Delhi Public School, Prayagraj

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Delhi Public School, Prayagraj


Practice Paper
Name: - ……………………………………………….. Class/Sec.:- ……………………..
Duration: 3 Hours MM:80

Section A


1. Instrument used to measure electric current is

a) Voltmeter
b) Ammeter
c) Rheostat
d) Generator
2. Which of the following devices would you use to maintain potential difference between two points of a
a) A cell
b) A voltmeter
c) An ammeter
d) A rheostat
3. Which of the following is a clean source of energy
a) Coal
b) Biogas
c) Wind
d) Natural gas
4. At the time of short circuit, the current in the circuit
a) Reduces substantially
b) Does not change
c) Increases heavily
d) Vary continuously

5. Write two sources of magnetic fields.

6. Out of three wires live, neutral and earth, which one goes through ON/OFF switch?
7. Which of the following is not a physical change:
(a) Boiling of water to give water vapor
(b)Melting of ice to give water
(c)Dissolution of salt in water
(d)Combustion in LPG
8. Which of the following gases can be used for storage of fresh sample of an oil for a long time:
(a)CO2 or O2
(b)Nitrogen or oxygen
(c)CO2 or helium
(d)Helium or nitrogen
9. Which of the following is used in fire extinguisher:
(a)Sodium carbonate
(b)Calcium carbonate
(c)Sodium hydrogen carbonate
(d)None of these
10. PH of ammonium chloride or copper sulphate will be :
(a) 7
(b) >7
(c) < 7
(d) 0
11. Among metals the poorest conductor of heat:
(a) Lead
(b) Tin
(c) Bismuth
(d) Mercury
12. Which of the following method is suitable for preventing an iron frying pan from rusting:
(a) Applying grease
(b) Applying paint
(c)Applying a coating of zinc
(d) All of the above

13) In Unicellular algae circulation of water is done by

a) Sieve Tubes
b) Osmosis
c) Diffusion
d) None

14) The number of chambers in the heart of fish

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

15) Auxin is a
a) Carbohydrate
b) Fat
c) Enzyme
d) Hormone

16) Male hormone

a) Testosterone
b) Adrenaline
c) Estrogen
d) TSH

17) Name the largest gland present in our body

a) Ovary
b) Pancreas
c) Liver
d) Kidney

18) Give the example of vegetative propagation in leaves.

19) What is the percentage of solar energy trapped and utilized?

20) What do you mean by Bio magnification?

Section B
1. Draw Domestic electrical circuit Diagram. Write any three advantages of parallel circuit over series circuit.
2. a). What is Geo thermal energy? Write two disadvantages of Geo thermal energy.
b). Write any two limitations of Nuclear Energy
3. In a house, four 60W electric bulbs are lighted for 2 hours and two 100W bulbs are lighted for
4 hours every day. Calculate the energy consumed in joules in the house for 30 days.

4.(a) How can you test weather a displacement reaction is an exothermic or an endothermic reaction ? Explain
with suitable example ? 3
(b)What is rancidity ?How can it prevented ?
(c)Write down the characteristics of chemical reactions
5 (a)Name two salts of oxalic acids having metal atoms with different valences and write their formula ? 3
(b)What happen when washing soda is kept exposed to air ?What is phenomenon called ?
(c)Why solution of HCl in water conducts electricity but that of glucose in water does not through both
contains hydrogen ?
6. (a)Why do ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points? 3
(b)What do you mean by amphoteric oxide .Give to examples of each
(c) Give reason why copper is used to make hot water tanks tanks but steel (alloy of iron )is not

7) “Energy flow in food chain is always unidirectional”. Justify this statement. Explain how a pesticide
enters the food chain and subsequently gets into our body.

8) Explain the phenomenon of regeneration with the help of diagram. How is regeneration different from

9) What is vegetative propagation? Give the significance of vegetative propagation.

10) How are alveoli designed to maximize the exchange of gases?

Section C

1. a). Draw a labeled diagram of a DC motor.

b). What is the role of split ring in an electric motor.
c). Write principle of an electric motor.

2. a). Draw a labeled diagram of Solar Cooker.

b). Compare Natural gas with Biogas (2 points)
c). Write any three characteristics of Good fuel

3.(A)Name one naturally occurring substance containing citric acid and one containing tartaric acid ?
(B)What happen when:(a)solid baking soda is heated (b)Gypsum is heated to a temperature of 500K (c)
bleaching powder is treating with dilute hydrochloric acid (d)Current passed through solid sodium chloride
(c)Fresh milk has a pH of 6 .How do you think the pH will changes as it turns into curd? Explain your answer

4. (a)Why sodium kept in kerosene oil ?

(b) Which do not metal does not corrode?
(c)Why do ionic compound are soluble are soluble in water whereas covalent compounds are less soluble
(d)What chemical process is used for obtaining a metal from its oxide?

5) a)Which is the nitrogenous waste product in human beings? How it can be removed from the body
b) What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?
6) Write the function of each of these hormones
a) Thyroxin
b) Adrenaline
c) Insulin
d) Growth Hormone
e) Testosterone

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