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Advance Optima Uras 14

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Advance Optima

Module Uras 14

Service Manual 43/24-1005-1 EN

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Table of contents

Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-1

Chapter 2: Module versions 2-1

Chapter 3: Module components 3-1

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 4-1

Chapter 5: Testing 5-1

Chapter 6: Component replacement 6-1

Chapter 7: Configuration 7-1

Chapter 8: Calibration 8-1

Attachment Parts catalog

SHB_U14 Contents

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Chapter 1: Description of functions Page

Physical principle 1-2

Determination of influence values 1-6
Ex Concept 1-7

Chapter 2: Module versions

Summary 2-2
Module versions (principles) 2-5
Module versions ( plastic tubing connections) 2-7
Module versions (stainless steel tubing) 2-12
Ex analyzer module 2-14

Chapter 3: Module components

Emitter 3-2
Modulator 3-3
Apertures 3-6
Sample Cell 3-7
Filter Cell 3-11
Optical Filter 3-12
Calibration Unit 3-13
Calibration Cell 3-15
Infrared detector 3-16
IR module circuit board 3-19
Sensor-CPU circuit board 3-23
Pressure sensor circuit board 3-28
Thermostat circuit board 3-29
Hood with supplement heater 3-30
Connecting cable 3-31

Fortsetzung auf der folgenden Seite

Contents SHB_U14

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Contents, Fortsetzung

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

Status messages 4-2

No measurement signal 4-4
Unstable measurement value reading 4-5
Zero drift / Measured value drift 4-6
Negative measured signal 4-7
Measurement signal not enough sensitive 4-8
Excessive measurement signal preparation time 4-9
Temperature error 4-10

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Contents

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Contents, continued

Chapter 5: Testing Page

Electrical connections 5-2

IR Detector measurement signal 5-4
IR detector preamplifier 5-5
Emitter insert 5-6
Modulator with emitter circuit board 5-7
Sample cell 5-8
Thermostat temperature 5-9
Heater 5-10
Temperature sensor 5-11
Thermal link 5-12
Calibration cell 5-13
Calibration unit 5-14
Pressure sensor 5-15
IR module circuit board 5-16
Sensor –CPU circuit board 5-18

Chapter 6: Component replacement

Summary 6-2
Remove / install Uras14 analyzer module 6-3
Change emitter insert 6-5
Change modulator 6-6
Change sample cell 6-7
Change calibration cell and calibration unit 6-9
Change infrared detector 6-10
Change IR module and Sensor –CPU circuit boards 6-11
Change thermal link 6-12

Fortsetzung auf der folgenden Seite

Contents SHB_U14

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Contents, Fortsetzung

Chapter 7: Configuration

Hardware configuration 7-2

Software configuration with TCT 7-4
General data 7-6
IR detectors 7-8
Temperature detectors 7-31
Pressure detector 7-36
Flow detector 7-40
Calibration cell 7-45
Solenoids 7-46
Pump 7-48

Chapter 8: Calibration

Overview 8-2
Optical Alignment 8-3
Phese Alignment 8-6
Initial Calibration of Uras 14 IR detectors 8-9
Initial Zero Calibration 8-12
Postlinearisation 8-14
Cross-sensitivity alignment 8-17
Delta Phase 8-19
Calibration Cell measurement 8-22
Pressure Detector initial calibration 8-24
Flow detector initial calibration 8-26
Temperature detector initial calibration 8-31

Attachment Parts catalog

SHB_U14 Contents

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Chapter 1: Description of functions


This chapter ... describes the underlying physical principles and provides information on the
determination of influence values.

Chapter Contents In this chapter you will find the following information:

Subject See Page

Physical principle 1-2

Determination of influence values 1-6
Ex Concept 1-7

SDE_U14 Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-1

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Physical principles

Measurement • NDIR technique

principle (Nondispersive infrared analysis)
• The measurement effect is based on resonance absorption of gas-specific
vibration-rotation bands of differing atom gas molecules in the median infrared
spectrum at wavelengths between 2.5 and 8 µm.

• The individual gases to be measured are identified by their specific absorption

bands. Each gas has such an absorption spectrum (fingerprint).
- Monoatomic gases, such as inert gases
- Symmetrical gases, such as N2, O2 and H2
- These types of gases cannot be measured with this method.
• The relationship between measured infrared radiation absorption and the
measurement component is based on the LAMBERT-BEER law:

A = (I0 - I1) / I0 = 1 - e -ε(λ)⋅ρ⋅l

A = Absorption
I0 = Radiation entering the cell
I1 = Radiation leaving the cell
ε(λ) = Sample component extinction factor
ρ = Sample component density
l = Sample cell length

The relationship between sample component density ρ and its volumetric

concentration c is
ρ = ρ0 ⋅ c ⋅ p/p0 ⋅ T0/T

ρ0 = Pure gas density
p0 = Pressure
T0 = Temperature
under standard conditions (1013 hPa, 0°C).

The second equation shows that the sample component's volumetric

concentration depends on the sample cell pressure and temperature.
The first equation finds a non-linear relationship between absorption and
volumetric concentration.

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1-2 Chapter 1: Description of functions SDE_U14

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Physical principles, Fortsetzung
Basic design • The Uras 14 analyzer module is a twin-beam NDIR process photometer with no
dispersive elements.
The module consists of a completely self-contained optical unit with the
following elements:
• Infrared source (emitter)
• Aperture wheel (chopper)
• Emitter aperture
• Sample cell with measurement and reference chambers
• Infrared detector with diaphragm capacitor (receiver)

Figure 1-1
RS232 Int.Bus
principle IR-Elektronic Sensor-CPU




1 Emitter
2 Emitter aperture
3 Aperture wheel
4 Sample cell
5 Measurement chamber
6 Reference chamber
7 Infrared detector
8 Diaphragm capacitor

Fortsetzung auf der folgenden Seite

SDE_U14 Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-3

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Physical principles, Fortsetzung

IR radiation • Generated by broad-band emitter

• Emitted as a beam package alternately in the form of a sample and reference
beam through the sample and reference chambers of the sample cell and is
partially absorbed by the sample component molecules
• Counterphase modulation by means of a motorized aperture wheel
• Both modulated beam packages appear alternately at the infrared detector

Apertures • Created by applicable regulation of the sample and reference beam balance

Sample cell • Depending on the application, the sample chamber receives a sample, zero-point
or end-point gas flow so that a part of the infrared radiation is absorbed in a
concentration-dependent manner
• The radiation passes unhindered if the reference chamber is filled with a gas that
does not absorb infrared (N2).

Infrared detector • A two-part transmission detector with front and rear chambers filled with the gas
components to be measured, with selectivity being determined by the infrared
detector. The two chambers are separated by an infrared-transparent window.
Additionally, the two chambers are separated by a stressed metal membrane with
counterelectrodes. This unit is known as the diaphragm capacitor.
• It reacts in the following manner in the presence of the sample component:
• IR radiation is weakened in the sample cell's sample chamber and enters the
receiver's front chamber.
• The equilibrium between the sample and reference beams initially established
by calibration and the aperture is now disturbed.
• There is an energy difference (temperature change) in the form of reduced
pressure in the front chamber.
• This pressure reduction is transformed into a capacitance change in the
membrane capacitor by deflecting the metal diaphragm.
• Since the diaphragm capacitor is connected to a high-impedance DC voltage, a
corresponding periodic AC signal is generated.

Fortsetzung auf der folgenden Seite

1-4 Chapter 1: Description of functions SDE_U14

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Physical principles, Fortsetzung
Figure 1-2
RS232 Int.Bus
Signal flow schematic
IR-Modul Sensor-CPU




N2 N2 Rt


Figure 1-3
Block diagram as
fully equipped





N2 N2

N2 N2





SDE_U14 Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-5

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Determination of influence values

Associated gas The sample gas is a mixture of the sample component(s) and associated gas
effects components. If the infrared absorption bands of one or more associated gas
components overlap the sample component’s bands, the sample results will be
The influence of interfering gas components is termed cross sensitivity or carrier
gas dependence.
Cross sensitivity is determined by connecting an inert gas (e.g. N2) which is mixed
with the interfering gas components (corresponding to the sample gas).
The influence acts on the zero-point measurement value indication.
Carrier gas dependence, which is rarely observed. Occurs when the physical
properties of the sample gas differ markedly from those of the sample gas. This
interference changes the slope of the device’s characteristic curve. This curve is
corrected at the end-point.
The Uras 14 has the following methods available for interference correction:
• Interference filter
• Filter cells
• Internal electronic cross-sensitivity correction
• Internal electronic carrier gas correction

Pressure In accordance with the gas laws, the sample cell’s volumetric concentration
depends on the pressure in the sample cell and is thus dependent on the process
gas and air pressure. This effect acts on the end-point and amounts to approx. 1%
of the measurement value per 1% of pressure change (therefore, per 10 hPa).
An internal pressure sensor reduces this effect to 0.2%.

Flow rate The flow rate affects pressure in the sample cell and the module’s T90times.
The flow rate should be between 20 and 100 liters/hour.

Temperature Temperature has a markedly different effect on all optical components in the beam
path. This effect is reduced by:
• Temperature compensation
A temperature sensor in the first infrared detector’s preamplifier measures the
temperature in the module.
This signal is used for electronic correction.
Zero-point effect: ≤ 1% of span per 10°C
End-point effect: ≤ 3% of measurement value per 10°C
• Thermostat (optional)
The temperature influence is further reduced by controlled heating of the optical
components to 55°C.
Zero-point effect: ≤ 1% of span per 10°C
End-point effect: ≤ 1% of measurement value per 10°C

1-6 Chapter 1: Description of functions SDE_U14

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Ex concept

Application The Uras 14-Ex analyzer module is capable of measuring non-combustible and
combustible gases under atmospheric conditions which can form an explosive
environment (Zone 1).

Design For use in Zone 1 and Zone 2 (combustible measurement gas) the analyzer module
is installed in a pressure-tight cylinder.
The analyzer module consists of the following components:
• Flange on which the analyzer is mounted
• Cylinder with threaded cap, the cylinder screws into threads in the flange.
All electrical and gas connections are made through the flange.
• Power supply and system bus lines are routed through pressure-tight cable
• Gas inlet and outlet lines are routed through flame traps.

Figure 1-4
Ex module

Housing purge To protect the analyzer module sensor electronics against the entry of an
aggressive atmosphere or corrosive sample gas components, a purge gas can flow
through the pressure-tight cylinder.
The purge gas is routed in and out via two flame traps.

Identification EEx d IIC T4

Certification of BVS 97.D.2021 X


SDE_U14 Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-7

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Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions


Introduction This chapter describes the individual module versions.

Chapter contents In this chapter you will find the following information:

Subject See Page
Summary 2-2
Module versions (principles) 2-5
Module versions (plastic tubing connections) 2-7
Module versions (stainless steel tubing) 2-12
Ex analyzer module 2-14

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-1

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General Depending on the measurement task to be carried out, the Uras 14 can be fitted
with the following primary components:
• 1 to 4 infrared detectors
• 1 to 2 beam paths
• Up to 2 infrared detectors per beam path
• Modulator with three possible versions
• 1 emitter in first beam path (second beam path not installed)
• 1 emitter in second beam path (first beam path not installed)
• 2 emitter units
• The following components are permanently installed
•Thermostat-controlled version with heater and controller (option, must be confi.)
•IR module circuit board
•Sensor-CPU circuit board
•Pressure sensor circuit board
• Any additional components depend on the measuring task or desired equipment
• All versions of the module can be installed in a 19" rack or wall-mount housing
without any need for conversion.
• The gas module and oxygen sensor can be combined in an analyzer module gas
path. These components are included in the sensor electronics package.

Special components According to the measurement task and options ordered, the following components
can be installed:
• 1 to 2 calibration units
• 1 to 2 filter cells
• 1 to 2 optical filters
• Gas paths
• FPM tubing
• PTFE tubing
• Stainless steel tubing

Continued on next page

2-2 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Summary, continued
Figure 2-1
Uras 14

1 Connection plate with electrical and gas connections

2 Sensor electronics
3 Optical analyzer components with heat shield
Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-3

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Summary, continued
Figure 2-2
Analyzer module
Uras 14

1 Calibration unit 2
2 Measurement cell 2
3 Main frame with aperture control
4 Beam path 2 aperture adjustment screw
5 Modulator with emitters (not visible)
6 Calibration unit 1
7 Infrared detector 1
8 Beam path 1 aperture adjustment screw
9 Measurement cell 1
10 Infrared detector 2
11 Stop disk (light or dark)
12 Infrared detector 3
13 Gas connections
14 24-VDC power supply, external connection
15 System bus, external connection

2-4 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (principles)

Note The module versions below are all shown with the optional calibration cell.
Calibration cells shown with diagonal lines contain a 2-component mixture.

Figure 2-3
Version with one
infrared detector

Figure 2-4
Version with two
infrared detectors

Legend for Figures 2- SG 1 Beam path 1
3 through 6 SG2 Beam path 2
ST1 Emitter 1
ST2 Emitter 2
MK1 Measurement cell 1
MK2 Measurement cell 2
CC1 Calibration cell for infrared detector in beam path 1
CC2 Calibration cell for infrared detector in beam path 2
ID1-4 Infrared detectors 1-4
Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-5

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Module versions (principles), continued˝
Figure 2-5
Version with three
infrared detectors

Figure 2-6
Version with four
infrared detectors

F Familiarity with the arrangement of the individual components is required for the
• Troubleshootin
• Configuration
• Optical alignment
• Phase alignment

2-6 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections)

General The module versions for plastic tubing connections can all be connected to the gas
module and/or oxygen sensor.

Note The individual components of the module versions shown are all connected with
FPM (Viton) tubing.
This tubing is suitable for most measurement applications.

