Report Final Biometrics by Himanshu
Report Final Biometrics by Himanshu
Report Final Biometrics by Himanshu
Seminar Report
This to certify that the seminar work entitled BIOMETRICS is a bonafied work carried out
engineering from HNB Garhwal University in Information & technology ,during the year 2018-
19. It is certified that all correction / suggestions indicated for internal assessment have been
incorporated in the report. The seminar report has been approved, as it satisfies the academic
requirements in respect of seminar work prescribed for the bachelor of engineering degree.
I express my sincere gratitude to MR. VINAY PRASAD TAMTA assistant Prof. & Head of
Chauras, for his cooperation and encouragement. I would also like to thank my seminar guide
Mrs. ARTI BAHUGUNA(Lecturer, Department of IT), for their invaluable advice and
wholehearted cooperation without which this seminar would not have seen the light of day.
Biometric-based solutions are able to provide for confidential financial transactions and personal
data privacy. The need for biometrics can be found in federal, state and local governments, in the
military, and in commercial applications. Enterprise-wide network security infrastructures,
government IDs, secure electronic banking, investing and other financial transactions, retail
sales, law enforcement, and health and social services are already benefiting from these
Utilizing biometrics for personal authentication is becoming convenient and considerably more
accurate than current methods (such as the utilization of passwords or PINs). This is because
biometrics links the event to a particular individual (a password or token may be used by
someone other than the authorized user), is convenient (nothing to carry or remember), accurate
(it provides for positive authentication), can provide an audit trail and is becoming socially
acceptable and cost effective.
There are evidences of biometric uses on human history as early as prehistorical age. Estimated
31000 years old caves are adorned with prehistorical pictures apparently signed by fingerprints
stamps of authors. Another evidence is the use of fingerprints by Babylonian at 500 B.C. They
used to record business transactions on clay tables in which were found fingerprint stamps.
The first reported use of biometrics was related by portuguese explorer Joâo de Barros in the
14th century. He described the practice of chinese merchants of stamp children´s palmprints and
footprint to distinguish from one another.
The first real biometric system was created in 1870 by french anthropologist Alphonse Bertillion
and turned biometrics a distinguished field of study. He developed an identification system
(Bertillonage) based on detailed records of body measurement, physical description and
Despite their imprecise measures and difficulty to apply methodology, the Bertillonage was an
important advance on criminal and people identification. It began to fail when it was discovered
that many people share the same anthropologic measures.
The first classification method for fingerprints was developed in 1892 by Sir. Francis Galton.
The features used by Galton´s method were the minutiae that are still used nowadays.
Some years later in 1896, Sir Edward Henry General Inspector of the Bengal police, began to use
Galton´s method to replace the antropometrics system for identification of criminals. Henry
created a method to classify and store fingerprint that lets a quick searching of records. Later,
that method was introduced by Henry in London for the first British fingerprint file.
A behavioral tract, on the other hand, has some physiological basis, but also reflects person’s
physiological makeup. The most common trait used in identification is a person’s signature.
Other behaviours used include a person’s keyboard typing and speech patterns. Because of
most behavioural characteristics change over time, many biometrics machine not rely on
behavior. It is required to update their enrolled reference template may differ significantly
from the original data, and the machine become more proficient at identifying the person.
Behavioral biometrics work best with regular use.
The difference between physiological and behavioral methods is important. The degree of
intrapersonal variation is smaller in physical characteristics than in a behavioral one.
Developers of behaviour-based systems, therefore have a tougher job adjusting for an
individual’s variability. However, machines that measure physical characteristics tend to be
larger and more expensive, and more friendly. Either technique affords a much more reliable
level of identification than passwords or cards alone.
Physical biometrics:
Behavioral biometrics:
Physiological are related to the shape of the body. Examples include, but are not
limited to fingerprint, face recognition, DNA, palm print, hand geometry, iris recognition
(which has largely replaced retina recognition), and odor/scent.
Behavioral are related to the behavior of a person. Examples include, but are not
limited to typing rhythm, gait, and voice. Some researchers have coined the term
"behaviometrics" for this class of biometrics.
Hand geometry is the grand daddy of biometrics by virtue of its 20 year old history of live
application. Over this span six hand-scan products have been developed but one
commercially viable product currently available, the ID3D hand key is given below. This
device was developed by Recognition Systems Inc.
