want the support of loved ones, or if you need to
support others.

Other students crave the independence that comes with living away from what they’ve always known.
International and boarding schools provide the chance to live, play and study in a different region or
country, and that can be an excellent way to absorb a new culture - whether you’re learning a new language
or learning about unfamiliar experiences.


Some schools offer free education, while others charge significant amounts. While it is possible that not all
options will be within your reach financially, it is worth looking into which schools offer scholarships.

For example, many UWC students arrive on campus with full or part scholarships, which means that you
will share a classroom with people from many different walks of life.
Some school experiences are ideal for students who have already found their passion, and who want to
learn specific skills that will help them build a chosen career. Others say that it’s really important to learn
about a wider variety of things, including “softer skills” such as critical thinking, communication and

Schools that offer programmes such as the IB Diploma - for instance - will require you to choose six
subjects including sciences, arts and languages, and also to participate in community projects and learn
about how we think and build our worldviews.


The most obvious thing to consider is the location of your chosen school. If you’re looking for somewhere in
the heart or on the fringe of the city, you might not necessarily enjoy the remote tranquility of a school
right out in the country. But it’s also important to research what the school offers beyond the classroom.
Remember: It’s the things you do around your studies that will help mould you as a person.

Does it have facilities on campus that allow you to join in with sports, arts, drama, music and community
work? Does it offer the activities you love, or something you’ve always wanted to try? Does it offer field
trips, overseas expeditions, or even humanitarian activities that will change how you see the world?


Finding a great school goes beyond just rankings. It’s also about finding a place that feels welcoming, and
will support you as you grow into a confident, compassionate adult.

It’s important to find somewhere that has a support network that will guide you toward what you want,
even if you don’t know what that is just yet. You’re here because you’re looking for something different.
You want a school that is open to letting you follow your own path, while helping you identify and bounce
back from mistakes. You want a place that exposes you to different ideas, and new friends from around the

You want a place that allows you to be you, and helps you to become you.


While there are many schools out there that are “values-based,” this often means that they cater to a
particular religion or culture.  Although some of those schools may share certain characteristics described
below, this isn’t what we’re talking about here.

For us, a “school with values” is a school that is built on a certain ethos. That is dedicated to helping young
people grow in ways that aren’t just reflected by grades. That offer opportunities, guidance and experiences
that help them become more than just a good student, but also a good citizen.

At UWC, we are founded upon the idea that the best way to create a better future is to give students a strong
sense of their shared humanity. Every year, students arrive from countries all over the world to study and live
together on one of our 17 campuses. Students from very different backgrounds. Students with very different
perspectives. Students who have had very different childhoods, and will create very different futures for

We offer a challenging but valuable education that teaches students the power of:

Understanding and celebration of difference

Communicating with people from various cultures and backgrounds
Community activity
Personal growth and reflection
Responsibility, diplomacy and respect
Respect for the environment, and everything in it

We select students from more than 155 countries through a system that values their promise, character,
ambition and potential. 70% of students receive full or partial assistance to pay for their education.

Our schools teach the IB Diploma - a qualification that the movement helped to develop - because it provides
a firm foundation for students to excel academically while becoming more rounded and socially-conscious
world citizens.

Every year, on our campuses and beyond, our students learn that other ideas exist. That communication and
cooperation is a vital part of leadership. That change is possible, and that they can make it.
A STORY In June 2018, three groups of teenage students travelled to
Armenia and presented their projects to a panel of Nobel Prize
winners and former heads of state. These projects weren’t
OF HOPE small things.

They were ideas for campaigns and groups that would tackle
some of the world’s most pressing humanitarian issues.

This was the 2018 Aurora Humanitarian Project for UWC

Schools and Colleges, an annual challenge that encourages
young UWC students to think about important issues in the
local and global community, and come up with real solutions.

This year, all three finalists received $4,000 to help them

develop their work further. But the project that was selected as
the winner was an ambitious initiative that’s already having an
impact in one Chinese city.

