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johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)




johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)
Even the smallest town has more locations than all but the most diligent and time-rich GM could ever hope to detail and design. To make
matters even worse, when an adventuring party gets to a town or city, the characters often have the irritating habit of going off exploring.
What’s a GM to do? Designed specifically for you, the busy GM, the mini-eventures herein help you bring depth and flavour to your
characters’ next urban adventure. This compilation is designed for use with City Backdrop: Languard, but can be easily used in virtually any
town or city.

This compilation presents the first 14 mini-eventures.

Product Identity: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper
Design: Creighton Broadhurst names (characters, deities, artefacts, places and so on), dialogue,
Additional Design: Steve Hood and Amber Underwood plots, storylines, language, incidents, locations, characters, artwork
Development: Creighton Broadhurst and trade dress are product identity as defi ned in the Open
Art: William McAusland, Matt Morrow and Dean Spencer. Some Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open
artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission. Content.
Cartography: Tommi Salama

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Thank you to the members of our Patreon campaign who

made the mini-eventure line (and this compilation) possible.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)


A mini-eventure is like a normal eventure but smaller! An eventure

is akin to a normal adventure, but does not (normally) feature
violence or physical challenges. Instead, an eventure focuses on
the use of social skills and role-play to resolve the challenges, or
events, therein. Most eventures take places in a settlement or on
the road. Few occur in traditional adventure locales such as
dungeons, ruined castles and so on.
Eventures are an excellent change of pace and can be used as
filler between adventures or as situations in which
characters who have invested in social
skills can shine. They are also perfect for
players who enjoy role-playing.
The mini-eventures in this book are all set in
Languard, capital of Ashlar but, with minimal
work, they could be set in virtually any town or


Credits ....................................................................................................2
Using a Mini-Eventure ..........................................................................3
Contents .................................................................................................3
Languard at a Glance............................................................................4
Notable Locations at a Glance ............................................................6
Mini-Eventures in Languard .................................................................8
A Day Out at High Market ..................................................................10
A Day out at Low Market ....................................................................12
Dining at the Emerald Medusa .........................................................14
Drinking at The Bloody Eagle............................................................16
Drinking at the Drunken Sailor ..........................................................18
Drinking at The Last Chance..............................................................20
Selling Loot at Arlo’s Stones ..............................................................22
Shopping at Kardagg’s Emporium ...................................................24
Visiting the Dreaming Spires .............................................................26
Visiting the Duranki Family ................................................................28
Visiting the Fane of the Waves Eternal .............................................30
Visiting the Father's Hall .....................................................................32
Visiting the Great Forge .....................................................................34
Visiting the Watcher’s Spire ...............................................................36
OGL V1.0A ...........................................................................................38

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

L A N G U A R D AT A G L A N C E From these streets, a warren of alleys and tiny lanes radiate into
the depths of the city.
Languard has five distinct districts.
Ruler: Duke Armas Nenonen
Government: Overlord HIGH CITY
Population: 7,923 (6,614 humans, 287 dwarves, 189 elves, 236 Set upon the Svart’s northern bank, High City rises above the stink
half-elves, 264 half-orcs, 189 halfl ings, 144 gnomes) and muck of the rest of Languard by dint of a series of bluffs rising
Notable Folk: Atro Ahokas (leader of the Worshipful Company of from the river’s waters. Here dwell the great and the good (or
Freetraders), Elmo Rekunen (First Protector), Hannele perhaps just the wealthy) of Languard.
Auvuenen (High Priestess of Conn), Heimo Karppanen (High In High City, the streets are cleaner and broader, the houses
Priest of Abarin), Marja Pasanen (Chancellor), Taneli Eronen are of stone and slate, and the folk are wealthier and healthier. The
(Serat’s Stormlord), Taneli Laitnen (Guildmaster of the Shadow concentration of so much wealth and power should attract thieves
Masks), Varma Nikkonen (Lady Protector [of Darlen]), Veli and other ne’er-do-wells. However, given the large numbers of
Nikkonen (Captain of the Watch) men-at-arms, bodyguards and other armed personages serving
Alignments: LN, N, NG the folk dwelling here, it is a brave, stupid or superlatively skilled
Languages: Common burglar who works in High City.
Resources & Industry: Fishing, commerce, general industry
Languard is a busy, noisy place. The administrative and mercantile The name given to the bulk of Languard sprawling to the south of
heart of the Duchy of Ashlar it is, however, also a place of fear and the Svart, the Low City is home to most of the city’s populace. It is
gradual decay. named both for its position below the High City and for the low-
Sprawling over a series of rocky bluffs, and heavily fortified, born status of most of the folk dwelling therein.
the town defends Hard Bay’s narrow mouth and the settlements
beyond. Many adventurers, sell-swords and mercenaries come to THE SHAMBLES
Languard. The closest settlement of note to Gloamhold, and the Called the Shambles by visitors and locals alike, much not
duchy’s largest port, here are found the greatest opportunities for available in the nicer (and safer) parts of the city is on offer here.
fame, gold and advancement. Here also (for the unlucky or Respectable folk rarely visit the Shambles. Lying exclusively to the
careless) are found the greatest opportunities for infamy, poverty south of the Svart, between Cheap Street and Low Gate, the
and death. Shambles is a place of narrow, twisting alleyways, tottering
tenement buildings and cloying desperation. Here dwelling cheek
to jowl live Languard’s poorest citizens in cramped, unsanitary
A character may know something about Languard. A character conditions.
making a DC 10 Intelligence check knows one or more pieces of Perpetual gloom cloaks these alleys—the jetties of the
information from the list below. A successful check gains all the ramshackle and dilapidated shoddily built wooden houses—
information revealed by a lesser check. typically, three or sometimes four-stories high—almost meet those
DC 5: Capital of the Duchy of Ashlar, Languard is its largest of the house opposite high above the street. Thus, the Shamble’s
and wealthiest settlement. It is also the nearest settlement of note alleys have the aspect of a gigantic sunken maze. The streets are
to Gloamhold’s doom-shrouded halls. nothing more than packed, worn earth that turns to slippery mud
DC 10: Languard is the oldest human settlement in Ashlar, during heavy rainfall.
founded almost 500 years ago by the first duke. Castle Languard There are worse places to live, though, than the Shambles.
is the city’s oldest structure.
DC 15: Caves and caverns honeycomb the rock beneath
Castle Languard; some run all the way down into High City. Where the dilapidated houses run down toward the Svart’s
southern bank, the Shambles blurs into the Fishshambles. Here
among the tangled, reeking labyrinth of narrow, tenebrous alleys
Visitors approaching Languard likely first spy Castle Languard’s dwell many of the fisherfolk and other ne’er-do-wells.
towers and battlements towering above the city. Then, the spires The Fishshambles sprawls along a waterfront replete with
and lofty roofs of various churches and abbeys come into view rickety wharfs and jetties to the north of Cheap Street. A few folk
along with the city's impressive defences. maintain totteringly decrepit warehouses, hard against the docks;
From each of Languard’s gates, a broad and muddy street most such locations are used for nefarious activities such as
leads into the city. The finest houses and inns of each district flank smuggling. At least two are under the Shadow Marks’ control.
these roads. Here, merchants and craftsfolk live above their shops, The folk here are tough, well used to dealing with the
sea captains rest and other rich folk—members of the clergy, vicissitudes of life and Hard Bay’s perils. Most of the folk and
adventurers (both retired and active) and so on—enjoy life. businesses in the Fishshambles make their living from the sea.
Narrower roads lead away from these bustling thoroughfares; Adventurers seeking a boat and its owner brave enough to sail to
along these, the houses are narrower, taller and in worse repair. Gloamhold will likely eventually gravitate here.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

The basest folk—the degenerate and debased takolen—dwell in
Duke Armas Nenonen, through his elected officials and the city
the Wrecks, a swath of waterfront dominated by rotting wharves
watch, holds Languard in an iron grip. However, despite his best
and fetid, half-sunken boats. A singular air of ruin and decay
efforts, lawlessness—particularly in the Wrecks, the Shambles and
hangs heavily over the rotting wharves and the festering, stinking
the Fishshambles—yet flourishes. A certain amount of low- level
boats moored alongside or grounded in the shallow water thick
crime is—of course—inevitable, but the Shadow Masks continue to
with silt, seaweed and jetsam. The whole forms a confused
operate in the city, something which greatly vexes the duke.
mishmash of homes, warehouses, whorehouses, taverns and other
unsavoury businesses. A cancerous darkness lurks within the T H E W AT C H
takolen’s hearts; one day it might ooze forth to draw Languard and
Charged with maintaining law and order throughout the city,
its folk into darkness.
except within Castle Languard’s walls, the watch maintains
Even the Shadow Masks dare not work here, but some of the
garrisons at strategic points throughout the city. Led by Veli
braver—or perhaps more debased—souls do sometimes visit
Nikkonen (LN middle-aged male human fighter 5) the watch
certain of these uniformly foul, unwelcoming businesses.
numbers roughly 180 individuals, although only a quarter or so of
I N H A B I TA N T S this number are on duty at any given moment.
The watch maintains a continuous presence in High City and
Appearance: Languardians are a fair-skinned folk. Brown or sandy Low City with daily and nightly patrols. Disturbances— particularly
coloured hair and brown or hazel eyes predominate. Facial hair is in High City—are quickly investigated. In the Shambles and
worn mainly by the lower classes—being clean shaven (for men) or Fishshambles, however, the watch is a rare sight; here they only
sporting elaborate and impractical, hairstyles (for women) are the venture in large numbers. The watch avoids the Wrecks except in
marks of breeding, class and wealth. times of great need; incursions against the clannish Takolen are
Dress: Woollen tunics and breeches, along with heavy woollen always well- planned and often have support from the Watcher’s
cloaks in the winter, predominate. Clothes worn by the wealthy are Spire such is the foul reputation of these degenerate folk.
of finer quality and more colourful. Unless they are specifically expecting trouble, watch patrols
Nomenclature: male Armas, Einar, Jani, Onni, Taisto, Veijo; normally comprise four men. Sometimes, in the Low City, the
female Aila, Elina, Kaari, Laina, Saini; family Ahokas, Eskola, watch mounts double patrols led by an experienced sergeant.
Korpela, Ojanen, Rintala, Varala. Most watchmen prefer working in the High City; here the folk are
generally more pleasant, violence and robbery are rarer and the
D A I LY L I F E IN L A N G UA R D opportunity for bribery is greater.

Although it is a city—and Ashlar’s largest and richest settlement— F E S T I VA L S & T R A D I T I O N S

living in Languard still feels like living on the frontier. Although the
city has not been attacked or overtly threatened in living memory, The Languardians celebrate several festivals including:
its proximity to Gloamhold’s doom- drenched halls throws a pall Darkness Rising: On the shortest day of the year—the winter
over its alleys and thoroughfares. The high proportion of solstice—Languardians light candles and place them in their
adventurers, retired adventurers and other folk well used to magic windows to ward away the coming winter darkness, and fires are
and/or violence means the city is rarely truly peaceful. kept burning bright through the night. On this day, evil’s influence
Winter storms all but cut off the city and the duchy from the is seen to be strongest over the world and it is a night of wicked
outside world. With travel by sea too perilous the populace turns deeds and foul doings.
inwards. Little of import or excitement is accomplished over the Founder’s Day: Founder’s Day commemorates the day the
winter months. first duke, Arndul Nenonen, came ashore and established a camp
on the headland upon which Languard stands.
T R A D E & I N D U S T RY On this day, the duke and his household process through the
streets to the commoners’ acclaim. Family Nenonen also provide a
Daily life in Languard centres around the Low Market (location L1)
feast for the city’s commonfolk at High Market, to which all are
and the sea. A great, wide-open space of mud and sparse, worn
invited. It is a day of great celebration and game playing. The
grass the marketplace hosts weekly markets. Then, small stalls and
revels go on late into the night. In anticipation of Founder’s Day
tents crowd the place as merchants and tradesmen from the
many people travel to the city; consequently, finding lodgings in
nearby settlements, as well as visiting merchants and itinerant
the city around this time can be all but impossible.
pedlars, flock here to sell their wares.
Storms’ End: Celebrated when the worst of the winter storms
Languard’s harbour hosts a multitude of small fishing boats,
have abated, the exact date of Storms’ End is at the whim of
which set sail daily to haul in their catch to the fishmongers, inns
Serat’s Stormlord (Taneli Eronen). The festival occurs on the open
and street vendors of the town. Despite the risks inherent in
water and comprises a great flotilla of fishing vessels and other
fishing Hard Bay’s waters, catches are always plentiful, the water
small craft setting sail into Hard Bay to release offerings into the
around Languard seemingly ever- teeming with fish.
water for a good season.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

S1 Raisa’s Curios: Idle adventurers often come here to browse
Most of Languard comprises homes or businesses. A few the eclectic range of goods on offer.
locations, however, are of interest to adventurers. Such locales are S2 The Bloody Eagle: A seemingly destitute merchants runs this
tagged on the map with a letter followed by a number. The letter tavern, which is a Shadow Mask front.
portion of each tag identifies either the part of the city in which
the location can be found (L, S, F, W, H) or the location’s type (G, T). W R E C K S L O C AT I O N S
W1 Duranki’s: The Duranki family will ferry (unwary, too- trusting)
adventurers to Gloamhold, for a fee.
• F: A location in the Fishshambles.
W2 The Fallen Maid: Here dwells one of Ashlar’s pre-eminent
• G: One of Languard’s gate.
• H: A location in High City.
• L: A location in Low City. L O C AT I O N S BY C AT E G O RY
• S: A location in the Shambles.
• T: One of Languard’s temples. Fortifications: Duke’s Gate (G4), Low Gate (G1), River Gate (G2),
• W: A location in the Wrecks. Traitor’s Gate (G3), H1 Castle Languard (H1)
Homes: Urmas’ House (H3)
F I S H S H A M B L E S L O C AT I O N S Inns: Bloody Eagle, the (S2)
Places of Learning: Dreaming Spires, the (H4)
F1 The House of Sighs: Seeking shelter in this almshouse is little
Shops & Markets: High Market (H2), Low Market (L1), Raisa’s
better than living on the streets.
Curios (S1), Vonya’s Span (L2)
F2 The Drunken Sailor: A popular dockside tavern.
Taverns: Drunken Sailor, the (F2), Scythe, the (L3)
H I G H C I T Y L O C AT I O N S Temples: Fane of Waves Eternal (T1); Father’s Hall, the (T2); Great
Forge, the (T3); Watcher’s Spire (T4)
G2 River Gate: These two towers oversee all river traffi c. Services: Duranki’s (W1); Fallen Maid, the (W2); House of Sighs,
G4 Duke’s Gate: The least-used of Languard’s gates. Only those the (F1)
traveling northwards use this gate.
H1 Castle Languard: Family Nenonen’s seat. M I N I -E V E N T U R E S BY DISTRICT
H2 High Market: Those with a taste for the fi ner things in life
Fishshambles: Drinking at the Drunken Sailor
come to High Market.
High City: A Day Out at High Market, Dining at the Emerald
H3 Urmas’ House: The aged sage Urmas—one of Ashlar’s greatest
Medusa, Visiting the Dreaming Spires, Visiting the Father’s
authorities on Gloamhold—dwells here.
Hall, Visiting the Great Forge, Visiting the Watcher’s Spire
H4 The Dreaming Spires: Ashlar’s centre of learning, the library
Low City: A Day Out at Low Market, Drinking at the Last Chance,
here is only matched by that held at the Black Tower.
Selling Loot at Arlo’s Stones, Visiting the Fane of the Waves
T2 The Father’s Hall: A cathedral dedicated to Conn’s worship
and the centre of his faith in Ashlar.
Shambles: Drinking at the Bloody Eagle, Shopping at Kardagg’s
T3 The Great Forge: A clamour of noise and smoke perpetually
rises above Abarin’s temple-forge.
Wrecks: Visiting the Durankis
T4 Watcher’s Spire: Darlen’s followers dwell in this fortifi ed
temple. M I N I -E V E N T U R E S BY TYPE
L OW C I T Y L O C AT I O N S Buying and Selling: A Day Out at High Market, A Day Out at Low
Market, Selling Loot at Arlo’s Stones, Shopping at Kardagg’s
G1 Low Gate: Low Gate is always busy, choked with a multitude
of carts piled high with trade goods.
Dining: Dining at the Emerald Medusa
G3 Traitor’s Gate: “Decorated” with the remains of traitors to the
Drinking: Drinking at the Bloody Eagle, Drinking at the Drunken
crown, Traitor’s Gate is well named.
Sailor, Drinking at the Last Chance
L1 Low Market: A bustling market fi lls this muddy space.
Learning: Visiting the Dreaming Spires
L2 Vonya’s Span: Of dwarven craft—and reputedly haunted—
Services: Visiting the Durankis
Vonya’s Span is the only bridge spanning the Svart.
Worship: Visiting the Fane of the Waves Eternal, Visiting the Fane
L3 The Scythe: The one-legged Arvo Outila runs this drinking den
of the Waves Eternal, Visiting the Great Forge, Visiting the
renown for live music.
Watcher’s Spire
T1 Fane of the Waves Eternal: Here, Serat’s worshippers
commune with the ocean’s eternal glory.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

M I N I - E V E N T U R E S I N L A N G UA R D crowd ebbs and flows with the tides and ale is cheap. Come visit
the best dockside tavern in all Languard—the Drunken Sailor!

