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The document provides an overview of the Knight Realms roleplaying game system, describing character creation, races, classes, abilities, items, and various supplemental rules and information.

Some of the major races described include elves, faeriekin, goblinoids, hillfolk, humans, and katta.

Some of the classes mentioned include caster classes, hybrid classes, rogue classes, warrior classes, and support classes.

Unabridged Adventurer’s Guide 

Knight Realms™ Second Edition Complete Rulebook

(2.0.1 Live Beta Release – Updated 29 March 2018)
Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Table of Contents 

Preface 2 Support Classes 90

Introduction 3 Mastery 106

Chapter I: Creating a Character 4 Chapter IV: Abilities 111

Chapter II: Races 7 Traits and Keywords 112

Elves 8 Class Skills 116

Faeriekin 12 Spells and Spellcasting 130

Goblinoids 17 Talents and Crafting 146

Hillfolk 22 Ability Supplements 162

Humans 26 Chapter V: Items 172

Katta 35 Components and Armaments 172

Fringe Races 38 Relics, Runes, and Artifacts 177

Chapter III: Classes 39 Codex A: Core Rules 179

Caster Classes 41 Codex B: Combat and Safety 187

Hybrid Classes 66 Codex C: Life, Death, and Status Effects 194

Rogue Classes 72 Codex D: Religions of Arawyn 199

Warrior Classes 81 Codex E: Player versus Player Activity 212


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Knight Realms was started in April of 1998. For two decades, the game has grown and evolved
under the direction of its valued and caring players. In the past, there have been both major and
minor changes and updates to the system, but not until now was I ready to embrace such a
comprehensive and complete overhaul of the system – even to its core engine. Every member of
our past rules teams has served our community well, always working hard for the single and
selfless goal of wanting to bring you, the players, a better experience. Our newest team has
shared in this same noble vision and has worked closely with me for over two years to bring to
you a product that I truly feel is worthy of being our ruleset for the twentieth anniversary of
Knight Realms. We hope you enjoy the fruits of this labor and we look forward to living out
countless adventures with you for years to come!
- James C. Kimball, Owner and Director
Knight Realms is welcoming of all players, regardless of race, religion, or gender identity. While
any player may choose to portray a character of any race or class, for the purpose of this
rulebook, gendered pronouns have been used to distinguish between the users and targets of
abilities. The subject of all passages is referred to with feminine pronouns, while the object or
target of those passages is referred to with masculine pronouns.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Arawyn is a world built on the backs of the heroes who shape it. The defeat of the Demon Lord
Xualla, and his armies in the year 1215 marked the beginning of the Fourth Age of Man: the Age
of Heroes. From that moment onwards, the mortal heroes of the world became even more
prevalent, seeking adventure to bring fame, fortune, and wealth back home, and hopefully
avoiding dangers that ended in an untimely demise.
Whether you have prepared for this day your whole life, or recently discovered your untapped
potential, it has come time for you to venture out into the world and find your purpose. What that
may be, only you can discover.. Your journey might lead you to become a triumphant knight,
facing off against the greatest villains Arawyn has seen, or perhaps to become one of those
villains. You could be a powerful master of the Weave, manipulating the forces of the universe to
unlock its greatest secrets, or even just a simple scholar. The choice is in your hands; you need
only explore what avenues lay before you in the story that is your life.
Monsters, thieves, brigands, and political strife lie ahead as the challenges which you will face in
your adventure. How will you overcome them? Read on, hero, and decide how you will face
these hardships, complete your quests, and claim the treasures you have rightfully earned – or
It is up to you to seek out your destiny and uncover the answer to Arawyn’s greatest question:
Who will you be?


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

As stray beams of sunlight filter through the dusty windows of your room, you awaken to the
enticing scent of frying meat wafting upstairs from the inn’s kitchen. With a reluctant stretch and
a rumble from your stomach, you climb out of bed and collect yourself. As you tie the laces of
your boots and turn the cuffs of your sleeves, you look around to your comrades; they, too, are
readying themselves for whatever the day may bring. You don your armor and tighten your belt.
Pouch full of coin, satchel stocked with potions, and knives newly sharpened, you open the door
to face the day, your party close behind you. Today is a day for adventure, after all!

Creating a Character 
The first step to playing an adventurer in the world of Arawyn is to create a character. While a
character may appear to be nothing more than a list of game mechanics on paper – Knight
Realms uses character cards, also called cards or character sheets, to track character
information, abilities, and statistics – in reality, a character is so much more. Beyond being the
vessel through which a player can experience the game, a character is a unique product of the
player’s imagination and design, the protagonist of her own story in which the player can
immerse herself.
Before reading the remainder of this section, think about the kind of character that would be
exciting to play. Is she a boisterous soldier, a clever tactician, or a level-headed wizard? Knight
Realms is a game, so play a character that will lead to the most fun. It’s always possible for a
character to grow and change, and if it just isn’t working out, a player may rewrite her character.
After designing a concept, follow the rest of this section to bring a character to life within the
world of Arawyn.

Choose a Race 
There are a variety of playable races to choose from in the Knight Realms world. In addition to
several cultures of humans, players can choose from races of elves, faeriekin, goblinoids, hillfolk,
or katta. Chapter II contains information on every playable creature type in the game.

Choose a Class 
The next step in character creation is to choose a starting class. Knight Realms offers an
assortment of playable character classes (also called lists) that can be divided into four
archetypes: warrior, caster, rogue, and support. Each category contains more specialized classes;
though some may share abilities, each has its own individual role in the game world. Chapter III
contains information on every playable standard and master class in the game.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Finishing Touches 
A well-rounded character is more than her race and class. There are many aspects that may be
incorporated into a character to add depth. The basics to set a character apart from others with
similar statistics are described here, but players are always encouraged to add more; to name a
few: ties, character flaws, ideals, and goals are all things to consider.
Write a Character History 
Every character should have a brief history describing where she comes from and what her
motivations are. Cultural information on each race can be found on the Knight Realms Wiki. A
player should submit her character’s history as a Character Chronicle entry in the Card System
for approval within two months of beginning play; she may not act on any information in her
history before it is approved. Histories may not give a character political ties or mechanical
While a player is not required to submit a history, if she chooses not to, she may not roleplay or
act on any information about her character before she entered play. If a player does submit a
history, storytellers may access and use the information she provides to run related content.
The people of Arawyn worship a variety of different Gods and Goddesses. Most races have
patron deities, though a character of any race may choose to belong to any religion, or no
religion at all. However, certain races have no religious beliefs, and it is very rare that a character
of those races will turn to the divine. Some characters choose to dedicate themselves to other
powerful beings aside from the Gods of Eodra, but gain no mechanical benefit from choosing to
do so. Information on deities and minor religions can be found in Codex D.
Choose a Name 
While different races may have different naming conventions, most have a first and last name.
Example names can be found in each race’s description. A character’s given name, or true name,
should be the one listed on her character card, even if she prefers to use an alias. Character
names should not be borrowed from well-known media; if a character’s name is easily
recognized, the Director reserves the right to ask the player to change it.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Character Advancement 
As a character grows in experience and as a hero, her potential for learning increases. This
potential is represented as Build points, a measure of how much training a character can go
through to increase her power.
This section describes how a player may advance her character both to and past level one as she
grows as an adventurer and a hero. Information on level and earning Build can be found in
Codex A.

Learning Abilities 
All characters begin at level one with fifty points of Build to spend on abilities. Abilities can be
purchased from classes or the Common list. Chapter III contains a list of all standard and master
classes, the abilities available to them, and the Build cost of each ability.
Abilities must be learned in-game from another character who possesses the ability. The lesson
should last for two minutes per the ability’s Build cost. The teacher and student are not required
to share a common class. Abilities may also be learned from tomes, but at twice the time
requirement; the item card must be presented to a marshal to have the lesson signed off on the
player’s character card. When learning from another character, the teacher must sign off the
lesson on the student’s card. A character’s starting Build may be spent on skills prior to her first
time in play without need for a teacher.
Once a character possesses an ability, if applicable, she may purchase additional uses of it at
twice its previously purchased cost without need for a teacher. Any ability, whether purchased
for the first time or subsequent times, can be used at the next event following its purchase.

Body Points 
Each character begins with a set number of Body points based on her class, which may be
increased by purchasing additional classes. This number represents how much damage a
character can take before becoming incapacitated. When a character reaches zero Body points,
she falls into the Serious stage of her Death Count.

A character may unlearn up to two skills, or one class, per event. The Build is refunded to her
and may be spent immediately. She may not retrain out of abilities or classes that would cause
her to lack a prerequisite for another ability she possesses. If a player is not happy with a
character she has created, she may fully rewrite her statistics – even into an entirely new
character – with no penalty within the first six events she plays the character. After this time, to
rewrite, she must retire. Information on retirement may be found in Codex C.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook


With a long day of adventuring ahead of you, your party decides to enjoy a meal together before
setting out. As they lay claim to a table in the inn and order a round of drinks, you take a moment
to admire your friends and the motley, but closely-knit, band you’ve become. Your closest friend
hails from Quinaria, a kingdom where learning magic is as critical to the people as learning to
walk; one comrade comes from a life of travelling the deserts, a Namierra tired of trying to fit in
among the humans of the sands; your third ally – a troublemaker indeed, but a dear friend
nonetheless – straight from the ports of Coast Haven, always knowing where to find a good mug
of ale and some kind of excitement.
You gaze around the room as your meal arrives to the table, silently wondering what dreams or
nightmares led the other patrons to come to this town. The inn is full of people from a vast
variety of cultures whose stories you’d love to hear, if only you had the time.

Each race’s entry begins with a brief description of its culture. These pages are only a glance into
the surface of each race; more detailed information can be found on the Knight Realms Wiki.
Following the description is a list of roleplaying, costuming, and makeup requirements that
players of each race must adhere to. If a player wishes to deviate from what is in the rulebook,
she must obtain approval. If a player fails to portray her race appropriately, the Director reserves
the right to ask her to play a different race that her character represents more accurately.
Every race has four racial abilities available to its players. These abilities are inherently known
by any character of the specified race. Some races include a detriment, a minor continuous effect
on the character that may never be cured. A list of each race’s racial abilities can be found in its
entry; abilities not unique to the race are described in full in Chapter IV. Unique abilities are
marked with an asterisk.
Additionally, all characters gain access to their culture’s literacy for free; Anterran for Humans,
Deurgan for Hillfolk, Faeryhen for Faeriekin, Tyrelian for Elves, Kaejish for Katta, and Vardakk.
Information on Literacies may be found in the Ability Supplements section of Chapter IV.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Elves are long-lived creatures born of an ancient and powerful bloodline. Descended from the
Tyrelian royals, three prominent elven races inhabit Palmydia: the guarded Elthiirians, denizens
of the Darkholme beneath the surface lands; the Selendrians of the forests, bound to preserve the
natural order of the world; and the ardent Quinarians, whose ties to the magics of the Weave are
unmatched by any other race. Though the races lived together long ago as one kingdom, they are
now frequently at odds – not necessarily warring, but nonetheless distrustful and disdainful of
each other.
Many of the elven races still hold to the old traditions of their ancient roots, though each have
taken to adapting these within their own cultures. Tradition is a major facet of the elven species,
and it shapes a great deal of how their kingdoms have been structured. The royal houses, for at
least the Selendrian and Quinarian elves, are deeply rooted in the lineage of the original Tyrelian
elves, and they do their best to keep the lineage of the children of King Vylarus alive.
Elves live to about three hundred years old and take great pride in the chronicling of their history,
making down all the experiences they have had. Theirs are the hands who have written many of
the world’s history books and have seen more than most others. Rarely will an adventurer find an
elf who is not wise beyond her years.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Banished long ago to the Darkholme, the subterranean land beneath the continent of Palmydia,
the Elthiirians are a reclusive race with great contempt for surface-dwellers. Often trained from
birth as assassins, other races are typically apprehensive of their presence, particularly at night. 

Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 

Elthiirians tend use caution in all situations, Basic: You must cover all exposed skin in
never knowing who is trustworthy and who makeup ranging from gray to dark jewel
will poison their drinks when they turn their tones and wear short to medium-length
backs. Careful observation and planning prosthetic ear tips. You may choose to
before committing to a situation, even when decorate your face with ornate tattoos in a
it seems there is a clear and obvious choice, color of your choice. Your hair should be
is typical of the majority of the race. white, silver, or black.
However, once their minds are set, they
Advanced: Elthiirians almost exclusively
seldom abandon a task or a friend, making
wear dark colors that allow them to blend in
them extremely loyal allies when won over.
with the shadowed cave systems of the
Though Elthiirians appreciate competent Darkholme. Spidersilk and the hides of
company, they are often quite solitary, lizards are some of the more popular
preferring to work quickly and quietly with materials used in their clothing.
less chance of anyone getting in the way of Elthiirian-crafted armor and robes are
getting a job done. incredibly geometric, typically with many
scallops and spikes incorporated into the
Example Names 
design. Intricate tattoos and spider motifs
Ardis, Chastel, Drak’nar, Ny’thria, Ryld,
are often found to be decorating their skin
and armor.

Racial Abilities 
Small Weapon Damage +2 Gain additional damage with small weapons
Blind Fighting May use melee skills while blind
Deepstalker* Upon using a defense within five paces of terrain in which
Stealth may be used, the character may immediately move
into the terrain and activate concealment as per Stealth.
Camouflage Defends from yellow detection ability

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Along the mysterious Bay of Lune lies the magically-charged kingdom of Quinaria. Considered
to be one of the most intelligent races of Arawyn, and certain to make sure everyone knows it,
Quinarians are incredibly passionate but somewhat abrasive, leading to a reputation of arrogance.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Fancying their culture the pinnacle of mortal Basic: You must wear medium-length
achievements, Quinarians are never keen to prosthetic ear tips that point upwards. You
admit they – or their homeland – are wrong may choose to wear odd-colored contact
about something. Other cultures simply do lenses or makeup that gives your skin a
not understand their advancements; they slight opalescent glow.
view technology as quaint imitations of the
Advanced: Quinarians are an incredibly
power of the Weave. They take great pride
fashion-conscious race, favoring appearance
in their connection to magic and integrate it
over functionality in almost all cases. They
into almost every aspect of their lives.
prefer the finest quality fabrics and the most
Quinarians have a great and insatiable expensive dyes, viewing clothing as a
curiosity to learn the finer details of things symbol of status. High collars, billowing
that others may find dry, often leading to cloaks, and large sleeves are common
losing the interest of their companions when among city fashion, as well as ornate
speaking about a topic of their passion. decorations and jewellery from ear tip to toe.
Many scribe arcane runes on their clothing
Example Names 
to enhance their connection to the Weave.
Aria, Faltiria, Ilyias, Melitorel, Shaye’lyrina


Racial Abilities 
Casting Phokus (+1 damage) May use a casting phokus with increased damage
Mystical (Detriment) Cannot benefit from two-handed damage bonus of Might
Mana Infusion* Creates an ingested compound that refreshes five Mana
points or one periodic skill to the imbiber. Requires
Exceptional component and twenty minutes.
Research (Talent) Uncovers information through study
True Sight (Spell) See through illusions   

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Deep in the forests on the western coast of Palmydia reside the Selendrian elves. Having sworn
off magical artes long ago, the people have a strong connection to both Arawyn and the Primal
Spirits that guard it. Selendrians despise large cities and other unnatural environments, choosing
to live off the land with a healthy respect for the earth.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Children of the forests, Selendrian elves are Basic: You must wear short prosthetic ear
born and will die among the natural forces tips that point backwards. You may choose
of the world. Many are sent out into the to wear warpaint and natural decorations in
world in their younger years to learn about your hair and ears.
other cultures, tasked to return after several
Advanced: Selendrians primarily wear
decades to share their new wisdom with
leather and furs for clothing and armor.
their tribes. Wary of outsiders, they seldom
Refined metals and manufactured cloth are
share their customs and culture with any
rarities only used by those who have
who have not earned the right to it.
integrated into the society of another race.
Having denounced magic long ago, Every Selendrian tribe bears a primal
Selendrians heavily distrust those who rely symbol or tattoo proclaiming its connection
too heavily on its addictive power, as well as to Arawyn – some display this symbol
technology that destroys the land they are so proudly, while others choose to hide it.
connected with. Large settlements are Some choose to wear trophies and trinkets
offputting to most Selendrians that are not of their successful hunts in their clothing
socialized to them. and hair, and many decorate their skin with
natural paints.
Example Names 
Elsirdon, Izzuri, Sadriel, Vidomiru, Zahara
Racial Abilities 
Natural Bond (Detriment) Weak versus Mystic damage
Wild Blood Immune versus Bleeding
Woodland Stride* The character gains +2 paces on all movement skills, or +4
while she is in woodland terrain
Set/Disarm Traps Sets or disarms a trap
Athletic Feat Instantly moves the character up to ten paces

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The descendents and remnants of great and ancient faeries, the faeriekin are once-immortal
creatures that have since lost much of the innate power that set them apart from the mortal races
of the world. Now inhabiting the unsettled lands of Arawyn, many fight viciously to protect their
primordial homes from the ever-growing expanses of modern civilization.
Faeriekin have a bit of an otherworldy air to them, due to their powerful ancestry, and are very
naïve to the workings of the mortal world. Concepts such as physical wealth, social etiquette, and
morality are completely foreign to them, but most are incredibly curious to learn and emulate the
things mortals do, although they seldom understand or really care for the explanations they are
given about them.
The average lifespan of a faeriekin is difficult to ascertain – due to their formal status as
immortal beings, general rarity, and uncaring attitude toward the passage of time, no one can no
for sure how “old” they really are. It is estimated that faeriekin are capable of living somewhere
from one to two centuries once they reach adulthood.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Deep in the hearts of glades and groves across Arawyn dwell the spirits of forests, the Dryads.
Dryads respect and revere nature and think of themselves as its children, protecting their glades
and homes to their deaths. Dryads are curious, good-natured beings who are generally wary of
modern civilizations and scientific advancements that may hurt their homes.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Dryads have a childlike innocence and Basic: You must cover all exposed skin in
despise all things that would cause a living makeup giving the illusion of the character’s
thing harm. They can be shy and reserved inhabited plant. You may choose to wear
among strangers, but are generally curious prosthetic horns or other pieces that convey
and want to make connections with regular the appearance of a nature spirit.
mortals, even if they do not necessarily
Advanced: Clothing is not something worn
understand the concept of “friends.” Any
by most Dryads, except for those who have
human who respects the natural order is a
chosen to enter a more settled civilization.
good candidate for a Dryad to approach.
Most simply train their own foliage to grow
Example Names  in a clothing-like pattern, rather than craft
Elm, Birch, Oak, Oryx, Seed, Teag something out of other plantlife. The Dryads
that do prefer clothing exclusively wear
naturally-sourced items, accepting only what
was willingly given by nature.
Racial Abilities 
Child of Arawyn Resistant versus Starlight damage
Natural Form* The character may transform into the plant that she
embodies or phase with a tree or foliage. While in natural
form, the character restores one-quarter of her maximum
Body points per minute and one Mana point per five
minutes. Succumbing to an ability that would destroy an
object ends the effect instantly.
Resurrection Allows character to resurrect a spirit
Wall of Thorns (Spell) Creates an impenetrable wall from the character’s hand

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Deep in the waters of Arawyn’s rivers and seas live creatures known as Nyads, tricksters known
for their general distaste towards the surface. Unpredictable as an ocean current, Nyads are
known to do whatever it takes to get their way, even if it involves the loss of a friend.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Nyads are spontaneous creatures with little Basic: You must cover all exposed skin in
interest in mortal morality. Their selfishness makeup giving the illusion of water or
is unparalleled by any other race; it is likely aquatic scales and wear prosthetic fins on
for this reason they were stripped of their your ears. You may choose to wear
immortality. River nyads are typically kinder prosthetic fins, webbed hands, gills, or other
and more free-flowing than their deep-sea fishlike body parts. Your hair should be a
brethren, whose tumultuous and spiteful cool-toned color or match the coloration of
nature are a shock to most. your scales.
Nyads are resistant to authority and rebel Advanced: Nyads often adopt attire
against those who assume power without appropriate to the surface regions they visit
proving their worth. Even if a Nyad does or inhabit. Always incorporating whatever
come to trust the leadership of another they find to be fascinating into their
being, if anything happens to break that wardrobes, Nyads typically prefer clothing
trust, it will take a very long time to regain it that flows like water or that is sparse enough
– there are no second chances in the sea. to not restrict their movement. Seashells,
pearls, and even equipment “reclaimed”
Example Names 
from fishing vessels often work their way
Aelania, Deluna, Laquatus, Lasarrus, Salius
into a Nyad’s surface-dwelling dress.
Racial Abilities 
Fluid Body Immune versus Broken Limb
Liquefy* Whenever the character invokes a defense, she may instead
instantly become water. For five minutes, while
concentrating, she is immune versus all attacks except Area
Effects. This is dispelled if she succumbs to any effect.
Entry/Escape Enters or exits a closed area
Asphyxiate (Spell) Silences the target

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Possessing the horns and lower body of goats and deer, Satyrs are earthen faeriekin that are as
charismatic as they are happy. Known for their ability to charm away even the most uninspired
of beings, Satyrs are a race devoted to merriment and mirth. Some Satyrs choose to take a more
serious path in life, practicing the art of war and keeping a watchful eye over the herds in which
where they live.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Satyrs will try to bring humor to all but the Basic: You must wear makeup giving the
most somber of situations. Pranks as well illusion of a goat, deer, or similar animal’s
jokes and teasing are among the things that face, as well as prosthetic horns or antlers. If
make up their daily routine. The allure of your legs are exposed, you must wear fur
strong drink is almost impossible for a Satyr pants, which may be padded. You may
to ignore. A Satyr will generally set aside all choose to wear prosthetic faun ear tips and
other priorities and goals if confronted with shoes that give the illusion of hooved feet.
an opportunity to drink any kind of spirits.
Advanced: Some Satyrs prefer to stay
Most Satyrs will almost always seek to
closer to nature and make their clothing out
avoid combat, though some Satyrs train to
of leaves and natural materials, while others
become fearsome warriors.
herds prefer clothing made of well-woven
Example Names  fabrics and supple leathers. Armor is where
Dion, Bromius, Pelocles, Rispah, Eos, Ceres Satyrs often display their craftsmanship,
with beautifully built leather pieces, etched
and painted in intricate designs. Many satyrs
take great pride in their horns, and will often
decorate them with jewellery and flowers.

Racial Abilities 
Avalon’s Persistence Immune versus Hobbled
Charm Charm a target after one minute of interaction
Satyr’s Wine* Creates an item that mimics any low rank ingested
Earthen Grace (Spell) Defends from being Bound or reduces an Imprison

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Recently freed from slavery to the Dark fairies and forced to renounce their immorality to
survive, Sylphs were once a graceful and caring race descended from Air Fairies that became
twisted and corrupted after centuries of enslavement. Most of the sylphs have now secluded
themselves in hiding, but some have decided to begin to venture into civilized areas, trying to
learn about other cultures and enjoy their newfound freedom.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Sylphs are immensely curious but typically Basic: You must wear long prosthetic
very naive when it comes to the workings of pointed ear tips and cover all exposed skin
the civilized world. Having been recently in glittery scroll-like patterns of makeup.
freed from enslavement, they want to learn You may choose to wear approved faery
much about the things that they do not wings.
understand, and will almost always want to
Advanced: Sylphs often prefer clothing of
participate in new activities.
bright gossamer fabrics which flow easily in
Following their enslavement, some Sylphs the wind. Some prefer to wear short tunics
retained a cold and cynical view of the and dresses, while others elect longer, fluid
world, and hold on to the sins of their past robes. Their clothing decorations often draw
deeds. Others healed faster, being more inspiration from nature around them,
willing to move away from the past and look featuring embroidered and beaded images
forward to the future. like leaves, flowers, butterflies, and birds.
Those without wings typically wear draped
Example Names 
capes from their shoulders instead.
Aisling, Ciela, Eldan, Faolan, Zomi
Racial Abilities 
Ashryn’s Gale Immune versus Falling Damage
Agile May change direction when using movement skills
Windwalker* When targeted by an ability that would Knock the character
back or displace her against her will, the character may
choose to resist it, but must instead move ten paces in a
direction of her choosing.
Hurricane Knocks the target back and hobbles him

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Hailing from the Militaristic Empire of Gaaldron, the Hobgoblins rule the structured empire of
Orcs, Goblins and Ogres with a firm fist. Those of Gaaldron live in much the same way as other
civilized races, operating under the laws set by their god. Hobgoblins live long, fulfilling lives
among their comforts, of about eighty years, while orcs and ogres live to about forty years due to
a high mortality rate from war. Goblins live a meager few decades because of ambitious
experimentation done to them by the hobgoblin leadership.
The very clear and marked hierarchy of social standing within Gaaldron has shaped much of how
the goblinoid races adapted over time, including from the time when the orcs were infused with
chaotic energies to make them stronger soldiers. The hobgoblins are above nothing when it
comes to expanding the military prowess of their nation. It must be stated though, that they
would be nowhere without the innumerable amount of goblins, orcs and ogres they have at their
The imperial goblinoids remain as a well oiled machine of war, each playing a vital part, whether
they wish to be in the position or not, in the inner workings of the goblinoid society.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Goblins are savage and tribal beings faring from the empires of Gaaldron and New Gaaldron.
Uncivilized and less intelligent compared to their Hobgoblin leaders, some attempt to achieve
military fame in the empire, while most are used as foot soldiers and military fodder and treated
as disposable. They are a cowardly race who would run and hide from a fight, given the
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Goblins avoid a straightforward and fair Basic: You must wear medium to long
fight, instead relying on dirty tactics to turn prosthetic ear tips that point backwards and
the situations to their advantage. They cover all exposed skin with green makeup.
generally do not believe in stepping up and You may choose to wear a twisted or long
issuing or accepting challenges, and will do prosthetic nose.
everything they can to get out of the
Advanced: Goblins wear whatever kind of
confrontation, but will certain seek revenge
clothing is available, piecing their outfits
when their enemy isn’t looking.
together from rags, scraps, and leftover skins
Goblins are underhanded; they are not above from their kills. While accessories are a
making friends with someone at one luxury most can’t afford, many Goblins will
moment and then slitting their throat the adorn their clothing with bones, teeth, and
next. They will whatever is necessary to get fur. They often will wear crude trophies,
themselves ahead and live to see another such a vertebrae, teeth, or other unusual
year in their short lives. tokens taken from the adversaries they have
beaten, to denote status among each other.
Example Names 
Sizzik, Kazz, Runt, Bryk, Izzia, Teeka
Racial Abilities 
Lab Rat Poisoned duration reduced to one minute
Flee* The character can never be forced to attack a specific
target. If an ability would force her to attack or move to an
enemy, she may instead render herself Feared to that
Set/Disarm Traps Sets or disarms a trap
Plague Bomb (Talent) Inflicts a Disease which causes target to bleed

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Military leaders of the empires of Gaaldron and New Gaaldron, Hobgoblins are eloquent and
often driven beings who view all things in life as theirs for the taking. They are far more
intelligent than other goblinoids, as is noticeable by their strong posture and often-delicate use of
speech. Hobgoblins pride themselves on their diplomacy and fighting ability, but these worldly
attributes are of nothing when compared to the “Laws of Enax.” Hobgoblins are a militaristic and
highly religious people who hold their connection to Enax in the highest regard.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Hobgoblins believe that their intelligence, Basic: You must wear medium-length
posture, and military acumen are what most prosthetic ear tips that point upwards and
crucially separate them from others. They cover all exposed skin with medium to dark
will always try to maintain the outward green makeup. You may choose to wear
appearance of superiority, and will seek to prosthetic fangs on your upper and lower
destroy anyone who makes them appear canines.
stupid. They are not fools, however, and will
Advanced: Hobgoblins wear only the finest
not immediately seek such revenge unless
of clothing, and take great pride in their
the opportunity is worthy.
appearance. They favor high collars, well
Hobgoblins pride themselves on their tailored vests, jackets, and tunics in rich
superior military knowledge. They care little fabrics and eye-catching colors and ensure
for acknowledging the achievements of that they appear pristine in all situations.
others unless they have something to gain Armor plays a huge role in their fashion,
from it. taking great care to ensure their armor is in
peak shape, to flaunt the idea of untouchable
Example Names 
combat prowess.
Arkos, Ravik, Vark, Zinnavyae
Racial Abilities 
Commanding Mind Immune versus Dominated
Detect Weakness Determine a target’s weakness after thirty seconds
Tactical Strikes* Whenever the character uses Detect Weakness, she gains
the damage type the target is weak to for the next five
attacks she makes.
Enslave (Spell) Dominates the target

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Ogres are huge, massively built creatures with yellow skin who once wandered the northern
wastes, but have now become exploited by the Empires of Gaaldron. Most Ogres are raised and
trained to be mining slaves under the empire, but there are the lucky few that are trained as
warriors for the imperial army. Their ferocity in battle is legendary, and their size and strength
make them all the more formidable.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Ogres are honorable in their own way. They Basic: You must cover all exposed skin with
will often follow an ideal (though yellow makeup. You may choose to wear a
occasionally a person or land) with great prosthetic horn in the middle of your
dedication, doing what they feel fits that forehead.
ideal best. If the ogre feels the person, land
Advanced: Ogres favor simple and practical
or ideal is no longer worthy of their
clothing that can hold up to fierce combat
dedication, they will break with it and find
and extensive wear. They select the armor
something else worth their efforts.
they use for practicality, not appearance, and
Ogres are strong and brave combatants, mix and match their armaments for which is
unafraid of battle and bloodshed. They often the most useful, not the most visually
afford their opponents a chance to fight pleasing. The tend to highlight their clothing
back, and even goad them with crude insults with markings drawn in the blood of beaten
to ensure an even exchange of blows. enemies who they deemed challenging to
intimidate others. Many ogres wear warpaint
Example Names 
of some kind to denote their tribes when
Blade, Hagga, Nosh, Ogar, Shee, Thog
going into battle.
Racial Abilities 
Rampage* The character heals twenty Body points every time she
renders a limb Broken or an object Destroyed.
Additional Armor Points Gain ten natural Armor points
Courage Reduces fear effects to five seconds
Break Limb Breaks a target’s limb


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Fearsome warriors and relentless hunters, Orcs share a yearning to spill the blood of their
enemies. It is more than an act of violence to them: it is a calling. Spilling an enemy's blood is an
act of honor, both for themselves and for their victims. The Orcs of New Gaaldron hold a healthy
respect for the authority within the goblinoid empires. They enjoy a fulfilled life, treated with
respect and are provided with their own forces to command as well as lavish comforts and
opportunities to satiate their bloodlust.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
An Orc does not quit a fight once they have Basic: You must cover all exposed skin with
gotten involved in one, except if they are the green makeup. Additionally, you must wear
last person on their side that is still standing, prosthetic tusks on your lower teeth and
or if all others on their side are in the act of short pointed ears. You may choose to wear
retreating. Orcs are unafraid of combat and a full face mask instead of prosthetic pieces,
almost never back down from the challenge in which case other color variants may be
of a fight. approved.
They are powerful hunters, and once an Orc Advanced: Orcs consider armor to be the
finds their mark not much can stand in their only important attire. Often adorned with
way. Many take joy in their hunt, turning it skulls and other trophies from their kills,
into a game for themselves, shouting with imperial orcs usually dress in leather, fur,
raucous excitement to terrorize their prey. and bone. Despite this apparent distaste for
They will turn any hunt or fight into a typical fashion, Orcs take great care with
competition with the warbands they fight their appearances, attempting to appear the
alongside when they’re confident in victory. most fearsome rather than anything else.
Some have been known to ritually scar
Example Names 
themselves to further their terrifying visages.
Daghar, Gera, Gortar, Kada, Korr, Saeyrlei
Racial Abilities 
Blood Fury* Whenever the character incapacitates a target, she gains
+5 Armor points.
Melee Weapon Damage +2 Gain additional damage with medium and large weapons
Tracking Tracks a target
Slaughter Deals weapon damage plus twenty-five

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The original hillfolk were a stout and hard-working race that lived in the mountains of the early
world. Over the years, the various families moved outwards and settled into different areas,
growing and adapting into the cultures they have today. While vastly different from each other,
all have retained a natural talent for arts and creating new things. Because of their hearty
constitution, Dwarves live for about a century and a half. Gnomes and Halflings aren’t as stout as
their mountain dwelling brethren, and only live to be about a century.
These three types of hillfolk all adapted in wondrous ways. While the dwarves of the mountains
became stronger and more durable due to the centuries of mountain carving, the halflings of the
hills shaped to have a more enduring stamina for travel and everyday activity, causing many to
sleep maybe every other day under normal activity. The gnomes, however, adapted in a much
different way, turning to their technology and even replacing parts of themselves when they
could not adapt.
In all, the hillfolk persevere more through their industrious natures than through persistent
adaptation. There is rarely a situation that they cannot overcome by applying the advancements
in construction, technology, or even culinary aptitude that they have perfected over the years.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Hailing from deep beneath the mountains in the Kingdom of Calisvorin, Dwarves are strong,
stocky folk known around the world for their tremendous ability with the working of rare metals
and gems. Dwarves believe in working hard during the day, followed by great revelry at night
with enough tankards of ale and hard spirits to drown an army.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Dwarves believe that everything that a Basic: You must wear a long prosthetic
person does or creates is reflective of their beard or hair with braids and attempt to
virtue as a person. Consequently, a Dwarf appear more stout than the average human.
will find it nearly impossible to do You may choose to wear prosthetics to
something without committing their full convey rounder ears or a large nose.
effort to it, or make something without
Advanced: Most Dwarves incorporate some
applying care and dedication.
amount of leather or armor into their
Generally good-natured, but very agreeable, everyday dress. Kidney belts and straight,
a Dwarf will typically not be the first to shapeless tunics are among the common
make a decision. Once someone else has fashion trends, as the race in general is
offered a solution she prefers, however, she typically rounder in the middle. The hair and
will support it wholeheartedly and to the beards of Dwarves are their pride and joy
best of her ability. and are groomed meticulously, often plaited
and adorned with small pieces of jewellery.
Example Names 
Colborn, Dorn, Baela, Talga, Maedera
Racial Abilities 
Immovable Immune versus knockback and displacement against her
Stout Stature (Detriment) Movement skills are reduced by half, to a maximum of five
Forge/Repair Weapon Forges or repairs a weapon
Sturdy* The character may naturally resist any ability that would
render an armament she is wielding Destroyed and instead
render herself Disarmed.
Stone Fists (Spell) May defend physical attacks with forearms

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Thought to be wiped out from the devastation of Uelrog, the Gnomes have actually been living
out their lives in the Arcanarium on the continent of VIS. Brilliant inventors, the Gnomes
perfected the combination of magic and technology, which has supported their civilization for a
great many years. With their use of the Gates of Passage, they’ve traversed out into the world for
inspiration toward new inventions.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Gnomes are highly advanced from both a Basic: You must cover all exposed skin with
technological standpoint and a magical one, white makeup and red tattoo-like patterns.
and have merged the two art forms into what You may choose to wear short prosthetic
they believe is a perfect harmony referred to pointed ear tips.
as Magi-tech. They often act fun loving,
Advanced: Gnomes have a rather quirky
carefree, and playful, however there is a an
style of dress in the eyes of most other races.
underlying hint of cynicism and deviousness
They prefer fitted tops to avoid accidents
that sometimes manages to peek through
while working and often wear scarves,
their personality which is awkward and
masks, and goggles for protection. Many
sometimes even creepy. Gnomes prize
replace parts of their bodies with
innovation over anything else- a life is
magi-technology, either out of necessity, to
expendable, while magi-technological
improve functionality, or to make a fashion
advancement is not.
statement. It is not uncommon to see
Example Names  Gnomish clothing adorned with working
Akran, Alenda, Tezai, Traevor, Sheza, mechanical pieces, or accessories made out
Zindamin of spare parts of salvaged inventions.
Racial Abilities 
Innate Energy Immune versus Silenced
Create Scroll/Trinket (Talent) Creates a scroll or trinket
Magitechnician* The character may create a trinket that mimics the effect of
any Rank I spell that does not have the Latent trait.
Requires Exceptional component and twenty minutes.
Displacement (Spell) Returns the character to a predetermined location


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The inhabitants of the Shires, the Halflings, are an incredibly friendly folk with a love for lush
green hills and a good meal. Most prefer a simple and comfortable lifestyle, tending to their
modest farms or trading crafted goods, yet many still crave the adventures they hear about in
stories told by the fireside. Though Halflings are among the most hospitable and kind races of
Arawyn, it’s said that their burgling skills are so great, none have ever been caught in the act.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Halflings are happy, jolly folk who love to Basic: You must wear short prosthetic ear
have a good time. Most prefer the comfort tips that point upwards and attempt to
of their homes over jumping into an appear smaller than the average human. You
adventure; they welcome a warm fire, may choose to wear shoes that give the
delicious food, an enthralling story, and illusion of bare feet.
company with whom to share it. Halflings
Advanced: Halflings primarily wear
get along with almost anyone, preferring a
clothing that elongates the appearance of
nice talk and cup of tea to conflict.
their legs, with high-waisted pants and
Good food and drink are almost impossible dresses being the height of fashion. Because
for a Halfling to ignore, and they will of this choice, suspenders and vests are more
generally set their other priorities aside if commonplace than belts among the race.
provided the opportunity for some tasty food Though their preferred attire is chosen for
or nice beverage. comfort over aesthetics, Halflings always
dress their best – you never know when
Example Names 
you’ll have a surprise guest for afternoon
Fletcher, Gerald, Gerdia, Maggie, Penelope,
tea, after all.