Figure 2-7 Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
1 sample gas path
1 beam path
no gas module

8 3

Figure 2-8 Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
no gas module



8 3

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-7

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections), continued˝
Figure 2-9 Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
2 sample gas paths
2 beam paths
no gas module



9 8 7 2 3

Figure 2-10 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths F
with gas module
1 3/2-way solenoid


8 9 3

Continued on next page

2-8 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections), continued˝
Figure 2-11 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
1 sample gas path
1 beam path F
with gas module
3 3/2-way solenoids

8 9 10 3

Figure 2-12 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths F
with gas module
1 3/2-way solenoid
1 flow sensor
1 oxygen sensor

O2 D D

8 9 3

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-9

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections), continued
Figure 2-13 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
2 sample gas paths
2 beam paths F
with gas module
1 3/2-way solenoid
1 flow sensor
1 oxygen sensor


O2 D

2 4 9 8 3 7

K U14VAR13

Figure 2-14 Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
Flowing reference
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
no gas module



8 3 10 4 1 2


Continued on next page

2-10 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections), continued
Figure 2-15 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions: F
2 sample gas paths
2 beam paths
no gas module
with flow sensor
pressure sensor with
outwards connection



2 9 8 7 3

Figure 2-16
Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
Housing purge
1 sample gas path
1 beam path
no gas module


8 5 6 3

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-11

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Module versions (stainless steel tubing)

General The modules versions for stainless steel tubing cannot be connected to the gas
module and/or oxygen sensor
The measurement cell(s) is(are) connected directly to the gas connection plate by
means of stainless steel tubing.

Figure 2-17 Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
2 sample gas paths



9 8 7 3 2

Figure 2-18 Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths



3 7 8

Continued on next page

2-12 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (stainless steel tubing), continued
Figure 2-19 Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
Flowing reference



8 7 9 3 2

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-13

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Ex analyzer module

General Stainless steel tubing is used for the analyzer module gas paths.
All gas connections used on the housing flange are fitted with flame traps.

Figure 2-20
Ex module

Gas connectors Electr. connectors

1 Sample gas inlet 1 8 System bus
2 Sample gas outlet 1 9 24 V DC
3 Sample gas inlet 2 10 Potential bonding
4 Sample gas outlet 2
5 Purging gas inlet
6 Purging gas outlet
7 Pressure sensor
1) The actual pinout see device voucher.

Figure 2-21 Analysatormodul Uras 14-Ex

Module versions:
2 sample gas paths
2 beam paths



3 4 7 1 2

Continued on next page

2-14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Ex analyzer module, continued
Figure 2-22 Analysatormodul Uras 14-Ex
Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
Housing purge



5 6 4 7 1

Figure 2-23 Analysatormodul Uras 14-Ex

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
Flowing reference
Housing purge



5 6 4 7 3 2 1

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-15

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Chapter 3: Module components


Introduction This chapter describes the individual assemblies and components.

Chapter contents In this chapter you will find information on the following module components:

Subject See Page

Emitter 3-2
Modulator 3-3
Apertures 3-6
Sample Cell 3-7
Filter cell 3-11
Optical filter 3-12
Calibration Unit 3-13
Calibration Cell 3-15
Infrared detector 3-16
IR module circuit board 3-19
Sensor-CPU circuit board 3-23
Pressure sensor circuit board 3-28
Thermostat circuit board 3-29
Hood with supplemental heater 3-30
Connecting Cable 3-31

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-1

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Location in Module The emitter inserts are attached to the modulator receiver disk (aluminum block).
Depending on the measurement task, one or two emitter inserts can be installed.
If only one emitter insert is used, it can be placed in the first or second beam path
depending on the requirements of the measurement application.

Structure The emitter insert consists of a reflective body which houses a wire filament in a
ceramic shell. The unit is sealed behind a gas-tight, infrared-transparent window.
To increase its service life the emitter insert is filled with a special gas.

Function Depending on module equipment, sample components and measurement ranges,

the emitter units are supplied with approx. 5-10 VDC.
The filament then emits a broadband constant infrared light beam of corresponding

Figure 3-1
Emitter insert

1 Infrared-transparent window
2 Emitter filament (not visible here)
3 Electrical connections
4 Reflector housing

Figure 3-2
Modulator with
emitter insert

1 Modulator (receiver disk)

2 Emitter insert

3-2 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Location in module The modulator is attached to the main frame.

Structure The modulator consists of:

• Receiver disk
• 1 to 2 emitter inserts
• Aperture wheel
• Synchronous motor to drive the aperture wheel
• Coupling between synchronous motor and aperture wheel
• Circuit board with
• Emitter power supply connections
• Synchronous motor connection
• Split light barrier
• O rings to seal the emitter units and the entire modulator

Function The computer-controlled synchronous motor drives the aperture wheel.

Modulation frequencG: 7.3 Hz (standard setting).
The aperture wheel is designed to alternately cover the test and reference
chambers in the sample cell so that the infrared light from the emitters passes
alternately through each chamber twice per revolution.
The IR detector signal arrangement is assured by the split light barrier and a flag
fastened to the aperture wheel drive shaft.
This design solution creates modulated light which results in a highly stable
measurement signal.

Figure 3-3

1 Aperture wheel
2 Synchronous motor
3 Emitter circuit board
4 Emitter inserts
5 Receiver disk

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-3

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Modulator, continued
Figure 3-4
Aperture wheel

1 Emitter 2
2 Aperture, beam path for reference chamber
3 Emitter 1
4 Aperture, beam path for sample chamber

Continued on next page

3-4 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Modulator, continued
Figure 3-5
Emitter circuit board

U1 Split light barrier

Inputs/Outputs X1 Connection to IR module board

X2 Synchronous motor
X3 Emitter 1
X4 Beam 2

Figure 3-6
Plug configuration
X1 X3 St 1
1 S1+ 1
2 S1+ 2
3 F1+ 3
4 S1- 4
5 F1-

6 S2- 1
X4 St 2

7 S2+ 2
8 F2- 3
9 Motor 1 4
10 F2+

11 Motor 2
12 1
13 +5V 2 M

14 L_SCHR 3


St1 Emitter 1
ST2 Emitter 2
M motor for apperture wheel

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-5

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Location in module The apertures and their adjustment screws are located on the main frame between
the modulator and sample cells.

Structure The main frame always has two apertures installed and these are moved back and
forth horizontally by a screw-type drive mechanism.
They are shown in a inset to the cross section of the sample cells installed in the
sample and reference chambers.

Function The apertures act as a shutter for the infrared emitter signal according to the
setting provided for the sample or reference beam.
Goal Equal intensity for both infrared detector beams during the basic adjustment.
Asymmetry is caused by design factors or sample gas characteristics.
Alignment is accomplished with the "optical alignment" function.

Figure 3-7

1 Beam path 1 aperture adjustment screw

2 Aperture in beam path 1
3 Aperture in beam path 2
4 and 5 Beam path 2 aperture adjustment screw
6 Opening for sample cell in beam path 2
7 Opening for sample cell in beam path 1
8 O rings to seal sample cell(s)
9 Openings for lines to gas module
10 Main frame

3-6 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Sample cell

Location in module The sample cell is installed between the main frame with modulator and the
infrared detector or calibration unit.

Structure The cell consists of an aluminum tube available in two versions:

• chemically polished
• and gold plated.
A land divides the cell into a sample chamber and a reference chamber. The
chambers are sealed with infrared-transparent windows on both sides. The
reference chamber is normally filled with N2. The sample chamber can receive a
flow of sample gases via two gas ports. The gas ports are designed for stainless
steel or plastic tubing connections. Positioning pins secure the sample cell in the
beam path. For design reasons, with small cell lengths there are additional
chambers in the sample cell sample and reference beam paths. These are filled
with N2.

Function Cell length differs according to the measurement range involved.

Since the infrared detectors are supplied for each component with a fixed signal
yield value, according to the LAMBERT-BEER law, an optimal absorption setting
must be established in the sample cell for the measurement range scale selected.
Infrared radiation absorption depends on the concentration to be measured
(measurement range) and the optical path length.
The optical path length is the distance between the two limiting windows in the
sample and reference chamber.
The two surface treatment options (chemically polished and gold-plated) have the
following functions:
• Optimal beam reflection
• Protection against corrosion of the cell
• Chemically polished cells provide high signal stability, especially when measuring
flue gases
Reflective characteristics are considered and equalized during the optical
alignment and calibration.
For specific applications there are special sample cells:
• Sample cells with flowing reference gas
Here the reference chamber receives a flow of gas (e.g. sample gas without the
sample component).
Result: Absorption in the sample and reference chamber of that portion of the
beam in the interference gas absorption lines. This eliminate the cross-sensitivity
∆-measurements represent another application.
• Sample cell with integrated filter cell (sample/filter cell)
Here, both filter chambers (sample and reference sides) are filled with the
interference gas component.
Here the portion of the beam in the interference gas line range is absorbed in
order to suppress the interference gas effect (cross-sensitivity).

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-7

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Sample cell, continued
Versions Sample cell length options are shown in the table below.
The nominal length is the optical path distance between the inner sides of the

Nominal Reference Sample/ Stainless Tubing Gold Chemically Ex Part

length gas flow filter cell steel/ connection plated polished Version number
NL plastic
mm tubing
0.3 X X X 0768 443
0.6 X X X 0768 444
2 X X X 0768 448
6 X X X 0768 449
6 X X X ? 0768 433
20 X X X 0768 450
20 X X X ? 0768 435
60 X X X 0768 453
60 X X X 0768 664
60 X X X - 0768 437
200 X X X 0768 454
200 X X X 0768 663
200 X X X ? 0768 439
200 X X X X 0768 570
200 160/40 X X X various
200 180/20 X X X various

Continued on next page

3-8 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Sample cell, continued
Figure 3-8
Sample cells
NL 0.3, 0.6, 2, 6 mm

Figure 3-9
Sample cell
NL 20 mm

Figure 3-10
Sample cell
NL 60, 200 mm

Legend for Figures 3- 1 Positioning pin to locate the cell in the beam path
8 through 11 2 Aperture-side shaft
3 Gas inlet, outlet
4 Infrared-transparent window
5 Infrared-transparent window (in front and back of sample and reference chamber)
6 Infrared-transparent window
7 Reference chamber
8 Sample chamber

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-9

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Sample cell, continued
Figure 3-11
Sample cell with
flowing reference gas

Figure 3-12
Sample cell with
integrated filter cell

1 Filter cell fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)

2 Filter cell, NL 20-40 mm (chamber fill per order)
3 Reference chamber, NL 160 or 180 mm
4 Sample chamber, NL 160 or 180 mm

3-10 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Filter cell

Location in module The filter cell is installed between the sample cell and infrared detector or between
the sample cell and calibration cell.

Structure The filter cell consists of a gold-plated tube.

A land divides the cell into a sample chamber and a reference chamber; there is a
gas link between the two.
The filter cell sealed with infrared-transparent windows on both sides.
Two positioning pins secure the filter cell in the beam path.

Function The sample and reference sides are individually filled with the applicable
interference gas.
This causes absorption of the portion of the beam in the range of the interference
gas absorption lines.
Result: A sharp reduction in cross sensitivity.

Versions For various applications there are various versions of the filter cell, as shown

Nominal length Surface Fill Part number

Gold plated

Figure 3-13
Filter cell

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-11

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Optical filter

Location in module Depending on the module layout and measurement task, the optical filters are
located at the following points:
• Between the sample cell and infrared detector
• Between two infrared detectors
• Between the calibration unit and infrared detector

Structure The optical filter (interference filter) consists of two silicon disks which are
metallically loaded to achieve the desired property.
The filter is fastened in a metal housing.
The housings are different for the various installation locations mentioned above.

Function By installing interference filters, emission ranges in overlapping sector of the

sample and interference bands are tuned out. This means that, depending on the
its type, the filter only allows the passage of emissions in a specific wavelength
For reasons of symmetry the filter operates on the sample and reference sides of
the beam path.
Filter use depends on the following limiting conditions:
The combination of gas components in the sample gas
Component concentrations
Measurement ranges
Filters are primarily used for the SO2, NO, N2O, and CnHm sample components.

Figure 3-14
Optical filters

1 optical filter, style A Installed between sample cell/detector or

2 optical filter, style B Installed between calibration cell/detector

3-12 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Calibration unit

Location in module The calibration unit is an installable option.

It is inserted between the sample cell and infrared detector.

Structure The calibration unit is a motorized shifting device for the calibration cells.
A small drive motor with a drive pin moves the slide on which the calibration cell is
Small permanent magnets are used to improve calibration cell positioning and
An attachment using two U mounts makes it possible to have a difference in width
between the versions with and without optical filters.

Figure 3-15
Calibration unit

1 Calibration cell
2 Circuit board plug connection
3 Drive motor
4 and 5 Permanent magnets
6 Slide

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-13

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Calibration unit, continued
Figure 3-16

LP IR circuit board IR-module

LP CE circuit board calibration unit

3-14 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Calibration cell

Location in module The calibration cell is a option to be mounted in the calibration unit.
A calibration cell can be installed in each beam path.

Structure The calibration cell housing consists of a gold-plated metal frame with four
chambers that are sealed gas-tight by means of infrared-transparent windows.
Three chambers are filled with nitrogen.
One chamber is filled with the required test gas mixture.

Function The calibration cell is used to calibrate span.

There can be one calibration cell per beam path.
If there are two infrared detectors in the beam path the calibration cell has a mixed
Calibration cell gas fill can be compared with a test gas flask.
The concentration stamped on the calibration cell is the fill concentration. This is
not the calibration concentration for the Uras 14. It must be determined with a test

Figure 3-17
Calibration cell

1 N2 fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)

2 and 3 Chambers filled with N2, in beam path 4 for meas. and zero
alignment Chamber filled with N2, in reference beam path 5 for
span calibration Chamber filled with test gas, in meas. beam path
for span calibration
6 Test gas fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)
7 N2 fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-15

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Infrared detector

Location in module The infrared detector is placed at the end of the sample cell.
Depending on the application, there can be from 1 to 4 detectors installed.
A maximum of 2 detectors are possible per beam path.

Structure The infrared detector consists of the following components:

• An optopneumatic portion consisting of two chambers, one located behind the
other, separated by an infrared-transparent window.
The chambers are filled with a gas that corresponds to the sample component
In the part not affected by the beam there is a membrane capacitor consisting of
a metal membrane sealed in a gas-tight manner between the two chamber
portions and a fixed counter electrode. Both components are linked to the
preamplifier via gas-tight openings.
• The preamplifier is a fixed component of the detector.
The preamplifier has a temperature probe for optional temperature

Function The emission entering the detector is absorbed in the region of the fill gas
absorption lines and by molecular collision is momentarily converted to heat energy
corresponding to pressure. This pressure change is received by the membrane
The 150-V voltage applied now generates a corresponding mV signal via a high-
resistance circuit.
The primary emission absorption occurs in the forward chamber (positive
deflection). In the rear chamber there is a flank-driven emitted beam portion of the
rotation lines which in the case of overlap with interference gas components leads
to cross-sensitivity. The greater depth of the rear chamber causes the absorption of
most of this interference emission and there is also a pressure increase here to
counter the pressure in the front chamber. This suppresses a certain amount of the
cross-sensitivity effect.
The preamplifier has 3 jumpers to allow signal matching to x1, x3 or x10. These
jumpers are set during the initial calibration.
The temperature probe is used to determine the ambient temperature of the optical
components and is therefore part of the optional measurement signal temperature
compensation circuit. Only the first infrared detector’s probe is used for
temperature measurements.

Types All infrared detectors are mechanically identical. Detector fill is determined by the
application. The detectors are suitable for all measurement ranges shown on the
data sheet.
Sample components:
CO, NO, SO2, N2O, Frigen/R12, H2O, SF6, CS2, NH3
CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H6, C3H8, C4H10, C6H6, C6H14
CO2 with 10% fill for small measurement ranges
CO2 with 100% fill for large measurement ranges

Continued on next page

3-16 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Infrared detector, continued
Figure 3-18
Infrared detector

1 Amplifier matching jumpers

2 Preamplifier
3 IR module circuit board plug connection
4 Membrane capacitor
5 Front and rear chambers6 Positioning pins and openings
7 Fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)

Figure 3-19

BR 1 1x amplification
BR 2 3x amplification
BR 3 10x amplification
ST1 Connection to IR module board
A/B Solder connection points for membrane capacitor

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-17

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Infrared detector, continued
Figure 3-20
Preamplifier pin
Plug 1
Connection to IR electronics
SIGN. GND 1___
+ 150V 2___
AGND 4___
TEMP 5___
+ 15V 6___
GNDA 7___
SIGN. INP. 8___
TEST 9___
- 15V 10__

Note Pin 3 on plug ST1 is not available.

It has been removed as a means of keying the plug.

3-18 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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IR module circuit board

Location in module The circuit board is beside the analyzer module and is inserted in the Sensor-CPU
circuit board.

Structure The back of the circuit board has three multipoint connectors for power supply and
signal connections.
There are two side-mounted terminal strips for two ribbon cable connections to the
optical components.

Function The circuit board contains the following functions:

• 4-channel electronics for 4 possible infrared detectors with 0.3/ 1.0/3,5/12
amplification as controlled by the computer.
• 150 V power supply for the membrane capacitors.
• Power supply for beam 1 with computer-controlled beam power setting
• Power supply for beam 2 with computer-controlled beam power setting
• Power supply for chopper wheel motor
• Light barrier signal
• Power supply for calibration unit motors

Figure 3-21 X3 X4
IR module circuit


X8 /3,502'

Inputs/Outputs X3 Infrared detector 1 preamplifier

Infrared detector 2 preamplifier
Modulator (beams 1 and 2, synchronous motor, split light barrier)
Calibration unit 1
Calibration unit 2
Pressure sensor
X4 Infrared detector 3 preamplifier
Infrared detector 4 preamplifier
X7 Connection to Sensor-CPU board
X8 Connection to Sensor-CPU board
X9 Connection to Sensor-CPU board

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-19

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IR module circuit board, continued
Figure 3-22.1
FID module circuit
board pin layout

Plug X 3 Plug X3
S1 + 1___ CCVORH 1 39__
S1 + 2___ CC 1 40__
F1 + 3___ + 15V 41__
S1 - 4___  42__
F1 - 5___ 43__
S2 - 6___ 44__
S2 + 7___ CCVORH 2 45__
F2 - 8___ CC 2 46__
MOTOR 1 9___ + 15V 47__
F2 + 10__  48__
MOTOR 2 11__ 49__
 12__ 50__
+ 5V 13__
L_SCHR 14__
+ 15V 15__
- 15V 16__
 17__
BARO 1 18__
 19__
+ 150V 20__
 21__
 22__
LN335 - 1 23__
+ 15V 24__
 25__
PA 1 26__
PA-Test 27__
- 15V 28__
 29__
+ 150V 30__
 31__
 32__
LM 335-2(nc) 33__
+ 15V 34__
 35__
PA 2 36__
PA-TEST 37__
- 15V 38__

Continued on next page

3-20 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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IR module circuit board, continued
Figure 3-22.2
IR module circuit
board pin layout

Plug 4 Plug 7
 1___ + 5V 1___
+ 150V 2___  2___
 3___ + 24V 3___
 4___ __4___
LM 335 (no) 5___ __5___
+ 15V 6___  6___
 7___ 24_COM 7___
PA 3 8___ 8___
PA-TEST 9___ 9___
- 15V 10__  10__
 11__ BARO 1 11__
+ 150V 12__  12__
 13__ CCVORH1 13__
 14__ CCVORH2 14__
LM 335-4 (no) 15__ S_DOWN1 15__
+ 15V 16__ 16__
 17__ 17__
PA 4 18__ 18__
PA-TEST 19__ 19__
- 15V 20__ 20__

Plug 8 Plug 8
+ 5V 1___ A8 17__
 2___ A9 18__
3___ A10 19__
4___ CS-I/O-1 20__
D0 5___ CS-I/O-2 21__
D1 6___ RD 22__
D2 7___ WR 23__
D3 8___ ADH-CLK 24__
D4 9___ ADH-CLK2 25__
D5 10__ RUN/HOLD 26__
D6 11__ AD1_PW 27__
D7 12__ 28__
A0 13__ INT_1 29__
A1 14__ INT:2 30__
A2 15__ INT_3 31__
A3 16__ INT_4 32__

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-21

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IR module circuit board, continued
Figure 3-22,3
Pin layout
IR module circuit

Plug 9
+ 15V 1___
- 15V 2___
 3___
NTC 1 4___
LM335-1 5___
(NTC)  6___
RESET 7___
ICLK 8___
IDAT 9___
 10__
TFS_77 11__
RFS_77 12__
DIN_77 13__
DOUT_77 14__
SCLK_77 15__
DRDY_77 16__
SYNC_77 17__
A=/CS_77 18__

3-22 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Sensor-CPU circuit board

Location in module The Sensor-CPU circuit board is beside the analyzer module and is inserted in the
IR module circuit board.

Structure For signal transfer purposes the Sensor-CPU circuit board is connected to the
Sensor-CPU circuit board by means of 3 terminal strips.
There are also five plug connection for central and peripheral functions.

Function The circuit board contains the following functions:

• Processor for module signal processing and control
• A/D converter variables
• Multiplexer variables
• Internal sample preparation control
• Oxygen sensor signal processing
• 15V, 24V power supply
• Reset generation
• Internal bus controller

Figure 3-23
Sensor-CPU board

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-23

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Sensor-CPU circuit board, continued
Inputs/Outputs X1 Internal bus
X2 RS232 Service
X3 RS232
X4 Connection to IR module board
X6 Connection to IR module board
X7 Connection to IR module board
X8 Heater
X9 24-V power supply
X10 Connection to gas module and oxygen sensor
X12 Pressure sensor input (not for Uras 14 module)
X13 Dongle

Equipment D24 Flash EPROM with firmware

D18 EEPROM with analyzer data
H1 Green LED, power supply
H2 Yellow LED, Analyzer module maintenance required
H3 Red LED, Sensor-CPU fault

EEPROM D18 contains all analyzer and electronics data.

Figure 3-24
Sensor-CPU board
pin layout

Continued on next page

3-24 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Sensor-CPU circuit board, continued
Figure 3-25,1
Pin layout

Plug X1 Socket X2
Internal bus RS232 Service

Plug X3 Plug X4
RS232 Connection to IR electronics

Continued on next page

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Sensor-CPU circuit board, continued
Figure 3-25.2
Pin layout

Plug X6 Plug X7
Connection to IR electronics Connection to IR electronics

Plug X8 Plug X9
Heater 24V

Continued on next page

3-26 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Sensor-CPU circuit board, continued
Figure 3-25.3
Sensor-CPU board
pin layout

Plug X10 Plug X12

Gas module Flow sensor
Not applicable to Uras 14

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-27

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Pressure sensor circuit board

Location in module Depending on the analyzer module configuration, the pressure sensor is mounted
in various positions on the main frame.

Structure The pressure sensor is mounted on a circuit board with the applicable wiring.
The board is connected to the IR module circuit board.

Function The pressure sensor measures pressure in the sample cell.

The signal is processed for pressure correction of the measurement signal.
As an option, the pressure sensor can also measure outside pressure via separate
• Absolute pressure sensor
• Working range 700-1300 mbar
• Offset calibration required

Figure 3-26
Pressure sensor
circuit board

Inputs/Outputs X2 Connection to IR module board

A Gas inlet (pressure in sample cell)

Figure 3-27
Pin layout

3-28 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Thermostat circuit board

Location in module The circuit board is attached to the main frame.

Structure The circuit board contains two heat resistors.

The temperature probe (NTC) is soldered to a cable.
There can be a soldered cable connection to a supplemental heater.
Power supply and control signals enter via a plug connection.
The thermal link is fitted in a clamp connection.

Function The thermostat circuit board is used to control the temperature of the optical
components, especially the sample cells.
This provides the following advantages:
• Minimized temperature dependency
• Small measurement ranges
• Reduced signal drift that can be caused by other external effects.
The thermostat control option is activated by software settings.
The temperature control is set to 55°C.
The thermal link trips at 85°C.

Figure 3-28

1 Plug X1, power supply and control

2 Connection to supplemental heater in hood
3 Temperature probe (NTC)
4 Heat resistors

Figure 3-29
Thermostat circuit
board pin layout

Inputs/Outputs X1 Plug connection to Sensor-CPU

X2 Thermal link clamp
R5 Solder points for NTC temperature probe
XA1/XA2 Plug connection for supplemental heater in hood

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-29

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Hood with supplemental heater

Location in module The hood encloses the optical components.

Structure The hood consists of a U-shaped plate with a heating element on each side wall.

Function The heated hood controls optical element temperature together with the heater
installed on the main frame. It has a parallel plug connection to the thermostat
circuit board.

Figure 3-30
Hood with heater

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Connecting cable

Location in module Connection between IR module circuit board and optical components.

Figure 3-31
Connection 1

Figure 3-32
Connection 2

Continued on next page

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Connecting cable, continued
Figure 3-33
Connection cable 1
pin layout

3-32 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Chapter 4: Troubleshooting


This chapter This chapter contains information on troubleshooting and repairing the analyzer

Chapter contents In this chapter you will find the following information:

Subject See Page

Status messages 4-2

No measurement signal 4-4
Unstable measurement value reading 4-5
Zero drift / Measured value drift 4-6
Negative measurement signal 4-7
Measurement signal not enough sensitive 4-8
Excessive measurement signal preparation time 4-9
Temperature error 4-10

SHB_U14 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 4-1

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Status messages

Analyzer module The following is a list of Sensor-CPU status messages.

status messages

General status
Fault code Status message Brief description
0x0000 0 No error
0x0001 1 Detector fault No interrupt during time window
0x0002 2 Overrange ADC measurement range
0x0004 4 Half Half of drift range (offset/ampl.)
0x0008 8 Over Drift range (offset/ampl.) exceeded
0x0010 16 Delta Over Calibration drift (offset/ampl.)
0x0020 32 Floating point error An error occurred during calculation
of the measurement value

Temperature detector
status messages
Fault code Status message Brief description
General error up to drift error

Pressure detector
status messages
Fault code Status message Brief description
General error up to drift error

Temperature control
status messages
Fault code Status message Brief description
General error up to drift error
0x1000 4096 Controller deviation 1 First limit value exceeded
0x2000 8192 Controller deviation 2 Second limit value exceeded

Flow detector status

Fault code Status message Brief description
General error up to drift error

Continued on next page

4-2 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting SHB_U14

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Status messages, continued
Status messages
IR detector
Fault code Status message Brief description
General error
0x0040 64 Temperature control Control deviation 1, 2 or erroneous
error temperature measured value
0x0080 128 Temp. comp. error Erroneous measured value for
temperature compensation
0x0200 512 Press. comp. error Erroneous measured value for
pressure compensation
0x0400 1024 CS comp. error Erroneous measured value for cross-
0x0800 2048 CG comp. error Erroneous measured value for carrier
gas compensation
0x1000 4096 ADC read error Bad or no data from ADC

Status messages The Uras 14 analyzer module often has an O2 detector. The corresponding status
O2 detector messages are shown here.
Fault code Status message Brief description
General error
0x0040 64 Temperature control Control deviation 1, 2 or erroneous
error temperature measured value
0x0080 128 Temp. comp. error Erroneous measured value for
temperature compensation
0x0200 512 Press. comp. error Erroneous measured value for
pressure compensation
0x0400 1024 CS comp. error Erroneous measured value for cross-
0x0800 2048 CG comp. error Erroneous measured value for carrier
gas compensation

SHB_U14 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 4-3

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No measurement signal

Indication No measurement signal when sample gas concentration changes.

No measurement signal during gas change (zero gas/span gas).

Status messages After calibration messages 1, 2, 4 or 8 may appear.

Possible cause Measures
Power supply failure Connect 24-V power supply
Defective emitter Replace emitter
Emitter power supply voltage failure - Check connections
- Replace IR module circuit board
- Replace Sensor-CPU circuit board
Chopper wheel does not turn - Check power supply voltage
- Replace motor
- Repair drive coupling
- Make sure chopper wheel turns freely
Check operation.
Defective IR detector Replace IR detector
Defective preamplifier Replace IR detector
Defective IR module circuit board Replace circuit board
Defective Sensor-CPU circuit board Replace circuit board
Defective EEPROM on Sensor-CPU Replace EEPROM and/or reload data
board set
Defective cable between emitter/IR Establish connection
detectors and IR module circuit board
No flow through sample chamber Check sample gas path
Check sample gas supply
Sample gas path leak Repair leaks
Possible bypass at sample gas inlet Optimize the bypass
generating vacuum

4-4 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting SHB_U14

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Unstable measurement value reading

Indication Measurement signal indicating non-reproducible shifts of varying amplitudes.