The user keys, in an identification code, is then positions his or her and on a plate between a
set of guidance pins. Looking down upon the hand is a charge-coupled device (CCD) digital
camera, which with the help of mirror captures the side and top view of the hand
The black and white digital image is analysed by software running on a built in HD 64180
microprocessor. ( This a Z-80 base chip ) to extract identifying characteristics from the hand
picture. The software compares those features to captured when the user was enrolled in the
system, and signals the result-match or no match. Analysis is based on the measurement and
comparison of geometric. The magnification factor of the camera is known and is calibrated
for pixels per inch of real distance. Then the dimensions of parts of the hand, such as finger
length, width and area are measured, adjusted according to calibration marks on the platen
and used to determine the identifying geometric of the hand.
Enrolment involves taking three hands reading and averaging the resulting vectors.
Users can enrol themselves with minimal help. When used for identification the 9-byte
vector is compared to the stored vector and score based on the scalar difference is stored.
Low scores indicate a small difference, high scores mean a poor match. The recognition
systems product fine-tunes the reference vector a small increment at a time, in case the
original template was made under less than perfect conditions.
There are so many other systems for hand recognition. One was an effort by SRI
international, to take pictures of unconstrained hands help in free space. This system was
introduced in 1985. Biometrics Inc., Tokyo’s Toshiba Corp. Identification corp. etc are
some companies which developed biometrics systems.
Perhaps most of the work in biometrics identification has gone into the fingerprint
For general security and computer access control application fingerprints are gaining
The fingerprint recognition technology was developed for some 12 years before Being
matched in 1983 by Identix Inc.
The Identix system uses a compact terminal that incorporates light and CCD image
sensors to take high-resolution picture of a fingerprint. It based on 68000 CPU with additional
custom chips, but can also be configured as a peripheral for an IBM PC. It can operate as a
standalone system or as part of a network.
To enrol a user is assigned a personal identification number and then puts a single
finger on the glass or Plexiglas plate for scanning by a CCD image sensor. The 250-KB image
is digitalized and analyzed, and the result is approximately 1-KB mathematical
characterization of the fingerprint. This takes about 30 seconds. Identity verifications take less
than 1 second . The equipment generally gives the user three attempts for acceptance or finds
rejection. With the first attempt the false rejection is around 2-3 percent and false acceptance
is less than 0.0001 per cent. Each standalone unit cab stores 48 fingerprint templates which
may be expanded to 846 by installing an additional memory package.
Biometrics developers have also not lost sight of fact that humans use the face as their
primary method of telling who’s who. More than a dozen effort to develop automated facial
verification or recognition systems use approaches ranging from pattern recognition based
on neural networks to infrared scans of ‘hot spots’ on the face. Using the whole face for
automatic identification is a complex task because its appearance is constantly changing.
Variations in facial expressions, hair styles and facial hair, head position, camera scale and
lighting create image that are usually different from the image captured on a film or
videotape earlier. The application of advanced image processing techniques and the use of
neural networks for classifying the images, however, has made the job possible.
Artificial neural networks are massively connected parallel networks of simple computing
elements. Their design mimics the organization and performance of biological neural
networks in the nervous system and the brain. They can learn and adapt and be taught to
recognize patterns both static and dynamic. Also their interconnected parallel structure allows
for a degree of fault tolerance as individual computing elements become inoperative. Neural
networks are being used for pattern recognition function approximation, time series analysis
and disk control.
There is only one system available on the market today. The system is developed by
Neuro Metric Vision system Inc. this can recognize faces with a few constraints as possible,
accommodating a range of camera scales and lighting environments, along with changes in
expression and facial hair and in head positions. The work sprang from the realisation that
such techniques as facial image comparisons, measurement of key facial structure and the
analysis of facial geometry could be used in face recognition system. Any of these approaches
might employ rule-based logic or a neural network for the image classification process. The
Nuerometric system operates on an IBM-compatible 386 or 486 personal computer with a
maths co-processor, a digital signal processing card and a frame grabber card to convert raster
scan frames from an attached camera in to pixel representations. The system can capture
images from black and white video cameras or vide recorders in real time.
The system’s rejection level can be tuned by specifying the different signal to noise ratios
for the match – a high ratio to specify a precise match, and a lower one to allow more facial
variation. In a tightly controlled environment, for example, the system could set up to
recognise a person only when looking at the camera with same expression he or she had when
initially enrolled in the system.
To enrol someone in the Neuro Metric system, the face is captured, the feature vectors
extracted, and the neural network is trained on the features. Grayscale facial images may be
presented from live video or photographs via videodisk. The neural network is repeatedly
trained until it learns all the faces and consistently identifies every image. The system uses
neural network clusters of 100-200 faces to build its face recognition database. If multiple
clusters are required they can be accessed sequentially or hierarchically. When faces are
added to or detected from the database, only the affected clusters must be retrained, which
takes 3-5 minutes.
The other method of identification involves the eye. Two types of eye
identification are possible, scanning the blood vessel pattern on the retina and
examining the pattern of the structure of the iris. Now we can look through a detailed
description of each type below.
Retina scans, in which a weak infrared light is directed through the pupil to the
back of the eye, have been commercially available since 1985. The retinal pattern is
reflected back to a charge-coupled device (CCD) Camera, which captures the unique
pattern and represents it in less than 35 bytes of information. Retina scans are one of the
best biometrics performers on the market, with low false reject rates and nearly 0 present
false accept rate. The technology also offers small data templates provides quick identity
confirmations, and handles well the job of recognizing individuals in a database of under
500 people. The toughest hurdle for retinal scan technology is user resistance. People
don’t want to put their eye as close to the device as necessary. Only one company,
Eyedentyfy Inc., produces retinal scan products.
(B). IRIS:
Once it was the whites of their eyes that counted. Retinal pattern recognition has been
tried but found uncomfortable because the individual must touch or remain very close to a
retinal scanner. Now the iris is the focus of a relatively new biometrics means of
identification. Standard monochrome video or photographic technology in combination with
robust software and standard video imaging techniques can accept or reject an iris at
distance of 30-45 cm.
A device that examines the human iris is being developed by Iriscan Inc. The
technique’s big advantage over retinal scans is that it does not require the user to move close
to the device and focus on a target because the iris pattern is on the eye’s surface. In fact the
One of the latest implementation of the technology is the recently demonstrated AT&T
Smart Card used in an automatic teller system. The AT&T prototype stores an individual’s
voice pattern on a memory card, the size of a credit card. In brief, someone opening an
account at a bank has to speak a selected two or three-syllable word eight items. The word can
be chosen by the user and belong to any language or dialect.
Iris Scanner:
Iris cameras, in general, take a digital photo of the iris pattern and recreating an
encrypted digital template of that pattern. That encrypted template cannot be re-
engineered or reproduced in any sort of visual image. Iris recognition therefore affords
the highest level defence against identity theft, the most rapidly growing crime. The
imaging process involves no lasers or bright lights and authentication is essentially non-
contact. Today's commercial iris cameras use infrared light to illuminate the iris
without causing harm or discomfort to the subject. e highest level defence against
identity theft, the most rapidly growing crime.
The iris is the coloured ring around the pupil of every human being and like a
snowflake, no two are alike. Each are unique in their own way, exhibiting a distinctive
pattern that forms randomly in utero. The iris is a muscle that regulates the size of the
pupil, controlling the amount of light that enters the eye. Iris recognition is rarely
impeded by glasses or contact lenses and can be scanned from 10cm to a few meters
away. The iris remains stable over time as long as there are no injuries and a single
enrolment scan can last a lifetime.
Some medical and surgical procedures can affect the overall shape and colour of an iris
but the fine texture remains stable over many decades. Even blind people can use this
scan technology since iris recognition technology is iris pattern-dependent not sight
Fingerprint Scanner :
A fingerprint scanner is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the
fingerprint pattern. This scan is digitally processed to create a biometric template which is stored
and used for matching.
A face model can contain the appearance, shape, and motion of faces. There are several
shapes of faces. Some common ones are oval, rectangle, round, square, heart, and triangle.
Motions include, but not limited to, blinking, raised eyebrows, flared nostrils, wrinkled forehead,
and opened mouth.
The face models will not be able to represent any person making any expression, but the
technique does result in an acceptable degree of accuracy. The models are passed over the image
to find faces, however this technique works better with face tracking. Once the face is detected,
the model is laid over the face and the system is able to track face movements.
Depending of where the biometrics is deployed, the applications can be categorized in the
following five main groups: forensic, government, commercial, health-care and travelling and
immigration. However, some applications are common to these groups such as physical access,
PC/network access, time and attendance, etc.
(1) Forensic:
The use of biometric in the law enforcement and forensic is more known and from long date, it is
used mainly for identification of criminals. In particular, the AFIS (automatic fingerprint
identification system) has been used for this purpose.
Lately the facial-scan technology (mug shots) is being also used for identification of suspects.
Another possible application is the verification of persons of home arrest, a voice-scan is an
attractive solution for this problem. The typical application are:
There are many application of the biometry in the government sector. An AFIS is the primary
system used for locating duplicates enrolls in benefits systems, electronic voting for local or
national elections, driver's license emission, etc. The typical application are:
Military programs - the military has long been interested in biometrics and the
technology has enjoyed extensive support from the national security community.