Racial Abilities 
Passive Abilities
Burglar Immune versus Trap triggers the character can see
Gullible (Detriment) May never defend Social abilities
Continuous Abilities
Blend* The character may use the skill Stealth while within two
paces of at least three humanoid-sized or larger creatures.
Entry/Escape Enters or exits a closed area
Periodic Abilities
Stealth Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Humans are the most populous humanoid creature on Arawyn, with many distinct cultures
spread across the lands. There are eight prominent cultures thought to be the most widely
encountered: the Argenti, nomads whose ancestral home was destroyed long ago; the Costadori,
inhabitants of the port kingdom of Coast Haven; Hibernians, the clans of the northern plains;
Khitanese, the people of the warring Empires of Khitan; Kormyrians, subjects of the lawful
kingdom of Kormyre; Londwynians, the innovators and academics of Londwyn; Nordejar, the
northern tribes of the mountains; and the Z’Hadeem, the denizens of the deserts of Amon’Zad.
Exceptionally diverse creatures that can survive in almost any environment, humans are
generally considered the most adaptable of the common mortal species. With an average natural
lifespan of about eighty years – though it is, tragically, not uncommon for a human to attend the
funeral of a young but great hero – humans may not be the most long-lived, but value the
preservation of their cultures long past their deaths; they will pass on histories and legends to
their younger kin, whether it be through oral or written traditions. The thought of immortality
drives many humans to attempt grand adventures in search of it; or at least, the thought of being
immortalized in stories and songs to come.
Humans are a generally altruistic creature, at least in the context of helping fellow humans, and
are highly social, typically preferring to live in groups and travel with friends rather than alone.
In general, human cultures are extremely accepting of outsiders – and it is not uncommon to see
members of even the more monstrous-looking species working alongside them as friends and
allies, even within the walls of their greatest cities or around a familial fire.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Argenti people are a nomadic race with a rich history passed down through myth and
folklore. Their ancestral home, the ancient kingdom of Argentia, was destroyed long ago; now,
they wander, cursed to never build a home larger than the kumpania with which they travel.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Having no kingdom, Argenti band together Argenti fashion is an amalgamation of many
with their families, or kumpania, supporting different styles from many different cultures.
and sharing in each others’ experiences. Clothing is loose and layered, designed to be
Blood is prized above all else, and an comfortable, practical, and easy to move and
Argenti will often hold even her most distant travel in. Many Argenti believe that colors
relatives in high esteem. Though it is rare, hold power and reflect this in their textiles.
kumpania have sometimes been known to
Different kumpania favor different styles of
welcome outsiders who have proven
dress, with the primary concern being the
themselves family into their flocks.
ability to pack up and move at any time. For
Stories, songs, and superstitions are this reason, many Argenti have only a few
important to most Argenti, and each wardrobe pieces, layering and wearing most
kumpania has a few of its own to share. of them at once in case the family decides to
Separating folklore and fairytale from the move. However, they are proud of their
facts of history, however, is a task none heritage, and will often proudly display
seem to care to perform. tokens that represent their culture as
jewellery, accessories, or sewn directly to
Example Names 
their clothing.
Inidya, Nadia, Nikolai, Viktor, Rikard

Racial Abilities 
Nomad’s Curse (Detriment) May not benefit from Crafting (Structure) abilities
Superstitious Immune versus Social abilities
Divination (Talent) Asks a question of the stars to receive knowledge
Second Sight* The character may determine the power source of any item
or effect she examines for at least thirty seconds.
Sacrifice (Spell) Deals forty damage and grants temporary Body points

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Hailing from the kingdom of Coast Haven, aptly named for its location on the coast of Palmydia,
the Costadori are typically thought to be an underhanded and amoral people. A barely existent
central structure links the city-states, leading each to more or less govern itself, where bribery
and blackmail are often the only ways to rise to power.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Morality is an interesting thing for most The clothing styles of Costadori are diverse,
Costadori, who tend to develop their own varying in popularity between the montolvi
codes; the “laws” of each city-state are and the vaceti, the working and naval class
vastly different because of this. They take people. Breathable and flowing clothing is
great offense to challenges to their beliefs preferred by the montolvi, often in rich
and consider such to be a personal offense. colors and imported fabrics that drape
Costadori – particularly the montolvi, the
mercantile and nobility classes – greatly On the other hand, the vaceti favor
appreciate fine arts and entertainment. practicality over fashion: clothing is
Poetry, theatre, and even gladiatorial functional, designed to protect from the sun
exhibition are common pastimes for the and the sea, and is often repurposed and
upper crust, whether they be participating mended repeatedly. Bold colors are hard to
themselves or simply watching from the maintain under sun and salt water, so neutral
audience. and faded tones are common daily wear.
Example Names 
Arturo, Darius, Delfina, Kesara, Sofia
Racial Abilities 
Ranged Weapon (+2 damage) May use any ranged weapon with increased damage
Spirit Bargain (Detriment) May never have Death count extended past its base time
Poison Discharge* When afflicted with the Poisoned status, the character
gains one attack of her base damage that also renders the
target Poisoned; if successfully delivered, the Poisoned is
Sleight of Hand Pick a lock or a target’s pockets
Curse of the Fool (Spell) Curses the target to not use Influential skills

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Hibernians are a light hearted yet fiercely defensive people that typically inhabit the northern
plains and highlands of Palmydia, though clans and villages might be found in any number of
places. They feel a closeness to the earth and pass down stories of their ancient ancestors,
legendary heroes, and the mythical Fey, to whom they are wholly devoted.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Hibernians are good-hearted and honorable, Each Hibernian Clan has a specific tartan,
enjoying revelry and contest, but finding sigil, or color that they associate with, and
lying and underhandedness offensive and they wear these with great pride. Specific
intolerable. The people are hard-working fashion varies by clan, but they consistently
and honest to a fault, always willing to help favor warm wools and light linens in their
out a clansman or a kind stranger in need. clothing. Kilts are a common sight found on
Hibernians who have earned them, as well
Proud of who they are, a Hibernian is sure to
as simple dresses, shirts, and tunics.
defend to the death any insult to her family,
her honor, or her heritage. This can cause Hibernains typically avoid stiff corsets or
her to become a bit hot-headed at times, highly restrictive garments that impede their
often too quickly jumping to a defensive ability to work, instead looking for
stance over even the smallest perceived practicality and durability for day to day life
insult. in their clothing. When preparing for battle,
it is common for Hibernians to decorate
Example Names 
themselves in patterns of blue woad in honor
Alena, Brogan, Catelyn, Moira, Orion
of the fey.
Racial Abilities 
Feysworn Resistant versus Mystic damage
Honorable (Detriment) Cannot deny lying or defend truth detection
Intercept Redirects an attack within reach to the character
Mystic Woad* Creates an applied compound that renders the target
Immune versus Dominated and grants him +1 Mystic
damage for an encounter. Requires Exceptional component
and twenty minutes.
Instill Confidence Cures a target from Fear

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

To the east of the continent of Palmydia, across the Anteries Sea, lie the Khitanese Empires.
Three distinct kingdoms – the Empires of Jade, Sun, and Night – share extremely similar
cultures, but are heavily divided in philosophy and often war with each other over it. The Empire
of Jade is by far the largest kingdom, boasting the finest navy and richest trade in the Anteries.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Patient and focused, any person raised with Khitanese fashion typically features layered,
Khitanese ideals is certain to see through to richly colored robes and gowns with wide,
the end any task she starts, even if it winds flowing sleeves, made of fine fabrics such as
up taking a lot longer than she initially Khitanese silks. Their clothing is often
thought. This serenity leads to Khitanese loose, flowing, and beautifully detailed, with
being incredibly willing to understand the beads, precious metals, and detailed
motives of other beings; honor and dishonor embroidery even gracing the wardrobes of
are more concrete concepts to them than the working classes.
good and evil morality.
In the areas with harsher climates,
Violent outbursts are unbecoming of a particularly the Empire of Sun, clothing is
responsible person, and Khitanese will often layered with thick furs, leather, and
always try to remain calm and collected in wool to stave off the cold. Pants and tunics
all situations, even removing themselves if are more practical for weathering storms,
necessary to regain composure. and the people of these areas favor
lacquered armor to withstand the elements.
Example Names 
Eito, Kamei, Kenzou, Nari, Wou Tou, Yuri
Racial Abilities 
Inner Calm Immune versus Enraged
Serenity (Detriment) May never have rest time reduced
Iaijutsu* The character may deliver her first attack in combat as
Impact and immediately draw her weapon
Stamina Potion (Talent) Refreshes a periodic skill to the imbiber
Rapid Assault Instantly strike the target with a second attack

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Kingdom of Kormyre is the largest human kingdom on Palmydia, and home to the greatest
population of heroes on Arawyn. The people of Kormyre – from the lowest farmers to the
highest nobles – are proud of and loyal to their home, and hold it in high regard.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Kormyrians are often drawn to the call of Non-noble Kormyrians commonly wear
the unknown, and do not shy away from round necklines, layered tunics, and large
new experiences. Even with their aspirations cowls, with the most experienced of
of adventures and heroics, Kormyrians adventurers carrying all the equipment they
always remember where they came from; might need with them at all times on belts or
usually having at least a few things or places in pouches. Medium weight armor in metals
that they hold in high sentimental value. and leather are often paired with
rich-colored tunics or dresses cut to allow
Most young Kormyrians idolize the idea of
free movement – functionality is key.
becoming a hero of legend and will jump at
any opportunity to prove themselves. The fashion of Kormyrian nobility combines
However, once a Kormyrian has been rich patterns and textured fabrics with the
wronged, she will typically hold nothing bold colors, often accented by gemstones,
back until she feels vindicated. precious metals, and fine furs. Kormyrian
soldiers typically wear tunics and
Example Names 
gambesons in maroon or blue, proudly
Adriana, Arlington, Melarius, William
displaying the heraldry of their kingdom.

Racial Abilities 
Cautious (Detriment) May never reduce concentration times of continuous skills
below their base
Wanderlust Rest time permanently reduced by five minutes
Detect Weakness Determine a target’s weakness after thirty seconds
Adventurer’s Kit* The character may choose one latent crafted item and
increase her stacking limit on it by three for the encounter.
Detect Hidden Detects an item under yellow concealment

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Londwynians come from a kingdom that prizes innovation and advancement over connections
with nature. With a wide divide between the sophisticated society of Crownhurst and the
working class of the Dread Hills, many Londwynians have very vocal and differing opinions and
outlooks on where they come from and what their kingdom stands for. 
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Londwynians are an extremely academic To the Londwynian upper crust, fashion is
race of people, and do not trust what they an indication of status and a reflection of
cannot see with their eyes or prove with wealth. Silky satins, plush velvet, intricate
rigorous experimentation. Their studious lace, pressed ruffles, and finely woven
nature leads to an air of shrewdness and tweeds feature heavily in their fashions, with
condescension when dealing with other high collars and fitted tailoring creating a
cultures, who they generally view as long, lean silhouette.
charming countryfolk that couldn’t possibly
For the working class, clothing is chosen for
understand their level of advancement.
its durability and functionality. Roughly
Due to their scrutiny in dealing with woven fabrics are predominant, and are
unobservable phenomena, the culture as a often patched or repaired to hide wear and
whole does not have much in the way of tear. Practical vests, coats, trousers, skirts,
practical experience with mystic artes or the shirts, and boots are the staple of the
Divine, and is skeptical to put any faith in working class closet.
such forces.
No matter the class, it is typically considered
Example Names  impolite for Londwynians to be seen in
Abigail, Gideon, Grace, Jonas, Victoria public without a hat or veil.
Racial Abilities 
Interchangeable Parts* The character may replace any one component needed for
crafting with an item of one tier lower, including while
assisting another with crafting.
Oculum May use an Oculum
Technical (Detriment) May never reduce casting time below its base
Critique (Talent) Allows a teacher to use a skill more frequently
Avoid Trap Resists the effects of a trap

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Fierce in spirit, the Nordejar make their home in the great Mountains of the Maw in small
villages with their tribes. Some Nordejar clans are nomadic, following the herds of animals that
survive in the icy north and living off the land, while others live in small villages, tending flocks,
hunting, and fishing. Nordejar are confident fighters, and take pride in their melee prowess.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
The Nordejar are people of their principles – Nordejar clothing focuses on functionality,
once they have made a promise, they will practicality, and remaining close with the
seldom go back on it unless they have been natural order. The fashions vary per tribe
betrayed or deceived in some way. Always based on what they have readily available.
willing to help those who approach them, Many craft their clothing out of the hides of
their welcoming nature often affords too their hunts, leaving nothing to waste once
many second chances to those who would their people have been fed. Some tribes tend
take advantage of their camaraderie. flocks, weaving wool and natural fibers to
create warm fabrics. Nordejar armor is
Nordejar respect the right of the strongest –
typically comprised of toughened leather,
whether it be in physical might or cautious
roughly forged metals, and thick scales;
wisdom – to lead. The subtle politics and
living in the harsh mountains and never
interpersonal tension of other cultures,
knowing what to expect, it is rare to see any
however, are of little interest; disputes are
Nordejar capable of wielding a weapon out
better and more easily settled with voejitav,
of armor in case of attack by Frost giants or
an honorable battle between two parties at
Example Names 
Bjorn, Brynn, Fogrom, Ravyn, Torkos
Racial Abilities 
Boisterous (Detriment) Cannot defend Detection skills
Frostborn Resistant versus Ice damage
Unstoppable* The character may free herself from the Pinned status after
five seconds.

Tracking Tracks a target
Incite Enrages the target to attack the character

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Z’Hadeem are an ancient culture of humans from in the harsh climate of the southern deserts
of Amon’Zad and the jungles of Jorgan’Fen. Adept at surviving off of very little, they are a
reserved and secret people who have quietly existed through the Ages. Because of their strong
connection to flame, Bedouin are sometimes said to be descendants of fire elementals.

Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 

Ranging from wealthy merchants to vile Due to the extreme climate of the desert, the
assassins, very few Z’Hadeem tribes make Z’Hadeem favor light fabrics made into
themselves known to the rest of the civilized loose robes, tunics, and turbans that protect
world. The arrogant Scharazad merchants, them from the heat, sand, and sun. Though
the jovial Kahli nomads, and the secretive many are seemingly unaffected by the harsh
Amu-Set are the most well-known of the cold of the nighttime, those not used to
sands. Despite impressions, the Z’Hadeem travelling the dunes after dark wear thicker
are generally regarded as peaceful, as they robes and veils from head to toe and carry
know their are greater dangers in the deserts tonics of fire with them.
than other peoples.
From light tones meant to keep the heat of
The Z’Hadeem take great pains in order to the sunlight at bay to rich colors as displays
be respectful and knowledgeable of all of status, the Z’Hadeem tribes are incredibly
cultures, which has lead to them being diverse in their dress. Amon’Zad’s dyes are
well-regarded by most. among its greatest exports, with the
wealthiest of kingdoms and households
Example Names 
investing heavily in the market.
Alai, Ammun, Caius, Kamari, Sahar, Hiba
Racial Abilities 
Sandscarred* The character takes half damage from Area Effects.
Desert Winds Resistant versus Fire damage
Mercantile (Detriment) Cannot use abilities that destroy items
Blind Fighting May use melee skills while blind
Awaken (Spell) Cures unconsciousness


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Once, long ago, a race of cat-men inhabited nearly every part of the continent. The katta are the
remaining species of a nearly extinct breed of feline. The two species of Katta – the Jaxuarians
and Namierra – have long and legendary histories that pre-date much of the Human kingdoms’
own histories. Katta have endured harsh lives on the road and in the jungles, causing their
lifespan to be just a little only sixty years.
For the preservation of their kind, the katta split into different factions. Where one group
ventured out into the world to integrate themselves with the varying nations of the world, the
other fell further into seclusion deep into the jungles of Xithinthax to avoid the world that almost
wiped them out. Both factions found some semblance of success in their choices, evolving to fit
their new ways of life.
For the Jaxuarian, their seclusion made them less trusting of other races, simply because they
have less experience with them, but the Namierran have gained the opposite. Namierran integrate
themselves into other societies and often trust more than they likely should.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Hailing from the southern jungles of Jorgan’Fen are a race of feline warriors known as the
Jaxuarians. These Katta inhabit great cities of stone within their kingdom, Xithinthax, believed to
be gifted to them by the Sun God. With instincts and power to rival that of the panthers of the
jungle, the Jaxuarians are a fearsome yet respected race that values strength and honor above all
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
Honest and honorable, Jaxuarians care far Basic: You must cover all exposed skin with
more for doing the right thing than doing makeup or costuming giving the illusion of
what is best for them. They will stand by fur and a feline face. Additionally, you must
their moral judgements and are hesitant to wear painted prosthetic ear tips and a facial
trust those who have proven to be disloyal in prosthetic that conveys the brow and nose of
the past. a jungle cat. Jaxuarians do not have tails.
Jaxuarians are a prideful race, carrying Advanced: Jaxuarians often wear little
themselves with poise and avoiding clothing, living in the hot and humid climate
distraction whenever possible. of the jungle. What they do wear is primitive
Example Names  in style, with far more focus on practicality
Garrun, So’de’sen, Ixiat, Set’essa, Cassia, than fashion. Soft leather and natural weaves
Reina of cloth are the most commonly used
materials, though many Jaxuarian warriors
choose instead to wear thick hide armor and
little else.
Racial Abilities 
Passive Abilities
Long Claws Character may use claws the size of medium edged
weapons; the claws are immune versus Disarmed and
Destroyed and benefit from Might proficiencies.
Continuous Abilities
Instinctive Hunter* The character may always pierce concealment abilities in
use by a target she is actively Tracking.
Tracking Tracks a target
Periodic Abilities
Stealth Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Scattered throughout the continent of Palmydia are clusters of a race of Katta known as the
Namierra. What Namierra lack in an ancestral home is made up for in their ability to adapt to
almost any climate or terrain. As such, the race tends to “borrow” from cultures they settle near,
creating a unique blended culture that is vastly different from tribe to tribe.
Roleplay Guidelines  Costuming and Makeup 
While a good challenge is quite tempting for Basic: You must cover all exposed skin with
any Namierra to overcome, they are very makeup or costuming giving the illusion of
evasive when their honor or an offense they fur and a feline face. Additionally, you must
have given is called into question. A wear painted prosthetic ear tips; you may
well-placed distraction and a clever excuse choose to wear cat ears instead only if your
are worth far more than any of the risks real ears remain covered at all times.
facing the issue directly would run.
Advanced: Namierra tend to adopt the dress
Namierra are an incredibly curious race, of the regions they live in, often wearing
often leading to a perception of whatever they find interesting, but taking
absent-mindedness due to their tendency to care to borrow elements of their neighboring
quickly change tasks to get to the bottom of cultures to blend with their own. Many
a situation. choose to wear facial veils or masks while
dealing with other races in an attempt to
Example Names 
appear more human-like. Namierra with tails
Hassid, Josalin, Katriel, Krasus, Selina, Tyr
are typically very fond of them, and will
decorate them with bells, rings, or other
small trinkets, but the practice of cropping
tails at a young age is common.
Racial Abilities 
Passive Abilities
Fortunate Life Character heals five Body points per minute while not
Continuous Abilities
Agile May change direction while using movement skills
Pounce* The character may concentrate for ten seconds to instantly
move ten paces in any direction. She may also move up to
twenty feet vertically while using this ability.
Periodic Abilities
Detect Hidden Detects an item under yellow concealment

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Fringe Races 
In addition to the common creatures of Arawyn, there exist a number of species mostly unknown
to the civilized world. These beings are collectively referred to as the fringe races, due to their
tendency to exist only in the outer edges of civilized society or general rarity.

Playing a Fringe Race 

All fringe characters must be approved before they may be created. A list of existing Fringe
races, as well as information on submitting a new Fringe character, is available online on the
Knight Realms website. All fringe submissions must include a character history as well as photos
or imagery of costuming and makeup the player intends to wear. The submission must also
include proposed racial abilities and a detailed write-up of the lore and culture of the race, if they
do not already exist. If a fringe character is created of an already approved race, the character
must abide by the previously written rules and mechanics.
Because playing a fringe race requires a comprehensive understanding of certain facets of the
Knight Realms lore, a player must have attended twenty-four Knight Realms weekend events
before submitting a new fringe race. Any player may seek approval to play a race that already
exists within the world of Arawyn, but will be held to the highest standards of costuming and

Racial Abilities 
When designing racial abilities for a fringe creature, players must abide by the following rules.
Every race gains four abilities. To design the package, choose one continuous skill (or talent) and
one periodic skill (or a periodic use of a spell or talent) that are not unique to a single Class.
(Spells and talents can be unique.) Additionally, all races gain one passive ability, such as a
resistance, immunity, or other minor benefit, and one unique ability, which may be periodic,
continuous, or passive. Racial abilities should not appear on the Common list.
All racial ability proposals and culture writeups are subject to change before a Fringe race is
considered approved, in order to ensure the race fits most naturally within the world of Arawyn.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook


Throughout your years of adventuring together, you’ve come to admire your elven friend. Though
your stealth and agility are impressive on their own, there is something about the mysticism of
magic artes that’s always intrigued you. After some contemplation, you decide to ask your friend
to teach you, if only just to supplement the skillset you’ve already been cultivating.
With a wide grin, your companion struggles to contain her enthusiasm at the prospect of sharing
her knowledge with you. She immediately launches into an animated description of spellcasting
theory, complete with wild hand gestures as she scribes illusory runes on the table between you.
As she discusses the tomes and texts you will be reading to learn the history of magic, you realize
these lessons will not be easy, but you are excited nonetheless to begin.

Each class has a set of roleplay guidelines attached to it. There are many unique ways to play a
class, and the roleplay text should be used merely as a basis from which to create an interesting
character. A character may learn up to four standard classes at a time; each past her initial
starting class costs ten Build to purchase. Every class has Unique abilities marked with an
asterisk that represent the pinnacle of the abilities it has to offer.

Build Costs and Diminishing Returns 

All abilities have a listed initial Build cost in their adjacent columns. This number describes the
first price at which that ability is purchased. Many skills may be purchased more than once. Each
time a character learns an ability after its initial purchase, the cost is doubled – a skill that starts
at five Build will cost ten for the second purchase, twenty for the third, and so on.
Skill Overlap  
When a character learns a class, whether it is a new class or a second purchase of one she already
has, there is a chance of the class having access to the same skills as her previous class, which
may seem redundant. This is called skill overlap. When a skill overlaps with itself, it may then be
purchased from the second class at its initial cost a second time, effectively allowing the
character to learn two per cost tier for the same price. Proficiency skills are the only abilities
which do not gain the benefit of skill overlap.

Multi-Purchase Benefit 
Each class has a minor benefit that it gains if purchased a second time, in addition to the reduced
costs from overlap. This benefit can be found at the end of each class’s description.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A character may purchase a Specialization skill only if she has purchased the master class of that
archetype three times. Details on master classes may be found at the end of this chapter.

Whenever a character learns a class, she instantly gains her choice of Proficiency skill for free.
Proficiency may be leaned no more than once per class a character has learned. When a character
learns Proficiency, she gains a specified number of Body points and an increase to the damage of
the weapon style associated with her class. Further details on Proficiency may be found in
Chapter IV.

Common List 
The Common list is a collection of skills available to every character, regardless of class.
Passive Abilities
Attribute 5 Gain ability in strength, dexterity or wisdom
Literacy, Advanced 1 Gain the ability to use scrolls and use trinkets
Literacy (Culture) 2 Learn the language of a creature type
Lore (Any) 5 Learn information on a topic
Shield, Small 2 May use a small shield
Trade 10 Learn a trade, which yields commodities
Continuous Abilities
Climb 10 Move twenty feet up or down a vertical surface
First Aid/Assess 10 Assess the condition of a target or bind his wounds
Periodic Abilities
Willpower 4 Defends against an influential attack
Caster Specialization 10 Gain a degree of specialization in your archetype
Rogue Specialization 10 Gain a degree of specialization in your archetype
Support Specialization 10 Gain a degree of specialization in your archetype
Warrior Specialization 10 Gain a degree of specialization in your archetype


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Caster Classes 
Casters engage their enemies from a distance with powerful offensive abilities. Some provide
support from behind the front lines, healing and empowering their allies. Casters are fragile but
mobile and boast unique complements of casted effects, enabling them to augment themselves
and their allies with supernatural power to turn the tides of battle.
All casting lists purchase the rank of a domain’s spells for a single cost. These costs are uniform
across all caster classes as two build for Rank I spells, three build for Rank II spells, four build
for Rank III spells, and five build for Rank IV spells.
Spell Overlap 
When a character learns a spell more than once, the concentration time to activate the spell is
reduced by one second. Additionally, she may always stack an additional instance of the ability
upon herself.
Aspected Damage 
Some spells described in Chapter III deal aspected damage. This means that the spell deals a
different type of damage for each class that has access to it. The aspected damage types are as
follows: Aether for Hexer and Shaman; Mystic for Mage, Spellsword, Cleric and Priest; Sonic
for Bard and Psionicist, and Starlight for Druid, Ranger, and Healer.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Bard manipulates the Weave with her Spellspongs, gaining some control over the Threads of
Fate and the themes of life. The Bard is the entertainer that can touch ones soul in a very literal
sense, turning the tides of battle or lifting the spirits of the downtrodden. She is the heralding
trumpet, the drums of war, the one telling the stories to the crowd. While many see blades as
their armaments of choice, a Bard knows her true weapons are a finely tuned instrument, a clear
voice, and a sharp wit.

Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Caster) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Literacy, Source (Prophecy) 2 Learn the language of Prophecy
Continuous Abilities
Charm 10 Charms a target after one minute of interaction
Virtuoso* 10 Gain an effect that improves casting
Periodic Abilities
Etiquette Guide (Talent) 3 Become more charming towards a creature
Intensify 2 Cast a non offensive spell on up to three targets
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten permanent Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly moves the character up to twenty paces

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Virtuosic Gain an additional effect from Virtuoso
In mundane terms, cadence refers to the closing sequence of a musical piece. To the Bard, these
are the spellsongs she utilizes to quickly bring an end to any conundrum in which she has found
herself in. Whether she disables her enemies or discovers a more creative solution, a clever use
of Cadences can be quite the powerful tool in any Bard’s repertoire.

I: Enigmatic Strike Deals twenty Sonic damage

Liberate Cures hobble and pin effects
II: Clarity Cures an influential effect on the target
Enigmatic Lance Deals forty Sonic damage
III: Harmonize* Cures silence or hindering effects
Sleep Knocks the target unconscious
IV: Annihilate Deals eighty Sonic damage
Nocturne of the Nightingale* Defends against an attack while unconscious

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Epic tales of heroic deeds performed by would-be champions and adventurers of times past are
known as Sagas. These spellsongs inspire heroes to live up to their potential in combat and avoid
an untimely fate by imbuing them with the strength to persevere. Often considered the staple of
Bardic themes, and certainly the mark of a great legend, many adventurers vie to one day have a
Saga written about them.

I: Memorize Remember an item perfectly

Patience Defends versus fear and rage effects
II: Echo Ward Defends against silence
Protect Item Protects an item from destruction
III: Fanfare of Tenacity* Grants armor and halves silence and hinder
Martyr’s Lament Halts death count immediately around caster
IV: Counterspell Defends against a metaphysical attack
Fanfare of Victory* Empowers the target

The Scherzo theme is the collected spellsongs of mischief and trickery, allowing the Bard to fill a
unique role in her party. These beguiling cants and enthralling rhymes enable the performer to
affect the time, space, and perceptions around her. Capable of manipulating luck in almost any
situation to turn it to her favor, the versatility of the Scherzo remains an invaluable cornerstone
of any Bardic repertoire.

I: Fluidity Removes bound condition or escapes restraints

Impish Allure Next social ability requires no concentration time
II: Eye for an Eye Target must succumb to his own attack
Void Bolt Deals twenty Sonic damage and blinds the target
III: Riddle of Deceit* Feign ignorance versus truth detection
Stoneskin Defends against a physical attack
IV: Fortune’s Dance* Defends against a trap
Invisibility Renders you invisible

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Enduring and dominant, Sonatas are the defensive spellsongs at the heart of any Bard’s catalog.
Traditionally played rather than sung, contemporary Bards have learned to utilize their voices in
lieu of an instrument. The early Sonatas are complimentary, harmonized to protect and defend,
while the later forms are predominantly harsh and dissonant, composed to disable any who
would threaten the Bard and her companions.

I: Enchanted Armor Grants ten Armor points

Grounding Ward Defends against Daze
II: Enigmatic Blade Target gains Sonic damage
Paralyze Renders target Hindered
III: Aegis Defends against dying
Cacophonous Storm* Deals sixty damage and Silences targets in area
IV: Enslave Dominates the target
Reverberate* Deals sixty damage; Dazes and Disarms the target

Everything in the world has a Tempo that it follows if you listen closely enough: water dripping
from a leaf, footsteps on the open road, the pulse of a heart. When you can find a song in
anything, you can find the means to change the tune to the beat you need. The Bard uses these
spellsongs to find the place between those beats to skip, add, or completely erase.
I: Cure Wounds Heals twenty Body points
Slow Hobbles the target
II: Distortion Next three effects can be activated instantaneously
Temper Soul Adds five minutes to Critical stage
III: Encore* Next attack is delivered twice
Haste Increase distance of next movement skill
IV: Accelerando* Reduces casting time in an area
Remove Curse Cures a lesser Curse

In addition to her spells, the Bard may perform any of the following atmospheric effects. These
effects have no mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems them appropriate.
● The Bard may create a minor illusion, such as an ethereal image of an object or creature
no larger than ten feet in any dimension. This apparition is visibly harmless and may be
passed through as if it were empty air.
● The Bard may summon a mundane object with no mechanical purpose, such as a chalice,
a rope, or a chair.
● The Bard may create a small sensory effect, such as sparkling lights or a quiet melody.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Druid seeks to understand the natural cycle and maintain the balance that keeps the world
thriving. Tapping into primal energies of the Weave, she takes on traits of the wilds around her to
invoke her powers. Arawyn’s energy courses through all natural things; it is this energy which
Druids manipulate. Using the influences of nature, Druids are the heralds of life, death, and
everything in between. Possessing this list causes the character to have the Order alignment.

Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Caster) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Literacy, Source (Primal) 2 Learn the Primal language
Continuous Abilities
Affinity* 10 Gain an effect that improves casting
Tracking 10 Tracks a target
Periodic Abilities
Double Cast 5 Spell strikes target twice
Innervate 3 Removes stacking limit on one latent spell
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly moves the character up to twenty paces

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Naturalist Gain an additional effect from Affinity
Many may fear the loss of life, but Druids that use the powers of the Decay influence, the end of
the wheel, understand all energy must one day return to Arawyn to begin the cycle again. This
influence helps a Druid harness the natural process of decomposition to debilitate foes and shift
the flow of primal energy to invigorate herself or her allies for a short time.

I: Decompose Strikes a killing blow; next spell cast is free

Feign Death Causes the target to appear dead
II: Blast Destroys item
Enigmatic Lance Deals forty Starlight damage
III: Spider Bite* Disease that keeps the target Disarmed
True Sight Sees through red headband
IV: Curse of Creeping Doom* Curse that keeps target Hobbled
Feast of Crows Deals sixty Starlight damage; heals another for half

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Druid that studies the influence of Fauna utilizes the natural adaptations of the animals around
her to her advantage. These canticles often mimic a variety of animals from the humble tortoise
to the mighty bear, but may also allow the Druid to use the energy flowing through any creature
to control what their bodies feel and their mind perceives.
I: Enchanted Armor Grants ten Armor points
Predatory Instincts Become more deadly against targets of Tracking
II: Enigmatic Blade Target gains Starlight damage
Enthrall Summons or Dominates a natural creature
III: Hibernate* Imprison self; refresh mana over time
Razor Spines Deals forty damage and causes the target to Bleed
IV: Annihilate Deals eighty Starlight damage
Maul* Deals forty damage; breaks target’s legs

When one looks at a rose, often the intricacies of such a thing are overlooked. The thorns that
protect it, the possible concoctions it may be used in to heal or harm a person, or even the variety
of its colors and why they exist. A Druid that uses the influence of Flora sees and understands
those natural intricacies in all plant life. These canticles poison and hinder an opponent while
creating barriers of sturdy thorns and shifting flora around a Druid to her advantage.
I: Acid Bolt Deals twenty damage and Poisons the target
Pin Pins the target’s limb
II: Earthen Grace Defends bound, or reduced imprisoned to bound
Wall of Thorns Creates a barrier wall from the caster’s hand
III: Nettle Burst* Targets in spray are Disarmed and Hobbled
Stoneskin Defends against a physical attack
IV: Cleansing Spores* Cures and grants immunity to poison in a radius
Imprisonment Imprisons the target


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Tempest is not just a connection to primal energies, but rather a combination of energies in
perpetual motion. A Druid of this influence is able to use this motion to keep pace with her allies
or herself and her allies going or bring a maelstrom upon her enemies.
I: Enigmatic Strike Deals twenty Starlight damage
Gale Ward Defends versus being moved or tripped
II: Asphyxiate Silences the target
Awaken Cures unconsciousness
III: Hurricane Knocks the target back and hobbles him
Solar Flare* Deals twenty damage; blinds and silences target
IV: Counterspell Defends against a metaphysical attack
Hail Storm* Deals forty damage and Hinders target in area

A Druid of this influence uses the energy around her to mend wounds and grant physical,
heightened defenses. When mastered, this influence may even be used to invigorate a fading life,
returning it from the brink of death.
I: Cure Wounds Heals twenty Body points
Regrowth Heals broken limb after five minutes
II: Inviolate Ward Defends versus poisoned or diseased
Rejuvenate Heals over time
III: Glamour* Grants high threshold until bypassed
Mend Heals forty Body points
IV: Panacea Cures all statuses and heals twenty damage
Rebirth* Fully heals target from Critical stage

In addition to her spells, the Druid may perform any of the following atmospheric effects. These
effects have no mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems them appropriate.
● The Druid may cause a flower to bloom, a withered plant to spring to life, or an organic
object to decay into the earth.
● The Druid may create minor sensory effects that alter the weather around her, such as
small gusts of wind, light fog, or gentle rain.
● The Druid may summon her totem spirit, an ethereal animal that is intangible to all other
beings, but not to objects and terrain. The spirit may perform simple mundane tasks the
caster is ordinarily capable of, such as retrieving objects or interacting with the

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Healer is an extraordinary person who manipulates Order more effectively than the average
mortal. Healers can be found in any natural race of Arawyn and are capable of curing devastating
injuries; the strongest of her abilities bringing creatures back from the brink of death or beyond.
Her connection to Order and mastery over this source of power also makes her anathema to those
incorporeal creatures that would do her friends harm. Possessing this list causes the character to
have the Order alignment.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Caster) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Literacy, Source (Spirit) 2 Learn the language of Spirits
Continuous Abilities
Radiance* 10 Gain an effect that improves casting
Resurrection 10 Allows the character to resurrect a spirit
Periodic Abilities
Innervate 3 Removes stacking limit on one latent spell
Intensify 2 Casts a non offensive spell on up to three targets
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly moves the character up to twenty paces

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Radiant Gain an additional effect from Radiance

Studying the circle of Convalescence trains a Healer how to channel her power in a steady flow
or short bursts. These powers manifest more in the ways of restorative abilities, giving herself or
her allies respite in their times of need.
I: Brilliant Spray Dazes the targets with dazzling lights
Cure Wounds Heals twenty Body points
II: Descry Death Detect a target’s health
Rejuvenate Heals over time
III: Convalesce* Refreshes the last two abilities used by the target
Mend Heals forty Body points
IV: Healing Touch* Heals up to four hundred Body points
Revitalize Heals sixty Body points to 5 targets within reach
Healer primarily revitalize the mind and body, but those who practice the spells of the Guardian
circle learn to use that power in a more physical form. The Healer learns that she may also

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

protect her allies from attacks and a variety of conditions. When determination meets
compassion, a Healer can create a multitude of defensive wards.
I: Enchanted Armor Grants ten Armor points
Liberate Cures hobbled or pinned condition
II: Eye for an Eye Forces attacker to suffer his own attack
Invigorate Grants ten temporary Body points
III: Shepherd’s Favor* Grants forty temporary Body points for an attack
Stoneskin Defends against a physical attack
IV: Constellation* Defends a target from a Curse
Counterspell Defends against a metaphysical attack

With their strong connection to Order, a Healer can affect the world around her in many ways.
Whether imbuing an ally with energy to sustain them, or projecting energy to harm a foe, a
Healer who learns the spells of Lifeshaping is able to do miraculous, including bringing people
back from the brink of death.
I: Featherweight Makes a target weightless
Feign Death Causes the target to appear dead
II: Enigmatic Lance Deals forty Starlight damage
Heartseeker Changes a skill’s delivery to Impact
III: Martyr’s Lament Halts death count around caster
Supernova* Causes an attack to also heal a target
IV: Heal Mortal Wounds* Restores a life effect to the target
Revive Heals a target from the Critical condition


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A Healer of the Restoration circle looks at something broken and knows deep inside that what is
destroyed may be renewed if one is determined enough to make it so. To her, there is no ailment
too great to reverse or injury to serious to mend.
I: Purify Removes poisons from food or person
Regrowth Heals broken limb after five minutes
II: Awaken Cures unconsciousness
Clarity Cures an influential effect
III: Regenerate* Cures any status effect, including Curses
Sanctuary Creates a round barrier around the caster
IV: Panacea Cures all statuses and heals twenty damage
Solace* Heals eighty Body points after taking damage

A Healer who learns spells of the circle of Spirit has a better understanding of her connection to
the Spirit Realm and its effect on the Material Plane. She is able to manifest that power into a
form that can be wielded against her enemies. To a Healer, the spiritual energy around her is a
brilliant light she may use to engulf her enemies or warm the souls of her allies.
I: Enigmatic Strike Deals twenty Starlight damage
Faery Fire Reduces a target’s casted armor
II: Singularity Pulls target to caster
Temper Soul Adds five minutes to Critical count
III: Replenish Essence* Refreshes Mana points to target
Spirit Walk Places you in the spirit realm
IV: Annihilate Deals eighty Starlight damage
Falling Star* Deals forty damage in area; heals allies for same

In addition to her spells, the Healer may perform any of the following atmospheric effects. These
effects have no mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems them appropriate.
● The Healer may close any natural wound or scar not reflected in the target’s soul.
● The Healer may share the pain of any natural being within her reach; this does not
neutralize the pain entirely, but may make it more manageable.
● The Healer may conjure a perfectly accurate illusory map of the night sky of any location
on Arawyn.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Hexer is someone who has delved far into the darker powers of the world and come out in
control. She fuels her foul artes with chaotic energies to unleash a multitude of destructive and
terrifying feats. Many turn a disdainful gaze at the Hexer for the necromantic and abyssal powers
she deal in, but few can say that to have one as an ally would be a poor choice. Possessing this
list causes the character to have the Chaos alignment.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Caster) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 Casting weapon
Literacy, Source (Abyssal) 2 Learn the language of the Abyss

Continuous Abilities
Chaotic Infusion* 10 Gain an effect that improves casting
Resurrection 10 Allows the character to resurrect a spirit
Periodic Abilities
Double Cast 5 Spell strikes target twice
Fear 2 Causes a target to recoil in Fear
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly move up to twenty paces

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Doomcaller Gain an additional effect from Chaotic Infusion

Demonology is the dominion over power drawn from the Abyss, Arawyn’s most central plane
and home to the foul creatures from which the domain takes its name. The power of
Demonology primarily lies in its ability to influence others, both mortal and chaotic creatures
alike. Some Demonologists even summon chaotic servants to do their bidding, viewing the act as
a display of their power despite the possible danger it presents.
I: Decompose Strikes a killing blow; next spell cast is free
Impish Allure Next social ability is instant
II: Distortion Next three effects can be activated instantaneously
Enthrall Summons or Dominates a negative energy creature
III: Immolate Deals forty damage; causes weakness to Aether
Nightmare* Recover from Unconsciousness
IV: Possession* Dominates the target and makes the caster invisible
Storm of Despair Deals sixty damage and Fears the targets

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Entropy is the dominion over energy from the Void, the vast nothingness that exists between the
planes of Arawyn. Neither destructive nor controlling in its power, Entropy is silent, terrific, and
infinite, sometimes incorrectly referred to as shadow magic. Dominion over this, the purest form
of chaos, proves a Hexer is capable of attempting to utilize its powers.
I: Slow Hobbles the target
Vertigo Trips the target
II: Singularity Pulls target to caster
Void Bolt Deals twenty damage and Blinds the target
III: Nethersight* Grants blind fighting
Spellbind Binds the target
IV: Curse of Eternity* Slows down time for the target
Feast of Crows Deals sixty Aether damage; heals another for half

Necromancy is the dominion over death and its vile undoing. The Necromancer’s abilities are
often distrusted, as they are the most visibly unnatural abilities in a Hexer’s repertoire. However,
between its dark healing artes, powerful attack spells, and indomitable protection, the versatility
of the domain is all but unmatched.
I: Cure Wounds Heals twenty Body points
Enchanted Armor Grants ten Armor points
II: Descry Death Determines how long the target has been dead
Obscurement Defends from mystical detection
III: Aegis Defends against dying
Reap Soul* Deals sixty damage to a target and revives another
IV: Counterspell Defends against a metaphysical attack
Soul Tap* Sacrifice Body points to refresh Mana points

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Pestilence is the dominion over plague and blight. Its focus is the corruption of the biology of
living things and exploitation the decrepit health of the hexer’s victims, causing disaster and rot
among the ranks of her enemies. The hexer who controls this dominion is a force not unlike the
Great Plague, and should be feared for her power over diseases.
I: Acid Bolt Deals twenty damage and poisons the target
Deteriorate Reduces weapon damage
II: Asphyxiate Silences the target
Inviolate Ward Defends a disease or poison
III: Neuropathy* Disease that Dazes the target
Sleep Knocks the target Unconscious
IV: Contagion* Deals damage and spreads a disease
Enfeeble Disease that removes access to an ability

Ruination is the dominion over destruction and agony. Raw Abyssal energy, though extremely
dangerous to the user in this unrefined form, can be channeled by the Hexer to release
devastating and even deadly force upon her unfortunate victims. Ruination is often considered
the most difficult to master due to the high casualty rate in practice by novices.
I: Embrittle Makes an unbreakable item breakable
Enigmatic Strike Deals twenty Aether damage
II: Blast Destroys the target item
Enigmatic Lance Deals forty Aether damage
III: Instability* Reflects a destruction ability
Stoneskin Defends against a physical attack
IV: Annihilate Deals eighty Aether damage
Apocalypse* Removes augments from target

In addition to her spells, the Hexer may perform any of the following atmospheric effects. These
effects have no mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems them appropriate.
● The Hexer may extinguish a nearby light source no larger than a torch.
● The Hexer may summon her familiar, a shadowy creature that is intangible to all other
beings, but not to objects and terrain. The familiar may perform simple mundane tasks
the caster is ordinarily capable of, such as retrieving objects or interacting with the
● The Hexer may cause a wound to rot and fester, a plant or tiny creature to wither and die,
or small amount of fertile earth to become desolate.