The HOPE project was founded in 2017 to fight back against

the sexual abuse of children. It aims to deliver education to six
to 14 year olds on how to identify and report abuse, improve
public policy, train teachers in remote areas and carry out
more research on the problem to increase its profile locally and

The co-founder of this project is Xueying, a UWC Changshu

China student.

“We were thinking about ways to address this issue, and prevention seemed to be the most obvious way
that we could make an impact. We contacted an organisation called the Girls’ Protection Foundation, who
teach students about prevention. They have many local teaching teams in cities in China, but we were the
first and only local teaching team founded by high school students.

“The teaching plan covers four main areas: How to identify the private body parts. What’s the definition of
sexual abuse. How to react, and how to find help. Our student teachers learn the teaching plan and send off
a video to this NGO to be approved, which will allow you to teach it in primary schools.”

The team has now expanded to five teams, working in media, external relations, teaching, finance and
development. It is also working with schools in the Changshu and surrounding areas, and is in discussions
with local government about ways to tackle the issue. While Xueying is coming up to her last year at UWC
Changshu China, she is looking at universities where she can study subjects like sociology to enable her to
continue her mission.

“It’s a project run by students, but many of our team members are excited about doing something in this
area after high school or university. As a founder, I want to use my education to fight for children in the
Changshu area and beyond. This could also have a ripple effect to empower more people to deal with social

Even once you’ve found something you care about, it can seem impossible to make
something happen. We asked HOPE co-founder Xueying for her advice on
developing a sustainable and impactful project.
Start with your passion

“If you really want to change something, you have to be determined and passionate. That’s important, even
at the beginning when people might laugh at you and not understand. If you continue to let your passion
guide you, you can change things. And then - eventually - people will hear your heart.”

Learn from others

“It’s better if you can get involved with other clubs and social organisations that you can learn from. Other
students will have done something in the past - or be doing something now - and you can work with them
and find out what it takes. In the process of working with other organisations, you get a better feeling of
what your project needs.”

Be focused

“I feel like you need to identify a specific area you want to change. You can’t just set out to ‘change the
world’. You have to focus in on one specific area. When I was starting this project, I couldn’t address sexual
abuse for everyone. It’s just too big.”

Do your research

“When I first started, I wasn’t just trying to blindly help people. I went back to my primary school and
designed a survey for the students, and had interview questions for the principals and teachers at the
school. I think it was almost 300 surveys. Then I had group interviews with as many of the girls and boys as I
could to find out what they wanted to learn more about.

“By finding out more, you feel more obligated to do something about it, and that makes you even more
passionate. Then you have more drive to do something.”
Build a team

“You need to bring people with you to do this project. If you try to do it as just one person, you will be too
tired to do everything that needs to be done. You want at least one person that can back you up, and be
your partner and your friend. Then you will need to talk to other people, let them know what you want to
do and get more of them involved.”

Be fearless

“Sometimes you fear too much. But if you become more fearless and courageous and approach different
people, you can find people that will help use their resources to help you help others. You’re going to need
to face pressure. You’ll have to handle it from everywhere. You’ll need to be able to convince people, and to
never doubt that you’re able to achieve your goal. These skills are important.”

Reflect on yourself

“As you do this, it will often grow bigger. You’ll feel more responsibility. It’s like a rolling snowball. But you
have to make sure you grow along with it, and reflect deeply. If you don’t, there’s a danger that you’ll start
to see all of this as your achievement, and turn your pure heart at the beginning into something that exists
for your own benefit. Don’t get lost on your road.”

We’re part of a fast-changing world. The technologies and careers that will define
tomorrow might not exist today. So how do you prepare young people to exist in
that world - and succeed in it?

We asked UWC teachers from around the world what approach they take.

Daniel Toa-Kwapong teaches Development Studies at UWC Red Cross Nordic. He says it’s crucial for
teachers “to make education relevant to our times.”

“There’s an academic at Harvard called Barbara Kellerman who says that a leader is a person with followers.
So why should people follow us? Are we worth following?

