Fuel Cells MCQs

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Fuel cells

Multiple choice questions

Subject advisor: P. Irfan Asad

By: Fareeha Shakeel

Date: August 17, 2021.

Fuel cell is an electrochemical cell, which can convert energy from the combustion
of fuel such as hydrogen, methanol, etc. directly to electrical energy. Fuel cells
require a continuous source of fuel and oxygen and can therefore produce electricity
continuously. William Grove invented the first fuel cell in 1838 and it is known as
Grove Voltaic cell. Hydrogen is the most commonly used fuel and it reacts with
oxygen to form water. Fuel cells are also used in the NASA space programme. Fuel
cells are more efficient than thermal plants. The efficiency of fuel cells to produce
electricity is 70%.
1. Which of the following converts energy from the combustion of fuel directly to
the electrical energy?
(a) Ni-Cd cell
(b) Dynamo
(c) Fuel cell
(d) Electrolytic cell

Answer: (c)
2. Which of the following is continuously replaced in a fuel cell?
(a) Oxidiser
(b) Fuel
(c) Both fuel and oxidiser
(d) None of the above

Answer: (c)
3. Which of the following does not affect the reactions in a fuel cell?
(a) Electrolyte composition
(b) Electrode composition
(c) A combination of fuel and oxidiser
(d) Catalytic effect of the reaction container

Answer: (d)
4. Chemical energy is converted to ________ energy by a fuel cell.
(a) solar
(b) electrical
(c) potential
(d) mechanical

Answer: (b)
5. Who invented the fuel cell?

(a) Mathew Maury
(b) Gideon Sundback
(c) Robert Bunsen
(d) William Grove

Answer: (d)
6. Which of the following is incorrect for fuel cells?
(a) They are modular
(b) They are highly efficient
(c) The noise level is very high
(d) The emission level is much below the permissible level

Answer: (c)
7. Which of the following is not a fuel cell?
(a) Hexanone-oxygen cell
(b) Methyl-oxygen-alcohol cell
(c) Hydrogen-oxygen cell
(d) Propane-oxygen cell

Answer: (a)
8. The reaction occurring at the cathode of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is
(a) 2H2 + 4OH– → 4H2O + 4e–

(b) 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O (l )

(c) H+ + OH– → H2O

(d) O2 + 2H2O + 4e– → 4OH–

Answer: (d)
9. Fuel cell was invented in the year
(a) 1838
(b) 1874

(c) 1903
(d) 1958

Answer: (a)
10. A fuel cell is used to convert chemical energy into ____________
(a) Mechanical energy
(b) Solar energy
(c) Electrical energy
(d) Potential energy
Answer: (c)
11. Select the incorrect statement from the following option.
(a) Fuel cells have high efficiency.
(b) The emission levels of fuel cells are far below the permissible limits.
(c) Fuel cells are modular.
(d) The noise levels of fuel cells are high
Answer: (d)
12. ______________ and suitable catalyst are required to promote high rate of electrode processes.
(a) Lower temperature
(b) Higher temperature
(c) Moderate temperature
(d) Very low temperature
Answer: (b)
13. Fuel cells are free from vibrations, heat transfer and thermal pollution.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a)
14. A stable interface between solid _________ liquid ____________ and gaseous ___________
promotes high rate of electrode processes.
(a) Fuel, electrolyte, electrode

(b) Electrode, fuel, electrolyte
(c) Electrode, electrolyte, fuel
(d) Fuel, electrode, electrolyte
Answer: (c)
15. The electrolytic solution used in a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is ____________
(a) 75% KOH solution
(b) 25% KOH solution
(c) 75% NaOH solution
(d) 25% NaOH solution
Answer: (b)
16. The standard emf of the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is ____________
(a) 1.23 V
(b) 2.54 V
(c) 3.96 V
(d) 0.58 V
Answer: (a)
17. The residual product discharged by the hydrogen-oxygen cell is ____________
(a) Hydrogen peroxide
(b) Alcohol
(c) Water
(d) Potassium permanganate
Answer: (c)
18. Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell can produce drinking water of potable quality.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a)

