Reproductive Hormones in Domest Anim G N Purohit PDF

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Prof G N Purohit
 Pineal gland Melatonin
 Liver Insulin like growth factors
 Gonadotropin releasing hormone


Corticotropic releasing hormone


Growth hormone- releasing hormone

Hormones secreted by pituitary gland
 Anterior Pituitary

 Folliclestimulating hormone
 Luteinizing hormone
 Prolactin
 Adrenalocorticotropic hormone

 Posterior pituitary Oxytocin

Graafian Follicle

Estrogen Inhibin

Corpus Luteum

Progestins Relaxin
 Leydig cells Androgens

Sertoli cells Inhibin

 Human chorionic gonadotropin hCG

 Equine chorionic gonadotropin eCG

 Estrogens/ Progestins

 Relaxin

 Placental Lactogens
 UterineEndometrium,
Seminal Vesicles,
Graafian Follicles

Prostaglandin F2α

Histology of Bovine
 Identified by Nobel Laureates Roger Guillemin and Andrew
V Schally in 1977. GnRH is released from nerve endings at
the median eminence of the hypothalamus, where it is
stored in secretory granules; it then travels through portal
vessels to reach the adenohypophysis where it binds to
receptors on gonadotropes in the pars distalis of the
 Neuropeptide ---Arcuate nucleas—Tonic release
---Preoptic area—Surge like release
Transported and stored in median eminence and released into
hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system on stimulation

Reaches Anterior pituitary and causes the release of FSH and LH

Has a short half life of 2-4 minutes

Target tissue is Gonadotroph cells (Anterior pituitary)
Neurotransmitters Photoperiod/Environment
GnRH Neurons Kisspeptin
Mediobasal hypothalamus (GnRH pulse generator)

GnRH Norepinephrine increase GnRH

Opiods, dopamine and GABA
decrease GnRH
Estrogens also regulate secretion
GnRH secretion IN MALES

In males the surge centre

becomes inactivated during
fetal life.

In males there are between

4-12 GnRH peaks per day.
Analogs/agonists cause an initial stimulation of pituitary
gonadotrops that results in secretion of FSH and LH
however, on prolonged use they cause a down regulation
and inhibition of pituitary-gonadal axis.

Suppression of estrus with prolonged use have rendered

them useful for estrus suppression in bitches.

Buserelin most potent analog

Analogs ------Leuprolide and deslorelin
Ovarian Cysts
Postpone estrus
in bitches
(Buserelin acetate) (Deslorelin)

(Leuprolide) (Gonadorelin)
GnRH analog Trade Name Company Dose and indications
Cattle/Buffalo Sheep and Mares Bitches Camels
Buserelin Receptal MSD Anestrus 20 µg Ovarian cysts Ovulation of Ovarian cysts
acetate IM 10 µg IM mature follicle 40 µg IM
Pregulate Virbac
Ovarian cysts Cystic changes
20-40 µg IM in ovaries 40
ovulation 5-10 Anestrus 20 µg
µg IM twice at 24 h
Fertirelin Conceral Takeda 50-200 µg IM
Gonadorelin Factrel 50 Zoetis 100 µg IM
µg/mL estrus
MSD synchronizatio
Fertagyl n and ovarian
Forte Dodge
Cystorelin cysts
Deslorelin Sucromate Thorn 1.5 mg Ovulation
induction 1.5
Ovuplant Zoetis 2.1 mg mg 48 h before Prevention of
planned breeding,
Suprelorin Virbac 4.7 mg estrus
ovulation when
9.4 mg the follicle is induction in
30-40mm females and
sterilization of
male dogs
Leuprolide Lupride Sun Pharma 3.75 mg 0.10 mg/Kg SC
India once for estrus
Lupron Depot induction
Endocrine Inc
(under development)

Pregnancy termination
Estrus suppression in Pets

 Octapeptide (neuropeptide)

 Synthesized by neurons of supraoptic

nucleus (small amount by CL)
 Acts only on a uterus pre-sensitized
with estrogen

 Transported axonally to storage sites in

posterior pituitary
 It upregulates the activity of smooth muscle cells
in the uterus and the smooth muscles
surrounding the alveoli ducts of the mammary
 Milk let down

 Transport of both sperms & oocytes

in the tubular genitalia

 At parturition causes myometrial

 Luteal regression in cow & ewe
 Inductionof foaling in mare after 340
days of gestation

 Treatment of uterine
inertia in bitches Foaling in mare
 For uterine involution
 Expulsion of a retained placenta
(ROP) in mare and bitch

(ROP in Mare)
 Suggested doses of oxytocin in
Obstetrics cases (I/M)