“We want to bring them up in a way that they become global citizens. Because not everyone gets a chance
to have this second level of education. From whom much is given, much is expected.”

Daniel believes that it is important to teach students to be self-reliant and independent learners. He uses
the analogy of training his students to be “lions on the savanna” rather than “lions in the zoo.” In this
process, he says he has two roles…

“Is the teacher ‘the sage on the stage’ or the ‘guide on the side’? For me, it’s a bit of both, but I often lead
towards the latter. I like to see myself as an educator or a co-learner, rather than a teacher.”
Daniel says that one of the positives of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is that it makes
students more reflective, principled, open-minded, caring and risk-taking. It also encourages them to think of
people other than themselves, by requiring them to organise and carry out a project that benefits the

“We want to educate the head, the heart and the pocket. There’s a lot of head and pocket out there. It’s only
about value. I get somewhere and then forget about the rest of the people who made it possible for me to get
there. Our students have to be involved in creative, action and service activities. They have to give back.”

One way of “giving back” is the Do Remember Other People (DROP) project, which was started by students
and teachers in 2007. Through DROP, students helped to renovate the Sakyikrom United Primary School in
Ghana. They helped to fix classrooms and the principal’s office, roofed five classrooms as well as repairing the
woodwork, masonry, electrical systems and paintwork.

A later project involved buying “lifesaver” bottles and bringing them to areas that needed clean water. They
worked with Makwani Primary School in Kenya to improve school facilities such as toilets and sports areas and
to help with local water issues.

At UWC schools, students are also encouraged to think about entrepreneurship. For example, at UWC Dilijan in
Armenia, one group of students set up a project to recycle electronic waste called Re-apaga. Based on the
Armenian word for “recreating the future,” Re-apaga raises awareness about e-waste through events,
information and collections. They also want to create the country’s first recycling facility.

Daniel says:

“If you say that the young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow, you’re procrastinating.

As educators, we need to empower students. Tell them how to use their chemistry and biology, and why we
should study them. Why is this important for you and your society and how can you use it in business. The
moment they realise that knowledge is not just for passing exams, they look at these topics in a different way.

“I call this place the Theatre of Dreams. You see people come here without a suitcase. One of my students
arrived with three carrier bags, and he’s now the head of architecture at a college in Uganda.

“People talk about the ‘brain drain’, but a ‘brain in the drain’ is worse. We believe in disruptive education. This
place will never be boring, you’re going to meet all sorts of people, and you’re not going to be the same when
you leave.”
Christian Bock is Director of Studies at UWC Robert Bosch College in Freiburg, Germany. He says that the
programme at Robert Bosch College is a blend of academic education and something broader.

“We’re giving students a formative experience by putting them on a journey of discovery. My 17-year-old self
had no clue who I was. The greatest gift we’re giving them is an understanding of their place in the world, and
an opportunity to realise their own visions.

“Successful IB and UWC students have to have a natural curiosity, skills in self-management and maybe also a
passion to be a change-maker in the world. It places emphasis on demonstrating what you’ve learned, rather
than just repeating something. And it can be tailored to the interests and patterns of the student.”
However, Christian says that one of the most impactful parts of UWC life is the diversity of students on

“Students are constantly challenged on their perceptions and preconceptions. That’s really important.
Having someone stand up to you, and encouraging you to see different perspectives from all over the
world. Learning why all these systems function differently.

“A regular international school doesn’t necessarily demand this level of engagement, because you can
often choose your cliques. Here, you make it work. Most of our schools end up like think-tanks for basic

One way that this helps students later in life is in the understanding of how something you might do -
however well-intentioned - might be interpreted differently in another culture.

“It’s important to be able to reflect and understand culture differences on a deeper level. In the Third
World in particular, a lot of attempts to change things have been sorely misguided because people - in
their benevolence - go in and impose something that doesn’t work because they don’t understand local

Although the IB Diploma is well-respected, education at UWC isn’t just about academics. Through
initiatives such as Project Weeks, students are encouraged to think about how to help others, and run
projects themselves.