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A Mage is a practitioner of one of the oldest supernatural artes given to the world. Originally
taught to mortalkind by the Fey, Magic is an incredible power that individuals dedicate their
entire life to studying. The most studious Mages have discovered impressive techniques to utilize
the teachings of magic in more diverse ways, enhancing the Fey-taught schools into something
far greater.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Caster) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Literacy, Source (Magic) 2 Learn the language of Magic

Continuous Abilities
Create Scroll/Trinket (Talent) 5 Creates a scroll or trinket
Erudition* 10 Gain an effect that improves casting

Periodic Abilities
Divination (Talent) 4 Ask a question of the stars to receive knowledge
Double Cast 5 Spell strikes target twice
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly moves the character up to twenty paces

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Erudite Gain an additional effect from Erudition

The ability to manipulate arcane power is fundamental to every school of magic. The Arcane
school provides a basic collection of necessary tools for every Mage’s survival in the world. She
who masters this sphere is among the more useful magic users for her adventuring party.
I: Inspect Discover the target’s resistances
Memorize Remember an item perfectly
II: Asphyxiate Silences the target
Obscurement Defends from mystical detection
III: Prismatic Ray* Prevents target from detecting hidden target
True Sight See through illusions
IV: Counterspell Defends against a metaphysical attack
Invisibility Field* Conceals a group of individuals

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Blood has always been a powerful component of many mystic artes, and the mage has studied
the most effective uses of it. Weaving the innate powers of blood with their own magical
energies, the mage can unleash a series of debilitating or restorative powers with just a drop.
I: Cure Wounds Heals twenty Body points
Deteriorate Reduces target’s weapon damage
II: Heartseeker Makes attacks Impact
Paralyze Hinders the target
III: Sacrifice* Deals forty damage and grants it as Body points
Spellbind Binds the target
IV: Enfeeble Disease that removes access to an ability
Exsanguinate* Deals sixty damage and pins the targets

Crystals are recognized for their vibrant colors, resilience, and an array of other special
properties. Mages have learned to mimic the potential of crystals in their magic, creating the
school of Geomancy. This school specializes in creating crystallized wards, resonating effects,
and brilliant spells that refract magic to the Mage’s will.
I: Brilliant Spray Dazes the targets with dazzling lights
Enchanted Armor Grants ten Armor points
II: Enigmatic Blade Grants Mystic damage
Reconstitution Allows spells to use a material’s damage type
III: Incandescence* Cures Imprisonment or Binding
Stoneskin Defends against a physical attack
IV: Imprisonment Imprisons the target
Refraction* Redirects a spell to a new target


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The school of Proelimancy is where a Mage’s ability in combat shines through that veil of frailty.
Considered to be one of the most important schools in a battle-mage’s repertoire, Proelimancy
combines opposing forces of magic to create the most destructive and disruptive spells.

I: Enigmatic Strike Deals twenty Mystic damage

Faery Fire Reduces a target’s casted armor
II: Echo Ward Defends from Silence
Enigmatic Lance Deals forty Mystic damage
III: Overload* Target cannot use high rank spells for five minutes
Razor Spines Deals forty damage and causes the target to Bleed
IV: Annihilate Deals eighty Mystic damage
Meteor Storm* Deals sixty Mystic Fire damage knocks targets back

All of Arawyn is constantly in motion. Whether or not it is realized, between the erratic
movements of the Planes, there are patterns and rules to it all. A skilled Telemancer uses the
Weave to follow those patterns, transporting the mage, her allies, or her enemies across the field
of battle at her whim.
I: Featherweight Makes a target weightless
Slow Hobbles the target
II: Inhibit Stops a movement skill
Singularity Pulls target to caster
III: Haste Increases movement speed
Phase Shift* Creates, steals, or dispels a barrier
IV: Displacement Returns character to predetermined location
Divert Teleport* Displaces a moving target, including the user

In addition to her spells, the Mage may perform any of the following atmospheric effects. These
effects have no mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems them appropriate.
● The Mage may cause runes, images, and writing to appear on any surface within her
● The Mage may summon an ethereal hand to perform simple mundane tasks she is
ordinarily capable of, such as retrieving objects or interacting with the environment.
● The Mage may create minor signs of her power, such as summoning sparkling lights,
temporarily changing the color of an object, or instantly cleaning or soiling a surface.

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The Priest is the voice of the gods on Arawyn. Her purpose is to carry out the will of her deity. A
Priest tends to show respect to all the gods in some way or another, but only devotes herself
entirely to one god. This devotion is what gives the priest the connection needed to speak and act
for her god in the mortal world. Possessing this list causes the character to have the Light, Dark,
or Order alignment, depending on the deity the character is devoted to.

Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Caster) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Literacy, Source (Celestial) 2 Learn the language of the Celestials

Continuous Abilities
Devotion* 10 Gain an effect that improves casting
Resurrection 10 Allows the character to resurrect a spirit

Periodic Abilities
Double Cast 5 Spell strikes target twice
Intensify 2 Casts a non offensive spell on up to three targets
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly moves the character up to twenty paces

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Devoted Gain an additional effect from Devotion

Bolstering the flock and helping them to weather the worst of the storm is, to many Priests, their
most important duty. They may want to shield them for danger or give them the means to meet it
face on, but, in the end, the core ideal is keeping the flock prepared. Prayers in the Aspect of
Blessings allow a Priest to grant protections against a variety of attacks and augment abilities of
herself and her allies.
I: Enchanted Armor Grants ten Armor points
Grounding Ward Defends from being Dazed
II: Awaken Cures unconsciousness
Enigmatic Blade Grants Mystic damage
III: Blessing of Protection* Grants forty Armor points to up to five targets
Stoneskin Defends against a physical attack
IV: Beacon of Hope* Negates all Fear effects around the caster
Counterspell Defends against a metaphysical attack

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A Goddess needs her followers, and it the Priest’s mission to mend those of her flock so they
may continue their worship. Many Priests will extend this aid to her allies or those she sees fit
based on her Deity’s teachings. Prayers of Holiness are the clearest divine powers meant to
restore others, the most powerful of these Prayers able to save someone from the brink of death.
I: Cure Wounds Heals twenty Body points
Purify Cures poison
II: Clarity Cures an Influential effect
Temper Soul Extends the target’s death count
III: Mend Cures a moderate amount of Body points
Purge Disease* Cures a disease
IV: Miracle* Fully heals character if she would be killed
Revive Heals a target from the Critical condition

A Priest’s power manifests in many forms, sometimes in ways that are meant to be interpreted
for the future yet to come. The aspect of Prophecy allows a Priest to seek guidance from the
heavens, providing a myriad of defensive and supporting spells that could prevent a bleak future
for her and her allies.
I: Brilliant Spray Dazes the targets with dazzling lights
Patience Defends from fear or rage
II: Echo Ward Defends from silence
Paralyze Hinders a target
III: Revelation* Reveals a hidden target
True Sight See through illusions
IV: Curse of Hopelessness* Makes the target weak to Mystic damage
Remove Curse Heals a curse


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The prayers and needs of the Priest’s flock take precedence and there is no such thing as a small
miracle. The aspect of Sanctification contains prayers that aid the Priest and her allies in various
situations. They grant minor protections, cause debilitating effects, and can create barriers that
protect the Priest or shackle her target to meet divine judgement as she deems necessary.
I: Liberate Removes hobbled or pinned condition
Wield Faith Fears a target while you present your Holy symbol
II: Asphyxiate Silences the target
Invigorate Grants ten temporary Body points
III: Augury Communicate telepathically
Mystic Bulwark* Grants others around resistance to melee attacks
IV: Imprisonment Imprisons the target
Sphere of Protection* Creates a large round barrier around the caster

Granting protections and invigorating the flock are important tasks for a Priest, but there are
times the blade and cudgel must be raised to defend the people or strike down their foes. The
prayers of Wrath bless allies to act as the divine fist of the deities that have bestowed them their
gifts to unleash swift reparations for the acts that have been committed against their followers.
I: Enigmatic Strike Deals twenty Mystic damage
Pin Pins the target’s limb to a surface
II: Enigmatic Lance Deals forty Mystic damage
Eye for an Eye Forces a target to suffer his own attack
III: Divine Judgement* Defends an attack; target is Tripped, knocked back
Spellbind Binds the target
IV: Annihilate Deals eighty Mystic damage
Curse of the Penitent* Reduces the target’s maximum Body point total

In addition to her spells, the Priest may perform any of the following atmospheric effects. These
effects have no mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems them appropriate.
● The Priest may bless or baptise any object or willing being in the name of her deity.
● The Priest may create a serving of food and drink large enough to feed one adult
humanoid creature.
● The Priest may invoke a minor illusion related to her deity, such as ethereal wings bathed
in a holy glow. This apparition is harmless and can be passed through as if it were empty

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A Psionicist has an uncanny ability to be able to touch the world with her mind by controlling the
astral energy bound to the Weave by the Wyrd Monolith. This grants her the ability to subtly
affect the space of reality around her, tricking the minds of others into what she needs them to
believe in and manifesting astral energy in different spells.

Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Caster) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Literacy, Source (Astral) 2 Learn the language of the Astral

Continuous Abilities
Clairsentience* 10 Gain an effect that improves casting
Courage 10 Reduces fear effects to five seconds

Periodic Abilities
Intensify 2 Casts a non offensive spell on up to three targets
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly moves the character up to twenty paces
Willpower 4 Defend against an influential attack

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Expanded Consciousness Gain an additional effect from Clairsentience

The discipline of Clairvoyance grants a Psionicist a stronger link to astral energy, obtaining a
level of heightened extra-sensory perception that, to an extent, she can share with her allies.
These spells allow a Psionicist to mimic an eidetic memory, observe details others would have
trouble perceiving, and even see a moments into their immediate future to prepare for an attack. 
I: Inspect Discover the target’s resistances
Memorize Remember an item perfectly
II: Echo Ward Defends from being Silenced
Obscurement Defends from mystical detection
III: Anticipation* Allows use of a latent skill twice
True Sight See through illusions
IV: Counterspell Defends against a metaphysical attack
Premonition* Warns you of an incoming attack

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Many Psionicists choose to master the Empathy Discipline first in order to control the whirlwind
of thoughts and emotions they experience. Connected to the energy of those around them, the
study of Empathy focuses on recognizing and influencing the emotions of others, allowing a
Psionicist to calm her allies or confuse her foes.
I: Enchanted Armor Grants ten Armor points
Patience Defends you from Fear or Rage effects
II: Clarity Cures an Influential effect
Eye for an Eye Forces a target to suffer his own attack
III: Seething Fury* Enrages the target and turns him around
Suggestion Plants a thought or determines surface thoughts
IV: Soothing Mercy* Defends a physical attack, charming the target
Storm of Despair Deals sixty damage and Fears the targets

The Psionicist who studies the Manifestation Discipline learns how to turn astral energy into a
pure, tangible form. These spells cause the energy to coalesce in a way that allows the Psionicist
to change energy around her into something new, manipulating the weave directly, creating
powerful barriers and devastating effects.
I: Acid Bolt Deals twenty damage and poisons the target
Enigmatic Strike Deals twenty Sonic damage
II: Enigmatic Lance Deals forty Sonic damage
Reconstitution Allows spells to use a material’s damage type
III: Metamorph* Transforms an incoming spell into a physical attack
Sanctuary Creates a round barrier around the caster
IV: Annihilate Deals eighty Sonic damage
Earthshatter* Destroys targets’ armaments and Trips them


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When a Psionicist studies the Manipulation discipline, she acquires a deeper understanding of the
physical forms. This gives her the ability to change her body, mold the shape of those around her,
and sculpt the environment. She becomes a defensive boon to her allies and an effective deterrent
to her enemies, using their own bodies to accomplish her needs.
I: Cure Wounds Heals twenty Body points
Embrittle Makes an unbreakable item breakable
II: Paralyze Hinders the target
Static Disarms the target
III: Reality Warp* Caster instantly casts and invokes latent spell
Stoneskin Defends against a physical attack
IV: Invisibility Turns you invisible
Seismic Crash* Throws the target high up in the air

A Psionicist that learns the discipline of Projection knows reality is often based on perception.
The Psion uses her own force of will to reach out to her allies and burden her foes, eventually
being able to force her will upon them to change their thoughts.
I: Brilliant Spray Dazes the targets with dazzling lights
Vertigo Trips the target
II: Awaken Cures unconsciousness
Void Bolt Deals twenty damage and blinds the target
III: Augury Communicate telepathically
Psychic Scream* Deals forty damage; target falls in fit of laughter
IV: Curse of the Fool* Curses the target to not use Influential skills
Enslave Dominates the target

In addition to her spells, the Psionicist may perform any of the following atmospheric effects.
These effects have no mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems them
● The Psionicist may manipulate objects around her to perform simple mundane tasks she
is ordinarily capable of, such as levitating objects or interacting with the environment.
● The Psionicist may create a minor illusion, such as an ethereal image of an object or
creature no larger than ten feet in any dimension. This apparition is harmless and can be
passed through as if it were empty air.
● The Psionicist may cause a being to have a dream or daydream of her design. The
affected being may awaken herself from the dream at any time.

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Wielder of devastating elemental energy, the Shaman is someone who make pacts with
extraplanar creatures in exchange for her power. Fey, demons, and elementals are the shaman’s
main creatures of choice when looking for favors. The shaman is commonly feared by those who
do not understand path, but those who do respect the immense amount of power she commands.
Possessing this list may cause the character to gain an alignment. To make a pact with an
aligned being other than a demon (Chaos), the character must gain approval from a storyteller.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Caster) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 Casting weapon
Literacy, Source (Elemental) 2 Learn the language of Elementals

Continuous Abilities
Blind Fighting 10 May use melee skills while blind
Greater Pact* 10 Gain an effect that improves casting

Periodic Abilities
Feint 4 Forces the target to defend
Innervate 3 Removes stacking limit on one latent spell
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly moves the character up to twenty paces

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Pactmaster Gain an additional effect from Greater Pact
Granting the Shaman access to the powers of the Plane of Water, Aqueous provides Favors of
flowing water and piercing ice. Just as water has the ability to be soothing or overwhelming, this
Pact gives the Shaman the ability to aid her allies to escape a bad situation and control the
battlefield, freezing her enemies in their tracks. 
I: Fluidity Escape from restraints
Pin Renders target pinned
II: Asphyxiate Silences the target
Awaken Cures unconsciousness
III: Blizzard* Slows the target’s attacks and Hinders him
Razor Spines Deals forty damage and causes target to Bleed
IV: Imprisonment Imprisons the target
Toxic Geyser* Deals forty damage and Poison in a radius

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The Shaman’s first Pact, Empyreas, is the Planar pact that lifts the veil, bridging the gap between
the Material Plane to the Elemental Planes the Shaman seeks to wield the powers of. These
Favors are utilitarian, with no particular tie to any Plane, that allow the Shaman to touch on the
Inner Planes and the fringes of those beyond.
I: Cure Wounds Heals twenty Body points
Vertigo Trips the target
II: Heartseeker Changes an attack to Impact
Void Bolt Deals twenty and Blinds the target
III: Banishment* Ejects the target to native plane or Spirit Realm
Spirit Walk Places you in the Spirit Realm
IV: Curse of the Seeker* Curses target to be autohit by the caster’s abilities
Enfeeble Disease that removes target’s access to an ability

Granting access to the powers of the Plane of Fire, Igneus allows a Shaman to harness the favors
of flame. While a fire can be inviting, these Favors completely focus on the scorching pyre. The
Shaman unleashes her destructive blaze on her enemies, reducing their armaments to ash and
leaving their defenses burned away.
I: Enigmatic Strike Deals twenty Aether damage
Faery Fire Reduces a target’s casted armor
II: Blast Destroys an item
Enigmatic Lance Deals forty Aether damage
III: Flame Wreath* Deals forty damage and Binds the target
Immolate Deals forty damage; weakens target against Aether
IV: Annihilate Deals eighty Aether damage
Incinerate* Deals two hundred damage to a melee attacker


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Granting access to the powers of the Plane of Earth, Terrestris reinforces a Shaman’s defenses
with Favors of soil and stone. With the resilience of mountains, the Shaman provides a variety of
protections to her allies to weather the attacks of their enemies.
I: Enchanted Armor Grants ten Armor points
Grounding Ward Defends from being Dazed
II: Earthen Grace Defends from being Bound or reduces an Imprison
Enigmatic Blade Grants Aether damage
III: Rockslide* Defends a physical attack and displaces you
Stoneskin Defends against a physical attack
IV: Counterspell Defends against a metaphysical attack
Stone Fists* May defend physical attacks with forearms

Granting access to the Plane of Air, Ventosus shares with the Shaman the Favors of wind and
lightning. A Shaman who make this Pact keeps her allies light on their feet while making herself
difficult to catch as the winds carry her and the storms keep her enemies at bay. 
I: Featherweight Makes a target weightless
Gale Ward Defends from knockback
II: Distortion Speeds up your abilities
Static Disarms the target
III: Hurricane Knocks the target back and hobbles him
Lightning Storm* Deals sixty and Dazes the targets
IV: Displacement Returns character to predetermined location
Thunderclap* Stuns the targets

In addition to her spells, the Shaman may perform any of the following atmospheric effects.
These effects have no mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems them
● The Shaman may cause a minor elemental effect, such as manipulating water or causing a
mundane object to burst into flames.
● The Shaman may imbue her body or an object with elemental energy, causing it to feel
warm, cold, rough, or staticky to the touch.
● The Shaman may summon a visage of her patron as an ethereal creature that is intangible
to all other beings, but not to objects and terrain. The visage may perform simple
mundane tasks the caster is ordinarily capable of, such as retrieving objects or interacting
with the environment.

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Hybrid Classes 
Rather than specializing in a single archetype, some heroes choose to pursue paths that allow for
more versatility. By blending the abilities of casters, warriors, or rogues with each other,
practitioners of multiple paths become unpredictable and dangerously effective in combat.
Though many consider those who hybridize skillsets to be experts of nothing, those who do so
believe that it is far better to be versed in many artes than to be a master of only one.
When the character learns a hybrid class, she must choose which archetype as which her class
counts by selecting which Proficiency skill she gains. This determines certain abilities she may
learn and the master class for which she qualifies. Any skills marked with Choose: in a hybrid
skill list denote this choice. If a character chooses the first option for one skill with a choice, she
must also choose the first option for any other skill with a choice of that class. For example, if a
Cleric chooses to learn Proficiency, Caster, she must also choose Counterspell.
If the character learns the Hybrid list a second time, she may choose either the same archetype,
benefitting from skill overlap, or the other available archetype, to increase her versatility.
Spell Overlap 
When a character learns a spell more than once, the concentration time to activate the spell is
reduced by one second. Additionally, she may always stack an additional instance of the ability
upon herself.
Hybrid Casting 
All casting lists purchase the rank of a domain’s spells for a single cost. These costs are uniform
across all caster classes as two build for Rank I spells, three build for Rank II spells
Aspected Damage 
Some spells described in Chapter III deal aspected damage. This means that the spell deals a
different type of damage for each class that has access to it. The aspected damage types are as
follows: Aether for Hexer and Shaman; Mystic for Mage, Spellsword, Cleric and Priest; Sonic
for Bard and Psionicist, and Starlight for Druid, Ranger, and Healer.


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Bounty Hunter 
Whether the prize be on two legs, four, or more, the Bounty Hunter is always willing to go on the
hunt for a price. Through cunning intuition, she has a keen understanding of what tools are
needed to get the job done. Between stealth, patience, and the tools of her trade, none can escape
the Bounty Hunter once she’s set her sights on her prey.
Passive Abilities
Choose: Proficiency (Rogue or Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Expert 4 May use two weapons of medium sized or smaller
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon

Continuous Abilities
Capture* 10 Binds and dazes an incapacitated target
Detect Weakness 10 Determines a target’s weakness after thirty seconds
Tracking 10 Tracks a target
Periodic Abilities
Athletic Feat 4 Instantly moves up the character to ten paces
Choose: Dodge or Deflect 5 Defends a physical or metaphysical attack
Garrote 3 Silences the target
Gift of the Predator 3 Pierces yellow concealment within twenty-five feet
Harpoon* 4 Trips the target and pulls him towards you
Keen Senses 3 Pierces red concealment within twenty-five feet
Puncture 3 Deals backstab damage plus ten Body
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Stunning Blow 5 Stuns the target
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Sentinel Maintain an additional target with Capture


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For every leader, there is an underling willing to get her hands dirty. For every bar fight, there is
always an instigator. The Brute is this person. While not known for her subtlety, she boasts a
strong skillset in the ways of both cunning tricks and ruthless force. If there ever were a door that
needed kicking in, you can always count on the Brute to be the first in line.
Passive Abilities
Choose: Proficiency (Rogue or Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons; one must be small

Continuous Abilities
Detect Weakness 10 Determines a target’s weakness after thirty seconds
Intercept 10 Redirects an attack within reach to the character
Shattering Force* 10 Shatter destroys any locks or traps on an object
Periodic Abilities
Break Limb 4 Breaks a target’s limb
Choose: Dodge or Deflect 5 Defends a metaphysical or physical attack
Fear 2 Causes a target to recoil in fear
Interrogate* 4 Forces three truthful answers from a target
Shatter 3 Destroys the target item
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Stunning Blow 5 Stuns the target
Throw 4 Forcibly moves the target ten feet
Waylay 4 Knocks the target unconscious
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Terrorize Ask an additional question with Interrogate


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The Cleric is a warrior of divine fury, dedicating her life to fighting the enemies of her faith
wherever they may be. She upholds a divine vow to defend the faithful and enforce the will of
those she worships. The cleric is salvation to the flock who take shelter behind her and
retribution to those who stand against her and her faith.
Passive Abilities
Choose: Proficiency (Caster or Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Literacy, Source (Celestial) 2 Learn the language of the Celestial
Shield, Large 4 May use a large shield

Continuous Abilities
Courage 10 Reduces fear effects to five seconds
Detect Weakness 10 Determine a targets weakness after thirty seconds
Disciple Stance* 10 Increases low rank spells in power while wounded

Periodic Abilities
Armor Patch (Talent) 4 Restores fifteen Armor points to the target
Choice: Counterspell or Deflect 5 Defends a metaphysical or physical attack
Critical Attack 2 Deals weapon damage plus five
Instill Confidence 2 Cures a target from fear
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Slaughter 5 Deals weapon damage plus twenty-five
Smite* 4 Deals damage and instantly casts a spell
Trip 2 Trips the target

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Divine Wrath Cast an additional spell on the same target when
using Smite; spells targeting any being but the
character must be identical

In addition to gaining the ability to purchase Rank I-II Priest spells, the Cleric may perform one
of the three atmospheric effects listed under the Priest class cantrips. This effect has no
mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems it appropriate. The chosen cantrip
option should be noted on her character card.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Ranger is a scout who has become more in tune with her natural surroundings. She
specializes in harnessing primal energy to augment her innate guile. Take care when entering the
ranger’s domain – every step could unleash a torrent of primal spells, or simply find you victim
to the stealth aim of the ranger’s blade. Possessing this list causes the character to have the
Order alignment.
Passive Abilities
Choose: Proficiency (Caster or Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons; one must be small
Literacy, Source (Primal) 2 Learn the Primal language
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon

Continuous Abilities
Hunter’s Stealth* 10 May use Stealth without restrictions in woods
Set/Disarm Traps 10 Sets or disarms a trap
Tracking 10 Tracks a target

Periodic Abilities
Camouflage 3 Defends from yellow detection ability
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Primal Trapper* 3 Conceals a trap and adds a spell effect
Puncture 3 Deals backstab damage plus ten Body
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Stealth Strike 3 Strikes a target from concealment
Choose: Stoneskin or Dodge 5 Defends a physical or metaphysical attack

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Guerilla Increases the number of targets of an attack
delivered with Stealth Strike by one

In addition to gaining the ability to purchase Rank I-II Druid spells, the Ranger may perform one
of the three atmospheric effects listed under the Druid class cantrips. This effect has no
mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems it appropriate. The chosen cantrip
option should be noted on her character card.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Spellsword’s focus is combining martial prowess with magical power to overcome whatever
foe she faces. The weapon of the Spellsword is her ultimate tool by which she utilizes her magic
spells and finesse to unleash a flurry of counterattacks. Between her sword and spells, she is a
highly mobile and formidable enemy to face.
Passive Abilities
Choose: Proficiency (Caster or Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 May use a casting phokus
Literacy, Source (Magic) 2 Learn the language of Magic

Continuous Abilities
Agile 10 May change direction while using movement skills
Eldritch Sigil* 10 May cast spells as latent effects to invoke later
Intercept 10 Redirects an attack within reach to the character

Periodic Abilities
Choose: Counterspell or Deflect 5 Defends a metaphysical or physical attack
Critical Attack 2 Deals weapon damage plus five
Disarm/Retain 3 Disarms the target or defends a disarming attack
Feint 4 Forces the target to defend an attack twice
Invisibility (Spell) 5 Become hidden under red headband
Mana Points +10 5 Gain ten Mana points
Relocate 4 Instantly move up to twenty paces
Replicate* 4 Causes an attacker to suffer his attack as a spell
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Absorption Refresh one mana when using Replicate

In addition to gaining the ability to purchase Rank I-II Mage spells, the Spellsword may perform
one of the three atmospheric effects listed under the Mage class cantrips. This effect has no
mechanical implications except where a storyteller deems it appropriate. The chosen cantrip
option should be noted on her character card.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Rogue Classes 
Masters of surprise, rogues lie in wait for the perfect opportunity to exploit the weaknesses of
their foes. Rogues are unparalleled in dexterity and typically strike their enemies from behind or
from a distance. Making up for what they lack in strength with stealth and speed, rogues also
employ traps and poisons to their advantage to gain the upper hand over their enemies.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

An Acrobat stands among the most nimble combatants on the face of Arawyn. Boasting talents
that enable her to skillfully dance around her opponents while leaving their heads spinning as
they try to keep up with her bounding and flipping, she is a hard adversary to keep in one place
without her doing so of her own volition.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons, one must be small

Continuous Abilities
Acrobatics* 10 May escape from restraints, falling, and trips
Entry/Escape 10 Enters or exits a closed area
Sleight of Hand 10 Pick a lock or a target's pockets
Periodic Abilities
Athletic Feat 4 Instantly moves up the character to ten paces
Avoid Trap 3 Resists the effects of a trap
Dodge 5 Defends a metaphysical attack
Feint 4 Forces target to defend an attack twice
Garrote 3 Silences the target
Detect Hidden 2 Detects an item under yellow concealment
Leg Sweep* 2 Trips all targets in front of the character
Puncture 3 Deals backstab damage plus ten Body
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Expert Reflexes Reduces the time to escape restraints or the Bound
condition with Acrobatics by one second


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Assassin is the master of patience and precision. She is trained to know exactly where to
strike to get the job done and take down her enemies most efficiently and quietly. Poisoning and
vanishing without a trace, she can ensure that no one ever knows where she is, or who her next
target will be. Her true talents are lying in silence, shortly followed by someone dying.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons; one must be small
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon

Continuous Abilities
Detect Weakness 10 Determine a targets weakness after thirty seconds
Entry/Escape 10 Enters or exits a closed area
Vanish* 10 Enters yellow concealment upon incapacitating a
Periodic Abilities
Assail 4 Deals forty Body and causes the target to bleed
Assassinate* 5 Drops target to Critical stage
Blade Venom (Talent) 3 Deals weapon damage plus ten and poison
Camouflage 3 Defends yellow detection ability
Dodge 5 Defends a metaphysical attack
Keen Senses 3 Pierces red concealment within twenty-five feet
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Stealth Strike 3 Strikes a target from concealment
Puncture 3 Deals backstab damage plus ten Body

Multi-Purchase Benefit
Venomous Increases the damage of Blade Venom by +5


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Whether a scoundrel flying the black flag, or a sailor on a right-to-do naval mission, the
Buccaneer is the foremost proficient in the ways of the seas. The buccaneer employs crafty tricks
learned at sea to gain the upper hand when a fight breaks out, relying heavily on a sword and
arquebus style of combat.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons; one must be small
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon
Continuous Abilities
Courage 10 Reduces fear effects to five seconds
Sleight of Hand 10 pick a lock or a target's pockets
Virulent* 10 Cure yourself of disease after five minutes
Periodic Abilities
Assail 4 Deals forty Body and causes the target to bleed
Black Spot* 5 Disease that makes target weak to physical attacks
Dodge 5 Defends a metaphysical attack
Fear 2 Causes a target to recoil in fear
Incite 3 Enrages the target to attack the character
Detect Hidden 2 Detects an item under yellow concealment
Puncture 3 Deals backstab damage plus ten Body
Quick Bind 4 Binds the target
Waylay 4 Knocks the target unconscious
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Sea-born Reduce the time to activate Virulent by one minute


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Gambler isn't necessarily a particularly skilled individual, but instead, she always seems to
have luck on her side, knowing just the right tricks to make sure she’s the one who ends up on
top. Most say that this level of luck, but rather you are born with it or you are not, and it follows
you for your whole life. In some cases her fortune is so great that one must wonder if
supernatural forces are involved…
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons, one must be small
Literacy, Source (Prophecy) 2 Learn the language of Prophecy

Continuous Abilities
Charm 10 Charm a target after one minute of interaction
Fortune Step* 10 Instantly move after defending an attack
Sleight of Hand 10 pick a lock or a target's pockets
Periodic Abilities
Avoid Trap 3 Resist the effects of a trap
Camouflage 3 Defends yellow detection ability
Dodge 5 Defends a metaphysical attack
Eye for an Eye (Spell) 3 Causes an attacker to suffer his own attack
Garrote 3 Silences the target
Luck* 5 Use of items for which she does not qualify
Puncture 3 Deals backstab damage plus ten Body
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Trip 2 Trips the target
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Fortunate Increases the distance of Fortune Step by one pace


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Marksman is the expert of ranged combat and sniper tactics, always favoring the advantage
of firing from cover. This agile combatant trains with any projectile from bows to arquebuses,
and can fire anything with deadly precision that could cause even the most hearty of foes to soon
have a very bad day.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon
Continuous Abilities
Agile 10 May change direction while using movement skills
Disengage* 10 May fire a Puncture at close range while fleeing
Tracking 10 Tracks a target
Periodic Abilities
Achilles Shot* 2 Trips and hobbles the target
Assail 4 Deals forty damage and causes the target to bleed
Athletic Feat 4 Instantly moves the character up to ten paces
Dodge 5 Defends from a metaphysical attack
Keen Senses 3 Pierces red concealment within twenty-five feet
Puncture 3 Deals backstab damage plus ten Body
Rapid Assault 4 Instantly strikes the target with a second attack
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Stealth Strike 3 Strikes a target from concealment
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Sharpshooter Increases the range of disengage by five feet


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

In every organization, there is someone pulling the strings. Most of the time, it’s a cunning
Racketeer who knows how to manage the system – even if she isn’t the one on top. She has a
distinct knack of who the right people are to rub elbows with so that she can keep her thugs, or
herself, out of trouble. This mastermind of society is never the kind of person you want find
yourself on the bad side of.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons, one must be small
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon

Continuous Abilities
Charm 10 Charm a target after one minute of interaction
Courage 10 Reduces fear effects to five seconds
Death Wish* 10 Allows yourself and two allies to flank a target
Periodic Abilities
Break Limb 4 Breaks a target’s limb
Dodge 5 Defends from a metaphysical attack
Fear 2 Causes a target to recoil in Fear
Human Shield* 5 Avoids an attack by dodging behind a target
Instill Confidence 2 Cures target from Feared status
Keen Senses 3 Pierces red concealment within twenty-five feet
Puncture 3 Deals backstab damage plus ten Body
Tactical Coordination (Talent) 5 Devises a plan for a group of people
Waylay 4 Knocks the target Unconscious
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Master Plan Increase number of allies that may benefit from
Death Wish


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Spy is more quick in wit than on her feet. Her dextrous personality is what allows her to
manage her immaculate performance of the role she puts forth – so convincing, that any passerby
would never think twice. Masters of disguise and intelligence gathering, spies are the most
charismatic when it comes to learning what needs happen to complete their missions.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons, one must be small

Continuous Abilities
Charm 10 Charms a target after one minute of interaction
Disguise* 10 Disguise as another being
Sleight of Hand 10 pick a lock or a target's pockets
Periodic Abilities
Camouflage 3 Defends yellow detection ability
Create/Detect Forgery (Talent) 3 Creates or discovers a forged document or object
Detect Hidden 2 Detects an item under yellow concealment
Distract* 3 Forces target to ignore you
Dodge 5 Defends a metaphysical attack
Garrote 3 Silences the target
Shrouded Lens (Talent) 4 Deceives another under truth detection
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Waylay 4 Knocks the target Unconscious
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Diversion Increases the number of targets of Distract by one


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Thief might be the dungeon delver, tomb raider, or explorer, or she may just be the petty
criminal nabbing at the coin pouches of unsuspecting passersby. A thief’s skills make her the
perfect choice for breaking and entering, whether exhuming lost treasures or simply liberating a
choice item from an unattended shop. No matter the case, the thief is always in and out before
anyone even notices she is there.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Rogue) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons, one must be small
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon

Continuous Abilities
Bypass* 10 Quickly enters or exits through any barrier
Set/Disarm Traps 10 Sets or disarms a trap
Sleight of Hand 10 pick a lock or a target's pockets
Periodic Abilities
Avoid Trap 3 Resists the effects of a trap
Camouflage 3 Defends from yellow detection ability
Detect Hidden 2 Detects an item under yellow concealment
Dodge 5 Defends a metaphysical attack
Keen Senses 3 Pierces red concealment within twenty-five feet
Quick Bind 4 Binds the target
Smoke Bomb (Talent) 5 Blinds everyone around the character
Stealth 5 Enters yellow concealment in certain terrain
Trap Attack* 3 Activates a trap within ten feet to attack a target
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Cut Purse increases the number of items gained from Sleight
of Hand by one


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Warrior Classes 
Whether they choose to fight with finesse or pure strength, warriors excel in the art of melee
combat. Many wear armor and train their bodies to withstand assault far beyond what ordinary
folk can take. Between disabling their foes, quickly striking them down, or simply outlasting
them in combat, warriors are sturdy and fearsome adversaries in battle.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Savage, brutal, and reckless are all accurate descriptors of the Berserker. This wild fighter
surrenders herself to a trance-like frenzy as she charges into battle, decimating her enemies in
great sweeping blows. The Berserker is an incredibly effective fighter to unleash onto an
organized unit, letting loose a whirlwind of carnage wherever she goes.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Expert 4 May use two weapons of medium sized or smaller

Continuous Abilities
Blind Fighting 10 May use melee skills while blind
Detect Weakness 10 Determines a target’s weakness after thirty seconds
Recklessness* 10 Allows limited activity while limbs are Broken
Periodic Abilities
Berserker Rage* 4 Enrages the character to gain damage and armor
Charge 4 Instantly moves up to ten paces to stun a target
Critical Attack 2 Deals weapon damage plus five
Deflect 5 Defends a physical attack
Fear 2 Causes a target to recoil in fear
Gift of the Predator 3 Pierces yellow concealment within twenty-five feet
Slaughter 5 Deals weapon damage plus twenty-five
Shatter 3 Destroys the target item
Stunning Blow 5 Stuns the target
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Bloodsoaked Increases the Armor points gained from Berserker
Rage by five


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Cavalier stands as the banner of hope, often acting as commander on the battlefield. She
strives to uphold her code of honor and protects those around her – for some, by any means
necessary. To many, the Cavalier is a guardian, and to others, a relentless combatant. Possessing
this list causes the character to have the Order alignment.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Expert 4 May use two weapons of medium sized or smaller
Shield, Large 4 May use a large shield

Continuous Abilities
Courage 10 Reduces fear effects to five seconds
Intercept 10 Redirects an attack within reach to the character
King’s Guard* 10 Protects those around her with a single defense
Periodic Abilities
Armor Patch (Talent) 4 Restores fifteen Armor points to the target
Battle Cry* 4 Heals ten Body points to allies who hear it
Critical Attack 4 Deals weapon damage plus five
Deflect 5 Defends a physical attack
Hindering Strike 3 Hinders the target
Incite 3 Enrages the target to attack the character
Instill Confidence 2 Cures target from feared status
Rapid Assault 4 Instantly strikes the target with a second attack
Throw 4 Forcibly moves the target ten feet
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Valorous Increase the distance of Intercept by one step


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Dragoon an armored fighter who claims to have the blood of a Dragon flowing through her
veins. A formidable fighter to face, her otherworldly vigor in the thick of a fight poses a great
threat to any who attempt to bring harm to her or her charge. Possessing this list may cause the
character to have the Light or Dark alignment, depending on the Dragon Spirit chosen. See the
Ability Supplements for more information.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Literacy, Source (Draconic) 2 Learn the language of the Dragons
Shield, Large 4 May use a large shield
Continuous Abilities
Blind Fighting 10 May use melee skills while blind
Intercept 10 Redirects an attack within reach to the character
Spirit of the Dragon* 10 Gain an effect related to a Dragon spirit
Periodic Abilities
Armor Patch (Talent) 4 Restores fifteen Armor points to the target
Charge 4 Instantly moves up to ten paces to stun a target
Critical Attack 2 Deals weapon damage plus five
Deflect 5 Defends a physical attack
Dragon Strike* 4 Deals weapon damage plus ten and dazes the target
Gift of the Predator 3 Pierces yellow concealment within twenty-five feet
Hindering Strike 3 Hinders the target
Rapid Assault 4 Instantly strike the target with a second attack
Slaughter 5 Deals base weapon damage plus twenty-five
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Dragonheart Gain additional effect from Spirit of the Dragon


