Inglês Enuciado 12cla 2 Ép 2012

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Abuso Sexual nas Escolas

Não dá para aceitar Por uma escola livre do SIDA

República de Moçambique
Inglês Ministério da Educação 2ª Época
12ª Classe / 2012 Conselho Nacional de Exames, Certificação e Equivalências 90 Minutos

Esta prova contém 40 perguntas com 4 alternativas de resposta cada uma.

Escolha a alternativa correcta e RISQUE a letra correspondente na sua folha de respostas.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following document.

“I have voted in every election since 1994. I feel it is my right as a citizen, and I want to use it”, said
Mrs. Julieta Batista from Maputo as she registered on 28 July 2009. Julieta had lost her old voter card.
She said she would vote on 28 October 2009, the date of presidential, parliamentary and provincial
elections in Mozambique. Conducting three elections at once will be a challenge. Stelia Mueche, 25,
who was working at the registration post, knows a lot of people who feel that voting is not useful:
“Some people may not even understand why there are elections from time to time, let alone three of
them simultaneously.” On the other hand, she says: “I also know a lot of young people who feel
exactly the opposite: if we are allowed to vote, let’s act. Don’t leave it to others to decide for us!”
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has supported Mozambique’s electoral
processes since the first multi-party parliamentary and presidential election was held in 1994. This
year, the organization is responding to the government’s efforts to align and train all the institutions
that are taking part in the electoral process. The aim is to achieve fair, equal and transparent elections.
The project has focused on improving the technical skills and resources of the Technical Secretariat of
Electoral Administration (STAE) and the National Electoral Commission (CNE), and on building legal
and ethical awareness among electoral officers.
The UNDP project also aims to conduct capacity building for journalists and civil society
organizations to raise awareness of the fair process and the rights of citizen. The police will also be
trained to ensure that the elections are peaceful. More than 387, 000 new voters registered in the latest
45-day registration period. This is in addition to the 9.3 million names gathered during the 2007 and
2008 registration. This year’s update of the registry concerned only those who had lost or damaged
their voter cards, had moved, or still had not registered, in addition to those who will reach the voting
age of 18 before 28 October 2009. For the first time, STAE also registered Mozambican expatriates
from the Diaspora in South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya,
Portugal and Germany.
Source: Learning English, Grade 11

1. The text describes the...

A advantages and disadvantages of democracy.
B preparation for October elections in Mozambique.
C results of October elections in Mozambique.
D United Nations Development Programme.

2. Mrs. Julieta Batista needed to register as a voter again because….

A she enjoys repeating everything she does.
B she had lost her old voter card.
C women are obliged to have two voter cards.
D women would like to vote in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

2012/12ª Classe/Exame de Inglês/2ª Época
3. What type of elections were about to be held on 28th October 2009?
A Community, Parliamentary and Provincial
B Presidential, Community and Parliamentary
C Provincial, Parliamentary and Presidential
D Provincial, Presidential and Community

4. In the latest 45 day-period were registered --------- voters.

A three hundred and eight seven million C three thousand and eight seven million
B three hundred and eighty seven thousand D three thousand and seventy eight thousand

5. The UNDP’s aim in helping Mozambique in these elections is to…

A achieve fair, equal and transparent elections.
B avoid corruption in Mozambique.
C convince citizens to vote.
D help politicians in campaign.

Questions 6 to 10 are about the following document.

Self-employment is working for oneself, rather than for another person or company. A self-
employed person draws an income from a trade or business that he or she operates personally.
Self-employed people need to be closely involved in running their business, by following a
hands-on approach to ensure that the business makes a profit.
They are often highly skilled in trade, or they may provide a niche product or service to their
local community. With greater access to the internet, the opportunities to become a self-
employed person have increased dramatically.
A self-employed person is not necessarily the same as business owner. All self-employed people
run businesses, in the sense that they are trying to make a living by selling products or services at
a profit. But all business owners are not necessarily self-employed. Business owners or
shareholders who appoint others to manage and run the business are not self-employed.
Source: Learning English, Grade 12

6. A self-employed is…
A a person who works for her or himself. C someone who works for a company.
B a person who works for someone else. D someone who works for an association.