“We have one project where students go to supermarkets to collect fruits that cannot be sold anymore.
They then make them into jams, and exchange them with customers for non-perishable items for the

“Students get credit in the sense that projects count toward the IB, but it’s also driven by something
else. Every UWC school has projects that have run for many years. Some come and go with the interests
of students, but it teaches them how to realise something they’re interested in.

“We offer mentoring and safety nets in order to create a situation where students can develop. We’re
the coaches that help students develop their own understanding. It’s that sort of risk-taking that helps
them to become independent mature adults.”
We’ve already met one of the three teams
selected as finalists of the 2018 Aurora
MAKING A Humanitarian Project for UWC Schools and

DIFFERENCE: Colleges. Another was Mpaka Peers, in which

students from Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of
NOT A Southern Africa provide academic support,
creative outlets and sporting activities to the
“FAR-AWAY Mpaka refugee camp.

CALLING” The third was Amaavasya, an initiative by

students at UWC Mahindra College to raise
awareness about menstrual health.

This is their story, told by team member


“Amaavasya, as a human-centred design project, aims to

provide women with the resources and information to make
informed choices about their menstrual hygiene management.
As an extremely stigmatised and often sidelined topic,
menstruation is often closely linked with other sensitive topics
in rural India such as purity, womanhood, shame and
consequently women’s rights. Our ultimate goal with the
project is to fundamentally catalyse necessary conversations
surrounding menstruation, with both men and women in the
community. This topic and issue means so much to me, as I
believe all women should have the agency and decision over
their own bodies.”

The Amaavasya team is made up of six women who are

involved with different campus programmes. Together, they
communicate with community partners, write proposals or
materials, and plan and deliver engaging workshops. They were
also guided by faculty coordinator Marija Uzunova, who
provided knowledge and advice.

Having received funding from an anonymous donor to the

Aurora project, the money is now being spent building the
“menstrual” packages and preparing workshops. Josephine says
that appearing in the final in Armenia gave them the chance to
listen and learn from other teams, and reminded them of “the
power and true change that a group of motivated and
empowered youth can make”.
She adds that the process has been “extremely
positive and rewarding”, but required some
adjustment at times.

“Our initial idea was very much focused around

menstrual cups. We had wanted to promote and
provide access to the use of more sustainable,
environmentally friendly, and convenient menstrual
products. As we moved along with proposal writing we
began to notice how more and more we were drifting
away from our initial promises and core beliefs of co-
creating a project that aimed to start rather
uncomfortable and uncommon conversations about
menstruation while aiming for informed choice. This is
how our project was steered towards a more “human-
centered design” and became fundamentally less
about the cup, and more about the woman as a

Josephine’s experience on this project has strengthened her desire to be involved in humanitarian aid work in
future. But it has also taught her that this can take many different forms, from working on the ground in
conflict areas to starting small projects to address a particular problem.

So does she have any advice for people who are looking to pursue impactful work?

“Start looking at and unpacking yourself before trying to change ‘big things’. There are so many problems -
and necessary projects to address them - that can be started right in our own communities. Before we define
‘making a difference’ as some far-away calling, we need to more attentively examine our communities, and
homes, and ourselves.

“A great deal of change needs to happen within ourselves before we can approach tangible projects and
initiatives with the right mindset and through processes that will do good, instead of harm.”

But above all, there’s one thing that stands out for her.

“Before I came to a UWC, I was involved in a local youth social and environmental justice group which
focused on issues in the US surrounding immigrant and native American rights, power and privilege
structures, guidance on becoming leaders and how to tackle today’s pressing issues as youth.

“Involvement in this programme taught me the importance and power of personal story-telling, seeing
things with my own eyes and not letting the news write the stories of those affected. It taught me the role
of solidarity versus charity, and how to grapple with the realities of living in today’s America.

“But the action that I most appreciated and valued from this programme was simply...listening.