Cattle & Mare 60 - 100 IU

Sow, ewe & doe 30 - 50 IU
Bitches 10 - 20 IU

5 IU / ml oxytocin
 Secreted by lactotrops or mammotrops
cells of anterior pituitary gland
 Lactotrophic hormone Suckling is a
potent stimulus for prolactin secretion

 Luteotropic in rodents & bitch

 Maternal behavior

 Prolactin inhibitory hormone Dopamine

Half life 20 minutes

 Prolactin suppress LH surge & ovulation thus
antiprolactins can presumably stimulate LH and

 Antiprolactins (dopamine agonists)

(Bromocryptine, cabergoline, metergoline)
Timely ovulation in cows, in bitches for estrus
induction, pregnancy termination, pseudopregnancy.
Bromocryptine 30-100 µg/Kg for 6-10 days
Cabergoline 5 µg/kg for 5-7 days

Domperidone (dopamine antagonist) & sulpiride for

estrus & ovulation induction in mares (1 mg/kg) and
probably for increase in milk production in cows
(metoclopramide and domperidone)
 Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

 Luteinizing hormone (LH)

 Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

 Equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG)

 Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

 Inhibin and Activins

 Alsoknown as Lutropin or Interstitial
Cell Stimulating Hormone in males

 Produced by basophillic gonadotroph

cells of anterior pituitary gland

 LH surge around 6 h in cattle

 Heterodimeric glycoprotein

 Half life – 20 minutes

 In males
Leydig cells Testosterone
In females
Theca interna cells Oestrogens

Luteal cells Progesterone
 Delayed Ovulation
 Planned Ovulations
 Ovarian Cysts
 Corpus Luteum development
 Produced via gonadotroph cells (Ant.
Target tissues

Sertoli cells (Testes) Granulosa cells


Inhibin, Estradiol synthesis &

Androgen binding protein follicular development

Half life 3 – 4 hours

 Multiple ovulations in embryo transfer
 Anestrus
 Out of season breeding
 Estrus synchronization especially
during non breeding season
 Secretedby fetal trophoblastic cells of
endometrial cups of equines between day
35 and 150 of pregnancy

Immunoprotection of fetus
Formation of accessory corpus luteum

FSH & eCG share a common receptor

 Anestrus
 Superovulation
 Out of season breeding
Produced by syncytial trophoblast cells
of human placenta

LH like activity with little or no FSH

like effects

Half life 24 hours

 Inductionof ovulation
 Treatment of ovarian cysts
 Delayed ovulation
hCG Name Compan Pack Use, mode of administration and dose
Cows/buffalo Mares Sheep and Sow Bitches

Chorulon MSD 1500IU Ovarian cysts Inducing 250-500 IU Inducing 500 IU for
3000-5000 IU IM ovulation for ovulation inducing
or IV 2000-2500 ovulation 500-1000 ovulation in
Delayed IU when the induction IU IM estrus
ovulation/ follicle is induced by
Anovulation above 35 eCG (250
1500-3000 IU mm IU IM for 9

eCG + PG 600 Merck 400 IU - - - Estrus -

eCG + induction
hCG 200 IU

Folligon MSD 1000IU Anestrus/Out of -do not Out of Estrus Inducing
the season respond season induction estrus 250
breeding 800- breeding 1000-1500 IU IM daily
1000 IU IM or SC 100-500 IU IU 5-7 days for 10 days
Superovulation IM after after
2000-3000 IU progesteron weaning
Inhibin × FSH

GnRH Inhibin

Insulin like growth factor I Inhibin

 Producedwithin granulosa cells in
females & sertoli cells in males

 Stimulates
FSH synthesis
Cell proliferation
Cell differentiation
FSH induced aromatization
 Progestagens

 Androgens

 Estrogens

 Corticosteroids
 Lipophiliccompounds
 Primary steroid producing tissues
Testes, ovaries, adrenals, placenta
fetal gonads
Steroids bound to large carrier proteins

Albumin Globulin

Classical steroid sex hormones

Oestradiol – 17 β, testosterone,
 Estrogen is primary female sex hormone

 Development of female reproductive

system & secondary sex characteristics

 Natural estrogens: 17 β estradiol, estrone,

estriol, conjugated equine estrogens:
equilin, equilenin, estrone sulphate

 Synthetic estrogens:
Estradiol valerate, estradiol cypionate,
estradiol acetate, estradiol benzoate,
ethinyl estradiol, Di ethyl stilbesterol
Phytoestrogens & mycoestrogens
 Anabolic
 Mammary development
 Skin growth
 Follicular growth
 Estrus expression
 Receptivity to male
 Luteolytic in ruminants
 Luteotropic in sow & mare
 At parturition contraction of uterus
 Anestrus
 Fetal mummification
 Fetal maceration
 Pyometra
 Metritis
 Estrus synchronozation
 In bitches
misalliance, estrus suppression,
spayed bitches