Status messages After calibration messages 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 may appear.

Possible cause Measures
Vibration - Reduce vibration at analyzer site.
- Increase the low pass time constant
- Change the chopper wheel
modulation frequency and perform
initial calibration of all IR detectors.
Sample gas path leak Check the sample gas path ahead of
and within the analyzer module for
Loss of sensitivity - Check sensitivity change
- Check emitter
- Check IR detector
- Check calibration unit
- Check sample cells
Excessive variation in ambient - Follow the instructions in Chapter 2 of
temperature the operator’s manual.
- Configure the module thermostat and
perform initial calibration of all IR
Ambient air contains sample - Take measures at the collection site
components - Install housing purge
Large variation of sample gas pressure - Optimize sample gas supply
in sample cell - Check sample gas outlet and exhaust
Components not secured properly in - Check emitter screws and fasteners
beam path - If applicable, check cell mounting O
- If applicable, check calibration cell
slide mechanism
Defective pressure sensor Replace pressure sensor
Defective emitter Replace emitter
Defective IR detector Replace IR detector
Defective IR module circuit board Replace circuit board
Defective Sensor-CPU circuit board Replace circuit board
Defective EEPROM on Sensor-CPU Replace EEPROM and/or reload data
board set

SHB_U14 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 4-5

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Zero drift / Measured value drift

Indication Zero point signal undergoes long- and/or short-term drift to positive or negative

Status messages After calibration messages 4 or 16 may appear.

Possible cause Measures
Calibration not performed often enough Reduce the interval between
Sample gas line contaminated - Clean the sample gas line
- Check the sample gas line
- Check the cooler
Sample cell contaminated - Clean or replace the sample cell
- Check sample gas preparation, install
additional filters if needed
- Use aluminum cells, perform an initial
calibration of all IR detectors involved
- Configure the module thermostat and
perform initial calibration of all IR
Sample gas path leak Check the sample gas path ahead of
and within the analyzer module for
IR detector becoming less sensitive Replace IR detector
Defective cable between emitter/IR Establish connection
detectors and IR module circuit board
Defective IR module circuit board Replace circuit board
Defective Sensor-CPU circuit board Replace circuit board
Defective EEPROM on Sensor-CPU Replace EEPROM and/or reload data
board set

4-6 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting SHB_U14

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Negative measurement signal

Indication Values occasionally or permanently below "0" in small measurement ranges.

Status messages No status messages

Possible cause Measures
Improper sample gas preparation - Check the cooler
- Check dew points of sample gas and,
if applicable, zero gas
Sample components in zero gas Replace zero gas
Inadequate purge time prior to zero Increase purge time
Defective IR detector Replace IR detector
Cross-sensitivity influence - Check IR detector
- Check and, if necessary, replace filter
- Check and, if necessary, replace
optical filter

SHB_U14 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 4-7

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Measurement signal not sensitive enough

Indication 1 Measured values too low even after calibration performed

2 Analyzer sensitivity has lessened

Status message For 1: No status messages

For 2: After calibration messages 2, 4 or 8 may appear.

Possible cause Measures
Defective calibration cell - Remeasure calibration cell
- Replace calibration cell
Defective IR detector Replace IR detector
Sample cell contaminated - Clean or replace the sample cell
- Check sample gas preparation, install
additional filters if needed
- Use aluminum cells, perform an initial
calibration of all IR detectors involved
- Configure the module thermostat and
perform initial calibration of all IR
Incorrect span gas concentration data Check concentration data
(items 1 and 2)
Sample gas line leak (item 1) Perform a seal integrity test.
Sample component washed out by or Optimize sample gas preparation
reacts with associated components
Improperly dimensioned bypass (1 and - Check pressure and volume ratios
2) at sample gas inlet
- Remove bypass

4-8 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting SHB_U14

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Excessive measurement signal preparation time

Indication The measurement signal changes very slowly after a concentration change.

Status messages None

Possible cause Measures
Contamination at sample gas collection - Clean contaminated components and
point and in lines check, if applicable, sample gas
preparation temperature control
- Check system shutdown procedure
- Check cooler
- Check the pump unit
- Set excess pressure between supply
unit and analyzer input as low as
Sample cell contaminated Clean or replace the sample cell
Inadequate sample gas supply Check supply pump

SHB_U14 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 4-9

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Temperature error

Indication Desired detector temperature not reached.

Status messages

Possible cause Measures
Defective 24-V power supply - Check 24-V connection to Sensor-
CPU circuit board
Defective thermal link Replace thermal link
Defective heater Replace thermostat circuit board
Defective temperature probe Replace thermostat circuit board
Broken connection leads Check leads and contacts
Defective Sensor-CPU circuit board Replace circuit board

4-10 Chapter 4: Troubleshooting SHB_U14

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Chapter 5: Testing


Introduction This chapter describes testing of the primary measurement and influence values on
the module.
Special accessories are described where necessary.

Chapter contents In this chapter you will find the following information:

Subject See Page

Electrical connections 5-2
IR Detector measurement signal 5-4
IR detector preamplifier 5-5
Emitter insert 5-6
Modulator with emitter circuit board 5-7
Sample cell 5-8
Thermostat temperature 5-9
Heater 5-10
Temperature sensor 5-11
Thermal link 5-12
Calibration cell 5-13
Calibration unit 5-14
Pressure sensor 5-15
IR module circuit board 5-16
Sensor-CPU circuit board 5-18

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-1

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Electrical connections

What electrical The following connections are always present:

connections are • 50-pin ribbon cable
provided? IR module circuit board ↔ IR components
• 4 pin connection
Sensor-CPU circuit board ↔ Circuit board temperature control
• 4-pin connection
Emitter circuit board ↔ Emitter case, one connection per emitter case
• 24 V plug
Connection plate ↔ Sensor-CPU circuit board
only connected for external power supply
• Bus connection (internal)
Connection plate ↔ Sensor-CPU circuit board
only connected for external bus link

The following connections are only used when applicable:

• 20-pin ribbon cable
IR module circuit board ↔ IR detectors 3 and 4
• 26-pin ribbon cable
Sensor-CPU circuit board ↔ Internal gas module / Oxygen sensor

Available connections for unused options:

• Conductors that are not needed are fitted with plugs, rolled together and wire tied
to a bracket.

Continued on next page

5-2 Chapter 5: Testing SHB_U14

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Electrical connections, continued
Figure 5-1
Connection plug

LP-IR IR module circuit board CC 1, 2 Calibration cells 1 and 2

LP-CPU Sensor-CPU circuit board IR-D1-4 Infrared detectors 1 to 4
LP-Str Emitter circuit board PM Gas module
LP-T Temperature control board O2 Oxygen sensor
C1, 2 Sample cells 1 and 2 X1-10 Electrical plug connections
Str 1, 2 Emitter 1 and 2

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-3

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IR detector measurement signal

Accessories: Test gas, AO service unit, PC with MASSERV

When? The detector should be checked if any loss of sensitivity is suspected.

Where? Perform manual zero and span calibrations with test gases.
• Calibration via sample gas inlet or test gas inlets
Calibration - Manual Calibration Menu
• Verifying calibration
• AO Service Unit
Diagnostics/Info - Status - Absolute Deviations Menu
Device Test Menu

Set point: The zero set point should be approximately 0% and the sensitivity set point should
be 100%.
• AO Service Unit
Zero: 0% ±20 (max. +50)
Span: 0% ±20 (max. -50)
• PC with MASSERV..............................

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IR Detector Preamplifier

Accessories: Multimeter, oscilloscope

Electrical value: Voltage

Where? • Capacitor voltage

IR detector plug St1 pin 2 + to pin 1 ⊥
• Preamplifier power
IR detector plug St1 pin 6 + to pin 7 ⊥
pin 10 to pin 7 ⊥
• Measurement signal
IR detector plug St1 pin

Desired value: • Capacitor voltage +150 V

• Preamplifier power: ±15 V
• Measurement signal:

Figure 5-2

Figure 5-3
pin layout
Stecker 1
Verbindung zur IR-Ekektronik
SIGN. GND 1___
+ 150V 2___
AGND 4___
TEMP 5___
+ 15V 6___
GNDA 7___
SIGN. INP. 8___
TEST 9___
- 15V 10__

Note Pin 3 on plug ST1 is not available.

It has been removed as a means of keying the plug.

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-5

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Emitter insert

Accessories Multimeter

Electrical value: Power supply voltage, emitter resistance

Where? Emitter insert electrical passages

Desired value: • Power supply voltage

There are three possible emitter power settings:

2.2 W ↔ 5.6 V ± 0.5 V

3.7 W ↔ 7.2 V ± 0.5 V
5.2 W ↔ 8.6 V ± 0.5 V

For analyzer modules with software version ≤ ????

2.2 W ↔ 5.6 V ± 0.5 V
3.8 W ↔ 7.45 V ± 0.5 V
6.6 W ↔ 9.5 V ± 0.5 V

Power settings are determined individually during initial calibration. The three
possible settings can differ between emitter 1 and 2.

• Emitter insert resistance

13 Ω ± 0.5 Ω (measured cold)
For this, plug connection X1/X2 is disconnected on the emitter circuit board.

Figure 5-4
Pin layout
X1 X3 St 1
1 S1+ 1
2 S1+ 2
3 F1+ 3
4 S1- 4
5 F1-

6 S2- 1
X4 St 2

7 S2+ 2
8 F2- 3
9 Motor 1 4
10 F2+

11 Motor 2
12 1
13 +5V 2 M

14 L_SCHR 3


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Modulator with emitter circuit board

Accessories Multimeter

Overall check The chopper wheel must turn without any audible noise.

Electrical value: Voltage

Where? • Emitter 1 power supply

Emitter circuit board plug X1 pin 1/2/3 + to 4/5 -
• Emitter 2 power supply
Emitter circuit board plug X1 pin 7/10 + to 6/8 -
• Motor
Emitter circuit board plug X1 pin ....
• Light splitter
Emitter circuit board plug X1
Power supply pin 13 + to 12 ⊥
Signal pin 14.....

Desired value: • Emitter 1 and 2 power supply

5.6 V ± 0.5 V at 2.2 W setting
7.2 V ± 0.5 V at 3.7 W setting
8.6 V ± 0.5 V at 5.2 W setting

For analyzer modules with software version ≤ ????

5.6 V ± 0.5 V at 2.2 W setting
7.45 V ± 0.5 V at 3.8 W setting
9.5 V ± 0.5 V at 6.8 W setting
• Motor
• Light splitter
Supply +5 V

Figure 5-5
Pin layout X1 X3 St 1
1 S1+ 1
2 S1+ 2
3 F1+ 3
4 S1- 4
5 F1-

6 S2- 1
X4 St 2

7 S2+ 2
8 F2- 3
9 Motor 1 4
10 F2+

11 Motor 2
12 1
13 +5V 2 M

14 L_SCHR 3


SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-7

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Sample cell

Visual check Since the sample gas flows throughout the sample cell’s sample chamber, the
optical properties of its inner surface can change.
Disassemble the cell for a visual check.
Hold the cell up to a light and look through it.
Both chambers must have equal and uniform surfaces with a bright metallic sheen
and no dark spots.
The windows must be clear and clean.

When? • Offset too high

• Zero drift
• Loss of sensitivity

Causes of staining • Sample chamber

and contamination • Process (sample gas composition)
• Incomplete or improper sample gas preparation
• Inadequate maintenance
• Reference chamber/extension chambers
• Loose chambers

Other measures • Clean the sample cell sample chamber

• Replace the sample cell
• Check the tubing and replace if necessary.
• Eliminate the cause

5-8 Chapter 5: Testing SHB_U14

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Thermostat temperature

Accessories AO service unit, PC with MASSERV

Where? • AO service unit

Select using the Diagnostics/Info - Module-specific - Controller parameter menu
• Desired value:
Menu F1 Configure - F2 Detector configuration - Temperature detector control 2
- F5 Detector components - F3 Component correction parameter - Controller
• Actual value:
F4 Device test menu

Desired value Temperature: 55°C

Raw measured value: approx. 2000
Controller variable: Depends on ambient temperature
approx. 40% at 25°C
approx. 10-20% at 40°C
Limit 1: ±2°C
Limit 2: ±10°C

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-9

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Accessories Multimeter

Electrical value: Heating resistor resistance

Where? • Overall measurement of all heating resistors:

Disconnect the 4-pin plug from Sensor-CPU board X8.
2-pin plug connected to cover.
Test point: Between brown and white
• Measurement of the two heating resistors on the thermostat board
Disconnect the 4-pin plug from Sensor-CPU board X8.
Remove the 2-pin plug connected to the cover.
Test point: Between brown and white
• Measurement of the two heating resistors in the hood
Disconnect the 2-pin plug from the hood
Test point: Hood plug

Desired values: • Total resistance: approx. 9.5 Ω ± 0.5 Ω

• Thermostat board heating resistors: approx. 12.5 Ω
• Hood heating resistors: approx. 50 Ω

Figure 5-6

Figure 5-7
Circuit board
pin layout

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Temperature probe

Accessories Multimeter

Electrical value: NTC sensor resistance

Where? Disconnect the 4-pin plug from Sensor-CPU board X8.

Test points: Between yellow and green

Desired value: approx. 10 kΩ at 25°C

approx. 3 kΩ at 55°C

Figure 5-8

Figure 5-9
Circuit board
pin layout

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-11

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Thermal link

Accessories Multimeter, screwdriver

Electrical value: Resistance

Where? Temperature control board terminal strip X2

Remove the thermal link from the terminal strip and measure the thermal link

Desired value: Continuity

Figure 5-10
Thermal link

5-12 Chapter 5: Testing SHB_U14

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Calibration cell

Accessories Test gases for zero and span points.