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Capable of tapping into the chaotic energies that permeate the material world, the Dreadnought
harnesses this power as a bulwark against her enemies. She uses the force of chaos to terrify her
foes and bolster herself, fashioning herself into a much hardier fighter than any normal mortal
could. Possessing this list causes the character to have the Chaos alignment.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Literacy, Source (Abyssal) 2 Learn the language of the Abyss
Shield, Large 4 May use a large shield

Continuous Abilities
Chaos Fortitude 10 Gain resistance to negative energy attacks
Courage 10 Reduces fear effects to five seconds
Entropic Aegis* 10 Reduces damage of deadly attacks
Periodic Abilities
Armor Patch (Talent) 4 Restores fifteen Armor points to the target
Break Limb 4 Breaks a target’s limb
Chaotic Alteration* 4 Enrages the target and grants him Chaotic power
Critical Attack 2 Deals weapon damage plus five
Deflect 5 Defends a physical attack
Embrittle (Spell) 2 Render unbreakable armaments breakable
Fear 2 Causes a target to recoil in fear
Hindering Strike 3 Hinders the target
Shatter 3 Destroys the target item
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Aura of Chaos Allows the character to choose one additional
target within reach and grants him Chaos Fortitude

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Gladiator is a diverse and highly aggressive combatant, who rarely ever cowers at the
prospect of overwhelming odds. Whether with shield, greatsword, or even her fists, the
Gladiator’s determination only increases with the number of her opponents.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Expert 4 May use two weapons of medium size or smaller
Shield, Large 4 May use a large shield

Continuous Abilities
Arena Fighter* 10 Grants extra attack while fighting multiple foes
Courage 10 Reduces fear effects to five seconds
Detect Weakness 10 Determines a target’s weakness after thirty seconds

Periodic Abilities
Armor Patch (Talent) 4 Restores fifteen Armor points to the target
Break Limb 4 Breaks a target’s limb
Charge 4 Instantly moves up to ten paces to stun a target
Defiance* 5 Defends against status effect or cures all status
Deflect 5 Defends a physical attack
Hindering Strike 3 Hinders the target
Slaughter 5 Deals base weapon damage plus twenty-five
Stunning Blow 5 Stuns the target
Throw 4 Forcibly moves the target ten feet
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Whirlwind Increases the number of attacks granted by Arena
Fighter by one


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Monk is one who has chosen the path of mental and physical discipline, believing her body to
be a powerful tool in the art of combat. From a physical being as strong as iron, to senses sharper
than the most well-crafted blade, a monk is a balanced master of offensive and defensive
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice

Continuous Abilities
Agile 10 May change direction when using movement skills
Blind Fighting 10 May use melee skills while blind
Iron Body* 10 Meditate while Prone to heal all Body
Periodic Abilities
Athletic Feat 4 Instantly move up to ten paces
Break Limb 4 Breaks a target’s limb
Critical Attack 2 Deals weapon damage plus five
Deflect 5 Defends a physical attack
Disarm/Retain 3 Disarms the target or defends a disarming attack
Harmonious Senses* 3 May become blind to see concealed targets
Hindering Strike 3 Hinders the target
Quick Bind 4 Binds the target
Throw 4 Forcibly moves the target ten feet
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Meditation Reduces activation time of Iron Body by ten seconds


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Swashbuckler is skilled in the artes of dueling and boasts a repertoire of deft maneuvers to best
her opponents in combat. Whether she takes great joy in showing off her talents, humiliating her
opponents, or merely seeking the fastest route to victory, it’s always best to strike first before the
swashbuckler gains the upper hand between clever tricks and quick counters.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Expert 4 May use two weapons of medium sized or smaller
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon

Continuous Abilities
Charm 10 Charms a target after one minute of interaction
Courage 10 Reduces fear effects to five seconds
Duelist* 10 May choose the destination of disarmed weapons
Periodic Abilities
Athletic Feat 4 Instantly move up to ten paces
Critical Attack 2 Deals weapon damage plus five
Deflect 5 Defends a physical attack
Disarm/Retain 3 Disarms a target or defends a disarming attack
Feint 4 Forces the target to defend
Gift of the Predator 3 Pierces yellow concealment within twenty-five feet
Incite 3 Enrages the target to attack the character
Rapid Assault 4 Instantly strike the target with a second attack
Riposte* 3 Counter after defending an attack
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Debonair Increases the damage dealt by Riposte by one


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Witch Hunter 
When something sinister goes bump in the night, it is the Witch Hunter who bumps back. She
carries an assortment of tools particularly effective for fighting chaotic beasts. For some, the
thrill of the hunt is what keeps them stalking until sunrise, and for many others, this path is a
very lucrative business that caters to the morally ambiguous. Possessing this list causes the
character to have the Order alignment.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Warrior) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon
Shield, Large 4 May use a large shield
Continuous Abilities
Chaos Fortitude 10 Gain resistance to negative energy creature attacks
Detect Weakness 10 Determine a targets weakness after thirty seconds
Hunter’s Mark* 10 Gain an effect to help defeat a certain creature
Periodic Abilities
Charge 4 Instantly moves up to ten paces to stun a target
Critical Attack 2 Deals weapon damage plus five
Deflect 5 Defends a physical attack
Feign Death (Spell) 2 May appear to be dead
Gift of the Predator 3 Pierces yellow concealment within twenty-five feet
Rapid Assault 4 Instantly strikes the target with a second attack
Sanctuary (Spell) 4 Creates a round barrier around the character
Silver Bolt* 4 Deals twenty Silver damage and pins the target
Slaughter 5 Deals base weapon damage plus twenty-five
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Hunter’s Repertoire Gain an additional effect from Hunter’s Mark


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Support Classes 
While the heroes of legend are typically great gladiators, powerful mages, or cunning assassins,
those lost to the stories are often equally as skilled. Many would-be adventurers find themselves
disinterested in the artes of combat and instead study other valuable skill sets that allows them to
create useful things or perform complex tasks. Without support from the “less extraordinary,”
adventurers would surely be more likely to meet grim ends – many would argue this makes these
artes the most extraordinary of all.
All Support classes purchase each rank of a tree’s talents for a single cost. These costs are
uniform across all support classes as two build for Rank I talents, three build for Rank II talents,
four build for Rank III talents, and five build for Rank IV talents.
When a character learns a Crafting talent more than once, the number of doses yielded by using
the ability is increased by one per purchase. If the talent is a Procedure or Structure, the time to
activate the ability is reduced by one minute per purchase.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

An Alchemist takes time to study the flora and minerals of Arawyn to distill them into powerful
brews and salves through commonly thought only to dabble in mixing a few herbs and liquids,
the Alchemist has a far more versatile and potent repertoire of tricks and concoctions up her
sleeve. Through relentless experimentation, she learns new techniques and discovers what the
natural world can do when pieced together in just the right way.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Support) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons; one must be small
Oculum 5 May use an oculum

Continuous Abilities
Resurrection 10 Allows you to resurrect a spirit
Set/Disarm Traps 10 Sets or disarms a trap

Periodic Abilities
Avoid Trap 3 Resists the effects of a trap
Innovation 4 Instantly creates and uses and item
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Brewmaster Reduces the time required to use a compound by
one second

An Alchemist’s distillations can be considered the most versatile part of their arsenal. Combining
choice compounds in a liquid suspension, the common distillations have been designed as much
for maximum potency as for taste. Teas, tinctures, blends, and brews are just some of the
mediums used to bestow a variety of beneficial effects upon their imbibers. Always ask before
drinking from an Alchemist’s cup – you never know what they may have brewed up.
I: Antitoxin Cures the imbiber of poison
Laudanum* Allows character to be more active while resting
II: Fire Cordial* Causes attacks to deal Fire damage
Volatility Doubles the effectiveness of compounds
III: Cauldron* Increases quantity of a compound
Refreshment Potion Refreshes Mana points to the imbiber
IV: Draught of Victory* Grants imbiber Body point and power
Resuscitate Cures imbiber from Critical stage

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

As brilliant as she is in the field, it is in her laboratory that an Alchemist truly shines. Constantly
driven by the need to find new ways to alter existing recipes and perfect new ones, it is common
to find her doors barred for days or weeks at a time. Unable to resist the pull of informed
improvisation for long, an Alchemist’s experiments push her craft to its breaking point and
beyond. The most successful of these efforts produce the strange and mystical powers coveted by
heroes and villains alike.
I: Create Relic Creates a relic
Dilute* Shares a compound with a friend
II: Construct Power Core Controls or creates a construct
Transmutation* Alters the properties of an item
III: Neutralization Bomb* Prevents usage of material properties
Salvage Breaks down an item into its base materials
IV: Flask* Allows effect to persist through the Critical stage
Research Uncovers information through study

Volatile and dangerous, hermetic compounds are housed in fragile exteriors waiting for the
catalyst that will cause them to explode. An Alchemist skilled in creating these contraptions has
perfected the art of working with delicate and dangerous ingredients. Whether mundanely
disguised or beautifully packaged, each compound is an individual work of art perfect for any
combat situation. Hermetic Alchemists should be protected from excessive jostling to prevent
unnecessary property damage.

I: Adhesive Bomb* Pins a target to the ground

Explosive Charge Deals twenty Fire damage
II: Blasting Bomb Destroys an item
Fire Ichor* Inflicts disease which causes weakness to Fire
III: Incendiary Charge Deals sixty Fire damage
Plague Bomb* Inflicts disease which causes bleeding
IV: Chameleon Oil Grants yellow concealment
Smoke Bomb* Blinds everyone around the character


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Alchemists have an extended knowledge of herbs and minerals and how they can be used either
directly or indirectly to great benefit. Designed to modify and enhance the entirety of an
Alchemist's catalog, Infusions are the utilitarian superstars at the heart of any laboratory. Utilized
in the field, Infusions can be the difference between a catastrophic failure and a rousing victory.

I: Alchemist’s Flame* Reduces time required to use an item

Boneshell Vellum Enhances item to resist memorization
II: Echinacea* Enhances a medicinal compound to heal over time
Improvised Creation Creates a compound without required components
III: Amalgamate Combines two compounds into one dose
Ginseng* Reduces the time required to rest
IV: Recover Compound* Removes an unused compound
Zinc Extends the duration of a compound

Alchemists trained in Toxicology understand the delicate balance of essences and chemicals that
affect organisms and how to treat those poisons and conditions effectively. The most common
concoctions are applied to weapons to burn and poison the enemy in a variety of ways but they
are also able to produce simple mixtures that heal and invigorate their allies.
I: Healing Poultice, Lesser Heals twenty Body points
Ironskin Salve* Grants the imbiber ten Armor points
II: Blade Venom* Deals weapon damage plus ten and poison
Smelling Salts Cures an unconscious or influenced person
III: Fire Oil* Converts a chosen damage type into Fire damage
Tranquilizer Causes a target to sleep
IV: Atrophic Venom* Inflicts disease to require more energy
Quicksilver Deals sixty Silver damage and trips the target


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

An Engineer tinkers with mechanisms and technology, dreaming up new inventions and
technologies to make them a reality. Achieving advanced accomplishments of the modern world,
the Engineer takes common tools and expands on them. Using her wits and imagination, she
builds interesting devices, complex machines, and deadly firearms. An Engineer is always
thinking about the next improvement, the next invention, or the best way to build a solution to a
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Support) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Oculum 5 May use an oculum
Ranged Weapon 5 May use any type of ranged weapon

Continuous Abilities
Entry/Escape 10 Enters or exits a closed area
Set/Disarm Traps 10 Sets or disarms a trap

Periodic Abilities
Innovation 4 Instantly creates and uses and item
Stealth Strike 3 Strikes a target from concealment
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Upgrade Increase the number of items her oculum may hold
by one

An architech’s designs focus on a variety of different projects that move away from the small
gadgets an Engineer is commonly known to build. With a bit of work and imagination, she can
even create constructs, develop surgical modifications, and create a variety of reliable items that
use springs and gears to function.
I: Blueprints* Halves the time of Entry/Escape
Set Limb Cures a broken limb
II: Alarm Trap* Sets a trap that creates a loud noise
Construct Power Core Controls or creates a construct
III: Bear Trap* Sets a trap that breaks the target’s limb
Surgical Alteration Perform a surgical procedure on a target
IV: Resetting Switch* Allows a trap to be reset
Trapdoor Allows for a quick escape or ejection

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Contraptions are diminutive, but invaluable devices an Engineer creates prized for their varied
uses, but are made to function only once. Whether augmenting a soldier’s boots, splinting a limb,
or recharging a device, contraptions are the little gizmos that are always at hand to help out.
I: Biometric Detector* Inspects a target
Spiked Cleats Prevents knockback and trip effects
II: Gyrometric Restabilizer* Turns status effect into a knockback
Splint Kit Protects a limb from breaking
III: Lodestone Reconstitutor* Unequips an Attuned relic once per event
Stamina Potion Refreshes a periodic skill to the imbiber
IV: Create Trinket/Scroll Creates an invokable use of an ability
Oscillator Core* Refreshes one use of an item’s power

Inventions are creative thought tinkered into creation. Through numerous hours of planning and
labor, an Engineer creates truly amazing things. Building upon the basics of engineering and
endeavouring to new heights, these objects can be instantly used to produce a number of various
effects, including saving a life.
I: Create Relic Creates a relic
Parachute* Reduces falling damage
II: Forge/Repair Ranged Weapon* Creates or repairs a ranged weapon
Forge/Repair Weapon Creates or repairs a melee weapon
III: Salvage Breaks down an item into its base materials
Steadying Scope* Allows a sniper to autohit attacks
IV: Create Oculum* Creates an oculum
Resuscitate Cures imbiber from Critical stage


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

An Engineer knows that everything can be improved. Tighten a bolt here, replace this part there,
redesign that for the twentieth time so it works just a bit better; these thoughts run through an
Engineer’s head when she examines an object. By adding a module to an item, she can enhance
many objects to function at peak performance or in new and wondrous ways.
I: Focusing Iris* Allows for continuous tracking of the target
Locksmithing Creates or dismantles a lock
II: Metallurgic Amplifier* Enhances an item to gain additional power
Silvered Lens Places the user behind a target
III: Precision Lens* Sees through yellow concealment
Shrouded Lens Allows creator to lie under truth detection
IV: Chameleon Oil Grants yellow concealment
Ephemeral Refabricator* Heals the wearer while out of combat

Whether it’s the flash of gunpowder or the pure destructive force of a bomb, some Engineers are
drawn to making things that detonate. These inventors forge weapons and items that shoot
projectiles or explode, bringing firepower to their arsenals. This science is newly founded, but is
quickly growing in popularity and use.
I: Explosive Charge Deals twenty Fire damage
Tar Bomb* Hobbles the opponent
II: Flash Bomb* Dazes all targets around the user
Improvised Creation Creates a compound without required components
III: Breaching Charge* Destroys a barrier and deals forty Fire damage
Incendiary Charge Deals sixty Fire damage
IV: Augment Ammunition* Allows an item to be fired from a ranged weapon
Research Uncovers information through study


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Physician sees to the varied health issues of the populace, working diligently to ensure
wellness. They are the doctors and medics; the people who devote themselves to studying the
medical artes. Whether the farmer who learns to set a limb, the hero who labors to keep her
friends alive, or the surgeon who works for hours in a clinic; Physicians are the miracle workers
who employ medicine and skill to aid their fellow countrymen.
Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Support) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Florentine, Basic 2 May use two weapons; one must be small
Oculum 5 May use an oculum

Continuous Abilities
Detect Weakness 10 Determines a target’s weakness after thirty seconds
Resurrection 10 Allows character to resurrect a spirit

Periodic Abilities
Innovation 4 Instantly creates and uses and item
Waylay 4 Knocks the target unconscious
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Specialist Reduces crafting time for healing items used
instantly on a patient by one minute

General Practice 
Whether checking vitals or setting a broken limb, a Physician’s work is never done. Seeing
patients, making house calls, tending to injured soldiers or tired farmers; these things are all part
of their day to day lives. A Physician works tirelessly to provide care to many people, no matter
the severity of the ailment.
I: Reflex Hammer* Defends against an autohit attack
Set Limb Cures a broken limb
II: Check Vitals* Extends target’s critical stage by five minutes
Sundial Shortens resting time in an area by five minutes
III: Physical Enhancements* Grants ten Body points for three months
Salvage Breaks down an item into its base materials
IV: Ophthalmology* Reduces blindness to one minute
Realignment Makes target temporarily resistant to a status effect

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Pharmacology is the practice of mixing different herbal compounds into useful medicine. A
Physician learns to make many different restorative solutions, with properties ranging from
healing wounds and ailments to sedating or invigorating patients. These life saving items are
worth more than their weight in gold to those in need.
I: Healing Poultice, Lesser Heals twenty Body points
Nightshade Tonic* Makes the imbiber appear dead for a duration
II: Rejuvenating Bandage* Heals five Body points per minute while inactive
Smelling Salts Cures an unconscious or influenced person
III: Healing Poultice, Greater* Heals forty Body points
Tranquilizer Knocks the target unconscious
IV: Elixir of Healthfulness* Cures a target of all status effects
Zinc Extends duration of a compound

Preventative Care 
Seeing to the health of the community isn’t just about saving lives on the battlefield – it is also
about protecting people from potential ailments. Innoculations, shots, and elixirs are all ways for
a Physician to provide for the health of their patients. With this practice, it is possible to prevent
an illness from ever taking root.
I: Antitoxin Cures the imbiber of poison
Mineral Supplements* Defends a dazing attack
II: Inviolate Elixir* Defends a disease or poison
Splint Kit Protects from a broken limb
III: Charcoal Defends a stun
Inoculate* Immunizes to poison or a disease
IV: Adrenaline Shot* Instantly completes a rest
Orthotic Brace Reduces a chosen status effects duration by one tier


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The inner workings of the mind are a mystery to most, not so for a Physician practiced in
psychiatry. Every person has a tell, a small, habitual thing he does that allows someone with the
right training to understand almost anything about him. With careful deduction and analysis, the
psychiatrist can see into the troubled mind and determine the best course of action.
I: Detect Influence Determines if a target is influenced
Valerian Root* Defends fear or rage
II: Psychoanalyze* Determines the target’s surface thoughts
Volatility Doubles the effectiveness of compounds
III: Detect Truth* Determines if a target is lying
Shrouded Lens Allows creator to lie under truth detection
IV: Hypnosis* Forces the target to answer truthfully
Research Uncovers information through study

With the ability to pull people from death's door, a Physician practiced in Surgery is often seen as
the hero of the medical artes. Her skilled hands and quick, decisive actions show devotion to
perfecting her craft; hundreds of hours of study and practice prepare her to make the right
decisions at the right times.
I: Belladonna* Cures blindness
Create Relic Creates a relic
II: Corpse Study Defends against a creature’s abilities
Surgical Suture* Heals target’s Body points over time
III: Surgical Alteration Perform a surgical procedure on a target
Triage* Doubles healing done in an area
IV: Reanimate* Brings a target back from the dead
Resuscitate Cures imbiber from Critical stage


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Scholar studies the mysteries of the world, both great and small, seeking the answers about the
inner workings of the cosmos, legends of the past, and practices of the world’s cultures. She can
be found studying tirelessly over a pile of books or out in the field, looking to explore and
discover those mysteries still unknown. Over time, she masters many lores and languages and
learns to create items that help her other others in the pursuit of knowledge.

Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Support) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Casting Phokus 5 Casting weapon
Literacy, Source (Any) 2 Learn the language of a supernatural source
Oculum 5 May use an oculum

Continuous Abilities
Charm 10 Charms a target after one minute of interaction
Detect Weakness 10 Determines a target’s weakness after thirty seconds

Periodic Abilities
Detect Hidden 2 Detects an item under yellow concealment
Innovation 4 Instantly creates and uses and item
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Illuminated Reduces the activation time of scrolls and trinkets
by one second

The quest for knowledge, the yearning to know more, the seeking of answers, Academics is the
general education of many Scholars. Learning how to research, review, and critique, students
master the techniques that will be the building blocks of their swiftly growing skills. They learn
how to study which, in turn, helps them teach others about the world around them.
I: Create Tome* Writes a book on an ability or topic
Peer Review Enhances the character’s ability to assist others
II: Corpse Study Defends against a creature’s abilities
Create/Detect Forgery* Creates or discovers a forged document
III: Amalgamate Combines two compounds into one dose
Critique* Allows a teacher to use a skill more frequently
IV: Professor* Allows improved teaching of any ability
Research Uncovers information through study

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The study of ancient societies and civilizations, archeology deals heavily in studying a timeline
of events. Archaeologists uncover lost artifacts of times long past to reveal the truth of their
nature and meaning. This study focuses on creating the various items required to explore old
ruins, record data, and preserve what is found.

I: Create Relic Creates a relic

Liturgic Tablet* Allows the specified language to be translated
II: Blasting Bomb Destroys an armament
Spyglass* Allows for detailed identification of items
III: Explorer’s Map* Allows movement with a skill through obstacles
Salvage Breaks down an item into its base materials
IV: Preservation Solution* Extends the duration of a relic
Trapdoor Allows for a quick escape or ejection

Astrology, the study of the stars and the Astral Realm, deals heavily in farsight, divination and
the importance of number sequences. The Scholar works to build and employ a number of
special tools that help her chart the mysteries of the stars and the Planes, giving her some insight
and keeping her refreshed to continue her travels.
I: Healing Poultice, Lesser Heals twenty Body points
Star Chart* Warns the reader of an imminent trap
II: Scrying Mirror* Detects a concealed target
Sundial Shortens resting time in an area by five minutes
III: Divination* Asks a question of the stars to receive knowledge
Stamina Potion Refreshes a periodic skill to the imbiber
IV: Horoscope* Doubles the amount that can be retrained
Realignment Makes target temporarily resistant to a status effect


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Illumination is the art of transferring knowledge and skills from the practical world into the
written word. Using specially prepared inks, parchment, and stone, a scholar uses patience and
grace to create wondrous works of literary art. These items are sought after by many collectors
and heroes for their power and beauty.
I: Boneshell Vellum Enhances item to be immune versus Memorize
Enchanted Ink* Allows a trinket or scroll to be used by anyone
II: Forge/Repair Casting Focus* Forges or repairs a casting focus
Tempering Kit Protects against a destructive attack
III: Glyph Plate* Turns a casted effect into an invokable glyph
Refreshment Potion Refreshes Mana points to the imbiber
IV: Create Grimoire* Allows casting more quickly
Create Trinket/Scroll Creates an invokable use of a skill or spell

The art of wit, quick thinking, and careful deduction – whether dealing with a single person or an
army of aggressors a wise scholar formulates a plan using her knowledge and skill. Able to
diffuse a tense situation, or devise a route of attack, a good strategist always comes through with
a plan.
I: Cryptograph* Creates a cipher for a document
Detect Influence Determines if a target is influenced
II: Etiquette Guide* Become more charming towards a creature
Silvered Lens Places the user behind a target
III: Diplomacy* Peacefully treat with a creature
Structural Integrity Grants additional benefit from structures
IV: Chameleon Oil Conceals into surroundings
Tactical Coordination* Devises a plan for a group of people


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A Smith is arguably the most versatile of crafters, possessing the knowledge to work with a
variety of ores, textiles, and natural materials to create implements for both ordinary and
extraordinary circumstances. She is most adept at using metals for many different applications,
such as repairing armaments, forging tools, and reinforcing the homes and keeps of the
commonfolk and nobility. A Smith deals with all kinds; she is an essential part to keeping any
economy thriving.

Passive Abilities
Proficiency (Support) 0 Gain the Proficiency of your choice
Oculum 5 May use an Oculum
Shield, Large 4 May use a large shield

Continuous Abilities
Blind Fighting 10 May use melee skills while blind
Entry/Escape 10 Enters or exits a closed area

Periodic Abilities
Innovation 4 Instantly creates and uses and item
Shatter 3 Destroys the target item
Multi-Purchase Benefit
Schematics Increases the duration of any structure the
character installs or assists with by one month

Blacksmithing focuses on heavier materials, often worked installs in a forge, and encompasses
what a Smith is best known for: her ability to create sturdy and reliable armaments and tools for
any number of occasions. While most are interested in the final product, a Smith also sees the
usefulness of the remnants left in the forge.
I: Saltpetre* Increases an armament’s base damage
Spiked Cleats Prevents knockback and trip effects
II: Forge/Repair Armor* Creates or repairs armor and shields
Forge/Repair Weapon Creates or repairs a melee weapon
III: Charcoal Defends a stun
Window Bars* Protects a room from being broken into
IV: Create Buckler* Creates a shield that straps to an arm
Zinc Extends the duration of a compound

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Most items a Smith creates are meant to be wielded or worn. Installations, however, are
augments that are designed to enhance a structure. The designs vary, some helping strengthen
parts of the building, others providing facilities for rest and safety, or even a few that help with
getting in and out of more secure areas.
I: Barricade* Protects a barrier from destruction
Locksmithing Creates or dismantles a lock
II: Skeleton Key* Opens a lock
Sundial Shortens resting time in an area by five minutes
III: Security Mirrors* Defends from backstab in an area
Structural Integrity Grants additional structural benefit
IV: Hidden Cache* Creates a hidden space for a being or an item
Trapdoor Allows for a quick escape or ejection 

Smiths have always been known for their ability to craft, but their ability to take something apart
is often overlooked. Salvaging is a technique the Smith uses to examine the components of a
broken object ro break objects down; allowing her to acquire new components or quickly repair
an item.
I: Peer Review Enhances the character’s ability to assist others
Scrap* Destroy an item to reduce component cost
II: Field Repair Armament* Temporarily repairs a broken armament
Improvised Creation Creates a compound without required components
III: Salvage Breaks down an item into its base materials
Smelt Materials* Combines two like materials into one
IV: Barter* Allows for exchange of same rank materials
Research Uncovers information through study


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A common phrase, “tools of the trade,” refers to the fact that there’s a particular tool to complete
almost any task. A Smith provides these tools by implementing designs of carefully prepared
powders and forged metals that assist the user or stop a enemy in his tracks.
I: Explosive Charge Deals twenty Fire damage
Grappling Hook* Reduces time to use Climb
II: Blasting Bomb Destroys an armament
Caltrops* Defends the user from a pursuant
III: Bola* Binds and trips a target
Incendiary Charge Deals sixty Fire damage
IV: Orthotic Brace Reduces a chosen status effects duration by one tier
Scabbard/Frog* Increases the damage of the first attack 

Usually associated with molten forges and heavy hammers, not many consider the smaller details
that smithing unique. With practiced precision, whitesmithing focuses on those details,
combining delicate materials in different ways to improve armaments that tailor them to the
needs of the owner.
I: Cabochon* Adds Armor points to an item
Create Relic Creates a relic
II: Locking Gauntlet* Defends a disarming attack
Tempering Kit Defends a destructive attack
III: Amalgamate Combines two compounds into one dose
Armor Patch* Partially repairs a suit of armor
IV: Quicksilver Deals sixty Silver damage and trips the target
Whetstone/Counterweight* Grants bonus damage for three months

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

With each passing day in this new place, you never stop training, pushing yourself further and
further in practice until you master the skills you need to be successful as an adventurer and as a
ranger. Your teacher, a grizzled man whom you’re quite sure has seen scores of hunting seasons,
has been working with you for the last year. Reflecting back on your first adventure, you
recognize the progress you’ve made since then has been great, and it’s clear your teacher is as
pleased as you are with how far you’ve come.
Without so much as a breath’s notice, he lets loose an arrow towards you, which you instinctively
evade. It’s no doubt in your mind that it would have punctured your leather armor, had it met its
mark. Though your training is tiring, you’ve no doubt that mastering these advanced techniques
will be worth it in the end.
Beyond the standard classes that characters may learn exist four master classes. A master class
allows the character to train in more advanced techniques than what is available to her from a
standard class list. All classes of a single archetype feed into the same master class – casters into
Thaumaturge, rogues into Nightblade, warriors into Centurion, and support into Artisan. Hybrid
classes may choose their master class as per the rules described in the Hybrid section.
To learn a master class, a character must first learn all available Unique abilities of a class of the
same archetype, found on each class’s skill list marked with an asterisk. This is called mastering
the class. Mastery of standard class allows the character to qualify for only one purchase of a
master class. Additionally, the character must have attended twelve or more events prior to
learning any master class, six or more months must have passed since she initially learned the
standard class.
When a character learns a master class, she immediately gains a passive ability related to the
class’s skillset, unobtainable by any other means. These abilities may be found under the
Additional Benefits heading of each class. When she is ready to learn skills, the character may
choose only one ability at each rank per purchase of the class; however, there is no limit on how
many times she may purchase the chosen ability. The sole exception to this is the rank I Artisan
skills, which may each only be purchased one time.
If the character learns a second purchase of a master class she already possesses, she may choose
to learn a second ability per rank, to access an ability at a rank a second time, or a combination of
the two. Accessing an ability more than once provides the same benefits as described for
standard classes at the start of this chapter. Purchasing a master class more than once has no
effect on its Additional Benefit.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Artisan is a master of her work, be it constructing a home, building a weapon, concocting a
potion, or sewing a wound. As such, she takes great pride in her work and employs a series of
techniques that make her wares and ways more effective. To heroes, however, her more
frequently sought after crafts are runes, which enhance relics and provide exceptional benefits.
Artisan is the master class for characters of the support archetype. To learn this class, a character
must first fill all the criteria for learning a master class, listed above.
Due to the nature of support classes, instead of learning two Unique Abilities, the character must
instead learn the Rank IV abilities of two trees.

Additional Benefits 
All Artisans are capable of holding an item crafted with Innovate for the full encounter. Innovate
may not be used again until the item is used; the item expires at the end of the encounter.
Rank I
Rune of Alacrity 6 Instantly moves up the character to five paces
Rune of Warding 6 Defends against unconscious and grants immunity
Skill Storing Rune 6 Expends a skill to save it for the next encounter
Rank II
Efficiency 6 Uses an item without consuming it
Indomitable Focus 6 Defends an interruption while crafting
Inspiration 6 Instantly creates and uses a rune

Rank III
Artisan’s Mark 6 Creates a unique enhancement for a crafted item
Curate 6 Remove a rune from a relic
Masterpiece 6 Creates a unique consumable item

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Centurion is the unrivaled master of armed – or unarmed – combat. She boasts a range of
skills that make her a force to be reckoned with in a fight and a devastating foe to take down. Her
abilities would give cause for concern to any foe she faces against.
Centurion is the master class for characters of the warrior archetype. To learn this class, a
character must first fill all the criteria for learning a master class, listed above.

Additional Benefits 
Centurion is capable of defending herself with Destroyed weapons, or Broken arms, if she is
fighting with her fists. This does not allow her to attack.
Rank I
Arcing Attack 6 Turns an attack into a spray
Flurry Strike 6 Attack three times in one strike
Weapon Mastery 6 Adds one damage to amplifying attacks
Rank II
Crushing Blow 6 Destroys an armament and the limb wielding it
Haymaker 6 Dazes and stuns the target
Slay 6 Deals weapon damage plus fifty
Rank III
Immaculate Defense 6 Defend the previous three attacks
Intercede 6 Defends an ally and grants him immunity to harm
Resilience 6 Become resistant to backstab attacks

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The Nightblade is a master of precision and clever tricks. She employs less stalwart tools to
achieve her goals, but never undersells her results. The Nightblade is one who rarely ever faces a
foe head on, but is sure to make any enemy’s head spin as she dashes around landing crippling
Nightblade is the master class for characters of the rogue archetype. To learn this class, a
character must first fill all the criteria for learning a master class, listed above.
Additional Benefits 
Nightblades is capable of inflicting all attacks delivered with non-large weapons as Piercing if
she delivers them from concealment or to the target’s back.
Rank I
Executioner 6 Incapacitating a target grants extra movement
Flurry Strike 6 Attack three times in one strike
Perfect Aim 6 Autohit an ability within one hundred feet
Rank II
Gouge 6 Dazes the target to allow backstab attacks
Hemorrhage 6 Deals sixty Body and silences the target
Poison Needles 6 Deals sixty Body and inflicts poison in a spray
Rank III
Evasion 6 Defends an attack and allows movement
Fade 6 Removes character from combat and into hiding
Quick Reflexes 6 Defends a ranged attack within twenty-five feet   

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A master of the Weave, the Thaumaturge manipulates the strands in ways unparalleled. She can
turn the tides of battle by augmenting the way her powers travel through the network of strands
in order to perform feats of greater skill or impenetrable defense.
Thaumaturge is the master class for characters of the caster archetype. To learn this class, a
character must first fill all the criteria for learning a master class, listed above.
Due to the nature of caster classes, instead of learning two Unique abilities, the character must
instead learn the class’s Unique ability and at least one casting domain’s Rank IV abilities to
qualify for Thaumaturge. A character with a hybrid caster class follows the standard
requirements instead.

Additional Benefits 
Thaumaturge is always capable of casting spells even if her hands are not free. This does not
affect silence effects.
Rank I
Arcing Attack 6 Turns an attack into a spray
Perfect Aim 6 Autohits an ability within one hundred feet
Mana Mastery 6 Reduces the cost to cast a spell
Rank II
Drain Essence 6 Deals sixty damage and refreshes Mana
Overwhelm 6 Deals twenty damage and dispels latent effects
Spell Holding 6 Delivers multiple spells in one attack
Rank III
Retribution 6 Reflects a non-piercing attack
Resist 6 Defends an attack and grants spell immunity
Mysterial Armor 6 Grants sixty Armor points

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook


Silently, you stalk the woodline, hiding among the brush. You have been tracking your prey, a
snarling orc with a penchant for destruction, for some time now. You stealthily approach from
behind, hoping to all the Gods of Eodra he doesn’t turn around. Alas – you were careless; a twig
snaps beneath your feet and he spins to face you full-force. You abandon your plan of attack and
fade behind a nearby tree, clambering up it to gain a better vantage point.
As the orc tries to follow your scent, you examine him more closely. Piercing his entropic armor
will take more than a carefully placed blade. You scan your surroundings as you invent a new
strategy, lobbing a knife at a nearby tree to create a distraction as you blink far enough away to
enact your plan. Five… four… three… in a manner of seconds, you expertly arm a steel bear
trap, concealing it with fallen leaves. Letting out a breath, you cup your hands to your mouth
and shout at your enemy, inciting him to come after you. You ready your blade as he falls into
your trap, howling in pain, and prepare to face him.
Abilities are the in-game actions taken by characters with out-of-game mechanics dictating their
result. This chapter details the rules of every skill, including periodic, spell, talent, passive, and
continuous abilities. Each section describes in further detail a breakdown of how abilities of that
type function.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Traits and Keywords 

Some terminology is used frequently within descriptions of skills. These terms are known as
keywords. While there are many terms useful to know, the most commonly used phrases are
included in this section.
Ability – An action taken by a character Detect – To be given an OOG report on the
with explicit mechanical guidelines. Also object of detection; the character is aware of
skill. the report IG but no other characters are
aware of the information gained.
Action – Any IG activity performed by a
character, such as moving, speaking, or High Rank – A rank III or higher talent or
using abilities. spell.
Activate – To use an ability, regardless of Highly Resistant – The being suffers only
whether the target is affected by it. The half the inflicted damage from attacks of the
ability is only considered activated if it is specified damage type, to a maximum of
successful or if the target defends or is five points of damage.
immune to it. Also use.
IG – In-game; in-character; denotes how an
Aspected – The damage type of the ability action taken is perceived by characters that
is determined by the character’s class. See witness it, regardless of OOG mechanics.
Chapter III for a list of aspected damage
Immune – The character is unaffected by
the specified effect. A character may not be
Autohit – The character is considered to immune to an effect of which she is
successfully strike her target without willingly the target. Also immunity.
touching him OOG.
Incapacitated – The state of being unable to
Barrier – An impenetrable obstruction resist an action or Killing Blow. A being
through which nothing can pass unless who is in his Death count, Unconscious, or
otherwise specified. Bound is considered to be Incapacitated.
Cast – To activate a spell. Invoke – To activate a Latent ability or an
Concentration – Time spent uninterrupted ability from an item.
to activate or maintain an ability. If the Low Rank – A rank II or lower talent or
character succumbs to any effect or takes spell.
any action other than invoking Latent
OOG – Out-of-game; out-of-character;
defenses, the time is reset.
denotes mechanics of gameplay taken by a
Consumable – An item that expires after it player, regardless of how the action is
is used a specified number of times. perceived IG.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Pace – A unit of measure equalling two and Render – The ability inflicts a status effect
a half feet. or other condition upon the target. See
Codex C for a description of all status
Pierce – To trump one ability with another
effects and their durations.
Skill – See ability.
Procedure – A talent performed after an
amount of activation time; the procedure Successful – Having activated an ability and
creates no items and the effect is immediate. forcing the target to succumb to it. Also
Rank – The level of an ability, such as a
spell, talent, or master skill, which must be Strike – To physically hit the target with a
learned in order from lowest to highest. weapon or spell packet.
Reach – A distance up to as far as a Target – The being or object on or against
character could touch a target with her hand which an ability is being used.
or strike him with a melee weapon she is
Use – See activate. May also refer to one
purchase of a periodic skill.
Recipient – The beneficiary of a Latent
Verbal Count – The player using the ability
ability; the being that decides at what point
must count the effect OOG at a speaking
an ability will be used.
volume or louder, with each count lasting at
Redirect – To change the intended target of least one second. If the count is interrupted,
an ability. Unless specified, an attack may it must be started from the beginning.
not be redirected to the being that initially
Weak – The being must count all attacks
used it. An attack may be redirected no more
that include the specified damage type as
than once.
Bane. Also weakness.
Reflect – To redirect an ability to the being
Wield – To carry an armament in a
that initially used it.
combat-ready state.
Resistant – The being suffers only half the
inflicted damage from attacks of the
specified damage type. Also resistance.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Every ability, or skill, in Knight Realms contains a line of descriptive terms known as traits.
These terms describe many technical facets of abilities, such as how they are delivered, how they
may be defended, what source they are powered by, and so on. Though traits do not replace
crucial information from the description of an ability, they act as descriptors of information that
is common between all skills that share that trait.
The type traits of an ability describe basic information regarding its use. The first trait that
appears in the ability description indicates how often it may be used; these traits are explained in
the lefthand column below under the Basic Type heading. The second group of traits, which may
include more than just one, are described in the righthand column, under Sub-Type.
Basic Type Attack – The ability offensively affects a
Continuous – The ability may be activated target. Any ability targeting a character
continuously by the character. against her will gains the attack trait.

Passive – The ability benefits the character Crafting (Armament, Structure) – The
naturally at all times. ability creates an item. The traits of the item
may be listed as sub-traits. Structures must
Periodic – The ability may be activated
be installed directly into an area and last for
once per encounter per purchase.
three months; they must be noted on an Area
Spell – The ability is activated by using Note.
Mana points. The number of Mana points
Physical (Melee, Ranged) – The character’s
required to activate the spell are located to
weapon must make physical contact with a
the left of this trait.
legal striking area for the ability to be
Talent – The ability is activated by spending activated. A physical skill may have the
time or components. The time and tier of sub-trait melee or ranged to describe the
components required to activate the talent required contact.
are located to the left of this trait.
Procedure –

Metaphysical – The character must strike

the target or any armament she is wielding
with a spell packet for the ability to be

Reaction (Defense) – The ability may only

be used reactively to an effect targeting the


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

character. Defenses counter all or part of an attack.

