Lesson Plan: Correctly Expressing Agreement Expressing If Something Is True or Not

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Student’s name: Kristian Anchevski

School: “11 Oktomvri - primary school

Grade: VIII

School mentor’s name: Vesna Grosheva

Date: 22.05.2014

Textbook: Messages 3, Student’s Book

Lesson: Unit 11 Lesson 3

Overall lesson aims:

a) Topic aims: presenting Question Tags and practicing it.

b) Vocabulary aims: revising previously learned vocabulary.

c) Pronunciation: practicing the pronunciation of question tags.

d) Grammar aims: teaching a new grammar structure (the exam was difficult, wasn’t
it etc); using previously learned grammar forms to achieve other aims.

e) Skill aims: listening, writing, speaking

f) Function aims: ability to ask and answer a question tag easily, quickly and
correctly; expressing agreement; expressing if something is true or not.

g) Communication aims: developing students’ communicative conference/students

learn how to cooperate with each other through pair work in order to create positive
sociable atmosphere.

h) Cultural aims: no specific cultural aim.

Teaching materials: blackboard, textbook, poster, CD player, envelopes, strips of paper,
handout/work sheets.

Classroom interaction patterns: whole-class teaching, individual work, pair-work.

Teaching method(s)/ approach(es): mixture of methods (eclectic approach):

Communicative approach (eliciting information from Ss, encouraging them to share
information with their peers); Audio-Lingual method; Grammar-Translation Method.

Anticipated problems: discipline problems, lack of collaboration from the students, they
may not find the topic interesting, bad time calculation.

Stage Stage aim What teacher What students Timing

does do
Warmer The warmer up 1 The teacher 1 Students 5 min
activity helps the greets and greet the
teacher to get the introduces teacher
students’attention himself. 2 Students
and also make 2 Teacher gives write their
them a blank piece of names and two
concentrated for paper to the sentences
the following students and about
activities. The tells them to themselves.
warmer create write their 3 Students
relaxing names down on answer the
atmosphere in the the front side, questions with
classroom. followed by two correct use of
simple auxiliary verb.
themselves. For
example: I like
listening to
music. I’ve
never been to
3 Teacher then
uses the
statements to
form a simple
question, asking
the student
who has written
the statements.
Stage Stage Aim What teacher What students Timing
does do
Lead –in The aim of this 1 Teacher tells 1 Students listen 10 min
(Listening activity is to the students to carefully to the
activity) develop the listen to a conversation
student’s ability recorded 2 Students
to listen for a conversation participate in
gist or specific about a the discussion.
information. character from 3 Students
The context also their textbook complete the
introduces to (Charlie is in a exercise and
the students the bad mood, isn’t read out the
today’s topic. he?). The answers.
teacher plays
the recording
two times.
2 After the
activity, the
situation with
the students.
3 Teacher tells
the students to
open their
textbook and
complete the
T/F exercise
related to the
they have
Stage Stage Aim What teacher What students Timing
does do
Introduction to 1 Teacher puts a 1 Students look 10 min
Writing key grammar prepared paper at the poster
and free on the and follow the
practice blackboard with teacher
the basic rules speaking.
on question tags 2 Students fill in
and explains the gaps
them. 3 When
2 Teacher reads finished,
aloud the rules students
on the paper voluntarily read
3 Teacher gives the sentences
each student a one by one.
handout with
fill-in-the gaps
to add the
question tag
4 Teacher
reminds the
students that
they may use as
help the poster
on the board.
Practice of The aim of this 1 Teacher 1 Students 8 min
grammar with activity is divides the class perform the
matching revising the in pairs; teacher activity
activity called question tags hands out 2 The winner
‘’Two Halves’’ envelopes with pair with the
mixed sentence highest number
halves and tells of matches read
the students to out the
match the sentences.
positive and
statements with
their respective
tags as many as
possible for a
limited amount of
Stage Stage Aim What teacher What students do Timing

Additional The aim of this 1 Teacher 1 Students need 10 min

activity: An activity is giving prepares two to create their
information gap the students identity cards for own persona and
type of speaking more opportunity the students and write down the
activity (Free to practice provides correct
practice) question tags instructions for information on
more freely. the next activity. one card (name,
age, country,
hobby, likes or
dislikes) and
mixed correct and
information on
the second. 2
Each student
gives the second
card to their
partner who then
asks them
questions, using
the question tags
about the
information on
the card with the
goal of finding out
the correct
information. 3
Each of the
students in a pair
takes its turn in
asking and

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