19. Fuel cell converts chemical energy to electrical energy using a reaction that __________
(a) eliminates combustion of fuel

(b) requires combustion of fuel
(c) requires no ignition of fuel
(d) fuel is not required
Answer: (a)
20. Fuel cell performance is not limited by __________

(a) First law of Thermodynamics

(b) Second law of Thermodynamics
(c) Third law of Thermodynamics
(d) All three laws are applicable
Answer: (b)
21. For which of these devices does negative charge carriers flow from anode to cathode in
the external circuit?
(a) MHD generator
(b) Thermionic generator
(c) Thermoelectric generator
(d) Fuel cell
Answer: (d)
22. The fuel cell is considered a battery in which ___________ is continuously replaced.
(a) fuel only
(b) oxidizer
(c) both fuel and oxidizer
(d) none of the mentioned
Answer: (c)
23. The type of reactions in a fuel cell is not determined by __________
(a) fuel and oxidizer combination
(b) composition of electrolyte
(c) materials of anode and cathode

(d) catalytic effects of reaction container
Answer: (d)
24. What is the voltage output of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell?
(a) -1.23 V
(b) -1.45 V
(c) -1.01 V
(d) -.93 V
Answer: (a)
25. What is the voltage output of carbon-oxygen fuel cell?
(a) -0.91 V
(b) -1.24 V
(c) -1.02 V
(d) -1.17 V
Answer: (c)
26. What is the voltage output of methane-oxygen fuel cell?
(a) -1.16 V
(b) -1.06 V
(c) -1.26 V
(d) -0.96 V
Answer: (b)
27. Which of these gases or liquids are not used as source of hydrogen in fuel cells?
(a) C2H6
(b) C2H2
(c) C6H6
(d) C2H5OH
Answer: (d)
28. The hydrocarbons cracked with steam in fuel cells do not give rise to __________

(a) CO
(b) CO2
(c) H2
(d) H2O
Answer: (d)
29. Which of these should not be a properties of fuel cell electrodes?
(a) good electrical conductors
(b) highly resistant to corrosive environment
(c) should perform charge seperation
(d) take part in chemical reactions
Answer: (d)
30. Which of these fuel cell operates at temperature below 100.C?
(a) phosphoric fuel cell
(b) solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell
(c) molten carbon fuel cell
(d) hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell
Answer: (c)
31. Which of these fuel cells operates at high temperatures and pressures?
(a) high temperature solid oxide fuel cell
(b) alkaline fuel cell
(c) molten carbon fuel cell
(d) phosphoric acid fuel cell
Answer: (c)
32. In thermo-chemical storage, what is the desired composition of products of reaction?
(a) Liquid + Solid
(b) Liquid + Liquid
(c) Liquid + Gas

(d) Gas + Gas

Answer: (a & c)

33. What are the challenges for hydrogen as fuel?

(a) High storage volume

(b) Toxicity

(c) Electrolysis of water

(d) Flammability

Answer: (a & d)

34. Which fuel cell should be used in a power plant with fuel at 900⁰C?

(a) PEM Fuel Cell

(b) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

(c) Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell

(d) Alkaline Fuel Cell

Answer: (b)

35. What is the function of the Gas Diffusion Layer in a PEM Fuel Cell?

(a) Prevent heat loss during storage

(b) Distribute reactants uniformly

(c) Connect the catalyst layer to the bipolar plate electrically

(d) Provide structural strength

Answer: (b & c)
36. Thermal energy storage finds application in

(a) Solar thermal power plants
(b) Refrigeration and air-conditioning
(c) Building energy storage
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

37. In a sensible thermal energy storage system, storage tanks 4-m in diameter are used to
store water from 2 bar to 20 bar. Assuming water mean density and specific heat to be 900
kg/m3 and 4.35 kJ/kg-K, and overall heat transfer coefficient between the stored liquid and
outside ambient to be 1.5 W/m2-K, calculate the time constant of the system.

(a) 500 hrs

(b) 5 hrs

(c) 7 hrs

(d) 700 hrs

Answer: (d)

38. In the above problem, if the saturation temperatures of water at 2 bar and 20 bar are
120⁰C and 212⁰C respectively and the ambient temperature is 20⁰C, find the turnaround
efficiency if storage time is 15 hrs ?

(a) 25%

(b) 95%

(c) 85%

(d) 15%

Ans: (b)

39. In the above question, if the mass of water that can be stored is 1.5 x 10 8 kg, calculate the
total energy that can be stored. The specific enthalpies of saturated liquid at 120⁰C and
212⁰C are 500 kJ/kg and 900 kJ/kg respectively.

(a) 6 x 104 MJ

(b) 6 x 104 GJ

(c) 600 GJ

(d) 6 x 109 MJ

Ans: (b)

40. n-Hexadecane, an organic PCM with melting point of 18⁰C and specific gravity of 0.8 is
used for building air-conditioning. The PCM chamber has a volume of 2 m3. If the latent heat
of fusion of n-Hexadecane is 225 kJ/kg, calculate the energy storage capacity of the unit.

(a) 300 kJ

(b) 360 kJ

(c) 300 MJ

(d) 360 MJ

Ans: (d)

41. In the above unit, assume the PCM to be frozen. If outside air at 30⁰C has to be cooled
down to 22⁰C by the PCM and supplied indoor from 10 am to 4 pm what should be the
maximum mass flow rate of air? Neglect sensible heating of PCM and assume specific heat
of air to be 1.0 kJ/kg-K.

(a) 2.5 kg/s

(b) 2 kg/s.

(c) 3.5 kg/s

(d) 5 kg/s

Ans: (b)
42. Which of the following supplies maximum amount of hydrogen gas?
(a) Natural gas

(b) Anaerobic Digestion
(c) Wastewater treatment
(d) Electrolysis
Answer: (a)
43. In terms of green house gas emissions, how good or bad is hydrogen fuel?
(a) Major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions
(b) Zero-emission fuel
(c) Lowest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions
(d) Hydrogen cannot be used as fuel
Answer: (b)
44. Which of the following use hydrogen as fuel?
(a) Fossil fuels
(b) Anerobic digestion
(c) Fuel cells
(d) Cooking
Answer: (c)
45. Which of the following is the most popular application of hydrogen fuel cell?
(a) Fuel cell vehicles
(b) Fuel cell energy power plants
(c) Fuel cells stand-alone power supplies
(d) Fuel cells spacecraft
Answer: (d)
46. How is hydrogen gas produced from fossil fuels?
(a) Partial oxidation of methane
(b) Electrolysis
(c) Evaporation
(d) Biomass gasification

Answer: (a)
47. What is the major drawback of steam-methane reforming technique to produce
(a) Capital intensive
(b) Releases greenhouse gases into atmosphere
(c) A niche technology
(d) Poor efficiency
Answer: (b)
48. How does electrolysis produce hydrogen?
(a) By running electricity to combine hydrogen and water
(b) By separating water into hydrogen and oxygen and generating electricity
(c) By passing electricity into water to separate it into hydrogen and oxygen
(d) By passing electricity into water to evaporate it into hydrogen
Answer: (c)
49. Why is hydrogen hazardous as fuel?
a) Because of high ignition and low combustion energy
b) Because of high ignition and high combustion energy
c) Because low ignition and low combustion energy
d) Because of low ignition and high combustion energy
Answer: (d)
50. Traditionally, why is steam methane reforming preferred over electrolysis?
(a) Because electrolysis requires electricity
(b) Because electrolysis has lower production efficiency
(c) Because steam methane reforming produces greenhouse gases
(d) Because electrolysis produces greenhouse gases
Answer: (a)
51. What is the main problem in using hydrogen as fuel for vehicles?