The nature traits of an ability describe all other information relevant to a skill.
Area Effect (Spray) – The ability autohits Influential (Social) – The ability influences
every target within the specified area. Spray the target’s behavior.
abilities affect a ninety degree arc extending
Latent – Latent effects expire at the
five feet from the character.
recipient’s next Rest. Unless otherwise
Augment – The ability grants a benefit to specified, latent effects can be held in
the character or item for the duration of an reserve until the character chooses to
encounter. A character may never have her activate them.
weapon damage augmented by more than
Line of Sight – The ability is considered to
one or her Body points by more than sixty.
autohit the target within the specified
Combo – The ability is designed to be used distance as long as the user can clearly see
in conjunction with another ability; no more the target OOG.
than one Combo ability may be used to alter
Movement – The ability instantaneously
a single activation of a skill.
transports the character the specified
Channeled (Aura, Barrier) – The character distance. Other characters may not react
may not take any action while maintaining until she has finished moving except by
the ability except invoking Latent effects. using Movement abilities of their own.
Any concentration skill may be maintained
Piercing – The ability bypasses all latent
for a maximum of thirty minutes per use. If
spell defenses upon the target.
the aura sub-trait is present, the ability
affects all targets within reach of the Pinpoint (Backstab, Limb, Item) – The
character. If the barrier sub-trait is present, ability must strike the target in the specified
the character must hold her arm area, listed as a sub-trait, to be successful. If
perpendicular to her body, palm facing out, the backstab trait is present but the character
to represent the ability. is concealed from the target, it may be
Concealment (Color, Detection) – The
ability requires or pierces abilities that use Self – The character may only use the ability
the specified color headband or string. The on herself.
character does not need to suspect IG that a
target is concealed to use detection. Voice – The ability autohits a target that
hears it. Voice attacks may only be delivered
Impact – The ability autohits a target within within ten feet; there is no maximum range
reach of the character.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

when targeting allies with beneficial effects. Voice abilities bypass Barriers.

Class Skills 
This section includes the description of every standard and master class skill. The build cost of
each ability may be found before its traits in the last line of the description.

A  6 Build* – Periodic, Area Effect (Spray), Combo

Achilles Shot  Arena Fighter 

This ability renders the target Hobbled and This ability grants the character an
Tripped. additional use of any non-damaging physical
2 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Ranged),
attack she uses. The additional attack
expires after five seconds and may not be
Acrobatics  used on the same target.
This ability allows the character to free 10 Build* – Continuous
herself from restraints or the Bound status
Artisan’s Mark 
after five seconds of concentration, reduces
This ability allows the character to
falling damage by one tier, and reduces the
determine a unique effect which she may
duration of Tripped to one second.
periodically add to certain crafted items she
10 Build* – Continuous
creates. The exact mechanics of this effect,
Affinity  along with the items it benefits, must be
This ability grants the character one of determined between the player and the
several benefits, details on which can be Director upon learning this skill. A character
found in the Ability Supplements section at may only ever have one Artisan’s Mark.
the end of this chapter. 6 Build* – Periodic, Crafting
10 Build* – Continuous
Agile  This ability deals forty Body damage to the
This ability allows the character to change target and renders him Bleeding.
direction, including moving around corners, 4 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Piercing,
Pinpoint (Backstab)
while using Movement abilities.
10 Build – Continuous Assassinate 
Arcing Attack  This ability places the target into the Critical
This ability changes the delivery method of stage of his death count, dealing a maximum
an attack with which it is coupled to Area of two hundred Body damage.
Effect (Spray).

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

5 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Piercing, 5 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Piercing
Pinpoint (Backstab)
Blind Fighting 
Athletic Feat  This ability allows the character to use
This ability allows the character to instantly melee skills and attacks while Blind.
move up to ten paces in any direction or 10 Build – Continuous
perform one feat of athletic prowess at a
storyteller’s discretion.
Break Limb 
4 Build – Periodic, Movement, This ability renders the target limb Broken.
4 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Pinpoint (Limb)
This ability increases an attribute of the
character’s choice by one. A character may This ability allows the character to pass
only ever learn one type of attribute; further through any barrier of less than five feet in
details can be found in Codex A. thickness with space that can accommodate
5 Build – Passive her on the other side after five seconds of
concentration, including Channeled (Barrier)
Avoid Trap  effects.
This ability allows the character to resist the 10 Build* – Continuous, Movement
entire effect of one trap.
3 Build – Periodic, Reaction (Defense)

B  This ability defends the character from a
Battle Cry  Concealment (Yellow, Detection) ability.
This ability heals all allies of the character The attacker may not use another detection
for ten Body points. skill on her for one minute.
4 Build* – Periodic, Voice 3 Build – Periodic, Reaction (Defense)

Berserker Rage  Capture 

This ability allows the character to render This ability renders the target Bound and
herself Enraged versus a target to gain +1 Dazed as long as the character remains in
damage against that target, which may contact with him. The target must be willing
exceed her augment cap, and +30 Armor or incapacitated and may take no action
points. This skill may be used even if she is other than speaking and invoking latent
Enraged by other means. abilities for the duration. If used on a target
4 Build* – Periodic, Augment, Self in the Serious stage of his Death count, he is
Black Spot  healed to one Body point. The character
This ability afflicts the target with a Disease must perform a five second verbal count to
that renders him Weak versus physical use this ability; it is instantaneous if the
attacks. target is Stunned.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

10 Build* – Continuous 4 Build – Periodic, Physical (Melee), Reaction,

Impact, Movement, Self
Casting Phokus 
This ability allows the character to wield a Charm 
casting phokus. Information on casting This ability renders the target Charmed to
phoki may be found in Chapter V. the character after one minute of interaction.
5 Build – Passive If this ability is defended, the character may
not use it again on any target for five
Chaos Fortitude  minutes.
This ability reduces the duration of any 10 Build – Continuous, Attack, Influential (Social),
status effect inflicted upon the character by a Voice
Negative Energy creature by one tier, to a
minimum of five seconds.
10 Build – Continuous This ability grants the character one of
several benefits, details on which can be
Chaotic Infusion  found in the Ability Supplements section at
This ability grants the character one of the end of this chapter.
several benefits, details on which can be 10 Build* – Continuous
found in the Ability Supplements section at
the end of this chapter. Climb 
10 Build* – Continuous This ability allows the character to move
twenty feet up or down a vertical surface
Chaotic Alteration  after ten seconds of concentration.
This ability renders the target Enraged. The 10 Build – Continuous, Movement
target will not attack the character who used
the ability. Additionally, the target’s attack Courage 
deal Bane damage versus all creatures, for This ability reduces the duration of effects
the duration, during which he is considered that inflict the Feared status upon the
to have the Chaos alignment. character to five seconds.
4 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Metaphysical, Physical, 10 Build – Continuous
Augment, Influential
Critical Attack 
Charge  This ability deals five plus the character's
This ability allows the character to move up base weapon damage. This skill may be
to ten paces towards a target that has used a called as “Crit, X damage.”
movement ability. The target is rendered 2 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical

Stunned. Crushing Blow 

This ability renders the target armament
Destroyed, as well as rendering the limb that
wielded it Broken.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Pinpoint (Item) 2 Build – Periodic, Concealment (Yellow, Detection)

Curate  Detect Weakness 

This ability allows the character to remove a This ability allows the character to
rune from a relic, permanently destroying all determine to what damage type the target
other runes within it, including special has a weakness, if anything, after thirty
runes. seconds of concentration.
6 Build* – Periodic  10 Build – Continuous, Attack, Line of Sight

D  Devotion 
This ability grants the character one of
Death Wish 
several benefits, details on which can be
This ability allows the character to choose a
found in the Ability Supplements section at
target after thirty seconds of concentration.
the end of this chapter.
For the duration of the encounter, the
10 Build* – Continuous
character and up to two allies may deliver
Pinpoint (Backstab) attacks and utilize Disarm/Retain 
Accuracy proficiencies from any angle. The This ability renders the target Disarmed or
allies must be chosen when the character resists an attempt to render the character
activates this skill and may not be changed Disarmed. This ability must strike a weapon
for the encounter. and has no effect on a target wielding his
10 Build* – Continuous, Augment, Line of Sight weapon in two hands.
3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Reaction (Defense),
Defiance  Physical, Pinpoint (Item)
This ability instantly cures the character of
any status effect from which she is suffering Disciple Stance 
or defends an attempt to inflict a status This ability allows the character to double
effect upon her. one numerical value of all low rank spells
5 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense), Self while under half her maximum Body point
total, rounded up.
Deflect  10 Build* – Continuous
This ability defends the character from a
physical attack. Disengage 
5 Build – Periodic, Reaction (Defense) This ability allows the character to autohit a
free Puncture with a ranged weapon against
Detect Hidden  a target within fifteen feet when she uses a
This ability allows the character to detect an Movement skill to escape combat. She must
item concealed by a Concealment (Yellow) move at least six paces in order to activate
ability; it may not be used on a being. this ability.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

10 Build* – Continuous, Physical (Ranged), Line of 6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Metaphysical 

Disguise  This ability allows the character to choose
This ability allows the character to disguise where her weapon lands when she is
herself as another being of any race. Disarmed, including into its sheath or her
Information on disguises can be found in other hand, if it is free.
Ability Supplements section. 10 Build* – Continuous
10 Build* – Continuous

This ability renders the target unable to
This ability allows the character to activate
perceive the character for one minute or
the effect of a consumable item without
until she takes action that directly affects
expending a use of the item.
6 Build* – Periodic
3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Influential (Social), Voice
Eldritch Sigil 
This ability allows the character to cast a
This ability defends the character from a
latent version of a spell that does not have
spell or metaphysical attack.
the Latent trait on herself, increasing its
5 Build – Periodic, Reaction (Defense)
casting cost by one Mana Point. The sigil
Double Cast  may be invoked at any time.
This ability causes a spell it is coupled with 10 Build* – Continuous, Self
to strike the target two times, which must be
Entropic Aegis 
defended separately, if it is an attack.
This ability renders the character Immune
5 Build* – Periodic, Combo
versus any physical damage that would send
Dragon Strike  her into her death count whenever she is
This ability deals ten plus the character’s above half her maximum Body point total,
base weapon damage and renders the target rounded up. The attack instead reduces her
Dazed. to half her maximum Body points, rounded
4 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Melee) down.
10 Build* – Continuous
Drain Essence 
This ability deals sixty aspected damage to Entry/Escape 
the target and refreshes five Mana points to This ability allows the character to enter or
the character. exit a closed area by way of an unsecured
window or similar opening after five
seconds of concentration, or any other
opening she can fit at least her fist through
after thirty seconds of concentration.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

10 Build – Continuous, Movement 2 Build – Periodic, Attack, Influential (Social), Voice

Erudition  Feint 
This ability grants the character one of This ability, when coupled with a physical
several benefits, details on which can be attack, forces the target to spend two
found in the Ability Supplements section at defenses against it or succumb to the effect.
the end of this chapter. 4 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Combo
10 Build* – Continuous
First Aid/Assess 
Evasion  This ability detects the target's current and
This ability defends a metaphysical, maximum Body point total, as well as any
piercing, or trap attack and forces the status effects from which he is suffering,
character to move four paces in the opposite after ten seconds of concentration. The
direction of the attacker. character may also spend one minute
6 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense) binding the wounds of a target in the Serious
stage of his Death count, healing him to five
Executioner  Body points. This ability may only be used
This ability allows the character to move up on a target that is willing or incapacitated.
to four paces towards an enemy every time 10 Build – Continuous
she incapacitates a target .
6 Build* – Continuous, Movement 
Florentine, Basic 
This ability allows the character to wield a
F  small weapon at the same time as a medium
Fade  or smaller weapon.
This ability removes the character from 2 Build – Passive

combat and instantly places her under Florentine, Expert 

yellow headband concealment. If coupled This ability allows the character to wield
with a use of another Concealment (Yellow) two medium-sized or smaller weapons
ability, it allows her to move without simultaneously.
restrictions in regards to terrain for the 4 Build – Passive
6 Build* – Periodic, Combo, Concealment (Yellow), Flurry Strike 
Self This ability inflicts a physical attack it is
coupled with upon the target three times.
Fear  6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Combo 
This ability renders the target Feared versus
the character. Fortune Step 
This ability allows the character to
reposition herself two paces in any direction
whenever she uses a defense. Additionally,
she may spend a defense to avoid stepping

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

into an environmental hazard or other him Tripped. This ability may be used with
similar situation. Line of Sight delivery on a target within ten
10 Build* – Continuous feet if he is using a Movement skill.
4 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Ranged), Line
G  of Sight, Movement
This ability renders the target Silenced.
3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Piercing This ability renders the target Stunned and
Gift of the Predator  6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical 
This ability pierces a Concealment (Yellow)
skill being used within twenty-five feet of Hemorrhage 
the character. This ability deals sixty Body damage and
3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Concealment (Yellow, renders the target Silenced and Bleeding.
Detection), Line of Sight 6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Piercing

Gouge  Hindering Strike 

This ability renders the target Dazed. For the This ability renders the target Hindered.
duration, the character may utilize Pinpoint 3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical
(Backstab) attacks and Accuracy
Human Shield 
proficiencies from any angle.
6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Piercing
This ability defends the character from an
attack and redirects the attack to a new
Greater Pact  target within five seconds. If no target exists
This ability grants the character one of within reach of the character, the ability
several benefits, details on which can be fails.
found in the Ability Supplements section at 5 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense), Impact
the end of this chapter. Hunter’s Mark 
10 Build* – Continuous
This ability grants the character one of
H  several benefits, details on which can be
Harmonious Senses  found in the Ability Supplements section at
This ability renders the character Blind and the end of this chapter.
10 Build* – Continuous
allows her to pierce Concealment (Red) and
Concealment (Yellow) abilities until she Hunter’s Stealth 
takes action that she would be unable to This ability allows the character to act
perform while Blind. without restrictions in regards to movement,
3 Build* – Periodic, Augment, Self sound, and activity while under yellow
Harpoon  headband concealment in a wooded area.
This ability forces the target to move This does not allow the character to take
directly in front of the character and renders offensive action while concealed.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

10 Build* – Continuous 4 Build – Periodic, Crafting

I  Inspiration 
Immaculate Defense  This ability allows the character to instantly
This ability defends three physical attacks create and use any rune she is capable of
by which the character was targeted in the crafting with no time or component cost.
previous five seconds. The rune may not be slotted in a relic, must
6 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense) be invoked within five seconds, and is
instantly consumed.
Incite  6 Build* – Periodic, Crafting
This ability renders the target Enraged
versus the character. Instill Confidence 
3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Influential (Social), Voice This ability cures the target of the Feared
Indomitable Focus  2 Build – Periodic, Influential (Social), Voice
This ability defends the character from an
effect which would interrupt a talent she is Intensify 
actively performing and renders her immune This ability allows the character to cast a
versus any subsequent effects that would non-offensive spell on up to three total
interrupt her until the conclusion of its targets while only spending Mana points for
activation time. Using this ability does not one casting.
interrupt her. 2 Build – Periodic, Combo
6 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense)
Innervate  This ability defends a physical attack
This ability allows the character to choose intended for a target within reach and
one latent spell she is capable of casting and renders him immune versus the first three
increases her stacking limit on that spell by attacks by which he is targeted in the
one for the duration of the encounter. There following thirty seconds.
6 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense), Impact
is no limit to the number of times this ability
can be used on a single spell. Intercept 
3 Build – Periodic, Augment, Self
This skill allows the character to redirect an
Innovation  attack upon herself instead of its intended
This ability allows the character to instantly target, provided the target is within reach.
create and use any consumable item she is This skill may be used on its own or
capable of crafting with no time or combined with any defense that would stop
component cost. The item must be used the attack.
within five seconds.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

10 Build – Continuous, Reaction, Impact 2 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Area Effect,
This ability allows the character to force Literacy, Advanced 
three truthful answers out of a target after This ability allows the character to invoke
one minute of interaction, or petition a scrolls and trinkets.
storyteller for answers to three questions. 1 Build – Passive
4 Build – Periodic, Attack, Influential (Social)
Literacy, Culture 
Iron Body  This ability allows the character to read and
The character may render herself Prone for write the specified language.
one minute while concentrating to heal 2 Build – Passive

herself to her full Body point score. The Literacy, Source 

concentration time is reset if the character This ability allows the character to identify
takes any action. items imbued with the power of the
10 Build* – Continuous, Channeled
specified source or read and write its
K  language.
2 Build – Passive
Keen Senses 
This ability pierces a Concealment (Red) Lore 
skill being used within twenty-five feet of This ability allows the character to petition a
the character. storyteller for information that relates to the
3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Line of Sight, subject. Information on Lores can be found
Concealment (Red, Detection)
in the Ability Supplements section.
King’s Guard  5 Build – Passive

This ability allows the character to resist Luck 

with a single defense all attacks on which This ability allows the character to use an
she has used the skill Intercept within the item for which she does not qualify to use
previous five seconds. The defense only for the duration of an encounter, or invoke
negates the attacks it would normally one use of such an item, if it is consumable.
defend, but the character may use several 5 Build* – Periodic
defense skills at once with this ability.
10 Build* – Continuous M 
Mana Mastery 

This ability removes the concentration time
Leg Sweep  to activate a spell chosen at the time of
This ability renders all targets in its area of purchase. This spell is now activated
effect Tripped. instantaneously and triggers a cooldown
equal to what would be its activation time.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

The cooldown applies only to spells 6 Build* – Periodic, Line of Sight

augmented by Mana Mastery.
6 Build* – Continuous
Poison Needles 
This ability deals sixty Body damage and
Masterpiece  renders all targets in its area of effect
This ability allows the character to Poisoned. This attack bypasses abilities with
periodically create a unique consumable the Channeled (Barrier) trait, affecting all
item, the exact mechanics of which must be beings within the barrier, if applicable.
determined between the player and the 6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Area Effect
Director upon learning this skill. (Spray), Piercing
6 Build* – Periodic, Crafting 
Primal Trapper 
Mysterial Armor  This ability adds the Concealment (Yellow)
This ability grants sixty Armor points to the trait to a trap and allows the character to use
character or refreshes up to sixty of her a spell she knows as its effect.
Armor points. The character gains no benefit 3 Build* – Periodic, Crafting, Supernatural (Druidic)

from this ability if she is wearing Medium or

Proficiency, Caster 
Heavy armor. She must be out of combat for
This ability grants the character one of the
at least one minute in order to invoke this
following benefits:
Offensive: The character gains +5
6 Build* – Periodic, Augment 
Body points, +5 Armor points, and +2
O  aspected damage with her casting phokus.
Oculum  Defensive: The character gains +5
This ability allows the character to wield an Body points, +10 Armor points, and +1
oculum. Information on oculus can be found aspected damage with her casting phokus.
in Chapter V.
5 Build – Passive
Proficiency, Rogue 
Overwhelm  This ability grants the character one of the
This ability deals twenty aspected damage following benefits:
and dispels all latent effects upon the target. Offensive: The character gains +10
6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Metaphysical  Body points, +5 damage with ranged
weapons, and +4 damage with small
P  weapons while striking a target from behind.
Perfect Aim  Defensive: The character gains +15
This ability changes the delivery method of Body points, +3 damage with ranged
an ability with which it is coupled to Line of weapons, and +2 damage with small
Sight within one hundred feet and activates weapons while striking a target from behind.
it instantaneously.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Passive 4 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Impact

Proficiency, Support  Quick Reflexes 

This ability grants the character one of the This ability negates a ranged attack or
following benefits: ability used within twenty-five feet of the
Offensive: The character gains +5 character.
Body points and +2 item slots in her 6 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense) 
Defensive: The character gains +10

Body points and +1 item slot in her Oculum. Radiance 
Passive This ability grants the character one of
several benefits, details on which can be
Proficiency, Warrior  found in the Ability Supplements section at
This ability grants the character one of the the end of this chapter.
following benefits: 10 Build* – Continuous
Offensive: The character gains +10
Body points, +5 Armor points, +2 damage
Ranged Weapon 
with medium weapons, and +4 damage with This ability allows the character to wield an
large weapons. arquebus, bow, or crossbow. Information on
Defensive: The character gains +15 ranged weapons may be be found in Chapter
Body points, +10 Armor points, +1 damage V and Codex B.
5 Build – Passive
with medium weapons, and +2 damage with
large weapons. Rapid Assault 
Passive This ability allows the character to autohit
the target with a second attack after
successfully striking him.
This ability deals ten plus the character’s 4 Build – Periodic, Combo
base weapon damage as Body damage.
3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Piercing, Pinpoint Recklessness 
This ability allows the character to perform
Q  limited activity with broken limbs. With a
Quick Bind  broken arm, she may still carry objects and
This ability renders the target Bound. The engage in combat, dealing minus one
character need not wield an armament to use damage. With a broken leg, she may move
this ability. at up to a walking pace without assistance.
With two broken legs, she is functionally

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

10 Build* – Continuous 6 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense) 

Relocate  Riposte 
This ability allows the character to instantly This ability allows the character to autohit
move up to twenty paces in any direction her base damage on her attacker when
without interrupting her casting. coupled with a physical defense.
4 Build – Periodic, Self, Movement 3 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Melee),
Combo, Impact
This ability reflects a physical attack as a S 
metaphysical attack, dealing Mystic damage Set/Disarm Traps 
if applicable. The character must still defend This ability allows the character to set a trap
or succumb to the attack. after five seconds or disarm a trap after ten
4 Build* – Periodic, Reaction, Combo seconds of concentration. Information on
traps can be found in Chapter V.
10 Build – Continuous
This ability renders the character Resistant
versus physical attacks that strike her from Shatter 
behind for a duration of five minutes. This ability renders the target armament or
6 Build* – Periodic, Reaction (Defense), Physical item of similar size Destroyed.
3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Pinpoint (Item)
This ability defends the character from a Shattering Force 
non-piercing attack. If the attack is a spell, This ability destroys all traps on an object
she is rendered Immune versus it for a without activating them when the skill
duration of five minutes. Shatter is used successfully. This ability
6 Build* – Periodic, Defense  may be used defensively against a trap that
the character can see.
3 Build* – Continuous, Reaction (Defense), Combo
This ability allows the character to resurrect
a spirit after fifteen minutes of concentration Shield, Large 
while she is out of combat. She may freely This ability allows the character to use a
interact with the Spirit while concentrating. large shield.
Additionally, the character may always Passive
pierce blue headband concealment.
10 Build – Continuous, Concealment (Blue, Shield, Small 
Detection) This ability allows the character to use a
small shield.
This ability allows the character to reflect a

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

2 Build – Passive against physical attacks to reduce the

damage she would suffer by half.
Silver Bolt  10 Build – Continuous
This ability deals twenty Silver damage and
renders the target Pinned. Specialization, Support 
4 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Ranged) This ability allows the character to use up to
two talents simultaneously. Additionally, the
Slaughter  character may use crafting skills while
This ability deals twenty-five plus the resting without interrupting her rest.
character’s base weapon damage. 10 Build – Continuous
5 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Melee)
Specialization, Warrior 
This ability grants the character twenty
This ability deals fifty plus the character’s
bonus Armor points that refresh
base weapon damage.
6 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Melee)
periodically; her Armor may never be
bypassed by spells or Body damage.
Sleight of Hand  Additionally, the character may physically
This ability allows the character to pick a block metaphysical attacks with her
target’s pockets or open a lock. Information armaments.
on theft and lockpicking can be found in 10 Build – Continuous
Chapter V.
10 Build – Continuous Spell Holding 
This ability allows the character to deliver
Smite  up to three spells as one strike. She must
This ability deals twenty Mystic damage to a cast each spell in succession without
target and allows the character to instantly interruption; if applicable, she must throw
cast a spell on a target within ten feet. only one spell packet to deliver the ability,
4 Build* – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Combo but any attacks must be defended separately.
If the character is interrupted or misses, the
Specialization, Caster 
skill and points are not spent.
This ability allows the character to invoke 6 Build* – Periodic, Combo
her latent abilities against piercing attacks.
Additionally, she may never be interrupted Spirit of the Dragon 
while casting spells. This ability grants the character one of
10 Build – Continuous several benefits, details on which can be
found in the Ability Supplements section at
Specialization, Rogue 
the end of this chapter.
This ability allows the character to deliver
Pinpoint (Backstab) attacks from any angle.
Additionally, she may use the skill Dodge

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

10 Build* – Continuous 10 Build – Continuous

Stealth  Trade 
This ability places the character under This ability allows the character to collect
yellow headband concealment while hiding one commodity of a chosen type per event,
in a shadow or foliage large enough to per purchase. Information on trades and
accommodate her after five seconds of commodities can be found in Codex A.
concentration. While concealed, the 10 Build – Passive
character may move at up to a normal
walking pace. The concealment is dispelled
Trap Attack 
if she takes any action affecting another This ability allows the character to choose a
being or that she would be unable to perform target within ten feet of a trap she has set
while concealed and lasts for a maximum of and remotely trigger it as an attack against
thirty minutes. him. The character must be within ten feet
5 Build – Periodic, Concealment (Yellow), Self of her trap to do so. Information on traps can
be found in Chapter V.
Stealth Strike  3 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Line of Sight)
This ability allows the character to make an
attack while using a Concealment (Yellow)
ability without ending the concealment. This ability renders the character Tripped.
3 Build – Periodic, Combo

Stunning Blow 
This ability renders the target Stunned.
5 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical

This ability instantly moves the target four
paces in a direction of the character's
choosing and renders him Tripped.
4 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Melee), Impact

This ability allows the character to track a
target. Details on Tracking can be found in
the Ability Supplements section at the end
of this chapter.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

2 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical (Melee) found in the Ability Supplements section at
the end of this chapter.
V  10 Build* – Continuous
This ability places the character under

yellow headband concealment after Waylay 
rendering a target incapacitated. The This ability renders the target Unconscious.
concealment is dispelled if she takes any 4 Build – Periodic, Attack, Physical, Pinpoint
action affecting another being or that she
would be unable to perform while concealed Weapon Mastery 
and lasts for a maximum of thirty minutes. This ability grants the target +1 damage with
10 Build – Continuous, Concealment (Yellow)
all attacks that increase her base weapon
Virulent  damage.
6 Build* – Continuous
This ability allows the character to cure
herself of any Disease from which she is Willpower 
suffering after five minutes. This ability defends an Influential attack and
10 Build* – Continuous, Self
renders the character Immune versus the
Virtuoso  defended skill from the attacker for a
duration of one minute.
This ability grants the character one of
4 Build – Periodic, Reaction (Defense), Influential
several benefits, details on which can be
Spells and Spellcasting 
This section includes the description of every standard spell. Casting a spell takes five seconds of
concentration, during which the character should engage in actions related to her casting class; a
Bard might recite a poem, a Mage might draw mystic symbols in the air, or a Priest might chant
holy words in her deity’s name. The nature of the spellcasting activity is entirely up to the player,
but must include either a verbal or somatic component – an onlooker should be able to tell that
she is preparing to cast. During her concentration time, the character may take no action other
than moving, invoking latent effects, or using abilities that specifically function while casting.
Each spell has a Mana point cost, a measure of how much power must be spent in order to
activate the ability. This may be found before the traits of each spell, listed as X MP. Any spell
that lists * MP instead of a number is variable in its cost – the character may determine how
many points she wishes to spend to achieve different effects.
After five seconds, the character may throw a spell packet if the ability has the metaphysical
trait, gesture towards her target for an autohit, Area Effect, or friendly spell, or she may choose

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

to instead weaponcast. Weaponcasting allows the character to deliver a spell through a weapon
she is wielding and capable of using. When a spell is weaponcast, it gains the Physical (Melee)
or Physical (Ranged) trait in place of the Metaphysical trait, depending on the weapon used to
deliver it, unless the weapon is a casting phokus. (Oculus may not be used to weaponcast.) An
Area Effect spell delivered via weaponcast becomes single-target and only affects the target of
the weapon strike.
Casting phoki may be used to deliver spells at their ordinary range. A character must first cast
the spell, then may deliver it via her phokus; this may be done no more than once per ten
seconds, which cannot be reduced by any means. The cooldown time on weaponcasting through
a phokus is considered separately from the cooldown time on its regular attacks; the character
may not begin casting a spell she intends to weapon cast until the cooldown is finished.
Additionally, casting phoki may not be used to deliver any spell augmented by an ability with the
Combo trait. Information on casting phoki may be found in Chapter V.

A  3 MP* – Spell, Latent, Self

Accelerando  Apocalypse 
This ability reduces the casting time of This ability ends all Augment abilities the
spells cast within range of the character one target is currently benefiting from. The
second. target is subject to any effects that would
4 MP* – Spell, Channeled (Aura) occur at the natural end of the dispelled
Acid Bolt 
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
This ability deals twenty Ice damage to the
target and renders him Poisoned. Asphyxiate 
1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical This ability renders the target Silenced.
Aegis  2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
This ability defends the recipient from an
attack that would send her into her Death
This ability allows the character to speak a
3 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
single sentence message into the mind of
another being of which she is on the same
Annihilate  plane of existence and with whom she has
This ability deals eighty aspected damage to conversed. The being may immediately
the target. respond with a sentence.
4 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical 3 MP – Spell

Anticipation  Awaken 
This ability causes the next latent effect This ability cures the target of the
invoked by the character to not be expended. Unconscious status.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

2 MP – Spell 3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical

B  Brilliant Spray 
Banishment  This ability renders all targets within its area
This ability forces the target to his native of effect Dazed.
place of existence and prevents him from 1 MP – Spell, Attack, Area Effect (Spray)

returning to the original plane for the

duration of the encounter. If the target is
already on his native plane, he is instead
Cacophonous Storm 
forced into the Spirit Realm for five minutes This ability deals sixty Sonic damage to all
and must don a Blue headband. For the targets in its area of effect and renders them
duration, he is subject to all mechanics of Silenced.
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Area Effect
the spell Spirit Walk. (Spray)
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
Beacon of Hope 
This ability instantly ends an Influential
This ability cures all beings within range of
effect from which the target is suffering.
the Feared status effect. 2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
4 MP* – Spell, Channeled (Aura), Influential (Social)
Cleansing Spores 
Blast  This ability cures the Poisoned status from
This ability destroys the target armament or any being within range. Any character that
item of similar size. leaves the aura is rendered Immune versus
2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
Poisoned for thirty seconds.
4 MP – Spell, Area Effect, Channeled (Aura)
Blessing of Protection 
This ability grants forty Armor points to up Contagion 
to five beings within reach of the character. This ability deals one hundred Aether
3 MP* – Spell, Augment
damage to a target that is suffering from a
Blizzard  Disease. The character gains the ability to
This ability forces the target to wait five afflict that Disease upon a target as a
seconds between every melee attack he metaphysical attack.
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Augment
makes for five minutes and renders him
Hindered. The slowing effect ends early if Constellation 
the target takes over sixty points of Fire This ability defends the target from a Lesser
damage. Curse.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

4 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent 4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical

Convalesce  Curse of the Fool 

This ability refreshes any Mana points or This ability afflicts the target with a Curse
periodic uses consumed to activate the last that prevents him from using any abilities
two abilities performed by the target. with the Influential trait.
3 MP* – Spell 4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical

Counterspell  Curse of the Penitent 

This ability defends the recipient from a This ability reduces the target’s maximum
spell or metaphysical attack. Body total by half, to a maximum of two
4 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent hundred Body points lost.
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
Cure Wounds 
This ability heals the target for twenty Body Curse of the Seeker 
points. This ability afflicts the target with a Curse
1 MP – Spell that causes any attack made against him by
the character to autohit at a range of up to
Curse of Creeping Doom  ten feet.
This ability afflicts the target with a Curse 4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
that renders him Hobbled. The status cannot
be cured without curing the Curse. D 
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical Decompose 
This ability sends an incapacitated target
Curse of Eternity 
into the Critical stage of his Death Count.
This ability afflicts the target with a Curse
After using this ability, the character’s next
that renders him unable to benefit from
spell is cast for free.
movement abilities. Additionally, while
1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Impact
under the effect of this curse, the target must
spend twice as long to use any ability with Descry Death 
an activation time. This ability allows the caster to detect the
4 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical target’s current Body total or determine for
how long he has been dead. This effect foils
Curse of Hopelessness 
any ability that conceals the target’s health.
This ability afflicts the target with a Curse
2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Line of Sight
that renders him weak versus Mystic
damage. Deteriorate 
This ability reduces the target’s weapon
damage by one for a duration of five

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical 2 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent

Displacement  Earthshatter 
This ability allows the character to cast a This ability renders an armament wielded by
spell upon a location. As long as she each target in its area of effect Destroyed
remains within twenty paces of it, she may and renders them Tripped.
invoke this ability at any time to 4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Area Effect (Spray)
immediately teleport back to the chosen
Echo Ward 
4 MP – Spell, Movement, Self This ability defends the recipient from an
attempt to render her Silenced.
Distortion  2 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
This ability, when invoked, causes the
following three items invoked or abilities
used by the character to be instantaneous This ability removes an object’s immunity to
and have no cooldown. being Destroyed or rendered useless for a
2 MP – Spell, Latent, Self duration of five minutes.
1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Pinpoint (Item)
Divert Teleport 
This ability allows the character to change
Enchanted Armor 
the direction of a Movement ability that This ability grants fiveten Armor points to
passes within ten feet of her, including an the recipient. The effect is doubled if the
ability by which she is targeted. The affected character casts it on herself.
1 MP – Spell, Augment
being must move the remaining distance of
the ability in a direction of the character’s Encore 
choosing. This ability causes the next attack skill used
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Line of Sight,
by the recipient to strike the target twice.
Latent, Self
3 MP* – Spell, Combo, Latent

Divine Judgement 
This ability defends the recipient from a
This ability afflicts the target with a Disease
physical attack and renders the attacker
that prevents him from using a single
Knocked Back ten paces and Tripped.
non-Continuous ability specified by the
3 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent, Self
character at the time of casting. If the target
E  does not know the ability, this skill has no
Earthen Grace  effect.
This ability defends the recipient from an
attempt to render her Bound, or causes an
attack that would render her Imprisoned her
to render her Bound instead.
Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

4 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical 2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical

Enigmatic Blade  Eye for an Eye 

This ability grants the recipient the ability to This ability allows the recipient to reflect an
deal aspected damage for the duration of an attack. She must still defend or succumb to
encounter. When calling this ability, the effect.
enigmatic should be replaced with the spell’s 2 MP – Spell, Reaction, Latent
damage type.
2 MP – Spell, Augment, Latent
This ability deals sixty Mystic damage to all
Enigmatic Lance  targets in its area of effect and renders them
This ability deals forty aspected damage to Pinned.
the target. When calling this ability, 4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Area Effect
enigmatic should be replaced with the spell’s
damage type.

2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical Faery Fire 
This ability dispels all instances of the spell
Enigmatic Strike  Enchanted Armor cast upon the target.
This ability deals twenty aspected damage to 1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
the target. When calling this ability,
enigmatic should be replaced with the spell’s Falling Star 
damage type. This ability deals forty Starlight Body
1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical damage to all targets within a five foot
radius of the character. Any friendly target
Enslave  within the area of effect is instead healed for
This ability renders the target Dominated to the same amount.
the character. The character may control no 4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Area Effect
more than one being at a time with this
ability. Fanfare of Tenacity 
4 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Influential This ability grants the recipient twenty
Armor points and halves the duration of
Enthrall  Silenced and Hindered effects by which she
This ability renders the target creature is targeted for the duration of the encounter.
Dominated to the caster for a duration of 3 MP* – Spell, Augment
thirty minutes or summons a Companion.
While under the effects of this spell, the Fanfare of Victory 
creature and character may communicate as This ability grants the recipient twenty
if they understand each other. The type of healable Body points, +1 damage, and
creature this ability may be used on is renders her Immune versus Pinned, Tripped,
determined by the character’s class; see the and any ability that would displace her for
Ability Supplements for information. the duration of the encounter.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

4 MP* – Spell, Augment 1 MP – Spell, Latent

Feast of Crows  Fortune’s Dance 

This ability deals sixty aspected damage to This ability negates the entire effect of one
the target and heals Body points equal to trap by which the character is targeted.
half the damage done to the caster or another 4 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent, Self
target within reach.
4 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical

Gale Ward 
Featherweight  This ability defends the recipient from an
This ability reduces falling damage suffered attempt to displace her or render her
by the recipient by one tier for the duration Tripped.
of the encounter. Additionally, for the 1 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
duration, the recipient is weightless and
counts as an object for the purpose of Glamour 
movement abilities and being carried. This ability renders the character Immune
1 MP – Spell, Latent versus all non-piercing attacks that deal less
than ten damage. This immunity lasts until
Feign Death  she takes ten or more damage or takes any
This ability causes the recipient to appear Body damage.
Dead to all means of detecting her health 3 MP* – Spell, Augment, Self
until she takes any action. Any being that
attempts to interact with the recipient Grounding Ward 
believes her to be Dead and beyond the help This ability defends the recipient from an
of healing and must treat her as a corpse; she attack that would render her Dazed.
is not a valid target for abilities except those 1 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent

that would affect corpses.