Visual check • For the measurement and zero calibration function the calibration cells placed in
the calibration unit slide should be in the lower position.
• Move them to the upper position for the span calibration function.
• Tubes and cables should not interfere with slide movement.
• The shipping lock (tube) must be removed.
• The windows should not be damaged in any way, in particular they must be free
of cracks.
(this can only be checked in the installed position)

F Replace the calibration cell if a window is damaged.

Function check Normally concentration(s) in the calibration cell test gas chamber are stable over a
period of years. They should, however, be checked every year.
Refer to
Operator’s manual → Chapter 9. Inspection and maintenance → Measure
calibration cell in Uras 14.

F This check requires the zero and span gases for calibration of the largest
measurement range.

Desired value Since the span point of the large measurement range of the applicable IR detector
is calibrated using the calibration cell, the following concentrations should be
• 70 to 90 % of the largest measurement range concentration
• Smaller concentrations are possible, but the calibration will be imprecise.
For most official measurements this is not permissible.
• In case of a large concentration loss (> 20% of the concentration entered),
replace the calibrate cell as soon as possible.

F The concentration(s) shown on the calibration cell are the fill concentrations.
The calibration concentration is determined when installed in the analyzer.

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-13

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Calibration unit

Accessories Multimeter, PC with test- and calibration software

Visual check The upper, lower and lateral travel paths of the calibration cell slide must be free of
interference by cables and tubes.

Function check • The calibration cell installed in the calibration unit should travel to the lower
position when the analyzer module is turned on (measurement/zero calibration).
• The calibration cells can be moved individually using MASSERV.
Device test menu

Electrical value: Voltage

Where? Plugs X6 or X7 Pin 2 + to pin 1⊥

Desired value: Power supply: +15V

Figure 5-11
Connection cable 1

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Pressure sensor

Accessories Multimeter

Electrical value: Voltage

Where? Pressure sensor circuit board, plug X2 pin +4 and -3

Desired value: 120 mV ±...mV at 1100 mbar

mV ±...mV at 1013 mbar
mV ±...mV at 900 mbar

Figure 5-12
Pressure sensor
circuit board

Figure 5-13
Pin layout

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-15

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IR module circuit board

Accessories Multimeter

Preface Always replace a defective IR module board.

The following test can be performed to determine which function is defective.

Visual check SMD fuses

• F1 24 V power supply emitter 1
• F2 24 V power supply emitter 2

Electrical value Voltage

Where? ÌR module circuit board, plugs X3 and X4

Desired value

Function Plug Pin Desired value

IR detector 1 X3 20 ↔ 19 (⊥) +150 V
24 ↔ 25 (⊥) + 15 V
28 ↔ 25 (⊥) - 15 V
IR detector 2 X3 30 ↔ 29 (⊥) + 150 V
34 ↔ 35 (⊥) + 15 V
38 ↔ 35 (⊥) - 15 V
IR detector 3 X4 2 ↔ 1 (⊥) + 150 V
6 ↔ 7 (⊥) + 15 V
10 ↔ 7 (⊥) - 15 V
IR detector 4 X4 12 ↔ 11 (⊥) + 150 V
16 ↔ 17 (⊥) + 15 V
17 ↔ 20(⊥) - 15 V
Motor control X3
Beam splitter X3 13 ↔ 12 (⊥) + 5V
Pressure sensor X3 15 ↔ 17 (⊥) + 15 V
16 ↔ 17 (⊥) - 15 V
Calibration cell control 1 X3 41 ↔ 42(⊥) + 15 V
Calibration cell control 2 X3 47 ↔ 48(⊥) + 15 V
Emitter 1 X3 3 ↔ 5 (-) + 5...10 V
Emitter 2 X3 7 ↔ 6 (-) + 5... 10V

Continued on next page

5-16 Chapter 5: Testing SHB_U14

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IR module circuit board, continued
Figure 5-14 X3 X4
IR module
Circuit board


X8 /3,502'

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-17

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Sensor-CPU circuit board

Accessories Multimeter

Preface Always replace a defective Sensor-CPU board.

The following test can be performed to determine which function is defective.

Visual check • LEDs

• H1 green → 24 V power supply OK
• H2 yellow → Thermostat temperature still outside limits
• H3 red → Defective Sensor-CPU circuit board
Normal condition: LED lights shortly after the analyzer module is
turned on.
• SMD fuses
• F1 0.2 A → 24 V power for solenoid 1 "......."
• F2 3.15 A → 24 V power for thermostat heater
• F3 3.15 A → 24 V power for internal pump
• F4 0.2 A → 24 V power for solenoid 2 "......."
• F5 0.2 A → 24 V power for solenoid 3 "......."

Electrical value Voltage

Where? Sensor-CPU circuit board, plugs X8 and X10

Desired value

Function Plug Pin Desired value

Off On
Heater X8 1↔2 0V 24 V intermitt.
Pump X10 2↔3 0V 0-24 V
Solenoid 1 X10 5↔6 0V 24 V
Solenoid 2 X10 7↔8 0V 24 V
Solenoid 3 X10 9 ↔ 10 0V 24 V
Flow detector X10 17 ↔ 20 (⊥) + 15 V
Internal gas lines 18 ↔ 20 (⊥) - 15 V

Fortsetzung auf der folgenden Seite

5-18 Chapter 5: Testing SHB_U14

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Sensor-CPU circuit board, Fortsetzung

Figure 5-15
Circuit board

SHB_U14 Chapter 5: Testing 5-19

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Chapter 6: Component Interchange


Introduction This chapter contains the steps and procedures to be followed when interchanging

In order to remove and install components safely and correctly, read and follow all
the instructions and warnings in this chapter.

The tasks described in this chapter require special training and under certain
conditions involve working on the analyzer while it is open and powered up.
For this reason, these tasks should only be carried out by specially trained
and qualified persons.

Chapter contents You will find the following information in this chapter:

Subject See page

Summary 6-2
Remove/install Uras 14 analyzer module 6-3
Change emitter insert 6-5
Change modulator 6-6
Change sample cell 6-7
Change calibration cell and calibration unit 6-9
Change infrared detector 6-10
Change IR module and Sensor-CPU circuit boards 6-11
Change thermal link 6-12

SHB_U14 Chapter 6: Component Interchange 6-1

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Figure 6-1
Analyzer module

6-2 Chapter 6: Component Interchange SHB_U14

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Remove/install Uras 14 analyzer module

Module removal To remove the module, proceed as follows:

Step Action
1 Turn off the analyzer power supply.
2 Shut off the gas supply (sample gas and, if applicable, reference gas)
to the analyzer.
3 Disconnect the gas lines from the analyzer module ports.
4 Flush the analyzer module.
5 Open the system housing.
6 Remove the cables connecting the analyzer module to the central unit.
7 Disconnect the hood cable.
8 Remove 4 screws (1)
9 Remove the hood.
10 Remove the analyzer module mounting screws.
4 bolts on the gas connection plate (2).
4 nuts on the base plate (3).
11 Remove the analyzer module from the housing

Module installation To install the module, proceed as follows

Step Action
1 Place the analyzer module in the system housing.
2 Secure the analyzer module with the four bolts and four nuts.
3 Install the hood.
4 Reconnect the cables.
5 Close the system housing.
6 Check the analyzer module seal integrity.
7 Connect the gas lines to the analyzer module.
8 Open the gas supply to the analyzer module.
9 Turn on the analyzer system power supply

Continued on the following page

SHB_U14 Chapter 6: Component Interchange 6-3

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Remove/install Uras 14 analyzer module, continued

Figure 6-2
Opening the analyzer

Figure 6-3
Removing the
analyzer module

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Change emitter insert

Note The emitter inserts can be changed without removing the analyzer module.
Both plugs need to be removed from the modulator circuit board.
Two screws in each case need to be removed.

Figure 6-4
Changing emitter

SHB_U14 Chapter 6: Component Interchange 6-5

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Change modulator

Note The modulator can be changed without removing the analyzer module.
The connecting cable plug needs to be removed from the modulator circuit board.
Remove three screws (1).

Figure 6-5
Removing the

Figure 6-6
Disassembling the

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Change sample cell

Removing/installing To remove the sample cell, proceed as follows:

the sample cell

Step Action
1 Carry out "Analyzer module removal" steps 1-7.
2 Remove the infrared detector wiring.
3 If applicable, remove the calibration unit wiring.
4 Loosen and bend back the clamp on the base support.
5 Remove the hoses from the sample cell.
6 If applicable, remove the 200-mm cell attachment O-ring
7 Slide the entire optical unit out of the base support.
8 Depending on the option involved, disassemble the optic unit according
to the figure.
9 Reverse the above steps to install.

Figure 6-7
Removing without
calibration cell

Continued on the following page

SHB_U14 Chapter 6: Component Interchange 6-7

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Change sample cell, Continued

Figure 6-8
Removing sample cell
with calibration unit

6-8 Chapter 6: Component Interchange SHB_U14

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Change calibration cell and calibration unit

Removing the To remove the calibration cell, proceed as follows:

calibration cell

Step Action
1 Carry out all steps listed under "Sample cell removal".

Installing the Caution!

calibration cell When installing, make sure to place the calibration cell window which is filled
with test gas in the proper side.
The left and right beam paths are mirror images of each other.

Figure 6-9
Calibration unit with
calibration cell

SHB_U14 Chapter 6: Component Interchange 6-9

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Change infrared detector

Removing/installing To remove the infrared detector, proceed as follows:

the infrared detector

Step Action
1 Carry out "Analyzer module removal" steps 1-7.
2 Remove all wiring connected to the optical components.
3 Loosen and bend back the clamp on the base support.
4 Remove the hoses from the sample cell.
5 If applicable, remove the 200-mm cell attachment O-ring
6 Pull the entire optical unit out of the base support.
7 Remove the infrared detector per Figure 5-8 and 5-10.
8 Reverse the above steps to install
Make sure the proper end disk (bright or dark) is installed behind the
infrared detector.

Figure 6-10
Removing the
infrared detector

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Change IR module and Sensor-CPU circuit boards

Removing the circuit To remove the circuit boards, proceed as follows:


Step Action
1 Turn off the analyzer power supply.
2 Open the large door on the system housing.
3 Remove all cable connections from the circuit boards.
4 Loosen the two knurled nuts (RS1 and RS2) and remove the IR module
and Sensor-CPU board from the support.
5 Remove the four attaching screws (1) and carefully remove the IR
module circuit board from the Sensor-CPU board connector.

Installing the circuit Essentially the installation process is the reverse of the removal process.

Figure 6-11
Analyzer module view

F Caution!
The Sensor-CPU circuit board contains the flash EPROM with the module
firmware and the EEPROM with module-specific data.

SHB_U14 Chapter 6: Component Interchange 6-11

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Change thermal link

Removing the thermal To remove the thermal link, proceed as follows:


Step Action
1 Turn off the analyzer power supply.
2 Open the large door on the analyzer housing.
3 Remove the hood.
4 Remove the thermostat circuit board connector.
5 Pull the thermal link (T) out of the base support.

Installing the thermal Essentially the installation process is the reverse of the removal process.

Figure 6-12
Analyzer module
Partial view

6-12 Chapter 6: Component Interchange SHB_U14

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Chapter 7: Configuration


Introduction This chapter contains information on configuring the hardware and software of an
analyzer module.
The operator’s manual describes the method of configuring via the central unit

Contents In this chapter you will find the following information:

Subject See page

Hardware configuration 7-2
Software configuration with TCT 7-4
General data 7-6
IR detectors 7-8
Temperature detectors 7-31
Pressure detector 7-36
Flow detector 7-40
Calibration Cell 7-45
Solenoids 7-46
Pump 7-48

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-1

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Hardware configuration

Module hardware The Uras 14 analyzer module is equipped according to the measurement task
structure involved.
The REKONUR message establishes the correct equipment configuration.

• The analyzer module can be configured for thermostat and non-thermostat

The module is generally equipped with hardware for the thermostat version.

• The modulator contains one or two emitter inserts.

Design versions • The hardware configuration is established using the REKONUR configuration
For the measurement components the following information is entered:
• Sample cell length
• IR detector placement
• If applicable, the type and placement of optical filters
• If applicable, information on calibration cell fill concentration
• Chapter 2 contains a general overview of the possible module versions.

Emitter Possible emitter power levels:

Emitter 1: 2.2 W, 3.7 W, 5.2 W
Emitter 2: 2.2 W, 3.7 W, 5.2 W
Emitter power is set using the test and calibration software.

Sample Cell RECONUR prompts guide the sample cell selection process.
Lengths: 0.3 mm, 0.6 mm, 2 mm, 6 mm, 20 mm, 60 mm, 200 mm
Material: Aluminum, gold-plated aluminum

Aluminum cells from 200 to 60 mm in length are used to measure CO, SO2 and NO
in flue gases.
To measure NO in ranges <650 mg/m , the filter cell (part number 0768 483) and a
200-mm aluminum cell are used.
See Chapter 2 for the appropriate stainless steel or plastic tubing connections.

Calibration unit Depending on the measurement task contemplated, install the calibration unit with
or without optical filter.

Optical filter Install per REKONUR prompts.

Use the clamp ring with part number 0801 935 when installing between 2 IR
detectors or between the sample cell and IR detector.

Continued on next page

7-2 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Hardware configuration, continued

Detector Make sure the proper closing disk is installed.

This will determine the detector’s cross-sensitivity response.
Except for the following exceptions, use the black closing disk (part number 0271
234) as a cap behind the applicable (end) IR detector in beam path 1 and 2.


Final IR detector Closing disk 1 Closing disk 2

NO 0768 459 Polished with opening Black
0592 036 0271 234
SO2 0768 458 Polished
0271 324
CO 0746 271 polished
SF6 0746 262 Polished
0271 324

Closing disk arrangement:

1 2 1

IR detector IR detector

Electrical 50-wire ribbon cable: Emitter motor -X2

connections Pressure sensor -X3
IR detector 1 -X4
IR detector 2 -X5
Calibration Cell 1 -X6
Calibration Cell 2 -X7

20-wire ribbon cable IR detector 3 -X2

IR detector 4 -X3

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-3

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Software configuration with TCT

TCT operating Test and calibration software (Windows version)


Accessories PC serial port interface cable

PC with Windows 95, Windows NT, etc.