(a) Capital intensive
(b) Storage
(c) Fuel cell technology is not well established
(d) Cars will become heavy
Answer: (b)
52. What is a fuel cell?
a) Converts heat energy to chemical energy
b) Converts heat energy to electrical energy
c) Converts chemical energy to electrical energy
d) Converts kinetic energy to heat energy
Answer: (c)
53. How does hydrogen fuel cell work?
(a) Membrane → hydrogen ions → electric current and recombination with oxygen
(b) Electric current and recombination with oxygen → hydrogen ions → membrane
(c) Hydrogen ions → membrane → electric current and recombination with oxygen
(d) Recombination with oxygen → electric current → membrane → hydrogen ions
Answer: (d)
54. What does hydrogen fuel cell emit?
(a) Water
(b) Steam
(c) Greenhouse gas
(d) Methane
Answer: (a)
55. Fuel cell vehicle is sourced by a battery.
a) True
b) False
Answer: (b)

56. High pressure containers are used to store hydrogen.
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (a)
57. The advantage of fuel cell over petrol is its only product
(a) oxygen
(b) water
(c) nitrogen
(d) CO₂
Answer: (b)
58. The estimated range of voltage of ordinary dry cells is
(a) 1.5-5V
(b) 1.2-5V
(c) 1.5-2V
(d) 2V
Answer: (c)
59. Nickel cadmium cells are
(a) smaller
(b) low voltage supplier
(c) high voltage supplier
(d) a and c
Answer: (d)
60. The production of energy in fuel cell as compare to petrol engine is considerably
(a) high
(b) low
(c) same
(d) constant

Answer: (a)
61. Cells with a size of the button are used in
(a) heart pacemakers only
(b) hearing aids only
(c) dialyzer
(d) heart pacemakers and hearing aids
Answer: (d)
62. The oxygen fuel cells are used for the space crafts mostly because of their __________
a) Light weight
b) Heavier weight
c) Efficiency
d) Noise levels
Answer: (a)
63. Noise and thermal pollution is __________ for fuel cells.
a) High
b) Low
c) Moderate
d) Zero
Answer: (b)
64. The percentage of the energy conversion of the fuel cells is about ____________
a) 20-30
b) 45-52
c) 75-82
d) 82-95
Answer: (c)
65. Fuel cells offer an excellent method for the use of the _________
a) Chemicals

b) Fossil fuels
c) Bio fuels
d) Any fuels
Answer: (b)
66. The life time of the fuel cells is __________
a) 10 years
b) 20 years
c) 30 years
d) Not known
Answer: (d)
67. The distribution of hydrogen in the fuel cells is proper.
a) True
b) False
Answer: (b)
68. In methyl alcohol-oxygen alkaline fuel cell ___________ is used as the fuel.
a) CH3OH
c) O2
d) O3
Answer: (a)
69. Porous nickel electrode coated with ________ is used as catalyst in methyl alcohol-oxygen
alkaline fuel cell.
a) Copper
b) Silver
c) Gold
d) Antimony
Answer: (b)

70. Methanol fuel cells are reasonably _________
a) Stable at all conditions
b) Unstable at all conditions
c) Stable at some conditions
d) Unstable at some conditions
Answer: (a)
71. ___________ is in high concentration in methanol that is why it is used as an excellent fuel.
a) Oxygen
b) Chlorine
c) Hydrogen
d) Ozone
Answer: (c)
72. Methanol possess ___________ inflammability.
a) Lower
b) Higher
c) No
d) Moderate
Answer: (a)
73. The electrodes in the phosphoric acid fuel cells is carbon paper coated with dispersed
with ________ catalyst.
a) Palladium
b) Platinum
c) Uranium
d) Aluminium
Answer: (b)
74. The phosphoric acid fuel cells are used for stationary power generations with output

a) 100-200kW
b) 100-150kW
c) 100-300kW
d) 100-400kW
Answer: (d)
75. The anode in the phosphoric acid fuel cells is made of porous nickel alloy with ___________
a) Chromium
b) Copper
c) Zinc
d) Platinum
Answer: (a)


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