“Listening before assuming. Listening before speaking my own ideas, and offering my solutions. Just listening
with the intention of truly understanding and valuing the experiences of others as they have lived these
It’s often tempting to assume that “making a
change in the world” means getting involved in
humanitarian aid or charity work. But the
opportunity to make the world better presents
itself in many different ways, big and small.

Luisa went on to Jacobs University in Germany after graduating

from UWC-USA. She then moved to Berlin, where she worked
with an online education startup. She now works at an online
fashion company, where she is part of an internal diversity and
inclusion group.

“It’s important for people to understand that you can still do a

lot of great things for others and your communities and the
world in different ways. You carry those values with you, and
you don’t necessarily need to go down the stereotypical route.”

Luisa’s company recently participated in the Pride celebrations

in Berlin, and she has been involved in campaigns around events
such as International Women’s Day. She recently started a
project with a friend to increase diversity in leadership circles,
matching mentors and mentees and creating a bigger
conversation around the issue.

“I feel this is the type of work that can have a big impact. I
suppose that’s something I’ve been carrying around with me
since UWC: This energy to push for things, even when they’re
tough or go against the status quo.”
Luisa remembers the first day she arrived at her UWC school,
and the feeling of excitement as she turned up on this
“desert-style landscape” in New Mexico.

“I was in paradise when I got here. I ended up getting there

later than expected, but I was on this bus and was so excited.

“It’s a very beautiful area. Very hot in the summer and cold in
the winter. I remember in winter we used to jump in the hot
springs, and then get out and roll in the snow before getting
back in.

“The thing I remember most is our arts programme. We had

an African choir who would walk into our dining hall and sing
and it was incredible. We’d do 24-hour challenges where you
had to get people involved and then perform a show. Our
theatre teacher would stand in front of the arts centre, and
would scream that there was one hour until the show. You
could hear him everywhere on campus.”

Luisa got involved in a number of activities, from making a

movie to playing on the football team. She was also the
assistant to the Creativity, Activity and Service co-ordinators
at the school, as she had an interest in organising things.
“I loved that people saw your potential and were willing to
give you a chance. They gave you the platform to do
something, and trusted that we would do it. There was always
a passion there, but I hadn’t necessarily found a way to apply
it before UWC-USA.

“It was a huge challenge, but it means I’m not so afraid of

challenges anymore. It can be overwhelming and crazy, but
you have a support system and I loved learning about
different countries and cultures.”

“I came from a small city, and a very privileged community of

people. Before UWC - for example - I had never had a friend
who was openly gay, or a friend who was not white. Then I
made friends from Nepal, Canada, the US, Vietnam, and
Turkey. It was overwhelming in the best way possible.”
It’s an experience that’s stuck with her in her jobs since, and that also influences the childhood dream she
still holds dear.

“I’ve always wanted to set up and run an orphanage. When I was young, I remember talking to my brothers
about it. One wanted to be an architect and another wanted to go into business. I said that one could build
it, the other could do the financials and I’d look after the kids.

“I’ve always liked children, and it breaks my heart to see their talent and potential go to waste because
they’re not cared for or given a place to be, or feel like they can be themselves.

“I’d like to set something up that is a strong educational institution. Possibly a system in which people who
could pay for the education would pay something to sustain the orphanage part of the school. I want
everyone to have access to great education, so that the opportunities for these orphaned children don’t
end when they have to leave at 18. I’ve always been a strong believer in education, and it became obvious
during my time at UWC that it’s something I want to be involved in in future.”

When Saijai picked up the phone to us, it was the evening before she was due to head back
to Canada. She was joining her old school-friends at her ten-year reunion at UWC Pearson

“When I was 18, ten years felt like a world away. But it went by pretty fast. It’s like going
back to see family.”

In the years since she left Pearson, Saijai has worked on projects that have combined social
impact and technology. She worked on the design and implementation of a project that
aimed to use tech to improve access to healthcare. The idea was to develop an open-source
application which could be used by a midwife or physician to diagnose people.