National Identification Cards - the idea is to include digital biometric information
in the national identification card. This is the most ambitious biometric program, since
the identification must be performed in a large-scale database, containing hundred of
millions samples, corresponding to the whole population of one country.
Voter ID and Elections - while the biometric national ID card is still in project, in
many countries are already used the biometry for the control of voting and voter
registration for the national or regional elections. During the registration of voter, the
biometric data is captured and stored in the card and in the database for the later use
during the voting. The purpose is to prevent the duplicate registration and voting.
Driver's licenses - In many countries the driver license is also used as identification
document, therefore it is important to prevent the duplicate emission of the driver license
under different name. With the use of biometric this problem can be eliminated. however
it is important that the data must be shared between state, because in some country such
as United States, the license are controlled at the states as opposed to the federal level.
Benefits Distribution (social service) - the use of biometry in benefits distribution
prevents fraud and abuse of the government benefits programs. Ensuring that the
legitimate recipients have a quick and convenient access to the benefits such as
unemployment, health care and social security benefits.
Employee authentication - The government use of biometric for PC, network, and
data access is also important for security of building and protection of information.
Below are more detailed this kind of applications also used in commercial sector.
Banking and financial services represent enormous growth areas for biometric technology,
with many deployments currently functioning and pilot project announced frequently. Some
applications in this sector are:
Account access - The use of biometric for the access to the account in the bank allows
to keep definitive and auditable records of account access by employees and customers.
Using biometry the the customers can access accounts and employees can log into their
ATMs - the use of biometric in the ATM transaction allows more security,
Expanded Service Kiosks - A more receptive market for biometrics may be special
purpose kiosks, using biometric verification to allow a greater variety of financial
transaction than are currently available though standard ATMs.
Online banking - Internet based account access is already widely used in many
places, the inclusion of biometric will make more secure this type of transactions from
home. Currently, there are many pilot programs using biometric in home banking.
Telephony transaction - Voice-scan biometric can be used to make more secure the
telephone-based transactions. In this type of application, when the costumer calls to make
a transaction, a biometric system will authenticate the customer's identity based on his or
her voice with no need of any additional device.
PC/Network access - The use of biometric log-in to local PCs or remotely through
network increase the security of the overall system keeping more protected the valuable
Physical access - the biometric is widely used for controlling the access to building or
restricted areas.
E-commerce - biometric e-commerce is the use of biometrics to verify of identity of
the individual conduction remote transaction for goods or services
Time and attendance monitoring - In this sector the biometrics is used for
controlling the presence of the individuals in a determine area. For example for
controlling the time sheet of the employees or the presence of students at the classroom .
The applications in this sector includes the use of biometrics to identify or verify the identity of
individuals interacting with a health-care entity or acting in the capacity of health-care employee
or professional. The main aim of biometrics is to prevent fraud, protect the patient information
and control the sell of pharmaceutical products. Some typical application are:
PC/Network Access - the biometrics are used to control a secure access of the
employees to the hospital network, primarily, in order to protect the patient information,
Air travel - In many airport are already used a biometric system in order to reduce the
inspection processing time for authorized travelers.
Border crossing - The use of biometrics to control the travelers crossing the national
or state border is increasing, specially in regions with high volume of travelers or illegal
Employee access - Several airport use biometric to control the physical access of
employees to secure areas.
Passports - Some country already issues passports with biometric information on a
barcode or smart chips. The use of biometrics prevent the emission of multiple passports
for the same person and also facilitates the identification at the airports and border
Reduce fraud by employing hard- to- forge technologies and materials. For e.g. Minimize the
opportunity for ID fraud, buddy punching. problems caused by lost IDs or forgotten passwords
by using physiological attributes. For e.g. prevent unauthorized use of lost, stolen or "borrowed"
ID cards.
Biometrics can only be limited by limiting one's imagination. Biometric technology is now
being used in almost every area. Not only that, but various types of biometric systems are being
used to achieve various functionalities. We have short listed a few highly popular applications of
biometrics technology. Although this list is no way complete it is simply an effort to list a few of
the more popular biometric applications.
A range of biometric systems are in developments or on the market because no one system
meets all needs. The trade off in developing these systems involve component cost, reliability,
discomfort in using a device, the amount of data needed and other factors. But the applications of
advanced digital techniques has made the job possible. Further experiments are going all over the
world. In India there is a great progress in this field. So we can expect that in the near future
itself, the Biometric systems will be the main part of the identification purpose.
All the above mentioned data is collected from following websites & sources :- /definition/biometrics