1 MP – Spell, Augment, Latent
Hail Storm 
Flame Wreath  This ability deals forty Ice damage to all
This ability deals forty Mystic Fire damage targets in its area of effect and renders them
to the target and renders him Bound. Hindered.
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Impact, Metaphysical 4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Area Effect (Spray)

Fluidity  Harmonize 
This ability cures the recipient of the Bound This ability cures the target of the Hindered
status or frees her from manacles or or Silenced status effects.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

3 MP* – Spell 3 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Impact,

This ability increases the distance of the I 
next movement skill used by the recipient by Immolate 
four paces. This ability deals forty Aether Fire damage
3 MP – Spell, Latent to the target and renders the target Weak
versus Aether damage for the duration of the
Heal Mortal Wounds  encounter.
This ability restores one Life Effect to the 3 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
target. A character may benefit from this
ability no more than once per event. Impish Allure 
4 MP* – Spell This ability allows the recipient to use an
Influential (Social) ability with which it is
Healing Touch  coupled without any concentration time.
This ability heals the target to his full Body 1 MP – Spell, Combo, Influential (Social), Latent
point score, to a maximum of four hundred
points of healing. Imprisonment 
4 MP* – Spell This ability renders the target Imprisoned.
4 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
This ability causes the next two attacks Incinerate 
activated by the character to use Impact This ability deals two hundred Aether Fire
delivery. damage to a being that targets the character
2 MP – Spell, Latent, Self with a melee attack.
4 MP* – Spell, Reaction, Latent, Self
This ability renders the character Incandescence 
Imprisoned. While Imprisoned, she refreshes This ability cures the target of the Bound or
three Mana points per minute. Imprisoned status effects.
3 MP* – Spell, Self 3 MP* – Spell

Hurricane  Inhibit 
This ability renders the target Knocked Back This ability ends a movement skill that
ten paces and Hobbled. passes within ten feet of the character.
2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Latent, Line of
Sight, Self

This ability informs the character of the
creature type and maximum Body point total

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

of the target, as well as his resistances and under the effects of this spell, the character
Immunities, if applicable. and concealed targets may pierce each
1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Line of Sight others’ concealment.
4 MP* – Spell, Concealment (Red)
This ability defends the recipient from an L 
attempt to destroy an armament she is Liberate 
wielding and reflects the ability back to the This ability cures the target of the Hobbled
attacker. or Pinned status effects.
3 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent 1 MP – Spell

Invigorate  Lightning Storm 

This ability grants the recipient ten This ability deals sixty Aether Lightning
unhealable Body points that may exceed his damage to all targets within its area of effect
maximum and are the first to be lost in and renders them Dazed.
battle. The effect is doubled if the character 3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Area Effect (Spray)
casts it on herself.
2 MP – Spell, Augment M 
Martyr’s Lament 
Inviolate Ward  This ability halts the Death count of all
This ability defends the recipient from an beings within range. The character may
attempt to render her Diseased or Poisoned. move at up to a heel-to-toe pace while
2 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
maintaining this ability.
3 MP – Spell, Channeled (Aura)
This ability places the character under red Maul 
headband concealment for a duration of This ability deals forty Starlight damage to
thirty minutes. The concealment is dispelled the target and renders both his legs Broken.
if she takes any action affecting another 4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
4 MP – Spell, Concealment (Red), Self Memorize 
This ability allows the character to commit
Invisibility Field  to memory the contents, appearance, and
This ability places the character and up to location of up to five items or pages of text
three willing targets within reach under red or images. The character may keep an OOG
headband concealment for a duration of copy of the memorized targets. The objects
thirty minutes. The concealment is dispelled must be noted on her character card.
if she or any of the targets takes any action
affecting another being. If a concealed target
moves more than ten paces from the
character, his concealment ends. While
Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

1 MP – Spell, Pinpoint (Item) 3 MP* – Spell, Augment

Mend  Nettle Burst 

This ability heals the target for forty Body This ability renders all targets within its area
points. of effect Disarmed and Hobbled.
3 MP – Spell 3 MP – Spell, Attack, Area Effect (Spray)

Metamorph  Neuropathy 
This ability causes a metaphysical attack This ability afflicts the target with a Disease
targeting the recipient to instead count as a that renders her Dazed whenever she is over
physical attack for all purposes. half her maximum Body point total, rounded
3 MP* – Spell, Reaction, Latent up. The Daze may only be removed by
curing the Disease.
Meteor Storm  3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
This ability deals sixty Mystic Fire damage
to all targets within its area of effect and Nightmare 
renders them Knocked Back ten paces. This ability allows the recipient to cure
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Area Effect herself of the Unconscious status at any time
while suffering its effects.
Miracle  3 MP* – Spell, Latent
This ability defends the recipient from an
attack that would send her into her Death Nocturne of the Nightingale 
count and heals her to her full Body point This ability renders the character Immune
score, to a maximum of four hundred points versus any attack that targets her the next
of healing. time she falls asleep or Unconscious through
4 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent natural or unnatural means. She immediately
awakens and the attacker is Knocked Back
Mystic Bulwark  four paces.
This ability renders all beings within range 4 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
Resistant versus Physical (Melee) attacks.
Piercing skills and ranged attacks bypass O 
this resistance. Obscurement 
3 MP* – Spell, Channeled (Aura) This ability defends the recipient from an
N  attempt to pierce a concealment skill she is
Nethersight  using.
This ability allows the recipient to use melee 2 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
skills while Blind.
This ability renders the target unable to use
high rank spells and talents for a duration of
five minutes.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical may not interact with anything other than
the target, or the concealment is dispelled.
P  4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Influential, Concealment
Panacea  (Blue)
This ability cures the target of all status
effects from which he is currently suffering,
Predatory Instincts 
excluding those that may only be cured by This ability allows the character to deal
specific abilities, and heals him for twenty Bane damage against the target she has
Body points. actively been Tracking for at least thirty
4 MP – Spell seconds.
1 MP – Spell, Augment, Self
This ability defends the recipient from an
attack that would render her Feared or This ability defends the recipient from the
Enraged. next attack by which she is targeted.
4 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
1 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent

Paralyze  Prismatic Ray 

This ability renders the target Hindered. This ability deals forty Crystal damage and
2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical prevents the target from using any
Concealment (Detection) abilities for a
Phase Shift  duration of five minutes.
This ability creates a barrier as per the spell 3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
Sanctuary or Wall of Thorns or dispels an
effect with the Channeled (Barrier) trait and
Protect Item 
instantly places the character under its This ability defends the recipient from an
effect. Successfully stealing a barrier attempt to render an armament she is
refreshes one Mana point to the character. wielding Destroyed.
2 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Channeled
(Barrier), Impact
Psychic Scream 
Pin  This ability deals forty Sonic damage to the
This ability renders the target’s limb Pinned, target and renders him Tripped and Dazed.
specified by the character. The target is forced into a fit of laughter for
1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Pinpoint (Limb) the duration of the status effects.
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Influential
This ability renders the target Dominated to Purge Disease 
the character and places her under blue This ability cures the target of one Disease
headband concealment for the duration. The from which he is currently suffering and
character must stay within four paces of and

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

renders him Immune versus Disease for the 4 MP* – Spell

duration of the encounter.
3 MP* – Spell, Augment
This ability allows the caster to change the
Purify  damage type of her attacks to that of an
This ability removes all harmful ingested armament in her possession for the duration
compounds from a single serving of food of an encounter.
and drink or cures the target of the Poisoned 2 MP – Spell, Augment, Self
1 MP – Spell
R  This ability defends the character from a
metaphysical attack and redirects the attack
Razor Spines 
to a new target within five seconds. If the
This ability deals forty damage to a being
target is not within Impact range, the
that attacks the recipient and renders him
character must hit him with a spell packet
within the five second window.
3 MP – Spell, Reaction, Latent
4 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Metaphysical,
Latent, Self
Reality Warp 
This ability allows the caster to instantly Regenerate 
cast and invoke a spell with the Latent trait This ability instantly cures one Status Effect
when targeted by an attack. The cost of the from which the target is suffering, including
chosen spell is reduced by half. Curses.
3 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Combo, Self 3 MP* – Spell

Reap Soul  Regrowth 

This ability deals sixty Aether Body damage This ability heals a Broken or disabled limb
to a target that fits any of the following after five minutes. If the recipient attempts
criteria: the being must be incapacitated, to use the limb during this time, the time is
under the effect of any ability used by the reset.
character, or willing to succumb to the 1 MP – Spell
attack. If the attack is successful, the
character gains an invokable use of the spell Rejuvenate 
Revive. This ability heals the target for two Body
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Augment points per second that the character remains
in contact with him, up to thirty seconds.
Rebirth  This effect may be cast instantly on the same
This ability cures the target of the Critical target upon its conclusion. The character
status at the cost of one Life Effect slot and must count this effect out loud.
immediately heals him to his full Body point

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

2 MP – Spell, Channeled 4 MP – Spell

Remove Curse  Riddle of Deceit 

This ability cures the target of one Lesser This ability allows the character to feign
Curse from which he is currently suffering. ignorance on a specific topic of questioning
4 MP – Spell when targeted by an ability that would force
her to speak the truth.
Replenish Essence  3 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Augment, Latent,
This ability refreshes one Mana point to the Self
target per Mana point spent by the character.
Mana points spent by this ability may not be Rockslide 
refreshed until the character completes a This ability defends the character from a
rest. physical attack and transports her four paces
* MP* – Spell in a direction of her choosing. The
movement portion of this ability cannot be
Revelation  stopped.
This ability instantly ends a Concealment 3 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent,
(Blue or Red) ability affecting the target. Movement, Self
The character must have seen the target at S 
least once during the encounter to use this Sacrifice 
ability. This ability deals forty Mystic damage to the
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Concealment target and grants the character the damage
(Blue, Red, Detection), Line of Sight
done as unhealable Body points.
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Augment
This ability deals sixty Sonic damage and Sanctuary 
renders the target Disarmed and Dazed. This ability creates a barrier around the
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
character and up to one willing or
Revitalize  incapacitated being within reach. The
This ability heals up to five beings within additional occupant may not leave until the
reach of the character for sixty Body points. effect is dispelled.
4 MP – Spell, Metaphysical, Impact 3 MP – Spell, Channeled (Barrier)

Revive  Seething Fury 

This ability cures the target of the Critical This ability renders the target Enraged and
status at the cost of one Life Effect slot and forces him to face in the opposite direction
immediately heals him to one Body point. of the character for at least five seconds.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Influential 1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical

Seismic Crash  Sleep 

This ability tosses the target fifty feet into This ability renders the target Unconscious.
the air, forcing him to suffer fity Body 3 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
damage and one Broken limb as one tier of
falling damage.
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical This ability instantly heals the recipient for
eighty Body points after being struck by an
Shepherd’s Favor  attack that damages him.
This ability grants the recipient forty 4 MP* – Spell, Latent
temporary Body points when she is targeted
by an attack that deals damage, applied
Solar Flare 
before the damage is calculated. If she falls This ability deals twenty Starlight damage to
into her Death count, she adds one minute the target and renders him Blind and
each to her Serious and Critical stages. If the Silenced.
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
attack does not reduce her Body point total
to zero, she retains any temporary Body Soothing Mercy 
points leftover and gains thirty Armor This ability defends the recipient from a
Points. metaphysical attack and renders the attacker
3 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Augment, Latent
Charmed to her.
4 MP* – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Influential, Latent
This ability forces the target to move Soul Tap 
towards the character in a straight line at a This ability deals five Body damage to the
walking pace. The target is still subject to character and refreshes five Mana points.
any effects that target him while he is in Damage dealt by this spell cannot be
transit, but may defend himself accordingly, reduced in any way and is unhealable until
as long as he does not stop moving until he the character completes a rest; this ability
reaches his destination. Any solid does not count as a refreshment ability for
obstructions in his path or abilities that halt purposes of usage limits.
movement or otherwise displace him will * – Spell, Self
end the effect prematurely. If this ability is
used on a willing or incapacitated target, he Spellbind 
instead instantly appears directly in front of This ability renders the target Bound.
the character. 3 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Movement
Sphere of Protection 
Slow  This ability creates a barrier around the
This ability renders the target Hobbled. character with a diameter equal to her

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

outstretched arms. She must extend both as if they were Brawling physreps for the
arms out to her sides while maintaining this duration of an encounter.
skill. Any being she permits may enter the 4 MP* – Spell, Augment
barrier, but may not leave until the effect is
dispelled. If a being within the barrier takes
offensive action against any other being This ability defends the recipient from a
within the barrier, he is immediately ejected physical attack.
3 MP – Spell, Reaction (Defense), Latent
from its protection.
4 MP* – Spell, Channeled (Barrier)
Storm of Despair 
Spider Bite  This ability deals sixty aspected damage to
This ability afflicts the target with a Disease all targets within its area of effect and
that renders him unable to wield any renders them Feared to the character.
4 MP – Spell, Attack, Area Effect (Spray), Influential
armaments or items in hand.
3 MP* – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
Spirit Walk  This ability allows the character to sense the
This ability places the character in the Spirit primary emotion or trivial surface thoughts
Realm for thirty minutes, placing her under currently felt by the target, learn his true
blue headband concealment. The effect is name, or implant a suggestion into his mind.
instantly dispelled if she attempts to interact The suggestion must not go against the
with any being not in the Spirit Realm. The target’s general nature, and he believes the
character may only be targeted by abilities idea to be his own.
3 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical, Influential
that can pierce blue headband concealment, (Social)
and is only aware of beings on the Prime
Material Plane if they target or can see her. Supernova 
This ability may also be used to instantly This ability, when coupled with an attack
return to the Material Plane from the Spirit that successfully deals damage, allows the
Realm if the character is there by other character to heal herself or a target within
means. reach for an equal number of Body points.
3 MP – Spell, Concealment (Blue) 3 MP* – Spell, Combo, Latent, Self

Static  T 
This ability renders the target Disarmed. Temper Soul 
2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical
This ability adds five minutes to the Critical
Stone Fists  stage of the recipient’s Death count.
This ability allows the recipient to use her
forearms to defend incoming melee attacks

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

2 MP – Spell, Augment weapon. This effect bypasses continuous

immunities and reductions to Influential and
Thunderclap  Fear effects if used against a being with the
This ability renders all targets in its area of opposite alignment of the character’s deity.
effect Stunned. While maintaining this ability, the character
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Area Effect (Spray)
may move at up to a walking pace and
Toxic Geyser  activate other spells.
1 MP – Spell, Attack, Channeled, Influential
This ability deals forty Ice damage to all
beings within five feet of the character and
renders them Poisoned.
4 MP* – Spell, Attack, Area Effect

True Sight 
This ability allows the character to pierce all
Concealment (Blue or Red) abilities for a
duration of five minutes.
3 MP – Spell, Latent, Concealment (Blue, Red,
Detection), Self

This ability renders the target Tripped.
1 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical

Void Bolt 
This ability deals twenty aspected damage
and renders the target Blind.
2 MP – Spell, Attack, Metaphysical

Wall of Thorns 
This ability creates a barrier as a wall
extending five feet on either side of the
character and ten feet in height.
2 MP – Spell, Channeled (Barrier)

Wield Faith 
This ability renders the target Feared to the
character for as long as she remains
presenting her Holy symbol or Holy

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Talents and Crafting 

This section includes the description of every standard talent. Activating a talent takes a certain
amount of concentration time, indicated in the same line as the traits of the ability. A talent with
no time indicated is typically a continuous benefit to another skill the character knows; a talent
that lists * instead of time has a variable time requirement. During this concentration time, the
character should engage in actions related to her class; a Smith might work metal at a forge, a
Scholar might mill herbs to create ink for a scroll, or a Physician might bandage a patient’s
wounds. The nature of the crafting activity is entirely up to the player, but must include some
sort of visual component, such that an onlooker can tell she is using a talent. If the character
stops concentrating on a talent for more than thirty seconds, she must start her time over from the
Each ability has a component cost, an indicator of what must be spent to use the skill, or what
will be turned into the item being crafted. This may be found before the activation time of each
ability, listed as Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Exceptional – information on components may
be found in Chapter V. Any ability that lists * instead of a component tier is variable in its cost –
the character may determine which component she wishes to spend to achieve different effects.
While using a Crafting talent, a character may benefit from up to one assistant. By utilizing an
assistant, her crafting time is reduced by one-quarter of the total time required to make an item.
A character with the talent Peer Review can reduce this time even further. Assisting another
being in crafting counts as using an ability, even if the character is not normally capable of using
the ability.
Any character that is capable of creating an item is also capable of administering it to a target
that is otherwise unable to invoke its use. Additionally, a character may store as many doses or
uses of one item in the individual object as she would like – an item card may have any number
of an identical compound on it, as long as each is clearly marked with a checkbox that can be
ticked when a use is consumed.

A  only benefit from this compound once per

Adhesive Bomb  event.
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
This ability creates a bomb that renders the
target’s limb Pinned, specified by the user. Alarm Trap 
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
This ability creates a trap kit that may be set
without use of a skill. When triggered, the
Adrenaline Shot  trap creates a loud noise of about three to
This ability creates a dose of applied five seconds in length. The character that set
medicine that instantly completes a willing the trap, or a marshal, must shout “Alarm!”
or incapacitated target’s Rest. A being may as loud as possible when it is triggered. If

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

neither are present when triggered, the being Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
that triggered the trap must do so. Physical)
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting
Augment Ammunition 
Alchemist’s Flame  This ability allows the character to perform
This ability creates a component to be used a procedure that makes a compound or
in crafting. This component causes any item trinket deliverable through a ranged weapon.
with which it is crafted that has an activation The ammunition may then be combined with
time to have that time reduced by half. any relevant skills known by the user as if it
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Component) were a weapon attack.
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent
This ability allows the character to combine B 
the effects of two items into one, which may Barricade 
be delivered as one strike and with one This ability creates a trinket that reinforces a
activation time. If the item is an attack, she Channeled (Barrier) ability, a door, or other
throws only one spell packet to deliver the similar structure, such that it may defend
ability, but the effects must be defended against one attack meant to render it
separately. Destroyed. The Barricade must be actively
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting maintained by a being for the defense to be
used, but does not require concentration to
Antitoxin  do so.
This ability creates a dose of ingested Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting, Reaction
medicine that cures the imbiber of the (Defense)
Poisoned status.
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting Barter 
This ability allows the character to perform
Armor Patch  a procedure to exchange up to four units of
This ability creates an item that restores any standard component for the same
fifteen Armor points to the target. number of any other material type at the
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting same tier.
20 minutes – Talent
Atrophic Venom 
This ability creates a blade compound that Bear Trap 
afflicts the target with a Disease of the same This ability creates a trap kit that may be set
name. This causes him to spend twice the without the use of a skill. When triggered,
Mana points or periodic uses of all abilities the trap renders the closest limb to the
he activates, if he has the additional uses or trigger Broken.
points available.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Rare – 10 minutes – Talent Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,

This ability creates a dose of applied Boneshell Vellum 
medicine that cures the Blind status effect. This ability creates a component that renders
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting the item it is used to craft Immune versus
the skill Memorize and any other similar
Biometric Detector  effect.
This ability creates a trinket that informs the Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Component)
user of the creature type and maximum
Body point total of the target, as well as his Breaching Charge 
Resistances and Immunities, if applicable. This ability creates a bomb that destroys any
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, Channeled (Barrier) ability, door, or similar
Metaphysical, Line of Sight) structure and deals forty Fire damage to any
being within five feet of the structure. If the
Blade Venom  structure is an enclosed Barrier ability, the
This ability creates a blade compound that damage is dealt to all beings within the
deals ten plus the character’s base weapon Barrier.
damage and renders the target Poisoned. Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, Metaphysical, Area Effect)

Blasting Bomb 
This ability creates a bomb that destroys the C 
target armament or item of similar size. Cabochon 
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, This ability creates a component that can be
Metaphysical) used in the creation of any armament. While
wielded, the armament grants its user ten
bonus Armor points that refresh every
This ability creates a document that reduces
the time required to use an Entry/Escape
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Component)
ability by half.
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting Caltrops 
This ability creates a trinket that may be
used to end any movement skill used to
This ability creates a bomb that renders the
pursue the user and renders the pursuant
target Bound and Tripped.
Hobbled. The pursuant may only defend the
Hobble portion of this effect.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, be used to summon a construct Companion.

Metaphysical, Reaction (Defense), Latent) For more information, see the Ability
Supplements at the end of this chapter.
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
This ability allows the character to perform Metaphysical)
a procedure that changes a beneficial
compound into a Cauldron, allowing up to Corpse Study 
five people to benefit from the item. All This ability creates a document that defends
doses must be used within five minutes of the reader from an attack from the specified
the first or are rendered useless. Creature. The character must study either a
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting corpse of the creature or another Corpse
Study that she created on the creature while
Chameleon Oil  creating this item.
This ability creates an applied compound Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction
that places the target item or willing being (Defense), Latent)
under yellow headband concealment for
thirty minutes or until she takes any action Create Buckler 
that affects another being. This ability creates a Buckler. Information
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting on Bucklers can be found in Chapter V.
(Concealment (Yellow)) Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting

Charcoal  Create Grimoire 

This ability creates an ingested compound This ability creates a Grimoire. Information
that defends the imbiber from an attempt to on Grimoires can be found in Chapter V.
render her Stunned. Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction
(Defense), Latent) Create Oculum 
This ability creates an Oculum. Information
Check Vitals  on Oculus can be found in Chapter V.
This ability allows the character to perform * – 20 minutes – Talent
a procedure that adds five minutes to the
Critical stage of the target’s Death count. Create Relic 
Uncommon – Instant – Talent, Augment This ability creates a Relic. Information on
Relics can be found in Chapter V.
Construct Power Core  * – 5 minutes – Talent
This ability creates an item that renders the
target construct Dominated to the her for a Create Tome 
duration of thirty minutes. While under the This ability creates a Tome. Information on
effects of this ability, the construct and Tomes can be found in Chapter V.
character may communicate as if they
understand each other. This ability may also

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Common – 5 minutes – Talent Talent

Create Trinket/Scroll  Detect Truth 

This ability creates a Trinket or Scroll of an This ability allows the character to
ability. Information on Trinkets and Scrolls determine whether or not the last statement
can be found in the Ability Supplements. spoken by a target was a lie. The statement
* – * minutes – Talent may be no more than ten seconds in length
and cannot be a yes or no response; this
Create/Detect Forgery  ability cannot be used in relation to any
This ability creates or performs a procedure information disclosed more than one minute
to detect a forgery. Information on forgeries prior to the statement. The character may
can be found in the Ability Supplements use this ability no more than once per ten
section at the end of this chapter. minutes.
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent
Talent, Attack, Influential (Social)

Critique  Dilute 
This ability allows the character to perform This ability allows one additional recipient
a procedure to assist in a lesson. As long as to benefit from a single use of a compound
she participates for at least five minutes, the used by the character. A being may benefit
teacher of the lesson gains an additional from no more than one diluted compound at
periodic use of the skill being taught for the once.
next encounter in which he participates. Talent
Cryptograph  This ability allows the character to converse
This ability creates a cipher for a document. with a target intelligent creature. Both
The document may only be read by those parties fully understand each other as if they
who possess a copy of the key, or it may be were both speaking and understanding
detected as a Forgery. Information on Common. For the duration of the
Cryptographs and Forgeries can be found in conversation, which may not exceed thirty
Chapter V. minutes, neither party may take hostile
Common – 5 minutes – Talent
action against the other. The character must
D  interact with the target for one minute prior
to calling this skill, which may be used no
Detect Influence 
more than once per ten minutes.
This ability allows the character to perform
Talent, Attack, Influential (Social)
a procedure that determines any Influential
effects the target is suffering, if any, after Divination 
maintaining eye contact with him for five This ability creates a document that contains
seconds. the results of a divination. At any time, the

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

item may be used to ask one question of a character may only use one item made with
storyteller related to an encounter or story he Enchanted Ink per encounter.
is running. If the storyteller declines to Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Component)
answer, the item is not consumed.
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
Ephemeral Refabricator 
This ability creates an applied compound
Draught of Victory  that causes the user to heal one Body point
This ability creates an ingested compound every thirty seconds she is out of combat.
that grants the imbiber twenty healable Body Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
points, +1 damage, and renders her Immune
versus the Feared, Charmed, and Dominated
Etiquette Guide 
statuses. This ability creates a document about a
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting specific creature type. For the duration of
(Augment) the encounter, any being of that creature
type Charmed to the reader remains
E  Charmed for the full encounter, or until the
Echinacea  reader takes offensive action against him.
This ability creates a component that can be Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Augment)
added to any medicinal compound. After
using the compound, the beneficiary is
Explorer’s Map 
healed for fifty Body points the next time This ability creates a document that
she is targeted by an attack. improves a movement ability used by the
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting reader. The ability may be used to pass
(Component), Latent directly through any solid barrier or
otherwise impassable obstacle, provided
Elixir of Healthfulness  there is some other way to navigate around
This ability creates an ingested compound the obstacle, including by use of other
that cures the imbiber of all status effects abilities known by the user.
from which he is currently suffering, Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Latent)
excluding those that may only be cured by
specific abilities, and heals him for twenty Explosive Charge 
Body points. This ability creates a bomb that deals twenty
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting Fire damage to the target.
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
Enchanted Ink  Metaphysical)
This ability creates a component that may be
used to craft a scroll or trinket that requires a

class archetype. The item may then be used Fire Cordial 
by any character with Advanced Literacy. A This ability creates an ingested compound
that grants the imbiber the ability to deal
Fire damage.
Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Augment) Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting

Fire Ichor  Forge/Repair Armor 

This ability creates a bomb that afflicts the This ability creates or repairs a shield or
target with a Disease that renders him Weak piece of armor. Information on shields and
versus Fire damage. armor can be found in Chapter V.
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, * – 10 minutes – Talent
Metaphysical), Elemental (Fire)
Forge/Repair Casting Phokus 
Fire Oil  This ability creates or repairs a casting
This ability creates an applied compound phokus. Information on casting phoki can be
that causes all damage of a specific type found in Chapter V.
taken by the user to be counted as Fire * – 10 minutes – Talent
damage for the purpose of weaknesses and
resistances. The damage type must be Forge/Repair Ranged Weapon 
specified at the time of creation. This ability creates or repairs an arquebus,
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Augment) bow, crossbow, or javelin. Information on
ranged weapons can be found in Chapter V.
Flash Bomb  * – 10 minutes – Talent
This ability creates a bomb that renders all
targets within five feet of its user Dazed. Forge/Repair Weapon 
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, This ability creates or repairs a melee or
Area Effect) thrown. Information on weapons can be
found in Chapter V.
Flask  * – 10 minutes – Talent
This ability creates a component that can be
used in the creation of any consumable item G 
with the Augment trait. When used, the Ginseng 
augment will persist through the character’s This ability creates an ingested compound
Critical count. that causes the imbiber’s next rest to be
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Component) completed in half the time, applied after any
other reductions.
Focusing Iris 
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
This ability creates a trinket that allows the
user to utilize the skill Tracking against a Glyph Plate 
target for the duration of an encounter. This ability creates a bomb from a spell
attack by which the user has been targeted.
This bomb must be used during the same

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent

Grappling Hook  This ability allows the character to perform
This ability creates a trinket that causes the a procedure that renders the target, who
user to instantaneously ascend or descend must be willing or incapacitated, Dazed for
twenty feet when used with the skill Climb. the duration of the ability, which may be no
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting more than thirty minutes. The character may
ask one question per every five minutes she

spends performing the ability after the initial
Healing Poultice, Greater  activation time, which the target must
This ability creates a dose of applied answer truthfully to the best of his
medicine that heals the target for forty Body knowledge.
points. Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Channeled
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting

Healing Poultice, Lesser 
Improvised Creation 
This ability creates a dose of applied
This ability allows the character to create an
medicine that heals the target for twenty
item with no component cost. Items created
Body points.
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting
with this ability become Unsalvageable and
expire at the end of the event during which
Hidden Cache  they were created.
This ability allows the character to install a Talent
Hidden Cache within an area. The cache
Incendiary Charge 
must be marked off with yellow string and
This ability creates a bomb that deals sixty
may be no more than nine square feet in
Fire damage to the target.
size; the height of the cache is equivalent to
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
the height of the area. Up to one being or Metaphysical)
one container of items may be stored in the
cache, which may only be detected by skills Inoculate 
that pierce Concealment (Yellow) abilities. This ability allows the character to perform
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting a procedure that renders the subject Immune
(Structure), Concealment (Yellow) versus a specified Disease or the Poisoned
status effect for three months. The effect
expires at the end of the first encounter in
This ability allows the character to perform
which the recipient is targeted by an effect
a procedure that doubles the number of
that afflicts the specified status.
skills a character may retrain for the event.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Rare – 10 minutes – Talent Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction

(Defense), Latent)
Inviolate Elixir 
This ability creates an ingested compound Locksmithing 
that defends the imbiber from an attempt to This ability allows the character to install or
render her Diseased or Poisoned. dismantle a lock. Information on locks can
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction be found in the Ability Supplements section
(Defense), Latent) at the end of this chapter.
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting
Ironskin Salve 
This ability creates an applied compound Lodestone Reconstitutor 
that grants the user ten Armor points. This ability creates a trinket that allows the
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Augment) user to unequip an Attuned item. A being
may only use one Lodestone Reconstitutor
L  per event, and she must do so of her own
Laudanum  volition.
This ability creates an ingested compound Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
that lasts for the duration on an encounter.
The imbiber may spend double the amount M 
of time taking actions without interrupting Metallurgic Amplifier 
his rest. This ability creates a component that
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Augment) enhances the natural ability of a material
used in the creation of an item. The resulting
Liturgic Tablet  item either gains an additional use of its
This ability creates a document on a natural ability per encounter, or doubles one
specified language of which she possesses a numerical bonus granted to the user.
Tome, the Literacy skill, or another Liturgic Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting
Tablet. The user may utilize the Tablet to (Component)
translate a document from the specified
language into Common. Mineral Supplements 
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting This ability creates an ingested compound
that defends the imbiber from an attempt to
Locking Gauntlet  render her Dazed.
This ability creates a trinket that defends the Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction
user from an attack that would render him (Defense), Latent)

Neutralization Bomb 
This ability creates a bomb that disables the
material benefit of an armament wielded by
the target for five minutes. This ability has

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

no effect on materials that augment damage ability refreshed in this way once per
types. encounter.
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting

Nightshade Tonic  Parachute 
This ability creates a compound that causes This ability creates a trinket that reduces
the recipient to appear Dead to all means of falling damage suffered by the user by two
detecting her health until she takes any tiers for the duration of the battle. This
action. Any being that attempts to interact benefit may not be combined with any other
with the recipient believes her to be Dead falling damage reduction.
and beyond the help of healing and must Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting
treat her as a corpse; she is not a valid target
for abilities except those that would affect Peer Review 
corpses. This ability allows the character to better
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Augment) assist another being with any Talent he is
performing. If the character knows the skill
O  and spends the required components, the
Ophthalmology  Talent may be completed in one-quarter of
This ability allows the character to perform the required time. If the character does not
a procedure on a subject. For the duration of know the skill, or does not spend the
the weekend, any effect that would render components, the time is reduced by half.
the subject Blind lasts for only one minute. Talent
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Augment
Physical Enhancements 
Orthotic Brace  This ability allows the character to perform
This ability creates a trinket that reduces the a procedure on a subject. For the duration of
duration of a Timed status effect specified at three months, the subject gains +10 healable
the time of the item’s creation for the Body points.
duration of the encounter. Any time the user Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Augment
is targeted by that status effect, its time is
reduced by one tier, to a minimum of five Plague Bomb 
seconds. This ability creates a bomb that afflicts the
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting target with the Plague Disease. Until cured,
a target suffering from Plague is considered
Oscillator Core  to be Bleeding.
This ability creates a trinket that refreshes
one use of any ability that may be invoked
from an item. An item may only have its

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack, Uncommon – Instant – Talent, Attack, Combo,
Metaphysical) Influential, Line of Sight

Precision Lens  Q 
This ability creates an item that allows the Quicksilver 
user to pierce all Concealment (Yellow) This ability creates a blade compound that
abilities for a duration of five minutes. deals sixty Silver damage to the target and
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Concealment renders him Tripped.
(Yellow, Detection))
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
Preservation Solution 
This ability creates a compound that extends R 
the expiration date of a relic by six months. Realignment 
A relic may only have its life extended once This ability allows the character to perform
by this skill; its use must be noted on the a procedure that renders the target resistant
item card. versus a temporary status effect for the
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
event, chosen at the time of creation from
Professor  the following list: Charmed, Dazed,
This ability allows the character to perform Dominated, Feared, or Unconscious. If he is
a procedure to teach any skill contained in afflicted with the status effect, the duration
Chapter IV to a student, including a skill she is halved.
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Augment
does not know. Additionally, any student of
a lesson on a non-continuous skill she Reanimate 
participates in teaching gains a single use of This ability allows the character to perform
the learned skill for the event. a procedure that returns a Dead being to life
at one Body point. The being must not have
Psychoanalyze  yet passed into the Spirit stage in order to
This ability allows the character to detect the benefit from this ability. A character may
primary emotion or trivial surface thoughts only benefit from this procedure once per
currently felt by the target. After using this Life tag. See Codex C for more information.
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent,
ability, the character may use an item on the
target as an Influential, Line of Sight attack. Recover Compound 
This ability allows the character to remove
an unused compound from an item or being
it has been applied to or ingested by and
save it for later use. The recovered
compound is treated as an item created by
the character.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Exceptional – Instant – Talent Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting

Reflex Hammer  Restabilizer 

This ability creates a trinket that defends the This ability creates a trinket that defends the
user from an autohit attack. user from a status effect targeting her. When
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction this effect is activated, the user is Knocked
(Defense), Latent) Back ten paces.
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction
Refreshment Potion  (Defense), Latent)
This ability creates an ingested compound
that refreshes five Mana points to the Resuscitate 
imbiber. This ability creates an ingested compound
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting that returns a being in the Critical stage of
his death count to one Body point at the cost
Rejuvenating Bandage  of one Life effect slot.
This ability creates a dose of applied Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
medicine that heals the target for five Body
points per minute until he takes any action. Rune of Alacrity 
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting This ability creates a Level II rune that
allows the user to instantly move five paces
Research  in any direction.
This ability allows the character to search Exceptional (2)* – 30 minutes – Talent, Crafting
for information on a topic by consulting (Movement)
written documents or interviewing subjects.
The character must ask the storyteller whose Rune of Warding 
plotline she is researching for permission This ability creates a Level II rune that
before using this ability. If the storyteller defends the user from an attack that would
approves the research, he will give the render her Unconscious. For a duration of
character information at his discretion that one minute, she is rendered immune versus
relates to the plotline. Unconscious.
20 minutes – Talent Exceptional (2)* – 30 minutes – Talent, Crafting
Resetting Switch 
This ability creates an item that may be

added to a trap. The character that set the Saltpetre 
trap may spend five seconds to reset the trap This ability creates a component that
after it was used, making it active again increases the base damage of an armament it
without spending any additional compounds. is used to craft by +1.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Component) Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Structure)

Salvage  Set Limb 

This ability allows the character to destroy This ability allows the character to perform
an item and turn it into its base components. a procedure that heals a Broken or disabled
The character may immediately create an limb.
item out of the salvaged components in half Common – 5 minutes – Talent
the crafting time.
15 minutes – Talent
Shrouded Lens 
This ability creates a trinket that allows the
Scabbard/Frog  character by which it was created to lie
This ability creates a trinket that adds +5 about a specified topic of questioning which
damage to the first attack activated by the may be detected by truth detection abilities.
user each time she enters combat for the Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction
duration of an encounter. (Defense), Augment, Latent), Self
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
Silvered Lens 
Scrap  This ability creates a trinket that moves the
This ability allows the character to perform character directly behind the target. The
a procedure to Destroy a Salvageable item, target may not turn around for five seconds.
reducing the tier of component necessary for Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
Metaphysical), Movement
her next Crafting ability by one, to a
minimum of one. Skeleton Key 
5 minutes – Talent
This ability creates a trinket that opens a
Scrying Mirror  lock.
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting
This ability creates a trinket that detects a
target using a Concealment ability. The type Skill Storing Rune 
of concealment this item pierces must be This ability creates a Level II rune that may
determined at its creation and noted on the store a use of a periodic skill or five Mana
item card. points the user spends during an encounter
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
to charge the rune. The skill or points may
Line of Sight, Concealment (Detection))
be invoked from the rune at any time during
Security Mirrors  the following encounter and expire if
This ability allows the character to install unused.
Security Mirrors in an area. Any being Exceptional (2)* – 30 minutes – Talent, Crafting

within the area that is aware of the

Smelling Salts 
enhancement may defend against the first
This ability creates a dose of applied
attack that strikes him from behind while in
medicine that cures the target of the
combat in the area.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Charmed, Dominated, or Unconscious an item. The user may petition the storyteller
statuses. that sent out the item for more information
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting than what is present on the item card.
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting
Smelt Materials 
This ability allows the character to combine Stamina Potion 
one unit of two standard materials of the This ability creates an ingested compound
same type into one unit of a smelted that refreshes one use of a periodic skill to
material. Smelted materials have all the the imbiber.
properties of their base materials and are Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
considered to be special materials. Use of
this ability to create an item counts as
Star Chart 
adding an additional component. This ability creates a document that allows
* (2) – 15 minutes – Talent, Crafting the user to avoid setting off a trap that she
has triggered. The trap does not go off and
Smoke Bomb  remains active.
This ability creates a bomb that renders all Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction,
beings within five feet of the user Blind. The Latent)

user may then immediately enter yellow

Steadying Scope 
headband concealment, provided she has the
This ability creates an applied compound
ability to do so.
that is attached to a ranged weapon. For the
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
Area Effect) duration of the encounter, the user may
concentrate for ten seconds to activate her
Spiked Cleats  next attack as an autohit within fifty feet.
This ability creates a trinket that defends the Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
user from an attempt to displace her or
render her Tripped.
Structural Integrity 
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction This ability allows the character to enhance
(Defense), Latent) a structure, allowing all beings in the area to
benefit from the structure’s invokable ability
Splint Kit  one additional time per encounter.
This ability creates a trinket that defends the Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Structure,
user from an attempt to render her limb Combo)
Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction
(Defense), Latent) This ability allows the character to install a
structure within an area that reduces the Rest
Spyglass  time for all beings in the area by five
This ability creates a trinket that allows the minutes.
user to perform an in-depth identification of

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Structure) Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
Surgical Alteration 
This ability allows the character perform a Tempering Kit 
procedure resulting in one of several effects. This ability creates an applied compound
An individual may have no more than one of that defends the recipient from an attempt to
each procedure affecting her at a given time. render an armament she is wielding
The character may: (1) Add or remove one Destroyed.
unnatural item from the target’s body. The Uncommon – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction
(Defense), Latent)
item must be noted on the target’s character
card; (2) Install a false tooth containing one Tranquilizer 
dose of an ingested medicine or compound. This ability creates a blade compound that
The character must be conscious to ingest it; renders the target Unconscious.
(3) Implant a subdermal trinket, noted on the Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Attack,
subject’s character card, that may be Physical)
invoked at any time; (4) Perform another
procedure at the discretion of a storyteller or Transmutation 
marshal. The results of the procedure are This ability allows the character to change
determined by the observing marshal. one unit of material into one unit of the
Exceptional – 15 minutes – Talent same type of the previous tier, or to change
the delivery method of any compound,
Surgical Suture  bomb, or medicine to any of the following:
This ability allows the character to perform blade, applied, ingested, or bomb. It may
a procedure that heals the target for twenty also be used to change the damage type of
Body points per minute as long as she the compound to any other standard type.
continues to concentrate on this ability. The new delivery method and damage type
* minutes – Talent, Channeled must be noted on the item card.
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent

Tactical Coordination  Trapdoor 
This ability creates an item that allows the This ability allows the character to install a
user and up to four other recipients to gain structure that allows any being who is aware
an additional use of a periodic skill or five of it to instantly invoke the skill
additional Mana points for the next Entry/Escape to exit the area once per
encounter in which they participate. encounter per character. Additionally, once
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting, Augment per encounter, it may be invoked by any of
those beings to forcibly eject a target. The
Tar Bomb  character or target must be standing within
This ability creates a bomb that renders the five feet of the trigger, which must be
target Hobbled.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

marked as per the Trap rules, and may be Talent

defended as a Trap.
Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting

(Structure, Attack) Whetstone/Counterweight 
This ability creates an applied compound
Triage  that grants the user +1 damage with all
This ability allows the character to install a weapon attacks for three months.
structure that doubles the effect of all Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
healing applied to Body points within the (Augment)
Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Structure) Window Bars 
This ability allows the character to install a
V  structure in an area that prevents
Valerian Root  Entry/Escape from being used to enter the
This ability creates an ingested compound area.
that defends the imbiber from an attack that Rare – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Structure)
would render her Feared or Enraged.
Common – 5 minutes – Talent, Crafting (Reaction

(Defense), Latent) Zinc 
This ability creates a component that can be
Volatility  used in the creation of any item that grants
This ability allows the character to double an augment. The effect of the item will
the numerical bonuses or damage of any instead persist through three encounters.
compound she uses, provided she is its Exceptional – 10 minutes – Talent, Crafting
creator. (Component)


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Ability Supplements 
This section contains expanded descriptions on skills which require more information to utilize
properly, but are not directly related to a core mechanic detailed in a Codex.

