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The Chief Enginee r, The Superintending Engineer,
EHV Projects cum O&M Zone, EHV O&M Circle, Aurangabad
Block No. 201 & 205, Second floor, MSETCL New
Administrative Building, Near Harsool T Point,
Jalgaon Road, Ilarsool, Aurangabad. Pin : 43I008.
Email Id : [email protected]

[- J g 7 g-, Date:ffi OCl tu
Subject - Adrninistrative approval for hiiing ofvehicle i.e. Srvift Dzire, MH-14-FC-2811 for
Executive Engineer, 765kV RS Division, Ektuni under 76skv RS Division, Ektuni

Ref - 1 . l-etter No. SE/EHV(O&M) I A'badlT echl | 474 Dtd. 09. 1 0.20 1 9.

The app.oval to hire the vehicle is hereby accorded on the following terms & conditions.


1) Vehicle Detzrils :
a) Vehicle registration No. : MH-14-FC-2811
b) Type of vehicle : Swift Dzire.
c) Fuel used :Diesel.
2) The rate of hile is Rs.920/- ( Rs.Nine Hundred rwenty only) per day with fuel at company,s
cost. The vehicle should give minimum average of 14 KM/Ltr. The rate is exclusive of GST as
applicable. The order value will be limited to Rs.3.00lakhs as per G.O. provisions.
3) No other charges on account of minor repairs/extra run/overlime/halting charges/lubricating oil
etc. will be paid.
4) The approval is accorded Ibr.the period from 01.10.2019 to 30.09.2020.
5) Total expenditure against hire chalges and fuel consumption should not exceed Rs.40000 /- (
Rs. Forty Thousand Only) per month. No expenditure should be passed for payment for hired
vehicle over and above Rs.40000f per month. D.A will be held responsible in case ofviolating
this instruction.
6) Before placement of tl.re order, audit should be done at circle level as per G.o. powers, as this
letter is adn.rinistrative approval only. The required documents in respict ofthe above vehicle
be verified at youl level. All the liabilities against statutory provision and loss or damage due to
accident/theft etc. will be responsibility ofvehicle owner.
7) The vehicle shor-rld be registered as a public service vehicle and is also covered by valid contract
clrriage perrr r it.
8) Statutory provision such as payment of rax, Insurance be ensured for the hired period by
concerned Executive Engineer.

Chief Engineer(I/C)
EFIV P.C. O&M Zone,
MSETCL, Aurangabad.
Copy to :
The Executive Engineer, 765kV RS Division, Ektuni.

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