“I got the chance to travel to different countries, from India to Zambia. We would go into
the communities and learn about the health challenges for the workers. We’d spend time
with them and work out what mobile applications they could use, and whether they needed
them to collect patient data, or diagnose conditions, or something else.

“My takeaway from that is that we live in a world in which you and me can’t imagine living
without tech. I can’t imagine going a day without my phone. But I went to a world in which a
lot of people did not enjoy the benefits we have, and it’s certainly true that the world is not
fair in terms of the distribution of technology.

One project we worked on was a system that could be used by a midwife to determine if
there were danger signs, and refer the patient to a clinic. By using a smartphone and
answering some questions, you could save somebody’s life. But it’s not technology that is
the major tool. It’s how you use it. It’s the intention that matters.”
When she left, she set up a “fun project” in Myanmar that helped people to migrate more
“There are a lot of migrants coming into the capital, and they’re not sure about things such
as the minimum wage they should expect. I decided to make a chatbot for migrants. That
way, when you move, you know what your rights are. It asks you where you want to migrate
to and tells you the steps, and what you need to be aware of.

“Working in technology, I noticed that a lot of things were driven by supply. You can build an
app so you build an app, rather than what the community needs. In this case, people don’t
use apps. They use Facebook because Facebook is the Internet here. So I didn’t build an app,
because that wouldn’t work.”

She has since handed over the project to the International Organisation for Migration, and is
now working on a project exploring the use of low-cost technology to address HIV in
Myanmar. It aims to look into ways to get people to come in for testing, and combine media
and tech to support the families and friends, as well as those living with the condition.

“My advice is to start with yourself, find that balance and equity, and discover the thing you
love to do. Instead of saying you’re going to change the world, think about ways to improve
yourself and do something you enjoy.

“You don’t need to do a lot of humanitarian work to create an impact. Do what you love, and
think of ways to channel that into making an impact. I consciously choose projects where I
can have an impact, but also that give me happiness and personal growth. Bring that aspect
of you and those positive characteristics into everything you do.”

So - ten years on - what does she remember about her school experience? She remembers
the enjoyment of sailing. She remembers serving food at a foodbank in the local community.
She remembers volunteering to visit an elderly man every Tuesday afternoon to play
scrabble. She remembers sharing a dorm room with students from four different continents,
and learning about how her actions affect others.

“It’s an environment in which you support each other, and it’s not just about competition.
For example, if you want to play basketball at another school, you have to be really good.
But at UWC, if you’re really good, you teach other people so they can play too. It’s an
environment in which you learn, and learn that it’s okay to fail, and that gives you the
opportunity to try.”

She also remembers Pearson giving her the chance to consider what direction she wanted to go, as well
as to think and reflect.

“I realise now that a lot of my thinking later was shaped by me having the time to walk in a wood, or go
for a hike. I’d find myself alone on a boat, and I got the chance to consider things.

“I also learned how to work with people, and interact with the community. A lot of people worry that
people will judge them on their impact and career, but honestly the UWC experience is much more than
that. It’s about shaping who you are and how you contribute to your family, and interact with people in
your daily life. That’s impact.

“I grew up in the very deep south of Thailand. The town I lived in was on the border, and there was a mix
of Thai and Malay and Chinese people. There was an insurgency there, and as I grew up, I could feel the
distrust growing between the people, and could feel a change in the community. It was a sad change.

“But when I was young, I learned that it’s possible for people from different religions and ethnic groups
to co-exist. My best friend was Muslim, and it was quite normal for me. I was lucky to grow up in that

“One thing I’ve really learned to do in life is to be able to see human beings, rather than countries or
religions. See through those constructs, and don’t let others tell you that other people are different. We
are all human. Treat everyone with respect.”
To discover more about the United World Colleges movement our website
at www.uwc.org will give you information about our schools all around the
world, our unique approach to education, the people and communities that
make it special, and how you can apply to join one of our schools. 

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