Affinity allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously benefits
her. A character with Naturalist may increase the number of effects granted by this skill by one,
including doubling the effects of Aquatic Affinity or Bestial Affinity, if desired.
Avian  Bestial 
This ability allows the character to utilize This ability allows the character to perform
the skill Relocate as Flight. Flight allows the actions while concentrating, including
character to move at a walking pace with her concentrating on a second effect.
arms straight out to either side for up to one
minute. While in flight, she may only be
This ability allows the character to target
targeted by ranged attacks.
Imprisoned beings with spells. Additionally,
Aquatic  Imprisoned beings count as incapacitated to
This ability heals the character or any other her.
being within reach for five Body points
whenever she successfully casts a spell.

Clairsentience allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously
benefits her. A character with Expanded Consciousness may increase the number of effects
granted by this skill by one, including doubling the effects of Archon and Hivemind, if desired.
Archon  Hivemind 
This ability extends the character’s range This ability allows the character to choose
while using a casting phokus by ten feet. up to two allies within reach. For the
duration of the encounter, she may use Line
of Sight delivery with her non-offensive
This ability allows the character to use the
spells on those targets.
skill Willpower as Weaken Will. Weaken
Will is a metaphysical attack that dispels the Unbound 
immunity granted by the skill Willpower; it This ability allows the character to continue
may be defended as per a spell attack. to cast while Imprisoned, Bound,
Unconscious, or otherwise restrained.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Chaotic Infusion 
Chaotic Infusion allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously
benefits her. A character with Doomcaller may increase the number of effects granted by this
skill by one, including doubling the effect of Summoner or Tormentor, if desired.
Harvester  Tormentor 
This ability allows the character to instantly This ability reduces the casting time of spell
autohit a spell that deals damage on a target attacks used by the character against Feared
within ten feet whenever she is reduced to targets by one second, to a minimum of
zero Body points. If the attack is successful, zero. Additionally, these spells deal Bane
she is healed to one Body point; if healed damage.
out of the Critical stage, this costs a life
This ability allows the character to use the
Summoner  skill Relocate while she is standing in a
This ability increases the challenge rating of shadow to teleport to any other shadow she
creatures summoned by the character by can see. Upon arrival, she immediately
two. In addition, the spell Enthrall affects enters red headband concealment as per
one additional target when used as an attack. Invisibility at no cost.

Create/Detect Forgery 
A character with this ability may use it to either create a forged document or determine if a
document is forged. When creating a forgery, the character must spend ten minutes of time and
one Uncommon component. In order to create a forgery of higher rank, she may spend an
additional ten minutes and an additional component per rank. A forged document must have a
footnote that reads “Forgery, Rank X,” followed by the creator’s signature, character card
number, and the date it was created. Likewise, an authentic document should have a footnote that
reads “Authentic,” followed by the creator’s signature, character card number, and the date it was
created. This ability may not be used to forge the seal of an official of higher station than a Lord,
Guildmaster, or or equivalent.

Detecting a forgery requires the character to spend one Uncommon component and ten minutes
of time per rank of forgery. This may be divided by any number of characters working together,
provided they all have the skill. When creating or detecting a forgery, the character may not
receive the benefit of an assistant or Peer Review.

Documents created with the skill Cryptograph may be detected as Rank I forgeries.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Create Scroll/Trinket 
Scrolls and trinkets are single use items that allow a character to invoke a periodic ability or
spell. Invoking the item requires five seconds of concentration to activate. The cost of creation
is dependant on the rank or build cost of the ability being created. A two Build skill or Rank I
spell requires a common component and five minutes to create, a three Build skill or Rank II
spell requires an uncommon components and ten minutes to create, a four Build skill or Rank III
spell requires a rare component and fifteen minutes to create, and a five Build skill or Rank IV
spell requires an exceptional component and twenty minutes to create.
Only characters with the appropriate class archetype may use exceptional Scrolls or Trinkets.
Spells and periodic skills marked with an asterisk may not be made as scrolls or trinkets.

Cryptographs and Locksmithing 

Cryptographs and Locks function similarly, in that they prevent those without the cipher or key
from being able to access the information in a document or opening a locked door or container.
These items take five minutes and one common component to create per rank. The key for each
is crafted at the same time as the item and should be noted as such with a personal numbering
system when writing out the cards for the cryptograph and its cipher or the lock and its key.
More information on cryptographs can be found under Create/Detect Forgery above.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Devotion allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously
benefits her. A character with Devoted may increase the number of effects granted by this skill
by one, including gaining an additional purchase of the spell granted by an effect, if it is chosen
more than one time.
Agaura  spending one additional Mana point. In
This ability allows the character to instantly addition, she gains the spell Enslave and the
autohit a spell on any target of whom she Order alignment.
passes within reach while using the skill
Relocate. In addition, she gains the spell
This ability allows the character to use any
Feast of Crows and the Dark alignment.
offensive spell to cure the effect it causes,
Andorra  called as “Gaia’s Breath.” In addition, she
This ability allows the character to invoke gains the spell Revitalize and the Light
her Latent defenses on behalf of a target alignment.
within five feet of her; he is rendered
Immune versus the ability that targeted him
This ability allows the character to render
for a duration of one minute. In addition, she
her attacker Dazed whenever she uses Eye
gains the spell Martyr’s Lament and the
for an Eye; the attacker need only use one
Light alignment.
defense to resist the entire effect. In
Brazen  addition, she gains the spell Spirit Walk and
This ability reduces the casting time of a the Light alignment.
spell by one second, to a minimum of zero
seconds, each time the character casts it; the
This ability allows the character to double
effect is reset if she casts any other spell. In
the damage of the next spell she casts every
addition, she gains the spell Protect Item and
time she incapacitates a target. In addition,
the Order alignment.
she gains the spell Descry Death and the
Chronicler  Dark alignment.
This ability allows the character see through
all headband colors with the spell True
This ability allows the character to render
Sight. In addition, she gains the talent
the target Charmed to her whenever she
Research and the Order alignment.
casts a non-offensive spell. In addition, she
gains the spell Suggestion and the Dark
This ability allows the character to add a ten
pace Knock Back effect to any of her
offensive spells, called as “Repulsive X,” Malyc 
where X is the name of the spell, by This ability allows the character to add an
additional target to her spells, called as
Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

“Chain Spell;” the additional target must be Visigalis 

within reach of the initial target. In addition, This ability allows the character to use the
she gains the spell Storm of Despair and the skill Intensify as Introspection. Introspection
Dark alignment. allows up to three targets, including the
character, to sacrifice one use of a periodic
skill. Each target may gain a single use of a
This ability allows the character to cast an
skill sacrificed by another target. In addition,
attack spell for free against a target who has
she gains the spell Sleep and the Order
placed an ally within ten feet of her into
combat. In addition, she gains the spell
Aegis and the Light alignment.

The character may disguise herself as any of the standard playable races. She must reasonably
changer her costuming to look as distinctly different from her normal character’s costuming, and
may mask any mannerisms or accents she may have. When portraying a race other than her own,
she may adopt the mannerisms and accents appropriate to it.

Erudition allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously
benefits her. A character with Erudite may increase the number of effects granted by this skill by
one, including doubling the effect of Wizard or reducing the time of Ritualist by one minute, if
Illusionist  Sage 
This ability allows the character to This ability allows the character to treat all
immediately castenter red headband spells invoked from items as spells she cast
concealment as per the spell Invisibility any herself.
time she uses a Reaction ability.
Ritualist  This ability allows the character to choose a
This ability allows the character to spend command word for a spell, reducing its cast
five minutes per rank to cast any latent spell time to this word. The Mana point cost of
as a ritual, spending no Mana points. The the spell is reduced by one, to a minimum of
spell will persist through one rest, but one point.
expires at the following rest.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Greater Pact 
Greater Pact allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously
benefits her. A character with Pactmaster may increase the number of effects granted by this
skill by one, including doubling the effect of Genasi or Sworn, if desired.
Fury  Sworn 
This ability allows the character to call This ability allows the character to make a
weaponcast spells as “Fury X,” where X is pact with an aligned creature, gaining that
the name of the spell. Fury spells do not alignment. She gains the associated damage
count as physical attacks and instead count type as her aspected damage and for weapon
as metaphysical. attacks. Additionally, all creatures of that
alignment are Charmed to the character
unless she takes hostile action against them.
This ability allows the character to choose
one spell domain, reducing the time to cast Zephyr 
spells of that domain by one second, to a This ability allows the character to instantly
minimum of zero. autohit an attack spell on a target within
reach at the conclusion of any movement
ability she uses. The Mana point cost of the
spell is reduced by half.

Hunter’s Mark 
Hunter’s Mark allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously
benefits her. A character with Hunter’s Repertoire may increase the number of effects granted by
this skill by one, including doubling the effect of Demon Hunter, or increasing the damage of
Vampire Hunter by plus five, if desired.
Chaos Hunter  Lycan Hunter 
This ability allows the character to take This ability allows the character to inflict the
action while under the effects of the skill Poisoned status instead of Pinned whenever
Feign Death. The effect is dispelled if she she uses the skill Silver Bolt.
takes offensive action.
Vampire Hunter 
Demon Hunter  This ability allows the character to use the
This ability allows the character to instantly skill Critical Attack as Drain. Drain deals
autohit a skill on any target who moves the character’s base weapon damage and
within her reach while he is using a heals her for that many Body points.
movement ability.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Culture Literacies include the six common languages of Arawyn: Anterran for Humans, Deurgan
for Hillfolk, Faeryhen for Faeriekin, Tyrelian for Elves, Kaejish for Katta, and Vardakk for
Goblinoids. Any character that is created gains the literacy associated with her creature type for
free. Source literacies include: Abyssal, Astral, Celestial, Draconic, Elemental, Magic, Primal,
Prophecy, and Spirit and allow the character to read, write, and identify the specified source.
Note that there is no spoken language mechanic at Knight Realms. The skill Literacy does not
grant the character the ability to speak the language, nor does any other skill.

A Lore is an ability learned by a character that represents her gaining higher than average
knowledge in a specific discipline, chosen from the following list: Academics, Creatures,
Cultures, Geography, and History. Though they ordinarily provide no mechanical benefit to the
character, at any time she feels it is appropriate during an encounter, a player may inform the
storyteller or NPC she is interacting with that she has ranks in a specific Lore, if she feels it is
relevant to information she may be able to ascertain, such as the type of creature she is facing,
her geographical location, or historical references to a subject.

Radiance allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously
benefits her. A character with Radiant may increase the number of effects granted by this skill by
one, including doubling the effect of Martyr or Protectorate, if desired.
Martyr  beings within her Sanctuary are healed as
This ability allows the character to transfer a per the spell Rejuvenate at no cost.
status effect or any amount of damage from
a target to herself. She may not transfer
This ability allows the character to deliver
more damage than she has Body points, any
healing abilities or spells that cure status
condition that she is already suffering from,
effects as Line of Sight within fifty feet,
or the Dead or Spirit stages. After using this
including casting while she is in her Death
ability, the character may not use it again for
one minute.
This ability allows the character to make an
This ability allows the character to cast the
attack while using a Concealment (Blue)
spell Sanctuary on a willing target, allowing
ability without ending the concealment. She
him to instantly invoke the effect as if he
must spend one additional Mana point to do
had cast it himself. This may be done on up
to two targets at a time. Additionally, all

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Set/Disarm Traps 
In order to set a trap, the character must possess the ability Set/Disarm Traps. Setting a trap takes
five seconds of concentration, after which time the character expends a Bomb to be used as the
attack. A character can conceal a trap using Chameleon Oil. Traps can have a size of no larger
than one cubic foot. The location which serves as the trigger for a trap is denoted using brown
yarn, or yellow yarn if it is concealed. The item card for the Bomb being used must be attached
to the yarn. Once a trap is set, it will last until it is triggered or the end of the event, whichever
comes first. Each trap can only have one attack, but multiple traps can be placed on top of each
Any individual who enters the area of a trap’s indicator sets off its effect. If the Bomb used has
the Area Effect trait, it only targets the individual who set off the trap. A character cannot
accidentally trigger a trap she has set. Once a trap has been triggered, it is rendered inert.
A character can only disarm a trap which she can see. Disarming a trap takes ten seconds of

Sleight of Hand 
This ability allows the character to pick an eligible target’s pockets. Valid targets are indicated by
black clothespins attached to their clothing. To successfully perform this ability, the character
must steal the clothespin off the target without him noticing; she may then turn the clothespin in
to Logistics to receive her reward.
Clothespins are considered an OOG mechanic and may not be observed by any character.
However, if a character is seen in the act of stealing a clothespin off of a target, any observing
character or the target himself may react accordingly as if the character were fishing around in
his pockets.
Additionally, Sleight of Hand may be used to pick a lock. The character may spend one minute
per rank of lock to open it; if she is interrupted, she must start over from the beginning.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Spirit of the Dragon 

Spirit of the Dragon allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which
continuously benefits her. A character with Dragonheart may increase the number of effects
granted by this skill by one, including doubling the effect of Protector or Vindicator, if desired.
Cabalist  Myrmidon 
This ability allows the character to use the This ability allows the character to use the
skill Dragon Strike as Dragon Breath. skill Charge as an attack against any target,
Dragon Breath is a metaphysical attack that regardless of whether he is using a
deals ten plus the character’s base weapon movement skill. The target is only Stunned
damage as aspected damage, and inflicts the if the character moved at least five paces.
Bound, Dazed, Enraged, Feared, Hindered,
Pinned, or Silenced status, which the player
This ability allows the character to remain
must state when calling the skill. Dragon
conscious for thirty seconds whenever she is
Breath may be delivered via spell packet or
reduced to zero Body points, during which
Area Effect (Spray).
time she is Enraged to the being who
Protector  incapacitated her. Her Death count is not
This ability allows the character to choose a paused during this time. If she successfully
friendly target to protect. She is resistant to incapacitates the target that defeated her, she
any damage taken whenever she uses the is healed to one Body point; she may not
skill Intercept for that target and does not receive any other healing while in this state.
defend the attack.
In addition to the above ability, the Dragoon also gains the damage type of their chosen Chroma,
as detailed below. Each Chroma has two associated personality traits that the dragon spirit
embodies – players are encouraged to choose a spirit Chroma with at least one trait that coincides
with the way they portray their characters.
Amber  Diamond 
Amber dragon spirits are adventurous and Diamond dragon spirits are stalwart and
meticulous, granting the character Mystic benevolent, granting the character Sacred
damage. damage and the Light alignment.
Amethyst  Emerald 
Amethyst dragon spirits are honorable and Emerald dragon spirits are daring and
competitive, granting the character Aether unpredictable, granting the character
damage. Starlight damage.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Obsidian  Sardonyx 
Obsidian dragon spirits are spiteful and Sardonyx dragon spirits are apathetic and
ambitious, granting the character Shadow patient, granting the character Sonic
damage and the Dark alignment. damage.
Opal  Topaz 
Opal dragon spirits are empathetic and Topaz dragon spirits are curious and
eager, granting the character Silver damage. impulsive, granting the character Lightning
Ruby dragon spirits are passionate and Quartz 
warlike, granting the character Fire damage. Quartz dragon spirits are gregarious and
decisive, granting the character Crystal
Sapphire dragon spirits are protective and
vindictive, granting the character Ice

Summoning, Enthrall, and Construct Power Core  

When using the spell Enthrall or the talent Construct Power Core, a character may summon a
CR 2 creature appropriate to her class. A Druid or Ranger may summon any beast, verdant, or
avian creature; a Hexer may summon any negative energy creature; and an Alchemist or
Engineer may summon a construct. Monster cards may be obtained from Logistics only if the
character has provided her own NPC.

Virtuoso allows the character to choose one of the following effects, which continuously benefits
her. A character with Virtuosic may increase the number of effects granted by this skill by one,
including doubling the effect of Poet if desired.
Fatespinner  Poet 
This ability allows the character to remove This ability allows the character to refresh
an unused Latent effect from a willing five Mana points whenever she casts four
target. She may immediately grant the effect spells in ascending order of rank, starting
to any other target within reach. from Rank I and ending with Rank IV.

Playwright  Spellsinger 
This ability allows the character to use the This ability allows the character to use Voice
skill Relocate as Blink. Blink is a delivery with any spell she activates through
metaphysical attack that instantly moves the music or other audible performance.
target twenty paces in a direction of the
character’s choosing.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

After a long and arduous day of adventure, you return to town, pockets heavy with coin collected
from your client for dealing with that orc. Your earlier battle has left you fairly worn, and your
equipment even moreso. Perhaps, you think to yourself, it’s time to invest in something stronger
than the basic leather and steel you’ve used until now.
At the local smithy, you peruse a selection of fine wares, from the most common armaments to the
most exceptional. Stopping at a blade of glowing green stone, you lift it to take a closer look. It
evokes the feeling of the night sky, and you recognize it as twilight shard, the finest choice for
besting the blighted creatures you hunt. For a modest price of fifteen gold pieces, you strap your
new weapon to your belt and move on to the next shop.

Components and Armaments 

All crafting and talents in Knight Realms utilize components. Described in this section are the
standard components that exist within the game, as well as their effects in the various armaments
they can create.
Common Components  Uncommon Components 
Copper: Weapons forged of copper deal Initrium: Weapons forged of initrium deal
Fire damage. Sonic damage.
Crystal: Weapons forged of crystal deal Twilight Shard: Weapons forged of twilight
Crystal damage. shard deal Starlight damage.
Kobold Bone: Weapons forged of Kobold Demonbone: Weapons forged of
bone deal Ice damage. demonbone deal Aether damage.
Aerobark: Weapons forged of aerobark deal Glimmerwood: Weapons forged of
Lightning damage. glimmerwood deal Mystic damage.
Gryphon Hide: Armaments crafted of Drake Scale: Armaments crafted of drake
gryphon hide reduce the amount of falling scale grant the wielder ten bonus Armor
damage taken by the wielder by one tier. points that refresh periodically. The bonus
AP may not be repaired.
Nightshade: Armaments crafted of
nightshade grant the wielder one periodic Creeping Dusk: Armaments crafted of
use of the spell Purify to use only on herself. creeping dusk reduce the activation time of
movement abilities by half.
Tamaril Fur: Armaments woven of tamaril
fur reduce the duration of effects that render Harpy Feather: Armaments woven of
the wielder Charmed to one minute. Harpy feathers increase the distance of

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

movement abilities used by the wearer by Exceptional Components 

two paces. Mythril: Armaments forged of mythril are
Rare Components  unbreakable. Armor and relics forged of
mythril grants the wielder fifteen additional
Silver: Weapons forged of silver deal Silver Armor points.
Sphinx Heart: Armaments forged of sphinx
Meteoric: Armaments forged of meteoric heart reduce the distance of Knock Back
grant the wearer one periodic use of the skill abilities that target the user by two paces.
Elemental Shield, which resists an attack
that deals Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Crystal Lycanbone: Armor crafted of lycanbone
damage. repairs one AP per minute while out of
Kapren Carapace: Armaments crafted of
kapren carapace grant the wielder one Corpsewood: Armaments crafted of
periodic use of the skill Deflect. corpsewood reform if held together for two
Wytchwood: Armaments crafted of
wytchwood grant the wielder one periodic Wyvern Scale: Armaments crafted of
use of the skill Counterspell. wyvern scale grant the wielder two periodic
attacks of her base damage that also inflict
Dire Beast Hide: Armaments crafted of the Poisoned status on the target.
Dire Beast hide grant the wielder one
periodic use of the skill Willpower. Manaleaf: Armaments crafted of manaleaf
allow the wielder to refresh one periodic
Faery Moss: Armaments crafted of Faery skill or five Mana points periodically.
Moss grant the wielder one periodic use of
the skill Shimmer, which resists a Detection Runic Weave: Armaments woven of runic
ability. weave reduce the concentration time to cast
a spell by one second, to a minimum of one
Riftsilk: Armaments woven of riftsilk second, chosen periodically; this effect may
reduce the duration of effects that render the not be stacked on the same spell.
wielder Hobbled by half.

Special and Crafted Components 

In certain stages of her adventure, a character may come across rare and special components.
Some of these components function identically to normal materials, but may not be smelted,
combined, or otherwise augmented unless the mechanics for the item explicitly state otherwise.

Certain classes are capable of creating components that may be added to items. Talents that
create such items are marked with the Crafting (Component) trait. A character may benefit from
no more than one of each crafted component in her armaments at a time, with the sole exception
of Saltpetre, which may exist in each weapon she is wielding.

No matter the material, an armament may be made of no more than two distinct components. For
this purpose, smelted materials count as two components, as do most special components.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Armor is a worn armament that covers half or more of the specified location. Armor can be made
in different weights; the heavier the armor, the more protection it provides in combat. Every
armor location provides a specified amount of base Armor points (AP) that are combined into the
wearer’s armor point total. Details can be found in the section describing each armor type. Armor
can be made of any material; plate armor made of a cloth component is considered to be made of
steel with an ornate cloth decoration, for example. Armor and shields are created by the Smith
talent, Forge/Repair Armor – the number of units of component each piece requires is listed
below with its effects.
Shoulders (One Unit) Lower Legs (One Unit)
Shoulder armor grants five AP. Shoulder Lower leg armor grants five AP. Lower leg
armor includes pauldrons, mantles, and armor includes boots, greaves, and other
other armor that covers the shoulder or armor that covers the shins.
upper arm.
Chest (Two Units)
Forearms (One Unit) Chest armor grants ten AP. Chest armor
Forearm armor grants five AP. Forearm includes breastplates, tunics, and other
armor includes bracers, gloves, and other armor that covers the torso.
armor that covers the wrists or lower arms.
Shield (Two Units)
Upper Legs (One Unit) Grants no armor, but gains the material
Upper leg armor grants five AP. Upper leg benefit.
armor includes tassets, pants, and other
armor that covers the thighs.

Light Armor 
Light armor is made of cloth or lightweight soft leather. It does not provide any base Armor
points to the wearer, but allows the character to stack an additional use of any latent effect she is
capable of casting if she is wearing a full set of light armor of any component.
Medium Armor 
Medium armor is made of gambeson, heavyweight soft leather, hardened leather, or maille. It
provides an armor location’s base Armor points. A layer of medium armor may be stacked with a
layer of any armor type; the wearer gains the combined armor point value of both layers.
Heavy Armor 
Heavy armor is made of plate. It provides double an armor location’s base Armor points.
Armor Material Benefits 
When wearing armor equalling at least ten base AP, regardless of whether the armor grants
Armor points or not, the wearer gains the ability of the material type of which the armor is made.
She may benefit from no more than one use of each material ability from her armor per period,
even if she is wearing multiple pieces made of the same material, and no more than four total
from armor.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

If the character wears a full set of armor (shoulder, forearm, upper leg, lower leg, and chest) of a
single material, she gains +10 AP and an additional use of the material’s ability. A character may
only gain the material benefit of one piece of armor per location, even if she is wearing more
than one layer.

Weapons can be made of any type of material; a sword made of a leather material, for example,
is simply considered to be made of steel with an ornate leather grip. The following materials may
be used: Copper, Crystal, Kobold Bone, Aerobark, Initrium, Twilight Shard, Demonbone,
Glimmerwood, Silver, or any Exceptional Material. A weapon made of any other material does
not gain the benefit of that material. Small and medium weapons cost one unit of material and all
other weapons cost two units of material to create.
A character may benefit from no more than two material benefits from weapons per encounter.
They may not be the same benefits as conferred by her Armor. The benefits of Mythril,
Corpsewood, and any material that changes the damage type of the weapon are considered to
benefit the weapon and not the character – as such, there is no limit to how often they may be
used in a single encounter.
A weapon made of basic materials, such as a steel sword or wooden staff, does not require an
item card to use. However, a character may only carry as many basic weapons on her person as
she has physreps. For more information on weapon physreps and safety, see Codex B.

Melee Weapon 
Melee weapons, or simple weapons, do not require a skill to use. This category includes small
weapons (such as daggers), which deal a base of one damage, but three damage if striking the
target from behind; medium weapons (such as shortswords, maces, and brawling), which deal a
base of one damage; large weapons (such as greatswords, warhammers, and polearms), which
deal a base of two damage; shafted weapons (such as staves and spears), which deal a base of
two damage, thrown weapons, which deal a base of one damage; and javelins, which deal a base
of three damage. Melee weapons are created by the talent, Forge/Repair Weapon.

Ranged Weapon 
Ranged weapons require a skill to use. This category includes bows, crossbows, and arquebuses,
which each deal a base of five damage. Arquebuses autohit their damage at up to a twenty-five
foot range and the cap must go off for the gun to fire. This attack has a five second cooldown.
Ranged weapons may not be used in melee combat or to block attacks. Ranged weapons are
created by the Engineer talent, Forge/Repair Ranged Weapon.

Casting Phokus 
Casting phoki require a skill to use. This category can include anything from wands, gems, tarot
cards, holy symbols, or any other item to allow the caster to focus her power through it. The
casting phokus deals a base of two damage as an autohit attack at a ten foot range, augmented by
the character’s aspected damage type; this attack has a five second cooldown. Use of a casting
phokus requires at least one free hand or for the phokus itself to be wielded in hand. This item is
created by the Scholar talent, Forge/Repair Casting Phokus.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Oculus require a skill to use. This item allows the character to select one consumable item and
prepare it for use by clipping it to her character card. At any time, she may invoke the prepared
items without needing to hold them in hand and without spending the normal activation time.
Use of an oculum requires at least one free hand. This item is created by the Engineer talent,
Create Oculum.

Other Armaments 
Weapons are not the only tools used by heroes. Below are additional armaments a character may
wield. These armaments do not gain the benefits of any components used in their creation.

Grimoires do not require a skill to use. This item is a book or other written document that
requires a hand to use. Grimoires reduce the casting time of all spells by one second. This item is
created by the Scholar talent, Create Grimoire.

Bucklers do not require a skill to use. This item allows the character to strap a shield to her arm
of no more than twelve inches in any dimension and block attacks with it. The character may still
use her hand for any other actions while using the buckler. This item is created by the Smith
talent, Create Buckler.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Relics, Runes, and Artifacts 

More than just arms and armor, adventurers may come across items of great power in their
journeys. This sections details the information a player needs to understand the basics of relics,
runes, artifacts, and legacy items. However, there always exists the possibility of a hero
encountering items outside the scope of what is described here in the course of her adventures.

Relics are accessory items, generally smaller than armor pieces. Relics do not provide anything
in the way of protection against physical blows, but offer the wearer the natural abilities of the
materials they are made of.
A relic can be almost any worn accessory, such as a circlet, belt, brooch, ring, necklace, veil,
scarf, or mask. A weapon or item that would fall into an armor location category may not be a
relic; however, a piece of a suit of armor that does not fall into an armor location, such as a helm
or gorget, may be considered to be a relic. All relics, with the exception of some rare and special
items, expire one year from the month in which they were created.

Any character may attune a relic to her person at any time during an event by noting it in the
designated section of her character card. An attuned relic may not be removed from her person
unless she chooses so of her own volition, even if she is not conscious. A character may have no
more than two relics attuned to her at a time; once attuned, a relic may not be unattuned for the
duration of the weekend, but automatically becomes unattuned at the end of the event. Attuning a
relic allows the wearer to benefit from its runes, information on which can be found in the
following section. A character may have up to two relics attuned per event.

Relics gain the natural benefit of the component used to create them. Relics may not be
augmented by crafted components or smelted materials, but may be made out of special
materials. The material benefit of a relic may be the same benefit as conferred by any other
armament. The following materials may be made into relics: Gryphon Hide, Nightshade, Tamaril
Fur, Drake Scale, Creeping Dusk, Harpy Feather, Meteoric, Kapren Carapace, Wytchwood, Dire
Beast Hide, Faery Moss, Riftsilk, Mythril, Sphinx Heart, Wyvern Scale, Manaleaf, Runic Weave.
See the Materials and Armaments section of the Rulebook for a list of their benefits.

Every relic, regardless of its source, may have up to five levels of runes added to it before
enhancing it further will have no effect. Runes are crafted by certain beings, such as Artisans, to
add power to relics and they may also be found on adventures. While a relic can store five runes
of average level, certain powerful runes may put more strain on the item than others, causing a
relic to be at capacity with only one rune.
A character may choose at any time to destroy all runes in a relic that is attuned to her. If a relic
expires with runes in it, the runes are destroyed.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Artifacts are rare items of great power that can be found within the world. Virtually anything can
be an artifact: weapons, armor, baubles, jewellery, and even “common” objects might find
themselves enchanted to something far more extraordinary, whether they be permanent or
A character may attune an artifact for the duration of an event just as she would a relic; she may
use no more than one artifact at a given time. Often, the enchantments held within artifacts are
far more powerful than those of runes.

Legacy Items 
Rarely, a hero may come across something known as a legacy item. These items are similar to
artifacts, but are bound to a character’s soul. Legacy items are not bound by the restrictions of
any other item type and are personal to the characters that wield them. Legacy items typically
grow in power when their wielder reaches milestones in her journey, though this is not always
the case.
A character may only obtain one legacy item, ever. This item may never be lost, stolen, traded, or
otherwise removed from the possession of the character it belongs to, except if the storyteller in
charge of the legacy chooses to allow it to be passed on to another character.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook


The following section describes the basic rules and mechanics of the game. In essence, there are
three main components to participating in any Knight Realms event – roleplay, which describes
any IG interaction your character has with another character or the environment, on which the
mechanics of the game have little impact; combat, which describes any live activity where two
characters with statistics are using those statistics to engage each other; and story, which
describes an interaction between an OOG storyteller and a character experiencing something or
attempting to accomplish some feat. These three things together form the basis of the game we

The Knight Realms Community 

Interacting with the Rules 
The Knight Realms community is a large and diverse group of individuals. Every player has a
different interpretation of how a mechanic works or what a ruling means. This section discusses
how players can interact with the mechanical guidelines of the game, in addition to the text of
any given rule.
In general, it’s always assumed that a specific ruling contained in the text of one skill takes
precedence over a general ruling that applies to the whole book. For example, a latent effect may
typically be held in reserve until invoked, but certain latent abilities state that they automatically
trigger on a certain condition, overruling certain mechanics of the Latent trait.
Additionally, any time a rule asks the player to divide a number, she should always round that
result in whichever direction benefits her, unless the ability states otherwise. For example, an
ability that reduces the cost of a three-Mana point spell by half will reduce it to only one point.
Interpreting Rules 
In any case, a player should always assume that a skill does no more than it explicitly states in its
description. Any marshal or Officer, or a storyteller facilitating an encounter, has the authority to
make a ruling on any mechanic she witnesses if she feels it is against the spirit of the rules.
In all cases, the intent of the rule is more important to its interpretation than its written word.
When in doubt, players should always ask for clarification on a rule. A marshal’s ruling will
always stand for the remainder of the event in which they are made, unless an Officer or the
Director overturn it; appeals must be made in writing after an event.
Attempting an Action Without a Skill 
As a general rule, a character may only accomplish feats that her abilities dictate she may, or
which the player is capable of performing out-of-game. Certain skills – namely, Climb, Disguise,

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Entry/Escape, Forgery, Quick Bind, Sleight of Hand, and Trip – may not be duplicated by a
player unless she is using a skill that accomplishes the effect.
Under the supervision of a storyteller, a character may be able to perform certain feats that she
ordinarily could not. This does not create a precedent for future circumstances; any encounter in
which this may occur is entirely at the discretion of the storyteller facilitating the encounter.

Interacting with Other Players 

Knight Realms is more than just a game – it is a community of real people behind the characters
they play. When interacting with other players, both in-game and out-of-game, you should
always remember that they are their own individuals. Players are here to join together and have
fun with each other, and behaving in a way that intentionally causes others to have a bad time or
be made uncomfortable is grounds for punishment.
If you are interacting in-game with another player and are uncomfortable with the situation, you
are always allowed to break character, either by calling a Hold or putting your hand over your
head to indicate that you are out-of-game (Holds are explained in the next section of this codex).
You may either explain to the other player that their behavior is uncomfortable and ask them to
stop, or you may remove yourself from the situation entirely.
Always remember to keep in-game feelings in-game and out-of-game feelings out-of-game. If a
player you are interacting with is visibly becoming upset or your interaction is particularly
intense, you are encouraged to break character and check in with that player before continuing
the scene and after the interaction has concluded.

Starting and Stopping Roleplay 

Roleplaying is the core feature of Knight Realms. Every player creates a persona to act out
within the game, portraying and sticking to that character for the full duration of the weekend
event. When roleplaying, a player should consider the ways her character would react to a
situation, rather than how she would personally react. Perhaps the player has little tolerance for
liars, but her character is a natural storyteller whose tales rival the greatest writers; perhaps the
player is normally quite shy and reserved, but her character takes a more bold and active
approach to situations. Whatever the case, roleplaying is meant to be a fun and immersive
experience for all parties involved.

Hold and Lay-On 

Whenever a “Hold” is called everyone hearing the call must immediately stop what they are
doing and repeat the call until everyone in the vicinity has stopped playing. There should be no
talking or any in-game actions taking place during a hold. When the hold has been resolved
someone will call “3-2-1- Lay-on!” to resume the game. A hold may be called for other reasons,
such as a storyteller explaining the effects of an explosion or to describe what an area looks like.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

For whatever reason whenever a hold is called, a player must stop what she is doing and be quiet,
so that she can hear what is happening and get back to playing ASAP.
When Lay-On is called, the player should be in the exact same pose and state that she was in
when it was called – i.e., she may not ready a weapon, collect spell packets, or otherwise prepare
herself during the Hold.
Because calling a hold is disruptive to the game, it is asked that a player not call it unless there is
an issue or emergency that affects everyone around her. If she can do what she needs to without
disrupting the game, it is encouraged, so that others are not caught in a Hold.

In-Game, Out-of-Game, and Headbands 

Knight Realms is a twenty-four hour game. This means that from the moment Layon is called to
the moment Layoff is called, all players are considered to be in-game (IG) unless noted
otherwise. While IG, a player should act as her character only and participate in roleplay
A player may generally only go out-of-game (OOG) in the event of an emergency, to ask for
clarification, while travelling to or from her NPC duty, or for medical reasons – in order to sleep
OOG, she must have a medical note on her character card describing the reason. In no other
circumstance should a player be acting in an OOG manner during the live game time while in an
IG area. OOG players may not interact with IG characters or items, and vice versa, unless the
OOG player is a marshal or a storyteller facilitating an encounter.
In-Game and Out-of-Game Areas 
While at a Knight Realms event, all areas are considered to be IG unless specifically noted
otherwise. The only areas that are consistently OOG are parking lots, restrooms, and Logistics.
If an area other than those listed above is considered OOG for any reason, it must have a sign
clearly displayed on the door or upon entering that states “This Area is OOG” and be signed by
the Director or an Officer.
Knight Realms uses colored headbands to denote several states of being, outlined here. Certain
abilities require the player to don a headband; she must put the headband on as soon as possible
after calling the ability. If she cannot produce a headband within five seconds of calling the
ability, it fails, and is not considered used.
● A white headband signifies a player is OOG. This state may also be indicated by a player
holding her closed fist or weapon physrep over her head for short periods of time only.
Players should always carry white headbands on their persons.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

● A green headband signifies the player is non-combat and may not be targeted by weapon
strikes or use offensive abilities. When targeting a non-combat character, all attacks
should be delivered using impact delivery.
● A blue headband signifies the character is on another plane of existence, typically the
Spirit realm; this is also used when a character dies. Players should always carry blue
headbands on their persons.
● A red headband signifies the character is supernaturally concealed.
● A yellow headband signifies the character is naturally concealed.

Adventuring and Using Skills 

Whether it be exploring a new place, locking in battle with a great foe, or simply enjoying a
drink at the tavern with comrades, adventuring is at the core of a character’s experience in
Knight Realms. This section explains how a character can use her abilities to interact with the
game world around her.

Using Skills 
Skills are actions taken by characters with explicit mechanical guidelines within the rules, as
described in Chapter IV. To use a skill, the character must first ensure she meets all its
requirements. Some attacks may only be used with certain weapons, some abilities require
concentration before activating them, and defenses may only be used in reaction to attacks. If the
character fills all the criteria, she may use the skill by simply stating its name at a normal
conversational volume or louder.
When a character uses a periodic skill, casts a spell, or invokes an ability from her equipment,
the skill or Mana points are considered spent for the duration of the encounter. Some skills and
augments persist for a full encounter, granting the recipient their abilities for a period of time.
Even if a character remains active herself for longer than the action around her, any such effect
will expire if an hour has passed since it was first used.
Using Skills on Other Targets 
While some abilities only affect the characters using them, other abilities target beings other than
the user. When using an attack skill, the player must first strike the target, then call the skill as
soon as possible afterwards, within five seconds. It is important that the skill is called loud
enough for the affected player to hear it. A character may use no more than one offensive skill
per target per second.
When an ability is used on or within range of a character, he has five seconds to respond with a
reaction skill. After five seconds, it becomes too late for any abilities to be used in response to
the initial attack. If the character does not call a defense, he must succumb to the effect of the

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Counts and Concentration 

Some skills and actions require a verbal count in order to use. This means that the effect must be
counted aloud in seconds. A verbal count, along with any other concentration time, must take
one second or longer per count. Any observing or affected player reserves the right to ask a
player to start his count over if he is counting too quickly.
Invoking Abilities 
Throughout her adventures, a character may make an ally of a spellcaster who weaves mystical
protections upon her; she may enter an area with structural enhancements that she utilizes to her
benefit; or she may even come into possession of rare and unusual items that grant her powers
beyond the scope of her natural abilities. Whichever the case, if a character has latent effects
upon her person that she did not cast herself or wishes to use an item that grants her an ability,
she may activate the effect by calling “Invoke X,” where X is the name of the skill to be used.
An attribute is an ability learned by a character that represents her gaining higher than average
power in a specific discipline. Only heroes can learn attributes, and even then, a hero may only
ever learn one – she must choose between strength, representing her physical power and vigor;
dexterity, representing her agility and nimbleness; and wisdom, representing her knowledge and
worldly experience. Though they ordinarily provide no mechanical benefit to the character, at
any time she feels it is appropriate during an encounter, a player may inform the storyteller
facilitating the encounter that she wishes to accomplish a feat and state her attribute total, if it is
relevant to the feat.

If an adventure is a meal, then an encounter is the plate on which it is served. Encounters
encompass a variety of different situations, but in general, can be defined as where the main
action and excitement of a Knight Realms event happen.
Many encounters involve combat, details on which can be found in Codex B. Using skills is not
a requisite for participation in an encounter, but is often the means to its end goal.
Local Encounters 
Local encounters take place in the site of the live game world. Any character that happens upon a
local encounter can immediately begin participating, and likewise, any character that no longer
wishes to participate may leave at any time.
World Encounters 
World encounters take place at a site that is separate from the live game world; their location is
far away, such that any player not aware of how to get to the site cannot simply walk onto the
encounter. A character participating in a world encounter cannot leave the location until an
opportunity to travel back to the live game world is presented to her.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Wandering Encounters 
Wandering encounters are smaller, random encounters that happen around the site of the live
game world. Roaming monsters, travelling merchants, and devious bandits are all common sights
to see within the world of Arawyn; heroes should expect to see any amount of allies, enemies,
and ne’er-do-wells at any time.

