Memo To Production On Barigon Low Water Issue
Memo To Production On Barigon Low Water Issue
Memo To Production On Barigon Low Water Issue
1. This is to respectfully bring to your attention the perennial low water pressure problem at Barigon,
2. Most recently, we have receive several complaints from customers residing there (as referred to us from
the Customer Care Division - Accounts Inquiry and Complaints) reporting that some residents in the
area were resorting to the illegal re-opening (thru removal of G.I. plugs) at water meter clusters to draw
water because of low water pressure;
3. The Illegal Connections Investigation Unit (ICIU) have continuously monitored and conducted several
surveillance in the area in order to detect possible violations there; however, because of the usual
limitations, it could not do the monitoring/surveillance on a 24-hour basis and considering that there
are other areas to be monitored;
4. Thereupon, it is respectfully suggested that the Production Department should look into the matter and
find possible solutions on the prevailing situation of low water pressure there;
5. For additional information, please see attached copy of Legal Department Memo No. 503-14 dated
November 6, 2014, where the undersigned have previously forwarded the issue of low water pressure
to then Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Pipelines & Appurtenances Maintenance Department (PAMD)
Engr. Carlos L. Perez, Sr., forwarding several actions and recommendations;
6. Please feedback the Legal Department for actions/updates taken on this request.
7. For your perusal and appropriate action. Thank you very much.