When should a TCT • When setting up a new component

configuration be • When setting up a new measurement range
performed? • When adding or removing the calibration unit
• When changing the user text
• When changing the type of communication

General instructions The "Configure" menu item has the following elements
for TCT software • General data
setup • Detectors
• Gas Modules

“General data” contains information such as serial number, network class, transfer
rates, etc.

“Detectors“ contains all detectors configured in the module, as well as all

measurement detectors and auxiliary detectors (temperature, pressure, flow).
For each detector the configured components and associated measurement
ranges are shown together with the applicable correction factors for detectors,
components and measurement ranges.

The calibration cells are configured in “Gas modules”.

Continued on next page

7-4 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Software configuration with TCT, continued

Detector selection The following detectors are relevant to the Uras 14 analyzer module:
• TEMPERATURE DETECTOR 1 (IR detector temperature correction)
• TEMPERATURE DETECTOR 3 (O2 detector temperature correction)
• TEMPERATURE DETECTOR CONTROL 2 (Analyzer thermostat)
• PRESSURE DETECTOR 1 (IR detector and O2 pressure correction)
• FLOW DETECTOR 1 (Flow monitoring with gas module option)

Depending on the configuration ordered, the detectors should be installed in the

following sequence:
• URAS 14 DETECTOR 1 to a maximum of 4
• O2 DETECTOR 1 as applicable
• Detectors for temperature, pressure and flow variables

2 IR detectors
O2 detector with temperature correction
Analyzer with thermostat and pressure correction


O2 DETECTOR 1 O2 Det. 1

Notes Each detector must configured according to the following plan:

Detector configuration
Component configuration
Measurement range configuration

Detector configuration can only be finished by performing a component and

measurement range configuration.

If the analyzer module does not have a thermostat, delete TEMPERATURE


SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-5

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General data

Continued on next page

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General data, continued

General Help

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-7

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IR detectors

Uras detector 1-4 The example here is for the measurement of CO, NO, SO and O2.
Note that while the oxygen sensor is not part of the Uras module it must always be
configured together with the analyzer module.

Continued on next page

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IR detectors, continued

General Help

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-9

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IR detectors, continued

Special Uras

Detector type: Uras detector 1
Active Component CO
Correction functions Uras correction value
(See below for explanation.)
Update mode Cyclical or query (concerns raw meas. value update via
CAN bus)
Default: Cyclical
Cycle Time Update time via CAN bus, default: 5000 ms
Delta Offset: Limits for offset difference between 2 successive
automatic calibrations, e.g. 6%
Delta amplification Limits for offset difference between 2 successive
automatic calibrations, e.g. 6%
Over Offset Limit for cumulative offset from all calibrations performed;
On reaching the limit an "Error" message appears.

On reaching one half this limit the half error and "Service
Required" messages appear and the measured values
are not plausible
Over amplification Limit for cumulative offset from all calibrations performed;
On reaching the limit an "Error" message appears.

On reaching one half this limit the half error and "Service
Required" messages appear and the measured values
are not plausible
Classification Measurement value

Continued on next page

7-10 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Detector correction

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-11

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IR detectors, continued

Detector correction
value help

Continued on next page

7-12 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Detector The data in the following tables are guidelines. They may deviate in some cases.
Correction parameter

CxL/CxL Det
Preamplifier Amplification Emitter power
≥ 0,25 Stage 1 1,0 2,2 W
≥ 0,1 Stage 1 1,0 3.7 W
≤ 0,1 Stage 2 1,0 3.7 W
Smallest range for Stage 2 1,0 5,2 W
CO and CO2

Note For NO, SF6, C2H4 the emitter power is 3.7 W

Determination of CxL [Vol% x m] ⇒ Measurement range ordered x cell length

CxLDet is specifically determined for the detector

CxLmax is the maximum possible combination of cella and measurement range

Values for CxL The data in the following tables are guidelines. They may deviate in some cases.

IR detector CxLDet CxLmax

CO 40 60
CO2 100% 30 30
CO2 10% 12 18
SO2 40 60
NO 100 100
CH4 30 60
C2H2 40 60
C2H4 200 400
C6H14 40 80
N2O 15 20
SF6 600 600

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-13

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IR detectors, continued
Sample component Only one component per IR detector can be entered.

Continued on next page

7-14 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

configuration help

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-15

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IR detectors, continued

Common start/span

Continued on next page

7-16 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Common start/span
correction help

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-17

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IR detectors, continued

Cross sensitivity

The (internal) CS correction is a zero correction relative to an interference

component. If multiple interference components are present, multiple CS
corrections must be activated.
Interference component(s) should be configured in Uras as sample component(s).

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7-18 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Cross sensitivity
correction help

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-19

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IR detectors, continued

Uras 14/Limas 11

Linearization is performed using linearization values. Linearization values are

allocated by the software for various components. They are not dependent on the
measurement range selected.

Postlinearization is possible at any point on the curve. This calculates the A2NL
and A4NL linearization values. If no postlinearization is performed, both these
values are "1".

Continued on next page

7-20 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Uras 14/Limas 11
linearization help

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-21

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IR detectors, continued

Pressure correction

Continued on next page

7-22 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Pressure correction

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-23

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IR detectors, continued

Low pass non-linear


Low Pass Time Constant: Attenuation of measurement signal in the event of a

stable measurement value
Non-linear filter low pass Time constant: Attenuation of measurement signal upon
measurement value change > than defined threshold
Non-Linear Filter Threshold: The threshold in % of span is relative to the largest
measurement range. It is set so that it is above the peak-to-peak noise of the
measurement signal.

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7-24 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Measurement range For each component, 2 measurement ranges can be configured.

They are freely programmable and have variable limits.
The reference measurement range is calculated from the initial measurement
range. As a rule a 1:10 ratio is used as the basis for this. The maximum
permissible cxl can thus be limited.

Example: Measurement range 1: 100 ppm, Measurement range 2:

500 ppm
Reference measurement range 1000 ppm.

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-25

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IR detectors, continued

Measurement range
configuration help

Continued on next page

7-26 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Supplementary help

Measurement ranges from - to Start and end of the reference

measurement range
Autorange possible Click the "Measurement range" button to
enable autoranging for the measurement
Correction functions Correction value selection at the
measurement range level
(See below for explanation.)
Measurement range variable Measurement ranges are set up as variable
in the standard Uras module.
During the initial calibration, only the largest
measurement range is calibrated, the smaller
range is derived electronically from this
If polynomial linearization is activated,
measurement ranges are no longer variable.
Measurement range start Variable measurement range start
Measurement range end Variable measurement range end
Offset drift Absolute offset drift in the selected
measurement range - display
Amplification drift Absolute amplification drift in the selected
measurement range - display
Delta offset drift Relative drift (drift between 2 automatically
performed zero calibrations) - display
Delta amplification drift Relative drift (drift between 2 automatically
performed span calibrations) - display

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SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-27

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IR detectors, continued

Common start/span

Continued on next page

7-28 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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IR detectors, continued

Single start/span
correction help

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-29

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IR detectors, continued

Polynomial Polynomial linearization can be used in special cases as an alternative to Limas

linearization 11/Uras 14 linearization.
Activating polynomial linearization requires a complete initial calibration and
linearization for each measurement range configured. For this reason, variable
measurement ranges are not possible.

7-30 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Temperature detectors

Temperature detector The temperature detector control (T-Regl. 2) is configured if the analyzer
control components are to be thermostatically controlled at 55°C.
This measure is especially applicable if deposits or condensation appear in the
sample cell in spite of appropriate sample gas preparation.

In that case turn of the compensation temperature detector.


Detector type: Selected temperature detector type
Active Component T-Re.N U14°C
Correction functions None
Update mode Applies to detector raw measurement value; default:
Cycle Time Default: 5000ms
Delta Offset: Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Delta amplification Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Over Offset Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Over amplification Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Classification Variables or variables display
"Variables display" invokes a display on the AO screen

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-31

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Temperature detectors, continued


Component name e.g. T-Re N U14 °C
Active measurement 0-100°C (for all temperature detectors)
Correction functions Default: Physical measurement value; regulator value
(Explanation: see below)
Autorange active Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Autorange up Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Autorange down Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Update mode Update component measurement value on system bus
Cycle Time Default: 5000 ms

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7-32 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Temperature detectors, continued

measurement value
correction function

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-33

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Temperature detectors, continued

Regulator value
correction function

Note The set value for temperature controller 2 (thermostat temperature) is 55°C.

Limits 1 and 2 are the status message limits.

Example: Set value 55°C; limit 1: 2 Limit 2: 10

Between 55–2 °C, i.e. between 53 and 57 °C no status message results.

Between 45 and 53° or between 57 and 65 °C the limit value 1 message appears.
At temperatures <45 °C and >65 °C the limit value 2 message appears

Measurement range For all temperature detectors a measurement range of 0-100°C is configured.

F The temperature detectors are not calibrated.

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7-34 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Temperature detectors, continued

Temperature Temperature detector 1 is used for temperature compensation of IR components.

detectors 1 and 3 Thermostat control is not active.

Temperature detector 3 is used for temperature compensation of the O2 sensor.

Note Temperature detectors 1 and 3 are not calibrated.

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-35

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Pressure detector

General The pressure detector (pressure 1) is always installed in the analyzer module and
thus is always configured. This detector is used to compensate for the process-
related pressure relationship of the sample value.


Detector type: Pressure detector 1
Active Component Air pressure in hPa
Correction functions None
Update mode Applies to detector raw measurement value; default:
Cycle Time Default: 5000ms
Delta Offset: Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Delta amplification Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Over Offset Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Over amplification Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Classification Variables or variables display
"Variables display" invokes a display on the AO screen

Continued on next page

7-36 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Pressure detector, continued


Component name Air pressure
Active measurement 0-1250 hPa
Correction functions Default: Physical measurement value; low-pass
(Explanation: see below)
Autorange active Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Autorange up Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Autorange down Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Update mode Update component measurement value on system bus
Cycle Time Default: 5000 ms

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-37

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Pressure detector, continued

Measurement range

Measurement Range
Measurement ranges 0-1250 hPa
from - to
Autorange possible No
Correction functions Start/Span Correction
(See below for explanation.)
Measurement range Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Measurement range Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Measurement range Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Offset drift Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Amplification drift Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Delta offset drift Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Delta amplification Not applicable to auxiliary detectors

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7-38 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Pressure detector, continued

Start/span correction

Position Display
Offset correction Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Ampl. variable Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Offset fixed Start point correction, determined during an initial
This value is only overwritten by a new initial calibration.
Ampl. fixed Sensitivity, determined during an initial calibration.
This value is only overwritten by a new initial calibration.
Start point desired Air pressure display for initial zero calibration
Desired Span Value Air pressure display for initial span calibration
Start point raw value Raw value display (initial zero calibration)
Span raw value Raw value display (initial span calibration)

Note The pressure detector is generally only calibrated at the zero point (offset).
Sensitivity (amplif. fixed) is preset for the type of pressure sensor used.

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-39

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Flow detector

General An internal flow sensor can be used to measure throughput. In this case, flow
detector 1 is configured.


Detector type: Flow Detector 1
Active Component Flow l/h
Correction functions None
Update mode Applies to detector raw measurement value; default:
Cycle Time Default: 5000ms
Delta Offset: Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Delta amplification Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Over Offset Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Over amplification Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Classification Variables or variables display
"Variables display" invokes a display on the AO screen

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7-40 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Flow detector, continued


Component name Flow
Active measurement 0-100 l/h
Correction functions Default: Physical measurement value
(Explanation: see below)
Autorange active Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Autorange up Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Autorange down Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Update mode Update component measurement value on system bus
Cycle Time Default: 5000 ms

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-41

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Flow detector, continued

Measurement range

Measurement Range
Measurement ranges 0-100 l/h
from - to
Autorange possible No
Correction functions Start/span correction; linearization
(See below for explanation.)
Measurement range Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Measurement range Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Measurement range Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Offset drift Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Amplification drift Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Delta offset drift Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Delta amplification drift Not applicable to auxiliary detectors

Continued on next page

7-42 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Flow detector, continued

correction –
Measurement range

Position Display
Offset correction Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Ampl. variable Not applicable to auxiliary detectors
Offset fixed Start point correction, determined during an initial
This value is only overwritten by a new initial calibration.
Ampl. fixed Sensitivity, determined during an initial calibration.
This value is only overwritten by a new initial calibration.
Start point desired Air pressure display for initial zero calibration
Desired Span Value Air pressure display for initial span calibration
Start point raw value Raw value display (initial zero calibration)
Span raw value Raw value display (initial span calibration)

F The flow detector’s zero and span points must be calibrated.

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-43

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Flow detector, continued

Linearization -
Measurement range

F Linearization is referenced to points. The curve is calculated at 17 predetermined

set points.
Depending on the accuracy requirement, at least three different flow values
(including the zero and span points) must be entered.

7-44 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Calibration Cell

General Calibration cells are used for internal calibration of the analyzer module.

Versions: Calibration cell filled with one component

Calibration cell filled with two components

Calibration cell


SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-45

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General To calibrate the analyzer module from one to three optional solenoids can be
installed and then set up using the Gas module menu item.

1 solenoid: For analyzer modules with calibration cell and possible

additional oxygen sensor.


3 solenoids: For analyzer modules without calibration cells, but with internal



Select SAMPLE GAS SOLENOID if only one solenoid is set up.

Solenoid valve

Continued on next page

7-46 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Solenoids, continued


SHB_U14 Chapter 7: Configuration 7-47

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General As an option, an internal pump can be installed to supply the sample gas.

Pump configuration


7-48 Chapter 7: Configuration SHB_U14

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Chapter 8: Calibration


Introduction This chapter describes how to prepare for initial calibration of the analyzer module
and describes how to perform the initial calibration, postlinearization and cross-
sensitivity corrections.
The descriptions are limited to operations with the test and calibration software.
Most of these alignment tasks can also be performed using the AO control unit. This
is described in the operator’s manual.