Resting and Refreshment 

After a long and arduous encounter, most adventurers want nothing more than to relax and
recuperate their strength. Resting is the action taken by a character to regain spent skills and
Mana points, as well as restoring Body points lost in combat.
During a rest, a character may only take actions no more strenuous than eating and drinking,
reading, talking, or walking short distances without leaving the area in which she is resting. After
thirty minutes, the character is considered rested, and her skills, Mana points, and Body points
are restored to full. Any lingering augments, latents, or other effects upon her from the previous
encounter, whether helpful or harmful, are dispelled. Certain status effects persist through rests,
details on which can be found in Codex C.
If a character’s rest is interrupted, she must begin again to gain the benefit of resting. However, if
the interruption is less than one minute of activity, the character may continue her rest; she
should continue tracking time from just before the interruption. During this period of time, if the
character attempts to utilize any non-passive abilities, any time spent resting is lost and she must
start over again from the beginning.
Certain items and abilities may allow a character to refresh skills or Mana points. Refreshing an
ability instantly restores one periodic use; refreshing Mana points instantly restores the noted
number to the character. Refreshment may not ever grant a character uses or points over the
maximum amount she presently has learned. Finally, a character may benefit from no more than
one refreshment item and one refreshment skill per period.

Player Characters and Non-Player Characters 

Beings that exist within the Knight Realms game world are called characters. Characters have
the capacity to have emotions and motivations far different from the player that portrays them.
While there is a clear out-of-game distinction between player characters and non-player
characters, in-game, all characters are beings with their own free will and objectives.
While individuals retain ownership of player characters they create within the Knight Realms
universe, the staff and storytellers reserve the right to use the name and likeness of any character
that has appeared within the game world.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Heroes and Commoners 

Heroes are beings born with powerful souls possessing the ability to increase substantially in
power. A hero’s growth in her lifetime is exceptional compared to that of the commonfolk of
Arawyn. All player characters – even those who do not participate in conventionally “heroic”
activities – are considered to be heroes.

Player Characters 
A player character, also known as a PC, is a character created and controlled by a player. Her
thoughts and feelings, as well as the way in which she is portrayed, are entirely up to the player.
A player typically spends the majority of her event portraying her PC.

Non-Player Characters 
A non-player character, also known as an NPC, is a character created and controlled by plot.
Her thoughts and feelings, as well as the way in which she is portrayed, are up to the storyteller
that created her, and deciding how much freedom the player portraying the character may have is
entirely at the storyteller’s discretion. NPCs can be anything from peasants and monsters to
foreign nobility and dastardly villains, all existing with the purpose of entertaining the playerbase
in mind.
All players are expected to perform some amount of NPC duty at each event they attend. In this
way, the community takes turns providing entertainment for each other. Up-to-date information
on NPC duty and shifts can be found on the Knight Realms website.

Build, Trades, and Commodities 

Earning Build 
There are several ways a character can earn Build. Any character that is paid for at a Knight
Realms event is considered to be in attendance, regardless of how long she is played or if the
player is actively present. The following methods apply only to standard Knight Realms events;
special events may have specific rules regarding Build, listed when they are announced.
Base: Every character in attendance at a Knight Realms event earns five Build. During special
events, a character may earn more than five Build.
Bought: At any Knight Realms event, a player may choose to purchase up to five Build at check
in, applied to all of her characters in attendance at that event.Any other purchased Build is
applied to a single character only.
Lifestyle: A character may collect one of each commodity and turn them in to receive one Build
per event she is in attendance and actively present in-game. Commodity cards should be turned
in to a marshal before the end of an event; loose cards may not be turned in with character cards.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

A character may earn no more than one Lifestyle Build per event and may not collect Lifestyle
Build at special events.
Roleplay: Players may earn roleplaying points, or RP points, from marshals or fellow players for
performing exceptional roleplay. RP points can be added to one character’s card, and when a
character accumulates ten, she earns one Build. RP point cards should be turned in to a marshal
before the end of an event; loose cards may not be turned in with character cards.
Character Level 
As a character spends Build, her level increases; level two requires the character to spend eleven
more Build, level three requires twelve more Build, and so on. If a character’s spent Build total
decreases, her level decreases accordingly.

Trades and Commodities 

A trade is an activity or hobby learned by a character. It may be how she sustains her livelihood,
it may be how she spends her spare time, or it may be a familial profession passed down her line
through generations of learning. Trades can be anything from tailoring to carpentry to
cartography, but should not mimic the niche of any classes. A character may never learn more
than one trade.

When a character learns a trade, she must also choose the nature of the tradeskill she is learning
and its associated commodity type. There are four types of commodities in Knight Realms:
consumable, durable, luxury, and wearable. There is no mechanical difference between the four
commodity types, but a character may turn in one of each kind before the end of an event in
order to collect Lifestyle Build. Commodities may have a description of the item or paperwork
they represent written on the card.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook


This codex describes everything a player needs to know before participating in combat or other
physical contact at Knight Realms.

Combat Safety and Physical Contact 

Knight Realms uses a lightest touch system for combat. This means that in order to participate in
weapon combat, the player should use the absolute gentlest force necessary for the targeted
player to acknowledge that he has been hit. Players may not charge other players in combat or
otherwise tackle, bodycheck, or grapple them. Excessively powerful strikes, as well as strikes to
the head, groin, or hands, are considered illegal – the targeted player should ignore any skills or
damage called against him from one of these strikes and inform the offending player that she is
not following the combat safety rules. If necessary, he may ask for her name and report her to a
marshal for unsafe combat; continuous reports of unsafe combat regarding one player may result
in disciplinary action, including a suspension or revocation of combat privileges.
Even beyond combat, Knight Realms is a no contact game. A player may never physically touch
another player without his express affirmative consent. Even with a player’s consent, physical
contact greater than touching someone’s shoulder or offering him a hand to stand up should
never occur during combat or where the terrain may be unsafe. In a situation where a player
needs to touch someone to get his attention for safety reasons, she should touch him on the
shoulder or arm only.

Melee Combat and Weapons 

The most common form on combat at Knight Realms is, by far, melee combat. To engage in
melee combat, players use padded boffer or latex weapons. As long as the combat safety rules
described in the above section are followed, as well as the procedures specific to melee weapons
outlined here, combat is a perfectly safe and fun aspect of the game.
When using a melee weapon of any size, the player must swing the weapon in an arc of at least
sixty degrees, but no more than one hundred twenty degrees, between each strike. This should
result in the weapon being at least six inches away from the target before each strike, depending
on the size of the weapon wielded, with larger weapons moving farther away than smaller
weapons. Machine-gunning, or using rapid strikes that do not meet the minimum requirement of
a sixty degree arc, is expressly forbidden, as are massive baseball bat-style swings larger than
one hundred twenty degrees. Players may not thrust with melee weapons.
A player should never use her hands in melee combat for any purpose other than wielding her
weapons. Grabbing another player’s weapon, for example, is unsafe and not allowed.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Additionally, hooking weapons or striking them with excessive force in an attempt to disarm an
opponent is forbidden.
For information on using skills during combat, see the Adventuring and Using Skills section of
Codex A.

Weapon Guidelines 
Weapons must be made with a foam striking surface of at least one-half inch in thickness. At
each end of the core, there should be at least two inches of padding to prevent the core from
poking through. Acceptable core materials include fiberglass, carbon fiber, and PVC, as well as
other materials specifically designed for use in larp combat by professional weapon companies –
materials such as metal, wood, and plastic may not be used in melee weapons.
All weapons, including those that are professionally made, must be inspected by a marshal prior
to use in combat at Knight Realms. Weapons that are deemed unsafe or become damaged, even if
they previously passed an inspection, must be removed from play immediately.
Small Weapons 
Small weapons, including claws and Unarmed physreps, may be up to eighteen inches in length.
The striking surface – the length of the weapon excluding the grip – must be no shorter than ten
inches. Small weapons may be wielded in one hand only.
Medium Weapons 
Medium weapons, including one-handed edged or blunt weapons and long claws, must be
between eighteen and forty-eight inches in length. Medium weapons may be wielded in one hand
or two.
Shafted Weapons 
Spears and short staves must be between thirty and sixty inches in length and may be wielded in
one hand or two.
Polearms and long staves, which count as large weapons for all purposes, must be between sixty
and seventy-two inches in length. Polearms must be wielded in two hands; a polearm wielded in
one hand may be used defensively only and may not be used to strike a target.
Large Weapons 
Large weapons must be between forty-two and sixty inches in length and must be wielded in two
hands. A large weapon wielded in one hand may be used defensively only and may not be used
to strike a target.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Ranged Combat and Weapons 

In addition to melee, Knight Realms offers several options for ranged combat. The regulations on
each type of ranged combat are very different; each weapon style’s description may be found
below. No ranged combat other than what is included here is permitted at Knight Realms.
As a rule, no ranged weapon may ever be used in melee combat. Weapons, particularly bows and
arrows, that are deemed unsafe or become damaged must be removed from play immediately.

Knight Realms allows archery using arrows (and crossbow bolts) with padded tips; no other
forms of archery are permitted. Arrows and bolts must be professionally made and designed
specifically for larp combat. An arrow may not be fired at a target unless he is more than fifteen
feet away from the archer.
If an archer has an arrow nocked or her crossbow loaded, for safety reasons, she may not be
targeted by weapon strikes and should be treated as a non-combat target, as described in the
In-Game, Out-of-Game, and Headbands section. If an archer has her bow drawn and an enemy
approaches her, she must immediately cease fire and lower the bow to her side. She must remove
herself from melee range before attempting to fire again.
Finally, it should be noted by all players that attempting to parry or hit an arrow with a weapon is
prohibited. Only shields may be used to block incoming arrows.
Bows must be simple recurve bows with a maximum draw length of twenty-eight inches; arrows
used should be fitted for this length. The maximum draw weight of any bow used at Knight
Realms is twenty-six pounds.
This section will be included in the next version of the Rulebook.

Arquebuses must be period-appropriate flintlock percussion cap guns. All arquebus physreps
must be approved by the Director before entering play. Arquebuses may not be drawn or fired
within three feet of other players and may not be swung around.

Thrown Weapons and Spell Packets 

This section describes combat with thrown items. Under no circumstances should any weapon or
item not listed in this section be thrown at another player.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Thrown Weapons 
Thrown weapons must be no more than twelve inches in any dimension. Thrown weapons may
not have any type of core.
A thrown physrep for a bomb or other compound may be no more than three inches in diameter.
Javelins must be between twelve and thirty-six inches in length. Though they may be constructed
with denser foam in the center, they may not have a solid core. The tip of a javelin that is the
striking surface must be open-cell foam.
Spell Packets 
Spell packets may be no more than one and one-half inch in any dimension. Spell packets may
be constructed out of natural fabric pouches full of birdseed and sewn closed or tied with string.
Rubber bands are not acceptable methods of sealing spell packets. Spell packets may be any
color; bright colors that stand out when on the ground are encouraged.
Players may also use approved thrown spell physreps of no more than three inches in diameter.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Dealing and Taking Damage 

Whether a hero swings her sword to fell a hulking beast or is scorched by the touch of a demon’s
hellfire, the act of inflicting or receiving wounds is represented as damage applied to the injured
being’s Body point total. To attack a creature, a character must first strike it – whether it be with
a weapon, a spell packet, or some other form of attack – and call the effect she is inflicting.
To deal damage, a character need not use a skill. A character may strike with a weapon she is
capable of using and simply call her weapon damage, which is a combination of the base damage
of the weapon, any Proficiencies she has, and any Augments she is benefitting from. For
example, if the combined total of these values is three, she would strike her target and call “three
damage” at a volume loud enough for him to hear.
Taking and Healing Damage 
Every character and creature in the Knight Realms world has a Body point total, which
represents how much damage she can take before becoming incapacitated. A character with ten
Body points may suffer ten points of damage, and so on.
When a character is struck with an effect that deals damage, she subtracts the damage number
from her Body point total. The number that remains is her new present Body point total; she
should now apply any damage taken to this number instead of her maximum. If a character
receives healing towards her Body points, she adds it to her present Body point total. She may
not exceed her maximum Body point total with regular healing, though certain effects may grant
her temporary Body points. Any points of healing received past her maximum Body points are
considered lost.
When a character reaches zero Body points, she immediately falls, incapacitated, to the Serious
stage of her Death count, and must begin silently counting the condition. Information on death
and dying can be found in Codex C. A character may never fall below zero Body points, even if
she takes damage greater than her present Body point total.
Damage Types 
While most regular attacks simply deal damage, certain creatures, items, and spells allow a being
to deal specialty damage types. The damage types are as follows – included here are also
creatures commonly known to be weak against these types. Rarely, another damage type may be
encountered that is not on this list, but in general, these are the only types one might encounter
on an adventure.
● Aether is the damage of the inner planes, frequently used by demons and other
destructive creatures. Constructs of most types are weak to Aether damage.
● The Elemental damage types are Fire, Ice, Crystal, and Lightning – fire, water, earth, and
air, respectively. These damage types are frequently used by elementals; creatures tied to
one element are typically weak to another.
Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

● Mystic is the damage type of the outer planes, frequently used by celestials and mystical
creatures. Aberrations are weak to Mystic damage.
● Sacred is the damage type of Light, employed by creatures of that alignment.
Dark-aligned creatures are weak to Sacred damage.
● Shadow is the damage type of Darkness, employed by creatures of that alignment.
Light-aligned creatures are weak to Shadow damage.
● Silver is a naturally occurring metal frequently used by those who hunt abominations. It
is particularly effective against undead and other negative energy beings with physical
● Sonic is the damage of force and sound, frequently used by illithids and exians. Natural
creatures such as beasts are weak to Sonic damage.
● Starlight is the damage of order and life on Arawyn, frequently used by ethereal and
primal beings. Corrupt creatures, such as blights and wraiths, are weak to Starlight
Occasionally, a character may encounter other interesting damage calls; these are not damage
types, but modifiers added to an existing damage type, including regular damage. They each
have their own effects, listed as follows.
● Bane damage, which is typically specific to a creature type, does not deal any additional
effects, but the character is always considered Weak to the attack, even if she has
resistance or immunity against part of it. Bane damage always bypasses armor points,
even if a skill possessed by the target would cause him to reduce the damage taken.
● Body damage always bypasses armor points, but not damage-reducing abilities.
Falling Damage 
A hero’s adventure might see her scale great mountains, fight along a chasm, or even simply fall
from her perch in a tree. When a character falls a height greater than ten feet, she takes falling
damage equal to the number of feet she falls as Body damage – for example, if the character falls
twenty-five feet, she takes twenty-five Body damage. If the damage taken would incapacitate
her, she immediately begins her Death count at the beginning of her Critical stage.
For every fifty feet a character falls, she also takes one Broken limb of her choosing. Each fifty
feet is considered one tier – an ability that reduces falling damage by a tier allows the character
to subtract fifty feet from the damage she would take before calculating the result. A character
that falls two hundred feet or more instantly enters the Dead stage, bypassing her Death count
entirely, unless she is completely immune to falling damage. Even characters immune to falling
damage may suffer adverse effects when falling from heights greater than two hundred feet;
these effects are determined by the storyteller facilitating the encounter.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Interacting with Incapacitated Targets 

There are certain special actions that may be taken on an enemy who has been defeated in
combat or a fallen ally. This section describes how a player may interact with such targets.

Killing Blows 
When an enemy has been bested, a character may perform a killing blow to finish him off. The
character must lightly touch the target with her weapon, or point it at him, if it is a ranged
weapon or spell attack. The character must then perform a five-second verbal count of “Killing
Blow,” which may not be shortened by any means; at the end of the count, she must call her base
damage or a damaging ability. The target is immediately placed into the Critical stage of his
death count.

A character may search any incapacitated target for possessions. She must spend thirty seconds
standing or kneeling over the target, during which time she must roleplay searching the target.
This time is considered concentration time and may not be shortened by any means; if
interrupted, the character must start again.
If the target has loot to give up, after the thirty seconds, he must surrender it to the character
searching him. For information on searching other player characters, see Codex E.

Carrying an Incapacitated or Injured Target 

A hero may find a fallen friend and need to make a quick escape or apprehend an enemy and
want to take him in for questioning. Either way, she may represent carrying a target by placing
her hand on his shoulder or elbow and walking next to him. A player should never physically lift
or carry another player.
A character may carry only one target at a time, regardless of her strength or how many open
hands she has. The only exception to this rule is if a target is under the effects of the spell
Featherweight or a similar effect – in this case, she may carry one target that counts as an object
in addition to one other target. While carrying a target, the character may move no faster than a
walking pace.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook


A hero’s journey is never without risk of injury or even death. This codex contains information
pertaining to afflictions a character may face throughout her lifetime, including the inevitability
of one day facing the end. Whether it be from a character dying to a grievous wound or the
simple fact of a player wishing to move on to a different story, this codex also details the process
of creating a new character once a player has decided to hang up her old character’s gear and
retire her.

Status Effects 
Throughout an adventure, a hero may find herself afflicted with any number of strange
conditions adverse to her health. This section describes the most commonly encountered status
effects, including how they impact a character, how long they affect her for, and even what may
cure them.

Enduring Status Effects  

Enduring status effects last until cured, persisting even through a period of rest. 
Blind – The character cannot see. She may assistance; with two broken legs, she must
move no faster than a walking pace, and she be carried.
may not use any abilities except latent Cursed – The character is suffering the
effects and those that are delivered by touch. effects of a Curse, specified in the ability
A player of a blind character should ensure used to cause it. Curses may only be healed
her out-of-game vision is not obstructed in by abilities that specifically cure Curses.
any way.
Destroyed – The item is broken and may
Bleeding – The character is bleeding not be used for any purpose. A broken
heavily. The effect of all healing towards her armament may not be used to block attacks;
Body points is halved until she is healed to any effect that strikes the item is considered
her maximum Body point score or the status to hit the character wielding it.
is cured.
Diseased – The character is suffering the
Broken Limb – The character’s limb is effects of a Disease, specified in the ability
broken and may not be used for any used to cause it.
purpose. A broken arm may not wield a
weapon or carry any object, and a broken Poisoned – The character may not benefit
leg may not be used to walk. A character from healing towards her Body point score
with one broken leg may not move without until cured.

Death Status Effects  

Death status effects last until cured or until they have been suffered long enough to pass into the
next stage. The first two, Serious and Critical, are also known as the character’s Death count. 

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Serious – The character has a Body point remain as a corpse for up to two hours,
score of zero. A character in the Serious during which time she may be healed by
stage must remain on the ground and may some specific abilities. After two hours, the
not speak or otherwise interact with her player must don a blue headband, entering
surroundings. After five minutes in this the Spirit stage. Death must be noted on the
stage, or if targeted by a Killing Blow, the player’s character card, as well as the means
character will fall into the Critical stage. of healing her from it, if applicable.

Critical – The character has a Body point Spirit – The character is a Spirit. The player
score of zero and may not be healed by any must wear a blue headband to indicate this
means. A character in the Critical stage must status; she may interact with any being with
remain on the ground and may not speak or the Resurrection ability or other Spirits. She
otherwise interact with her surroundings. may only be healed out of this stage by the
After five minutes in this stage, the character Resurrection ability, which must be noted on
becomes Dead. All active Augment abilities her character card.
upon a character end upon entering the
Critical stage.
Dead – The character is Dead. She may not
be healed by any means. The character may

Timed Status Effects 

Timed status effects last until their duration ends or until they are cured, whichever comes first.
There are three tiers of status effects. Tier one effects persist for five seconds, tier two for one
minute, tier three for five minutes.

Tier One  Enraged – The character perceives the

Disarmed – The character must drop her subjects of her rage as enemies after her life
weapon to the ground and may not pick it up and must attack them. While Enraged, the
or draw a new one for five seconds. character may not use any abilities that
require concentration unless the abilities are
Tripped – The character must fall to the attacks.
ground and cannot stand for five seconds.
Feared – The character must avoid the
Stunned – The character may not take any subject of her fear and may not take any
action whatsoever. action against him whatsoever except for
Tier Two 
Bound – The character may not move her Hindered – The character may not use any
limbs or take any action but is otherwise skills.
interactive with her surroundings.
Pinned – The character’s limb is affixed to a
Dazed – The character may take no surface and may not be moved or used for
offensive action, but may still move and any reason.
defend herself.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Silenced – The character may not speak or Hobbled – The character may move no
cast spells, including invoking latent spells. faster than a heel-to-toe pace and cannot use
movement abilities.
Tier Three 
Charmed – The character must behave in a Imprisoned – The character may not take
friendly way towards the being to whom she any action whatsoever, but is aware of her
is Charmed. The subject of the Charm may surroundings. While Imprisoned, the
not command her to act in any specific character may not be affected by anything,
manner, but she must regard the being as she and the timers of all active effects or her
would any close friend and may not take Death count are halted. If the character has
hostile action towards him. This effect ends Imprisoned herself, she may dispel it at any
instantly if the subject attacks the character. time.

Dominated – The character is under the Unconscious – The character must fall to
complete control of another being. She must the ground and may not take any action
fulfill the commands of the being who has whatsoever. While Unconscious, she is
Dominated her, but cannot speak and may unaware of her surroundings.
only perform actions that being is aware she
is capable of.

Death, Reanimation, and Resurrection 

When a character reaches the end of the Critical stage of her Death count, she is considered to be
dead. Though this would be the end for ordinary beings, heroes’ immortal souls are not so easily
bested. Certain abilities may help a character return to the land of the living once she has passed.
Characters in the Spirit stage, as described in the above section, may be healed from this
condition by the skill Resurrection. While a spirit, the character is instinctively drawn towards
any beings with this ability, and they towards her. After fifteen minutes of passing through the
veils of the Spirit Realm to return the the material plane with the help of one of these beings, the
character is considered to have resurrected, and must note such on her character card before
returning to play. A character may be resurrected no more than four times total in her lifetime.
Death is a trying experience, and a character is often moved and changed by it. Each time a
character resurrects, she gains ten Build per number of resurrections she has experienced,
indicated on her character card.
When a player dies, she may choose to remain as a corpse – described in the Dead status of the
Death status effects above – for up to two hours, during which time she may receive the benefit
of the skill Reanimate. A character may be reanimated no more than once per resurrection; she is
returned to life, but does not gain the Build associated with resurrection. Once a character
becomes a Spirit, she may not be reanimated, even if two hours have not passed since her death.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Once a character has resurrected four times, if she dies again, she must retire. This process is
described in the following section.

Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

When a player wishes to permanently stop playing a character, or her character takes her fifth
and final death, the character must retire. Retirement is the process by which a player may
entirely rewrite a character’s statistics into a new character, or sometimes, the same character as
When a character is retired, the player retains forty percent of her earned Build, which may be
applied to an existing character of hers or to a brand new character. She also retains fifty percent
of the character’s total wealth, calculated from her Bank account, items, and coin, as well as any
Personal abilities acquired through OOG service or monetary donation. If the character the Build
is applied to has never been played before, she gains an additional ten percent of the retired
character’s Build.
Instead of playing a new character, the player may choose to return as the same character. A
hero’s soul is immortal, after all, and it is only when Galladel decides it is time to move on that
her soul will be unable to resurrect. However, returning from death does not come without a toll;
the player must abide by the rules of retirement in order to bring a deceased character back to
life. She may keep her full wealth and all Personal abilities earned throughout her lifetime, and
may choose to entirely rewrite her race and class if she wishes – sometimes, fate does strange
things to change a hero’s form.
Finally, a player may choose to retire a character at any time, regardless of deaths; if the player
wishes, she may even retire a character into herself in order to fully rewrite her card.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook


Religion and divinity are more than just a belief system for heroes of Arawyn. Beyond the power
of deities being invokable by their most devout followers, some heroes can even claim to have
seen these divine beings with their own eyes. This section describes the most commonly
worshipped beings in the Knight Realms universe.

The Eodran Pantheon 

Eodra is the celestial plane, the heavens that bridge the space between the Spirit realm and the
Astral. This divine land is the home of the twelve Gods of Eodra, the most commonly
worshipped beings in all of Arawyn. Beyond reverence, these deities have been known to
directly intervene in the affairs of the mortal world where necessary to ensure its survival.

Agaura, the Aspect of War 

Goddess of mischief, lost items, noise, patience, misery, vengeance, and honor in battle
Ravens; the color of fresh blood; masks; chains; daggers

Born in Blood
From the first drop of blood spilled on a battlefield, Aguara’s rites are invoked. It is from this
blood drawn that she is empowered. Servants of the Lady of Chains follow the philosophy of
blood and war. Pain is the ultimate test of life and one cannot experience life without the pain of
the flesh. Both sadistically and self-inflicted, it is the pleasure of the flesh only enlightened can
see as real experience.

War is the ceremony of blood that pays homage to her ways. In battle, the blood which is shed in
her name feeds her power. It is the bath in which she bathes, soaking in the hate and rage of her
servants. So too must her followers soak in the blood, for blood carries the wisdom of the divine.

The Divine Truth

The Queen of Blades only demands one rule from all. The written laws of mortal kind hold no
place in her courts. A war is chaos, but a war may also restore order. The battlefield is where all
of her rituals and rites are performed. The ceremonies in her name, the disputes of houses, the
tests of one's deserving of life are all determined through the rites of blood and battle. To the
victor goes the heart for consumption and thus the perpetuation of wisdom and enlightenment


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Andorra, the Aspect of Hope 

Goddess of freedom, compassion, familial bonds, childbirth, defiance, peace, and springtime

Bears; the color of budding roses; keys; thorned briars; staves 

A Merciful Hand
Compassion in all things begets peace. It is in the soldier who stays his hand to let an enemy
return home; one who invites the enemy to be redeemed. It is in the clergyman who understands
and accepts that he cannot force someone to change their life. Compassion for mortal kind is
acceptance of the differences that breed experience. The compassionate hand is an invitation that
offers entry into the light.

The Mother will never turn away the lost or broken. In her highest regard are held those who find
the light on their own path; never forced. Holding mercy and compassion in one’s heart ensures
that there will never be a need for oppression or force to sway the minds of others.

A Caring Heart
Hope in all its forms is a power greater than the strongest shield or sharpest sword. It has the
power to move mountains and turn the wicked towards the Light, even in the darkest hours. It is
hope for oneself that encourages growth in ambitions and will. It is hope for others that build the
strongest bonds, creating the greatest bulwark against all troubles. Peace is the noblest aspiration,
but to preserve it, one must be willing to fight against those that would strive to take it away,
those who would bring harm to what is held most dear, and those who would take advantage of
Her mercy.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Brazen, the Aspect of Experience 

God of the arts, music, fine craftsmanship, fire, gluttony, perseverance, and charity

Draft horses; the color of glowing embers; artisan tools; hearty ale; hammers 

Forged for a King

Followers of the Forge Father should always hold their craft, forged by hand or trained by book,
to the highest standards. No work should ever be less than the best possible accomplishment. To
His servants, nothing but the best work will ever suffice. However, no work should ever be
scorned for being of less quality than others, for only the craftsman can truly know what is the
best she can create.

In all works, nothing is truly perfect. Perfection leads to the belief that there is no longer room
for improvement and thus leaves room for doubt and depreciation of the craft. For every
creation, there is a lesson to be learned, a mistake to be understood and cherished. The
imperfections are what make each work unique and far grander than any replication, and so
everything should be treated as a masterpiece.

The Truth of Experience

Strength of heart and mind is equally as important as the strength of body, for without those, the
body is merely a shield to be struck down. Servants of the Forge Father must show strength in all
aspects of their being to prove their worth. It is through this display of strength that others are
inspired, and through inspiration, the greatest creations in all the world are born.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Chronicler, the Aspect of Knowledge 

Goddess of wisdom, temper, enlightenment, prophesy, sacrifice, good fortune, and timeliness

Foxes; the color of glinting gold; feather quills; bells; tarot cards 

A Necessary Purpose
Chronicler has one purpose; to record the Great Story. To this end Chronicler has consented to be
known to the world, so that those who are inspired to, may use their quills to assist her in this
endeavor. Chronicler believes all knowledge is important, and it all has its reason to be known.
Chronicler wants the great story to be complete, from all sides, not taking a stand on the moral
worth of a being when recording their actions and what drives them.

A Piece of the Whole

To be outside the Great Story is to be outside of all realms, and so all beings play an integral part
of the story in some regard, for the story would be incomplete without every account. In this,
even the servants who strive to only record, have a story of their own. In their story, it is not
possible nor encouraged to remain a silent observer. As forces exist to destroy records and
knowledge, the scribes of Chronicler must protect it.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Enax, the Aspect of Authority 

God of sovereignty, empires, prowess, ambition, discipline, and advisement

Vultures; the color of worn steel; polished armor; closed fist; broadswords 

Power Rules
Power is held by the strongest in all rights, for the strong lead the weak to victory in battle, and
in turn, life. The strong rule implicitly and their word is law, for only the strong are capable of
building the greatest and most secure of structures. Everyone serves as part of the whole from the
strongest to the weakest, but those in power alone are allowed to direct it. The weak are too
feeble to know what the system needs to improve it or command it to function.

A clever mind means nothing if it can be pummeled into the dirt. Force must be used to rule,
because a clever mind alone cannot punish the insolent. Through force, obedience is
commanded; through obedience, the system thrives; when the system thrives, the will of Enax
grows strongest.
The Divine Authority
Never allow the weak to control, for they will lead the system to its end. It is through trial of
strength and force that true rulers are chosen. They stand above the countless heathens who tried
to claim the throne of power. The weak seek to subvert this rule, and thus turn from the Divine
Authority. Those who do so must be purged as broken pieces to be replaced.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Gaia, the Aspect of Life 

Goddess of the harvest, celebration, envy, passion, protection, autumn, and hospitality

Deer; the color of autumn leaves; towering trees; compasses; sickles 

The Breath of Life

All life and all each life has to offer in this world is sacred. Every being that has come to exist
has reason for life and a purpose known or unknown to serve. It is the duty of all beings to seek
out and serve that purpose, but the duty of Gaia’s followers to aid others find that purpose.

Disease, plague, and illness are the tools of blasphemy against Her gifts, only serving to twist
and destroy her most precious creations. In good health, one is capable of achieving their goals;
life can be lived. Sickness only strips away the gift given to all mortal kind, inviting the
unfortunate preemptive end before purpose may be fulfilled.

The Great Journey

More than just simply living life and fulfilling a purpose, the servant seeks something greater, to
expand, explore and experience. Life is given to be experienced. To stagnate invites sickness into
the soul, allowing death to reap. All beings should be encouraged to experience all that Gaia has
given. Life is not simply purpose and duty, but growth and influence. Just as the tree sprouts
from a seed into a tall towering form which shades the adventurer underneath its leaves, so to
must the servant grow to be part of the greater living world.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Galladel, the Aspect of Purity 

God of memory, travel, temperance, fables, funerals, equity, and arbitrators

Falcons; the color of twilight; balanced scales; lanterns; flanged maces 

Sanctity of the Soul

The soul is the most pure form of the self, reflecting all actions and behaviors. It is the soul that
exists beyond the mortal realm and all things within, and continues on long after the mortal form
has ceased. True spiritual purity is achieved not from within the mortal world; rather, it is
obtained from outside of it when the physical no longer has control of what the self chooses.
Beyond greed, beyond vanity, beyond ignorance, purity comes when the self transcends these
hindrances of mortality. The physical world is like clouded glass, blocking the sight of the self.

Embrace the Spirit

The light of twilight is the beacon that all are judged against but it is also the light that inspires
and brings enlightenment. The light of twilight is hope. It is the force that drives all mortal kind
to achieve great deeds, or continue to fight against the impurities of their own soul. Souls are
sacred and each deserve the respect that one would give their own self.

All beings need something to guide them along their journey. Aspire to be the guiding light that
aids those who have wandered from their path. Beyond the physical, all are as one. Treat the soul
as the body; nourish and care for it, regardless of the physical form it has taken. Act to cleanse
oneself by cleansing others, letting their light reflect back.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Galmachis, the Aspect of Death 

God of strategy, winter, drought, inevitability, the elderly, quiet nights, and misfortune

Owls; the color of the new moon; skulls; precious jewels; khopeshes 

The Inevitable End

In the eyes of the Lord of the Dead, there is but one truth to the world: All things must die.
Galmachis seeks to see that all beings meet this end at or before their destined time, but never
afterward. Those who cheat the god of death and break from the Wheel of Fate are among his
most detested enemies.

A being whose spirit remains strong and continues to thrive and fight for survival still serve the
Lord of Death, willingly or not. Flesh wounds and injuries are not the end, however a grievous
and mortal wound is the doorway to his realm.

Weight of the Soul

The clergy of death understand the trade of life for life in this action and pay the price owed. The
strength of a soul is valued and serves as the weight upon which the dead turn to him. A weaker
being may not be traded for stronger, but equal or greater trade, as offerings to the lord have been
deemed acceptable.

While the lord of the dead does not outwardly spurn the necromantic creations, they are regarded
with disdain. A body or soul temporarily stripped from his realm, by any other than his own
servants, is viewed as an insult to his name.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Glomm, the Aspect of Mystery 

Goddess of performance, corruption, secrets, avarice, wealth, opportunity, and efficiency

Snakes; the color of putrid poison; insects; coins; woodsman’s axes 

The Serpent’s Whisper

In the world of mortal kind, lies are spoken every day. No one is free from it, even those who
claim to be truthful in all regards. To Glomm, there is only one lie that stands above all others;
one to which all people are held accountable whether they believe it or not. This is the belief that
a being truly knows herself. No one is above everything, and everyone has a price. It is the
serpent who finds its way into those dark corners to exploit that price.

Temptation is the manifestation of the desires from the underlying thoughts of all minds. Indulge
in it and grow. Desire drives empires to emerge, wars to be fought, love to be founded, and all
the greatest achievements in history.

The Rot
Corruption feeds to the soul through lies, deception, subterfuge, and other trickeries. In turn the
Rot that exists in everyone grows, bringing enlightenment to those who embrace it. The rot in
turn imparts secrets, symbiotically. For every indulgence, every secret, every trick, every lie, and
every impulse perpetrated, the Rot grows and the bond between mortal and god becomes ever


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Malyc, the Aspect of Instinct 

God of survival, thunderstorms, madness, broken objects, hunting, motion, and capriciousness

Coyotes; the color of flashing lightning; open eyes; hunting traps; wands 

The Reckless Hand

The strong survive and the weak remain as corpses for the rest to trample upon. Structure brings
about complacency and those who become complacent fall stagnant. In striving to avoid routine
and patterns, every experience is new and unpredictable. Each moment becomes a test of
survival. Every action should be new and unknown. Anarchy ensures freedom from self-imposed
rules and the rules of others.

Mayhem and Disorder are a wild force with no direction, and so should be His servants. A storm
is a force without pattern or plan that wreaks havoc upon everything in its path. The servant must
thrive on impulsive action and with that, become as wild and powerful as the storm itself. By
abandoning a single path of rules and values, every moment becomes a step forward. Without
ordered structure, there can be no regression.

A Prison of Fear
Power belongs to those who hold the upper hand in all matters, and the upper hand is claimed by
those who cast away their fear with reckless abandon. Fear is a tool used to control the weak and
feeble minded masses. To live without fear is to escape the binding force that breeds
complacency, order, and conformity. Without fear, there is no room in the heart for doubt or
question, only freedom from the constraints that all beings are shackled to at birth. Fearlessness
and Lawlessness are the only true path to freedom.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Valos, the Aspect of Justice 

God of daytime, virtue, courageous action, inquisition, athletics, pride, and summertime

Lions; the color of the brightest light; courts; crowns; spears 

A King Reborn
Those who worship the King of the Light believe in truth and justice above all. Truth in word
and deed exemplify the ideal that one need not ever deceive another to do what is right,
especially in battle. One who upholds truth becomes a beacon for all to rally behind and becomes
a sign of inspiration for others.

A holy servant serves justice equally and fairly to all, regardless of their creed in life. Justice
serves to protect the innocent from harm that may come to them. A just warrior carries out the
God King’s will against injustice, shedding the light of truth before the force of the righteous

The Scales of Balance

To serve justice without law, is the promotion of Vigilantism. To serve law without justice, is the
promotion of Tyranny. Neither will put any soul on the righteous path, and so the scales of
Judgment must balanced in Law and Justice. As it is He who writes the Divine Law, the
righteous must uphold and protect it. The righteous must seek to abolish the weights that break
the balance of the scales, so that the law of man is ever closer to the Divine.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Visigalis, the Seeker of the Aspects 

Divine force of mortality, balance, unity, growth, introspection, doom, and prosperity

Dragonflies; the color of refracted light; acorns; waterfalls; faceted pendants 
Exploration of the Aspects
Seek to understand the aspects of the world and find new ways to view and interpret them. While
other divine forces in the world put emphasis and focus on the most common aspects, but others
are still ripe to learn from as well, such as greed, luck, innovation, and philosophy. A follower of
the Seeker must seek out their own aspects to focus on within themselves and explore them until
she finds there is no more to understand. Stagnation is the death of the soul, and true worship can
only be achieved by constantly learning and honoring the aspects.

Inward Reflection
Not all is learned by balancing the dichotomy of the world. In fact, much more is learned by
reflecting upon the lessons and experiences one has during their journey. For the Seeker,
understanding oneself in whole brings the follow closer to the true teachings of Him. A Visigalan
should always seek to find the deeper, inner meaning behind her own actions and understand
their purpose through life.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook

Minor Religions 
Though the Gods of Eodra are the most commonly known, there are other frequently worshipped
beings across the world. Some of the most well known minor and cultural religions are included
here. While these beings do not typically grant their followers powers like the Eodran deities,
they are revered all the same by various races and sects of people.

Primal Spirits of Arawyn 

Great animal spirits, such as Tarkien’Aman, the Great Bear of the North, and Mog’Thul, the
Raging Beast of the Plains, are worshipped by many cultures that choose to live off the land.
Often, an entire tribe or village will dedicate itself to just one of these spirits, centering the daily
culture of its people around the traits their chosen Primal Spirit represents.

Kolator, the Wandering Patrons 

The Kolator are a mysterious group, often worshipped by the nomadic peoples of the world, such
as the Argenti. Seen as guardian spirits rather than deities, a patron’s name is invoked only in
areas of her influence, such as Taylos to grant wealth and good fortune, or Kyari to bring revelry
and song.

Ma’khet, Families of the Crossroads 

The Ma’khet are beings more often bargained with than worshipped. They are commonly
venerated by the seafaring Costadori, as well as other merchant castes – even those that do not
necessarily believe in the Ma’khet often pay homage to the family anyway, on the chance that
they may one day come face to face with their wrath.

Fey and the Seasonal Courts 

Arguably more powerful than the Eodran gods, the Fey helped shape the world in its beginnings
and granted the powers of Magic to mortalkind. As such, they are often worshipped by the races
that remember and celebrate their gifts, such as the Hibernians. Having long since removed
themselves from Arawyn, they do not directly interfere with mortal affairs, but their influence
can still be seen among those they have touched.

Uelrog, the Ravager 

Heralded by the more savage and barbaric goblinoid races – typically those who do not live
under the command of Hobgoblins – is Uelrog, the Ravager, the calamity many believe caused
the formation of the Great Rift through Palmydia. It is said among his followers that he will one
day rise from the Rift and bring about a new age of destruction and prosperity for goblinkind.


Knight Realms™ Complete Rulebook


This section will be included in the next major update to the Rulebook. Until such a time as this
section is released, no Player versus Player activity is permitted at Knight Realms.


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