Lesson Plan: To Introduce Interrogative Pronouns. To Teach The Pupils

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Date 5/4/2017

Subject English

Class 5B

Time 8.30am-9.30am

Number of pupils 39

Focus Grammar

Theme World of Stories

Topic Unit 4 : Malaysian Legends

Content standard 5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling pupils will able to use
different words classes correctly and appropriately .

Learning standard 5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately :

b) Interrogative

General objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :

Use the correct interrogative pronouns and answer the questions

from textbook page 38 .
Form questions using interrogative pronouns.
Construct questions using interrogative pronouns .

Specific objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :

Use the correct interrogative pronouns and answer the questions

correctly at least 2 out of 4 . ( textbook, page 38 )
Form questions using interrogative pronouns and answer the
questions at least 4 out of 6 . ( textbook , page 39 )
Construct questions using interrogative pronouns at least 5 and
answer them correctly at least 3 out of 5 . ( textbook ,page 39 )

Teaching aids Textbook

Moral value Cooperation , Teamwork

Stage/Time Content / Materials Teaching / Learning Rationale


Set induction Title : Interrogative 1. Teacher writes grammar on the To attract

Pronouns whiteboard . students
(5 minutes) 2. Teacher gives some hint to the attention,
Learning pupils . interest, and
strategies/techniqu 3. Teacher asks the pupils the guess focuses on the
e/ approach: what is the topic of the day . topic.
Making connection
Mode: Group
T/A: Marker

Presentation Title : Introduction 1 Teacher writes a table of interrogative To introduce

of interrogative interrogative
(15 minutes ) pronouns on the whiteboard.
2 Teacher focuses pupils attention to pronouns.
Learning five interrogative pronouns.
strategies/techniqu To teach the pupils
3 Teacher explains about the structure of

e/ approach: the use interrogative pronouns and the correct form of

how to use the interrogative pronouns. the

Listening &
speaking 4 Teacher shows more example of answer/sentences.

Mode: Whole Class questions:

Sample of questions
T/A: Textbook
- What do you wear today?
- Whose bag is that?
- Which is her pen, the one on my right or
my left?
-Who is the boy wearing blue uniform?
-Whom are you giving this gift to ?

Practice Title : Exercise 1 Teacher asks the pupils to answer the To increase level
of knowledge of
(15 minutes) Learning questions from the text book page 38 .
the students by
strategies/techniqu 2 Teacher facilitates pupils.
doing the
e/ approach: 3 Teacher discusses the answers with
Writing the pupils.
4 Teacher picks randomly the pupils to
Mode: whole class write the answers on the whiteboard.
T/A: Textbook

Production Title : Teamwork 1 Teacher groups the pupils into four To check
(20 minutes) Learning pupils
2 Teacher asks the pupils to do the
exercise from the textbook page 39. comprehensi
3 Pupils construct their own questions on of the
Brainstorming and answer the questions using
topic learn.
interrogative pronouns.
Mode: Individual
4 Teacher will facilitates the pupils.
T/A: Textbook 5 Each group presents their works.

Closure Title Recap the 1. Teacher recalls back the lesson by To encourage
lesson and moral asking about the interrogative student
(5 minutes) value pronouns understand the
2. Teacher tells the pupils about the situation and
Mode: Whole class moral value of the day apply it in
outside school.

T/A: Marker

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