7. A self-employed person needs to be closely involved in his or her business because he

or she...
A cannot find people willing to work. C trusts other people in whatever they do.
B is an illiterate person. D wants to ensure that business makes profit.

8. The Internet has brought…

A a decline in self-employment.
B dramatic new opportunities for self employment.
C many problems without solution in self-employment.
D virus to the self-employment.

2012/12ª Classe/Exame de Inglês/2ª Época
9. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct? A self-employed person...
A does not mind about how the business goes.
B is personally involved in running a business.
C is a worker and a boss at the same time.
D works for her or himself, not for a boss.

10. What is the ANTONYM of the underlined word in the text?

A reduced B raised C reached D come

In question 11 to 25 choose the best word/words to fill the gap.

11. This dress is the ---------- in this shop.

A as beautiful B beautiful C more beautiful D most beautiful

12. The students were reading -------- in the library. There was not a sound to be heard.
A noisily B quickly C silently D slowly

13. This is -------- parents’ house.

A me B mine C my D myself

14. Peter and his girlfriend stood in front of the mirror and looked at.....
A myself. B ourselves. C themselves. D yourselves.

15. That house is empty. -------- lives there.

A Nobody B Nothing C Somebody D Someone

16. -------- you see Marcos last weekend?

A Did B Do C Doing D Have

17. Malaquias and Sarah are married. They -------- married for 10 years.
A are going B being C has been D have been

18. My brother is being trained to be a pilot. In two years time, he -------- flying a plane.
A will be B will have C will have been D would have

19. The school team was -------- after having won the championship.
A awarded B beaten C punished D lost

20. I didn’t see my brother in the morning. When I woke up he had -------- to school already.
A go B going C gone D went

21. My sister -------- by plane.

A has never been C has never travelled
B has never travel D is never travelled

22. You -------- run across the road. It’s very dangerous to do that.
A could B may C must D should not

23. Most of my friends hardly stay home ------------ weekends.

A at B for C in D under

2012/12ª Classe/Exame de Inglês/2ª Época
24. I am very tired. I have to go ------------ home.
A at B for your C no preposition D to

25. “Do you like eating in restaurants?” “It depends ------------ restaurant”.
A at B in C of D on

26. These are all diseases, EXCEPT...

A cholera. B malaria. C syphilis. D yoga.

27. He won the race…

A fairly. B lazily. C noisily. D resourceful.

28. The words bellow are adjectives EXCEPT....

A amaze, amazement, ambush. C interesting, political, polite.
B helpful, informal, ingenious. D proud, pure, poor.

29. All these are clothes EXCEPT...

A shorts. B skirts. C sunglasses. D T-shirt.

30. Which disease can be caught through contaminated air?

A AIDS B headache C malaria D tuberculosis

Choose one correct option A, B, C, or D that best completes each of the numbered spaces in the text.

As a travel writer, I really enjoy the occasion when I can invite my daughter along as my
companion, sharing the wonderful --- 31 --- of travelling together. Unfortunately, it is at this
special --- 32 --- that the ‘generation gap’ causes big --- 33 --- and I start to wonder if my --- 34 ---
and I live on the same --- 35 ---. On our last trip to New Zealand, I decided to invite my
daughter’s best --- 36 --- along, thinking that it would provide extra companionship for us both.
What I failed to anticipate, however, was that I would be ignored by this strange --- 37 ---
immersed in their own little universe of --- 38 ---, clothes, shopping and --- 39 ---. Afterwards, I
was told that they’d had a great time, learned a lot and loved the --- 40 --- of the north island. I
was surprised that they even knew where they had been.

31. A experience B place C point D train

32. A class B house C planet D time
33. A father B mother C reason D trouble
34. A boy B daughter C friend D sister
35. A journey B planet C roof D table
36. A father B friend C husband D mother
37. A couple B ducks C people D son
38. A countries B music C planet D world
39. A boys B church C mosque D prison
40. A death B parent C enemy D sights



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