Side effects
• Tamoxifen

• Clomiphene
citrate 300 mg
 Synthesized by
corpus luteum, feto-placental unit,
adrenal cortex. Secretion is controlled by
LH, PG, prolactin and many other
Ovulation, implantation, pregnancy
maintenance, lactation, initiation of
follicular growth waves, development of
dominant follicle.
Half life 22-36 min in cow

CL dependent species cow, doe, bitch,

sow, buffalo, camel
CL independent species mare, ewe
 Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)
 Megestrol acetate
 Melengestrol acetate MGA
 Proligestone
 Flurogestone acetate FGA
 Norgestomet
 Progesterone vaginal implants
 Altrenogest (Nor-testosterone derivative
with progesterone like activity)
 Hydroxyprogesterone caproate
 Estrus suppression
 Estrus synchronization
 Pregnancy maintenance
 Induction of new follicular wave
 Anestrus
 Ovarian cysts
 Luteal insufficiency
 Vaginal prolapse
 Prevention of abortion
 Estrus suppression in the dog at the dose rate of
2 mg/kg every 3-4 months
 MPA(60 mg impregnated vaginal sponges) has
been used for estrus synchronization in goats
and sheep.
 Similarly it has been used (300 mg intravaginal
sponge) in cows for estrus synchronization.
Megestrol acetate
Oral progestin for estrus suppression in dogs (0.5-
2.0 mg/kg /day for 8 days)
Estrus synchronization (40-50mg/day for 14-20
days) in beef cows
 estrus suppression in the bitch by IM administration
(50mg/kg SC every 3 weeks)
Flurogestone acetate
 intravaginal sponge preparation (containing 20 mg FGA)
to synchronize estrus in sheep and goats.
Norgestomet (Synchromate-B)
ear implant for estrus synchronization in cattle
Progesterone vaginal implants
CIDR/PRID for estrus synchronization in cattle
Altrenogest (allyl trenbolone) Regumate
Estrus control in mares (0.044mg/Kg) and pigs
(15mg/day) for 7-10 days administered orally.
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate
Depot injection

CIDR with
• Mifepristone
• Pregnancy termination in the bitch 2.5
mg/kg BD for 4.5 days beginning at Day
32 of pregnancy

The twice daily SC
administration of

Anabolic Growth of muscle mass
&territorial marking

Bone density Libido &

&Strength Androgens Spermatogenesis

Secondary Sex Characteristics Growth

& deepening of voice of hump
 Testosterone
 Hydroxytestosterone
 Testosterone propionate
 Dihydrotestosterone
 Trenbolone acetate
 Nandrolone (potent anabolic)
 Methyltestosterone
 Mibolerone (estrus suppression in
the bitch 30-60 Ug daily orally)
 Norgestrel
 Growth promoters
 Estrus suppression
 Cryptorchid bulls
 Delayed puberty in bulls
 Androgenized cows as teaser

Side effects
 Lower
production of
androgens Leuprolide, abarelix,
goserelin, triptorelin

Receptor Flutamide, finasteride,

blocker cyproterone acetate

Others Ketoconazole
medroxyprrogesterone acetate

Benign prostatic hyperplasia –

finasteride 0.1-0.5 mg/kg for dogs
Prostaglandin (PGF2α)
 Found in almost every tissue
 Has 20 carbon atoms & 5 carbon ring

 Produced within uterine endometrium &

vesicular gland

 Precursor is arachidonic acid

 Targettissue in females
corpus luteum, uterine myometrium,
ovulatory follicles

 Prostaglandin
(PG) has 2 derivatives
Prostacyclines & thromboxanes
 Natural PG analogs

Dinoprost, tiaprost, carboprost

Synthetic PG analogs

Cloprostenol, fluprostenol,
prostalene, fenprostalene
 Metritis
 Pyometra
 Mucometra
 Endometritis
 Retention of placenta
 Fetal mummification
 Fetal maceration
 Hydrometra
 Estrus induction
 Estrus synchronization
 Induction of parturition
 Vetromedical termination of pregnancy
 Polypeptide placental hormone

 Also called as chorionic somatotropin

 Similar to growth hormone

 Stimulate
the growth of alveoli during
pregnancy (mammotropic)

 Luteotropic
 Produced by: corpus luteum, placenta,
ovaries throughout pregnancy

 Target
organs: cervix, vagina, pubic
symphysis and related structures

 Used for pregnancy diagnosis in bitch &


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