This GM's Miscellany presents the following mini-eventures. DRINKING AT T H E LAST CHANCE
A D AY O U T AT HIGH MARKET In sight of the corpses swinging from Traitor's Gate crouches a
tavern with a deep, shadowy porch furnished with scarred tables
All manner of things can be had in Languard if one has the coin. and a sign bearing a grinning skull with a die between its teeth.
For luxury items, there is no better place to go than High Market. Here drink Languard’s bounty hunters, off-duty watchmen and
Here, in the shadow of Castle Languard, the great and the good— those fascinated with death and suffering. If you need help finding
or the merely wealthy—browse stalls overflowing with fine clothes, someone in Languard—or if you just want a really good view of the
perfectly balanced weapons, exotic foods, antiques and the like. city’s monthly brutal executions—the Last Chance is the place to
For characters with coin to spare, a day out at High Market is the go!
perfect distraction from their last harrowing adventure.
Back in town, the heroes have gems and jewellery to sell, but who
Low Market is a hodgepodge of stalls, handcart vendors and will buy them? In Languard, Arlo, of Alro’s Stones, is well known as
wandering pedlars. Here, Languard’s unwashed masses come to a dealer in tawdry, low-quality items. Thus, adventurers often visit
browse, shop and gossip. Low Market is a place rife with his shop in the Low City to offload their low-value loot, but Arlo is
adventuring opportunities. equally well know for hard-driven bargains!
Much of Low Market’s offering is mundane, and of no interest
to adventurers. However, persistent rumours speak of magic items SHOPPING AT KARDAGG’S EMPORIUM
sold at a pittance in the market—sold by clueless stallholders
unaware of the items’ true value. Thus many adventurers—and the Adventurers in search of overlooked bargains know to visit
pickpockets and cutpurses attracted to such folk—flock to the Kardagg’s Discount Emporium, but sometimes these neophyte
market in search of treasures hidden among the market’s bric-a- heroes find more than they bargained for amid the crammed,
brac. teetering shelves overflowing with second-hand equipment, blunt
weapons and dented armour. Opportunity and adventure—and if
DINING AT T H E EMERALD MEDUSA rumours are to be believed sometimes wondrous items—have all
been found on the shelves of Kardagg’s Discount Emporium. And
The Emerald Medusa is the place to be seen in Languard’s high for adventurers looking to give up their danger-filled profession,
society. Nobles, wealthy merchants and rich adventurers flock Kardagg’s Discount Emporium is the place to offload unwanted
here to eat, dance, be seen and conspicuously consume their equipment with no questions asked.
wealth. Once an ocean-going sailing ship the Emerald Medusa is
now permanently moored in Languard and is famed for its lavish VISITING THE DREAMING SPIRES
food, fine wine and evening entertainments which includes the
ship’s beautifully wrought magical medusa figurehead! Languard’s Dreaming Spires—or sometimes simply “the Spires”—is
the duchy’s greatest seat of learning and its only university.
DRINKING AT T H E BLOODY EAGLE Sprawling over Alina’s Isle, the Dreaming Spires stands in splendid
isolation from the city’s stink and clamour. As well as the children
Standing deep in the Shambles the ramshackle Bloody Eagle of the high born and wealthy sent here to learn their letters, the
tavern has seen much better days. Run by the perpetually unlucky Spires also hosts a steady trickle of adventurers come to seek
and gloomy half-orc Fruen the place is famed for its miserable hidden, lost or obscure knowledge. Many leave disappointed,
staff and grumpy customers. Few newcomers or outsiders visit the while others find the answers to their questions hidden in the
Bloody Eagle and that’s just how Fruen and her customers like it— library’s innumerable dusty tomes.
for the Bloody Eagle is a front for the Shadow Masks thieves’
guild. Every night, thefts, kidnappings and murders are plotted (or VISITING THE DURANKIS
toasted) in the tavern’s dingy taproom. Here also stolen items
change hands far from the tax collector’s gaze. If you have illicit For adventurers with a bad reputation, or those who are morally
business, the Bloody Eagle is the place to go. flexible, the Duranki offer a ferry service to Gloamhold’s doom-
drenched halls. Such adventurers should beware, though, as the
DRINKING AT T H E DRUNKEN SAILOR Duranki are of the debased and hated takolen bloodline. Dark
rumours hang about them and their brethren, and a suspiciously
Rowdy and cheap, the Drunken Sailor is the best place in high number of the family’s customers fail to return from their
Languard to find someone brave enough to sail across Hard Bay’s adventures.
cold, wave-flecked waters to Mottled Spire’s brooding bulk and
Gloamhold’s doom-drenched halls. Within, the Drunken Sailor the

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

Worshippers of the Mistress of Storms gather at the Fane of the The centre of Abarin’s faith in Ashlar, the Great Forge is a buzzing
Waves Eternal. Here, the faithful bathe in the daily high tides and hive of industry and commerce. Here, the duchy’s greatest
give thanks for the sea's unending bounty. Adventurers seeking a craftsmen and women come to worship, share news, teach new
redoubtable, skilled sailor to take them across Hard Bay’s storm- techniques and to meet wealthy patrons. At the forefront of
wracked waters will likely find what they seek at the fane. innovation and technological advancement the clergy are said to
have recently invented a new kind of weapon—guns—and their
VISITING THE F AT H E R ’ S H A L L larger brethren—cannon.

The Father’s Hall is an immense structure—perhaps the largest in VISITING THE W AT C H E R ’ S S P I R E

all Ashlar—and the most impressive of Languard’s many
landmarks. Within, scores of clergy worship the Lawgiver and Adventurers coming to Languard in need of divine aid often make
carry on his works. The cathedral is also home to powerful healers, their way to the Watcher’s Spire. A place of Darlenite worship here
and its high priestess is rumoured to be able return the dead to the powers of law and good hold sway. Few are turned away from
life! These facts ensure the cathedral sees a steady stream of the Watcher’s Spire without receiving succour, but the clergy’s aid
visiting adventurers come to beseech the clergy for aid. does not come free. Evil lurks everywhere and the priesthood are
ever in need of champions to push back the encroaching

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

A D AY O U T AT H I G H M A R K E T exotic spell components. He bumps into a character, burps
and loudly, and grandly, offers his sincere apologies.
5. Osmo Puukko (NG middle-aged male human commoner)
In contrast to Languard’s Low Market, High Market is well ordered sells refreshments—ales and wine—from the ornate handcart
and regulated. Here, stand neat rows of tented stalls ready to he pushes through the crowds. Osmo hears much of note and
receive wealthy patrons who can browse their offering freely for an extra silver penny can relate a piece of news from
without fear of thievery or assault. Whispers & Rumours.
By ancient gift, family Pasanen—a commoner family—owns the 6. Lauri Raita (CN young male human spy) skulks about the
land upon which High Market stands. Consequently, although market on the lookout for guards (who will chase him away)
they are obliged to pay a hefty tax on their income to the ducal and unattended things (which we will steal). Lauri is skinny,
family, they have grown exceedingly affluent. (In fact, they may be dressed in ragged clothes and has a cunning, feral energy
the duchy’s wealthiest commoner family). To protect their business about him. Even unperceptive characters realise he does not
and revenue, they recruit guards to patrol the market; belong in High Market.
consequently this is one of the safest public places in Languard.
All manner of fine and expensive goods are for sale in High
Many people visit or work in High Market. Notable examples of Market. Many of the city’s most skilled crafters maintain stalls here,
such folk include: staffed by their apprentices and servants, from which to sell their
merchandise and hawk their services. Much can be had in High
• Reima Sianio (LN old male human veteran) has unrivalled Market. Use this table to determine what a stall sells:
knowledge of High Market and its folk, and is—thus—a useful
person to know. High Market’s longest-serving guard, Reima
is a beloved fi xture of the place. His duties are now really
honorifi c rather than actual, but he still wanders the aisles 1 High fashion clothes 11 Furniture
using his spear as a walking stick. Leather goods (boots, Pets (exotic or
2 12
• Eleonora Pasanen (LN old female human) oversees her belts and so on) otherwise)
family’s business in High Market. Eleonora’s frail health means Perfume, makeup and Food (pastries, cheeses
she no longer walks the market, but instead watches over day 3 13
the like and so on)
to day operations from her ornate, guard-fl anked black
Books, scrolls and Fresh fruit, vegetables
carriage. There she receives a stream of stall holders, society 4 14
maps and flowers
guests and the like all eager to gain her attention and favour.
Noble weapons Noble armour
OTHER FOLK AT T H E MARKET 5 (longswords, rapiers, 15 (breastplates, platemail,
daggers etc.) heraldic shields etc.)
The characters are not the only folk in High Market. Use this list, to
6 Jewellery and gems 16 Antiques
generate details of other interesting people the characters meet
while browsing the stalls: 7 Rugs 17 Exotic imports
Gold and silver Wind-up, mechanical
1. Niku Ilmarinen (NE male human spy) knows it would be 8 18
ornaments devices
madness to attempt a theft in High Market; that doesn’t stop
him, however, scouting out potential victims (either shoppers 9 Accoutrements 19
spellcasting services
or stallholders) for later. Perceptive characters may get the
sense Niku is paying them a little too much attention. Fresh meat (exotic and
10 Wine and spirits 20
2. Miina Tammi (LG female human knight [Darlen]) wanders otherwise)
the market; she recently came into some money and is
confl icted: should she spend it on herself, give it to the
church or donate it to the city’s needy? If a character seems
virtuous, she may strike up a conversation in search of advice. I N Y O U R C A M PA I G N
3. Reeta Miemo (N female human commoner) works as a
herald-for-hire. She strolls the marketplace loudly calling out
the virtues and offerings of various stalls. Friendly and ever- High Market is location H2 on the City of Languard map, but is
smiling Reeta is attractive and has a piercingly beautiful voice easily added to almost any fantasy town or city. High Market is
—she would make a good bard, if circumstances allowed. best suited to a wealthy neighbourhood—it is not somewhere the
4. Zainnis Allyshe (NG male half-elf mage) likes drink a little too great unwashed congregate. The market is a good place for the
much, and is slightly worse for wear. Zainnis has come to the party to find high-quality or luxury items for sale. Depending on
market in search of sturdy, waterproof pouches and certain your campaign the characters might even be able to find minor
magic items for sale here.


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE 2. Virpi Korpela (N female human commoner) has ideas above
her station (or so her rivals think). A clothier by trade, she has
Many high-quality things are for sale in High Market. For all that, a stall in Low Market, but desperately wants to expand to High
some things are particularly notable. Roll on the list below, to Market. When the character encounter her, she has just been
determine what notable items are for sale: denied a booth and is angry; she has invested her savings in a
shipment of fine cloth and now has nowhere to sell it. She
1. Used Parchments (5 gp): A sheaf of old, used parchments approaches the party to see if they will invest in her business.
fi lls an old worn boot. (Sometimes scholars re-use 3. A character witnesses a rare crime in High Market—a pick
parchment). A character examining the bundle could discover pocketing. If they intervene, the victim, Aaro Ahokas (NG
the fragment of an adventurer’s diary, an old map and so on. middle-aged male commoner), is grateful and could be a
Any of these could propel the party into their next adventure. valuable contact in the future.
2. Bronze Dagger (1 gp): Covered in verdigris, this bronze 4. Drizzle falls on the city, which does nothing to dampen the
dagger of obviously ancient design seems out of place market’s bustle. After an hour, however, the rain strengthens
among much fi ner weapons. A wavy snake-like pattern and the market begins to empty. Deals may be available from
decorates the weapon’s blade. An artefact from a long-fallen stallholders desperate to shift their stock.
civilisation, the dagger holds the trapped spirit of Sangasu 5. The market is either particularly busy or particularly quiet. If it
Kuara—a shaman of his people. Sangasu is mad, and tries to is busy, the characters hear an extra rumour from “Whispers &
dominate the weapon’s owner. Rumours”. If it is quiet, they learn nothing new.
3. Fine Rug (100 gp): Depicting a stylised map of Gloamhold 6. Four grim-faced, mail-clad guards, escorting a richly-clad
this six-foot square rug is a beautiful, supremely useful object. woman, Sohvi Tuiretuinen (N middle-aged female human
4. Wolf Cub (50 gp): Growling at all who come near, this jet noble), force their way through the crowd. Servants follow the
black wolf cub is terrifi ed of the surrounding hubbub and woman, carrying several bulging bags and sacks. The burliest
nips anyone trying to pet it. member of the party catches Sohvi’s attention and she
5. Wind-up Dragon (150 gp): Painted a lurid scarlet hue, this demands to know their name and business. She might be on
puppy-sized wind-up red dragon is an intricate work of the lookout for a new bodyguard or could have a minor
genius. When activated it toddles along, fl aps its wings and mission for the characters to complete.
even opens its mouth.
6. Golden Torc (500 gp): Wrought of gold and highly polished WHISPERS & RUMOURS
this thin torc is a thing of beauty. It is so exquisite, it could
form the base of a magic item. Many rumours, half-truths and outright lies circulate through High
Market. (Some or all of the rumours below may be false, as you
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S decide.) Characters chatting with folk in the market may learn
some or all of the rumours below:
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere.
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll 1. Family Pasanen—the people who own High Market—are the
once on this list, to determine which the characters find: richest commoners in Ashlar; some say (quietly), they are
even richer than the Nenonens! The family wields great
1. Kirsti Purho (N middle-aged female human noble) influence through their wealth, and should not be crossed.
approaches the party. She has them pegged as adventurers 2. Foul things live in Hard Bay. Fishermen often go missing,
and needs to sell a magical dagger so she can settle her when they sail too close to certain islands.
wastrel husband’s debts. She doesn’t want to sell the blade as 3. The pirates of Deksport grow restless and eager for loot; they
it is a family heirloom but feels she has no choice. She has will come north this summer to prey on merchant ships sailing
approached the characters because they are not part of to and from Languard.
Languard’s “high society” and thus—she hopes—the 4. Sometimes the duke moves among the crowds in the
transaction will stay private. marketplace in disguise to spy on his wealthy subjects and to
see what they really think of him and his family. Beware any
RUNNING THIS EVENTURE half-elf paying too much interest in your business!
5. Watch out for thieves, beggars and other agents of the
Shadow Masks in the market. While the market is as safe as
A Day Out at High Market can be nothing more than an the Pasanens can make it thieves often come here to find their
interlude between adventures, the venue for the characters to next marks.
find a skilled craftsperson or even the unlikely place to meet a 6. Reima Sianio (see “Notable Folk”) is a fixture of High Market
patron. You can either plan events ahead of time or just “wing” and knows much of what goes on in and around the place. He
the whole mini-eventure using the tables herein to facilitate play. has worked the market for decades and is a tremendously
(These tables could form the basis of repeated visits to High useful source of news and introductions to other market folk.
Market as long as you keep track of what results the characters
have already experienced).

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

The characters are not the only folk in Low Market. Use this list, to
Sprawling across a swath of hard-packed earth (or cloying mud generate details of other interesting people the characters meet
depending on the season) Low Market is a hodgepodge of stalls, while browsing the stalls:
handcart vendors and wandering pedlars. Here, Languard’s
unwashed masses come to browse, shop and gossip. 7. Riku Eerola (LN male human commoner) just purchased a
Unsurprisingly, thievery is rife in Low Market, and the city rug for his home, but stupidly neglected to get the merchant
watch maintains a strong presence. Unfortunately, due to the to include delivery in the price. Thus, now dangerously low on
sheer crush of people visiting and working in the market during funds, he is forced to lug it home on his own. The rug is long
the day, the watch’s efforts are often unsuccessful. and unwieldy; his passage through the crowds heralds a
By local ordinance, all business in the market must be chorus of shouting and swearing. Riku is angry—both with
concluded by dusk; thus, once night has fallen the place is himself and the merchant who sold him the rug. He’s
seemingly empty. However, not all is as it seems for many desperate for help, but can’t pay anything. He can, however,
clandestine meetings are convened here at night; some folk come introduce anyone helping him to his sister, Armi (NG female
to drink, others are merely passing through while some tented human wizard 3), a skilled, but minor, wizard.
stalls host prostitutes; others become the overnight home of 8. Jegor Lempo (CN male human guard) stomps through the
beggars and outcasts. market in a foul mood. He's just had a cracking argument with
The stalls filling Low Market almost uniformly deal with the his sister, and needs to vent his anger. The bald burly warrior
mundane things in life—food, drink, household wares, cheap cloth barges through the party and snarls at any challenging him.
and so on. Little of actual value is sold here, except—perhaps— 9. Salme Keiho (N young female human commoner) wears
among the bric-a-brac stalls whereon desperate folk sell whatever dirty, ragged clothes and a wide smile. Employed by
they can get hold of to make ends meet. Sometimes, merchants and stallholders to entice prospective customers
unbeknownst to these folk, valuable items come into their to their booths, this blond-haired teenager latches onto the
possession which they pass on for a pittance. Thus, adventurers party. Jabbering away incessantly, she tries to steer them to
can often be found idly browsing such stalls—stories (perhaps one of the stalls she is “representing”.
spread by the vendors)—are rife of lucky adventurers buying magic 10. Hilppa Vihas (N male human spy) wanders the market in
items here for a pittance from clueless sellers. search of easy marks. Although adventurers rarely fi t that bill,
Low Market is a place rife with adventuring opportunities. Hilppa is desperate for money and might make an attempt on
Perhaps, a character is pickpocketed or witnesses and intervenes a distracted character. This cord-thin man is surprisingly swift,
in a crime. Alternatively, the characters could purchase a fragment and adept at quickly changing his appearance.
of a treasure map or the diary of adventurer which describes 11. Aamu Tuntia (NE female human commoner) recently
several delves into Gloamhold. converted to Braal’s worship and has been despatched to the
market to fi nd a vulnerable person for bloody sacrifi ce. She is
N O TA B L E F O L K determined to pass this test, but is incredibly nervous.
Perceptive characters might spot the tubby, well-dressed
Many people work or visit Low Market on a daily basis. Most are
woman’s nervous energy and wonder what is afoot—
nothing more than ordinary folk going about their business.
particularly if they spot her luring a beggar into an alley.
Others are more notable; such folk include:
12. Tuuli Arpia (LG female human knight) wanders the
marketplace in a daze. She has never been in a city before
• Asta Ojanen (N female human spy) ostensibly sells weak
and is somewhat overwhelmed by the sights and sounds.
wine to thirsty shoppers from the handcart she trundles
Embarrassed at her nativity she deals brusquely with those
through the crowds. She doesn’t ply her thievish skills in the
striking up conversation. Tuuli is in search of a suitable
market—it’s hard to make a quick getaway with a wheelbarrow.
adventuring band to join, and desperately wants to become a
Instead, she deals in rumours, and for an extra silver, can tell
hero of the people—so her overbearing mother fi nally
of minor events of local import. For gold, she might be able
respects her life choice to serve Darlen.
to relate other, more interesting, whispers.
• Jegor Vihas (LN middle-aged male human veteran) holds
the title Warden of the Market. Some derisively call him “Stall
Guard” (behind his back); others say he is “stall-ward” in his I N Y O U R C A M PA I G N
duty. No matter, Jegor works hard to keep the market free of
thieves and pick pockets. Unfortunately, there are far more Low Market is location L2 on the City of Languard map, but is
thieves, cutpurses and beggars than his guards can deal with. easily added to almost any fantasy town or city. Low Market is
Consequently, he looks tired and a little bit hopeless. His best suited to the common part of town—here can be found
greying, drooping handlebar moustache completes the many of the staples and necessities of life. The market is a good
sorrowful picture. place for the party to find commonly available things, hunt down
a commoner or hear a juicy rumour (or two).

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

All manner of mundane goods are for sale in Low Market. Use this Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere.
table to determine what a stall sells: Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll
once on this list, to determine which the characters find:
1. Rikh Eerola (“Other Folk” #1) bumps into the party, and
1 Bric-a-brac 11 Honey and cakes
knocks one of the characters over. He apologises, and hints
2 Fruit and vegetables 12 Belts, boots & shoes he’d like help with his burden.
3 Bread 13 Jewellery 2. A small watch patrol push through the throng. A small boy
4 Ale and beer 14 Furniture, woodwork throws a rotten cabbage at the patrol before darting off. The
5 Clothes, mundane 15 Simple weapons urchin runs straight toward the party; the watchmen shout at
the party to “grab the little beggar”
6 Clothes, fancy 16 Pets
3. Asta Ojanen (see “Notable Folk”) approaches the party
7 Iron ware goods 17 Fish ostensibly to offer them drinks. After a few minutes of
8 Small livestock 18 Meat chatting, she hints she knows things the characters might
9 Simple toys 19 Fortune telling want to hear. For 1 sp, she relates two rumours from
10 Candles 20 Bric-a-Brac “Whispers & Rumours”.
4. A wandering pedlar pushes a handcart through the crowd. At
N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE sight of the characters she puts down her cart directly in the
party’s path and invites them to browse her wares.
Adventures sometimes discover notable items among the 5. A beguiling item catches a character’s eye. Roll on “Notable
mundanity and dross of Low Market’s offering. Roll on the list Things for Sale” to determine what they have spotted.
below, to determine what notable items are for sale: 6. A watch patrol are curious about the party, and stop them for
a friendly chat. If the party act evasively or aggressively, the
1. Dirty Cloak (1 gp): This dirty scarlet cloak has a frayed hem. It patrol keep an eye on them while they are in the market.
once belonged to a wizard, and has a secret pocket
containing his diary. WHISPERS & RUMOURS
2. Bronze Armband (1 gp): Dented and wreathed in verdigris
Many rumours, half-truths and outright lies circulate through Low
this old armband depicts the waves breaking on the coast.
Market. (Some or all of the rumours below may be false, as you
The carving depicts a stretch of nearby coast and comprises a
decide.) Characters chatting with folk in the market may learn
map to an ancient warrior’s hidden burial crypt.
some or all of the rumours below:
3. Fire-Damaged Rug (2 gp): Emblazoned with a stylised map
of Ashlar, this rug is large and heavy. The part of the rug-map
1. Sometimes, lucky adventurers find treasure among the bric-a-
depicting the Forest of Gray Spires is scorched and burnt.
brac for sale at the market. Some even find items the stall
4. Golden Figurine (10 gp): Covered in fading yellow and red
holders don’t realise are magic.
paint this small golden fi gurine is badly damaged—a deep
2. Pickpockets work in the market—keep your coin purse close
crack cuts down along the lion’s back. This was once a
and your wits about you. Some cutpurses deliberately fail to
fi gurine of wondrous power; perhaps it could be repaired.
pick your pocket in an attempt to lure naive marks into a
5. Broken Pipe (3 gp): Optimistically priced, this broken ivory
nearby alley for a more comprehensive mugging.
pipe has beautiful, disturbing engravings of hideous,
3. It’s widely known that many of the things for sale on the bric-
deformed humans running joyfully into the sea.
a-brac stalls are stolen. Few customers care or ask any
6. Dried Wolfsbane (1 sp): Sold as part of a bunch of wild
questions—and that’s just how the stallholders like it.
fl owers this sprig of wolfsbane has been expertly dried.
4. All stalls are meant to close at dusk; in practise this is far from
reality. Customers with more nefarious needs return to Low
Market at night when a whole new set of vendors emerges
RUNNING THIS EVENTURE from the shadows to ply their illicit trades.
5. The next execution day will feature a particular treat—the
A Day Out at Low Market can be nothing more than an interlude notorious murderer, serial escaper and bandit Kildak the Vile
between adventures, the venue for the characters to find a will be sawn in half along with his surviving compatriots.
skilled craftsperson or even the unlikely place to meet a patron. 6. Lights once again flicker in the old Alanen manor amid the
You can either plan events ahead of time or just “wing” the ruins of the cursed ruins of Greystone. Rumours speak of
whole mini-eventure using the tables herein to facilitate play. renewed interest in the manor among adventurers, at least
(These tables could form the basis of repeated visits to Low one band missing in the ruin and of other expeditions being
Market as long as you keep track of what results the characters planned for imminent departure—as soon as the weather and
have already experienced). tides are favourable.


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

Many people work or visit the Emerald Medusa on a daily basis.
The Emerald Medusa is location H12 on the City of Languard map. Most are nothing more than ordinary folk; others are more
notable; such folk include:
Once a large multi-decked sailing ship, the Emerald Medusa is a
popular eatery and feasthall permanently moored in Languard • Mira Rantanen (NG middle-aged female human mage) owns
famed both for its food and “enchanting” evening dances. The the Emerald Medusa. She is popular among Languard’s elite,
vessel is named—unsurprisingly—for its intricately sculpted medusa who vie with each other to win her favour. She is friendly, but
figurehead which now stands prominently on deck. The medusa a shrewd judge of character.
holds intricately carved—magical—lens amid its beautifully
wrought, breathtakingly realistic writhing snake-hair. O T H E R V I S I TO R S
A place for nobles to meet the Emerald Medusa is the perfect
When the characters arrive, they won’t be the only visitors present
place to discuss adventures or plot intrigue. Moored close to the
at the Emerald Medusa. Roll as many times as desired on this list
docks it has several ornate gangplanks leading up to the main
to determine who else is present:
deck. Here, small bands of musicians play beautiful music under
wide canvas canopies.
1. Jyrki Kuura (LN middle-aged male human noble) believes in
The medusa figurehead is positioned so its enchanted glass
the intrinsic superiority of the nobility and believes good
lenses watch over the dancing crowds below and periodically
breeding separates him and his friends from Languard’s
emit beams of twinkling light to which dancers must freeze when
unwashed. Jyrki is a snob who looks down his nose at anyone
they are touched. As the night goes on more and more lights are
who has to work for a living.
emitted making the dance around the pretend statues harder and
2. Eleonora Kekko (N middle-aged female human assassin)
harder. The last person dancing at midnight wins access to the
fi dgets and seems out of place to all but the dimmest
Captain’s Table—a private dining room much in demand among
observer. Dressed in fi ne silks, she is clearly uncomfortable.
Languard’s elite.
Eleonora is (secretly) one of Languard’s foremost burglars and
Below Decks: Here the choicest tables offer a view of the river
is here to hand over her latest commission to a wealthy
and bay through finely made portholes. Larger tables set into the
merchant client who desired the recovery of a thoughtlessly
main hold provide space for large groups to dine.
given love token to another merchant’s wife.
N I G H T LY E N T E RTA I N M E N T S 3. Samuli Alanen (N middle-aged male human noble)
maintains he is the heir to the Alanen’s noble lineage and as
The Emerald Medusa is a favourite among nobles. Many such is entitled to claim the ruined village of Greystone as his
adventurers are invited by nobles who show off their wealth and own. Thus far, he has failed to provide any actual evidence to
social superiority. It is customary for the person inviting others to support his claim, and is looking for adventurers to explore
pay for the meals. The expensive food and wine offering caters to the ruins—and in particular the Alanen’s abandoned manor
the desires of the upper class and wealthy adventurers: house—to secure such proof.
4. Antero Minudain (LN middle-aged male human noble)
• Evening Entertainment (30 gp): Includes sumptuous food, mourns the death of his son—Toliyrath Minudain—who died
fi ne wines and dancing. amid the ruins of Greystone. Toliyrath was an adventuring
• The Elven Experience (30 gp): Includes a selection of elven wizard who fell prey to a crystal ooze. Antero and his guests
wines and sweetmeats. are drinking heavily, and a maudlin atmosphere hangs over
• Light Meal on Deck (10 gp): Includes complimentary wine their table. Antero is a wealthy merchant and owns the
of a standard vintage; most nobles and merchants wouldn’t Minudain Rope Emporium.
be seen dead enjoying this option.

Each night, a presentation of beautifully crafted food is made at RUNNING THIS EVENTURE
the eighth bell. Examples of the food on offer include:
The Emerald Medusa is the perfect place for the characters to
• Lobsters served on red cabbage and roasted seaweed. meet an important and wealthy patron. They may already know
• Finest peppered beef served on a bed on parsnips drizzled the person in question or may receive an invitation “out of the
with chestnut sauce. blue” to dine at the floating eatery.
• Swordfish baked in rock-salt. Alternatively, the restaurant is one of the places to be seen in
• Venison served in an exotic plum sauce. Languard’s high society, and wealthy adventurers may dine there
• Spiced wyvern steaks imported from a far-off land and served to show off. The eatery’s high prices keep the riffraff away—and
with mint, peas and potatoes. (This is rarely available and its patrons like it that way. Brawls and the like are rare at the
doubles the cost of a meal). Emerald Medusa, but that doesn’t mean the place isn’t a good
locale for spying and other skulduggery.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

5. Niilo Majatalonisäntä (NE male dwarf bandit captain) owns sit, eat and hear a proposition. (This could serve as the hook
the Dragonheart Tavern (location H9 on the City of Languard to the party’s next adventure).
map) and is here to try out the competition. He is always on 2. Help Wanted: Mira Rantanen needs guards to keep the
the lookout for adventurers keen to supply him with exotic riffraff away from an upcoming special event. She asks the
meats; if the characters seem like such folk, he approaches characters to help out. The job is mainly ceremonial—Mira isn’t
them to gauge their interest. expecting any real trouble—but her guests feel safer knowing
6. Laaus Äiniö (N male human spy) works for the Shadow Masks guards protect the event’s exclusivity.
while also working as a server on the Emerald Medusa. Stick 3. No Tables to be Had: The Emerald Medusa is packed and
thin, and with an agile mind, he keeps his eyes and ears open there are no tables to be had; this hook could be combined
for interesting titbits of information, while serving Languard’s with #1 above.
elite. Perceptive characters may notice him lingering near 4. Stop, Thief: As the party approaches the Emerald Medusa,
their table. cries of, “Stop, thief!” come from the top deck. Moments later
a scrawny boy wearing a page’s uniform sprints towards and
W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ? passed the characters. If the characters apprehend the thief,
they make a good impression with Mira Rantanen and the
Use this list, to determine what is going on when the characters
crime’s victim.
arrive. Remember, the characters’ actions may render some of the
5. The Cowled Lady: A lady dressed in a fi ne scarlet ball gown,
entries moot.
and wearing a cowled red cape, approaches the Emerald
Medusa. The woman—Stiina Hirvi (NG female human
1. Tremendously Busy: When the characters arrive, the Emerald
commoner) is a courtesan come to meet her client. Two
Medusa is tremendously busy. Unless they have already
beggars accost her, trying to get some easy coin. If the
booked, or are meeting a patron, they will not be able secure
characters rescue her, she might have some juicy gossip for
a table this night.
2. Merely Busy: The Emerald Medusa is busy, but it has a few
6. Drifting Rowboat: A perceptive character spots a seemingly
tables left. The staff members greeting guests look the
empty rowboat drifting slowly toward the Emerald Medusa.
characters up and down and only admit those dressed
The rowboat might indeed be abandoned or could be the
appropriately—characters wearing armour, carrying large
platform from which an assassin plans to board the ship to
weapons or accompanied by strange creatures are
carry out their latest job.
(unsurprisingly) turned away.
3. Angry Adventurers: Three dirty, travel-stained adventurers— WHISPERS & RUMOURS
foolishly wearing armour and looking like they have come
straight from the docks—have been denied admittance. Their Characters chatting with folk at the Emerald Medusa may learn
leader is currently arguing loudly with Mira Rantanen (see some or all of the rumours (which may or may not be true) below:
“Notable Folk”). They clearly aren’t going to get in.
4. Tonight’s a Ball: Tonight the Emerald Medusa hosts a 1. The Emerald Medusa’s figurehead isn’t a mere magical
glittering masquerade ball; anyone who is anyone is here and curiosity: it holds a medusa’s bound soul! If the wards holding
the ship is packed. During the day, the ship is a hive of the creature’s soul in check fail it could petrify everyone
preparatory activity; after dark, lights, music and carefree dancing or dining on deck!
laughter fi ll the night. 2. The Emerald Medusa is many nobles’ favourite place to be
5. Skulking Watcher: A character notices two shady fi gures on seen. If you crave a rich and powerful patron, the Emerald
the docks keeping an eye on the Emerald Medusa. The pair Medusa is the place to go. Niilo Majatalonisäntä (owner of the
are beggars in the employ of the Shadow Masks (see Dragonheart Tavern; see “Other Visitors” #5) is Mira
“Whispers & Rumours” #5). Rantanen’s bitter rival.
6. Arguing Guests: Two guests argue over a trivial matter. 3. Mira Rantanen, owner of the Emerald Medusa, is always on
Perhaps they have both ordered the last bottle of a particular the look out for strange or exotic wines, spirits and foods.
vintage or are business rivals each looking for an excuse to Mira offers gold, or sometimes even a complimentary evening
belittle or socially humiliate the other. table, for such supplies.
4. The Emerald Medusa is a front for a smuggling operation;
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S Mira Rantanen has friends in many high places and this
renders her virtually immune to investigation or incarceration.
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere.
5. Agents of the Shadow Masks work at, and keep an eye on, the
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll
Emerald Medusa; after all, what better way to know which rich
once on this list, to determine which the characters find:
person’s house is empty and safe to burgle?
6. The food is so good at the Emerald Medusa most people
1. Desperate Patron: A rich merchant dining at the Emerald
assume magic is involved in its creation.
Medusa has a problem and needs a band of trustworthy
adventurers. The merchant sees the party and invites them to


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

The characters are not the only folk in the Bloody Eagle. Many of
A ship’s figurehead—a rampant eagle with wings outstretched— the tavern’s regulars are members of, or affiliated with, the
looms over this tavern’s door, casting its shadow into the muddy Shadow Masks. Use this list, to determine who the characters meet
street. Flecked with peeling, weather-worn paint the once-proud while drinking at the Bloody Eagle:
eagle has seen better days. In many ways, it reflects the faded
fortunes of the Bloody Eagle’s owner, Fruen the Unlucky (CN 1. Cyanae Kaniateir (NE male elf spy) plays on people’s
female half-orc bandit captain). preconceived notions that elves are good folk. Handsome,
Once a wealthy merchant widely suspected of being a charming and skilled at deceit he is an accomplished conman
smuggler, Fruen has fallen on hard times. Both her ships lie willing and able to take new customers “under his protection”.
wrecked beneath Hard Bay’s storm-tossed waves, and she is all Not everyone survives his protection. He dresses well and
but bankrupt. All that remains of her fortune is the figurehead that enjoys the fi ner things in life.
gives the establishment its name and the tavern itself (which she 2. Neega (NE half-orc female thug) doesn’t understand or
purchased with the last of her dwindling wealth). practise subtlety or tact; she prefers solving problems with
In truth, Fruen is not as poor as she makes out. Her business her fi sts or trusty dagger. A bruiser and a drunkard, Neega is
had become deeply in debt to the Shadow Masks. Hiding her coarse, crude and a bully. Sometimes she serves as the
wealth on an isolated island far out in Hard Bay she wrecked her tavern’s bouncer. She crops her greasy black hair short and
vessels and hoped the Shadow Masks would forget about her. wears dirty leathers which show off her impressive physique.
Sadly, they did not and now force her to run the Bloody Eagle— 3. Usko “the Sly” (NE male human spy) believes he is a genius
one of their many fronts in the Shambles—to pay off her debt. and has given himself “the Sly” an an epithet. Sadly, for Usko
while he is clever he is not as clever as he thinks he is. For
THE OFFERING Usko, nothing is ever his fault, and he has a reputation as a
whinging whiner among the other patrons.
The Bloody Eagle's provender is basic and low quality:
4. Varma Vuolle (CE female human spy) revels in anonymity.
She is a cunning and clever burglar who makes elaborate
• Drink: Ale 4 cp, weak ale 2 cp, wine (pitcher) 2 sp.
plans and carries out extensive reconnaissance before
• Food: Grilled fi sh or fi sh stew 3 sp, yesterday’s fi sh stew 1 sp.
undertaking a job. Her thorough preparations makes her a
N O TA B L E F O L K formidable thief. Varma always has an eye to how Varma
profi ts; those working with her have a short life expectancy.
All the Bloody Eagle’s staff are in the Shadow Masks’ pay. 5. Kaisu Ikitiera (N middle-aged female human assassin) works
on behalf of several different thieves and can procure most
• Fruen the Unlucky (CN female half-orc bandit captain) things given enough time and a big enough budget. She is
projects a dejected fi gure to the world. She still wears faded skilled and discrete. Retired from active thievery, Kaisu enjoys
fi nery, and was once wealthy. Fruen was a child of the streets an easy life living off commissions. Few people are as well
and has many friends among the seedy clientele frequenting connected as Kaisu, in Languard’s underworld.
the Bloody Eagle. She dreams of the time when her service 6. Erkki Arpia (N middle-aged male human guard) works as an
with the Shadow Masks is complete, and she can (secretly) informant for the city watch, and is terrifi ed he will be
reclaim her lost treasures. Fruen is dark-haired, muscular and discovered. (See Opportunities and Complications #5 and #6
prone to taking our her frustrations on new customers. for more about Erkki). Consumed with nervous energy, Erkki
• Indyere Shortstep (NE male halfl ing thug) desperately wants is stick-thin and is always in motion. An alcoholic, he is often in
to become a Shadow Mask enforcer and be feared the taproom; most of the regulars discount him as a harmless
throughout the underworld. He is mean, vicious and moody. simpleton and drunkard.
Forced to work here, his plan is not going well, and he is
frustrated. He thinks adventurers are idiots for going
anywhere near Gloamhold and steals from them whenever RUNNING THIS EVENTURE
possible. He’s also not above a little bit of “light murder” if he
can get away with it.
Drinking at the Bloody Eagle can be nothing more than an
interlude between adventures. However, if the characters seek a
certain recently stolen item or a contact with the Shadow Masks,
I N Y O U R C A M PA I G N the Bloody Eagle is the perfect place to visit.
You can either plan events ahead of time or just “wing” the
The Bloody Eagle is location S2 on the City of Languard map, whole mini-eventure using the tables herein to facilitate play.
but is easily added to almost any fantasy town or city. The (These tables could form the basis of repeated visits to the
Bloody Eagle is best located in a slum or other rundown district Bloody Eagle as long as you keep track of what results the
into which the rule of law does not often extend. characters have already experienced).