Chapter contents In this chapter you will find the following information:

Subject See page

Overview 8-2
Optical Alignment 8-3
Phase Alignment 8-6
Initial calibration of Uras 14 IR detectors 8-9
Initial zero calibration 8-12
Postlinearization 8-14
Cross-sensitivity alignment 8-17
Delta phase 8-19
Calibration cell measurement 8-22
Pressure detector initial calibration 8-24
Flow detector initial calibration 8-26
Temperature detector initial calibration 8-31

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-1

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When and how Settings are changed when components are removed and installed in a beam path.
should alignment be The two tables below indicate the tasks to be performed.

Removal and
installation of
identical components
Optical Phase Initial Calibratio Delta
Alignmen alignment calibratio n phasealig
t n nment )
IR detector X X
Sample Cell X (X) X
Emitter X X
Optical filter X (X) X
Calibration Cell X X
Aperture wheel X X

Installation of new
Optical Phase Initial Calibratio Delta
Alignmen alignment calibratio n phasealig
t n nment )
IR detector ) X X X X
Sample Cell X (X) X
Emitter X X X
Optical filter ) X (X) X
Calibration cell ) X (X) X
Aperture wheel X X

) Only performed for special measurement tasks. Involves only the CO, SO2 and
NO IR detectors.
) Also check linearity if this component is replaced
) Remeasure the calibration cell if replaced.

8-2 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Optical Alignment

Accessories • Screwdriver
• Emitter wrench, part number 096 79 80
• Zero gas
• PC with test and calibration software
(after AO software version 1.3 can also be performed via the AO user interface)

When should optical • After removing/installing beam path components

alignment be Emitter, sample cell, calibration cell, optical filter, filter cell, IR detector
performed? • Offset value greater than 20%
• After repairing sample gas path leaks (zero gas distortion)
• After cleaning the sample cell
• Routinely every 6 to 12 months (depends on operating conditions)

Note • Optical alignment causes the emitter intensity to be equal on the sample and
reference sides of the IR detector.
• Each beam path in an analyzer module must be optically aligned separately.
• If there are two IR detectors in a beam path, select the rear detector for
F No optical alignment is possible for an oxygen sensor.

Preparation • Establish communication with the analyzer module via TCT.

Menu: Calibration
• Connect the zero gas
- Analyzer module with sample gas/zero gas solenoid valve:
Connect the zero gas to the module zero gas port.
- Analyzer module without solenoids:
Connect the zero gas to the module sample gas port.

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-3

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Optical Alignment, continued


The "Geometric Addition" should be set to a minimum value using all calibration

Continued on next page

8-4 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Optical Alignment, continued
Figure 8-1
Modulator with

1 2

1 Beam path 1 aperture adjustment screw

2 Beam path 2 aperture adjustment screw
3 Two emitter case mounting screws (beam path 2 here)
4 Openings for emitter wrench insertion
5 Emitter insert
6 Emitter Wrench

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-5

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Phase Alignment

Accessories • Zero gas

• Span gas or calibration cell
• PC with test and calibration software
(after AO software version 1.3 can also be performed via the AO user interface)

When should a phase A phase alignment should be performed after the following work:
alignment be • Emitter insert change
performed? • IR detector change
• Removing and reinstalling the aperture wheel

Note Perform an electrical phase alignment for each IR detector installed.

F If an oxygen sensor is installed it does not require a phase alignment, and actually
such an alignment is not possible.

Preparation • Establish communication with the analyzer module via TCT.

• Connect the zero gas
• Analyzer module with sample gas/zero gas solenoid and calibration cell:
Connect the zero gas to the module zero gas port.
• Analyzer module without calibration cell and without solenoids:
Connect the zero and span gases successively to the module sample gas port.

Continued on next page

8-6 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Phase Alignment, continued

Execution After the phase alignment function is activated the process is menu-driven.
Emitter power and amplification levels must be plausible, see Chapter 7:
F Configuration

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-7

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Phase Alignment, continued
Desired Value Raw value:
• maximum of 100 000 (for software versions <1.2.4 maximum of 60,000)

Adapting raw • Change emitter power, if applicable, note the second IR detector signal.
measured value • Adapt the amplifier stages on the Sensor-CPU circuit board with TCT.
After these changes an initial calibration of all affected IR detectors must be
F performed.

8-8 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Initial calibration of Uras 14 IR detectors

Accessories • Zero gas

• Span gas for large measurement range
• Gas mix pump as needed
• PC with TCT

When should an • Change in configuration

initial calibration be • Set up of a new IR detector
performed? • Change in large measurement range
• Installation of sample cell with different length
• Retrofit of optical filters
• Retrofit of filter cells
• Retrofit of sample/filter cells
• Retrofit of calibration cells
• Change in emitter performance
• Change in amplification
• Change in analyzer module installation location (vertical/horizontal)
• Change of temperature correction to temperature control and vice versa
• Change of components
• IR detector
• Emitter insert

Note • An initial calibration of each IR detector installed is performed at the factory. The
setting is made with dry gases.
• Perform the initial calibration only with the hood cover removed.
• The analyzer module should be in a location as free of vibration as possible.
• Prior to performing an initial calibration, perform an optical and phase alignment.
• The initial calibration should always be performed with test gases having a known
• Span gas concentration:
70 to 110 % of the large measurement range
• Only perform the initial calibration approx. 60 minutes after the end of the warm-
up phase. (warm-up phase approx. 60 min)
Monitor using the Diagnostics/controller parameter variables menu, or TCT device
• Linearization of initially calibrated IR detectors is automatic and is not
measurement range-dependent.
Perform postlinearization to check.
(Exceptions: This does not apply in case of preset polynomial linearization)
• Prior calibrations are cancelled by an initial calibration.
Any linearity placed in effect will remain unchanged. (e.g. linearity parameters will
be retained)
If, for example, no postlinearization can be performed (no mixture pump on site)
and an IR detector was changed, both postlinearization correction factors must be
set to 1 with TCT. This corresponds to the default setting
• After an initial calibration the calibration cell component must be redetermined.
• When installing a sample cell with a different length the new length must be
entered in the TCT "Detector correction parameter" menu.
Reason: Linearity would not be correct otherwise.

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-9

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Initial calibration of Uras 14 IR detectors, continued
Test • The pressure detector should be calibrated
• Test all detectors (the measured values should be stable and regularly
• Status message 0 for all detectors

Performing the initial Initial calibration is performed separately for each component. The large
calibration measurement range should always be calibrated initially, the small range is
electronically determined from the large measurement range.

TCT calibrate (Enter the password)

Each component can be calibrated individually.

Right-clicking the measurement range opens the "Initial calibration" window.

Enter the desired values (actual test gas container values) and start the initial

Continued on next page

8-10 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Initial calibration of Uras 14 IR detectors, continued

Initial calibration The fixed offset and fixed amplification are the result of an initial calibration.
results All calibration data are written in the EEPROM.

Initial calibration • Zero

Flowing reference gas Introduce the start point gas of the small measurement range in the sample cell
sample chamber.
Introduce the reference gas in the sample cell reference chamber.
• Span
Introduce the end point gas of the large measurement range in the sample cell
sample chamber.
Introduce the reference gas in the sample cell reference chamber.
• The remainder of the process runs as described above.
Pay special attention to the desired value input.

Suppressed • Initial calibration of the reference measurement range (larger measurement

measurement range range) zero and span points.
initial configuration • The starting point of the suppressed measurement range is calibrated by
postlinearizing the large measurement range at that point.

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-11

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Initial zero calibration (Start point calibration)

Accessories • Zero gas

• PC with TCT

When should an • Since the analyzer module initial calibration was performed with dry gas, it may be
initial zero calibration necessary to perform an initial zero calibration with the unit in an operational state
be performed? using an operative gas preparation system (cooler). This applies to the following
IR detectors:
SO2 with measurement ranges < 500 ppm
NO with measurement ranges < 750 ppm
Here any residual cross-sensitivity to H2O will need to be calibrated.
• After performing an optical alignment.
Offset drive is thus set to 0.
• After exceeding the Offset half message, in order to reset the status message.
Be careful, this can involve a device failure.

Execution • Initial calibration must be performed on each IR detector individually.

• Initial calibration is menu-driven.

Continued on next page

8-12 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Initial zero calibration (Start point calibration), continued

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-13

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Accessories • Zero gas, span gas

• Mix pump or applicable test gas
• PC with TCT

When should • After an IR detector change

postlinearization be • In case of excessive linearity deviation (> 1% of the applicable measurement
performed? range)
• After reconfiguring for other measurement ranges

Note • Optimum postlinearization results are obtained with a test gas and mix pump.
• Since test gases normally have a tolerance of up to 2%, postlinearization with a
test gas will be less precise than postlinearization by mixing with a pump.
• The characteristics of each sample component are determined by parameters a1
to a4. By adapting the two postlinearization parameters, postlinearization provides
for an individual linearity setting.
An initial calibration does not affect these two parameters;
therefore, if postlinearization is impossible after a detector change due to the lack
of a mix pump, these two parameters should be set to 1.
A calibration reset does not affect these two parameters.
• If the large measurement range < 0.15 < c∗lmax , the postlinearization will calculate
a new linearity function with parameters a1 und a2. (this occurs with very small
measurement ranges)
Parameters a3 and a4 are then 0.
The two postlinearization parameters are 1.

Preparation • The IR detectors must be calibrated or have undergone an initial calibration.

• Establish communication with the analyzer module via TCT.
Connect zero or span gas to the sample gas port.
Set the flow rate to the 30-60 l/h range:

Continued on next page

8-14 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Postlinearization, continued

Execution • Postlinearization must be performed on each IR detector individually.

• Postlinearization is menu-driven.

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-15

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Postlinearization, continued

Result (correction Postlinearization results in the calculation of parameters A2NL and A4 NL and
parameters) these are applied to further linearization calculations.

8-16 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Cross-sensitivity alignment

When should a cross- Perform a CS correction if a sample component is inadequately affected by another
sensitivity alignment component (>2% of sample component span).
be performed? If the interference components are to be measured with the same unit as the
sample component, perform an internal CS alignment.

For instance, CS corrections are required in the following applications:

Sample component N2O, interference component CO2

All required CS corrections can be found in the "Rekonur" configuration program.

Accessories • PC with serial port

• Advance Optima - TCT test and calibration software
• Serial port connecting cable, item no. 0743091
• Test gases
• Flow measurement unit

Preparation • Establish electrical connections

• The analyzer should be installed at the site at which it is to be used and should
be protected against vibration
• Set the test gas flows between 30 and 60 l/h and maintain stable +/-5 l/h.
• Connect the PC to the analyzer module
• Start the calibration and test software

Test • Test all detectors (the measured values should appear and be regularly
• Status message 0 for all detectors

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-17

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Cross-sensitivity alignment, continued


Result (correction The result of the CS correction is the CS factor for the corrected component.

8-18 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Delta phase

When should a Delta As a rule it is done for CO, NO and SO2 in small measurement ranges
phase be adjusted?
The cross sensitivity effect of some interference components can be fine-tuned for
these sample components by adjusting a Delta phase.

This cross sensitivity alignment is only performed as needed, i.e. if the applicable
associated components are present.
In general, in flue gas applications compensation is made for 3°C H2O and 15% Vol
CO2 interference components.

Accessories • PC with serial port

• Advance Optima - TCT test and calibration software
• Serial port connecting cable, item no. 0743091
• Test gases
• Flow measurement unit

Requirements Automatic phase alignment performed

Initial calibration performed

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-19

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Delta phase, continued


Continued on next page

8-20 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Delta phase, continued

Result (correction

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-21

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Calibration cell measurement

When is calibration • After a new installation

cell measurement • Once a year

Accessories • PC with serial port

• Advance Optima - TCT test and calibration software
• Serial port connecting cable, item no. 0743091
• Test gases

Requirements Uras calibrated with test gases.


Continued on next page

8-22 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Calibration cell measurement, continued

Measurement result The result of the calibration cell measurement is the gas concentration represented
by the calibration cell.

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-23

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Pressure detector initial calibration

When should an • If a pressure correction is made

initial calibration be • After changing the pressure sensor

Accessories Pressure detector calibration can be performed using the keypad on the
device or with a PC and the test and calibration software. Both methods are
based on the same calculation and evaluation.

For calibration with a PC:

• PC with serial port
• Advance Optima - TCT test and calibration software
• Serial port connecting cable, item no. 0743091
• Pressure gauge for ambient air pressure

Preparation • Establish electrical connections

• The analyzer should be installed at the site at which it is to be used and should
be protected against vibration
• Set the test gas flows between 30 and 60 l/h and maintain stable +/-5 l/h.
• Connect the PC to the analyzer module
• Start the calibration and test software

Test • Test all detectors (the measured values should appear and be regularly
• Status message 0 for all detectors

Continued on next page

8-24 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Pressure detector initial calibration, continued

Performing the initial The pressure detector is only calibrated at the start point.
calibration This calibration can also be performed using the screen.

Test and calibration software (password required)

Main menu
Auxiliary detectors
Start point calibration

Selection: Pressure detector using á

Enter the desired value: Enter the current atmospheric pressure
Start calibration with the Start button and follow the menu prompts.

The start and end point calibration menu item requires two different pressures and
thus should not normally be used. A set fixed amplif. value is always provided for
the pressure sensor.

F Once the data are entered in the analyzer module initial calibration can no
longer be cancelled.

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-25

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Flow detector initial calibration

When should an After changing the flow sensor

initial calibration be In case of a fault: Pump off ✟ Flow detector does not indicate "zero"

Accessories • PC with serial port

• Advance Optima - TCT test and calibration software
• Serial port connecting cable, item no. 0743091
• Test Gas
• Flow measurement unit
• Needle valve

Preparation • Check gas path seal integrity

• Establish electrical connections
• The analyzer should be installed at the site at which it is to be used and should
be protected against vibration
• Set the test gas flows between 30 and 60 l/h and maintain stable +/-5 l/h.
• Connect the PC to the analyzer module
• Start the calibration and test software

Test • Test all detectors (the measured values should be stable and regularly updated)
• Status message 0 for all detectors

Continued on next page

8-26 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Flow detector initial calibration, continued

Performing the initial Test and calibration software (password required)

calibration Main menu
Auxiliary detectors
Start/Span calibration

Selection: Flow detector using á

Enter desired start point: Enter "0" (no flow)
Enter the desired span point value: e.g. set 60 l/h at the sample gas outlet with flow
meter and needle valve
Start calibration with the Start button and follow the menu prompts.

