Não Dá para Aceitar: Abuso Sexual Nas Escolas

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Abuso Sexual nas Escolas

Não dá para aceitar Por uma escola livre do SIDA

República de Moçambique
Ministério da Educação
Conselho Nacional de Exames, Certificação e Equivalências

ESG / 2014 Exame de Inglês 1ª Época

12ª Classe 90 Minutos

Este exame contém quarenta (40) perguntas com 4 alternativas de resposta cada uma.
Escolha a alternativa correcta e RISQUE a letra correspondente na sua folha de respostas.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following document.

To: His Excellency the Minister of Youth
From: V. Valdori, consultant
Date: December 15, 2000
Ref: Skill training for enhanced youth employment

During the past month I have conducted focus group interviews among young people in a number
of high schools in Naguda. After careful analysis, I concluded that the following are the two most
important reasons cited by young people to explain why they have a difficult time finding work:
1. They do not have the right skills.
2. Employers discriminate and are not willing to hire young workers.
The problem of discrimination is important, and should be examined closely, but it is a longer-term
issue. Even if we could introduce laws or policies to discourage discrimination, it will take a long
time to change habits and beliefs. The problem of the skills mismatch between young workers and
the needs of employers suggests that the schools in Naguda are not providing training in the areas
that are most economically useful. But this, too, is a longer-term problem, involving the redesign of
the curriculum in Naguda’s schools.

I recommend that the Ministry of Youth should hire a company to provide skills training to young
people, to equip them with the skills required in Naguda’s labor market and to facilitate their
transition from school to work. Young people should be provided this option, and given the
information they need to make the right decisions about their human capital. Since most young
people in Naguda are in school, it will be cheaper to reach them there rather than visiting
households door-to-door. Source: Adapted
1. Who is the addressee of this document?
A Consultant B Employers C Ministry of youth D Youth of Naguda

2. What is the main problem presented in this document?

A Difficulties for the youth to get work C People fighting for their rights
B Exempt companies from taxes D The shortage of young employers

3. Why does the consultant reject the introduction of laws or policies against discrimination?
A It will not produce immediate effects C People will escape from it.
B Nobody will read these policies D They will discriminate.

2014/12ª Classe/Exame de Inglês/1ª Época
4. What is the best solution suggested by the consultant?
A Build more high schools in Naguda C Redesign the curriculum in Naguda
B Provide skills training to young people D Visiting households door-to-door

5. What is the main objective of this document?

A Identify youth problems and suggest solutions
B Talk about unemployment in Naguda
C Tell the minister about youth discrimination
D Show that the consultant is a good investigator

Questions 6 to 10 are about the following document.

Cheating, is it a new drug?
Today students are not only getting music from internet – they´re downloading good grades. An
enquirer investigation discovered an explosion in cheating and plagiarism. The question is “why do
students cheat?” At first, I thought I´d approach the problem from the point of view of an A-
student, who never uses this trick to succeed and who usually looks down at cheaters, while giving
them his/her exercise book to crib out. But I realized that I am not that kind of person and I am
never going to be one. There are a lot of contradictory opinions on cheating. To get a complete
picture, we should check them all. So I decided to carry on an opinion poll. As a result, I´ve divided
my poll into three categories:
Category number one – These people, mostly teenagers, consider plagiarism to be a very
important part of their everyday life. They download almost everything from the I-net and can´t
imagine their lives without it. When I asked them why they do it, they said, “It´s like a drug. Once
you get addicted, you never give up”. If the internet disappears one day, it might be a final crash for
them and they will probably waste away in school routine.
Category number two – Par - time swindlers. Those who use the I-net resources, only in case of
“emergency”, for example, if they don´t have enough time or necessary materials to get ready for a
class, a quiz or whatever. Most of those people are college or university students. They only
deceive themselves, trying to give this ridiculous justification for cheating.
Category number three – Those “mummy-Daddy´s Angels” who never cheat. Normally they
never lie, never miss classes, and are always ready with each and every assignment.
Cheating is a big mistake of the teens who are usually not aware of the real consequences of such
tricks. They don´t understand that when they apply for a job, the employer will only be interested in
their qualifications. Dear student, if you cheat, you are depriving yourself of what you really are, of
your “real self”.
Adapted from AEAA Newsletter 2010:24

6. What do students download from the internet?

A Good schools and music C Music and poor grades
B Music and good grades D Poor teachers and music

7. Which of these statements about an A-student is NOT true?

A Copies from his/her exercise book C Looks down at cheaters
B Is usually a good student D Never cheats to succeed

8. Par time swindlers are those who cheat…

A all the time. B and are caught. C at school. D occasionally.

2014/12ª Classe/Exame de Inglês/1ª Época
9. How do “mummy – daddy’s angels” consider cheating?
A Bad but necessary practice C Good but unnecessary
B Bad practice D Good practice

10. What is the danger of cheating?

A Getting law grades C Having unfinished assignments
B Getting poor grades D Training good professions

In questions 11 to 29 choose the best word/words to fill the gap.

11. “Don’t go out alone at night; you are so -------- to face this strange world”.
A awkward B news C thirsty D young

12. The teacher decided to give a second chance for the -------- students.
A best B brilliant C good D worst

13. The rate of illiteracy in Mozambique is -------- high.

A considerably B effectively C eventually D preferably

14. When I said I failed, my brother thought it was a joke. Then he realised that I was
speaking --------.
A calmly B happily C seriously D slowly

15. If I were you, I -------- that coat. It is too expensive.

A am not buy B do not buy C will not to buy D would not buy

16. I have got Helena´s keys. I have to give -------- to her.

A back B back them C it back D them back

17. All these books belong to Samuel. They are -------- books.
A he B he’s C him D his

18. “Can you see -------- aeroplane in the sky? It’s a Boeing.”
A that B this C these D those

19. The ceremony -------- more interesting now.

A became B become C is becoming D was becoming

20. When we travelled, the driver -------- carefully.

A drive B drives C was driving D were driving

21. I swear I did not -------- the person who took your bag.
A look B say C sea D see

22. Who -------- you that Charles is at university?

A knew B said C spoke D told

23. Children -------- respect their parents.

A must B can be C can’t she D does

2014/12ª Classe/Exame de Inglês/ 1ª Época
24. -------- the end of the day we will have finished our homework.
A At B By C In D On

25. Today, -------- technology, communications is easier.

A as long as B because of C in spite of D just as

26. We don’t have classes -------- Saturdays and Sundays.

A at B by C in D on

27. Zambézia province is the largest producer -------- coconuts.

A about B in C of D on

28. Health is -------- than money.

A important B many important C more important D the most important

29. Face book can connect people around the…

A electricity. B internet. C mobile phone. D world.

30. Which sentence is in passive voice?

A Ancha is a nice girl. C The book was sold.
B Tete attracts a lot of tourists. D This boy is my cousin’s friend.

Choose one correct option A, B, C, or D that best completes each of the numbered spaces in
the text.

We all know that we inherit physical characteristics and personality traits from our parents. But
how does it work? If three children all have the same ----31----, how can they be so different? Why
don’t they inherit the same characteristics? Depending on how much you have already learnt about
genes and ----32----, you will find it an easy or difficult question to answer in detail. There are
twenty-three pairs of ----33---- in the nucleus of each cell in the human body, which means we have
----34---- in total. In each pair, one chromosome comes from our ----35---- and one from our father.
In reproduction, the male and the ----36---- both manufacture special reproductive cells called
gametes (sperm and ----37---- respectively), which contain only twenty-three chromosomes instead
of the normal forty-six. These twenty-three consist of material from both the “mother chromosome”
and the “father ones”. So, when the ----38---- meets the egg and fertilizes it, the new cell has the full
number of forty-six chromosomes again, and there is genetic ----39---- from the man’s mother and
father, and from the woman’s mother and father. And each time reproduction occurs, the mixture is
different. This is why a couple’s ----40---- are all equal.

31. A children B fathers C mothers D parents

32. A Anthropology B chemistry C genetics D scientists
33. A chromosomes B DNA C genes D nucleus
34. A fifty-six B forty-six C thirty-three D twenty-three
35. A aunt B brother C mother D sister
36. A animal B female C human D mother
37. A cell B chromosomes C egg D genes
38. A boy B chicken C duck D sperm
39. A barricade B fault C information D subsist
40. A children B eyes C parents D thoughts


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