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE He sits down with the party, plonks the item on the table and
demands payment in full. Minutes later, his actual contact
Some stolen items are surreptitiously offered for sale in the Bloody enters the taproom...
Eagle’s taproom. Luckily for morally flexible buyers, many sellers 4. Two thieves fall to loudly arguing over the proceeds from
will haggle, if customers are reluctant to pay full price. Roll on the their last score. Quickly, things get out of hand and a brawl
list below, to determine what notable items are for sale: ensues. This could be a genuine argument or might be a
distraction for a murder, abduction or theft. The characters
1. Fine Clothes (10 gp): This creased bundle of fi ne clothes is could even be the target.
cut in the latest fashion, and the sort of thing a well-to-do 5. Fruen is in a foul mood—her legendary bad luck has struck
merchant would wear. The clothes come with a free hemp again and a cask of ale has soured. She is looking for any
sack and need a good wash. opportunity to take it out on someone; to her, the characters
2. Fine Rapier (300 gp): This perfectly balanced rapier is a fit the bill perfectly.
nobleman’s weapon. Observant characters note a crest or 6. A drunk merchant, Antero Kaivas (NG middle-aged male
sigil has been scratched off the weapon’s pommel. human veteran), new in Languard has made a horrible
3. Secret Map (10 gp): This hastily scrawled map purports to mistake and wandered into the wrong part of the city. He
show several clandestine ways into the city. The map is wildly might be drunk, but he is not an idiot. He knows, he’ll likely
inaccurate and will likely result in the person using it getting need help to escape the Shambles with his purse (and life).
incredibly frustrated or arrested. He recognises the characters as adventurers and approaches
4. Young Parrot (25 gp): Perched in a silver gilded cage this them for help; he could be a useful contact as he is master of
small parrot has a wide vocabulary and uses it voraciously to his own caravel—Wavedancer.
insult and upset all nearby. The seller tries to sweeten the deal
by swearing the parrot is the progeny of Pluck—the fabled WHISPERS & RUMOURS
feathered companion of Vilimzair Aralivar the well known
legendary pirate captain and bard without equal. Many rumours, half-truths and outright lies circulate through the
5. Ring of Protection (2,000 gp): Arcane symbols of protection Bloody Eagle’s taproom. (Some or all of the rumours below may
decorate the outer band of this thick gold ring. Tiny fl ecks of be false, as you decide.) Characters chatting with folk may learn
diamond and ruby decorate the ring which is clearly of some or all of the rumours below:
dwarven artifi ce.
6. Manor House Deeds (1,000 gp): This ancient scroll is the 1. Fruen isn’t as poor as she makes out. She’s got gold hidden
(genuine) deed to a ruined manor house in the wild hills to somewhere. Many people have looked for it, but no one has
the north of Dunstone. The manor house is beyond Ashlar’s yet found it.
claimed bounds and close to the hereditary hunting grounds 2. There is much for sale at the Bloody Eagle for those with coin,
of several savage bands of orcs. Clearing the manor, fortifying and the right attitude. Almost anything can be procured for
it and dwelling therein could spawn a whole series of the right price including things deemed illegal by the duke
adventures for a stout band of heroes. and his servants. Kaisu Ikitiera (see Patrons #5 for more
details) is the person to see.
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S 3. The Shadow Masks might control Languard’s underworld, but
even they won’t venture into the Wrecks. There, the odious
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere. and duplicitous takolen rule supreme.
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll 4. The wizard Sohvi Ilma (NE female human mage) recently
once on this list, to determine which the characters find: returned from an expedition into Gloamhold. All her friends
died there, but she brought back several curiously wrought
1. The watch rarely—if ever—come to the Bloody Eagle, but golden torcs; the lone adventurer’s treasure should be easy
sometimes they send spies and informants to watch over pickings for someone.
events therein. Once such fellow—Erkki Arpia (“Patrons” #6; N 5. The tavern’s eagle figurehead is cursed. Since she purchased
middle-aged male guard)—takes an interest in the characters. it, Fruen has experienced nothing but grief and bad luck.
He watches the party and follows them when they leave the She’s tried to sell the figurehead several times, but it always
tavern. Depending on their subsequent actions, the party reappears above the tavern’s door the next morning. Some of
could become persons of interest to the watch. the patrons snigger at her bad luck, behind her back.
2. As #1 above, but Erkki realises his cover has been blown and 6. The clergy at the Great Forge (the centre of Abarin’s faith in
that the Shadow Masks are onto him. In desperation, he Ashlar) recently took possession of a stoutly locked chest said
latches on to the characters and tries to use them as cover to to contain a small supply of fabulously rare and valuable star
escape the Shambles. Consequently, the characters may be metal—perhaps mithral or even adamantine. It would be a
accosted by group of thugs as they leave the Bloody Eagle. brave thief indeed who dared to steal it.
3. A dim-witted thief, Ilja Mieho (CN male human spy), mistakes
one of the characters for his contact. Ilja has something to sell
(roll on ”Notable Things for Sale” to determine what he has).


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

D R I N K I N G AT T H E D R U N K E N S A I L O R however, seek one of Fishshambles’ many sailors to convey them
thither. Sailors are in the main superstitious folk and fear
Gloamhold and its terrors. However, those with enough coin (1 gp
A rowdy dockside tavern, the Drunken Sailor is a favoured sailors’ a day) can secure the services of a sailor brave enough to dare the
drinking den. The crowd here ebbs and flows with the tides’ ebb journey. For extra coin, their hireling may even return at an
and flow and, surprisingly, violence and brawls are rare. The appointed time to collect their charges.
offering is basic, but cheap—just how the clientele likes it. Run by Fisherfolk willing to dare a trip across Hard Bay include:
the balding, bombastic half-elf Arlamen Evdrearn (N middle-aged
male half-elf veteran) the Drunken Sailor is the place to meet 1. Aaro Korpela (NG old male human commoner) often
sailors, fisherfolk and the like. exaggerates his own skills and prowess, which has resulted in
a couple of situations he survived through luck alone. Aaro is
a skilled sailor, but is lost in dreams of his youth.
The offering at the Drunken Sailor is basic, but good value: 2. Taneli Leino (LN male human commoner) has a large family
and is desperate for extra coin to feed his growing brood. He
• Drink: Flagon of ale (8 cp), fl agon of watery wine (2 sp). takes no unnecessary risks.
• Food: Fish stew (2 sp), crusty fi sh pie (2 sp). 3. Usko Rintala (N middle-aged male human commoner) has
sailed Hard Bay’s waters for decades and knows them well. He
The Drunken Sailor has no bedchambers for hire, but regulars can spend hours just staring at the water; recently, he has
sometimes spend the night comatose on the common room floor. begun to believe the ocean is whispering secrets to him.
4. Laina Eronen (NG female human veteran) once served in the
N O TA B L E F O L K Nenonen’s household guard to pay off a family debt to the
crown. Once the debt was paid she returned to her fi rst love—
• Arlamen Evdrearn (N middle-aged male half-elf veteran)
the sea. She is a skilled sailor and an enthusiastic brawler.
runs the Drunken Sailor. Well-known and respected, Arlamen
Laina has a reputation as a reliable hire and, consequently,
is one of the best connected folk in the Fishshambles. A
charges double the normal rate.
retired adventurer, he has a soft-spot for those following in his
footsteps. He is fond of bardic tales of high adventure—and in OTHER FOLK IN THE COMMON ROOM
particular tales of the legendary pirate bard Vilimzair Aralivar.
• Lamahs Evdrearn (N female half-elf guard) works alongside Many folk visit the Drunken Sailor; some are fisherfolk while others
her father. Perpetually leather-clad, raven-haired Lamahs is as are adventurers and the like. Sometimes, heavily disguised thieves
at home behind the bar as she is afl oat. She craves adventure, —or their agents—and other ne’er-do-wells come here to learn
and to follow in her father’s footsteps—something he does not which adventurers might be worth robbing in the near future.
wish on her. She may try to join a band of adventurers visiting
the tavern, if they seem “nice”. 1. Mikael Vesi (NE middle-aged male human spy) owns a
• Ilmatar Joutsi (CN middle-aged female commoner) loves fi shing boat, but is a fi sherman in name only. Instead, Mikael
working at the Drunken Sailor. Since her husband was lost at often works at night bringing in illicit cargo to his contacts in
sea, the work here gives her life purpose, a (pitiful) income the Shadow Masks. Adventurers hiring him to convey them to
and a family of sorts. Her animated cackle often rises above Gloamhold may fi nd themselves deposited on an isolated
the common room’s hubbub. She is well known and popular wharf and surrounded by thieves, on their return.
among the regulars. Lamahs sees her as a surrogate mother. 2. Esko Ilmarinen (LG male human veteran) secretly works for
the Order of the Watch Eternal to keep an eye on adventurers
FISHERFOLK & SAILORS FOR HIRE making the trip across the water to Gloamhold. If Esko hears
the party are keen to make such a journey, he seeks them out
One of the first problems adventurers face when trying to explore
to offer his services. Perceptive characters may realise the
Gloamhold is Hard Bay’s turbulent waters. Characters with the
requisite skills and coin could purchase their own vessel. Most,


Drinking at the Drunken Sailor can be nothing more than an
The Drunken Sailor is location F2 on the City of Languard map, interlude between adventures, the venue for the adventurers to
but is easily added to almost any fantasy town or city. The meet a rival band or even the unlikely place to meet a patron for
Drunken Sailor is best suited to a common waterside quarter—it a mini-adventure and the like. You can either plan events ahead
is not somewhere the great or the good congregate. of time or just “wing” the whole mini-eventure using the tables
The Drunken Sailor is a good place to meet brave fisherfolk herein to facilitate play. (These tables could form the basis of
willing to sail across the bay to Gloamhold and the cursed repeated visits to the Drunken Sailor as long as you keep track
village of Greystone. of what results the characters have already experienced).


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

burly, bald man is overly keen to help them and may suspect 2. Lamahs approaches the party, to find out more about them
him of having a sinister motive. and their plans. Arlamen notices his daughter’s interest in the
3. Kaija Viti (CN female human spy) wants to join an party and, in turn, takes an interest in the characters.
adventuring party, but is a bit of a drama queen. She is scatty Depending on how they deal with his daughter, this could be
and forgetful but incredibly fi t. She loves to run and can a good or bad thing for the party.
disappear for hours at a time as she runs about the city. 3. Another adventuring party is in the common room looking for
4. Maalin Vartia (NG female human scout) loves sailing and the someone to carry themselves across Hard Bay. The group—the
sea. She doesn’t have her own boat, but willingly signs up Deadly Blades—is led by Gillon Nalmek (LN male dwarf
with another adventuring party as a guard. She’s won’t enter knight). The group is flush with gold and doubles any offer
Gloamhold or explore Greystone’s ruins but is more than the party makes to a fisherfolk. An argument could ensue.
happy to guard the characters’ sailing boat, camp or the like. 4. Many of the Drunken Sailor’s regulars think the weather is
She is honest, dependable and a skilled archer. about to change for the worse, and that a big storm is on the
way. None are willing to sail to Gloamhold until the bad
W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ? weather has passed. (Of course, if the characters offer enough
gold they might find someone desperate enough to accept
Use this list, to determine what is going on when the characters
their offer.)
arrive. Remember, the characters’ actions may render some of the
5. The elderly fisherman, Juho Vaania, is too old to work at sea
entries moot. Roll once, on this table.
now and is selling his boat, the Kaija. The boat is sturdy and in
good repair; Juho wants 75 gp for her.
1. The common room is packed when the characters arrive; the
6. The Drunken Sailor has a new cook, who is not good at his
fisherfolk have finished work for the day and are here
job. In fact, the cook is so bad he undercooks the fish stew,
quenching their thirsts. If the characters seek news they easily
and a rash of food poisoning results. If the characters eat the
learn 1d4 rumours from “Whispers & Rumours”.
fish stew during their visit, they might also fall sick.
2. Arlamen Evdrearn has been talked into regaling the common
room with a favourite story taken from Vilimzair Aralivar’s WHISPERS & RUMOURS
amazing life. He stands atop the bar—in full flow—as many of
the customer listen in rapt amazement to the legendary Many rumours, half-truths and outright lies circulate among the
bard’s heroism. Drunken Sailor’s patrons. (Some or all of the rumours below may
3. The customers are morose. One of their number has be false, as you decide.) Characters chatting with other folk in the
disappeared at sea and has suffered a fate unknown. The tavern may learn some or all of the rumours below:
sailor—Juhani Lemmäs—hasn’t been see for a week and is
assumed dead. 1. Several regulars at the Drunken Sailor are normally willing to
4. The customers are happy—the catch has been fantastic over sail adventurers across Hard Bay to Gloamhold in return for
the last few days, and many of the fisherfolk are drinking a gold. (Provide the characters with 1d4 names from “Fisherfolk
good proportion of their good fortune. Arlamen is— & Sailors for Hire”).
unsurprisingly—delighted by his good fortune and has 2. Greystone’s tumbled ruins are cursed. Something horrible
engaged a bard to keep his customers happy. The bard lurks in the village’s seaweed-infested harbour; no right
knows many sea shanties and is leading the customers in an minded fisherfolk docks there.
epic singalong when the characters arrive. 3. Aaro Korpela (#1 on “Fisherfolk & Sailors for Hire”) is not as
5. Arlamen is taking in a beer delivery and has no time to talk; good a sailor as he says he is—several times only luck has
his daughter, Lamahs, is behind the bar and cheerfully serves saved him—and his passengers—from a watery grave.
the characters. 4. Laina Eronen (#4 on “Fisherfolk & Sailors for Hire”) charges
6. The crew of two rival fishing boats are arguing over who gets twice what her competition charges, but she’s honest, brave
the best table near the fire. The argument is a symptom of the and dependable.
two crews’ long-running rivalry; without intervention, a brawl 5. An adventuring party has returned from Greystone with
will result. stories of a flooded cave network beneath the village.
Unfortunately, one of the party was slain while the
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S adventurers explored the caves, which—apparently—feature
some kind of hidden ancient temple and a strange witch who
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere.
has powers over the fecund seaweed growing within.
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll
6. A terrible sickness is spreading among the poorest folk of the
once on this list, to determine which the characters find.
Shambles and Fishshambles. First the afflicted suffer sweats
and have clammy hands; then their skin takes on a scaly
1. Taneli Leino (#2 on “Fisherfolk & Sailors for Hire”) is desperate
appearance and they have trouble breathing. Eventually,
for money and offers the party his services as soon as he
many sufferers die.
realises they are adventurers.


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

Many folk visit the Last Chance; some are bounty hunters, others
In sight of the corpses swinging from Traitor's Gate crouches a are off-duty members of the watch. Sometimes, heavily disguised
tavern with a deep, shadowy porch furnished with scarred tables thieves—or their agents—and other ne’er-do-wells also come here
and a sign bearing a grinning skull with a die between its teeth. for a vicarious thrill or to remove their Wanted posters from the
The owner is Jyry, a thrifty businessman who cultivates the tavern's tavern’s notice wall.
grim atmosphere. He starts macabre wagers about executions,
discusses bounties with his regulars and supplies human 1. Krister Miemo (N male human guard) nurses a drink, and
knucklebones for games of chance. appears generally miserable. Krister is a watchman, and his
The interior is a single-room floor lit only with flickering best friend was recently killed while chasing a thief. He is
candles and the hearth fire behind the bar. Patrons cluster around distraught, angry and ready to lash out.
these points of light, forming insular groups that laugh at private 2. Elisa Ora (LN female human bandit captain) dreams of
jokes and make bets as the staff offer odds on all aspects of becoming a feared bounty hunter like her mother. She readily
upcoming executions and punishments. No one sits at the bar at takes stupid risks and is looking for a new partner as her last
the tavern's far end as its counter is reserved for food preparation. one gave up the life after one too many close calls.
Behind the bar, a hatch leads to the basement, where Jyry stores 3. Pieti Uljas (LN middle-aged male human guard) likes to
food, racks his alcohol and has his personal room. drink, and prefers when someone else pays. Short on coin,
the watchman accosts the characters and makes unsubtle
FOR SALE comments about his thirst. Pieti could make a useful contact
on the city watch, if handled correctly.
The offering at the Last Chance is basic, but wholesome:
4. Liekko Tuntia (CN female half-elf spy) has come to the Last
Chance to study those who would hunt her for gold. She is
• Drink: Fermented milk (fl agon) 6 cp, mead (fl agon) 1 sp.
heavily disguised as a human courtesan, but perceptive
• Food: Cabbage rolls with mashed turnips 1 sp, blood
characters notice she turns down several offers of work.
dumpling soup with fried mushrooms 3 sp.
Liekko is daring and making a reputation for herself among
N O TA B L E F O L K Languard’s thieves. She is also highly skilled at disguises and
always obscures her true appearance when working.
Bounty hunters and off-duty watchmen are common among the 5. Petteri Toivas (LG male human knight [Darlen]) appears
patrons, making the Last Chance a surprisingly honest (and safe) tremendously out of place in the Last Chance. He is hunting a
place to drink. Many of the tavern’s patrons are habitual armed, notorious criminal (roll on “Notable Wanted Posters” to
and have no hesitation in using their weapons and martial skills to determine who) and has come here to gather information. His
defend themselves or the tavern’s staff. white and gold cloak, fastidiously-maintained appearance
and air of disapproval mark him as different to the tavern’s
• Impi Jyrentytär (N female half-elf spy) works as the Last normal clientele.
Chance's gloomy barmaid. She dresses all in black and 6. Ulla Vasara (NE female human mage) lingers in the tavern
entertains customers with her dry wit. A former street urchin trying to ascertain if the rumour labelling Jyry as a corpse
who got her job out of pity, she has a good eye for trouble robber (Whispers & Rumours #1) is true or not. Ulla seeks
and a steady work ethic. several “material components” for a ritual, and wonders if Jyry
• Jyry Mustonen (N middle-aged male human commoner) has is the man to get them for her. She is also quite taken with
a knack for business and has used his middling skill as a Impi and her style and is plotting how to get the barmaid
brewer to earn enough money to buy the Last Chance. He still alone.
brews beer but focuses more on management these days.
• Ruska Isotalo (LN female human berserker) loves her work
as a bounty hunter and laughs loud at her own grim jokes. RUNNING THIS EVENTURE
Bald, toweringly tall and covered in tattoos, Ruska is infamous
for her brutal methods that toe the line of the law. The Last
Chance is her second home, and her tendency to help its staff Drinking at the Last Chance can be nothing more than an
and buy rounds has earned her much goodwill. interlude between adventures, the venue for some rumour-
finding or contact-meeting, or even serve as the hook into the
characters’ next adventure. You can either plan events ahead of
I N Y O U R C A M PA I G N schedule or just “wing” the whole mini-eventure using the tables
herein to facilitate play. (These tables should be able to form the
The Last Chance tavern is location L10 on the City of Languard basis of repeated trips to the Last Chance as long as you keep
map, but is easily added to almost any fantasy town or city. The track of what results the characters have already experienced).
Last Chance is best suited to a common quarter—it is not Finally, Drinking at the Last Chance works well with the
somewhere the great or the good congregate. eventure Day Out at the Executions.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ? N O TA B L E W A N T E D P O S T E R S
While the characters are at the Last Chance, one or more things A gallimaufry of Wanted posters covers the wall behind the bar.
from the list below may occur. Roll on this list as many times as desired, to determine which
Wanted posters catch the characters’ eyes.
1. Quiet: The common room is virtually empty; it is easy to fi nd
a seat or strike up conversion with the staff. 1. Aake Torio: Lowlife scum wanted for the shockingly brutal,
2. Ruska’s Buying: Ruska is buying a round of drinks when the ritual-like murder of several prostitutes; 50 gp.
characters enter; she offers to buy the characters drinks and 2. Firean Maiethil: The self-styled “Bandit Queen” is wanted in
then sits with them for a while to get to know them. Dulwich for banditry, murder and worse; 600 gp.
3. New Wanted Posters: New Wanted posters have just been 3. Veela Koira: Bandit leader wanted for banditry and murder
put up behind the bar, and a veritable scrum of bounty on the road between Languard and Coldwater; 200 gp.
hunters are gathered around studying them. 4. Hilppa Ilakka: Smuggler and slaver in league with the pirates
4. Busy: The Last Chance is packed, and there are no free of Deksport; 100 gp.
tables; it takes ages to get a drink but it’s easier to hear 5. Tuuli Viti: Witch in league with demonic forces; 300 gp.
rumours. Roll twice on “Opportunities & Complications”. 6. Laaus Salme: Wanted for murder during a barroom brawl; 20
5. Poster Stolen: The Last Chance is quiet. When no one is gp (In fact, Laaus is innocent, but knows the location of a
looking, a nondescript man nips behind the bars and rips singular mystical jewel which certain powerful folk covet.)
down a poster before quickly leaving. (The man could be a
bounty hunter intent on no one else capturing his prey or WHISPERS & RUMOURS
might be working for the person described on the poster).
Many rumours, half-truths and outright lies circulate among the
6. Insular Customers: The regulars are more insular and
Last Chance’s patrons. (Some or all of the rumours below may be
taciturn than normal—a bounty hunter died last week trying to
false, as you decide.) Characters chatting with other folk in the
apprehend the notorious “Bandit Queen” Firean Maiethil.
tavern may learn some or all of the rumours below:
Many speculate her bounty will soon be raised again.

O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S 1. Jyry the Corpse Robber: While Jyry is a middlingly-good

brewer and landlord the Last Chance is cover for his true
Lucky adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere. profession—corpse robber and supplier to necromancers and
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. other odious folk.
2. Cheap Bounties: The value of bounties has been falling for
1. Impi’s Bet: Impi has wagered Jyry a criminal listed on one of the last few years. Clearly, the duke is running out of coin or
the tavern’s Wanted posters will feature at next month’s he thinks bounty hunters work out of the goodness of their
execution day. To win her bet, she tries to talk the characters own hearts!
into hunting down the relevant criminal. Roll on “Notable 3. Too Good at Her Job: Ruska is too good at her job. Some say
Wanted Posters” to determine who is the subject of the bet. she’s a witch in disguise while others believe she has
2. Resembles a Criminal: A character resembles a wanted extensive contacts in the city’s underworld.
criminal, and several patrons notice the likeness; some 4. Jyry is Rich: There is more to Jyry than meets the eye; he’s
regulars may try to collect the reward. undeniably skilled at making money and is a miser. He hides
3. Overheard Plan: The characters overhear two drunk bounty his coin hoard in the cellar.
hunters making a plan to capture a criminal (roll on “Notable 5. Stolen Body Parts: Someone—or something—is stealing bits
Wanted Posters” to determine who). One of the two mentions and pieces (and sometimes entire corpses) of the criminals
the criminal’s location and they decide to apprehend them executed at the monthly execution days.
fi rst thing in the morning. If the characters act quickly, they 6. A Boiling: Panu Vaito poisoned his entire family before
could catch the criminal themselves, and claim the reward. running amok in the city with a
4. Dragon and the Thief: A marathon game of Dragon and the woodcutter’s axe which he used to kill
Thief is going on at a table near the bar. Any characters fi ve other people. He will be boiled to
appearing obviously wealthy are invited to join the game. death at the next execution day.
5. Arguing Bounty Hunters: Two would-be bounty hunters are
arguing over who has the “right” to pursue a certain criminal.
The tavern’s more experienced clientele watch the quickly
escalating argument with bemused enjoyment.
6. The Bloodstained Prince: The halfl ing bard Dricolen
Nimblefi nger—usually the entertainment at the Scythe
(location L3 on the City of Languard map)—sings the ballad of
Crown Prince Ilasual Nenonen (the Bloodstained Prince) and
his attempt almost 400 years ago to claim Ashlar’s throne.


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

S E L L I N G L O O T AT A R L O ’ S S T O N E S set up in business on her own. She can’t be bothered with the
nitty-gritty of running a business, though, and is content
working with Arlo.
Sullen, and consumed with jealousy and anger against anyone
better off than himself, the jeweller Arlo Itkonen is a sycophant O T H E R P AT R O N S
and frustrated social climber.
A fixture of Low City, his heavily fortified shop is often sought The characters might not be the only customers at Arlo’s Stones.
out by adventurers selling their low-value loot. Arlo’s Stones has Use this list, to generate the details of Arlo’s other patrons.
been broken into repeatedly over the years. Every new break-in
spurs Arlo to invest in more and more security. He constantly 1. Juuso Aikio (N male human veteran) dreams of fame and
complains of the cost of maintaining “his defences” and is glory won against the denizens of the Twilight City. Sadly, he
perhaps one of the least trusting souls an adventurer is ever likely is perpetually broke—he is a borderline alcoholic—and can
to encounter. never afford the best equipment. He is here selling a handful
Arlo’s Stones is on the ground floor of an old, narrow building of silver rings and shoddy copper and brass armbands.
overlooking Warrior’s Way. He has a heavily protected salesroom, 2. Vilutar Vihavaino (NE female half-elf spy) needs to get rid of
workshop and vault in the cellar. (Here also dwell his two gnomish some “hot” rings she recently took from a merchant’s house
workers). Arlo lives on the second floor; the third floor is empty while he entertained his mistress. The rings are boxy and
and abandoned due to a roof that periodically leaks (and which ostentatious and worth 100 gp. She only wants 10 gp, and
Arlo cannot afford to repair). Arlo is suspicious.
3. Paavo Ampuja (LN male human veteran) searches for a
FOR SALE family ring he lost during an ill-fated game of Dragon and the
Thief. In truth, it is his wedding ring; luckily his wife has not yet
Arlo has many substandard cheap pieces of jewellery—the kind noticed it missing. He has just spotted the ring on display, and
suitable for peasants and the like—for sale. He does not knowingly tried to buy it but Arlo detected his desperation and tripled
own any valuable items (but see “Notable Things for Sale”). the asking price. Sadly, Paavo cannot afford the infl ated price
and is getting increasingly irritated as he knows it is not worth
• Trash & Trinkets: Most of Arlo’s stock sells for between 1 gp what Arlo is asking.
and 3 gp. However, the canny merchant doesn’t bother with 4. Venla Lempinen (LG female human guard) suspects Arlo
price tags so he can modify the price of items according to knowingly buys stolen goods from thugs, burglars and the
the prospective purchaser’s apparent wealth. like. Venla is a member of the city watch and so her attentions
could prove uncomfortable for the jeweller. When the
characters arrive, Venla is attempting (badly) to masquerade
Arlo employs two gnomish sisters—Leneal and Uranal—to craft as a petty thief looking to off-load her loot. If the characters
much of the tawdry jewellery he sells to Low City’s denizens. seem disreputable, she latches onto them.
5. Esko Urho (N young human male commoner) desperately
• Arlo Itkonen (LN old male human commoner) suffers from needs money for his mother who is at death’s door, and is
delusions of grandeur and is angry at his lot in life. Arlo is a selling some of her jewellery in an attempt to get enough to
frustrated social climber, as "folk of quality” do not patronise pay a cleric to heal her. A lot rests on this boy’s ten-year-old
his shop. He craves the attentions of Languard’s great and shoulders, and he is nearly in tears. His father is long dead,
good but instead must make do with adventurers selling their and he and his mother are now nearly destitute.
loot and poor folk diffi cult to separate from their scarce coins. 6. Eerikki Laulaja (CN middle-aged male human guard) begs
• Leneal Owaen (N female gnome rogue 2) crafts jewellery on the street nearby—which is where he found the gold ring
and maintains the shop’s locks and other defences. She is he is now attempting to sell. Eerikki stinks, and clearly lives on
cheerful and loves city life—there is so much to see, do and the street.
“acquire”. She doesn’t steal from Arlo, though, as she knows it
would anger Uranal.
• Uranal Owaen (N female gnome illusionist 2) loves Arlo, RUNNING THIS EVENTURE
baffl ingly. A skilled gemcutter and jeweller, she could easily

Selling Loot at Arlo’s Stones can be nothing more than an

interlude between adventures, the venue for the adventurers to
I N Y O U R C A M PA I G N meet a rival band or even the unlikely place to meet a patron for
a mini-adventure and the like. You can either plan events ahead
Arlo’s Stones is location L4 on the City of Languard map, but is of schedule or just “wing” the whole mini-eventure using the
easily added to almost any fantasy town or city. Arlo’s Stones is tables herein to facilitate play. (These tables could form the
best suited to a common quarter—it is not somewhere the great basis of repeated trips to Arlo’s Stones as long as you keep track
or the good congregate. of what results the characters have already experienced).

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ? 3. Arlo’s Ingratiating: Arlo mistakes one of the characters for a
member of the monied class—perhaps a rich merchant or
Use this list, to determine what is going on when the characters famed adventurer. He is unfailingly polite to the character—
arrive. Remember, the characters’ actions may render some of the perhaps irritatingly so. If Arlo discovers his mistake, his
entries moot. Roll once on this table. demeanour abruptly changes to one of barely restrained
irritation and hostility.
1. Closed: Arlo is out, and the shop is shut. If the characters 4. Arlo’s Flush: Things have gone well for Arlo recently, and he
bang loudly on the door Leneal eventually answers. She is isn’t as tight-fi sted as normal during negotiations. No doubt,
happy to sell the characters anything from the shop’s stock he’ll regret any deal he gives the characters and will
but tries to overcharge them so she can make a small profi t remember them in the future.
for herself—after all, the characters can clearly afford it. 5. Arlo’s Hard Sell: Arlo tries to sell the characters some
2. Tactless Seller: Aleksi Ehtaro (NG male human veteran)—a jewellery. He draws the characters’ attention to one or more
down on his luck adventurer—is here to sell a tarnished silver of the things on “Notable Things for Sale”, and makes
necklace. He doesn’t like Arlo’s offered price and tactlessly strenuous attempts to sell it. (This could be a good hook into
tries to sell the piece to the characters—in Arlo’s shop! Arlo is the characters’ next adventure).
deeply unimpressed. 6. Burgled: Last night, a vagabond broke into the shop and
3. Leaking Roof: It’s raining heavily when the characters enter stole some minor pieces. Arlo is in a foul mood, when the
Arlo’s Stones. Perceptive characters notice a sinister stain on characters arrive. Characters not professing sympathy for him
the showroom’s ceiling. Arlo’s leaking roof is getting worse, get short-shrift from the jeweller. Those offering to track down
and he is in a foul mood. the thief, might make a friend out of the dour jeweller—
4. Shouting: As the characters are about to enter Arlo’s Stones, particularly if they are successful.
they hear shouting from inside. (This is Arlo arguing with
Leneal and Uranal over a trivial matter, but the characters N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE
might read more into the situation).
5. Sale On: Arlo has got a sale on, to try and shift some excess Arlo has a few notable pieces of jewellery for sale. Roll on this list
stock. Thus, he is not particularly interested in increasing his as many times as you desire, to determine what notable things are
stock; the characters must work extra hard to sell their loot. for sale.
6. Arlo’s Busy: The characters are not the only ones trying to sell
their unwanted loot. When they arrive, two other customers 1. Shiny Earrings (1gp): Arlo thinks these golden earrings are
are trying to sell pieces to Arlo. Roll twice on “Other Patrons” merely gold-plated copper, but he is wrong. Actually of solid
to determine who else is here. gold, they are a bargain (as the pair are worth 10 gp).
2. Worn Golden Ring (1 gp): This ring is clearly old, and its
C O M P L I C AT I O N S & O P P O RT U N I T I E S band has been worn smooth by many fi ngers. Arlo thinks it is
junk, but it is not. The ring is of ancient troglodyte artifi ce
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere. forged with elemental fi re and air. It radiates faint evocation
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll magic, but has no obvious powers.
once on this list, to determine which the characters find. 3. Chunky Bronze Amulet (1 gp): This amulet is a strange
thing. It’s clearly damaged, but was once quite exquisite. It
1. Arlo’s Hungover: When the characters arrive, Arlo is seems to depict the face of some kind of hideous three-eyed,
hungover and not in a good mood. If he realises the three-mouthed frog creature. Arlo is desperate to get rid of it.
characters are not here to buy something, his mood sours. 4. Necklace of Fireballs (1 gp): Several coloured beads hang
2. Arlo’s Skint: Arlo is experiencing a cash fl ow problem, when from this burnished copper band. A character handling the
the characters arrive. He blames his tight-fi sted customers. In item discovers it is a necklace of fi reballs with one (crackled)
an event, he only has 50 gp on hand and is loath to spend it bead remaining. (The cracked bead may—or may not—function
all on more stock. normally when thrown).
5. Battered Gold Locket (2 gp): Battered and dented, this
N E G O T I AT I N G W I T H A R L O pendent looks like nothing special. A character investigating
the piece, who makes a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check,
however, discovers a small map etched inside the locket. (This
Arlo wants to pay as little as possible for new stock, and map could lead to the party’s next adventure!)
negotiates hard to get the best price possible. Similarly, he 6. Silver Ring (2 gp): Arlo thinks this slender, tarnished ring is of
knows adventurers often have much excess coin and if they silver, but it’s actually platinum. Thus, he has massively
appear interested in one of his pieces he inflates the price in underpriced the ring—particularly as a close examination
hopes of a windfall. (Buyer beware, after all.) However, Arlo is a reveals it is fi nely crafted enough to be enchanted. It is easily
(frustrated) social climber, and if he thinks the characters can worth 150 gp, if cleaned and polished.
help him climb’s society’s ladder he makes extensive efforts to
ingratiate himself with the party.


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

S H O P P I N G AT K A R D A G G ’ S E M P O R I U M W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ?
While the characters are at Kardagg’s Discount Emporium, one or
This large shop is where failed adventurers come to sell off their more things from the list below may occur.
equipment before retiring from their danger-filled profession.
Although his shop is filled with badly conditioned armour, lengths 1. Inquisitive Kitt: Kitt wanders the store following an
of frayed rope and lanterns that sputter and go out when needed interesting smell. When he encounters the characters, he
the most, the dwarven owner Kardagg is nonetheless rich in brushes up against them and gives them a vigorous sniffi ng.
information and stories of desperate adventure across the bay. If the characters are kind to Kitt, Kardagg notices and is
Ground Floor: Set in a warehouse with rickety double doors slightly better disposed towards the party.
of weathered oak and hard packed earth floors the inside of this 2. Argumentative Adventurer: Vilppu Himottu (N male human
place is a veritable maze of precariously balanced goods, veteran) is trying to sell Kardagg ten silver arrows. Vilppu
damaged armour, barrels of rusting weapons and more. wants 7 gp for the arrows, while Kardagg only offers 2 gp.
Kardagg sits behind a long wooden desk next to the front Vilppu needs money, and is desperate to sell. Kardagg is
door with a small brazier burning wood, no matter the weather. As immoveable in his price, and so Vilppu tries to sell the arrows
customers enter he nods a curt greeting and with his club-like to the characters instead. Kardagg is not impressed.
walking stick taps a large sign that says, “You break it, you buy it. 3. Heavy Rain: Just after the characters enter the emporium,
No refunds”. heavy rain starts to fall outside. A sudden rush of customers
Upper Floor: Kardagg dwells in a small, cramped set of rooms enter the emporium, and Kardagg grumbles about
accessible from a rickety stair behind his desk. Here he keeps a freeloaders who have no intention of buying anything.
small amount of treasure and collection of trophies, equipment 4. The Watch Arrives: The jingling of armour announces the
and treasure from his long-past adventuring days. arrival of a small watch patrol. The sergeant (Reeta Lemmikki
[LN middle-aged female guard) has come to Kardagg’s to see
N O TA B L E F O L K if the dwarf has had any contact with Ilja Montaja (a local thief
who has been making a name for himself). Ilja stole several
• Kardagg (N male dwarf veteran) greets customers with a
choice pieces of jewellery last night and is thought to be
hard stare and forced smile. He is a dwarf of few words but is
looking to fence the items. If Reeta spots the characters, she
a hard yet fair salesman. He has thick black hair and a tangled
also questions them.
beard which hides his scarred face. He has a fondness for
5. Rival Shopper: The characters are not the only customer in
gems and prefers payment in such—something clever
the emporium. One—Jalmari Paaso (N male human mage)—is
customers could use to their advantage.
a presumptuous, self-centred man shopping for a bargain. At
• Kitt (N mastiff) barks at, and smells, all customers entering
the very moment a character decides they want to buy an
the emporium. Large and brutish, Kitt is Kardagg’s only real
item from “Notable Things for Sale”, Jalmari decides he also
friend, and occasionally follows customers round the stacks.
must have it, and offers Kardagg 10% more than the asking
FOR SALE price. If the characters outbid Jalmari, they make an enemy of
the mage.
Selling: Most of the equipment on sale at Kardagg’s Discount 6. Kitt is Poorly: Kitt lies behind Kardagg’s desk whimpering
Emporium is cheap or nasty or in bad repair. Some are all three. quietly. When the characters arrive, he lifts his head from the
Some items may even break just when their owner has great need fl oor, but doesn’t investigate further. (Kitt has eaten a
of them. Most prices are 20% lower than normal but most items diseased rat and is ill—a druid, ranger or other character
break on a roll of a natural 1 when being used. (Armour falls apart skilled in animals and healing earns Kardagg’s thanks if they
if the wearer suffers a critical hit). nurse Kitt back to health).
Buying: Kardagg buys, or trades for, almost any mundane
equipment and offers to buy items for around 40% of their normal
price. He knows that people selling items here normally do not RUNNING THIS EVENTURE
have much choice and so drives a hard bargain—he’s not a charity,
after all.
Shopping at Kardagg’s Emporium can be nothing more than a
quick stop for discount equipment before the party’s next
adventure or the basis for a role-play adventuring session (and
perhaps even a hook into another adventure or side quest). Use
the tables on these two pages to facilitate play. You can either
Kardagg’s Discount Emporium is location S5 on the City of plan events ahead of schedule or just “wing” the whole mini
Languard map, however the location is self-contained and easy eventure using the tables here to facilitate play. (These tables
to import into almost any fantasy settlement. Kardagg’s Discount should be able to form the basis of repeated trips to Kardagg’s
Emporium is best located in a rundown part of a town or city—it as long as you keep track of what results the characters have
is a place predominantly for those down on their luck. already experienced).