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-27

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Flow detector initial calibration, continued

F Once the data are entered in the analyzer module initial calibration can no
longer be cancelled.

Continued on next page

8-28 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Flow detector initial calibration, continued

Linearization The flow sensor can be linearized. For this, a needle valve can be used to establish
different flow rates and a sample linearization can be performed.

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-29

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Flow detector initial calibration, continued

Result (correction

8-30 Chapter 8: Calibration SHB_U14

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Temperature detector initial calibration

F The temperature detectors should not be calibrated.

SHB_U14 Chapter 8: Calibration 8-31

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Subject to technical changes
Printed in the Fed. Rep. of Germany
43/24-1005-1 EN 01.01

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Service-Dokumentation Service Documentation
Ersatzteile Parts

Modul Uras 14
Module Uras 14

10/24-9.08 XA 02/00

ABB Automation Systems

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Elektronik Electronic

1 2 3


Bild 1 Figure 1

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Elektronik Electronic
Pos. Artikel-Nr. Bezeichnung zusätzliche Angaben Description Supplementary Data ersetzt durch VT VE JB Bemerkungen Remarks
Pos. Part No. supers. by CP PU YD

1 074 57 45 LP Sensor-CPU pcb sensor-CPU 1 St

1 074 67 74 LP Sensor-CPU DMT-Version pcb sensor-CPU DMT version 1 St
2 310 04 62 Flash-EPROM Sensor-CPU, Analysen-Modul flash-EPROM sensor-CPU, analysis-module 1 St
2 310 04 67 Flash-EPROM Anal.-Modul, DMT Flash-EPROM anal. Module, DMT 1 St
3 074 56 48 LP IR-Modul pcb IR-module 1 St

4 074 57 44 Leiterplatte Temperierung circuit board temperature control 1 St

5 074 57 22 LP Drucksensor pcb pressure sensor 1 St
6 074 56 13 Abdeckhaube mit Heizung cover with heating 1 St
7 074 58 23 Heizwiderstand montiert, für Haube heating resistance fitted for heating cap 1 St
8 074 58 36 Temperatursicherung Übertemperatur thermal trip overtemperature cutout 1 St 1.0

VT/CP=Verbrauchsteil/Consumption Part VE/PU=Verpackungseinheit/Packing Unit JB/YD=Jahresbedarf/Yearly Demand 3/12

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Gasanalyse Gas Analysis

2 3

5 4

Bild 2 Figure 2

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Gasanalyse Gas Analysis
Pos. Artikel-Nr. Bezeichnung zusätzliche Angaben Description Supplementary Data ersetzt durch VT VE JB Bemerkungen Remarks
Pos. Part No. supers. by CP PU YD

1 074 39 68 Empfänger H2O mit Vorverstärker detector H2O with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 39 69 Empfänger C3H8 mit Vorverstärker detector C3H8 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 62 54 Empfänger NH3 mit Vorverstärker detector NH3 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 62 55 Empfänger C2H2 mit Vorverstärker detector C2H2 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 62 56 Empfänger C2H4 mit Vorverstärker detector C2H4 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2

1 074 62 57 Empfänger C2H6 mit Vorverstärker detector C2H6 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 62 58 Empfänger C3H6 mit Vorverstärker detector C3H6 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 62 59 Empfänger CS2 mit Vorverstärker detector CS2 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 62 60 Empfänger C4H10 mit Vorverstärker detector C4H10 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 62 61 Empfänger C6H6 mit Vorverstärker detector C6H6 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2

1 074 62 62 Empfänger SF6 mit Vorverstärker detector SF6 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 074 62 71 Empfänger CO mit Vorverstärker detector CO with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 076 84 58 Empfänger SO2 mit Vorverstärker detector SO2 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 076 84 59 Empfänger NO mit Vorverstärker detector NO with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 085 60 53 Empfänger CO2 (10%) mit Vorverstärker detector CO2 (10%) with preamplifier 1 St 0.2

1 085 60 96 Empfänger CH4 mit Vorverstärker detector CH4 with peamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 085 62 96 Empfänger CO2 (100%) mit Vorverstärker detector CO2 (100%) with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 085 63 19 Empfänger C6H14 mit Vorverstärker detector C6H14 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 085 63 20 Empfänger Frig/R12 mit Vorverstärker detector Frig/R12 with preamplifier 1 St 0.2
1 085 66 29 Empfänger N2O mit Vorverstärker detector N2O with preamplifier 1 St 0.2

2 076 84 33 Messküvette (Au) 6mm, strömendes Vergleichsgas sample cell (Au) 6mm, flowing reference gas 1 St 0.3
2 076 84 35 Messküvette 20mm, strömendes Vergleichsgassample cell 20mm, flowing reference gas 1 St 0.3
2 076 84 37 Messküvette (Au) 60mm, strömendes Vergleichsgassample cell (Au) 60mm, flowing reference gas 1 St 0.3
3 076 84 39 Messküvette 200mm, ström. Vergleichsgas sample cell 200mm, flowing reference gas 1 St 0.3
3 076 85 70 Messküvette (Ex) 200mm, Strömungsvergleichsgas sample cell (Ex) 200mm, flowing reference gas 1 St

4 076 84 43 Messküvette (Au) 0,3mm sample cell (Au) 0.3mm 1 St 0.3

4 076 84 44 Messküvette (Au) 0,6mm sample cell (Au) 0.6mm 1 St 0.3
4 076 84 48 Messküvette (Au) 2mm sample cell (Au) 2mm 1 St 0.3
4 076 84 49 Messküvette (Au) 6mm sample cell (Au) 6mm 1 St 0.3
4 076 84 50 Messküvette (Au) 20mm sample cell (Au) 20mm 1 St 0.3

4 076 84 53 Messküvette (Au) 60mm sample cell (Au) 60mm 1 St 0.3

4 076 86 64 Messküvette (Al) 60mm sample cell (Al) 60mm 1 St
5 076 84 54 Messküvette (Au) 200mm sample cell (Au) 200mm 1 St 0.3
5 076 86 63 Messküvette (Al) 200mm sample cell (Al) 200mm 1 St

VT/CP=Verbrauchsteil/Consumption Part VE/PU=Verpackungseinheit/Packing Unit JB/YD=Jahresbedarf/Yearly Demand 5/12

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Gasanalyse Gas Analysis

6 7

9 10 11 12



13 14 15 16

21 20 19
Bild 3 Figure 3

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Gasanalyse Gas Analysis
Pos. Artikel-Nr. Bezeichnung zusätzliche Angaben Description Supplementary Data ersetzt durch VT VE JB Bemerkungen Remarks
Pos. Part No. supers. by CP PU YD

6 076 85 69 Mess-/Filterküvette 200mm (180/20), für NO-Messg. sample-/filter cell 200mm(180/20),for NO-meas. 076 86 33 1 St
6 076 85 94 Mess-/Filterküvette 200mm (160/40), Füllung angeb. sample-/filter cell 200mm (160/40), specify gas 1 St
6 076 86 33 Mess-/Filterküvette 200mm (180/20), für NO-Messg. sample-/filter cell 200mm(180/20),for NO-meas. 1 St
6 870 91 28 Mess-/Filterküvette 200mm (180/20), für NO-Messg. sample-/filter cell 200mm(180/20),for NO-meas. 076 86 33 1 St
7 076 84 77 Filterküvette FK60, Füllung angeben filter cell FK60, indicate filling gas 1 St 0.2

7 076 84 83 Filterküvette 20mm, für NO-Messung filter cell 20mm, for NO-measuring 1 St
8 561 81 70 Kalibrierküvette Füllkonzentration angeben calibration cell indicate filling concentration 1 St 0.2
9 085 60 99 Schelle für Strahler/Küv./Empfänger clamp for radiator/cell/detector 1 St 6 Stück 6 piece
10 027 12 34 Abschlussscheibe schwarz end disk black 1 St
11 027 13 24 Abschlussscheibe glänzend end disk glossy 1 St

12 059 20 36 Abschlussscheibe mit Loch end disk with hole 1 St

13 076 84 17 Grundträger für Mod.-Einheit mit Blenden basic module for modulation unit w. shutter 1 St
14 074 56 10 Modulationseinheit mit 1x Strahlereinsatz modulation unit with 1x radiator insert 1 St
14 074 56 11 Modulationseinheit mit 2 Strahlereinsätzen modulation unit with 2 radiators 1 St
15 074 56 19 Leiterplatte Strahler circuit board radiator 1 St

16 074 54 01 Strahlereinsatz komplett radiator complete x 1 St 0.2

17 085 64 84 Kalibriereinheit für Ausführung ohne opt.Filter calibration unit for version w/o opt. filter 1 St 0.2
17 085 64 85 Kalibriereinheit für Ausführung mit opt.Filter calibration unit for version with opt. filter 1 St 0.2
18 870 91 39 Mitnehmerfeder für Kalibrierküvette driving spring for calibration cell 1 St
19 076 81 81 Optisches Filter CO2 für Kalibriereinheit optical filter CO2 for calibration unit 1 St

19 076 84 92 Optisches Filter SO2 für Kalibriereinheit optical filter SO2 for calibration unit 1 St
19 076 85 16 Optisches Filter SF6 für Kalibriereinheit optical filter SF6 for calibration unit 1 St
19 085 63 06 Optisches Filter NO für Kalibriereinheit optical filter NO for calibration unit 1 St
19 085 63 07 Optisches Filter CnHm für Kalibriereinheit optical filter CnHm for calibration unit 1 St
19 085 66 32 Optisches Filter N2O für Kalibriereinheit optical filter N2O for calibration unit 1 St

20 076 81 80 Optisches Filter CO2 optical filter CO2 1 St

20 076 84 91 Optisches Filter SO2 optical filter SO2 1 St
20 076 85 15 Optisches Filter SF6 optical filter SF6 1 St
20 076 85 23 Optisches Filter CO2 spezial optical filter CO2 special 1 St
20 085 63 03 Optisches Filter NO optical filter NO 1 St

20 085 63 04 Optisches Filter CnHm optical filter CnHm 1 St

20 085 66 31 Optisches Filter N2O optical filter N2O 1 St
21 080 19 35 Spannring für optisches Filter clamping ring for optical filter 1 Se

VT/CP=Verbrauchsteil/Consumption Part VE/PU=Verpackungseinheit/Packing Unit JB/YD=Jahresbedarf/Yearly Demand 7/12

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Verbindung Connection

8 7 6 5
Bild 4 Figure 4

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Verbindung Connection
Pos. Artikel-Nr. Bezeichnung zusätzliche Angaben Description Supplementary Data ersetzt durch VT VE JB Bemerkungen Remarks
Pos. Part No. supers. by CP PU YD

1 074 61 95 Kabelverbindung interner Bus, Ex-d, nach außen connection cable internal bus, Ex-d, outside 1 St
2 074 61 94 Kabelverbindung 24V, Ex-d, nach außen connection cable 24V, Ex-d, outside 1 St
3 074 58 32 Verbindungskabel IR-Modul/IR-Elektronik, 50pol. connection cable IR-module/IR-electronic, 50pol 1 St
4 074 58 33 Verbindungskabel IR-Modul/IR-Elektronik, 20pol. connection cable IR-module/IR-electronic, 20pol 1 St
5 076 84 98 Kabelverschraubung Ex-d cable screw fitting Ex-d 1 St

6 074 58 30 Kabelverbindung Strahlereinsatz connection cable radiator insert 1 St

6 074 59 27 Verbindungskabel 24VDC, Heizung connection cable 24VDC, heating 1 St
7 080 19 38 Set Einbaustecker, 24V montiert mit Kabel u. Federl. set mounting plugs, 24V assembled w.cable,spring cont. 1 Se
8 080 19 45 Set Verbindungen interner Bus, extern/intern connection set internal bus, ext./int. 1 Se

VT/CP=Verbrauchsteil/Consumption Part VE/PU=Verpackungseinheit/Packing Unit JB/YD=Jahresbedarf/Yearly Demand 9/12

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Zubehör Accessories

3 4

6 7

12 11 10 9
Bild 5 Figure 5

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Zubehör Accessories
Pos. Artikel-Nr. Bezeichnung zusätzliche Angaben Description Supplementary Data ersetzt durch VT VE JB Bemerkungen Remarks
Pos. Part No. supers. by CP PU YD

1 076 84 93 Flammensperre für Messgas flame barrier for sample gas 1 St

2 076 84 94 Flammensperre für Spülgas flame barrier for purging gas 1 St
3 083 99 68 Rohrverschraubung SO 5.1021-5-4 Edelstahl tube connection SO 5.1021-5-4, special steel 1 St
4 027 15 86 Rohranschluss pipe connection piece 1 St
5 027 15 65 Schlauchstutzen hose connector 1 St

6 006 98 41 Viton-Schlauch FPM-70-SW4x1,5 Viton tube FPM-70-SW4x1.5 1m Länge angeben spec. length
7 076 85 34 Verbindungsschlauch komplett, PTFE connection tube complete, PTFE 1 St
8 080 19 37 Set Dichtungen Dichtungen und Befestigungen set sealings gaskets and fixing parts x 1 Se 1.0
9 080 19 36 Set Anschlussteile für Rohrverschraubung (intern) set connect. parts for tube connection (internal) x 1 Se 1.0
10 074 30 91 Verbindungskabel Modul - PC connection cable module - PC 1 St

11 096 79 80 Schlüssel für Strahlereinsatz tool for radiator 1 St

12 099 98 03 Ausziehwerkzeug für ICs pull-off tool for IC's 1 St

VT/CP=Verbrauchsteil/Consumption Part VE/PU=Verpackungseinheit/Packing Unit JB/YD=Jahresbedarf/Yearly Demand 11/12

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ABB Automation Systems GmbH Technische ¾nderungen vorbehalten
Hartmann & Braun Printed in the Fed. Rep. of Germany
10/24-9.08 XA 02/00 H&B
Stierstädter Straße 5, D-60488 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: 0180-5-123580, Telefax: (0 61 96) 8 00-46 06, http://www.abb.de/automation

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