Transient Recovery Voltages During The Switching Under Out-of-Phase Conditions
Transient Recovery Voltages During The Switching Under Out-of-Phase Conditions
Transient Recovery Voltages During The Switching Under Out-of-Phase Conditions
(1) ABB Switzerland Ltd., Dept. PTHG-V, Brown Boveri Strasse 5, CH-8050 Zuerich, Switzerland (e-
mail: [email protected]), (2) KOEPPL POWER EXPERTS, Landstrasse 113, CH-5430 Wettin-
gen, Switzerland (e-mail: [email protected])
Abstract – Out-of-phase synchronising occasionally occurs in tions are defined as 50% of the rated short-circuit breaking
power stations, one of the main reasons being wiring errors current of the circuit-breaker and in [5] as 25%. The TRVs
leading to particular out-of-phase angles of 60°el., 120°el. or in both standards are based on an out-of-phase angle of
180°el.. The relevant standards IEEE Std C37.013 for genera- 90°el. only, which seems to be arbitrary.
tor circuit-breakers and IEC 62271-100 for high-voltage cir-
On the other hand the conditions regarding switching of
cuit-breakers consider only a maximum out-of-phase angle of
90°el.. From the well-defined TRV (transient recovery volt- short-circuit currents are well-founded and very precisely
age) parameters for ?system-source faults? and ?generator- defined.
source faults? also the TRV parameters for out-of-phase con- In [4] two kind of terminal faults are distinguished:
ditions can be deduced. This is done for three examples and a) system-source fault (fault between the generator cir-
the calculated TRV parameters are compared to those given cuit-breaker and the generator)
in IEEE Std C37.013. For a 90°el. out-of-phase angle the rates b) generator-source fault (fault between the generator
of rise of TRV fit rather well; the calculated peak values are circuit-breaker and the step-up transformer)
however smaller and the calculated out-of-phase switching
and corresponding TRV parameters have been assigned to
currents are larger than given in IEEE Std C37.013. This
standard does not at all cover the conditions at an out-of-
these cases.
phase angle of 180°el.. The situation seems to be still worse It seems to be logical that the two short-circuit cases
with IEC 62271-100 for high-voltage circuit-breakers. should be consistent with the out-of-phase switching case
since according to Figure 1 exactly the same components
Keywords – power station, out-of-phase conditions, generator are involved, namely the generator, the generator circuit-
circuit-breaker, high-voltage circuit-breaker, transient recovery breaker, the step-up transformer and the high-voltage sys-
voltage tem, and the same frequencies apply. This means that from
the TRVs at short-circuit cases a) and b) the TRV for out-
I. INTRODUCTION of-phase conditions can be deduced.
It is the purpose of this paper to check by means of a few
Out-of-phase synchronising occasionally occurs in typical examples whether this consistency exists.
power stations [1, 2, 3]. The main reasons for out-of-phase
synchronising are wiring errors made during commission-
ing or during maintenance when connecting voltage trans-
formers and synchronising equipment. These wiring errors
lead to particular out-of-phase angles, i.e. multiples of
60°el.. E.g. polarity errors at a voltage transformer cause
synchronising at 180°el. out-of-phase angle; phase connec-
tion errors lead to 60°el. and 120°el. out-of-phase angles.
Besides these particular out-of phase angles any value
may be caused by inadequate settings of the synchronising
equipment, e.g. due to an incorrect value of the closing
time of the circuit-breaker.