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S Additionally, Kardagg displays several special items—including a
few low-end magic items—behind his desk. These items include:
Lucky adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere.
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. 1. Potion of Resistance (450 gp): Held in a tiny steel vial this
transparent, viscous liquid smells slightly of gingerbread. The
1. Overlooked Onyx: While browsing, the character fi nds a symbols for “magic” and “fi re” are etched into the vial.
small onyx tucked inside a belt pouch. Kardagg doesn’t know 2. Potion of Greater Healing (375 gp): Fleck of dried blood
about the gem, and thinks the pouch empty. He sells the mar this small iron vial. Tiny fl ecks of gold glimmer in the
pouch for 7 sp, but the gem is worth 20 gp. deep blue potion.
2. Thief?: Kardagg is convinced a character has stolen from his 3. Silvered Dagger (10 gp): Wickedly sharp, this slender
store, and demands to search the offender’s person. Unless gleaming poniard has never been used in battle. It comes
convinced of the character’s innocence, he bars the party with a plain leather scabbard.
from ever returning to his “fi ne” establishment. 4. Feather Token (Swan Boat; 600 gp): This dirty once-white
3. Nudged Display: Accidentally, one of the characters knocks feather is impressively-sized as if it were plucked from a giant
over a display, which—with a loud clatter—falls to the fl oor. If swan. Kardagg knows exactly what the token does and does
the characters tidy up, roll once on “Notable Things for Sale” his best to sell it to adventurers plotting a trip across the bay
to determine what interesting item they come across. to the ruins of Greystone and Gloamhold’s endless halls.
4. Closing Early: Kardagg wants to close up early—he’s recently 5. Mis-Identified Potion (450 gp): Kardagg thinks this small
acquired some dwarven ale and is looking forward to clay vial contains a potion of greater healing. Sadly, it doesn’t;
savouring the taste of something he has not drunk for many he was fooled by a local scoundrel into paying good money
years. Only fast talking characters—or those offering a bribe— for a normal potion of healing.
convince him to stay open a bit longer so they can shop. 6. Map of Greystone: This weathered and torn map has a
5. A Patron: Sohvi Tapatora (LN middle-aged female human bloody handprint on its upper righthand corner. The map
noble) is looking for dependable adventurers to help her depicts (roughly) the ruined village of Greystone. Kardagg
with a rat infestation in her home. Recently rats have invaded wants 5 gp for the map, but will let interested folk copy it
her cellar, and she’s struggling to get rid of them. This could (quickly) for 2 gp.
be nothing more than a normal rat infestation, the start of the
characters’ next adventure or a minor test of their abilities— WHISPERS & RUMOURS
Sohvi could have a greater mission in mind for the party.
6. Shut: The emporium is shut, and the characters will have to Kardagg knows much about the local area and may pass on
come back another time. stories to paying customers for a fee. He teases his knowledge to
generate sales but says little of import to those merely browsing.
N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE Kardagg may impart some or all of the following rumours:

Although much of Kardagg’s stock is in bad condition, a few 1. Bandits: Bandits are becoming an increasingly serious
notable items languish on his shelves. Determined browsers may problem on the roads near the city. One band in particular—
find one or more of the items below: rumoured to be led by the medusa Deszraul—is becoming
increasingly brazen in their attacks.
1. Oversized Backpack (15 sp): This stout leather backpack is 2. Raisa’s a Thief: Raisa Ojanen—owner of Raisa’s Curios
50% larger than a standard pack. At fi rst glance, it seems in (location S1 on the City of Languard map)—works for the
poor condition, but the damage is purely cosmetic. Shadow Masks as a fence. If you’ve had something stolen you
2. Flawed Longsword (4 gp): This badly made longsword has a might fi nd it on her store’s shelves! (False rumour).
fatal fl aw—its hilt is only loosely attached. When the wielder 3. Lights on the Water: Dimly-glowing lights have been seen
rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll, the blade snaps off. on the Svart, in the dead of night. Some say these are the
3. Light Weight Wooden Shield (5 gp): Decorated with an oak glimmering souls of all those who have died in the river;
tree sigil, this dented shield is of elven artifi ce. Its weight is others say, smugglers are at work in the harbour.
half that of a normal shield. 4. Trapped in Greystone: The Scarlet Fellowship adventuring
4. Blacked Hooded Cloak (1 gp): Dried mud splatters the band sailed across the bay to Greystone a week ago and
frayed hem of this jet black velvet cloak. The cloak has a deep haven’t been seen since.
cowl perfect for those who value their privacy or who wish to 5. Execution Day: Monthly execution day is fast approaching
project a mysterious or sinister appearance. and this one should be a rare treat. There’s going to be a
5. Leather Boots (1 gp): These knee-high boots have two secret burning and a boiling! Bigger than normal crowds are
compartments—one in each heel—sized for a potion vial. expected for the event.
6. Vial of Holy Water (30 gp): This heavy vial holds 6. Winter Storms: The winter storms are going to be worse than
concentrated holy water. The water was created with special normal this year; some of the low-lying bits of the
blessed celestial silver and is twice as effective as normal. Fishshambles will be badly fl ood as a result.


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

When the characters arrive, they may not be the only visitors
The Dreaming Spires is location H4 on the City of Languard map. present at the Dreaming Spires. Roll as many times as desired on
this list to determine who else is present:
Languard’s Dreaming Spires—or sometimes simply “the Spires”—is
the duchy’s greatest seat of learning and its only university. 1. Klaus Jutikka (LE male human mage) knows of the rumour
Sprawling over Alina’s Isle, the Dreaming Spires stands in splendid the Spire’s mistress is actually a lich. He greatly desires to
isolation from the city’s stink and clamour. It is here those desirous meet her; if the characters can manage an introduction he’ll
of learning come. be grateful—as grateful as a man steeped in evil can be, at any
Merchants and nobles alike send their children to the Spires to rate. Klaus's (artifi cially coloured) hair is jet black and his face
learn their letters and numbers as well as many other scholarly is set in a perpetual scowl. He is young for such a powerful
subjects. Commoners are rarely found among the students, for wizard and physically vigorous.
their parents cannot afford the near-ruinous fees required to 2. Hilppa Ano (NG young female human commoner) studies at
secure a place at the school. the Dreaming Spires even though she is only eight-years-old.
The Dreaming Spires maintains an impressive library—the so- Ferociously intelligent, but somewhat naive having led a
called Sequestered Hall—for use by its students and teachers. The sheltered life, she accepts people at face value and lacks keen
Sagacious Masters of the Eldritch Nexus hold the only library of observational skills. Hilppa likes making new friends, and
greater extent in Ashlar, behind the Black Tower’s vitrified walls. happily shows such folk around. She is short, has muddy
The Sequestered Hall is a hard place for outsiders to reach. A gift blond hair and dresses in fi ne clothes.
of a rare book or handsome donation is, however, usually enough 3. Ilja Kokko (N male human spy) needs to do some research in
to secure a brief perusal of its stacks. the Sequestered Hall regarding an old treasure map noting
some sea caves near the dismal village of Coldwater, but
N O TA B L E F O L K doesn’t want to pay to gain access. Would the characters do
him a favour?
Many of the folk encountered in the Dreaming Spires are nothing
4. Kultimo Minudain (N young male human commoner)
more than students, minor members of staff and so on. A few,
studies at the Dreaming Spires so he might join his father in
however, are notable:
running the family business—the Minudain Rope Emporium.
Kultimo yet mourns the death of his older adventuring
• Master of Tomes (LN old male human wizard 3) oversees the
brother—Toliyrath Minudain—who perished under the ruined
Sequestered Hall. He manages (in a crotchety fashion) a small
village of Greystone. The youngster is dead set against
staff and cares little for anything happening beyond his small
adventuring and adventurers and is rude to such folk. The boy
empire. In truth, he resents letting anyone—including the
wears fi ne, if a little worn, clothes and has inherited the
students—into the Sequestered Hall.
family’s quick wittedness and intelligence.
• Mistress of the Spires (NG old female human wizard 6)
dedicated her life to the pursuit of knowledge. A powerful W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ?
wizard, she has not left the Dreaming Spires in years. In truth,
she is tired—exhausted—but a near-fanatical devotion to her Use this list, to determine what is going on when the characters
duty keeps her going. arrive. Remember, the characters’ actions may render some of the
entries moot.

1. Arguing Students: Two students stand about arguing about

the recent exploits of a minor adventuring band—the Three
Blades. If the characters are obviously adventurers, the
students ask them to settle a question about how to fi ght
wights. If the characters can settle the argument, they might
gain a friend (and perhaps an enemy).
2. The Mistress Comes: An old woman, the Mistress of the
Spires (see “Notable Folk”), totters toward the party. Aided by
two students carrying armfuls of books she is tired and in a
bad mood. She has little time for nagging adventurers and
imperiously orders them to step aside.
3. Lesson in Elven: The characters literally bump into a teacher
(Tahlys Firisond [LN female half-elf commoner) giving several
of her students an impromptu language lesson. Elven is the
language of Ashlar’s court and the students are attempting to
master the language’s basics. Any speaker of Elven can tell


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

the student’s command of the language is rudimentary. Tahlys characters to help him break into the Spires so he might steal
is in a foul mood, and does not take kindly to intrusions. some tender moments with his love.
4. Fight: The characters encounter two students fi ghting. Egged 2. In Debt and Desperate: The characters encounter the
on by their raucous classmates the two brawl over some disgraced Sampi Tonnanan (LN middle-aged male human
imagined slight. If the characters do not intervene, a teacher acolyte [Conn]) who now works as a scribe at the Dreaming
eventually arrives—drawn by the onlookers’ shouts. Spires. Laid low by drink and saddled with deep debts Sampi
is desperate for funds (and redemption). He’ll do research on
N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE the cheap for the characters or—maybe—even sneak a patron
into the Sequestered Hall for some nighttime research. For
Roll on this list, to determine what notable items or services are
Sampi, redemption is far off.
available for sale at the Dreaming Spires:
3. Book Merchant: An adventurer—Leena Ihalempi (N female
human mage)—has a small stock of books she want to sell to
1. Access to the Sequestered Hall (50 gp): A rare, unusual or
the Spires. If the characters ask to see what she is selling, she
otherwise notable book, scroll or map, or a gift of 50 gp gains
reveals a slew of titles include a copy of Vilimzair Aralivar: His
an outsider access to the Sequestered Hall for a day.
Amazing Life, Cults and their Doings and a fragmentary copy
2. Research Assistance (10 gp or more): Several of the
of Doom Among the Grey Spires.
school’s teachers—sages in their own right—will research
4. Quiet Whisperings: The characters hear the whisperings of
various matters for outsiders (or, more accurately, get their
two people meeting furtively. This could be nothing more
students to do it which means news of particularly interesting
than a hurried lovers’ assignation, two students gossiping
research subjects spreads quickly). Prices can range from 10
about classmates or something more sinister—perhaps the
gp for the answer to a relatively simple question to hundreds
planning for a theft, kidnapping or worse.
of gold pieces for harder to answer questions or more
extensive research. WHISPERS & RUMOURS
3. Gloamhold Map (50 gp): This map is neither comprehensive
nor original; instead, it is a composite map created from Characters chatting with folk at the Dreaming Spires may learn
hundreds of smaller maps. It shows—in broad strokes—the some or all of the rumours (which may or may not be true) below:
major areas of Gloamhold in a cross-section style. The map
comes with a waterproof waxed leather scroll case. 1. The Special Collection: The Dreaming Spire’s fabled library
4. Fine Supplies (various): This collection of fi ne, almost is a hard place to reach. However, there is another collection—
translucent paper and various inks and quills are of suffi cient the so-called Special Collection—which holds the kind of
quality to be used in the scribing of a spell scroll. books the general public should never be able to read. The
existence of the Special Collection has never been confi rmed
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S by the Master of Tomes, but is generally assumed to exist—
hidden somewhere in the Spire’s bowels.
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere.
2. A Lich: The Mistress of the Spires is unnaturally old. In fact,
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll
she isn’t alive and hasn’t been for some time. Some of her
once on this list, to determine which the characters find:
students whisper of strange sounds coming from her rooms
and of odd smells detected in the dead of night. She is, in
1. Help Me: Kanbrar Nuninrae (NE male half-elf spy)
fact, a lich.
approaches the characters. He has been hired to steal a
3. Secret Societies: Secret societies are a fact of life in Languard
certain book from the Sequestered Hall but knows he needs
—many of the capital’s nobles and elite belong to one. Most
help. He lies to the characters, spinning a tale of forbidden
recruit new members from the Dreaming Spire’s students.
love between himself and Eeva Laitnen—daughter of a
Deep cellars—abandoned or forgotten by the faculty—pierce
wealthy merchant studying in the Spires. He begs the
the bedrock of Alina’s Isle and several of these host secret
society meetings. Most such societies are nothing more than
RUNNING THIS EVENTURE glorifi ed drinking clubs; others might have more sinister
purposes and goals
4. Temple of the Archmage: The Dreaming Spires is built over
As an adventurer, the Dreaming Spires is the perfect place to an ancient subterranean star-shaped temple dedicated to
visit if you need to find some esoteric fact, consult a rare, old Morden (greater god of magic and knowledge). This nexus is
map or find someone who reads a certain language. particularly conducive to the casting of magic and is linked by
Additionally, the Spire’s Special Collection contains many a magic bridge of some sort to the Star Chamber—the temple
restricted, special and esoteric tomes not meant for public at the heart of the Black Tower which is home of the
reading—the kind of books adventurers normally need to read! Sagacious Matters of the Eldritch Nexus.
20 Things #42 Archives & Libraries is a handy resource to
employ while running this eventure. It presents five pages of
handy lists designed to breathe life into a library.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

When the characters arrive, they won’t be the only visitors at
Duranki's is location W1 on the City of Languard map. Duranki’s. Roll as many times as desired on this list to determine
who else is present:
For adventurers seeking to explore Gloamhold’s doom-drenched
halls one of the first problems to present itself is how to actually 1. Rister Kekko (N male human acolyte [Conn]) knows he has
get there. Sensible folk seek out one of the braver—or more made a terrible mistake wandering into the Wrecks, and has
desperate—boat owners in the Fishshambles. Adventurers with a made the mistake of stopping at Duranki’s to ask for
bad reputation—or who seek a sailor with no fear or few morals— directions. The slight, long-hair bookish man radiates fear and
often come to Duranki’s. latches onto the party at the slightest provocation.
The Duranki are a family of takolen who make a living ferrying 2. Kivutar Ilma (LN female human acolyte [Darlen]) believes
adventurers, explorers and smugglers to and from Gloamhold. anyone can be brought into Darlen’s light and has come to
Foul and coarse, they are not pleasant company. Ugly rumours the Wrecks to preach his message. Oblivious to her danger
also have them abandoning their charges to a terrible fate if she stands near the Duranki’s shouting loudly of the danger
circumstances warrant. of embracing evil. Three rough and swarthy Duranki watch
The family make their home on the remains of a once proud from their ramshackle home, waiting for the perfect
three-masted caravel—the Wave Dancer—which sunk under opportunity to kidnap her.
mysterious circumstances long ago. A huge hole pierces the 3. Niko Kulta (CE middle-aged male human veteran) rants at
waterline and the Duranki have expanded the breach to create a the Durankis—with whom he feuds over a long ago quarrel.
sheltered boathouse of sorts. Here—away from prying eyes—they Niko blames them for the loss of his fi shing boat and
moor their two skiffs. It is a tight squeeze and so the Duranki have livelihood and calls down all manner of dire curses on Ekur
removed many of the Wave Dancer’s internal walls (and much of and his kin. If Niko realises the characters are here to hire the
the lower decks). Duranki he does his best to dissuade them.
Almost a dozen Duranki—three generations of the family—dwell 4. Paavali Mielikki (N middle-aged male human mage) visits
in the part-sunken Wave Dancer and bury their dead in the bone- the Duranki in hopes of securing certain hard-to-fi nd spell
choked bilge. (Ekur, the family patriarch, plans to animate the components for his research. Paavali is wily and alert for
remains once his dark lord—Dagon—has granted him enough treachery and the Duranki are aware of the powers he
power to do so). commands. Thus, he will leave the Wrecks unscathed. Paavali
has a close-cropped black beard, pale blue eyes and a look of
N O TA B L E F O L K shrewd intelligence about him.
5. Matti Unaja (CN male human spy) plays a dangerous game.
All Duranki are skilled sailors, but Ekur or Ibi-Sin conduct most of
Blinded by the feelings of invincibility granted by youth and
the business with outsiders. Notable family members include:
lack of experience he has come to the Wrecks in hopes of
pocket-picking and an opportunistic burglary or two. Matti
• Ekur Duranki (CE middle-aged male human cult fanatic) has
plays the part of a warrior well—carrying a well-worn rapier
given himself wholly over to Dagon’s worship. He enjoys
and wearing a fi ne chain shirt—but in a combat he’ll be
pushing heavily laden adventurers overboard in the middle of
quickly outmatched.
Hard Bay, as a sacrifi ce to his dark lord.
6. Maarit Duranki (CE female human priest [Dagon]) devotes
• Ibi-Sin Duranki (NE male human bandit captain) radiates
herself to the Shadow in the Sea. Thoroughly depraved, she
barely-restrained violence. He is an evil man, but not a patch
sees the party as nothing more than offerings to her fell
on his father. Driven by normal lusts—principally gold and
patron. She immediately begins plotting against the party,
women—he is simple, but capable of breath-taking violence
while trying to ingratiate herself with her victims.
(when certain he’ll triumph).

The Durankis—like all takolen—covet gold. The characters must
offer at least one gold coin to secure their services. Offering
The Durankis—as all takolen in Languard—have a foul reputation. gold to a Duranki is, though, a double-edged sword. The
This mini-eventure is a great way to introduce the takolen to the Duranki are not stupid. Any adventurer trying to secure their
characters. In particular, their veneration of Dagon could services either has nowhere else to turn or is dangerously naive.
become a long-standing plot thread for your campaign. Thus, the Duranki always drive a hard bargain for their services.
Alternatively, characters with a bad reputation, or those who Inexperienced adventurers offering gold to the Duranki are in
often “lose” their hirelings, may be forced to hire a takolen to sail an even more perilous position as they are tempting targets for
them across Hard Bay to Gloamhold’s doom-drenched halls. Ekur Duranki’s impromptu mid-bay sacrifices to his patron.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ? a good thing—but that even Ekur is uninterested in sailing to
Gloamhold. Only a payment of 5 gp or more, gets him to
Use this list, to determine what is going on when the characters grudgingly set sail.
arrive. Remember, the characters’ actions may render some of the 3. Floating Corpse: Death on Languard’s waterfront is a
entries moot. common affair. Ignored by all, a fi sh-pecked corpse bobs in
the water close to the Wave Dancer’s wreck. Adventurers
1. Missing Adventurers: Lyydia Tuntia (N female human fi shing the corpse from the foul water discover the bloated
veteran) shouts loudly at Ib-Sin Duranki, as the characters man suffered horrendous stab wounds. The corpse has been
arrive. She demands to know what happened to her friends in the water for several days and is in a terrible state.
who he conveyed to Gloamhold last week. Ib-Sin denies all 4. Skiffs Out: Both of the family’s skiffs are out when he
knowledge of the adventurers, but a perceptive characters characters arrive. A bad-tempered old woman (Suva Duranki
can easily see through his disdainful, half-hearted [NE old female human spy]) tells the characters to come back
protestations of ignorance. tomorrow. She is vague on if a skiff will be available then and
2. All Quiet: When the characters arrive at Duranki’s, it is tries to take a bribe to “reserve” one.
seemingly deserted. The family have gathered in the wreck’s
bowels to commune with their lord in a foul ceremony which WHISPERS & RUMOURS
involves drowning several unfortunates who have fallen into
their clutches. They do not take kindly to interruptions. Characters chatting with folk at Duranki’s may learn some or all of
3. A Game of Chance: Several takolen sit on deck playing a the rumours (which may or may not be true) below:
variant game of Dragon and the Thief. Their version uses the
same rules, but is called Paladin and the Demon. Their game 1. The neophyte adventuring party, The Men of the Purple, hired
board has some disturbing imagery involving tentacles and a the Durankis to convey them to Gloamhold last week. The
sunken, cyclopean city. The players welcome naive visitors to adventurers never returned, but their Duranki sailor did. The
join them for “a round or two”. group are thought to be be yet more casualties of
4. Returning Duranki: Ib-Sin Duranki is returning home when Gloamhold’s doom-drenched halls.
the characters arrive. They see him expertly piloting his skiff 2. The takolen of the Wrecks are as foul as their fetid river-side
into the Wave Dancer's shattered hold. If the characters shout home. The Duranki are some of the worst of the bunch, and
a welcome, he ignores them. should not be trusted. They admit no outsiders to their home
and no one knows what really goes on in the wreck’s bowels.
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S 3. Much not available in the wider city is available in the Wrecks.
If you have the coin, the takolen will satisfy any desire no
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere. matter how depraved, illegal or forbidden. The buyer should
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll beware, however, as the takolen are renown for their
once on this list, to determine which the characters find: treachery and duplicity.
4. Even the Shadow Masks do not work in the Wrecks. For one
1. Mistaken Identities: Ekur mistakes the characters for another thing, little of value is to be found in the vile, redolent place.
band of adventurers rumoured to have returned from For another, the takolen take a dim view of those encroaching
Gloamhold with considerable treasure. He covets the treasure on their territory; more than a few thieves have disappeared
and is eager to gain their trust. He offers to sail them across while working in the Wrecks.
the bay for a discounted rate.
2. Horrendous Weather: Heavy rain lashes Languard, driving
most right-minded folk indoors. The weather means the
characters encounter fewer of the foul takolen in the Wrecks—


The takolen are obviously of different racial stock to the majority

of Ashlar’s human population. Most ordinary people see the
takolen as a debased, lesser—or perhaps even aberrant—strain of
humanity. With grey or dark blue eyes and dark brown, jet black
or occasionally red hair a profusion of wild, unkempt body hair
marks them as a strange folk. Most make their living on or near
the water and thus possess a fisherman’s wiry build, strength
and stamina. Most takolen live in—or on the brink of—poverty,
and all have an eye for a quick profit no matter the
consequences to others.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

ETERNAL The characters are not the only folk at the Fane of the Waves
Eternal. Use this list, to generate details of other interesting
Overlooking the Svart's estuary, the Fane of the Waves Eternal is people the characters meet while visiting the temple:
dedicated to the Mistress of Storms (Serat, CN goddess of the sea,
Storms and Voyages). Here, her worshippers bathe in the daily 5. Aatami Laso (CN middle-aged male human guard) needs
high tides and give thanks for the sea's unending bounty. money desperately and hires himself and his fi shing boat out
The Fane encompasses a thin spit of land riddled with sea for 1 gp a day. If asked, he explains one of his six children is ill
caves and the like jutting into the Svart’s estuary. Above ground, and he needs the money to pay for an apothecary. Characters
the clergy maintain a lighthouse and the other facilities one would healing the child gain Aatami's thanks and loyalty.
expect in a temple. In the largest of the sea caves, the faithful have 6. Brusi Lalli (CE male human cultist) poses as a humble
several small subterranean docks exclusively for use by the fi sherman, but is a cultist of Dagon. He searches for a
temple’s flotilla of vessels. Smaller sea caves feature cleverly sacrifi ce to prove his loyalty to his fell master, and if hired by
designed tidal pools for worshippers to bathe in while venerating the characters leads them into an ambush. He is dark-haired,
their mistress. muscular and has a dour personality, although he tries—badly
—to ingratiate himself with the characters.
N O TA B L E F O L K 7. Martta Toiva (CN female human acolyte [Serat]) craves
adventure and dreams of visiting Serat's ruined shrine in
Scores of folk live, work at or visit the Fane of the Waves Eternal on Greystone. She offers to join the characters’ party and if
a daily basis. Some such folk are noteworthy: accepted immediately tries to talk them into visiting
Greystone. Martta is tall, slender and has close-cropped
• Taneli Eronen (N male old human druid 9) serves as Serat’s brown hair. She loves swimming, and can hold her breath for
Stormlord in Ashlar. He is a reclusive fi gure rarely seen an uncommonly long time.
beyond the fane's bounds. Now old and wizened, he yet 8. Eljas Raita (N male human bandit captain) visits the shrine to
leads daily services. Protective of his fl ock, he is growing gain the Mistress of Storm’s blessing for his next voyage. Eljas
increasingly worried about rumours of Dagon worship is a smuggler based in Rivengate’s lower levels with a
reaching his ears. His mistress is opposed to Dagon and his valuable cargo to move south—facts he neglects to mention.
fell worshippers, and he works subtly behind the scenes to He is bulky, black-haired and gruff. He avoids adventurers.
thwart and stymie their growing infl uence. 9. Venla Nousia (CN female human commoner) weeps openly.
• Anafa Wildthorn (N female half-elf druid 7) feels most alive Her fi sherman husband and eldest son disappeared three
when sailing the ocean waves or exploring its depths in days ago after setting out on the morning tide. She is
animal form. She is a capricious, wild soul who was called to desperate for news. Have the characters seen them?
the ocean from an early age. Increasingly drawn to Hard Bay’s 10. Filpus Vihas (N old male human commoner) staggers about
dangerous waters, she has started visiting several of the the place drunk. An ex-fi sherman, he hate the sea and Serat’s
islands therein. If she spots the characters in Hard Bay she capricious and uncaring nature.
might follow them in animal or fi sh form. She could even
come to their aid if they are overmatched by Hard Bay’s
monstrous denizens, roving pirates or violent weather. S E R AT

CN greater goddess of the sea, storms and voyages

Epithets: Mistress of Storms, the Uncaring

Symbol: A cresting wave
Raiment: Green and grey robes
Worshippers: Explorers, merchants and sailors
Teachings: The sea and its mistress are eternal. Its waves bring
life, but also death. All bounty fl ows from the sea, and all
must return whence it came.

As wild and unpredictable as the sea, sailors, merchants and

pirates alike placate Serat with glittering gifts to guarantee a
safe voyage. Some believe Serat is the physical embodiment of
the sea. Others believe she dwells in a glittering, crystal city far
beneath the waves. During services, offerings are cast into the
sea. Her priests are often shipwrights, navigators or sea captains.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE 2. A destitute fisherman (Hannu Kuura) visits the fane at the
same time as the characters. Desperate for money, he offers
It is not uncommon for the clergy to have items of particular to sail the characters across Hard Bay to Gloamhold.
interest to adventurers for sale. Roll on the list below, to determine 3. Brusi Lalli (see “Other Folk at the Fane”) poses as a fisherman,
what notable items are available: but is actually a member of the cult of Dagon centred on the
Wrecks. He is at the fane in hopes of hiring himself to a group
1. Fishing Boat (50 gp): Battered, but serviceable, this small of neophyte adventurers ripe for sacrifice to Dagon’s glory.
boat needs another 20 gp spent on it to make it seaworthy. 4. The characters arrive at the fane during a service, and most of
2. Ornate Compass (100 gp): This large brass compass is the the worshippers and clergy are below in the sacred pools.
sort of thing attached to a ship. Its arrow is shaped like a The temple feels eerily deserted, but perceptive characters
lightning bolt and it is enchanted to glow with the same hear the sounds of singing coming from below.
radiance as a candle. 5. The characters arrive just before a service is beginning and
3. Storm Symbol (100 gp): Cast from gold and with its details are invited to attend. If they do so, several of the clergy make
picked out with tiny pearls this palm-sized holy symbol is a unsubtle comments about donations before they will discuss
beautiful, glimmering object. the party’s business.
4. Coral Torc (200 gp): Found by an adventurer on one of Hard 6. The characters encounter Anafa Wildthorn (see “Notable
Bay’s many deserted, rocky isles this delicate torc cut from a Folk”). If she learns they are adventurers she keeps an eye out
chunk of coral was clearly never designed to fi t a human’s for them, and might even take an interest in their “careers”.
head. It is a beautiful, but disturbing, object. Anafa is friendly, and could be a valuable source of
5. +1 Trident (500 gp): Forged from rust-resistant steel this information about the many small islands dotting Hard Bay’s
slender supremely well-balanced weapon was forged by an storm-wracked waters.
elven weaponsmith long ago. Beautiful etchings depicting a
fantastical underground city decorate the weapon’s haft. WHISPERS & RUMOURS
6. Ring of Water Walking (500 gp): This copper band,
wrought in the form of intertwined leaping dolphins, is only The priests at the fane are not immune to the insidious tug of a
offered to obviously wealthy guests to the fane. When good rumour. Characters chatting with folk at the fane may learn
brought into contact with saltwater the ring glimmers and the some or all of the rumours (which may or may not be true) below:
dolphins seem to jump and writhe around the wearer’s fi nger.
1. If you are struggling to find a sailor brave enough to take you
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S to Gloamhold—and crucially wait for you to return from your
foray—you should visit the Fane of the Waves Eternal to find
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere. such a redoubtable soul.
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll 2. Caves riddle the cliffs below the Fane of the Waves Eternal.
once on this list, to determine which the characters find: Some of the deeper caves are sealed off; what secret or
horrors are the faithful hiding?
1. Character worshippers of Serat come to Taneli’s notice after a 3. Taneli Eronen (see “Notable Folk”) is old and near death—
few successful forays into Gloamhold's depths. Tales of that’s why he is so rarely seen outside the fane.
battles against Dagon's cultists automatically pique his 4. The faithful once maintained a shrine in Greystone but it fell
interest, and he seeks the characters out. Such a powerful ally into disuse when the village was abandoned. Some old
could be of great use to the characters. mariners remember tales of the shrine being built over the
ruins of something far older.
5. Strange shapes have been seen in the water near the fane,
and some fishermen have reported a strangely inquisitive and
playful dolphin following their boats.
Visiting the Fane of the Waves Eternal can be nothing more than 6. The storms this winter will be much worse than normal unless
an interlude between adventures, the venue for the characters the Mistress of Storms receives more offerings. Her
to find a skilled healer, wise priest or even the unlikely place to priesthood have been haranguing merchants and fishermen
meet a patron or new party member. The characters may even alike in search of such placatory gifts.
come to the temple in search of healing, advice or some other
form of aid. Some adventurers may visit to hire a brave
fisherman or other worshipper of Serat to carry them across the
bay to Gloamhold’s benighted depths.
You can either plan events ahead of time or just “wing” the
whole mini-eventure using the tables herein to facilitate play.
(These tables could form the basis of repeated visits to the Great The Fane of the Waves Eternal is location T1 on the City of
Forge as long as you keep track of what results the characters Languard map, but is easily added to almost any fantasy coastal
have already experienced). town or city.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

V I S I T I N G T H E F AT H E R ' S H A L L • Teuvo Eskola (LN middle-aged male human cleric 6)
obsesses over the rule of law as proscribed in Law and Duty.
One of Conn’s Arbiters, Tuevo is a stern, rigid fellow. A
The Father's Hall is location T2 on the City of Languard map. traditionalist, he often clashes with the more liberal Nuluani
Sehiater over punishments for wrongdoers.
The most impressive of Languard’s landmarks, the Father’s Hall is
an immense structure—perhaps the largest in all Ashlar. Standing O T H E R V I S I TO R S
70-foot tall the cathedral dwarfs the finely appointed townhouses
of the wealthy and the various other places of worship scattered When the characters arrive, they will not be the only visitors
throughout the city. present at the Father's Hall. Roll as many times as desired on this
Dedicated to Conn (LN god of community, family and list to determine who else is present:
rulership) the cathedral serves not only as a place of worship but
also as a law court. Here, the Lawgiver’s priests sit in judgement 1. Eeva Rahikka (CN female human spy) wanders the cathedral
upon those accused of both major and minor transgressions with an eye out for easily portable, unattended goods. She’s
against the duchy’s laws. also not above a spot of light pick pocketing, if an easy
With an impressive stepped entrance dominated by carved opportunity presents itself. Dressed as an ordinary
statues of Conn in his various guises, the cathedral comprises four townswoman Eeva tries to blend in as much as possible.
separate law courts arrayed around a central, cavernous hall of 2. Martti Kainu (NE male human veteran) hates Nuluani
worship. It stands in the middle of a walled compound containing Sehiateir because she refused to heal his friend’s disease
an almshouse, a prison for those awaiting trial, housing for its without payment or contribution to the church. His friend
priests, staff and visiting pilgrims, and so on. Beneath it, extensive subsequently died, and Martti is out for revenge; fi rst, he
catacombs pierce the earth. Their full extent is unknown to all but plans to ruin Nuluani’s reputation before kidnapping and
the priests who tend them but is nevertheless a matter of murdering her. With this in mind, he approaches the party
conjecture—not least among Languard’s thieves who idly wonder and tells outrageous lies about the priestess.
what burial goods may lie interred within. 3. Saara Aikio (LN female human commoner) grieves for her
dead two-year-old son. She sobs and loudly beseeches Conn
N O TA B L E F O L K to tell her why her son had to die. A once ardent follower of
Conn her faith has been shaken to its core. As the characters
Hundreds of folk live, work at and visit the Father’s Hall, on a daily draw near she breaks down in tears and begs for answers
basis. Most are nothing more than ordinary folk—townsfolk, from a nearby priest—who can only mutter platitudes.
labourers and so on. Scores of minor priests also dwell within. 4. Risto Himottu (N male human commoner) desires to serve
Some folk, however, are particularly noteworthy: Conn as one of his clerics, but is too lazy to really apply
himself to the task. He wants an easy life, but without the
• High Priestess Hannele Auvuenen (LN middle-aged female necessary study, devotion and hard work. Risto has a nasally,
human cleric 9) leads Ashlar’s faithful. The ultimate arbiter of whining voice and latches onto a character. Does the hero
Conn’s wisdom throughout Ashlar, Hannele is arguably the need a servant or seneschal to watch over their property
second most powerful individual in the duchy. She is reputed while they are away on adventures?
to be able to recall the worthy from Death’s domain.
• Nuluani Sehiateir (LN female half-elf cleric 6) has seen much
and believes she would make an excellent replacement for
Hannele when the time comes. To this end, she has forged a CONN
network of alliances within the clergy and is politically
infl uential both in the cathedral and the surrounding city. A
LN greater god of community, family and rulership
skilled communicator and orator she is one of the most well-
known of the Hall’s clergy. Approaching middle-age, she has
Epithets: The Father, the Lawgiver
dwelled in the Father’s Hall for almost 40 years.
Symbol: Two hands clasped in a handshake
Raiment: White robes with two clasped hands sigil
Worshippers: Nobles and peasants
Teachings: Order brings prosperity, safety and happiness. The
family is the most important unit of society; its protection is
the most sacred duty.

Conn is the god of law and order. His teachings bind the people
of Ashlar together and his clergy are the most powerful in the
duchy. Conn’s clergy serve as judges who oversee Ashlar’s law
courts, and, thus, they are widely reviled by naer-do-wells,
thieves and assassins alike.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N ? 3. Wand of Magic Detection (500 gp): This slender oak wand
is sized for a human-sized wielder. Tipped with silver and
Use this list, to determine what is going on when the characters decorated with esoteric script the wand has been newly
arrive. Remember, the characters’ actions may render some of the recharged by a member of the clergy.
entries moot. 4. Ruby and Emerald Ring (500 gp): Although it is
nonmagical, this boxy ring is so beautifully made and its
1. Worship: The characters arrive during service; the cathedral materials so perfect and free of fl aws it could be enchanted
is packed, and no priests of note are available to speak with by an appropriately powerful spellcaster.
the party. The heroes must be patient and wait for an hour
before the service concludes. O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S
2. Funeral: A funeral is in progress. Mourners gather around the
altar where a priest is eulogising the deceased. Inappropriate Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere.
intrusions will not be looked on kindly. After the ceremony, Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll
the body is carried to the catacombs; characters wishing to once on this list, to determine which the characters find:
explore the tunnels could attach themselves to the mourners.
3. Court is in Session: Nuluani Sehiateir is overseeing court 1. The High Priestess Abroad: A middle-aged woman—Hannele
proceedings for a score or so of criminals. The proceedings Auvuenen—walks slowly through the cathedral. Three
are long and boring; most of the criminals are found guilty. offi cious acolytes fl ank the high priestess to keep penitents—
(Alternatively, one of the prisoners attempts to escape; if the such as pesky adventurers—at bay.
characters intervene, they might make a good impression 2. Fallen Warrior: A burly warrior bursts into the cathedral
with Nuluani). bearing the body of a fallen companion. The man—Kauko
4. Empty: Only a few worshippers engaged in private prayer or Miemo (NG male human veteran)—loudly demands to see
quiet conversion are present in the cathedral. Several priests Hannele Auvuenen, and disrupts whatever event is going on.
hover nearby to answer questions or accept donations. 3. An Argument Break Out: Two priests—Tuevo Eskola and a
Meanwhile, a mad man—dressed as a beggar—stands on the rival—stand on the cathedral steps loudly arguing about a
cathedral steps ranting about “the demon in the water” and dense and confused legal precedent laid down in Law and
Languard’s imminent doom. A priest tries to shut him up, but Duty. For the uninitiated the discussion might as well be in a
this just encourages the man to keep screaming his dire (and foreign language.
colourful) predictions. 4. Hard-up Adventurer: Aapro Vaino (LG male human knight)
needs funds to remove an embarrassing curse affl icting his
N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE nether region. He offers to sell a character his +1 greatsword
for 500 gp.
Roll on this list, to determine what notable items or services are
available for sale at the Father's Hall: WHISPERS & RUMOURS
1. Law and Duty (100 gp): This heavy and oversized copy of Characters chatting with folk at the Father's Hall may learn some
the Lawgiver’s holy book features beautiful illuminations on or all of the rumours (which may or may not be true) below:
the inner pages and a blessing from Hannele Auvuenen on
the inside cover. The book weighs 20 lbs., and would make an 1. High Priestess Hannele Auvuenen is so powerful she can
excellent gift for a believer, sage or other learned person. return the dead to life! She finds few worthy of this honour,
2. Clasped Hands Symbol (150 gp): This symbol wrought of though, and an adventurer must be extremely persuasive, rich
white gold has a prayer to Conn etched on its rear in or influential to secure such a miracle for a fallen friend.
beautiful, fl owing script. The symbol hangs on a silver chain. 2. Rumours of smashed caskets and of missing grave goods in
On command, the symbol glows with a soft unwavering the catacombs below the cathedral are hotly denied by the
radiance equal to that of a candle. This effect is equivalent to clergy. Irrespective of their protestations many folk fear a fell
a 1st-level spell. influence has fallen over the Father’s Hall.
3. Nuluani Sehiateir is popular with her fellow clergy and with
Conn’s adherents in the city. Many expect her to replace High
RUNNING THIS EVENTURE Priestess Hannele Auvuenen when she dies. As a half-elf, she
could hold the position for a century or more!
4. Not all the Lawgiver’s clergy are righteous. If you make the
Visiting the Father’s Hall can be nothing more than an interlude
right overtures you can secure a lighter sentence for a loved
between adventures, the venue for the characters to find a
one accused of a crime or even get a private tour of the
skilled healer, wise priest or even the unlikely place to meet a
catacombs beneath the cathedral.
patron or new party member. The characters may also come to
the temple in hopes of returning a fallen comrade to life as High
Priestess Hannele Auvuenen is one of the few priests in Ashlar
powerful enough to perform such a feat.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

The characters are not the only folk at the Great Forge. Use this
The centre of Abarin’s faith in Ashlar, the Great Forge is a buzzing list, to generate details of other interesting people the characters
hive of industry and commerce. Here, the Great Craftsman’s meet while visiting the temple:
faithful—reputedly the most skilled craftsmen and women in Ashlar
—work at their forges or toil over their workbenches in search of 1. Sirja Antero (NG female human mage) has recovered the
new creations and inventions. While most such folk have a shop or twisted remnant of a small orrery on her most recent
workplace in the city, they congregate here to share news, stories adventure. She staggers into the church with the object in a
and new techniques. wheelbarrow, as the characters arrive. Chatty, she strikes up a
The clamour arising from the Great Forge and clouds of smoke conversation with the characters and mentions Janaela
often belching into the air make the residences near the church Vonothvar’s interest (or perhaps obsession) in such objects.
less salubrious and desirable than other locations on the Svart’s 2. Henrikki Joukahainen (N middle-aged male half-elf mage)
northern bank. seeks aid in crafting a particularly intricate lockbox suitable
An extensive network of underground storerooms lies beneath for accepting a series of protective enchantments. He is tired,
the temple. Here are stored not just the mundane engines of annoyed and getting fed up waiting to see the renowned
industry—charcoal, wood, coal and so on—but also more esoteric silversmith Kaapro Mielenpito.
and valuable materials including—it is rumoured—small stocks of 3. Kaapro Mielenpito (LN old male human commoner)
mithral and adamantine which high priest Heimo Karppanen wanders the temple grounds in search of fresh air and a clear
sometimes make available to particularly devout worshippers. head. Absentminded, Kaapro suffers from inhaling the many
Fiendish mechanical traps and merciless clockwork guardians chemicals he uses in his daily work. Nevertheless, he is still
protect the restricted areas (or so it is said). (probably) the best silversmith in the city and his time is much
sought after by the great and the good.
N O TA B L E F O L K 4. Lalli Susi (NE male human spy) needs money to pay off a
debt long overdue. He has come here to fi nd an easy mark. If
Scores of folk live, work at or visit the Great Forge on a daily basis.
one of the characters seems distracted or physically weak he
Some folk at the Great Forge, however, are particularly
follows that individual in hopes of pulling off a quick con or—if
the opportunity presents itself—a swift mugging.
5. Thoric Thergak (LN female dwarf veteran) has heard of the
• High Priest Heimo Karppanen (N male human cleric 6)
new human invention of guns and is intensely curious. Clearly,
enjoys great renown as a skilled weaponsmith and armourer.
the humans have stumbled onto something but dwarven skill
He is also fascinated with crafting elaborate clocks. Examples
is required to perfect this new invention. All Thoric needs is a
of his work adorn several nobles’ homes and other notable
wealthy patron, well-stocked workshop and two or three years
buildings such as the Dreaming Spires. His work is expensive,
to make the best guns in the land.
but sought after; consequently, there is a long waiting list for
6. Rauna Kare (N female human acolyte) works in the temple as
his services.
—in her mind—a glorifi ed receptionist. She meets and greets
• Janaela Vonothvar (LN female half-elf priest) obsesses over
new visitors and directs them to the relevant artisan or priest.
the movement of the planets and the effects they have on the
She knows everyone, and is a useful contact.
world. She has constructed a giant orrery in her workshop,
and is pale skinned from long hours spent toiling over her
mechanism—she only emerges to speak with other learned
folk or to visit the Dreaming Spires’s library. ARABIN

N greater god of industry and artifice

Epithets: The Creator, the Great Craftsman

Symbol: A convoluted mass of cogs and gears
Favoured Weapon: Warhammer
Raiment: Full-length leather apron
Worshippers: Blacksmiths, crafters, engineers and inventors
Teachings: The Great Creator created everything. To build and
invent is to praise him. Strive to better what already exists.

Abarin’s faithful are crafters, inventors and the like. Abarin’s

temples contain many complicated devices such as water clocks
and even primitive firearms. Mechanical or clockwork guardians
often protect Arabin’s temples.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE 2. The temple is busy—once a month the master crafters
showcase their works for prospective clients. Acolytes are on
It is not uncommon for the clergy to have items of particular hand to guide visitors to the relevant stalls.
interest to adventurers for sale. Roll on the list below, to determine 3. The temple is in an uproar; a valuable silver vase has been
what notable items are available: stolen from Kaapro Mielenpito’s (see “Notable Folk”
workshop. Only devotees of the Great Craftsman are currently
1. Beautifully Wrought Warhammer (320 gp): Intricate being admitted to the temple.
etchings of writhing fl ames decorate the head and haft of this 4. High Priest Heimo Karppanen (see “Notable Folk”) is enjoying
weapon. It is so well crafted, it could be enchanted. a spirited public discussion about clocks. Getting involved in
2. Curious Steel Shield (190 gp): This heavy steel shield is of the conversation is a great way to make his acquaintance.
experimental design. Twice as thick and heavy as normal, the 5. Lalli Susi (see “Other Notable Folk at the Temple”) decides
shield has a button on the back. Pushing the button causes a one of the characters is an easy mark.
fi eld of short spikes to jut from the front of the shield. 6. The characters arrive as several of the clergy are
3. Sundial (600 gp): This wrought iron sundial is set atop a demonstrating their new invention—a gun.
beautifully polished marble pedestal. The item’s dial features
an impressively detailed etched map of Ashlar while its WHISPERS & RUMOURS
gnomon is an ornate cog.
4. Clockwork Bird (1,500 gp): This child’s toy depicts an The priests and crafters at the Great Forge are not immune to the
intricate, laboriously painted parrot. The thing is so well insidious tug of a good rumour. Characters chatting with folk at
crafted it could be enchanted—and perhaps even gifted with the temple may learn some or all of the rumours (which may or
some semblance of sentience by a skilled enough wizard. may not be true) below:
5. Blessed Manual of Creation (120 gp): Bound in stout
leather, and protected by four slender metal clasps, this thick 1. The Great Forge has a small supply of magic weapons for
book is fi lled with long treatises on various different trades. sale. If adventurers face monsters immune to normal
This is the blessed book of Abarin’s faith, and no two are the weapons, they should make their case to the Great
same as their owners leave annotations and the like within. Craftsman’s clergy. Often, Heimo Karppanen will lend such a
6. Gem Assaying and Cutting Kit (150 gp): Rolled up in a weapon to an adventurer—in return for a favour.
supple leather pouch this kit has everything an adventurer 2. The clergy are working on a new type of weapon. Called
could need to aid them in valuing, polishing and cutting the “guns” these weapons spit fire and shoot small balls at their
gemstones they fi nd. targets. They are also perfecting larger weapons—cannons—
designed to shatter castle walls and sink enemy ships.
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S 3. The temple took delivery of a small quantity of adamantine
last month, and have securely secured the metal in their
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere. heavily guarded storage vault. Only the most puissant and
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll devout crafters can work with such a fabulously rare metal—
once on this list, to determine which the characters find: and only for the wealthiest clients.
4. The Great Forge has suffered a spate of thefts recently and
1. The temple faithful require a small quantity of mithral for a the clergy are taking extra steps to ensure the temple’s
special work. A character supplying the metal will receive sanctity. Woe betide anyone caught acting suspiciously in the
preferential treatment, in return. temple’s precincts.
5. Last month, one of the Great Forge’s clockwork guardians
RUNNING THIS EVENTURE malfunctioned and went berserk, killing several visitors of the
temple. The event has been hushed up—no one knows what
went wrong.
Visiting the Great Forge can be nothing more than an interlude 6. Janaela Vonothvar (see “Notable Folk”) is obsessed with the
between adventures, the venue for the characters to find a movement of the planets and their effects on powerful
skilled healer, wise priest or even the unlikely place to meet a magics and the like woven at propitious times. Why she is so
patron or new party member. The characters may even come to obsessed is unknown.
the temple in search of healing, advice or some other form of
aid. Some adventurers may come here to purchase the latest
technological marvel or beautiful object they need to complete
the construction of a magic item.
You can either plan events ahead of time or just “wing” the
whole mini-eventure using the tables herein to facilitate play.
(These tables could form the basis of repeated visits to the Great The Great Forge is location T3 on the City of Languard map, but
Forge as long as you keep track of what results the characters is easily added to almost any fantasy town or city as the temple
have already experienced). or shrine of a good-aligned crusader god.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

The characters are not the only folk at Watcher’s Spire. Use this list,
The home of Darlen’s faithful in Languard, the Watcher’s Spire— to generate details of other interesting people the characters
also known as Champion’s Abbey—is a heavily fortified temple meet while visiting the temple:
complex in the north of the city. Girded with 20 ft. walls—and part
of Languard’s city wall in places—it is an integral part of the city’s 1. Eerik Ilmarinen (LG male human priest) industriously
defences. Here dwell Darlen’s militaristic followers, in a perpetual brushes the fl oor and is impressively unaware of his
state of readiness. surroundings—meaning he could easily bump into, or knock
The complex’s main feature is a stout, massively fortified over, a visitor. Eerik is kind, strong and devout, but has a
donjon upon which stands a slender watch tower fully 50 ft. high. reputation as a bit of a dreamer.
From its battlemented roof, sentinels keep watch over Languard’s 2. Serafia Kare (NG female human veteran) waits to speak with
western seaward approaches. Irina Vitikka (see “Notable Folk”) about joining her rumoured
Much smaller than Father’s Hall, the relative size of the two expedition. Serafi a has been waiting for hours, and is getting
compounds speaks volumes as to the two sects’ political power bored; even worse, her wineskin is almost empty.
and influence. While Darlen’s faithful are ever-watchful against 3. Kosti Lemmäs (LG male human priest) hates dealing with
evil’s rise, they have little influence over the commoners' day-to- visiting adventurers as he (ironically) fi nds them arrogant and
day life, many of whom see them as an irrelevance. opinionated. While he does his best to be civil, perceptive
characters notice his boredom and frustration.
N O TA B L E F O L K 4. Reko Arpia (CN male human spy) needs coin, and has come
here to steal or swindle it. Dressed like a priest he tries to
Many of the folk found at the Watcher’s Spire are essentially
swindle coin from the characters. If they, or an actual member
normal people. A few, however, are notable:
of the clergy, rumbles Reko's scheme, he fl ees.
5. Santeri Tapatora (N middle-aged male human spy) begs at
• Irina Vitikka (LG female human paladin 5) knows the duchy
the temple gate for alms. Scrawny and be-stubbled he wears
well and is particularly well travelled. A rising star among the
ragged, ill-fi tting clothes and has an air of desperation. He
Darlenites, Irina is widely acknowledged as one of Darlen’s
may be nothing more than a beggar or be could be a spy
greatest champions of recent years. Recently returned to
here to watch over the temple and its doings.
Watcher’s Spire from Tor Abbey she spends much time at
6. Venla Urho (CG female human mage) loudly curses the
prayer waiting for a sign from her divine patron.
rigidity of the Darlenites. She needs aid for a badly injured
• Lady Protector Varma Nikkonen (LG middle-aged female
friend, but is frustrated with the clergy’s slow response. She
human paladin 5/cleric 3) chafes at the common folk’s
seeks the characters’ loud agreement that “something should
opinion of the order and yearns for some great battle or test
be done—and quickly.”
to prove her followers’ worth. Now grey around the temples,
Varma is still a formidable warrior and a skilled diplomat
beloved by the common folk (even if her order is not).
All too aware of the lurking aura of evil pervading Gloamhold’s
halls the faithful keep a particular eye on adventurers frequently LG greater god of law, order, justice and the sun
plumbing its depths. Church agents may question the adventurers
on their return and even preach to them to keep them safe from Epithets: The Justiciar, the Shining Light, the Noble One
Gloamhold’s encroaching darkness. Symbol: The rising sun
Favoured Weapon: Longsword
Raiment: Voluminous, white cowled habits; unless expecting
battle, clerics do not wear armour
Worshippers: Nobles, paladins and warriors; enemies of Braal
Teachings: The strong must protect the weak. Those with great
abilities or aptitudes must use their gifts for the betterment
of their fellows. The faithful must be ever vigilant for evil’s
rise, but must show mercy when dealing with its tools.

The holy warriors of the Order of the Watch Eternal stand

between Ashlar and the darkness pressing in on all sides. Its
members are heroes and protectors of the common-folk. Some
of their number delve into Gloamhold’s sinister, benighted
depths while others patrol the duchy’s bounds or strike out into
the surrounding wilderlands.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

N O TA B L E T H I N G S FOR SALE 2. As the party explain their reason for visiting the temple to a
young acolyte, they pique the interest of Lady Protector
It is not uncommon for the clergy to have items of particular Nikkonen (see “Notable Folk”) who stops as she passes by to
interest to adventurers for sale. Roll on the list below, to determine see what they want at the temple.
what notable items are available: 3. An important religious service is in progress when the
characters arrive, and they must wait until it is over to pursue
1. +1 Silver Dagger (550 gp): Set with a black onyx in its their goal. How they act during the service (if they wait) will
pommel this dagger comes with a black sheath decorated determine how the clergy treats them.
with silver and gold stitching in the shape of a rising sun. The 4. The clamour of swordplay rises from the courtyard; there, two
dagger is obviously of olden construct, but the scabbard is neophyte paladins spar. If they spot a capable-looking
newly made. warrior, the paladins invite them to fight a practise round.
2. Oversized Holy Water (50 gp): Twice the normal size these 5. A group of adventurers has just donated a magic item to the
fl asks of holy water are designed to crack open when thrown. clergy in return for some favour or service. Roll once more on
The temple have fi ve such fl asks. “Notable Things for Sale”.
3. Silver and Gold Holy Symbol (200 gp): This beautiful object 6. The characters encounter Irina Vitikka (see “Notable Folk”)
is obviously a work of art. The blazing sun symbol is overly instructing a hopelessly inept acolyte in Darlen’s ways.
large and can be mounted on a battle standard or displayed
on a wall. It has a secret compartment, and within lies the WHISPERS & RUMOURS
fi nger bone of a minor saint—Saint Eeva Kalpio also known as
the Blessed Maid of Battle. The priests, paladins and other adherents at the Watcher’s Spire
4. Gilded Plate Mail (1,600 gp): Sized for a halfl ing or gnome, are not immune to the insidious tug of a good rumour. Characters
this armour is no good to the clergy. If the buyer does not chatting with folk at the temple may learn some or all of the
haggle, the order’s armourer will fi t it for free. rumours (which may or may not be true) below:
5. Scripture of Law (50 gp): This ponderous tome features
beautiful illuminations and presents teaching, stories and 1. Darlen’s faithful are ever vigilant—some might say too vigilant
lessons by some of the order’s early, prominent followers. It is —against evil’s rise. While they are a force for good, some can
a copy and not the original book. be too quick to judge and see evil where it does not exist.
6. Map of Gloamhold (50 gp): This copy of the order’s master Many commonfolk—and some adventurers—have suffered
map of Gloamhold’s known reaches comes with the text of needlessly at their hands.
“Abjure the Darkness”—a well-known Darlenite prayer. 2. A darkness is gathering in the ruined village of Greystone.
Once the demesne of the cursed and doomed Alanen family
O P P O RT U N I T I E S & C O M P L I C AT I O N S the village has been long abandoned. Now, however,
something seems to be stirring amid the ruins and at least
Canny adventurers can find opportunities almost anywhere. one adventuring party has disappeared therein.
Unlucky adventurers can find complications almost anywhere. Roll 3. Obsessed with right and law, the Darlenites have no
once on this list, to determine which the characters find: comprehension of the things that are truly important to the
commonfolk—having enough food to eat and somewhere safe
1. Many supplicants have come to the temple today, and the to call home.
party must wait 1d6 hours to see anyone of note. 4. Lady Protector Nikkonen (see “Notable Folk”) dreams of
valorous deeds to further her order’s influence. She doesn’t
RUNNING THIS EVENTURE care how many commoners suffering as she pursues glory—
only that her faith’s political power increases.
5. Dark doings are on the rise in Languard, and several of the
Visiting the Watcher’s Spire can be nothing more than an clergy suspect a cult dedicated to some fell power has
interlude between adventures, the venue for the characters to established itself in the city. Consequently, the priests are
find a skilled healer, wise priest or even the unlikely place to looking for adventurers of the “right sort” to investigate.
meet a patron or new party member. The characters may even 6. Irina Vitikka (see “Notable Folk”) is considering an expedition
come to the temple in search of healing, advice or some other across the bay to Gloamhold, and is accepting application by
form of aid. Aid will not be without cost—even for a fellow adventurers keen to join her. Only those strong in the cause
adherent. Such payment will likely entail some form of service of good need apply.
that keeps the party away from Gloamhold so any influence it
has over them may diminish with time.
You can either plan events ahead of time or just “wing” the
whole mini-eventure using the tables herein to facilitate play.
(These tables could form the basis of repeated visits to the Watcher’s Spire is location T4 on the City of Languard map, but
Watcher’s Spire as long as you keep track of what results the is easily added to almost any fantasy town or city as the temple
characters have already experienced). or shrine of a good-aligned crusader god.

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)


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Open Game License v1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast Inc.
System Reference Document: ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Gloamhold Campaign Guide. ©Raging Swan Press 2017; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
City Backdrop: Languard. ©Raging Swan Press 2017; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Languard Locations: High City. ©Raging Swan Press 2018; Author: Creighton Broadhurst, Jeff Gomez, Steve Hood, Amber Underwood and Mike Welham.
Languard Locations: Low City. ©Raging Swan Press 2018; Author: Creighton Broadhurst, Jeff Gomez and Amber Underwood.
Languard Locations: The Shambles. ©Raging Swan Press 2018; Author: Creighton Broadhurst, Jeff Gomez, Steve Hood, Amber Underwood and Mike Welham.
A Day Out at High Market. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
A Day Out at Low Market. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
A Night at the Bloody Eagle. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Dining at the Emerald Medusa. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Drinking at the Drunken Sailor. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Drinking at the Last Chance. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst and Amber Underwood.
Selling Loot at Arlo’s Stones. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Shopping at Kardagg’s Discount Emporium. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst and Steve Hood.
Visiting the Dreaming Spires. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Visiting the Durankis. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Visiting the Fane of the Waves Eternal. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Visiting the Father's Hall. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Visiting the Great Forge. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
Visiting the Watcher’s Spire. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.
GM's Miscellany: Mini-Eventures I. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Creighton Broadhurst.

To learn more about the Open Game License, visit

Product Identity: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, artefacts, places and so on), dialogue, plots, storylines, language, incidents, locations,
characters, artwork and trade dress are product identity as defi ned in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open Content.

Open Content: Except material designated as Product Identity, the contents of GM's Miscellany: Mini-Eventures I are Open Game Content as defi ned in the Open Gaming License
version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. The moral
right of Creighton Broadhurst to be identifi ed as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)


johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

johnny ahsome (Order #40954376)

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