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Course Outline

Course Code: MATH1141: Introductory Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry

Lecturers: Dr. Kirk Morgan and Mr. Omar Forrest

Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]

Semester: I

Number of Credits: 3


CAPE or GCE A-Level Mathematics, or (M08B/MATH0100) and (M08C/MATH0110),

or equivalent.


To give students a rudimentary understanding of linear algebra, which forms the basis for
all application of discrete mathematics and analytical geometry, which study the spatial
relationship. These two disciplines combined, form the fundamentals need to study linear
systems, linear operators, coordinate systems, and differential geometry.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

(a) Demonstrate comprehension of operations on matrices and to perform elementary operations
on matrices; the determinant, inverse and transpose of a matrix.
(b) Solve systems of linear equations by applying the Gauss-Jordan elimination algorithm, Cramer’s
rule, or the Inverse Matrix method.
(c) Recognize consistent, inconsistent and over determined systems, and discuss their solutions.
(d) Perform vector operations, determine whether a two operation set is a vector space, recognize
vector spaces and determine whether two vectors are orthogonal, parallel, or neither by using
dot and cross products.
(e) Construct different expressions for the equations of the straight lines on the Euclidean plane
and in the three-dimensional Euclidean space, express the equation of a plane in different
forms and solve problems related to the intersection of straight lines and planes.
(f) Demonstrate familiarity with elementary functions; find the inverse of a single variable func-
tion; draw the graphs of elementary functions; and do elementary transformations of the


– Functions: Definition, inverse function, graphs of some elementary function and elementary
transformations of the graphs.
– Systems of linear equations: Linear equations in two unknowns and discussion of consis-
tent, inconsistent and over determined systems; m equations in n unknowns: Gauss-Jordan
elimination algorithm and the necessity of introducing the concept of a matrix; coefficients
matrix, augmented matrix, elementary row operations and the row echelon form; discussion
of consistent, inconsistent and over determined systems; homogeneous systems of equations;
row and column vectors.
– Matrices: Formal definition of a matrix; matrix equations; elementary matrix operations:-
sum, scalar multiplication, dot product, matrix multiplication in terms of dot products; prop-
erties of matrix multiplication, matrix multiplication as a linear combination of the columns
of the first matrix, summation notation; Inverse of a square matrix:- algorithm for the com-
putation of the inverse, solution of linear systems in matrix notation; transpose of a matrix,
symmetric matrices; Determinants:- determinants of 2x2 and its geometric interpretation,
determinants of 3x3 matrices, the determinant of an n x n matrix as an expansion of its
cofactors, properties of the determinant, determinant and inverse matrices, formula for the
inverse of a matrix in terms of its adjoint matrix; Cramer’s rule and linear systems of equa-
– Vector geometry: Vectors in the Euclidean plane; geometric and algebraic definitions of a
vector; triangle inequality; unit vectors; trigonometric representation:- of a unit vector, dot
product and projections; characterization of parallel and orthogonal vectors; Vectors in three-
dimensional Euclidean space:- Cartesian coordinates, distance between two points; vectors,
unit vectors, cosine directors, dot product, characterization of parallel and orthogonal vectors;
Projections, cross product and its properties, geometric interpretation and its connection with
the determinant of a 3x3 matrix, formula of the volume of a parallelepiped described by three
vectors; lines and planes: vector and parametric equations of a line, Cartesian equation of a
plane, parallel planes, intersections.
Teaching Methodology:
This course will be delivered by a combination of informative lectures and participative tu-
torials. The course material will be posted on the webpage http:// ourvle.mona.uwi.edu/.
The course assessment will be broken into two components; a coursework component worth
30% and a final exam worth 70%. Two course work exams (1 hour each) that should take
place during weeks 5 and 9. Each of these exams will be worth 15% of the student’s final
grade. The Final theory exam will be two hours in length.
– Elementary linear algebra with applications: Stanley I. Grossman, 5th edition, 2007
– Elementary Linear Algebra: H. Anton, 8th edition, 2000
– Linear Algebra, Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics: S Lang, 3rd edition, 1987
– http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Mathematics/18-06Spring-2005/VideoLectures/ - These video
lectures of Professor Gilbert Strang teaching Linear Algebra at MIT were recorded in fall
– http://aix1.uottawa.ca/ jkhoury/socio.htm - This link provides many applications of Linear
Algebra in Sociology.

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