The above mentioned aspects apply especially to gen-
erator circuit-breakers (located between the generator and Fig. 1: Synchronising at MV side of step-up transformer
the step-up transformer) but also to circuit-breakers at the
high-voltage terminals of step-up transformers. All these II. TRVS FOR SYSTEM-SOURCE AND GENERATOR-
circuit-breakers have to have the capability to interrupt out- SOURCE FAULTS
of-phase currents. The corresponding breaking currents and
TRV (transient recovery voltage) ratings are laid down in In power stations the system-source fault (fault between
IEEE Std C37.013 [4] for generator circuit-breakers and in the generator circuit-breaker and the generator) normally
IEC Publication 62271-100 [5] for high-voltage circuit- yields the highest short-circuit current due to the small
breakers. leakage impedance of the step-up transformer and the gen-
In [4] the breaking currents under out-of-phase condi- erally considerably smaller short-circuit impedance of the
high-voltage system (referred to medium-voltage side of
International Conference on Power Systems Transients – IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA
the step-up transformer). This is more pronounced at ductances, paralleled by resistance elements and 10 ca-
smaller MVA ratings of the step-up transformer. pacitance-to-ground elements (all per phase). For calculat-
The TRV parameters for this case (Table 5 of [4]) are ing the TRV shapes the Alternative Transients Program [6]
very severe regarding the steepness (due to high natural has been used. The inductance elements determine the
frequency of transformers) and the steepness increases with short-circuit current. The capacitance and resistance ele-
transformer rating. ments have been adapted to result into the required TRV
Compared to this the generator-source fault (fault be- shape for the first pole-to-clear in case of an interruption of
tween the generator circuit-breaker and the step-up trans- a three-phase ground fault.
former) shows a smaller current and a less critical steep-
ness of the TRV which rises too with the MVA rating of 50
*10 3
the generator (Table 6 of [4]). The smaller steepness of the
generator-side TRV is mainly caused by the large winding 40
capacitance of generators.
As a first step 3 typical and realistic transformer and 30
generator data sets with system-source short-circuit cur-
rents of 80, 100 and 130kA at a rated voltage of 25.3kV
have been chosen (Table I). The corresponding generator-
source short-circuit currents are 64, 80 and 104kA.
0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 [ms] 0.15
Fig. 2: Model for generator Fig . 3: TRV shapes for generator-source fault
A three-phase generator model (Figure 2) providing the Figures 3a), b), and c) show the simulated TRV shapes
correct generator-source short-circuit current has been es- for the generator-source fault. The generator model used
tablished consisting of 10 positive and zero sequence in- does not claim to represent the generator correctly in the
International Conference on Power Systems Transients – IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA
total frequency range but it shows a perfect behaviour re- Similarly as for the generator model it must be empha-
garding the TRV during three-phase fault conditions. The sised that this transformer/system model is valid only for a
model has been deduced from measured TRVs of genera- restricted frequency range, namely up to the frequencies
tors. It should be noted that even the bend during the first associated with TRVs at short-circuit interruptions.
rise of the TRV typical for three-phase grounded faults is
correctly reproduced by this model (Figure 4); the TRV of
ungrounded faults would show a straight line up to the
International Conference on Power Systems Transients – IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA
As to be expected far more severe TRV parameters re- phase angle are compared to the TRV parameters given in
sult than those given in Table 9 of [4]. It is interesting to [4]. The steepnesses fit quite well, the voltage peaks of the
note that the out-of-phase current in this case is 89% of the simulations are smaller however. This is caused by the dif-
system-source short-circuit current, i.e. it is quite close to ference in the natural frequency of the generator and the
the rated short-circuit current of the generator circuit- step-up transformer and should be taken into account in a
breaker. future revision of [4].
50 90
*10 3 *10 3
0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 [ms] 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 [ms] 0.15
a) TRV for case 1 (envelope acc. to Table 5 of [4]) a) TRV for case 1 (envelope acc. to Table 9 of [4])
50 90
*10 3
*10 3
40 75
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 [ms] 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 [ms] 0.15
b) TRV for case 2 (envelope acc. to Table 5 of [4]) b) TRV for case 2 (envelope acc. to Table 9 of [4])
50 90
*10 3
*10 3
40 75
0 0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 [ms] 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 [ms] 0.15
c) TRV for case 3 (envelope acc. to Table 5 of [4]) c) TRV for case 3 (envelope acc. to Table 9 of [4])
Fig. 6: TRV shapes for system-source fault Fig. 7: TRV shapes for 180°el. out-of-phase condition
For the case given in [4], i.e. an out-of-phase angle of IV. TRVS FOR OUT-OF-PHASE CONDITIONS AT HV
90°el., the out-of-phase current is 1/√2-times smaller. The SIDE OF STEP-UP TRANSFORMER
TRV shapes are proportional to those of Figures 7a), b),
and c) again with a proportionality factor of 1/√2. In Table Analogous to the case of the generator circuit-breaker
II also the results of the simulation for a 90°el. out-of- the TRV requirements for the circuit-breaker at the high-
International Conference on Power Systems Transients – IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA