Intro To Crim
Intro To Crim
Intro To Crim
A. Acquisitive Crime
B. Extinctive Crime
C. Instant Crime
D. Situational Crime
1. Ms. Malou Wang is a skilled woman in making deception through verbal
communication. She had committed estafa to several persons through
illegal recruitment. What crime according to result did she committed?
A. Acquisitive Crime
B. Extinctive Crime
C. Instant Crime
D. Situational Crime
Extinctive Crime – when the end result of a criminal act is destructive
Seasonal Crime – those committed only during certain period of the year.
A. Doing gender
B. Criminal reduction
C. Aging out
D. Active precipitation
2. It is the process by which individual reduce the frequency of their
offending behavior as the age increases.
A. Doing gender
B. Criminal reduction
C. Aging out
D. Active precipitation
4. A forcible sex in which the offender and the victim are acquainted with
each other.
A. Statutory Rape
B. Date Rape
C. Marital Rape
D. Acquaintance Rape
4. A forcible sex in which the offender and the victim are acquainted with
each other.
A. Statutory Rape
B. Date Rape
C. Marital Rape
D. Acquaintance Rape
5. According to Lombroso, these are physical characteristics that distinguish
born criminals from the general population and are throwbacks to animals or
primitive people.
A. Physical Deviations
B. Distinguishable Traits
C. Atavistic Stigmata
D. Ape-like Appearance
5. According to Lombroso, these are physical characteristics that distinguish
born criminals from the general population and are throwbacks to animals or
primitive people.
A. Physical Deviations
B. Distinguishable Traits
C. Atavistic Stigmata
D. Ape-like Appearance
6. Group of urban sociologists who studies the relationship between
environmental conditions and crime.
A. Classical School
B. Chicago School
C. Neo-Classical School
D. Positive School
6. Group of urban sociologists who studies the relationship between
environmental conditions and crime.
A. Classical School
B. Chicago School
C. Neo-Classical School
D. Positive School
Classical School – This mainly focuses on the crime itself and not
necessarily the criminal. It aims to prevent crimes and have punishments for
each offense committed by criminals established in advance.
Preventing crimes than to punish the people who commit them.
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Enrico Ferri
7. Who stated that crime is normal in a society?
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Enrico Ferri
9. Culture Conflict Theory was thorough studied by ____ wherein he
concluded that the main difference between a criminal and a non-criminal is
that each is responding to different sets of conduct norms.
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Andre Micheal Guerry
C. Thorsten Sellin
D. Abraham Maslow
9. Culture Conflict Theory was thorough studied by ____ wherein he
concluded that the main difference between a criminal and a non-criminal is
that each is responding to different sets of conduct norms.
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Andre Micheal Guerry
C. Thorsten Sellin
D. Abraham Maslow
10. This theory contested the findings of Beccaria’s Free Will Study, stating
that its absence among mentally retardate persons or those with some
psychological imbalances and personality disorders or physical disabilities,
could likewise lead to violation of laws thereby citing said theory as one of
crime causation.
A. Classical Criminology
B. Neoclassical Criminology
C. Positivist Criminology
D. Social Structure Theory
10. This theory contested the findings of Beccaria’s Free Will Study, stating
that its absence among mentally retardate persons or those with some
psychological imbalances and personality disorders or physical disabilities,
could likewise lead to violation of laws thereby citing said theory as one of
crime causation.
A. Classical Criminology
B. Neoclassical Criminology
C. Positivist Criminology
D. Social Structure Theory
11. Who among the following are the “Holy Three in Criminology”?
A. Strain Theory
B. Culture Conflict Theory
C. Differential Association Theory
D. Demonology Theory
13. It is the breakdown of social order as a result of the loss of order in a
A. Synomie
B. Anarchy
C. Anomie
D. Chaos
13. It is the breakdown of social order as a result of the loss of order in a
A. Synomie
B. Anarchy
C. Anomie
D. Chaos
14. He introduced the “theory of imitation” which states that individuals copy
behavior patterns of other individuals, and that those with weaker
personalities tend to get influenced easier by those with stronger
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Adolphe Quetelet
C. Gabriel Tarde
D. Enrico Ferri
14. He introduced the “theory of imitation” which states that individuals copy
behavior patterns of other individuals, and that those with weaker
personalities tend to get influenced easier by those with stronger
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Adolphe Quetelet
C. Gabriel Tarde
D. Enrico Ferri
Emile Durkheim – viewed crime as an inevitable aspect of society, with
uneven distribution of wealth and other differences among people.
A. Nature Theory
B. Psychological Theory
C. Nurture Theory
D. Labeling Theory
15. This theory argues that intelligence is largely determined genetically;
that ancestry determines IQ; and, that low intelligence as demonstrated by
low IQ is linked to behavior including criminal behavior:
A. Nature Theory
B. Psychological Theory
C. Nurture Theory
D. Labeling Theory
16. The philosophy of justice that asserts that those who violate the rights of
others deserve to be punished. The severity of the punishment should be
commensurate with the seriousness of the crime.
A. Restorative Justice
B. Utilitarianism
C. Just Desert
D. Equality of punishment
16. The philosophy of justice that asserts that those who violate the rights of
others deserve to be punished. The severity of the punishment should be
commensurate with the seriousness of the crime.
A. Restorative Justice
B. Utilitarianism
C. Just Desert
D. Equality of punishment
17. A condition in which the glucose in the blood falls below levels
necessary for normal and efficient brain functioning.
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hyperglycomia
D. Hypoglycomia
17. A condition in which the glucose in the blood falls below levels
necessary for normal and efficient brain functioning.
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hyperglycomia
D. Hypoglycomia
18. A police officer’s frustration in the realization of his ambition and goals in
life both as an officer of the law, and as a private citizen, can push him to a
life of crime, as pointed out in this particular theory.
A. Disorganization Theory
B. Culture Conflict Theory
C. Differential Association Theory
D. Strain Theory
18. A police officer’s frustration in the realization of his ambition and goals in
life both as an officer of the law, and as a private citizen, can push him to a
life of crime, as pointed out in this particular theory.
A. Disorganization Theory
B. Culture Conflict Theory
C. Differential Association Theory
D. Strain Theory
Disorganization Theory – the community is disorganized which leads to
antisocial behavior and criminal activity (breakdown in the social control).
A. Doing gender
B. Masculinity Hypothesis
C. Chivalry Hypothesis
D. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
19. The Idea that low female crime and delinquency rates are a reflection of
the leniency which the police treat female offenders.
A. Doing gender
B. Masculinity Hypothesis
C. Chivalry Hypothesis
D. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Masculinity Hypothesis – criminal women exhibited masculine features
and mannerisms
A. Just Desert
B. Stare Decisis
C. Story Decisis
D. Just Stare
20. The legal principle by which the decision or holding in an earlier case
becomes the standard by which subsequent similar cases are judged. It
literally means “to stand by decided cases”.
A. Just Desert
B. Stare Decisis
C. Story Decisis
D. Just Stare
21. This is a theory by Robert Merton which assumes that people are law
abiding but under great pressure, they will resort to crime.
A. Strain Theory
B. Social Learning
C. Cultural Deviance
D. Anomie
21. This is a theory by Robert Merton which assumes that people are law
abiding but under great pressure, they will resort to crime.
A. Strain Theory
B. Social Learning
C. Cultural Deviance
D. Anomie
22. This theory focuses on the development of high crime areas associated
with the disintegration of conventional values caused by rapid
industrialization, increased migration and urbanization.
A. Richard Dugdale
B. Henry Goddard
C. Charles Goring
D. George Wilker
24. According to him, people with criminal behavior, should be prohibited
from having children.
A. Richard Dugdale
B. Henry Goddard
C. Charles Goring
D. George Wilker
25. It states that individuals are deviant mainly because they have been
labeled as deviant by social agencies and others. The notion of deviance is
not inherent in the act itself, but rather in the reaction and stigma attached to
the actor.
A. Theory of Imitation
B. Social Process Theory
C. Social Reaction Theory
D. None of the above
25. It states that individuals are deviant mainly because they have been
labeled as deviant by social agencies and others. The notion of deviance is
not inherent in the act itself, but rather in the reaction and stigma attached to
the actor.
A. Theory of Imitation
B. Social Process Theory
C. Social Reaction Theory
D. None of the above
Theory of Imitation – or Modeling Theory, it describes the following:
• People in close contact tend to imitate each other’s behavior
• New acts and behaviors either reinforcement or replace old ones
A. Restoration
B. Treatment
C. Retribution
D. Deterrence
26. Classical Theory states that individuals have freewill. It is focused on an
individual's choice as to whether or not he will commit a crime and the
purpose of Classical Theory in giving punishment is________________.
A. Restoration
B. Treatment
C. Retribution
D. Deterrence
.27. Mr. A committed loitering within the vicinity of Isetan Recto on January
12, 2009. June 12, 2009, a city ordinance was passed punishing loitering
within the vicinity of Isetan Recto. Can A be held liable for his act of
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Edwin Sutherland
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Jeremy Bentham
28. Having spent half of his life in the study of the causes of crime and true
to his dedication to his lifetime works, upon his death he willed his brain and
body to the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Turin in Italy to be
further studied. To this, he was named the “Father of Modern and Empirical
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Edwin Sutherland
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Jeremy Bentham
29. Those wherein the acts of the person are in accordance with the law,
hence he incurs no criminal liability.
A. Exempting
B. Aggravating
C. Justifying
D. Mitigating
29. Those wherein the acts of the person are in accordance with the law,
hence he incurs no criminal liability.
A. Exempting
B. Aggravating
C. Justifying
D. Mitigating
Exempting – those grounds which free the offender from criminal liability
but does not relieve him of civil liability.
Basis: Intelligence, freedom of action, intent, absence of the part of the
A. Mala prohibita
B. Less grave felonies
C. Mala in se
D. light felonies
30. These are crimes which are wrong only because there are laws that
prohibit them in order to regulate an orderly society. Examples of these are
the violations of special laws like the violation of “Anti-Smoking Law”.
A. Mala prohibita
B. Less grave felonies
C. Mala in se
D. light felonies
31. It is known as the study of the correlation between causes of crime and
A. Criminal Ecology
B. Criminal Etiology
C. Criminal Psychology
D. Criminal Physical Anthropology
31. It is known as the study of the correlation between causes of crime and
A. Criminal Ecology
B. Criminal Etiology
C. Criminal Psychology
D. Criminal Physical Anthropology
32. A type of victim who is vulnerable to stresses such as juvenile victims.
A. Tormentor
B. Wanton Type
C. Greedy Type
D. Depressive Type
32. A type of victim who is vulnerable to stresses such as juvenile victims.
A. Tormentor
B. Wanton Type
C. Greedy Type
D. Depressive Type
Tormentor - The victim of attack from the target of his or her abuse, such
as with battered women. The most primitive way of solving a personal
conflict is to annihilate physically the cause of the trouble.
Greedy Type - A victim who lacks all normal inhibitions and well-founded
suspicions. This victim is easily duped because his or her motivation for
easy gain lowers his or her natural tendency to be suspicious.
A. Pervasive
B. Progressive
C. Expensive
D. Destructive
33. Members of society are interested in crime because many lives have
been vanished because of crimes like murder, homicide and other violent
deaths. This best describes the fact that crime is?
A. Pervasive
B. Progressive
C. Expensive
D. Destructive
34. Jessa killed her husband Marco. She is a battered wife. She is known
A. Criminaloid
B. Insane Criminal
C. Born Criminal
D. Pseudo-Criminal
34. Jessa killed her husband Marco. She is a battered wife. She is known
A. Criminaloid
B. Insane Criminal
C. Born Criminal
D. Pseudo-Criminal
35. He is a Greek historian who first wrote the usefulness of death penalty.
A. Thucydes
B. Thucydides
C. Thucydedis
D. Thycudides
35. He is a Greek historian who first wrote the usefulness of death penalty.
A. Thucydes
B. Thucydides
C. Thucydedis
D. Thycudides
36. If you describe the physical feature of Vince, he is tall but thin. According
to Earnest Hooton, Vince tends to commit:
A. Cyril Burt
B. Isaac Ray
C. Shulsinger
D. Katharina Dalton
37. This person questioned whether people who were morally insane could
be held legally responsible for their acts.
A. Cyril Burt
B. Isaac Ray
C. Shulsinger
D. Katharina Dalton
38. This person gives emphasis on the concept of culture and sub-culture.
A. Albert Cohen
B. Robert King Merton
C. Lloyd Ohlin
D. Henry Mckay
38. This person gives emphasis on the concept of culture and sub-culture.
A. Albert Cohen
B. Robert King Merton
C. Lloyd Ohlin
D. Henry Mckay
Robert King Merton - Strain Theory
A. Neutralization Theory
B. Differential Reinforcement Theory
C. Social Learning Theory
D. Differential Association Theory
39. Ace, a 3 year old boy punched her sister Camille. Both of them cried and
their father Albon gives them chocolates. This best describes ______.
A. Neutralization Theory
B. Differential Reinforcement Theory
C. Social Learning Theory
D. Differential Association Theory
40. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Desire
B. Opportunity
C. Capacity
D. Capability
40. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Desire
B. Opportunity
C. Capacity
D. Capability
41. Under this theory, prevention through limiting social shaming reaction in
others and replacing moral indignation with tolerance. Some rehabilitation
emphasis in helping offenders to be rehabilitated from the marking.
Prevention to include alternatives to prison programs involving diversion,
client empowerment schemes, mediation and conciliation, victim-offender
forgiveness ceremonies, restitution and reparation.
A. Learning
B. Radical
C. Labeling
D. Biological
41. Under this theory, prevention through limiting social shaming reaction in
others and replacing moral indignation with tolerance. Some rehabilitation
emphasis in helping offenders to be rehabilitated from the marking.
Prevention to include alternatives to prison programs involving diversion,
client empowerment schemes, mediation and conciliation, victim-offender
forgiveness ceremonies, restitution and reparation.
A. Learning
B. Radical
C. Labeling
D. Biological
42. Which among the following illustrates the capitalists, the wealthy owners
of the means of production?
A. Consensus
B. Capitalists
C. Bourgeoisie
D. Proletariat
43. What is the speculation explains that both conforming behavior and
deviant behavior have two reinforcing elements, the internal control system
and the external control system?
A. Seasonal Crime
B. Acquisitive Crime
C. Complex Crime
D. Destructive Crime
44. When an offender comes to ownership of something out of the
commission of the crime, what type of crime he has committed?
A. Seasonal Crime
B. Acquisitive Crime
C. Complex Crime
D. Destructive Crime
45. This specific theory of criminal law argues that crime is essentially a
morbid and mental phenomenon and in such it cannot be solely treated by
the application of abstract principles of jurisprudence.
A. Classical Theory
B. Neo-Classical Theory
C. Positivist Theory
D. Social disorganization theory
45. This specific theory of criminal law argues that crime is essentially a
morbid and mental phenomenon and in such it cannot be solely treated by
the application of abstract principles of jurisprudence.
A. Classical Theory
B. Neo-Classical Theory
C. Positivist Theory
D. Social disorganization theory
46. The nature of Criminology which states that the ideas of criminology and
their applications adapt to the changing time.
A. Social Science
B. Applied Science
C. Nationalistic
D. Dynamic
46. The nature of Criminology which states that the ideas of criminology and
their applications adapt to the changing time.
A. Social Science
B. Applied Science
C. Nationalistic
D. Dynamic
Social Science – crime exists in a society as a social phenomenon, its
study must be considered a part of social science
A. Criminal Psychology
B. Criminal Psychiatry
C. Criminal Behavioralism
D. Criminal Physical Anthropology
47. It is known as the study of human behavior.
A. Criminal Psychology
B. Criminal Psychiatry
C. Criminal Behavioralism
D. Criminal Physical Anthropology
48. Which of the following is not an effective deterrent?
A. Swiftness
B. Severity
C. Certainty
D. Effectivity
48. Which of the following is not an effective deterrent?
A. Swiftness
B. Severity
C. Certainty
D. Effectivity
49. When you describe the physical features of Bojie, he is stout fat and
round. According to Ernst Kretschmer, he is distinguished as ____.
A. Asthenic
B. Athletic
C. Pyknic
D. Dysplastic
49. When you describe the physical features of Bojie, he is stout fat and
round. According to Ernst Kretschmer, he is distinguished as ____.
A. Asthenic
B. Athletic
C. Pyknic
D. Dysplastic
Asthenic – Skinny and Slender
Dysplastic or Mixed type – less clear evident having any predominant type
50. Butoy is not sure whether he is a straight man or a gay. According to
him, this best describes as an identity crisis.
A. Albert Adler
B. Alfred Binet
C. Erik Erikson
D. August Aichhorn
50. Butoy is not sure whether he is a straight man or a gay. According to
him, this best describes as an identity crisis.
A. Albert Adler
B. Alfred Binet
C. Erik Erikson
D. August Aichhorn
51. A statement that we would have no crime if we had no criminal laws and
that we could eliminate all crimes merely by abolishing all criminal laws.
A. Logomachy
B. Logomacy
C. Legitimacy
D. Logotherapy
51. A statement that we would have no crime if we had no criminal laws and
that we could eliminate all crimes merely by abolishing all criminal laws.
A. Logomachy
B. Logomacy
C. Legitimacy
D. Logotherapy
52. It is known as a social dropout.
A. Innovator
B. Ritualist
C. Retreatist
D. Rebellious
52. It is known as a social dropout.
A. Innovator
B. Ritualist
C. Retreatist
D. Rebellious
53. He classified crimes by motives of the offender as economic crimes,
sexual crimes, political crimes and vengeance as the principal motives.
A. W.A. Bonger
B. Karl Marx
C. Walter Reckless
D. George Herbert Mead
53. He classified crimes by motives of the offender as economic crimes,
sexual crimes, political crimes and vengeance as the principal motives.
A. W.A. Bonger
B. Karl Marx
C. Walter Reckless
D. George Herbert Mead
54. PJ hoards sugar and when there is a scarcity on supplies of sugar, he
sells the same at higher prices. This best illustrates ___.
A. Economic Crime
B. Enterprise Crime
C. Expressive Crime
D. Intrumental Crime
54. PJ hoards sugar and when there is a scarcity on supplies of sugar, he
sells the same at higher prices. This best illustrates ___.
A. Economic Crime
B. Enterprise Crime
C. Expressive Crime
D. Instrumental Crime
Economic Crime – refers to illegal acts committed by an individual or a
group of individuals to obtain a financial or professional advantage.
Examples are Tax Evasion, Money Laundering, Identity Theft,
Embezzlement, Bribery, Forgery.
A. Situational Criminal
B. Professional Criminal
C. Accidental Criminal
D. Habitual Criminal
55. Billy is known as a drug lord and gambling lord in Quezon City. He is
known as _____.
A. Situational Criminal
B. Professional Criminal
C. Accidental Criminal
D. Habitual Criminal
Situational Criminal – Those who are actually not criminals but constantly
in trouble with legal authorities.
Habitual Criminal – Those who continue to commit criminal acts for such a
diverse reason due to deficiency of intelligence and lack of self control.
56. A killer who wants to reform the world or has a vision that drives him/her
to kill.
A. Thrill Killer
B. Vision Killer
C. Mission Killer
D. Expedience Killer
56. A killer who wants to reform the world or has a vision that drives him/her
to kill.
A. Thrill Killer
B. Vision Killer
C. Mission Killer
D. Expedience Killer
Thrill Killer – a person who commits murder not because of mental
instability, the need for sexual satisfaction, or because they have any
animosity for or sometimes even know the victim, but rather because they
want to feel the sheer excitement of killing people, usually by instill fear in
their victims
Vision Killer – could murder people because he believes that God is telling
him to do so or a person or entity commanding him to kill, most likely
suffering from psychosis.
A. Rapero
B. Raporo
C. Rapere
D. Repere
57. Rape is derived from the latin term _____.
A. Rapero
B. Raporo
C. Rapere
D. Repere
58. It is known as the ultimate in severity.
A. Code of Hammurabi
B. The Hittites
C. Code of Drako
D. Laws of Solon
58. It is known as the ultimate in severity.
A. Code of Hammurabi
B. The Hittites
C. Code of Drako
D. Laws of Solon
59. Lina, an unmarried woman got pregnant and killed her 1 day old baby as
she does not want to be the laughing stock in their community. This situation
is an example of ______.
A. Justifying Circumstance
B. Mitigating Circumstance
C. Extenuating Circumstance
D. Exempting Circumstance
59. Lina, an unmarried woman got pregnant and killed her 1 day old baby as
she does not want to be the laughing stock in their community. This situation
is an example of ______.
A. Justifying Circumstance
B. Mitigating Circumstance
C. Extenuating Circumstance
D. Exempting Circumstance
60. In the study of the causes of crimes, anthropology, psychology,
sociology, and other natural science may be applied, while in crime
detection-Chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, ballistics, Polygraphy,
legal medicine, questioned documents examination may be utilized. This is
what we called _________.
A. Instrumentation
B. Social Science
C. Forensic Chemistry
D. Forensic Science
60. In the study of the causes of crimes, anthropology, psychology,
sociology, and other natural science may be applied, while in crime
detection-Chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, ballistics, Polygraphy,
legal medicine, questioned documents examination may be utilized. This is
what we called _________.
A. Instrumentation
B. Social Science
C. Forensic Chemistry
D. Forensic Science